NationStates Jolt Archive

Construction of Orbital Mirror begins

16-09-2004, 20:46
The nation of Muru is starting construction of a large orbital mirror. When complete, the mirror will be 10 miles in diameter, made form an incredably thin metal sheet. It is Muru's hope that the ability to ajust the amount of sunlight per day will have positive impacts on the farming industry, as well as serveing as a premiatve storm-prevention device.
22-09-2004, 16:57
Due to the fact that the the MASC (Muru Atmosphere-Space Command), was just hit by a nuke, production has been delayed indefinnitly.
22-09-2004, 17:12
Arenumberg could provide basing for such an endeavour, should you so wish to relocate surviving personell and equipment.
22-09-2004, 17:20
Arenumberg could provide basing for such an endeavour, should you so wish to relocate surviving personell and equipment.

Could you also provide replacement equipment lost if we compensate you for it? (IE, can you sell us parts?)
23-09-2004, 03:14
Nevermind then, war over.

Muru, now that it needs the economic boost more then ever. (plus building the station is good old fashioed kansian economics). Is throwing money behind the space program to rebuild.

The parts that were allready in orbit, have also been assembeled.

Mirror %5 complete.
The Class A Cows
23-09-2004, 03:30
CAC focuses most of its efforts towards environmental control and artificial habitual enchancement and thus believes its in it's best interest to send four of our research zeppelins (which fly very near low earth orbit) to serve to refeul and service your spacecraft in their hangars. Note that the Ion Airmover Tubes are considered classified due to their use on intelligence related bouyant aircraft and although your men will be allowed to service standard parts and man it if something goes wrong with the main engines we request that you use the conventional turbofans to land and moor it until our own engineers can be flown it. The blimps feature these tools.

6 microshuttle hangars, they will be stocked if you wish with our microshuttles. These are fully capable of landing on the shuttle and have conventional jet engines as well as solid feul rockets. They are strictly for personell, you will need space stations as well as some of your own spacecraft for construction and resupply purposes.

One laser rangefinder mounted on a rotating turret at the top of the aircraft.

Standard avionics.

A fully functional computer center (Capacity 60)

Two mounted high resolution cameras.

2 Doppler Radar Systems

1 Standard weather radar dome

2 warehouses with 80,000 cubic metres of volume

1 High-Efficiency Nuclear fission reactor

Barracks and quarters for 200 people.

4 Sirtel Mt. 58767 Turbofans

12 Ion Airmovers

Max speed (Ion Airmover) 7 knots
Max speed (Turbofans) 45 knots

Range limited by crew supplies.

CAC strongly recommends that no nation attack these peaceful research vessels as not only are they powered with nuclear material but they utilize some hazordous materials in their coolant systems.
23-09-2004, 03:38
Thank you for the most unexpected support, we happly accecpt, and will share all information gained from the protect with you.
23-09-2004, 07:57
Could you also provide replacement equipment lost if we compensate you for it? (IE, can you sell us parts?)

Of course, but this obviously is no longer needed.
23-09-2004, 19:13
++this may seem fast for a Modern-Tech nation. But super-thin reflective material does exist IRL (abit, it's not very devloped). As as this has a large area per it's weight, it gets around the one main restriction on building a station, hauling the stuff into orbit. Once there you just need to stretch it out.++

1 of 10 sheets fully deployed.

10% complete.
23-09-2004, 19:26
do you guys realize the dramatic effect this will have on the enviroment? most animals and such only know to sleep when it gets dark, so keeping the lights on would hurt them terribly
23-09-2004, 21:30
do you guys realize the dramatic effect this will have on the enviroment? most animals and such only know to sleep when it gets dark, so keeping the lights on would hurt them terribly

Of course, so all we need to so is apply a little thrust so that the mirror is at 90degress to the earth and thus appears only as a line. Or we could design it so that it folds up. Either way......
25-09-2004, 16:06
25-09-2004, 16:14
The Chronosian Imperium is deeply against this plan; as the introduction of artificially re-directed sunlight can have nothing but a negative effect on the world. What if the system were hi-jacked and used to melt the icecaps; or send a country into a permanent drought? The Chronosian Imperium demands this program be abandoned; or it will be brought to a stop.
25-09-2004, 16:24

What are you doing about space rocks slamming into the mirror?
25-09-2004, 16:48
Official Imperial Communique

Although we very much doubt that this 'mirror' will even work, should it affect
our environment, farming industry or the comfort of our people in any adverse
way we will not hesitate to shoot it down.
Neo Cannen
25-09-2004, 16:55
To the Government of Muru
From Ambassador Araon of Neo Cannen
The Prime Nomad/Guardien of Neo Cannen is extrmely intersted in your project. However, due to the desert condition of our nation, he strongly requests that you do all you can to prevent it shining on our territory, it may considerbly upset the delecate nautral rhythem of desert life. However, he does request infomation regarding the material you are using to create the mirror, as he may have use for it elsewhere in our nation.
25-09-2004, 17:08

What are you doing about space rocks slamming into the mirror?

The material is desinged to make a clear tear, so a 1inch by 1inch space rock will only make a 1 inch hole, instead of carrying huge amounts of material with it. We then simply repair the hole.

The Chronosian Imperium is deeply against this plan; as the introduction of artificially re-directed sunlight can have nothing but a negative effect on the world. What if the system were hi-jacked and used to melt the icecaps; or send a country into a permanent drought? The Chronosian Imperium demands this program be abandoned; or it will be brought to a stop.

What if we used nukes to irradate the world, or biological weapons to distroy a countrys envrioment? Nations having the ability to decimate the world if their determined enough is nothing new. The program will continue as planned.

To the Government of Muru
From Ambassador Araon of Neo Cannen
The Prime Nomad/Guardien of Neo Cannen is extrmely intersted in your project. However, due to the desert condition of our nation, he strongly requests that you do all you can to prevent it shining on our territory, it may considerbly upset the delecate nautral rhythem of desert life. However, he does request infomation regarding the material you are using to create the mirror, as he may have use for it elsewhere in our nation.

Request noted. And we would be more then willing to share out scientific data.

*relevant information is transmitted*
26-09-2004, 02:57
If our complaints are ignored we shall not hesitate to use drastic force to dispatch the mirror; it is well within our power, heretic.
26-09-2004, 17:17
Complaints? If you had complaints we might listen. But demanding that we stop the project is not a complaint, it is a demand!


26-09-2004, 17:19
Official Imperial Communique

Although we very much doubt that this 'mirror' will even work, should it affect
our environment, farming industry or the comfort of our people in any adverse
way we will not hesitate to shoot it down.
26-09-2004, 17:24
++yes, i noticed that the first time++
27-09-2004, 21:06
27-09-2004, 21:13
++yes, i noticed that the first time++
OOC: Aren't you going to comment :( Ah well.
27-09-2004, 21:15
OOC: Aren't you going to comment :( Ah well.

Well........we dont' think it will do that. So it's kind of moot.
28-09-2004, 23:55
29-09-2004, 17:51
29-09-2004, 22:12
Done, for the most part.
Yevon of Spira
29-09-2004, 22:57
Are you sure the mirror won't have a "magnifying glass on ant effect" on your citizens?
30-09-2004, 00:08
I can just see Muru chasing around his citizens with a huge magnifying glass. ^_^
30-09-2004, 00:30
Are you sure the mirror won't have a "magnifying glass on ant effect" on your citizens?

No, it's very carefully calibrated so that it only does that to the captial cities of our enimie.........i've said too much.

I can just see Muru chasing around his citizens with a huge magnifying glass. ^_^

lol! :D
30-09-2004, 00:47
See, all it takes is one giant space thingy to ruin the picnic for all us little ant nations!
The Ants of Chronosia officially protest!
Yevon of Spira
30-09-2004, 20:24
An Ant Cult in Yevon of Spira wishes to use the mirror for its suicidal assention purposes. They will be waiting in a small dingy in the middle of the ocean.

coordinates wired to you.
01-10-2004, 00:28
If their in the ocean, wanting suicide, wont SIN just eat 'em?
Yevon of Spira
01-10-2004, 00:35
Naw, Sin is currently terrorizing Kilika.
01-10-2004, 00:53
An Ant Cult in Yevon of Spira wishes to use the mirror for its suicidal assention purposes. They will be waiting in a small dingy in the middle of the ocean.

coordinates wired to you.


*hits the "kill" button* :)
Yevon of Spira
01-10-2004, 01:05
A ray of shimmering light shines down on to the little dingy. The air suddenly begins to reek of cooked meat. Slowly all 15 of the cultists drop, with smiles on their faces. The water around the boat begins to boil and the ship catches on fire. Within minutes there are no reminents of the event that occured just moments before.
01-10-2004, 15:42
Told you it was a death ray....
The population of Chronosia are well versed in Bond Superweapons :P
Yevon of Spira
01-10-2004, 17:26
"Oh my Yu Yevon...those yevonites in ant suits were vaporized instantly" a sharply dressed statesman from Yevon said over his morning cup of flan.

Soon afterword a message was sent to Muru.

"Thank you for the precise elimination of the Antist Cult of Spira. They were constantly terrorizing picnics and invading houses through holes they borred through walls and airvents. I hope this event leads to a long peace between our nations."
01-10-2004, 20:02
"Oh my Yu Yevon...those yevonites in ant suits were vaporized instantly" a sharply dressed statesman from Yevon said over his morning cup of flan.

Soon afterword a message was sent to Muru.

"Thank you for the precise elimination of the Antist Cult of Spira. They were constantly terrorizing picnics and invading houses through holes they bored through walls and airvents. I hope this event leads to a long pease between our nations."


Your country is very strange.