NationStates Jolt Archive

Fighting to Control Hamanistan(Closed RP, Tags only)

16-09-2004, 04:19
OOC: Only tags allowed unless your asked to join RP

1. Nazi
2. Communist
3. Libatrain
4. Hamanistan Forces

Storyline: It has been 2 weeks since the Hamanistan Government fell apart. The People were fed up with the President which revoked an attack on the government. After the government fell 4 factions formed fighting for control of the government. These factions include the Nazi's, Communist's, Libatrain, and the President's Forces.(Hamanistan)

IC: The Hamanistan Forces were being pounded by mortor fire from the Nazi faction. The Hamanistan Forces were in full retreat when they heard the sounds of planes in the distants. One officer looked around and froze in terror as he seen over 200 B-3 Bombers heading there way.

"Everyone run for cover!!" yelled officer Jarrod Frity.

The element of 1,000 men started running for the bushes and trees hoping the bombers would not see them or were Hamanistan Bombers. They flew over without droping bombs and started pounding the Nazi forces. The men then charged the hill from which the morter fire was comming from. As they raced up the hill they were horrified to see over 60,000 Nazi Soldiers come over then top. Before they even had a chance to fall back they were all dead. The 50,000 thousand strong then was hit by the bombers.

The attack was over. All that remained of the 50,000 man elemnet was 10,000. These surviors then started to treat their wounded and bury the dead. The Nazi Forces had been pounded and defeated for 1 week straight and the moral was very low and this battle was no help. Over 1,000 soldiers had already taken their own life to end there fight and terror.

40,000 Nazi's Dead
1,000 Hamanistanians Dead
43 Bombers Down
16-09-2004, 04:27
On a different Island a communist city is falling to the Libatrain.

A large bombing raid rocked the Local Communist HQ.

Gen Sprita: Damn it Cant we fight off these assholes?

Underling: they have support of the local population so there are partasine attack on our forces.

Sprita: damn it I guess this is a lost cause lets pull out.

As the communists pull out they are ambushed by a Libatrain party and are complatly decimated


Communists: 30,000 (all the local army)
Libatrain: 2,000

A communist city (el poch) fell to the Libatrain army