NationStates Jolt Archive

GE & IDF Mediation Conference (Very Closed RP)

17-09-2004, 04:00
OOC: This is a closed RP thread. You are welcome to follow it if you wish, but the only nations who should post are:

1. Mauiwowee (Norleans and Texarkania will not participate)
2. IDF
3. Generic Empire
4. Roach Busters
5. Sarizonia
6. Wirraway
7. Granzi
8. Don'tPissUsOff
9. Grenval

ALL OTHERS WILL BE IGNORED (If I forgot someone, let me know)

Torn Leaf Island has been cleared of all civilians (OOC:a map of Mauiwowee and Torn Leaf Island is posted several places on the boards) and the naval base there has been set up to accomodate the participants in the conference. As the chair of the conference, Sarizonia is expected to take the lead in recognizing participant comments from the floor. The goal of the conference is to resolve the conflict between IDF and GE over the deaths of civilians and access to the Suez Canal and to avoid all out war. We would ask that, to start the talks, each side, GE and IDF calmly state its position in general terms on the conflict without reference to any external sources or evidence. The chair, Sarizonia, will ask for those items when called for. For example: GE claims that IDF has shut off access to the Suez Canal and is boarding its ships and detaining its citzens with no just cause. They allege that ____gives them cause, but it does not because________ and so on. Calm and rational position statements are all that are called for as opening statements. We would suggest to the chair that after the statements, GE be allowed to put forth its proof, subject to the cross-examination of that proof by IDF and that when GE has finished, that IDF put forth its proof, subject to GE's cross examination. Of course the Chair may handle this conference as it sees fit. We merely offer suggestions. NO nation at the conference may have any military personnel present other than 2 body guards for their chief diplomat/representative. Mauiwowee security forces will ensure the safety of all persons at this conference.
With that said, let the talks begin.
17-09-2004, 04:15
"We thank King 'Lude II for his hospitality here," Lorber began. He looked around the room, scanning the eyes of the delegations.

"I would like to ask Mr. Sun, the foreign minister of Granzi to step up here and serve as the co-chairman. Mr. Sun?

"I believe that the peace process will require cooperation from all sides if we are to ensure its success. Toward that end, I ask that no side initiate military or political hostilities for the duration of this conference."

Lorber stood up and removed his glasses. His youthful appearance was beginning to take on the trappings of age as lines started to appear around his eyes. Sarzonia's ambassador to Mauiwowee, Harriet Levine, walked into the room, a nervous look etched on her fair face.

"Harriet, what are you doing here?"

"I'd like to observe the conference," she said.

"I guess that's acceptable. If the delegates do not object?"

[OOC: Is DPUO supposed to participate?]
17-09-2004, 04:16
We thank Mauiwowee for hosting this conference and hope it ends well.

Our case is simple. Ealier this month, 3,000 peaceful protestors were murdered in GE's capital. GE didn't kill them all, but had a big role in it and allowed his ally to do most of it while doing nothing to keep order and peace. No compensation was recieved and the IDF government believing it to be an isolated experience with a nation we weren't too familiar with showed restraint and didn't go to war, even though we were in the right.

Then later Psov, our ally was invaded. We fought a naval war against GE and some of his allies in response to his illegal policy.

The war never officially ended with a treaty, even though we have a cease-fire we are still in a technical state of war.

IDF believed some economic pressure had to be put on the GE government to help force their leaders to sway from their warmongering path so we used our legal rights and shut off the Suez to all GE shipping.

Our demands are simple, we want compensation for our lost ships in the Psov war where we were a defensive party and compensation for the 3,000 murdered tourists.

If given this, we will open up the Suez without further delay to GE and this situation will be ended in 5 minute peace talks.

Thank you

OOC: DPUO should be allowed to participate
17-09-2004, 04:17
"We thank King 'Lude II for his hospitality here," Lorber began. He looked around the room, scanning the eyes of the delegations.

"I would like to ask Mr. Sun, the foreign minister of Granzi to step up here and serve as the co-chairman. Mr. Sun?

"I believe that the peace process will require cooperation from all sides if we are to ensure its success. Toward that end, I ask that no side initiate military or political hostilities for the duration of this conference."

Lorber stood up and removed his glasses. His youthful appearance was beginning to take on the trappings of age as lines started to appear around his eyes. Sarzonia's ambassador to Mauiwowee, Harriet Levine, walked into the room, a nervous look etched on her fair face.

"Harriet, what are you doing here?"

"I'd like to observe the conference," she said.

"I guess that's acceptable. If the delegates do not object?"

[OOC: Is DPUO supposed to participate?]

We do not object and further move that DontPissUsOff be permitted to attend as a delegate since they seem to have strong feelings in the matter and some vested interests.
17-09-2004, 04:20
We do not object and further move that DontPissUsOff be permitted to attend as a delegate since they seem to have strong feelings in the matter and some vested interests.
"Thank you for your decision and consideration Mr. Chair," responded IDF chief Negotiator and Sec State Ted Phillips, who had started his career in negotiating as the GM for the Chicago Bears.
17-09-2004, 04:22
DPUO should be allowed to participate

As a party to the dispute has requested their attendance, Mauiwowee hereby exercises its privilege as host and will add DPUO to the list of approved delegates.

OOC: I'm editing the first post to include them.
17-09-2004, 04:23
OOC: there is something with the forums posting slowly DAMN!

Well GE is signed off right now, I'll give him 20 minutes and then go to bed and won't be able to get on until 8 pm eastern tommorow as I volunteer at a local hospital
17-09-2004, 04:29
The Foreign Minister rose from his seat, and nodded at the Sarzonians. "I would like to thank Mr. Lorbor for the trust he places on both me, personally, and the Commonwealth as a whole." With even measured paces, Nathanial quickly strides up to the table's head. Holding out a hand, he firmly grips that of Lorber's in a brief handshake, before turning to his seat.

After listening carefully to the testimony of the IDF delegate, Sun raises a hand. "What exactly took place in terms of the alleged murder of IDF tourists? Could you perhaps explain in detail the events leading up to, and immediately after that incident occured?"

OOC: Not only links, but a spoken statement as well.

IC: Ted Phillips answer

As it wasn't a Government organized or monitored protest on IDF's part we don't have every fact, but we know what almost certainly happened.

This was during the Euroslavian hostage crisis of early September and IDF citizens who were vacationing in GE were organized by veteran protestors in the nation at the time. Eventually about 7,500 showed up for a peaceful protest outside the GE capital. NO violence was done, no stopping traffic, no vandalism or anything of the kind.

Well GE's ally Nikalaos the Great had troops in the area. The protestors were asked to leave, but citing their right to peaceful demonstration didn't leave. They were attacked when Nikalaos the Great had his troops snipe protest leaders, killing them. During this time the GE government knew what was going on and what his ally would do, but refused to act and tell his ally to not allow bloodshed.

The protesters (who were mainly tourist who just wanted to see what a protest was like) still wouldn't leave. They were then clubbed, but when they would leave the soldiers opened fire in a Tienamen square fashion killing over 1,000 and injuring 750 more. The protester tried to flee, but many remained. The GE police arrived and teargassed the crowd, fired more shots killing 1,000 more and injuring 1,250 more. The survivors were beat with clubs even though there was no resistance.

In the end, 3,000 lay dead and over 2,785 were injured. No apology was made and no compensation recieved. All extradition efforts for charging the police and military officers ordering the massacre were refused. GE knew what was happening and tried to play innocent by letting his ally do it, but then he continued the blood shed and was directly responsible for murdering over 1,000 of them. That is IDF's side fo the story. Thank you for hearing us out.
17-09-2004, 04:31
The Foreign Minister rose from his seat, and nodded at the Sarzonians. "I would like to thank Mr. Lorbor for the trust he places on both me, personally, and the Commonwealth as a whole." With even measured paces, Nathanial quickly strides up to the table's head. Holding out a hand, he firmly grips that of Lorber's in a brief handshake, before turning to his seat.

After listening carefully to the testimony of the IDF delegate, Sun raises a hand. "What exactly took place in terms of the alleged murder of IDF tourists? Could you perhaps explain in detail the events leading up to, and immediately after that incident occured?"

OOC: Not only links, but a spoken statement as well.
17-09-2004, 04:32
OOC: I won't be on until maybe 3:00 PM Pacific Time.
17-09-2004, 04:32
OOC: there is something with the forums posting slowly DAMN!

Well GE is signed off right now, I'll give him 20 minutes and then go to bed and won't be able to get on until 8 pm eastern tommorow as I volunteer at a local hospital

OOC: understood, he'll back I'm sure. I'll be around for the next hour or so at least, I'll check in again in the am too, I'm not sure when tommorrow evening I'll get back on, but it is likely to be after 10pm central.
17-09-2004, 04:35
[OOC: I'll be going to sleep soon since I'm dead tired. I'll have to pick this up tomorrow.]
17-09-2004, 05:42
Straightening his tie, President J.L. walked into the conference room and looked around. He extended his hand. "Ahh, you must be King 'Lude," he said, smiling affably. "I'm President J.L. I'm very pleased to meet you. Thank you for your hospitality."
17-09-2004, 05:46
Motion to the Chair:

Grenval has contacted us and requested permission to attend the conference. As a powerful nation that has interests that could be affected by this conference we would move that they be permitted attendance subject to a veto of their attendance by either of the parties, GE or IDF.
17-09-2004, 05:52
Straightening his tie, President J.L. walked into the conference room and looked around. He extended his hand. "Ahh, you must be King 'Lude," he said, smiling affably. "I'm President J.L. I'm very pleased to meet you. Thank you for your hospitality."

The honor is all mine Mr. President. Thank you for agreeing to attend the conference. Hopefully, between us all a measure of calm rationality can be brought to bear upon the situation. Please, feel free to ask the attendants for anything you need. Note you have a completely secure and encrypted cell phone and internet connection available for you at all times as well as a conference only site and communications network.
17-09-2004, 06:04
President George sat on his bed in a hotel room, the window opened to the city below. Looking out he shook his head, muttering to himself, as the dust floated into his room, carried in by a breeze.
17-09-2004, 06:20
The honor is all mine Mr. President. Thank you for agreeing to attend the conference. Hopefully, between us all a measure of calm rationality can be brought to bear upon the situation. Please, feel free to ask the attendants for anything you need. Note you have a completely secure and encrypted cell phone and internet connection available for you at all times as well as a conference only site and communications network.

"Thank you very much," J.L. said, his heart glowing with warmth at the utmost generosity of the King. He was very glad he had made the trip. Hopefully, the King would soon be an individual J.L. could count among his friends. He certainly was a hospitable and amiable fellow. "It is a pleasure to be here in your beautiful country. I believe my stay here will be a most pleasant one. Again, thank you for your kindness and your hospitality."
17-09-2004, 11:20
OOC: Agh! Eep! And so forth.

IC: "We apologise for our late arrival, sirs...must be getting old, eh?"
A slightly portly, cheerful-faced man jogged into the room, flanked by two bodyguards armed with AK-105s. The two men walked to the nearest recognisable Mauiwowians and handed over their weapons, leaving only their Tokarev pistols. The gentleman sat himself down in a convenient chair and shook his hair to remove the rain in it, showing neck muscles that were thick as cables and a strong jaw evidently once used to bawl commands in the cold and wet.
"Bit late, I apologise. We weren't aware we were invited." He smiled roundly at the delegates. "I'll endeavour not to cause any problems for anybody." Then his happy manner vanished as he reflected on what was likely to happen. If they're not caused for me..., he thought. "Shall we get down to business?"
17-09-2004, 12:28
OOC: Agh! Eep! And so forth.

IC: "We apologise for our late arrival, sirs...must be getting old, eh?"
A slightly portly, cheerful-faced man jogged into the room, flanked by two bodyguards armed with AK-105s. The two men walked to the nearest recognisable Mauiwowians and handed over their weapons, leaving only their Tokarev pistols. The gentleman sat himself down in a convenient chair and shook his hair to remove the rain in it, showing neck muscles that were thick as cables and a strong jaw evidently once used to bawl commands in the cold and wet.
"Bit late, I apologise. We weren't aware we were invited." He smiled roundly at the delegates. "I'll endeavour not to cause any problems for anybody." Then his happy manner vanished as he reflected on what was likely to happen. If they're not caused for me..., he thought. "Shall we get down to business?"

Welcome DPUO, since you missed it, here is a transcript of IDF's opening remarks.
17-09-2004, 17:27
17-09-2004, 18:17
Motion to the Chair:

Grenval has contacted us and requested permission to attend the conference. As a powerful nation that has interests that could be affected by this conference we would move that they be permitted attendance subject to a veto of their attendance by either of the parties, GE or IDF."If the two parties have no objection and my co-chair has no objection, consider the motion accepted."
17-09-2004, 19:49
"The Commonwealth has no objections. In regards to future requests for admission though, we should keep the attendence down, in order to prevent confusion."
17-09-2004, 20:42
Motion to the Chair:

Grenval has contacted us and requested permission to attend the conference. As a powerful nation that has interests that could be affected by this conference we would move that they be permitted attendance subject to a veto of their attendance by either of the parties, GE or IDF.

IDF will second this motion
17-09-2004, 20:43
"The Commonwealth has no objections. In regards to future requests for admission though, we should keep the attendence down, in order to prevent confusion."

Generic empire
17-09-2004, 21:11
Ivan Cac sat listening to the lies pouring forth from the mouth of the IDF delegate. It made him physically sick to listen to the stupidity that this man was spewing. As he finished, Ivan relished the chance to stand and make clear the events as they had occured.

"It makes me ill to be forced to sit here and listen to this fool slandering my homeland, but what disgusts me further is the fact that you would believe the rubbish that he spouts from that hole in his face. I have with me the exact evidence to disprove what this man is saying.

First, let us talk of his accusation that the Generian government murdered 3,000 IDF citizens during a protest. If you will examine exhibit A, you will see that this is not the truth.

Exhibit A (Euroslavian crisis):

As you can see, the attack on the protestors was the work of the Hellenistic Empire of Nikalaos the Great's soldiers, who were monitoring the protests. As Imperial forces were already spread thin, dealing with other crises, we were unable to provide sufficient police of our own to monitor the situation. Generia had no idea that the Grecian commander would give such a horrendous order to the men under his command, and so allowed these men the duty of keeping the peace.

The Imperial government was unable to stop the order from being given, and for this we are most apologetic, but you must realise that it is foolish to accuse the Imperial government for the work of soldiers not under our command. We are in no way responsible. If IDF wishes compensation, then they must seek it from the government under which the soldiers served, not Generia.

Next, we come to the number of protestors reported dead by the IDF government, and possibly the most perplexing question of all. Where did IDF manage to get the number 3000? There was only one volley fired into the crowd, as demonstrated above. Afterwards, IDF made this casualty report:

85 injured, 40 dead. This is 125 total who were hit by the volley. Upon further examination of Exhibit A, it becomes clear that no further lethal force is employed. Nikalaos the Great responds with pepper spray, but little more.

Generian police do eventually arrive to handle the situation, but one must understand that word has only just reached the ears of authority about the events. You must see that it would have been impossible to stop the attack. The moment the order was given by an apparently sane and trustworthy commander, to the time the order was carried out is approximately two seconds. Human beings simply cannot travel that quickly.

On arrival, the Imperial police use no lethal force whatsoever. See for yourself:

The Imperial government goes so far as to continue to allow the IDF citizens to protest.

Later, the IDF government issues this statement:

'3,125 IDF citizens were killed'

I ask the assembled group how this is possible? With one volley fired resulting in the death of 80, and the wounding of 45, and the use of no further lethal force, I must only assume that this is fiction concocted by IDF as an excuse to antagonize Generia. Ladies and gentlemen, look at the facts. It is all here. IDF either does not comprehend his mistake, or is fabricating a story as an excuse to do my nation harm."

Cac sat down.
17-09-2004, 21:20
Lorber banged his gavel forcefully.

"That will be enough of that," Lorber said firmly, fixing a glare at Ivan Cac. "You know the rules of this trial. Any further attempts to lob insults at the IDF delegate will be dealt with accordingly."

Lorber looked at the report as it was handed to him. Very interesting, he thought.

"I would like to open this up to cross examination, beginning with the plaintiff asking one question of the defendant. Again, I ask both of you to exercise full diplomatic decorum in these proceedings. Failure to do so will make me exceedingly angry."

The last statement was nominally directed at both delegates, but Lorber's scowl remained focued on the Generian.

"And one thing you need to learn about Sarzonians is, you won't like us when we're angry."
17-09-2004, 21:50
[OOC: I'll be away from my computer for the rest of the night (it's 4:45 p.m. EDT here) since I'll be going out after work. I may not get back on the computer until about 11 a.m. EDT tomorrow morning, so we may want to hold off on anything dramatic until then.]
17-09-2004, 22:01
President Michael Vincent George watched on...
17-09-2004, 22:16
Great...I can see this is going to be fun. His name was Cunningham, and although his profile said he was a member of the Foreign Ministry, he was in fact an Admiral of the Fleet; his job was to see just how far the Generians were likely to go. He had a good eye for judging people's aggressiveness, and right now, he didn't like what he saw.
Generic empire
17-09-2004, 22:21
Great...I can see this is going to be fun. His name was Cunningham, and although his profile said he was a member of the Foreign Ministry, he was in fact an Admiral of the Fleet; his job was to see just how far the Generians were likely to go. He had a good eye for judging people's aggressiveness, and right now, he didn't like what he saw.

((OOC: did you even consider my evidence? I have a terrible feeling that everyone is just going to discount what I say.))
17-09-2004, 22:35
((OOC: did you even consider my evidence? I have a terrible feeling that everyone is just going to discount what I say.))

OOC: I get the feeling I shall wait until all the evidence has been presented. I also get the feeling that for you to lob veiled insults perhaps isn't going to win you much confidence.
18-09-2004, 01:29
Ivan Cac sat listening to the lies pouring forth from the mouth of the IDF delegate. It made him physically sick to listen to the stupidity that this man was spewing. As he finished, Ivan relished the chance to stand and make clear the events as they had occured.

"It makes me ill to be forced to sit here and listen to this fool slandering my homeland, but what disgusts me further is the fact that you would believe the rubbish that he spouts from that hole in his face. I have with me the exact evidence to disprove what this man is saying.

First, let us talk of his accusation that the Generian government murdered 3,000 IDF citizens during a protest. If you will examine exhibit A, you will see that this is not the truth.

Exhibit A (Euroslavian crisis):

As you can see, the attack on the protestors was the work of the Hellenistic Empire of Nikalaos the Great's soldiers, who were monitoring the protests. As Imperial forces were already spread thin, dealing with other crises, we were unable to provide sufficient police of our own to monitor the situation. Generia had no idea that the Grecian commander would give such a horrendous order to the men under his command, and so allowed these men the duty of keeping the peace.

The Imperial government was unable to stop the order from being given, and for this we are most apologetic, but you must realise that it is foolish to accuse the Imperial government for the work of soldiers not under our command. We are in no way responsible. If IDF wishes compensation, then they must seek it from the government under which the soldiers served, not Generia.

Next, we come to the number of protestors reported dead by the IDF government, and possibly the most perplexing question of all. Where did IDF manage to get the number 3000? There was only one volley fired into the crowd, as demonstrated above. Afterwards, IDF made this casualty report:

85 injured, 40 dead. This is 125 total who were hit by the volley. Upon further examination of Exhibit A, it becomes clear that no further lethal force is employed. Nikalaos the Great responds with pepper spray, but little more.

Generian police do eventually arrive to handle the situation, but one must understand that word has only just reached the ears of authority about the events. You must see that it would have been impossible to stop the attack. The moment the order was given by an apparently sane and trustworthy commander, to the time the order was carried out is approximately two seconds. Human beings simply cannot travel that quickly.

On arrival, the Imperial police use no lethal force whatsoever. See for yourself:

The Imperial government goes so far as to continue to allow the IDF citizens to protest.

Later, the IDF government issues this statement:

'3,125 IDF citizens were killed'

I ask the assembled group how this is possible? With one volley fired resulting in the death of 80, and the wounding of 45, and the use of no further lethal force, I must only assume that this is fiction concocted by IDF as an excuse to antagonize Generia. Ladies and gentlemen, look at the facts. It is all here. IDF either does not comprehend his mistake, or is fabricating a story as an excuse to do my nation harm."

Cac sat down.

Secretary Phillips stands up
Mr. Chair and assembled members of these talks.

What GE has said is not true. His claim of only 80 dying was completely untrue. He is selectively showing you evidence. If you continue looking at the record provided by GE and see that the thread provided continued from the point where 80 were killed. That was just in the 1st volley. The attacks on the peaceful protesters and tourists continued and after GE's Gestapo tactics intensified we reached a death toll of over 3,000.

To back this claim up I just need to point to the evidence that GE provides, but only half covers.

While many of the deaths were inflicted by GE's ally. GE refused to answer our claims that he knew what his ally was doing and allowed them to do it on his own soil to help keep his hands clean. GE did this at 1st, but the then joined the Melee and killed more innocent IDF civilians. This claim has gone unchecked by GE's statements.

His statements that the protests were allowed to continue is nothing but a lie. The evidence says for itself that GE beat the survivors with night sticks and continued to shoot into the crowd. The injured were then herded into jails like cattle. The protests weren't allowed as GE says and he has the nerve to call us LIARS!!! Now I won't call GE's diplomatic team names as they did to us. We understand they are angry and following orders, but it is disturbing to see such events at this level of diplomacy and worry that GE may be planning to strike if the talks don't go his ways.

Also the point on the Psov war has yet to been refuted along with the fact we were in a state of war when I closed off Suez and actually still are in a state of war. You are threatening the world community with World War over completely legal sanctions against a warmongering nation. That is all i have to say for now," said Williams. He bows in respect towards those assembled and sits down to drink a cup of water.
18-09-2004, 01:36
Ivan Cac sat listening to the lies pouring forth from the mouth of the IDF delegate. It made him physically sick to listen to the stupidity that this man was spewing. As he finished, Ivan relished the chance to stand and make clear the events as they had occured.

"It makes me ill to be forced to sit here and listen to this fool slandering my homeland, but what disgusts me further is the fact that you would believe the rubbish that he spouts from that hole in his face. I have with me the exact evidence to disprove what this man is saying.

First, let us talk of his accusation that the Generian government murdered 3,000 IDF citizens during a protest. If you will examine exhibit A, you will see that this is not the truth.

Exhibit A (Euroslavian crisis):

As you can see, the attack on the protestors was the work of the Hellenistic Empire of Nikalaos the Great's soldiers, who were monitoring the protests. As Imperial forces were already spread thin, dealing with other crises, we were unable to provide sufficient police of our own to monitor the situation. Generia had no idea that the Grecian commander would give such a horrendous order to the men under his command, and so allowed these men the duty of keeping the peace.

The Imperial government was unable to stop the order from being given, and for this we are most apologetic, but you must realise that it is foolish to accuse the Imperial government for the work of soldiers not under our command. We are in no way responsible. If IDF wishes compensation, then they must seek it from the government under which the soldiers served, not Generia.

Next, we come to the number of protestors reported dead by the IDF government, and possibly the most perplexing question of all. Where did IDF manage to get the number 3000? There was only one volley fired into the crowd, as demonstrated above. Afterwards, IDF made this casualty report:

85 injured, 40 dead. This is 125 total who were hit by the volley. Upon further examination of Exhibit A, it becomes clear that no further lethal force is employed. Nikalaos the Great responds with pepper spray, but little more.

Generian police do eventually arrive to handle the situation, but one must understand that word has only just reached the ears of authority about the events. You must see that it would have been impossible to stop the attack. The moment the order was given by an apparently sane and trustworthy commander, to the time the order was carried out is approximately two seconds. Human beings simply cannot travel that quickly.

On arrival, the Imperial police use no lethal force whatsoever. See for yourself:

The Imperial government goes so far as to continue to allow the IDF citizens to protest.

Later, the IDF government issues this statement:

'3,125 IDF citizens were killed'

I ask the assembled group how this is possible? With one volley fired resulting in the death of 80, and the wounding of 45, and the use of no further lethal force, I must only assume that this is fiction concocted by IDF as an excuse to antagonize Generia. Ladies and gentlemen, look at the facts. It is all here. IDF either does not comprehend his mistake, or is fabricating a story as an excuse to do my nation harm."

Cac sat down.

President J.L. stood. "Your Honor, we find this evidence to be a damning indictment of IDF. It is simply too profound to ignore. If this evidence has merit- and I believe it does- it is clear that IDF's accusations were little more than mud-slings. I believe Generic empire is innocent of these ludicrous charges."
18-09-2004, 01:42
He nodded curtly to the IDF representative. "Please do not take offense. In no way do I intend to tarnish relations between your nation and mine. Your evidence may be genuine, yet it has an air of fraudulence about it. Seeing as Generic empire's evidence is entirely credible, we must ask for further proof to validate your accusations."
J.L. sat down.
18-09-2004, 01:43
President J.L. stood. "Your Honor, we find this evidence to be a damning indictment of IDF. It is simply too profound to ignore. If this evidence has merit- and I believe it does- it is clear that IDF's accusations were little more than mud-slings. I believe Generic empire is innocent of these ludicrous charges."

"Excuse me Objection Your Honor," rebutted Sec. Phillips. "Roach-Busters is ignoring the facts presented in my latest speech. This statement is dated and pre-drafted to a point it is no longer relevant. I have proven that the testimony cited by RB was incorrect and very selective. The GE provided evidence was less than 10% of the true story and only after the 1st part of the massacre and ignoring most of the incident.

Also this ignores the facts about the Psov war and the fact that if a nation you are at war with only closes off waters to you and nothing more you should be thanking them for not bombing you."

I'd like this dated statement stricken from the record.

OOC: I would object to GE's statement, but it appears the Judges spoke before me.
18-09-2004, 01:44
He nodded curtly to the IDF representative. "Please do not take offense. In no way do I intend to tarnish relations between your nation and mine. Your evidence may be genuine, yet it has an air of fraudulence about it. Seeing as Generic empire's evidence is entirely credible, we must ask for further proof to validate your accusations."
J.L. sat down.
Just read the full thread posted by your ally and not just the 3 selected posts. Then you will see our evidence
18-09-2004, 01:46
Although J.L. had a feeling he knew what the results would be, he complied out of courtesy. "Very well," he said, with a polite nod, "I shall re-examine and re-evaluate the evidence."
18-09-2004, 01:47
Although J.L. had a feeling he knew what the results would be, he complied out of courtesy. "Very well," he said, with a polite nod, "I shall re-examine and re-evaluate the evidence."
Thank you Mr. Ambassador
18-09-2004, 01:55
Thank you Mr. Ambassador

President J.L. bowed slightly. "You are welcome, sir."

Then, he returned his attention back to the evidence.
18-09-2004, 02:05
18-09-2004, 02:18
Cunningham shook his head, turned to the Grenvali President, who he had found himself sat next to, and flicked a wry smile.
"Methinks the doom of our time is decided already," he whispered sardonically.
18-09-2004, 02:20
Roberts shook his head, turned to the Grenvali President, who he had found himself sat next to, and flicked a wry smile.
"Methinks the doom of our time is decided already," he whispered sardonically.

The Wirrawayan Delegate, Chester Brown fresh from the LEAF conference, over-heard the comments of DPOU delegate and nodded in silent agreement, these talks seemed to be getting nowhere.
18-09-2004, 02:27
Sec. Phillips speaks:

I don't know why we are debating what happened. We will never agree. GE seems bent on war. If he wasn't he would agree to our asking of monetary compensation, an apology, and extradition of the murderers. This conlfict ends as soon as he does that and he an use Suez then.
18-09-2004, 02:30
Sec. Phillips speaks:

I don't know why we are debating what happened. We will never agree. GE seems bent on war. If he wasn't he would agree to our asking of monetary compensation, an apology, and extradition of the murderers. This conlfict ends as soon as he does that and he an use Suez then.

Chester Brown stands

Are you suggesting that we end these talks? I think that would be a rash idea considering the consequences if the dialouge is ended.
18-09-2004, 02:34
Chester Brown stands

Are you suggesting that we end these talks? I think that would be a rash idea considering the consequences if the dialouge is ended.
I'm not suggesting to end the talks, I'm just suggesting a solution that would end this stand-off without war and with all parties getting what they want. It is a compromise without the usual Diplo-BS talk.
18-09-2004, 02:34
"Agreed wholeheartedly," said Cunningham quietly. Many of the men round this table have not seen war, but I have, and it is something that is better won than lost, but better avoided than won."
18-09-2004, 02:36
How's this: RB will pay the reparations (even though we weren't involved), GE apologizes, and IDF grants him access to the canal again.
18-09-2004, 02:38
How's this: RB will pay the reparations (even though we weren't involved), GE apologizes, and IDF grants him access to the canal again.

Wirraway will chip in with RB to pay reparations, we do not wish to see a massively destructive war begun.
18-09-2004, 02:39
J.L. stood. "Sorry, everyone, but I must attend a conference in Holy Paradise. I shall return. In the meantime, Vice-President Cyprian will attend in my place."
18-09-2004, 02:46
Vice-President Cyprian entered the room and took a seat.
18-09-2004, 02:59
18-09-2004, 03:19
I will only accept direct from GE. The reason for this is one of principle. GE needs to face some consequences for his action and these are quite minimal.
18-09-2004, 04:07
"Order in the court!" Nathanial raised, and pound the gavel several times. "First of all, I would like the delegations of the nations present, to once again, keep all statements ethical and free from insults. As my colleague, Mr. Lorber has already acknowledged, we must refrain from making provocative statements, and anything else that does not relate to the current matter on hand."

He turned to the IDF delegate, "Your request has been denied. We will consider all aspects of this situation, regardless of whether one side believes them to be false. That will be decided by those present as a whole. As this argument seems to be leading nowhere, we ask for further suggestions for a settlement, after the possibility of input from Generia."
18-09-2004, 04:16
18-09-2004, 05:07
King 'Lude had remained quite and thoughtful throughout the party's presentations. He had reviewed the evidence presented by GE carefully (OOC: I read the thread, not just the single posts offered) and he wondered,

"Where is IDF's outrage at the Hellenistic Empire of Nikalaos the Great? It was they who initiated the attack on the protestors, not IDF. Sure, the principal may be held to account for the acts of his agents under the age old legal doctrine of respondeat superior, but not when the agent is acting outside the course and scope of his authorities and duties for the principal. Where was IDF's proof GE had authorized in any fashion Nikalaos's troops to fire on the protestors? It seemed relatively clear that the commander of the troops had acted on his own initiative. For god's sake he had martyred the leader of the protestors."

still pondering though, king 'Lude's thoughts turned to GE,

"Then again, GE had permitted Nikalaos's troops to act as the official peacekeepers and didn't step in until things began to get out of hand, by then some 125 or so at least were dead and others injured. There doesn't seem to be any outrage over Nikalaos's actions in firing on the protestors either, just a desire to quickly and quietly end the situation. More protestors were injured and conceivably killed after the initial volley and during the hand-to-hand struggles between Nikalaos's troops and the protesters and again when GE's troops stepped in to round up and carry off the remaining protestors. 3,000 seemed to be an inflated figure though. And what's with GE's attitude, he seems to be egging IDF on, does he want war? Surely not, that would be foolish. His anger however seemed to be genuine, even if a bit excessive considering the claim. Surely he was in the position to bring Nikalaos the Great into to account if IDF wasn't. On the other hand, IDF's pride seemed to be a stumbling block as well. When will people learn that pride is a diet that will allow you to starve while getting your fill."

Damn, his head hurt, he wanted a bong hit. Turning these thoughts over in his mind he looked over at Sarizonia's ambassador to his country, Ms. Levine, she smiled briefly and then turned her attention back to the proceedings. Damn she was pretty, and smart too. He wondered what she was thinking. Where was Grenval, he needed to send an envoy to get him here since everyone had agreed to his being permitted to attend. DPUO and Wirraway were discussing something, Roach Busters was clearly interested in working out a compromise. But the abscence of Nikalaos stilled gnawed at him. Slowly, the king rose to his feet, clearing his throat politely, but loud enough the chair and the parties could hear him, as they turned to look, he smiled briefly at Ms. Levine and then spoke:

"If the chair will permit, I have some questions I'd like answered by both parties."
Generic empire
18-09-2004, 05:09
Ivan Cac stood up, irritation scrawled across his face.

"Mr. Speaker, this court has demonstrated on multiple occasions that these so called 'bilateral' peace-talks are nothing more than a one-sided sham. IDF will refuse to accept the facts as they are, and will continue to distort the truth until their government gets what it wants.

The parties presiding over the talks, namely Sarzonia, are known to hold a grudge against Generia, and so cannot be trusted to preside fairly and provide an unbiased point of view.

Mr. Speaker, I am this close to walking away from this table and these talks unless something is done to improve the balance of power in this room."
18-09-2004, 05:11
Ivan Cac stood up, irritation scrawled across his face.

"Mr. Speaker, this court has demonstrated on multiple occasions that these so called 'bilateral' peace-talks are nothing more than a one-sided sham. IDF will refuse to accept the facts as they are, and will continue to distort the truth until their government gets what it wants.

The parties presiding over the talks, namely Sarzonia, are known to hold a grudge against Generia, and so cannot be trusted to preside fairly and provide an unbiased point of view.

Mr. Speaker, I am this close to walking away from this table and these talks unless something is done to improve the balance of power in this room."

Continuing, "Mr. Cac, please, these things take time a patience, hear me out. I have trouble with some of IDF's claims, but am concerned about your extreme hostility, this is a grave situation and I'd ask you not abandon the talks before they have even begun. Both parties have presented their case in general terms, but I need to know a few things. Chief among them, why is Nikalaos not present here?"

The king then began to slowly and calmly ask the questions of GE and IDF that were bothering him, waiting to hear their replies without interruption. (OOC: see my last post, you'll see what I'm asking).
Generic empire
18-09-2004, 05:17
Continuing, "Mr. Cac, please, these things take time a patience, hear me out. I have trouble with some of IDF's claims, but am concerned about your extreme hostility, this is a grave situation and I'd ask you not abandon the talks before they have even begun. Both parties have presented their case in general terms, but I need to know a few things. Chief among them, why is Nikalaos not present here?"

The king then began to slowly and calmly ask the questions of GE and IDF that were bothering him, waiting to hear their replies without interruption. (OOC: see my last post, you'll see what I'm asking).

Cac replied.

"The Imperial government has been out of contact with the government of Nikalaos the Great since their failed invasion of southern Generia during the Imperial civil war, in which they were beaten back by Doomingsland and Imperial forces."
18-09-2004, 05:35
Cac replied.

"The Imperial government has been out of contact with the government of Nikalaos the Great since their failed invasion of southern Generia during the Imperial civil war, in which they were beaten back by Doomingsland and Imperial forces."

OOC: IDF is offline, what about the other questions the king is asking you like:
1. what were Nikalaos' directives from you regarding peacekeeping activities?
2. are those documentend somewhere?
3. are you willing to at all consider that you bear some responsibility for some of the deaths and injuries, IDF claims you bear all responsibility and the king will get to that with them, but would you concede there may be some responsibility on your part?
4. Why did you not react more strongly to Nikalaos's troops actions at the time if they were not authorized?, etc.
5. What is your calculation as to the total death toll, surely you have some idea, even if it is just the original 125 or so, but surely you concede their may have been more (the king agrees the 3,000+ figure seems a bit inflated, but no one challenged it at the time.)

Again, see my recent post re: the king's thoughts. He thinks you evidence is pretty compelling and notes that IDF is making claims, but has offered no evidence other than what you have already tendered which seems to the king to weigh more in your favor than IDF's on the totality of IDF's claims, but he isn't convinced is 100% favorable to you either.
Generic empire
18-09-2004, 06:08
OOC: IDF is offline, what about the other questions the king is asking you like:
1. what were Nikalaos' directives from you regarding peacekeeping activities?
2. are those documentend somewhere?
3. are you willing to at all consider that you bear some responsibility for some of the deaths and injuries, IDF claims you bear all responsibility and the king will get to that with them, but would you concede there may be some responsibility on your part?
4. Why did you not react more strongly to Nikalaos's troops actions at the time if they were not authorized?, etc.
5. What is your calculation as to the total death toll, surely you have some idea, even if it is just the original 125 or so, but surely you concede their may have been more (the king agrees the 3,000+ figure seems a bit inflated, but no one challenged it at the time.)

Again, see my recent post re: the king's thoughts. He thinks you evidence is pretty compelling and notes that IDF is making claims, but has offered no evidence other than what you have already tendered which seems to the king to weigh more in your favor than IDF's on the totality of IDF's claims, but he isn't convinced is 100% favorable to you either.

1. His soldiers were to keep the peace without use of lethal force.
2. They are not documented. Communication was via secure channels (i.e. TGS, IMs).
3. I bear no responsibility. I have said this from the beginning, and I will not move on that position. It is only common sense.
4. The best course of action at the time seemed to be to reprimand Nikalaos quietly, as to preserve as much of his dignity, and to keep our relations intact. Generia was in a very delicate position, and we could not afford to lose an ally, even if said ally made a mistake.
5. The death toll was at most 125. As I stated earlier, IDF reported 80 dead and 40 wounded. Surely some of the wounded would have survived, and 80 is a far stretch from 3,000.
18-09-2004, 06:11
THere were 3,000 IDF citizens killed. We collected 3,000 full body bags. Do you want to see the pictures of each coffin arriving or the autopsy photos? I will hand them to the court.

I hold GE responsible since he allowed it and I believe wanted it to happen, plus Nikolaos didn't invade my ally and force me into a costly war, GE did, I am at war with him and unless he stops accusing me of lies and faces the truth he will never see a ship flying his flag in the Suez canal again.

What I am demanding is simple. I want reparations in the payment of $25 billion (far less then the cost of ships lost in your imperialistic war that I had to stop when you attacked an ally and the cost of lives), an apology, and the commanders who ordered the murder in an IDF court room.

Then you will get your access to Suez.
18-09-2004, 06:11
Ivan Cac stood up, irritation scrawled across his face.

"Mr. Speaker, this court has demonstrated on multiple occasions that these so called 'bilateral' peace-talks are nothing more than a one-sided sham. IDF will refuse to accept the facts as they are, and will continue to distort the truth until their government gets what it wants.

The parties presiding over the talks, namely Sarzonia, are known to hold a grudge against Generia, and so cannot be trusted to preside fairly and provide an unbiased point of view.

Mr. Speaker, I am this close to walking away from this table and these talks unless something is done to improve the balance of power in this room."

The Foreign Minister spoke up at this statement. Mr. Cac, I ask that Generia please have the patience to hear the peace talks out. It would be a shame to resort to such measures, and abandon them before seeing the entire process through. As co-chair with Sarzonia, I may not be able to convince you of Mr. Lorber's sincerity, but I can assure the Generian delegation that the Commonwealth harbors no grudge against any of the parties assembled. Indeed, we wish for a speedy resolution to this crisis.

However, as I have stated before, we will need solid, written or otherwise, evidence in determining the exact cause of the incident. Please keep in mind that we are not trying tp lay the fault on any one side. I would also like to remind both party of compromise, having to give up something in return for a fair settlement. In other words, please be rational in realizing that with both sides inflexible with terms, these talks will be for naught.
Generic empire
18-09-2004, 06:13
The Foreign Minister spoke up at this statement. Mr. Cac, I ask that Generia please have the patience to hear the peace talks out. It would be a shame to resort to such measures, and abandon them before seeing the entire process through. As co-chair with Sarzonia, I may not be able to convince you of Mr. Lorber's sincerity, but I can assure the Generian delegation that the Commonwealth harbors no grudge against any of the parties assembled. Indeed, we wish for a speedy resolution to this crisis.

However, as I have stated before, we will need solid, written or otherwise, evidence in determining the exact cause of the incident. Please keep in mind that we are not trying tp lay the fault on any one side. I would also like to remind both party of compromise, having to give up something in return for a fair settlement. In other words, please be rational in realizing that with both sides inflexible with terms, these talks will be for naught.

"Solid written evidence? Perhaps Mr. Speaker would do well to look back at our well defined exhibit A, or do you prove my point that all Generian evidence is simply disregarded?"
18-09-2004, 06:14
The Foreign Minister spoke up at this statement. Mr. Cac, I ask that Generia please have the patience to hear the peace talks out. It would be a shame to resort to such measures, and abandon them before seeing the entire process through. As co-chair with Sarzonia, I may not be able to convince you of Mr. Lorber's sincerity, but I can assure the Generian delegation that the Commonwealth harbors no grudge against any of the parties assembled. Indeed, we wish for a speedy resolution to this crisis.

However, as I have stated before, we will need solid, written or otherwise, evidence in determining the exact cause of the incident. Please keep in mind that we are not trying tp lay the fault on any one side. I would also like to remind both party of compromise, having to give up something in return for a fair settlement. In other words, please be rational in realizing that with both sides inflexible with terms, these talks will be for naught.

Your honor, in all due respect I've stated my case. I said what I want and it isn't unreasonable and stated what I will give up. Each party will get what they originally sought and we will end the conference in peace as the objectives would be reached. I made my compromise, but GE refuses to compromise and then just slanders over and over again.
18-09-2004, 06:15
((OOC: IDF, you can't just say that I killed 3,000 of your people out of the blue when I never wrote that I did. That is controlling my characters, and controlling my actions. The facts just don't add up mathematically. This is extraordinarily close to godmoding.))

OOC: losses in an incident are to be posted by the victim. I figured that there was indiscriminate attacks with massive gunfire and beating victims in the heads. There were 3,000 deaths, no one challenged that number at the time and thus it stands
18-09-2004, 06:16
Please, do not accuse us of bais. As I have noticed, there has been little physical evidence, and dialogue has been more along the lines of accusations. To IDF, the chair asks for physical evidence (links/description) of which the like Generia has already provided us. This is due to conflicting reports, and does not involve anything else but evidence.
Our evidence just requires the court to read the whole thread that Generia linked to earlier, not just the few posts he tries to vacuum out.

OOC: will a link to the Psov war be needed or not?
Generic empire
18-09-2004, 06:16
THere were 3,000 IDF citizens killed. We collected 3,000 full body bags. Do you want to see the pictures of each coffin arriving or the autopsy photos? I will hand them to the court.

I hold GE responsible since he allowed it and I believe wanted it to happen, plus Nikolaos didn't invade my ally and force me into a costly war, GE did, I am at war with him and unless he stops accusing me of lies and faces the truth he will never see a ship flying his flag in the Suez canal again.

((OOC: IDF, you can't just say that I killed 3,000 of your people out of the blue when I never wrote that I did. That is controlling my characters, and controlling my actions. The facts just don't add up mathematically. This is extraordinarily close to godmoding.))
18-09-2004, 06:18
Please, do not accuse us of bais. As I have noticed, there has been little physical evidence, and dialogue has been more along the lines of accusations. To IDF, the chair asks for physical evidence (links/description) of which the like Generia has already provided us. This is due to conflicting reports, and does not involve anything else but evidence.
18-09-2004, 06:19
((OOC: To a reasonable extent. 3,000 deaths is madness. There simply were not enough blows or bullets to go around. There was ONE volley fired by what? Maybe a couple hundred soldiers? Either start making sense, or be ignored. It is up to you.))

OOC: If you ignore over a number you agreed with a few weeks ago then you show the world what type of RPer you are.

Lets say for the sake of argument that it is lower, that still doesn't explain your illegal war which is where I took much heavier losses in the number of over 10,000 men as a result of your illegal imperialism. Now let's have you answer that, it appears you are ignoring it
Generic empire
18-09-2004, 06:21
OOC: losses in an incident are to be posted by the victim. I figured that there was indiscriminate attacks with massive gunfire and beating victims in the heads. There were 3,000 deaths, no one challenged that number at the time and thus it stands

((OOC: To a reasonable extent. 3,000 deaths is madness. There simply were not enough blows or bullets to go around. There was ONE volley fired by what? Maybe a couple hundred soldiers? Either start making sense, or be ignored. It is up to you.))
18-09-2004, 06:23
((OOC: You severely rub on my nerves. The committee has until tomorrow morning to make a decision. If they don't understand the fact that you are being blatantly unreasonable, then it's ignore cannon time for IDF. End of story.))
GE answer the stuff about the Psov war, how about we make a compromise and say 1,500 civilian casualties? Either way you killed over 10,000 of my sailors and I still need compensation there and for the ships.
Generic empire
18-09-2004, 06:25
OOC: If you ignore over a number you agreed with a few weeks ago then you show the world what type of RPer you are.

Lets say for the sake of argument that it is lower, that still doesn't explain your illegal war which is where I took much heavier losses in the number of over 10,000 men as a result of your illegal imperialism. Now let's have you answer that, it appears you are ignoring it

((OOC: You severely rub on my nerves. The committee has until tomorrow morning to make a decision. If they don't understand the fact that you are being blatantly unreasonable, then it's ignore cannon time for IDF. End of story.))
18-09-2004, 06:27
OOC: I made a compromise and repeated it 3 times. GE has yet to even respond as he doesn't want a compromise. Just make a damn IC response to it GE.
18-09-2004, 06:29
OOC: Look, OOC stuff won't get any of us anywhere. Obviously, no one is willing to compromise. Peace talks mean genuine negotiations, which is not happening here. I need both of you, IDF and Generia, to start talking sense ICly.
18-09-2004, 06:29
((OOC: 1500 is rediculous. Again, it is simply not mathematically possible, unless 1350 of them had strokes coincidentally at the same time. Either way, I am not responsible. Again, you rub on my nerves.))

The veins bulged on Cac's forehead.

"Compensation!? I have three things to say to you about your compensation: kiss my ass. You can take your goddam compensation and shove it."

He slammed his fist down on the table.

"If that is your view, then you will unfortunately lose your rights to sail in the Suez Canal," said a calm Secretary Phillips who wasn't bursting at the seams as his GE counterpart was.

"I just want to remind you that losing that shipping lane will cost you more than $25 billion a month."

"We compromised while you ignored our offers and complained. Our demands aren't unreasonable and should you reconsider and cool down you will be able to use Suez. Just please sit down and think about it."
Generic empire
18-09-2004, 06:30
GE answer the stuff about the Psov war, how about we make a compromise and say 1,500 civilian casualties? Either way you killed over 10,000 of my sailors and I still need compensation there and for the ships.

((OOC: 1500 is rediculous. Again, it is simply not mathematically possible, unless 1350 of them had strokes coincidentally at the same time. Either way, I am not responsible. Again, you rub on my nerves.))

The veins bulged on Cac's forehead.

"Compensation!? I have three things to say to you about your compensation: kiss my ass. You can take your goddam compensation and shove it."

He slammed his fist down on the table.
18-09-2004, 06:34
Nathanial could feel the beginnings of a migraine pound in his skull. To both delegations, I ask that civility be restored! We will not have public insults in this conference. Either behave like human beings, that goes for you too, IDF, He glared at the delegate, or else get out, for negotiation then becomes useless. It's your choice, gentlemen. He points a finger at the door.

We understand why you are getting upset Sir, but we are yet to blow a gasket and start insulting members assembled here. We have been careful to refrain from doing such a thing no matter how stressful this is becoming.
18-09-2004, 06:36
Nathanial could feel the beginnings of a migraine pound in his skull. To both delegations, I ask that civility be restored! We will not have public insults in this conference. Either behave like human beings, that goes for you too, IDF, He glared at the delegate, or else get out, for negotiation then becomes useless. It's your choice, gentlemen. He points a finger at the door.
Generic empire
18-09-2004, 06:37

Cac reached into his pocket and withdrew a pack of cigarettes. Placing one between his lips, he raised a tarnished lighter, and flicked it. After a few deep breaths, he regained a state of relative calm.

"You will recieve seven million dollars as compensation. No more, no less."

He exhaled, the ring of smoke drifting towards the ceiling and dissipating overhead.
18-09-2004, 06:37

Cac reached into his pocket and withdrew a pack of cigarettes. Placing one between his lips, he raised a tarnished lighter, and flicked it. After a few deep breaths, he regained a state of relative calm.

"You will recieve seven million dollars as compensation. No more, no less."

He exhaled, the ring of smoke drifting towards the ceiling and dissipating overhead.

"$7 million will hardly cover over 11,500 casualties (from the war and the civilians) along with the 2 dozen lost ships including several aircraft carriers and a severely damaged Dreadnoughts. The cost along of the losses was over $50 billion, but we went easy on you.

We would like to have a public apology for the Psov war and the overreaction of your government on the morning of September 3rd, 2004. We also want some of the police officers who ordered the murders extradited for a fair trial. Maximum sentence if convicted would only be 25 years. THey would not be executed

We also wish to get away from the whole civilian murders as it has not been a productive issue and to move onto Psov.

Now lets negotiate a money amount from $25 billion, that is our demand
18-09-2004, 06:39

Cac reached into his pocket and withdrew a pack of cigarettes. Placing one between his lips, he raised a tarnished lighter, and flicked it. After a few deep breaths, he regained a state of relative calm.

"You will recieve seven million dollars as compensation. No more, no less."

He exhaled, the ring of smoke drifting towards the ceiling and dissipating overhead.

Excellent, we are getting somewhere. The FM turns to IDF. What have you to say, sir?
18-09-2004, 06:41
"You get fucking seven million dollars. Take it or leave it."
"If all you give us is $7 million dollars, then you prove to the world you are not looking for peace.

I may add that if you won't compromise further you will never see the Canal and your economy will suffer for it," said Phillips. "I don't want to do this, but you are leaving our government no choice. Our people would never support a President who gave a murderer of our people access to the Canal if they got off the crimes scotch free. You must understand how our democracy works here. Now please calm down and stop the profanities Mr. Ambassador."
Generic empire
18-09-2004, 06:42
"$7 million will hardly cover over 11,500 casualties (from the war and the civilians) along with the 2 dozen lost ships including several aircraft carriers and a severely damaged Dreadnoughts. The cost along of the losses was over $50 billion, but we went easy on you.

We would like to have a public apology for the Psov war and the overreaction of your government on the morning of September 3rd, 2004. We also want some of the police officers who ordered the murders extradited for a fair trial. Maximum sentence if convicted would only be 25 years. THey would not be executed

We also wish to get away from the whole civilian murders as it has not been a productive issue and to move onto Psov.

Now lets negotiate a money amount from $25 billion, that is our demand

"You get fucking seven million dollars. Take it or leave it."
18-09-2004, 06:44
A note: The negotiations will be between IDF and Generia alone. The Co-chairs are there only to help guide along the process. I'll be logging off soon until tomorrow. Try to keep it civil, hmm?
Generic empire
18-09-2004, 06:46
"If all you give us is $7 million dollars, then you prove to the world you are not looking for peace.

I may add that if you won't compromise further you will never see the Canal and your economy will suffer for it," said Phillips. "I don't want to do this, but you are leaving our government no choice. Our people would never support a President who gave a murderer of our people access to the Canal if they got off the crimes scotch free. You must understand how our democracy works here. Now please calm down and stop the profanities Mr. Ambassador."

"Then I am afraid this means war. Goodbye Mr. Phillips, Mr. Speaker."

Cac picked up his briefcase, motioned to his guards to follow him, and walked towards the door.
18-09-2004, 06:46

Opens Suez Canal to Generian shipping.
Drops all charges on the various matters concerning Generia.

Generic Empire-
Compensation of $5 billion
Public acknowledgement of incident, private apology
I can agree to that, even though the $5 billion is piss change. I think GE won't do it though. COmpromises, no one is happy, but I'll take it
18-09-2004, 06:48

Opens Suez Canal to Generian shipping.
Drops all charges on the various matters concerning Generia.

Generic Empire-
Compensation of $5 billion
Public acknowledgement of incident, private apology
18-09-2004, 06:49
"Dammit" thought king 'Lude, keeping his external composure under control, "until these guys get off their high horses :::smiling at his unintended pun::: we're gonna get nowhere."

Speaking calmly he again addressed IDF, "please sirs, do you have no grudge, complaint or allegations agains Nikalaos? if not, why not? Even if directly ordered by GE to attack the protesters, a possibility I find remote, they could have refused. I see no compromise on your part either. Pay for all lives lost in the protest, plus a significant portion of the cost of all ships lost at sea in a war with an ally, not a war directly launched upon you, but one you chose to join into as the result of your choice as to who your nation would ally with, plus apologize, plus bring the people who ordered the attack to justice; this hardly seems a compromise at all. How is GE to bring Nikalaos's commanders before a criminal court. I guess he could indict them, but without the power of extradition, he can't make them answer for peeing on the sidewalk, let alone the murders you allege.

However, GE, I see no willingness to consider compromise on your part either. The lives of millions are at stake here, aren't those lives worth some national pride, even a little bit? If your countries, economies, people, cities, etc. are ravaged by a war, what good does your pride serve? Will you tell the untold millions of suffering "well at least we're right?" and expect them to forget their wounds, the loss of their loved ones, their lack of a "normal" life?

It seems that Nikalaos ordered the attack, not GE, though I'll agree, GE may have some responsibility as Nikalaos was acting as their peace keeping agents. However, "some responsibility" does not equal "all responsibility." the key words there are "may" and "some." IDF, despite your accusations to the contrary, you've certainly provided no proof that GE directly ordered the attack, argueably the proof before this tribunal shows at most GE could have stopped it and did not do so in a timely fashion. That is hardly the same as ordering it."

With that, King 'Lude, knowing he could pull up the real time transcript on his terminal and that the parties would begin to rail at each other again, approached Ms. Levine. "I need a break Ms. Levine, would you be willing to join me for a few moments outside? I'd like to ask you something in private."

Ms. Levine and King 'Lude then left the "War Room" together whispering in hushed tones as they did so. (OOC: Sarizonia, hope its OK for me to "run" Ms. Levine for a bit. I won't try to have her do anything but step outside with the king and listen to what he wants to say. I will (of course) let you dictate her reply. I just want her to go outside with me to RP a private conversation).
18-09-2004, 06:49
OOC: That's compromise for ya.
OOC: I know, but GE won't take it still. I'm always willing to compromise as long as it's reasonable and this was reasonable enough for me.
18-09-2004, 06:51
I can agree to that, even though the $5 billion is piss change. I think GE won't do it though. COmpromises, no one is happy, but I'll take it

OOC: That's compromise for ya.
18-09-2004, 06:52
"Dammit" thought king 'Lude, keeping his external composure under control, "until these guys get off their high horses :::smiling at his unintended pun::: we're gonna get nowhere."

Speaking calmly he again addressed IDF, "please sirs, do you have no grudge, complaint or allegations agains Nikalaos? if not, why not? Even if directly ordered by GE to attack the protesters, a possibility I find remote, they could have refused. I see no compromise on your part either. Pay for all lives lost in the protest, plus a significant portion of the cost of all ships lost at sea in a war with an ally, not a war directly launched upon you, but one you chose to join into as the result of your choice as to who your nation would ally with, plus apologize, plus bring the people who ordered the attack to justice; this hardly seems a compromise at all. How is GE to bring Nikalaos's commanders before a criminal court. I guess he could indict them, but without the power of extradition, he can't make them answer for peeing on the sidewalk, let alone the murders you allege.

However, GE, I see no willingness to consider compromise on your part either. The lives of millions are at stake here, aren't those lives worth some national pride, even a little bit? If your countries, economies, people, cities, etc. are ravaged by a war, what good does your pride serve? Will you tell the untold millions of suffering "well at least we're right?" and expect them to forget their wounds, the loss of their loved ones, their lack of a "normal" life?

It seems that Nikalaos ordered the attack, not GE, though I'll agree, GE may have some responsibility as Nikalaos was acting as their peace keeping agents. However, "some responsibility" does not equal "all responsibility." the key words there are "may" and "some." IDF, despite your accusations to the contrary, you've certainly provided no proof that GE directly ordered the attack, argueably the proof before this tribunal shows at most GE could have stopped it and did not do so in a timely fashion. That is hardly the same as ordering it."

With that, King 'Lude, knowing he could pull up the real time transcript on his terminal and that the parties would begin to rail at each other again, approached Ms. Levine. "I need a break Ms. Levine, would you be willing to join me for a few moments outside? I'd like to ask you something in private."

Ms. Levine and King 'Lude then left the "War Room" together whispering in hushed tones as they did so. (OOC: Sarizonia, hope its OK for me to "run" Ms. Levine for a bit. I won't try to have her do anything but step outside with the king and listen to what he wants to say. I will (of course) let you dictate her reply. I just want her to go outside with me to RP a private conversation).

For the sake of debate lets say that is all true, the fact is it ignores my main grievance which is the Psov war
18-09-2004, 06:52
"Fine. Damnit, fine. We'll do it."
Generic empire
18-09-2004, 06:52

Opens Suez Canal to Generian shipping.
Drops all charges on the various matters concerning Generia.

Generic Empire-
Compensation of $5 billion
Public acknowledgement of incident, private apology

"Fine. Damnit, fine. We'll do it."
18-09-2004, 06:56
"Then get me the damn papers. I put my signature down, you put yours down, we both get to get the hell out of here."
*signs signature*
Generic empire
18-09-2004, 06:58
"Then get me the damn papers. I put my signature down, you put yours down, we both get to get the hell out of here."
Generic empire
18-09-2004, 07:00
Cac scrawled his name across the bottom of the document, threw the pen down, and stormed out of the room. His Praetorian guardsmen followed.
18-09-2004, 07:09
Hearing the cursing going on as he left the room with Ms. Levine, King 'Lude turned around, stared at the IDF and GE representatives and in his most authoritative, royal, yet harshest tone he firmly stated, "Dammit gentlemen, you can't fight in here!! This is the war room!" with that he again turned his attention to Ms. Levine, took her arm and escorted her from the chamber.
Generic empire
18-09-2004, 07:15
Hearing the cursing going on as he left the room with Ms. Levine, King 'Lude turned around, stared at the IDF and GE representatives and in his most authoritative, royal, yet harshest tone he firmly stated, "Dammit gentlemen, you can't fight in here!! This is the war room" with that the again turned his attention to Ms. Levine, took her arm and escorted her from the chamber.

((OOC: That was so perfect. I can't even believe how perfect that was. My life is now fulfilled, and I can die happy. Thank you. Thank you.))
18-09-2004, 07:17
((OOC: That was so perfect. I can't even believe how perfect that was. My life is now fulfilled, and I can die happy. Thank you. Thank you.))

OOC: thanks :::takes a bow:::
18-09-2004, 07:53
To: all ships in the Mediterainian
From: King 'Lude II

It appears all threat of hostilites between GE and IDF have been resolved. You are directed to stand down. Seeing how long you have been at sea and away from your homeland, you are all also directed to return to Mauiwowee forthwith for shore leave. To our airmen in GE, you will all be rotated home within the next 4 NS months. The carrier group Munchies is being dispatched to the Black Sea to provide security in the area.

We're proud of you men.

King 'Lude II
18-09-2004, 15:52
OOC: Thank god this is over.
18-09-2004, 16:23
OOC: Thank god this is over.

amen to that
18-09-2004, 22:52
OOC: A little wrapping up.

IC: Nathanial gave a sigh of relief after watching both IDF and Generia sign the papers. Stepping down from the podium, he collected the scattered documents and shoved them into his black briefcase. He snapped the brass clasps close, and drew a hand to his forehead. With a start, he realized that sweat was running down his face. The FM fished a handkerchief out of a side pocket and hurriedly mopped his brow. This will cut several years from my life, he thought, At least if these things continue.

With a heave he picked up his briefcase and signaled the guards. Turning on one heel, he nodded at the Mr. Lorber and King Lude. "If you'll excuse me, gentlemen, I'll be leaving to Granzi." Nathanial patted the briefcase. "I'll be taking the papers somewhere safe, if no one has any objections." Seeing none, Mr. Sun headed toward the door, his men following, fondly thinking of a well-earned vacation.