NationStates Jolt Archive

The World's Most Wanted

Trilateral Commission
15-09-2004, 06:30
This should serve as a definitive list of the most dangerous criminals, terrorists, and assorted rogues alive in the world today.

If you are a nationstate and your security forces are in the process of tracking down an exceptionally dangerous psychopath, then tell all the world to keep an eye out for 'em. List your criminals' vital information, describe the crimes he/she/they committed, and if you choose to, put a price on his head.

If you are an adventurer, bounty hunter, mercenary, or assorted scalawag and you think you can beat the cops to the punch line, then keep an eye on this list which should be updated regularly with opportunities for you to serve the greater good and get rich while you're at it.

General Listing Guidelines: The Trilateral Commission reserves the right to include or exclude entries as it sees fit. Generic government officials, generic citizens, and other non-specific entitites will usually be excluded from the Most Wanted List. Specific individuals, specific families, and criminal groups that are not sovereign nations will usually be eligible for listing. "Most wanted" rankings will be determined by number of bounties placed, then sizes of bounties placed.

(OOC: having too many random people listed defeats the purpose of a Most Wanted list!)

***DISCLAIMER:*** The Trilateral Commission does not presume the innocence or guilt of those listed in the World's Most Wanted List. Issues of innocence or guilt should be resolved by the interested parties.


The Fabus, Stahlecker, Mladic, and Salazar families of Communist Mississippi
-Members of these families are wanted, dead or alive, by the government of Collectable Knicknacks, for mass-murder.
-Members of these families are wanted, dead or alive, by the government of Celack, for being wastes of humanity, slander, libel, and putting the "cock" in "caucasian."
-Members of the Fabus family are wanted by the government of Sevaris for genocide, crimes against humanity, rape, mass murder, extortion, and other crimes.
***The government of the IDF has placed $50,000,000 bounties on all of the aforementioned individuals.
***The government of Collectable Knicknacks has placed a $50,000,000 bounty for the live capture of any member of the families, and a $32,000,000 bounty for the elimination of any member of the families.
***The government of Hallad has placed a $50,000,000 bounty for the live capture of any member of the families, and a $32,000,000 bounty for the elimination of any member of the families.
***The government of Celack will match any reward paid out for any member of the aforementioned families.
***The government of Generic empire will match any reward paid out for any member of the aforementioned families. The Generic empire prefers that objectives are captured alive and will provide additional compensation for a particularly clean job.
***The government of Hattia will match any reward paid out for Fabus family members.
***Cantor Hyam Malachi, a private citizen of Seryown, will match any reward paid out for Fabus family members.

Terror of the World
-Terror of the World operatives are wanted by the government of Jarridia, for murdering 2,000 innocent children in Shelbin, Jarridia, in addition to other criminal activity.
***The government of Jarridia has placed a bounty of $2,000,000,000 on the head leaders of the TW organization and bounties of $35,000,000 on lower level operatives.
***The government of New Zambuda has placed a bounty of $125,000,000 on the boss of the TW organization and bounties of $75,000,000 on other leaders.

Kaiser Alec of Sevaris
-Wanted, dead or alive, by unspecified law enforcement authorities, for crimes against humanity and crimes against the peace in Kahta.
***Unspecified law enforcement authorities have placed a $50,000,000,000 bounty for the capture or elimination of Kaiser Alec.

Kaiserin Yuna of Sevaris
-Wanted by unspecified law enforcement authorities, for crimes against humanity and crimes against the peace in Kahta.
***Unspecified law enforcement authorities have placed a $50,000,000,000 bounty for the live capture of Kaiserin Yuna.

Bishop-Field Marshal von Felben, Herman
-White/6'5"/Medium 205 lbs./Hair brown/Eyes green
-Last seen in Southern/Central Africa (Confirmed to operate in Namibia, South Africa, Botswana, Angola, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Zambia)
-Bishop-Field Marshal Herman von Felben is wanted, dead or (preferrably) alive, by the government of Communist Mississippi, for terrorism and rebellion. For more information click here (
***The Federal Authority of Decisive Action/government of Communist Mississippi has placed a $50,000,000,000 bounty for the live capture of H. von Felben and a $25,000,000,000 bounty for his elimination.

Alenrea, Stephen
-Age 44-49
-Last seen: On Medkiema, thrid world in our system
- Wanted by the government of Lessr Tsurani for treason, as well as war crimes, genoicd without consulting the twelve, wiping out one of the new cities and Attempting to give Alethrians freedom. ((THe ALethrians put this one on him.))
***The government of Lessr Tsurani has placed a $5,000,000,000 bounty for the live capture of Stephen Alenrea.

Riddil, Maria and Tiger of Malas rebels
-Age 30/Female/5'0"/120 lb.
-Last seen in Malas Province, Dumpsterdam
-Wanted by the government of Dumpsterdam, for treason, genocide, use of biological agents against her own people, and being married to a general fruitcake.
***The government of Dumpsterdam has placed a $2,200,000,000 bounty for the live capture of Maria Riddil and $120,000 bounties on Tiger of Malas rebels. Any claims can be made at the DAF headquarters in Duniash.

The leader of the IDF
-The leader of the IDF is wanted by a group known as the Avengers of Christ, for genocide, allowing genocide, crimes against humanity, conspiracy to create a new World order, conspiracy to create a Zionist Occupied Government, conspiracy to genocide against the white aryan race, and killing Christ.
***A group known as the Avengers of Christ has placed a $1,000,000,000 bounty for the death of the leader of the IDF and $100,000,000 bounties for members of his family. Reward can be claimed in South Bend, Indiana. Cleveland, Ohio. Grand Bay, Alabama. Cape Town, South Africa. Casablanca, Morocco.

Cantor Malachi, Hyam
-A private citizen of Seryown, Cantor Hyam Malachi is wanted by the government of Communist Mississippi, for solicitation for murder, conpiracy, attempted assassination, racial agitation, perversion, blasphemy, heresy, conspiracy against the Czar, conpiracy against the former Czar, conspiracy against the high party officials, attempted murder, rape of an Aryan woman, grand theft auto, grand larceny, armed robbery, terrorism, inciting public disorder, conspiracy to deny whites their birthright, and dissemination of Anti-Christian hate speech.
***The Grand Wizard of the White Knights of Mississippi, Field Marshal Bertrand Navarre, has placed a $600,000,000 bounty for the capture and prosecution of Cantor Hyam Malachi and $500,000,000 for the elimination of Cantor Hyam Malachi. Reward can be claimed in Philadelphia, Neshobia County, Mississippi.

Prime Minister Fyodor Leningrad Zyteslav of Hattia
-Prime Minister Zyteslav is wanted, for unspecified crimes, by a group known as the Concerned Citizens.
***A group known as the Concerned Citizens has placed a $500,000,000 bounty for the elimination of Prime Minister Zyteslav. Reward can be claimed in Little Rock, Arkansas, or in Mobile, Alabama.

The heads of state of Generic Empire, Collectible Knicknacks, and Hallad
-The heads of states of Generic Empire, Collectible Knicknacks, and President-for-Life of HalladMustafa Fenris and their families are wanted, for unspecified crimes, by a group known as the Concerned Citizens.
***A group known as the Concerned Citizens has placed a $500,000,000 bounty for the elimination of any head of state of the aforementioned countries or any of their family members. Reward can be claimed in Little Rock, Arkansas, or in Mobile, Alabama.

The head of state of Celack
-The head of state of Celack is wanted, by a group known as the Concerned Citizens, for allowing genocide, crimes against humanity, conspiracy to create a new World order, conspiracy to create a Zionist Occupied Government, conspiracy to genocide against the white aryan race, conspiracy to enslave white women for lewd and perverted purposes, conspiracy to expand Israel into "Greater Zion" to encompass all of the middle east from the Tigris to the Nile, credit card fraud, and public intoxication.
***A group known as the Concerned Citizens has placed a $200,000,000 bounty for the elimination of the head of state of Celack. Reward can be claimed in Little Rock, Arkansas, or in Mobile, Alabama.

The heads of state of the Aztec National League, Neo-Soviet Russia, and Grenval
-Premier Quetzalcoatl of the Aztec National League, Adin Estridge of Neo-Soviet Russia, and President Vincent Michael George of Grenval are wanted by unspecified law enforcement authorities for Crimes against peace, Crimes against humanity, Conspiracy against order, Conspiracy against fascism, Conspiracy to commit genocide (against whites), Conspiracy to commit pillage (against whites), Conspiracy to allow rape (against white women), Conspiracy against a Czar, Conspiracy against a former Czar, Conspiracy against a government, Conspiracy against a high party official, Use of cluster munitions in warfare
***Unspecified law enforcement authorities have placed $200,000,000 for the elimination of any of the individuals listed above. Claim Reward at: Atlanta, Georgia. Cape Town, South Africa. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Tampa, Florida. Dallas, Texas. West Helena, Arkansas.

Matthew Iesus of Iesus Christi
-Wanted by the government of Sigma Octavus, for genocide, lunacy, warmongering, and crimes against humanity.
***The government of Sigma Octavus has placed a $135,210,000 bounty for the elimination of Matthew Iesus. Claim reward at: Ministry of Foreign Relations, Thresh, Sigma Octavus

Kalinowski, Jamal
-Age 56/Male/6'1"/175 lb.
-Believed to be hiding in Chellis or Chellian West Africa
-Wanted by the government of Chellis, for leading the terrorist group War Declrad on J00 against Chellis, defiance of Chellian anti-technology laws, attacks on Chellian government buildings, attacks against civilians, and the murder of three million civilians with chemical weapons.
***The government of Chellis has placed a $120,000,000 bounty on Jamal Kalinowski.

Markus, Illor
-Age 41/Male
-Wanted by the Military High Command of Gorkus for Acts of terrorism against the Military High Command of Gorkon, illegal hoarding of military-grade weapons, spreading anti-High Command Propaganda. For more information click here (
***The Military High Command of Gorkus has placed a $100,000,000 bounty on Commander Illor Markus.

The heads of state of Hamptonshire, Jonothana, and Tyrandis
-Grand Duke Reginald Leopold of Hamptonshire, Prime Minister Sir Jon David Alan Davis-Clarke of Jonothana, and Executor Xavier Davidson of Tyrandis and their families are wanted, by a group known as the White Citizens' Council, for crimes against the white race, crimes against humanity, crimes against the laws of God, crimes against the laws of nature, blasphemy, heresy, conspiracy to commit genocide (against whites), planning genocide (against whites), planning a war of aggression, and conspiracy to carry out a war of aggression.
***A group known as the White Citizens' Council has placed a $100,000,000 bounty for the elimination of any head of state of the aforementioned countries or any of their family members. Reward can be claimed in Harrison, Arkansas, or in Birmingham, Alabama.

Felton, Carman
-Carman Felton, the CEO of the Ravens Corporation, is wanted by the government of Lacomb, for terrorism, taking hostages from two different nations, corporate sabotage, and suspected possession of WMD.
***The government of Lacomb has placed a $62,000,000 bounty for the capture and prosecution of Carman Felton.

Chikita the Cruel and Oppressive
-Her last known whereabouts were in Qu'Dong, Kutou-koku; her possible whereabouts, include Farflor, Farflorin; New Agincourt, Medieval Europa, the Soviet Islands (Soviet Republikans, Soviet Demokrats, Soviet Canucks). Uses body doubles.
-Former Prime Minister Chikita the Cruel and Oppressive is wanted by the government of Kryozerkia, for genocide of aborigninals, treason, terrorism, wrecking public relations through deceit, usurping the throne of Kutou-koku, starting a regional war, violating UN treaties
***The government of Kryozerkia has placed $50,000,000 bounties for the live capture Chikita the Cruel and Oppressive, and $15,000,000 for the live capture of any one of her body doubles.

Sultan Suleiman Al Bashir II of Ottoman Khaif and Grand Vizier Mehmed Pasa Sokollu
-The Sultan and Grand Vizier of Ottoman Khaif and their families are wanted, dead or alive, by a group known as the Byzantium Militant Front, for genocide, allowing Genocide, Crimes against humanity, Conspiracy to create a New World Order (NWO), Conspiracy to create a Zionist Occupied Government (ZOG), Conspiracy to genocide against the white aryan race, Conspiracy to drive up oil prices, Seizing Constantinople in 1453, Attempting to dominate world trade, Attempting to seize Vienna in 1682-1683, The Armenian Genocide during WW1, Killing British soldiers at Galipoli in 1915, Denying the Armenian Genocide, Turning the Hagia Sophia from an Orthorodox Christian Cathedral into a Mosque, Crimes against humanity from 1400-2004, Mass rapes (too many millions to count), Mass murders (too may tens of millions to count), Spreading Islam, Spreading Islam by force, Destroying the Byzantine Empire
***A group known as the Byzantium Militant Front has placed $50,000,000 bounties on the aforementioned individuals. Reward can be claimed in Belgrade, Serbia. Durban, South Africa. Pristrina, Croatia. Bucharest, Romania. West Helena, Arkansas.

The DSRO terrorist organization
-Second Commander Tomas Scott, Europe Division Commander Eric Dichter, Asia Division Commander Sean Brant, Middle-East Division Commander Luck Manchester, and Kelares Base-Camp Commander Nicolas Holton are wanted by the government of Ness Ziona, for the murder of 1,500 Nessic citizens in 5 major bombings in the capital, and for the murder of more than 30,000 Kelares-Islands (a territory controlled ny NZ) locals over a period of 3 years. Also, they are responsible for the murder of many foreign citizens in bombings in The Opressive Church and Euroslavia.
-All are in their 30's.
***The government of Ness Ziona has placed a $50,000,000 bounty for the live capture of any of those listed above, and a bounty of at least $1,000,000 for any DSRO active member captured alive.

Alchazeery, Mohammed
-Age 39/Male/6'4"/150 lbs./Skin dark/Eyes blue
-Last seen on the northern border of Gilabad.
-Wanted, dead or alive, by the government of Gilabad, for genocide, unlawful terrorism, arson, property destruction, capital murder, 10 major bombings, killing of Secret Police officer Joe Williams, confirmed sniper attacks, selling narqotics, counterfitting, smuggling illegal weapons, racism, trying to start an unregulated jihad, steeling of government property, and fraud.
***The government of Gilabad has placed a $50,000,000 bounty for the capture or elimination of Mohammed Alchazeery.

Dominus figurehead ruler and the Hadulan Triumvirate
-Hadulan figurehead ruler Pele Kawau, Ruben Tandon, Estaban Riverra, and Julio Ganamaki are wanted, by a group known as the Christian White Knights, for genocide, allowing genocide, conpiracy to create a new World order, conspiracy to create a Zionist Occupied Government, conspiracy to genocide against the white aryan race, conspiracy to drive up oil prices, and being low-down dirty scum.
***A group known as the Christian White Knights has placed a $100,000,000 bounty for the live capture of Ruben Tandon and $50,000,000 for the elimination of any of the aforementioned individuals. Reward can be claimed in Little Rock, Arkansas, or in Mobile, Alabama.

Kirko, Josef Oreganof
-Age 47/5'11"/Athletic 190-200 lbs./Hair blonde greying/Eyes blue
-This ex-Major is wanted, dead or alive, by the government of Fascist Confederacy, for treason, the 2nd degree capital murder of 6 people, espionage, conspiracy, and attempting to destroy a government facility with a C-130. He aided the Communist enemy during a brief war against an undisclosed planet and killed his own soldiers when they threatened to report his treason.
***The government of Fascist Confederacy has placed a $4,000,000 bounty for the capture or elimination of Josef Oreganof Kirko.

Cartier, Jaime (image (
-Age 69/Male/5.4'/160 lb.
-Last seen 1982 in Bayou Teche, Louisiana
-Wanted by the government of the Napoleonic Empire, for treason, concealed neuroses in a public office, harboring of terrorists, first degree murder of 67 people, refusing to carry out orders, causing unneeded mass panic, evading arrest.
***The government of the Napoleonic Empire has placed a $1,200,000 bounty on Jaime Cartier.

Gorman, Paul
-Age 36/Male/6'1"/142 lbs./Hair black/Eyes dark
-Wanted by the government of Redmire, for mass murder, genocide, Arson, Satanic Rituals, Animal Sacrifice, Property damage, Grand theft auto, Crimes against humanity, Attempted Assasination against Police chief Borris Yeltrow, Assasination of RBI (Republic Bureau of Investigation) Head Chief Charles Chaven, Terrorist attacks, Witchcraft, Illegal possesion of arms, Hijacking, Kidnapping, Escaping from prison, Breaching Pollution Laws, Man Slaughter, Destroying military property, Threatning a goverment official, Attempted theft of nuclear weapons, Illegal drugs, Stealing, Trespassing, Spying, Herresay, Resisting arrest, Sellings drugs, Murder of foreign tourists, Starting a riot, Suspected Neo Nazi, Racial Discrimination, Crimes against the jews, Mass Rabbi Murder, Anti Semitism, Anti Catholic, Speaking against the Redmire Catholic Foundation, and Cannibalism.
***The government of Redmire, the Redmire Catholic Foundation, The Redmire Jewish Foundation, RBI, Redmire Police Organization, Homeland Security Foundation, Redmire Army Corps have placed a $900,000 bounty on Paul Gorman.

M'len, Moshros
-Arab/Age 56/Male/6'5"/246 lbs./Hair grey/black
-Distinguished by LLF tattoo on his left arm and a burning drizzts tattoo on his right shoulder.
-Wanted, dead or alive, by the government of Redmire, for attempted assasination of Redmire leader Wolf Gorbishov and murder of 1 Royal Guard.
***The government of Redmire has placed a $700,000 bounty on Moshros M'len.

Makabebo, Juan (image (
-Age 50
-Last seen in Camewottian Jungle
-Wanted by the government of Camewot, for treason, espionage during the Camewottian Civil War, aiding and abetting the Fascists, and the assassination of Top-General Schweinstein.
***The government of Camewot has placed a $250,000 bounty on Juan Makabebo.

Olympio, Gary
-Believed to be in the whereabouts of the British Gold Coast, the Upper Volta Free French Territories, and Dahomey.
-Olympio, an African believed to be Togolese by birth, is wanted by the government of Walmington on Sea, for inciting public disorder, treason, firearms offenses, tax offenses, and engaging in terrorist activities in the continent of Africa. For more information please click here (
***The government of Walmington on Sea has placed a $50,000 bounty on Gary Olympio.

Hackitt, Divit (image (
-Wanted by the government of Fodmodmadtol, for treason, murder, neglect of duty, attempted murder, evasion, high treason, assassination, obstruction of justice, obstruction of state, attempted assassination, rebellion, hijacking. For more information click here (
***The government of Fodmodmadtol will have a negotiable reward for the live capture of Divit Hackitt.

Batory, Tzigane
Age 26/Female/5'4"/102 lbs./Hair black/Eyes black
-This vampire is wanted by the government of Callisdrun for piracy in both space and on the high seas, murder, assault, burglery, smuggling, arson, and tax evasion.

Riddil, Jonathan - ***Captured***
-Age 49/Male/5'7"/190 lb.
-Last seen in Malas Province, Dumpsterdam
-Wanted by the government of Dumpsterdam, for treason, genocide, use of biological agents against his own people, and being a general fruitcake.

Gater, Mohammed - ***Eliminated***
-Arab/Age 34
-This Syrian was wanted by the government of Jackdonia, for attacking the Jackdonian Trade place, assassination of the Jackdonian Public Affairs Minister, attempted assassination of the Prime Minister of Jackdonia, espionage, illegal arms dealing, affiliation with the GLA, attempted acquisition of WMD, and use of chemical weapons at the Hazbek Fair.
***The $35,000 bounty placed on Mohammed Gater by the government of Jackdonia was unclaimed.

Mission for Curtis Fabus (
Trilateral Commission
15-09-2004, 07:11
Trilateral Commission
15-09-2004, 07:55
15-09-2004, 08:03
DSS transmission

You can add this person to the most wanted list:

Name: Jonathan Riddil
Age: 49
Sex: Male
Height: 5.7 foot
Weight: 190 lb
Location: Malas Province, Dumpsterdam(or so we think)
Crimes: Treason, genocide, use of biological agents against his own people and being a general fruitcake.

Signed, Aras Ulas Head of the DSS.
15-09-2004, 08:31
Liberal Democrats. They are everywhere and must be killed, one at a time preferably, so they can suffer. The list would be much to long so I will just list a few main targets.

Bill Clinton - Might not be the head of the household anymore, but much like Osama, we never forget, and as long as your still breathing fumes, your a target.

Hillary Clinton - Number 2, and working on being number one.

James Carville - Anyone that geeky and loud just needs to die.

Paul Bagala - Anyone that lame who makes it that far up the chain must go, he must have a genetic pherimone hyperproductivity thing going on.

Tom Daschle - Freaky looking geek, gotta go.

I know it is assumed that John Kerry would make the list, but we ask that you leave him alone. He is no threat, and is one of our best weapons. All we have to do is have him in the same state with other politicians and they vaporize. Run John Run...
15-09-2004, 11:40
Add the Fabus family.
15-09-2004, 11:42
A great idea! However, I have nobody to add at this time.
15-09-2004, 11:45
DSS transmission

You can add this person to the most wanted list:

Name: Jonathan Riddil
Age: 49
Sex: Male
Height: 5.7 foot
Weight: 190 lb
Location: Malas Province, Dumpsterdam(or so we think)
Crimes: Treason, genocide, use of biological agents against his own people and being a general fruitcake.

Signed, Aras Ulas Head of the DSS.
Hmm... wanna do a RP on that?
Napoleonic Empire
15-09-2004, 12:45
Jaime Cartier
Age: 69
Sex: Male
Height: 5.4 foot
Weight: 160 lb
Last Seen: Bayou Teche, Louisiana (probable), 1982
Crimes: Treason, concealed neuroses in a public office, harboring of terrorists, first degree murder of 67 people, refusing to carry out orders, causing uneeded mass panic, evading arrest
Enclosed Image:
15-09-2004, 12:51
Hmm... wanna do a RP on that?

OoC: I got one in the planning, I'll TG you the link when it starts...
Trilateral Commission
15-09-2004, 13:09
Add the Fabus family.
Would you like to offer a description of their crimes and/or a bounty?
New Zambuda
15-09-2004, 13:11
The Emirate of New Zambuda would pay 75,000,000 for any Terror of the World leader. 125,000,000 for the boss.
15-09-2004, 14:29
I'd like to add one to the list:

Crimes Commited:
Attack on the Jackdonian Trade Place.
Near attempted murder on Jackdonian PM.
Gave info to Hatria.
Sold weapons to GLA.
Is a member of the GLA.
Almost gave classified info out
Near attempted to acquire WMD.
Nearly used Nukes.
Gassed the public at the Hazbek Fair/
Killed the Public Affairs Minister.
Killed Jackdonian Troops.

If you find him we''l give you a reward of 35,000 dollars USD.
Decisive Action
15-09-2004, 14:38
Would you like to offer a description of their crimes and/or a bounty?

They have done nothing, Roger has made concerted efforts to moderate the nation.

He did make some poor choices, but that was due to his tumor.
Decisive Action
15-09-2004, 14:58
Secret IC: to the Commission

Kaiser Alec of Sevaris, wanted for crimes against humanity (current) and crimes against peace in Kahta earlier back.

Kaiserine Yuna of Sevaris, wanted for crimes against humanity (current) and crimes against peace in Kahta earlier back.

Each has a bounty of 50 billion placed on their head. Alec is wanted dead or alive, Yuna is wanted alive.

Reward can be claimed in Little Rock in Arkansas or in Mobile Alabama. We are not stating who is offering the reward, but if Alec is ever killed/captured, and Yuna is captured, we'll contact the responsible party and arrange a meeting. We wish to remain anonymous as to who we are, so that is why we'll contact you, not you contacting us.
15-09-2004, 15:09

Juan Makabebo
Age: 50
Wanted for: Spy in the Camewottian Civil War against the Fascists.
Gave troop movements of government troops through to Fascists
Elimination of Top-General Schweinstein

Last seen: Camewottian Jungle

Bounty: 250,000 USD

Picture (

OOC: Anyone who wants to RP on this, TG me.
Napoleonic Empire
15-09-2004, 15:19
The bounty on Jaime Cartier is 1 million francs (approx 1.2 million USD.) We would like this to be added to his description.

[OOC: If you wish to roleplay this one, contact me by TG.)
Walmington on Sea
15-09-2004, 15:25
Wanted order issued by Governor Harold Baxtorly-Adams of Walmingtonian Togoland, Local Protector of Sao Tome and Principe, and on behalf of the government of His Majesty King Godfrey III of Walmington on Sea and Its Empire, upon the head of one Gary Olympio, rebel against His Majesty's Government in Togoland

Olympio stands accused of inciting to violence a crowd that did in August bring to disorder by force of arms the City of Luton in Togoland.

He is charged with treason against the Walmingtonian crown.

Also with firearms and tax offences.

Olympio, an African believed to be of Togolese birth, has lately been resident in Walmingtonian Togoland and is suspected of travelling frequently to the British Gold Coast and to the Free French Territories of Upper Volta and Dahomey. It is feared that, if unchecked, the accused may spred disorder across the African continent's northwest, if not still further afield.

A reward fund of twelve-thousand pounds Walmingtonian (in the order of US$50,000) for the capture of Mr.Olympio has been created by the Togoland Governate.

(It was in this ( thread that Olympio's activities were first mentioned.)
15-09-2004, 16:49
Name: Jamal Kalinowski
Age: 56
Sex: Male
Height: 6'1
Weight: 175 lb
Location: Unknown, most likely Chellis or Chellian west africa

Jamal Kalinowski is the head of the premier terrorist group against chellis, and one of the oldest terrorist groups in the world, War Declrad on J00(Real name). Started as a new-age terror group bent on stopping the oppresion of technologies in chellis, their actions actually seemed to succeed in helping chellis become one of the highest IT nations in the world. However, their crimes are most brutal, and they will stop at nothing.

They recently turned to a religious group as well, being radical calvinists. They seem to prefer taking down chellian government buildings, but they often attack civilians too, their most heinous crime being about a century ago, in a chemical attack that killed three million.

Bounty for him: 120,000,000 dollars.

OOC: WDoJ is actually a state sponsered terror group, that is mainly for propoganda uses. This guy really is the head, but he is very well guarded, and is in chellian west africa which has closed borders...But this is ooc :P
Trilateral Commission
15-09-2004, 16:49
15-09-2004, 16:53
Liberal Democrats. They are everywhere and must be killed, one at a time preferably, so they can suffer. The list would be much to long so I will just list a few main targets.

Bill Clinton - Might not be the head of the household anymore, but much like Osama, we never forget, and as long as your still breathing fumes, your a target.

Hillary Clinton - Number 2, and working on being number one.

James Carville - Anyone that geeky and loud just needs to die.

Paul Bagala - Anyone that lame who makes it that far up the chain must go, he must have a genetic pherimone hyperproductivity thing going on.

Tom Daschle - Freaky looking geek, gotta go.

I know it is assumed that John Kerry would make the list, but we ask that you leave him alone. He is no threat, and is one of our best weapons. All we have to do is have him in the same state with other politicians and they vaporize. Run John Run...

OOC: This isn't the General forum.
Trilateral Commission
15-09-2004, 17:32
Fascist Confederacy
15-09-2004, 18:15
Please add the following to the list:

Name: Ex-Major Josef Oreganof Kirko
Age: 47
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 190-200lbs
Hair Color: Blonde/Greying
Eye Color: Blue
Build: Athletic
Bounty: DOA: 4 Million USD
- Wanted For: Treason, 6 Counts Homicide in the 2nd degree (Capital Murder), Espionage, Conspiracy to cause damage to government property.
- History of Crimes: He commited treason against the FC by becoming a Communist and helping Communists during a breif war against an undisclosed planet. He killed his squad members who threated to report him to the R.S.H.A. and performed espionage for a Left-Wing terrorist organisation. He is also suspected to have something to do with the failed attempt to destroy a government facility with a C-130.
15-09-2004, 18:38
Jarridia also has the look out for Terror of the World. We have 2 billion for head leaders, and 35 million for lower levels. Terror of the World murdered 2,000 innocent children in Shelbin, Jarridia, and thats not counting the many they have killed in our nation before. They must be stopped.
Decisive Action
15-09-2004, 20:04
Wanted dead or alive, preferred alive.

Bishop / Field Marshal Herman Von Felben.

Leader of the Christian Martyrs Brigade.

Name: Herman Von Felben

Place of birth: Mississippi

Nationality: Mississippi (Citizenship revoked pending his arrest and trial)

Religion: Christian Identity (The CMB operates under the name "The Church of the Faithful of Christ)

Cover organization: The Christian Crusade Movement (Political front group)

Terror organization: The Christian Martyrs Brigade

Height: 6'5
Weight: 205
Race: White
Eyes: Green
Hair: Brown
Build: Medium

Reward dead: 25,000,000,000

Reward alive: 50,000,000,000

Last known location: Southern/Central Africa (Confirmed to operate in Namibia, South Africa, Botswana, Angola, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Zambia)

Has bases of support in Western Sahara, Mississippian Egypt, and Mississippi. However, the Mississippian Authority will get him if he enters our territory. But we have no jurisdiction when he is in other lands.

Minister of Religion Bishop/General Herman Von Felben (37) Bishop in the DA Catholic Church and a brigadier general in 14th Republican Guard Armored Division “God’s Wrath” (Drawn from the DA clergy and monastic orders). His most famous quote is, "Take up the sword my brethren, and answer the call, answer the call and fight for Christ and Mother Church." He is also the spiritual leader of the group, “Christian Martyrs Brigade” which is the militant wing of the “Christian Crusade Movement”. IQ 171.

Warning: This man wants to be martyred for his cause and he will be hard to take alive. He is armed and extremely dangerous, he has extensive training in special operations combat, hand to hand combat, and he is accompanied by a retinue of guards who are equally as dangerous. Extreme caution is advised. Citizens without proper training should not attempt to apprehend this man, rather they should immediately contact the nearest Mississippian embassy or consulate. Only trained combatants should attempt to undertake this mission.

Claim reward with the Federal Authority of Decisive Action.
The Foylands
15-09-2004, 20:37
Name: Rodger Fabus
Ht 6'0"-6'4"
Wt 220-250
Reason for beaing wanted: Being the great great great great great great great great great great great great great great GrandFather Of Neal Fabus IX(Who according to The Prophet will nuke are country and take over 90% Of all NS)
Decisive Action
15-09-2004, 20:38
Name: Rodger Fabus
Ht 6'0"-6'4"
Wt 220-250
Reason for beaing wanted: Being the great great great great great great great great great great great great great great GrandFather Of Neal Fabus IX(Who according to The Prophet will nuke are country and take over 90% Of all NS)

He spelled Roger's name wrong, Roger is actually 6'6, his information can be found in my fact book. This guy tried a god mod attack against me, and the whole board laughed at him.

Please just ignore this loonytoon.

One side note, no Fabus would ever be named "Neal".

ooc- As stated in the fact book.

Czar Roger “Bloody Saber” Fabus (20) He became the Czar, and the head of the state and government in September 2004 after his father resigned due to medical reasons (Parkinsons). A son of the Curtis Fabus, he was the deputy commander of the entire Republican Guard. He also worked in the Domestic Intelligence branch of the Department of Internal Security. Famed for his fights against tribals (Indians in Mississippi and Blacks in Africa) he was the commander of the 2nd Brigade of Horse Cavalry in the RGISA (It is an independent brigade but it operates within the Republican Guard Internal Security Army). He received his nickname when he was 18 when his unit ran out of ammunition in a battle against Indians and he launched a saber charge that routed the Indians and won the battle. 6’6. 242lbs. Brown hair, blue eyes. IQ 152. Married to Alice Fabus (Originally Alice Carrion)
15-09-2004, 20:42
This should serve as a definitive list of the most dangerous criminals, terrorists, and assorted rogues alive in the world today.

If you are a nationstate and your security forces are in the process of tracking down an exceptionally dangerous psychopath, then tell all the world to keep an eye out for 'em. List your criminals' vital information, describe the crimes he/she/they committed, and if you choose to, put a price on his head.

If you are an adventurer, bounty hunter, mercenary, or assorted scalawag and you think you can beat the cops to the punch line, then keep an eye on this list which should be updated regularly with opportunities for you to serve the greater good and get rich while you're at it.


Kaiser Alec of Sevaris
-Wanted, dead or alive, by unspecified law enforcement authorities for crimes against humanity and crimes against the peace in Kahta.
***Unspecified law enforcement authorities have placed a $50,000,000,000 bounty for the capture or elimination of Kaiser Alec.

Kaiserin Yuna of Sevaris
-Wanted by unspecified law enforcement authorities for crimes against humanity and crimes against the peace in Kahta.
***Unspecified law enforcement authorities have placed a $50,000,000,000 bounty for the live capture of Kaiserin Yuna.

Terror of the World leaders
***The government of New Zambuda has placed a bounty of $125,000,000 on the boss of the organization and bounties of $75,000,000 on other leaders.

Kalinowski, Jamal
-Age 56/Male/6'1"/175 lb.
-Believed to be hiding in Chellis or Chellian West Africa
-Wanted by the government of Chellis for leading the terrorist group War Declrad on J00 against Chellis, defiance of Chellian anti-technology laws, attacks on Chellian government buildings, attacks against civilians, and the murder of three million civilians with chemical weapons.
***The government of Chellis has placed $120,000,000 bounty on Jamal Kalinowski.

Cartier, Jaime (image (
-Age 69/Male/5.4'/160 lb.
-Last seen 1982 in Bayou Teche, Louisiana
-Wanted by the government of the Napoleonic Empire for treason, concealed neuroses in a public office, harboring of terrorists, first degree murder of 67 people, refusing to carry out orders, causing unneeded mass panic, evading arrest.
***The government of the Napoleonic Empire has placed a $1,200,000 bounty on Jaime Cartier.

Makabebo, Juan (image (
-Age 50
-Last seen in Camewottian Jungle
-Wanted by the government of Camewot for treason, espionage during the Camewottian Civil War, aiding and abetting the Fascists, and the assassination of Top-General Schweinstein.
***The government of Camewot has placed a $250,000 bounty on Juan Makabebo.

Olympio, Gary
-Believed to be in the whereabouts of the British Gold Coast, the Upper Volta Free French Territories, and Dahomey.
-Olympio, an African believed to be Togolese by birth, is wanted by the government of Walmington on Sea for inciting public disorder, treason, firearms offenses, tax offenses, and engaging in terrorist activities in the continent of Africa. For more information please click here (
***The government of Walmington on Sea has placed a $50,000 bounty on Gary Olympio.

Gater, Mohammed
-Age 34
-This Syrian is wanted by the government of Jackdonia for attacking the Jackdonian Trade place, assassination of the Jackdonian Public Affairs Minister, attempted assassination of the Prime Minister of Jackdonia, espionage, illegal arms dealing, affiliation with the GLA, attempted acquisition of WMD, and use of chemical weapons at the Hazbek Fair.
***The government of Jackdonia has placed a $35,000 bounty on Mohammed Gater.

Fabus family, the
-Wanted by the government of Sevaris for unspecified crimes.

Riddil, Jonathan
-Age 49/Male/5'7"/190 lb.
-Last seen in Malas Province, Dumpsterdam
-Wanted by the government of Dumpsterdam for treason, genocide, use of biological agents against his own people, and being a general fruitcake.

***Note***: The administrators the the World's Most Wanted List are currently evaluating whether sovereign, sitting heads of state should appear on this list. Tentatively we are listing wanted heads of state but your opinion on the matter is appreciated.

Ok- I can certainly say that the charges against Alec and Yuna are completely unfounded. Yes, we were involved in a diplomatic conflict with Kahta, but that has long been resolved. Also, I can give you all the charges I've got for the Fabus family:

Crimes against Humanity
Mass Murder
Extortion- Need I go on?
Decisive Action
15-09-2004, 20:45
Crimes against Humanity
Mass Murder
Extortion- Need I go on?

Ooc- All the murders, genocides, etc, were all secret IC, you don't know about them! :D

Still ooc- Curtis would continue to contend since Yuna agreed to have sex with him, it was consensual, her being married doesn't make it rape, just adultery. But then again, Alec basically begged her to have sex with Curtis, to improve relations and get you into the LOEL, which you left about two weeks later!

Ic: "As you all know, our soldiers in Hatarian Mammalia were under the influence of combat drugs that were illegally altered by jewish doctors. They have never done anything of the sort of what occurred in HM, before." Paul Stahlecker.
15-09-2004, 20:50
Ooc- All the murders, genocides, etc, were all secret IC, you don't know about them! :D

Still ooc- Curtis would continue to contend since Yuna agreed to have sex with him, it was consensual, her being married doesn't make it rape, just adultery. But then again, Alec basically begged her to have sex with Curtis, to improve relations and get you into the LOEL, which you left about two weeks later!

Ic: "As you all know, our soldiers in Hatarian Mammalia were under the influence of combat drugs that were illegally altered by jewish doctors. They have never done anything of the sort of what occurred in HM, before." Paul Stahlecker.

OOC: Again, bullshit. Alec DID NOT want Yuna to have sex, neither did Yuna. However, they both realized it was unavoidable.
15-09-2004, 20:50

This is the thread where Jonathan will "hopefully" be captured. Feel free to join!
Itinerate Tree Dweller
15-09-2004, 20:58
Secret TG to the Commision:

The Emperor of Hataria is wanted dead or alive for the sum of $0.35
Decisive Action
15-09-2004, 21:03
OOC: Again, bullshit. Alec DID NOT want Yuna to have sex, neither did Yuna. However, they both realized it was unavoidable.

Ooc- But there was still plenty of consent.
15-09-2004, 21:04
Ooc- But there was still plenty of consent.

OOC: She couldn't have killed him without risking getting killed herself.
Tennesee Fans
15-09-2004, 21:09
He spelled Roger's name wrong, Roger is actually 6'6, his information can be found in my fact book. This guy tried a god mod attack against me, and the whole board laughed at him.

Please just ignore this loonytoon.

One side note, no Fabus would ever be named "Neal".

One,I'm not going to godmod this time

Two,The Prophet Comes from 491 years in the future so you never know what could happen

Three,the picture of you was from three years ago

ooc- As stated in the fact book.

Czar Roger “Bloody Saber” Fabus (20) He became the Czar, and the head of the state and government in September 2004 after his father resigned due to medical reasons (Parkinsons). A son of the Curtis Fabus, he was the deputy commander of the entire Republican Guard. He also worked in the Domestic Intelligence branch of the Department of Internal Security. Famed for his fights against tribals (Indians in Mississippi and Blacks in Africa) he was the commander of the 2nd Brigade of Horse Cavalry in the RGISA (It is an independent brigade but it operates within the Republican Guard Internal Security Army). He received his nickname when he was 18 when his unit ran out of ammunition in a battle against Indians and he launched a saber charge that routed the Indians and won the battle. 6’6. 242lbs. Brown hair, blue eyes. IQ 152. Married to Alice Fabus (Originally Alice Carrion)
Decisive Action
15-09-2004, 21:11
im not going to godmod this time

The Prophet Comes from 491 years in the future so you never know what could happen

Ooc- I ignore you IC so it doesn't really matter what you say.

Ic- Roger Fabus jumped up in bed, a nearby guard asked him, "Sir are you okay?"

Roger replied, "I had a dream, there was some nation called Tennesee Fans, they didn't even have their own name spelled properly with two "s". I dreamt they were declaring they could see the future."

The guard shook his head, "No such nation exists sir, go back to sleep."

And thus he did fall back asleep.

Ooc- And thus ends my dealings with you, permanently, welcome to the ignore list.
Decisive Action
15-09-2004, 21:21
Secret IC to the Commission.

Reward of 10,000,000 for each Unified West Africa (UWA) government, economic, or military official killed. Proof of their position and their death must be provided.

Reward can be claimed in Little Rock, Arkansas, or in Mobile, Alabama.

This is anonymous, the reward is being offered by "Concerned Citizens".
Decisive Action
15-09-2004, 21:22
Secret IC to the Commission.

Reward of 10,000,000 for each Sevaris government, economic, or military official killed. Proof of their position and their death must be provided.

Reward can be claimed in Little Rock, Arkansas, or in Mobile, Alabama.

This is anonymous, the reward is being offered by "Concerned Citizens".
15-09-2004, 21:24
Add the Fabus family.

We'll post a $20,000,000 reward for each Fabus family member.
Decisive Action
15-09-2004, 21:25
Secret IC to the Commission.

Reward of 10,000,000 for each Hallad government, economic, or military official killed. Proof of their position and their death must be provided.

Reward of 50,000,000,000 for the elimination of the Hallad head of state.

Reward can be claimed in Little Rock, Arkansas, or in Mobile, Alabama.

This is anonymous, the reward is being offered by "Concerned Citizens".
15-09-2004, 21:32
President Maffret--------

please include for the Most Wanted...

Carman Felton
CEO Raven Corps
Extreme Terrorist with WMD capabilities.
Lacomb offers reward of 50 Million euro's
Trilateral Commission
15-09-2004, 21:49
Updated, with disclaimer
Trilateral Commission
15-09-2004, 22:02
15-09-2004, 22:14
Cantor Hyam Malachi has agreed to match any reward against any Fabus family member.
Decisive Action
15-09-2004, 22:27
Secret IC to the Commission.

Reward of 10,000,000 for each Seryown government, economic, or military official killed. Proof of their position and their death must be provided.

Reward of 10,000,000,000 for the elimination of Cantor Hyam Malachi.

Reward can be claimed in Little Rock, Arkansas, or in Mobile, Alabama.

This is anonymous, the reward is being offered by "Concerned Citizens".
Decisive Action
15-09-2004, 22:30
Secret IC to the Commission.

Reward of 50,000,000 for the elimination of anybody plotting to harm a Fabus or any DA citizen. Proof of their plot must be offered to claim the reward.

Reward can be claimed in Alexandria in Mississippian Egypt, or Memphis in Tennessee, or by contacting the Department of Internal Security, or the Republican Guard Intelligence.

The reward is being offered by "The Department of Internal Security, Domestic Intelligence Branch"
Collectable Knicknacks
15-09-2004, 22:40
Any member of the families Fabus, Stahlecker, Mladic, Salazar, for mass-murder. Bounty of 32 million USD for the corpse of any of the above, 50 million for the living person.

Any member of any Decisive Action militia group or the DA military. Prices variable.
15-09-2004, 22:43
Any member of the families Fabus, Stahlecker, Mladic, Salazar, for mass-murder. Bounty of 32 million USD for the corpse of any of the above, 50 million for the living person.

Any member of any Decisive Action militia group or the DA military. Prices variable.

We'll match that as well.
Collectable Knicknacks
15-09-2004, 22:45
OOC: Hey, I want at least one! :p
Decisive Action
15-09-2004, 22:45
Secret IC to the Commission:

Reward of 500,000 for anybody who is a government official, but is NOT, a right-wing white Christian. (this would include but not limited to, jews, blacks, communists, etc)

Anonymous reward from "Concerned Citizens". Claim reward in Mobile, Alabama, or in Little Rock, Arkansas. Reward must be claimed in person, proof of the deed must be given.

Secret IC to the Commission.

Reward of 10,000,000 for each Collectible Knicknacks government, economic, or military official killed. Proof of their position and their death must be provided.

Reward can be claimed in Little Rock, Arkansas, or in Mobile, Alabama.

This is anonymous, the reward is being offered by "Concerned Citizens".
Generic empire
15-09-2004, 22:51
Official Imperial Statement

We will match any reward for any member of the DA government, including, but not limited to any member of the Fabus clan. Preferred alive, but we will take them however we can get them. Expect additional compensation for a particularly clean job.
Decisive Action
15-09-2004, 23:01
Secret IC to the Commission.

Reward of 10,000,000 for each Generic Empire government, economic, or military official killed. Proof of their position and their death must be provided.

Reward can be claimed in Little Rock, Arkansas, or in Mobile, Alabama.

This is anonymous, the reward is being offered by "Concerned Citizens".
Trilateral Commission
15-09-2004, 23:03
***New Listing Policies***

General Listing Guidelines:The Trilateral Commission reserves the right to include or exclude entries as it sees fit. Generic government officials, generic citizens, and other non-specific entitites will usually be excluded from the Most Wanted List. Specific individuals, specific families, and criminal groups that are not sovereign nations will usually be eligible for listing.

(OOC: having too many random people listed defeats the purpose of a Most Wanted list!)
Decisive Action
15-09-2004, 23:05
Secret IC to the Commission.

Reward of 500,000,000 for the leaders of Generic Empire and Hallad, and any of the family members of the leaders, or anybody from the same family (cousins, etc). Also 100,000,000 for any members of the legislatures or cabinets and 50,000,000 for family members of legislators and cabinet members. Must provide proof of deed.

Reward can be claimed in Little Rock, Arkansas, or in Mobile, Alabama.

This is anonymous, the reward is being offered by "Concerned Citizens".
Trilateral Commission
15-09-2004, 23:21
15-09-2004, 23:30
President Maffret--------

please include for the Most Wanted...

Carman Felton
CEO Raven Corps
Extreme Terrorist with WMD capabilities.
Lacomb offers reward of 50 Million euro's

Carman Felton, CEO of Raven Corps, has publicly attacked a multi-national organization, took and killed hostages from two different nations. Felton claims to have WMD and is ready to use them. Lacomb is giving a reward of 50 Million Euro's for the capture and prosocution of this Extreme-Terrorist.
15-09-2004, 23:31
Cantor Malachi is not affiliated with the Serya government in any way. The government asks that the most wanted to list be changed to reflect this, and we also strongly object to DA attacking the government for the actions of a private citizen.
Decisive Action
15-09-2004, 23:34

You going to include the leaders of the nations I mentioned?

Generic Empire, Collectible Knicknacks, Hallad. They're all specific people.
Trilateral Commission
15-09-2004, 23:38

You going to include the leaders of the nations I mentioned?

Generic Empire, Collectible Knicknacks, Hallad. They're all specific people.
Sure but next time have the names of people you want to list available.
Trilateral Commission
15-09-2004, 23:46
15-09-2004, 23:48

DA, if you need a list of people just PM with the positions you want to know.
Decisive Action
16-09-2004, 00:17
Secret IC to the Commission.

Reward of 500,000,000 for the elimination of Cantor Malachi of Seryown.

Reward of 600,000,000 for the capture and extradiction of Cantor Malachi to Mississippi, where he is wanted for the following.

1) Solicitation for murder
2) Conspiracy
3) Attempted Assassination
4) Racial Agitation
5) Perversion
6) Blasphemy
7) Heresy
8) Conspiracy against the Czar
9) Conspiracy against the former Czar
10) Conspiracy against the government
11) Conspiracy against the high party officials
12) Attempted murder
13) Rape of an Aryan woman
14) Grand Theft Auto
15) Grand Larceny
16) Armed Robbery
17) Terrorism
18) Incitement to riot
19) Conspiracy to deny whites their birthright
20) Dissemination of Anti-Christian hate speech

Reward can be claimed in Philadelphia, Mississippi (It's in Neshoba County)

The reward is being offered by the Imperial Wizard of the White Knights of Mississippi, Field Marshal Bertrand Navarre. A usually moderate man, but he will not sit idly by and let the marxist jews of other nations attempt to kill his countrymen.
16-09-2004, 00:30
We will also match any bounty on the heads of the Fabus family...

Prime Minister Fyodor Leningrad Zyteslav
Decisive Action
16-09-2004, 00:33
Secret IC to the Commission.

Reward of 500,000,000 for the elimination of the leader of Hattia, Prime Minister Fyodor Leningrad Zyteslav. Wanted dead only.

Reward can be claimed in Little Rock, Arkansas, or in Mobile, Alabama.

This is anonymous, the reward is being offered by "Concerned Citizens".
16-09-2004, 00:33
We'll place a 10 million dollar bounty on any person from Decisive Action, a 1 trillion dollar one on any of the current leaders of DA or any DA military organisation, paramilitary organisation, or corporation. Alive if possible, dead if necessary. If dead, an extra 60 million will be rewarded for inventive deaths.

By the way DA, if you wanted to finish off that RP you might have considered not using it as an opportune moment to insert your propaganda into it...
Decisive Action
16-09-2004, 00:41
Ooc- Since DPUO is on my permanent ignore list, but it's almost a certainty he posted about me (I was so sure I did the view single post option) I must suggest you ignore his bounty as I will totally ignore any who are working on his orders.
16-09-2004, 00:46
*Shrug* Not as if I'm exactly alone in wanting your lot, is it? Matter of fact I think I'd have to get in a queue.
16-09-2004, 00:54

Moshros M'len
Traits: Arabic-Islamic man, short scruffy grey/black hair, LLF tatoo on his left arm and a burning drizzts flag tatoo on his right shoulder.
Wanted for: Attempted assasination of Redmire leader Wolf Gorbishov and murder of 1 Royal Guard
Bounty:70,000 $ DEAD OR ALIVE

Paul Gorman
Weight: 142
Traits: Tall and Pale, Redmire citizen, Dark eyes affixed in a angry position, shaggy black greasy hair, Always wears a black coat and black gloves CONSIDERED VERY DANGEROUS
Wanted for: Mass murder, genocide, Arson, Satanic Rituals, Animal Sacrifice, Property damage, Grand theft auto, Crimes against humanity, Attempted Assasination against Police chief Borris Yeltrow, Assasination of RBI (Republic Burea of Investigation) Head Chief Charles Chaven, Terrorist attacks, Witchcraft, Illegal possesion of arms, Hijacking, Kidnapping, Escaping from prison, Breaching Pollution Laws, Man Slaughter, Destroying military property, Threatning a goverment official, Attempted theft of nuclear weapons, Illegal drugs, Stealing, Trespassing, Spying, Herresay, Resisting arrest, Sellings drugs, Murder of foreign tourists, Starting a riot, Suspected Neo Nazi, Racial Discrimination, Crimes against the jews, Mass Rabbi Murder, Anti Semitism, Anti Catholic, Speaking against the Redmire Catholic Foundation, Cannibalism.
Bounty:90,000 Offered by Redmire, The Redmire Catholic Foundation, The Redmire Jewish Foundation, RBI, Redmire Police Organization, Homeland Security Foundation, Redmire Army Corps
Trilateral Commission
16-09-2004, 01:30
16-09-2004, 01:34
Update Mohhomed Gater to dead,Check Klyeralia Opens New Diplomatic Program for more info.
Decisive Action
16-09-2004, 01:45

Navarre is the Imperial Wizard, not Grand Wizard, also it's Neshoba County, you spelled Neshobia County. Not too serious of a deal though, consider this a bump of sorts. :D
Trilateral Commission
16-09-2004, 01:45
Updated - bump
16-09-2004, 02:02
Why didnt my wanted make the list :(
Trilateral Commission
16-09-2004, 02:07
Why didnt my wanted make the list :(
The bounties in your wanted list are screwed up.
Tennesee Fans
16-09-2004, 02:20
Wanted:EVERY Caucasan Citizen of DA
Why: Cause there racist
Decisive Action
16-09-2004, 02:24
Wanted:EVERY Caucasan Citizen of DA
Why: Cause there racist

I know you're on ignore, but you know what, I did single post view option, because I figured you'd say something stupid. You exceeded my wildest expectations.

He's made it clear, no general hits, like "All of nations X", also it's Caucasian, we prefer white or European American, or just American. Caucasian is as outdated as Negroid.

Also it's not "Cause there racist" but rather "Because they're racist."

Another note, you should run and join the Hataria, Sephiroth, and Hatarian Mammalia clique, you'd fit in fine there :D
16-09-2004, 02:31
*fixed bounties


Moshros M'len
Traits: Arabic-Islamic man, short scruffy grey/black hair, LLF tatoo on his left arm and a burning drizzts flag tatoo on his right shoulder.
Wanted for: Attempted assasination of Redmire leader Wolf Gorbishov and murder of 1 Royal Guard
Bounty:700,000 $ DEAD OR ALIVE

Paul Gorman
Weight: 142
Traits: Tall and Pale, Redmire citizen, Dark eyes affixed in a angry position, shaggy black greasy hair, Always wears a black coat and black gloves CONSIDERED VERY DANGEROUS
Wanted for: Mass murder, genocide, Arson, Satanic Rituals, Animal Sacrifice, Property damage, Grand theft auto, Crimes against humanity, Attempted Assasination against Police chief Borris Yeltrow, Assasination of RBI (Republic Burea of Investigation) Head Chief Charles Chaven, Terrorist attacks, Witchcraft, Illegal possesion of arms, Hijacking, Kidnapping, Escaping from prison, Breaching Pollution Laws, Man Slaughter, Destroying military property, Threatning a goverment official, Attempted theft of nuclear weapons, Illegal drugs, Stealing, Trespassing, Spying, Herresay, Resisting arrest, Sellings drugs, Murder of foreign tourists, Starting a riot, Suspected Neo Nazi, Racial Discrimination, Crimes against the jews, Mass Rabbi Murder, Anti Semitism, Anti Catholic, Speaking against the Redmire Catholic Foundation, Cannibalism.
Bounty:900,000 Offered by Redmire, The Redmire Catholic Foundation, The Redmire Jewish Foundation, RBI, Redmire Police Organization, Homeland Security Foundation, Redmire Army Corps
Trilateral Commission
16-09-2004, 03:04
Updated - bump
The Phoenix Milita
16-09-2004, 03:15

Field Marshall Maximus Seville II
Age: 32
Sex: Male
Height: 6' 4"
Weight: 230 lbs
Crimes: Regecide (assassaination of his father Field Marshall Maximus Seville I) extortion, multiple counts of murder/asassination/attempted murder, terrorism, felony vandilism, rape, destruction of federal property, grand theft auto, illegal wire tapping, felony false imprisonment grand larsony in excess of $1 million dollars, blackmailing a federal judge, rigging an election, hijacking, international securites fraud, insider trading/stock market fraud, wanted for running an organized crime syndicate and 34,000 parking tickets.
Reward: $20 million for information leading to his capture.
Last Seen: Running the Phoenix Milita government from its capital in Phoenix, AZ, private residence in Scotsdale, AZ.
16-09-2004, 03:29

Name:Mohammed Alchazeery
weight:150 LBS.
Location:nrthern border of Gilabad.

Description:Tall with a dark tan and wears a turbine. He is seen with at least 2 other men at his side armed with concealed automatic weapons and body armour. He wears a brown robe and has blue eyes.
Wanted For-Genocide, unlawful terrorism, arson, property destruction, capital murder, 10 major bombings, killing of Secret Police officer Joe Williams, confirmed sniper attacks, selling narqotics, counterfitting, smuggling illegal weapons, racism, trying to start an unregulated jihad, steeling of government property, and fraud.

This man is heavily armed and has his own
organization consisting of at least 30.
16-09-2004, 03:29
The Fabus, Stahlecker, Mladic, and Salazar families of Communist Mississippi
are wanted by Celack for being wastes of humanity, slander, libel and for putting the cock in caucassian. We will match any bounty paid.
Decisive Action
16-09-2004, 03:33
Secret IC to the Commission.

Reward of 200,000,000 for the elimination of the leader of Celack (I'm not sure of his name, I TGed him, but it could take hours to get a reply) . Wanted dead only.

Wanted for:

1) Genocide
2) Allowing Genocide
3) Crimes against humanity
4) Conspiracy to create a New World Order (NWO)
5) Conspiracy to create a Zionist Occupied Government (ZOG)
6) Conspiracy to genocide against the white aryan race
7) Conspiracy to enslave white women for lewd and perverted purposes
8) Conspiracy to expand Israel into "Greater Zion" to encompass all of the middle east, from the Tigris to the Nile
9) Credit Card fraud
10) Public Intoxication

Reward can be claimed in Little Rock, Arkansas, or in Mobile, Alabama.

This is anonymous, the reward is being offered by "Concerned Citizens".
Decisive Action
16-09-2004, 03:41
ooc- Commission, check TGs please. :D
16-09-2004, 03:51
o.o.c the only one I ain't disputing is public god how many times has he been drunk....but he's white so why would he commit crimes against white people?
Decisive Action
16-09-2004, 04:09
o.o.c the only one I ain't disputing is public god how many times has he been drunk....but he's white so why would he commit crimes against white people?

Ooc- White Self Hater, Race traitor, guilt tripping liberal, numerous terms, pick one that suits him best.
Trilateral Commission
16-09-2004, 04:16

Field Marshall Maximus Seville II
Age: 32
Sex: Male
Height: 6' 4"
Weight: 230 lbs
Crimes: Regecide (assassaination of his father Field Marshall Maximus Seville I) extortion, multiple counts of murder/asassination/attempted murder, terrorism, felony vandilism, rape, destruction of federal property, grand theft auto, illegal wire tapping, felony false imprisonment grand larsony in excess of $1 million dollars, blackmailing a federal judge, rigging an election, hijacking, international securites fraud, insider trading/stock market fraud, wanted for running an organized crime syndicate and 34,000 parking tickets.
Reward: $20 million for information leading to his capture.
Last Seen: Running the Phoenix Milita government from its capital in Phoenix, AZ, private residence in Scotsdale, AZ.
Please specify who is seeking to catch him and who is placing the bounty on his head.
Trilateral Commission
16-09-2004, 04:17
16-09-2004, 04:22
Divit, Hackett [ Image ( ]
Divit Hackett is wanted by the Governing Cabinet of Fodmodmadtol for the following counts of-

1) Treason
2-6) Murder
7) Neglect of Duty
8) Attempted Murder
9) Evasion
10) High Treason
11) Assasination
12) Obstruction of Jusctice
13) Obstruction of State
14-16) Attempted Assasination
17) Rebellion
18-20) Hijacking

Summary of Case File- Jakishi Neuromeshi

Divit, Hackett- Caused a riot in the Ministry Complex after the wreckless obliteration of a press conference in the Ministry of Security. Killed on spot were four (4, File on request ) , while twenty (20, File on request ) others were seriously injured. Assasinated was the former Minister of Security of the Eigth Stand. The Ministry of Security was devastated by an explosion in the Metroliner Terminal and Utility Block, underground, which caused it to implode in on itself, ruining the adjacent Ministry of Agriculture, and causing a massive fire to spread through the entire complex. The structural integrity of the entire complex was put at stake, three other Ministry Buildings, in order- 1) Burned 2) Collapsed 3) and Imploded below ground level. Divit Hackett is a former Ministry of Security agent, her motive still unknown. This riot was soon followed by a small rebellion within the Nation ( File on request ). She is suspected to have left the Epsilon Eridani system and is heading for earth. Last heard of at NSP boarding station in Geo-Synch orbit of Montelukast. ( Click to continue -> ( )

Current Status: Wanted alive for trial with the High Courts of Fodmodmadtol.
Reward: Request
Trilateral Commission
16-09-2004, 04:29
Rankings system established

"Most wanted" rankings will be determined by number of bounties posted, then size of bounties posted.

OOC: Fodmodmadtol, I'm logging off of NS for the evening but I'll be sure to update the list with your information as soon as possible
Decisive Action
16-09-2004, 04:30
Secret IC to the Commission.

Reward of 50,000,000 each for the following of Hadula:

Dominus figurehead ruler Pele Kawau
Ruben Tandon (Top official in the Triumverate) (Wanted alive only, reward double if unharmed and alive)
Estaban Riverra (Top official in the Triumverate)
Julio Ganamaki (Top official in the Triumverate)

Others wanted dead only.

Wanted for:

1) Genocide
2) Allowing Genocide
3) Crimes against humanity
4) Conspiracy to create a New World Order (NWO)
5) Conspiracy to create a Zionist Occupied Government (ZOG)
6) Conspiracy to genocide against the white aryan race
7) Conspiracy to drive up oil prices.
8) Being a low-down dirty scum.

Reward can be claimed in Little Rock, Arkansas, or in Mobile, Alabama.

This is anonymous, the reward is being offered by "Christian White Knights".
16-09-2004, 04:31
We have a $50,000,000 bounty on any of the aforementioned CM officials.

Plus a new one on a personal enemy to our Chicago district.

Brett Favre: 35 years old. Lives in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Wanted for numerous crimes against our Chicago Bears and embarrassing them.

Dead or Alive at $1 million.
Decisive Action
16-09-2004, 04:40
Commission, check TG when you get a chance. Thanks. :D
Decisive Action
16-09-2004, 04:53
Secret IC to the Commission.

Reward of 50,000,000 each for the following of Ottoman Khaif. Wanted dead or alive, either works just as well as the other.

Sultan Suleiman Al Bashir II

Grand Vizier Mehmed Pasa Sokollu

Any family member of the house of Bashir and house of Sokollu

Wanted for:

1) Genocide
2) Allowing Genocide
3) Crimes against humanity
4) Conspiracy to create a New World Order (NWO)
5) Conspiracy to create a Zionist Occupied Government (ZOG)
6) Conspiracy to genocide against the white aryan race
7) Conspiracy to drive up oil prices
8) Seizing Constantinople in 1453
9) Attempting to dominate world trade
10) Attempting to seize Vienna in 1682-1683
11) The Armenian Genocide during WW1
12) Killing British soldiers at Galipoli in 1915
13) Denying the Armenian Genocide
14) Turning the Hagia Sophia from an Orthorodox Christian Cathedral into a Mosque
15) Crimes against humanity from 1400-2004
16) Mass rapes (too many millions to count)
17) Mass murders (too may tens of millions to count)
18) Spreading Islam
19) Spreading Islam by force
20) Destroying the Byzantine Empire

Reward can be claimed in Belgrade, Serbia. Durban, South Africa. Pristrina, Croatia. Bucharest, Romania. West Helena, Arkansas.

This is anonymous, the reward is being offered by "Byzantium Militant Front".
Decisive Action
16-09-2004, 05:06
Secret IC to the Commission.

Reward offered by: Curtis Fabus

Reward for: Locating Dr. Baldur Von Schacht and getting him safely back to Mississippi. (God help you if he's harmed!)

Reward: 100,000,000,000

Crime: None

Reason for reward: He needs to get back to Mississippi pronto for medical reasons. Also, Curtis Fabus wishes that Ms. Kakorkis be extracted from Dimmimar for her own safety. (ooc- he knows something big is about to go down there)

Confirmed to be somewhere in Dimmimar with a doctor Eva Kakorkis.

Known information about Ms. Kakorkis.
Race: White
Gender: Female
Age; 35-36
Hair: Brown
Height: 5'7?
Weight: 124?
Eyes: Green?

Known information about Baldur Schacht.
Race: White
Gender: Male
Age: 43
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6'4
Weight: 205
Other: Often uses the name "Dr. Joseph Sulla" and claims to be from Argentina. A flawlessly forged passport can confirm his story.
Fluently speaks English, Spanish, French, Afrikaans, German, Serbian, Russian, Polish, Italian, Dutch, Flemish, Portuguese, Arabic, Hebrew, Greek, and Latin.

Ooc- About Schacht

Field Marshal Dr. Baldur von Schacht “Doctor Of Death” (43) The overall commander of Special Weaponry research and development. He earned his nickname by conducting experiments with chemical and biological weapons on people (convicted felons). He also conducts high-altitude, temperature, and other experiments on POWs and detainees. Came up with the idea for VX gas chambers to get rid of opponents of the Fabus Regime. Rich, handsome, charming, he is also the most intelligent and imaginative doctor in DA. He is working on the IG Virus project and he is making the IG-BS strain, a strain that will live in water for as many as 10 days. More of a practical man than an idealist, he just wants to get his work done and the Fabus regime was the best opportunity to get work done. The Fabus government will pay to develop things most other countries would pay to see destroyed. Schacht is considered a workaholic, but when he isn’t working, he knows how to have fun. He is the CEO of Schacht Chemicals and Schacht Advanced Pharmaceuticals Inc. 6’4. 205lbs, brown hair, blue eyes. IQ 212.
Sigma Octavus
16-09-2004, 05:15
Secret Message to the Commission

We would like to place the following bounty, which has been active in our nation for some time.

Target: Matthew Iesus, leader of Iesus Christi

Crimes against humanity

Bounty: 100,000,000 Sigs (135,210,000 USD)

Wanted dead.

Claim reward at: Ministry of Foreign Relations, Thresh, Sigma Octavus
16-09-2004, 05:15
Tzigane Batory, wanted ALIVE

Age: 26
Sex: Female
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 102 lbs.
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black
Crimes: Piracy, in both space and on the high seas, murder, assault, burglery, smuggling, arson and tax evasion.
Description: Short and thin, very pale with typical Callisdrunian dark hair and eyes. She is a Callisdrunian vampire and so consumes human blood on a fairly regular basis. She can usually be seen with her hair in a high ponytail and wears black most of the time. She is known for her pronounced sadistic streak.

WARNING: This suspect is armed and very dangerous, typically carrying both an AK-103 and the traditional battle axe worn by many Callisdrunians.
Decisive Action
16-09-2004, 05:39
Secret IC to the Commission.

Reward of 200,000,000 each for the elimination of any and all of the following (200,000,000 per hit)

(Aztec National League) Premier Quetzalcoatl

(Neo-Soviet Russia) Adin Estridge

(Hallad) President-for-Life Mustafa Fenris

(Grenval) President Vincent Michael George

1) Crimes against peace
2) Crimes against humanity
3) Conspiracy against order
4) Conspiracy against fascism
5) Conspiracy to commit genocide (against whites)
6) Conspiracy to commit pillage (against whites)
7) Conspiracy to allow rape (against white women)
8) Conspiracy against a Czar
9) Conspiracy against a former Czar
10) Conspiracy against a government
11) Conspiracy against a high party official
12) Use of cluster munitions in warfare

Reward offered by: "The White Man"

Claim Reward at: Atlanta, Georgia. Cape Town, South Africa. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Tampa, Florida. Dallas, Texas. West Helena, Arkansas.
Napoleonic Empire
16-09-2004, 12:40
Recently a bounty was put on the head of our fair empress, her birth name being Sophia bin Bashir and being from the Ottoman Khaif, some of our strongest allies, and we also see the bounty on these families. This greatly disturbs us, as it seems anyone can put a bounty on anyone's head. This is utter madness, as this grows from the hunting of criminals to just another political tool to destroy the opposition. We ask the Trilateral Commission to possibly restrict the amount of bounties without proof coming in, or perhapse make it a requirement that the person/government setting the bounty is known.- Security Minister Gregorio Ducheski (
16-09-2004, 13:02
Press statement from Duniash, Imperial Palace.

The renowed rebel leader Jonathan Riddel has been caught trying to seize Chimera Orbital Station in an attempt to use the nuclear ICMB's present on the station on the Empire of Dumpsterdam. His name can be removed from the list.

However, there is a two billion Imperial reward( USD) for the capture of his wife;

Riddil, Maria
-Age 30/Female/5'0"/120 lb.
-Last seen in Malas Province, Dumpsterdam
-Wanted by the government of Dumpsterdam, for treason, genocide, use of biological agents against her own people, and being married to a general fruitcake.

Also, for any known Tiger of Malas rebels there is a 100.000 Imperials(120.000 USD) reward. Any claims can be made at the DAF headquarters in Duniash.
Lessr Tsurani
16-09-2004, 14:02
Our most Wanted is One Stephen Alenrea.

Age: 44-49
Last seen: On Medkiema, thrid world in our system
CHarged with: Treason, as well as war crimes, genoicd without consulting the twelve, wiping out one of the new cities and Attempting to give Alethrians freedom. ((THe ALethrians put this one on him.))

Reward is 5 billion. Any ifo on the ALtheiran freedom movement will be rewared with 100 thousand dollars.

Wanted Alive for sutible punishment
16-09-2004, 14:09
OOC = Is this open? If not, disregard this post. If so...

IC =


Offered by: Military High Command of Gorkon
Bounty: $100,000,000
Name: Illor Markus
Age: 41
Gender: Male
Threat Assessment: HIGHLY DANGEROUS
Wanted: Dead or alive, dead preferably. 'Physical' evidence of death required.
Crimes: Acts of terrorism against the Military High Command of Gorkon, illegal hoarding of military-grade weapons, spreading anti-High Command Propaganda.
Illor Markus was a Commander in the Elite Guard. The Elite Guard were a highly trained, well-equipped elite military organisation loyal to the Monarch. Several years ago, the Gorkonian Military destroyed the Elite Guard along with the Monarchy, and believed they had arrested or killed all high-ranking officers. Markus was not on the top of our hit list.
Recently, however, it seems that Markus took up residence in a foreign nation (we are yet to determine his location) and began recruiting people into a 'New Elite Guard'. His intention is apparently to undermine Military High Command's efforts here in Gorkon. Recently, there have been terrorist bombings in military installations all over Gorkon, and at least 121 soldiers have lost their lives to this man and his supporters.
Markus was a member of the Elite Guard, as such, he has extensive tactical training and is highly dangerous when armed. He has a sound grasp of general strategy, guerrilla warfare and standard warfare and has proven himself to be elusive when placing explosives.
Because he is not based in Gorkon we are powerless to try and stop him. A bounty of $100,000,000 is initially on offer for the killing or capturing of Commander Illor Markus. Bounty can be paid in Gorkonian gold sterling, or International Dollars. Information which contributes to his demise shall be rewarded depending on its importance.
16-09-2004, 14:28
Adolf Leighmar, 63 former Führer of Holy Panooly
Responisble for: genocide, warmongering, supporting terrorists, funding drug cartels, brain washing, torture - $2,500,000,000 reward by the RWC alliance.

Byron Hadley 39 Minister of Transportation & Education
Responsible for: deportation, brainwashing, genocide $1,000,000,000 reward by the RWC alliance.

Doctor Klaus Schilling 48 Minister of Deception & Propaganda
Responisble for: genocide, brain washing, torture - $1,000,000,000 reward by the RWC alliance.

Solan Rixx 54 Paranormal Division
Responisble for: slavery, genocide, supporting terrorists, funding drug cartels, murderer, torture - $3,000,000,000 reward by the RWC alliance.

James Meissner 71 Leader of the SS, STASI and GESTAPO
Responisble for: mass genocide. - $1,500,000,000 reward by the RWC alliance.


Sirens of Titans terrorists, George Costinack and Charles DuPont. Both terrorists and responsible for the death of tens of thousands men, women and children. Reward for one or both: - $10,000,000,000 by the HP Government. The world is a much safer place without those two. They are reputed to be in Holy Panooly at this time.

Holy panooly
16-09-2004, 14:32
Good thing I search for my characters once in a while... Why did you posted that? I thought you didn't follow my RP's...
16-09-2004, 14:34
Good thing I search for my characters once in a while... Why did you posted that? I thought you didn't follow my RP's...

Uhm... You gave me permission yesterday remember? :rolleyes: I believe you are the RWC alliance right?
16-09-2004, 14:37
So your putting up people you want dead/alive and expect us to pay? I Think not.
Holy panooly
16-09-2004, 14:40
I'll pay for them, they're my people you know. I needed some good solid backing point there. And to let people know how *serious* I am.
16-09-2004, 14:51
I've posted it to spice up the relation between me and HP, I'm a RWC member but HP is a lazy hog who updates the member list perhaps once a month
Ness ziona
16-09-2004, 15:17
The leadership of the DSRO terrorist organization
-Second Commander Tomas Scott
-Europe Division Commander Eric Dichter
-Asia Division Commander Sean Brant
-Middle-East Division Commander Luck Manchester
-Kelares Base-Camp Commander Nicolas Holton
All in their 30's.
Exact locations are unknown.
The government of Ness Ziona has placed a 50,000,000USD bounty for the live capture of any of those listed above, and a bounty of at least 1,000,000USD for any DSRO active member captured alive.
These terrorists are wanted for the murder of about 1,500 Nessic citizens in 5 major bombings in the capital, and for the murder of more than 30,000 Kelares-Islands (a territory controlled ny NZ) locals over a period of 3 years.
Also, they are responsible for the murder of many foreign citizens in bombings in The Opressive Church and Euroslavia.
Decisive Action
16-09-2004, 16:53
bump, this is a good thread, needs a bump.
16-09-2004, 17:40

Target: expatriot & former Prime Minister Chikita the Cruel and Oppressive

Crimes: she is charged with genocide of aborigninals, treason, terrorism, wrecking public relations through deceit, usurping the throne of Kutou-koku, starting a regional war, violating UN treaties

Location: Her last known whereabouts were in Qu'Dong, Kutou-koku, but, she had been supposedly killed there. However, intelligence is reporting that she may not be dead like original thought. The reports pertaining to her possible whereabouts, point to to being in Farflor, Farflorin; New Agincourt, Medieval Europa; The Soviet Islands (Soviet Republikans, Soviet Demokrats, Soviet Canucks), although popular theory is that she is using body doubles there and that she is located elsewhere.

Reward: the reward for catching her body doubles and returning them alive to Kryozerkia is $15,000,000/body double. For the return of Chikita the Cruel and Oppressive, the bounty is $50,000,000 (the values are quoted un USD)
16-09-2004, 21:09
Looking at the bonties, I'd say the Fabus family is Public enemy #1
Trilateral Commission
16-09-2004, 23:30
16-09-2004, 23:37
Yeah, up to about 608 million for anyone who captures them alive...
Decisive Action
16-09-2004, 23:49
Secret IC to the Commission.

Reward of 50,000,000 each for the following of Ottoman Khaif. Wanted dead or alive, either works just as well as the other.

Sultan Suleiman Al Bashir II

Grand Vizier Mehmed Pasa Sokollu

Any family member of the house of Bashir and house of Sokollu

Wanted for:

1) Genocide
2) Allowing Genocide
3) Crimes against humanity
4) Conspiracy to create a New World Order (NWO)
5) Conspiracy to create a Zionist Occupied Government (ZOG)
6) Conspiracy to genocide against the white aryan race
7) Conspiracy to drive up oil prices
8) Seizing Constantinople in 1453
9) Attempting to dominate world trade
10) Attempting to seize Vienna in 1682-1683
11) The Armenian Genocide during WW1
12) Killing British soldiers at Galipoli in 1915
13) Denying the Armenian Genocide
14) Turning the Hagia Sophia from an Orthorodox Christian Cathedral into a Mosque
15) Crimes against humanity from 1400-2004
16) Mass rapes (too many millions to count)
17) Mass murders (too may tens of millions to count)
18) Spreading Islam
19) Spreading Islam by force
20) Destroying the Byzantine Empire

Reward can be claimed in Belgrade, Serbia. Durban, South Africa. Pristrina, Croatia. Bucharest, Romania. West Helena, Arkansas.

This is anonymous, the reward is being offered by "Byzantium Militant Front".

Ooc- Don't forget to add this one. :D
16-09-2004, 23:52
The heads of state of Hamptonshire, Jonothana, and Tyrandis
-Grand Duke Reginald Leopold of Hamptonshire, Prime Minister Sir Jon David Alan Davis-Clarke of Jonothana, and Executor Xavier Davidson of Tyrandis and their families are wanted, by a group known as the White Citizens' Council, for crimes against the white race, crimes against humanity, crimes against the laws of God, crimes against the laws of nature, blasphemy, heresy, conspiracy to commit genocide (against whites), planning genocide (against whites), planning a war of aggression, and conspiracy to carry out a war of aggression.
***A group known as the White Citizens' Council has placed a $100,000,000 bounty for the elimination of any head of state of the aforementioned countries or any of their family members. Reward can be claimed in Harrison, Arkansas, or in Birmingham, Alabama.

Just so you know, the White Citizens' Council no longer exists, since I've firebombed their headquarters.
Decisive Action
16-09-2004, 23:54
Just so you know, the White Citizens' Council no longer exists, since I've firebombed their headquarters.

Ooc- They have many realms and chapters. The White Citizens Council exists in every land that neighbors Decisive Action territory, it must be a coincidence.

Ooc still: They don't actually HQ in those cities, that's just where they're willing to meet to give rewards. They live in rural hill areas, mostly. You just leveled two cities and killed God only knows how many, and probably got 5-15 WCC members.
17-09-2004, 00:00
Ooc- They have many realms and chapters. The White Citizens Council exists in every land that neighbors Decisive Action territory, it must be a coincidence.

Ooc still: They don't actually HQ in those cities, that's just where they're willing to meet to give rewards. They live in rural hill areas, mostly. You just leveled two cities and killed God only knows how many, and probably got 5-15 WCC members.
Well on the plus, there are 100,000 less DA rednecks
17-09-2004, 00:00
I wanna raise the bounty on my convicts

Gorman,Paul: 1000,0000,0000
Trilateral Commission
17-09-2004, 00:01
I wanna raise the bounty on my convicts

Gorman,Paul: 1000,0000,0000
Fix the number on Paul Gorman's bounty
Decisive Action
17-09-2004, 00:01

To clarify, I don't own Arkansas or Alabama.
17-09-2004, 00:16
The Fabus, Stahlecker, Mladic, and Salazar families of Communist Mississippi
are wanted by Celack for being wastes of humanity, slander, libel and for putting the cock in caucassian. We will match any bounty paid.
Could you update my part of the bounty?
17-09-2004, 00:27
Ooc- They have many realms and chapters. The White Citizens Council exists in every land that neighbors Decisive Action territory, it must be a coincidence.

Ooc still: They don't actually HQ in those cities, that's just where they're willing to meet to give rewards. They live in rural hill areas, mostly. You just leveled two cities and killed God only knows how many, and probably got 5-15 WCC members.

OOC: I still ended up pouring more napalm into known concentration areas of WCC members than what the Allies did at Dresden. I'd think I'd get at least a few thousand, if not more.
Decisive Action
17-09-2004, 00:38
OOC: I still ended up pouring more napalm into known concentration areas of WCC members than what the Allies did at Dresden. I'd think I'd get at least a few thousand, if not more.

Ooc- The fact remains, the WCC doesn't live in the cities! they maintain less than 5-10 contacts in each major city. I've made it clear, they're a RURAL group. You would have killed lots, if there had been any in the cities to kill!
17-09-2004, 01:09
With renewed interest in this long since closed case of one, Divit Hackett, the GC would like to raise the bounty.

Price: Whatever you damned well please

However, a group of families effected by the disaster have placed their own bounty on her head, after coming to realisation of who it was that had done this. The information was only recently declassified by the government. The 'Ktakchas' would like to place a price for the return of her dead.

Price: B8,000,000 per Kilogram
Itinerate Tree Dweller
17-09-2004, 01:28
Secret TG to Commisions:
We are raising the bounty on Hataria's leaders. For each leader detained and delivered, we are offering $0.45 and a really cool pen and pencil set.
The Phoenix Milita
17-09-2004, 01:38
Please specify who is seeking to catch him and who is placing the bounty on his head.
The rightful leaders of the phoneix milita, aka the PLA "Phoenix Liberation Army"
Collectable Knicknacks
17-09-2004, 01:41
A little general I know, but an update:

Any leader of any DA paramilitary organisation. Rewards are 30m for a living member and 10m for a dead one. In addition I will take this opportunity to say that DA's militias, for threatening the leaders of our nation, are now under automatic sentence of death for existing.
Decisive Action
17-09-2004, 01:49
A little general I know, but an update:

Any leader of any DA paramilitary organisation. Rewards are 30m for a living member and 10m for a dead one. In addition I will take this opportunity to say that DA's militias, for threatening the leaders of our nation, are now under automatic sentence of death for existing.

Ooc: You don't know about things when they're marked "SECRET IC"
Collectable Knicknacks
17-09-2004, 01:52
You seem to think that "secret IC" means it's all totally hidden and you're invulnerable to the results. You can have the best intelligence service on earth, and a lot will still get out. It happens all the time.
17-09-2004, 16:17
[OOC - *rolls eyes*]

Official Presidential Statement

As you all know, my life has been threatened. And I say to you, here I am, standing before. But while it only takes one bullet to kill a man, you can never destroy my dreams. For if you assassinate me, the weight of the free world will come down upon you, and you shall be destroyed.

President George
Ruler of Grenval
18-09-2004, 09:05
Secret IC:

A 100,000 USD bounty is placed on all white persons from Decisive Action.

An additional 1 trillion USD bounty is placed on any of the current leaders of DA or any DA military organization, paramilitary organization, or corporation. Alive if possible, dead if necessary. If dead, an extra 60 million will be rewarded for inventive deaths with proof.

Reason : Crimes Against Humanity

Reward to be paid from Confidential Swiss Bank Account to any account in the world.

This is anonymous, the reward is being offered by "Concerned Citizens".

In addition, a 1 trillion USD bounty will be given to any group successfully detonating a dirty nuclear device or bioterror weapon causing in excess of 250,000 confirmed deaths, in either the city of Little Rock, Arkansas, or the city of Mobile, Alabama.

Reason : Harboring Criminals who have committed crimes against humanity.

Reward to be paid from Confidential Swiss Bank Account to any account in the world.

This is anonymous, the reward is being offered by "Concerned Citizens".
Napoleonic Empire
18-09-2004, 12:30
[OOC: I own Alabama. Please reconsider. We are already sending in our extensive police forces to route out the WCC and other groups, please do not persist with threatening nuclear action.]
18-09-2004, 14:20
We wish to raise our bounty on the aformentioned CM leaders to $5 trillion. The reasons are putting a bounty on our leader, genocide, imperialism, racism, disgracing conservatives everywhere, being fascist bastards, and genocide
18-09-2004, 14:21
Secret Telegram- from the Ministry of the Interior
We'll post a bounty of $250 Million for each DA leader eliminated.
18-09-2004, 14:33
I think it is official that CM leadership is most wanted
18-09-2004, 16:29
Secret IC to the Commission.

Reward of 200,000,000 each for the elimination of any and all of the following (200,000,000 per hit)

(Aztec National League) Premier Quetzalcoatl

(Neo-Soviet Russia) Adin Estridge

(Hallad) President-for-Life Mustafa Fenris

(Grenval) President Vincent Michael George

1) Crimes against peace
2) Crimes against humanity
3) Conspiracy against order
4) Conspiracy against fascism
5) Conspiracy to commit genocide (against whites)
6) Conspiracy to commit pillage (against whites)
7) Conspiracy to allow rape (against white women)
8) Conspiracy against a Czar
9) Conspiracy against a former Czar
10) Conspiracy against a government
11) Conspiracy against a high party official
12) Use of cluster munitions in warfare

Reward offered by: "The White Man"

Claim Reward at: Atlanta, Georgia. Cape Town, South Africa. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Tampa, Florida. Dallas, Texas. West Helena, Arkansas.


Just so you know, Mustafa Fenris was a fascist, and is no longer in power... you should replace that with Premier James Cross
18-09-2004, 16:41
Secret IC- The Samtonian Council of Thirteen would like to announce the placing of a 1 Trillion USD bounty on each of the following persons:

All DA and CM Government Leadership
All DA and CM Military High Command
All DA and CM persons on CM and DA's factbooks

A 100 million USD bounty is placed on the following persons:
All DA and CM citizens aquitted of murder or other felonies of that degree or higher by a sham jury in a show trial

All of the above persons are wanted for one or more of the following:
Crimes Against Humanity
Murder in the First Degree
Inciting Racial Violence
Aiding or abetting war criminals
War Crimes
Violation of the First UN convention on Human Rights(Geneva Accord)
Violation of the Second UN Convention on Human Rights(Genocide Convention)
Violation of International Law
Acts of Piracy

All are wanted Dead or Alive.

All of the aforementioned can be brought to:
Fort Malloney, Samtonia
Discreento, Suburpeia
Mogento, Samtonia
Port Rawsythe, Samtonia
Dingonchia, Suburpeia
Geneva, Switzerland

Conclusive proof is needed to claim any of the bounties.

These bounties posted by the Order For a Better World (OFBW) anonymously.
18-09-2004, 17:19
The Nation of TheLandThatHopeForgot is after this man:

He is believed to be the murderer of Vice President Jonathon Gayter, his wife Jane and his six year old son Jason. The killer also severely wounded Gayter's 9 year old daughter and security guard. This "assassin" has been connected with a series of murders of politicians and other major figures. This horrible Atrocity happened on the 9th September 2004

In 1997 this man was seen leaving the condo of murdered corporate boss James Peters.

In 1999 he was seen at a party at which Judge Margaret King was found drowned in a swimming pool.

In 2000 a man of this description fled the scene of the sniper shooting of Senator Richard Moore.

In 2003 this character resurfaced again at the attempted bombing of the senate, he was seen charging out of the building half way through a speech but the bomb was found by police.

This man is considered incredibly deadly; he is a ruthless powerful killer who has evaded capture for 7 years. He seems to have no problem killing women or children. It is believed that this man could be a contract killer and that he could be currently working for deadly anti-capitalist terrorist group Dagger. Although a link has yet to be proven.

The State is now offering:

£100,000,000 for information leading to this mans capture.
Decisive Action
18-09-2004, 21:25
Secret IC to the Commission.

"Cancel all bounties placed by organization financed by our operatives." Wilhelm Ernst

(Ooc- He is with the Department of Internal Security, Foreign Intelligence Branch)
18-09-2004, 22:23
Rob Conerr
-Wanted for the mass murder and slayings of over 10,600 people, along with 213 counts of wrongful impersonation. 5'9", 195 lbs.
***The government of Barbarosea is offering a $1,500,000,000 reward for the capture or elimination of Rob Conerr.
18-09-2004, 22:27
Secret IC to the Commission:

Likewise, cancel our bounties as well.

Francis Ulbricht
Interior Minister
19-09-2004, 03:19
In addition, a 1 trillion USD bounty will be given to any group successfully detonating a dirty nuclear device or bioterror weapon causing in excess of 250,000 confirmed deaths, in either the city of Little Rock, Arkansas, or the city of Mobile, Alabama.

Reason : Harboring Criminals who have committed crimes against humanity.

Reward to be paid from Confidential Swiss Bank Account to any account in the world.

This is anonymous, the reward is being offered by "Concerned Citizens".

OOC: I already firebombed those two cities into oblivion a few days ago. No nukes, but then again, the result was still the same.
19-09-2004, 06:41
Originally Posted by Vastiva
In addition, a 1 trillion USD bounty will be given to any group successfully detonating a dirty nuclear device or bioterror weapon causing in excess of 250,000 confirmed deaths, in either the city of Little Rock, Arkansas, or the city of Mobile, Alabama.

Reason : Harboring Criminals who have committed crimes against humanity.

Reward to be paid from Confidential Swiss Bank Account to any account in the world.

This is anonymous, the reward is being offered by "Concerned Citizens".

OOC: I already firebombed those two cities into oblivion a few days ago. No nukes, but then again, the result was still the same.

OOC As confirmation has been given by DA as to those cities being charbroiled, bounty of 2 trillion USD paid in full via encrypted money transfer (meaning several billion transfers between origin (which was an anonymous cash account) to your account)

Pleasure doing business with you.
The Parthians
19-09-2004, 06:55
OOC: I'm suprised no one put a bounty on Shah Khosru.

Secret IC:
Parthia would like to place a bounty of $350 Million on Emperor Barbarossa of Hataria. Bounty can be collected in Yazd, Kerman, Hormuz (Bandar-Abbas), Tehran, or Persepolis.
19-09-2004, 07:28
We would like to add another bounty to the list...

Name: Viktor Popov
Age: 31 (Est)
Last Seen: Imitora

Wanted for one or more of the following:

-Murder (120+)

-Grand larceny (200+)

-Treason (6+)

-Theft of sensitive government documents (4)

-Piracy (25+)

-Breaking and entering a military compound (2)

-Many minor crimes.

-He should be considered armed and [u]extremely dangerous[/i]. He is a very tricky character and has either evaded or killed everyone attempting to collect the bounty.

Bounty: 100,000,000 USD (Alive)
25,000,000 USD (Dead)

The bounty may be collected in any Hattian city, colony or territory.
Generic empire
19-09-2004, 08:54
Generia will pay a sum of 4 billion dollars to anyone who delivers the head of Nigel Q. Hyphen-Hyphen Walrustitty, Sultan of the nation of Freudotopia. His known crimes against humanity include but are not limited to:

Petty larceny

Defacement of public property


Parking in a no-parking zone


Relieving himself beside a public highway

Making vulgar comments in relation to his secretary's backside

Public drunkenness

Disturbing the "peace"

28 counts of resisting arrest

Posession without intent to sell

Public nudity


Smoking in a no-smoking restaurant

Walking on the grass within range of a 'do not step on grass' sign


Taking pennies out of the wishing fountain

An offensive haircut

Taunting animals at the zoo

Riding a bike without a helmet

Failure to wear a seatbelt

Expired vehicle tags

Driving without a license

Possesion of illegal fireworks

Solicitation of prostitution

Accessory to hunting without a license

Removing the 'do not remove' tag from a mattress
19-09-2004, 20:10
Chellis will match any reward payed by Celack.
Collectable Knicknacks
23-09-2004, 22:23
Would you please remove the bounty of Victoria Fabus, and increase that on the remaining Fabuses by 5 million dollars per sum.
Decisive Action
23-09-2004, 22:25
"Anybody who has a bounty on myself, or a member of my family or nation, place a 500,000,000 bounty on the leader of the nation if it is by their government, or against the private citizen placing the bounty, if it is by a citizen. Tell them that Roger Fabus says hello before they die. I proudly and openly declare that the bounties may be collected at either my Jackson city office, or my Stalingrad estate."

Czar Roger Fabus
23-09-2004, 23:14
Wanted dead or alive:

Farmer Graham MacHaggot. Believed to be the leader of a major JRV militant group known as Angry farmers - this terrorist organization has claimed responsibility for a number of acts. Farmer MacHaggot is wanted on suspicion for his connection in the following terrorist incidents-

*the 1994 bombing of JRV's Ministry of Agriculture.
*the attempted assassination of Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Dick Head.
*the attempted assassination of JRV Chancellor, Dr. Don Brash, in 2001.
*the kidnapping of JRV National Icon, 'Jolly the Sheep' in mid 2003.
*the attempted 'tractor bombing' of the Ministry of Economic Development in late 2003.

He is also wanted by the Department of Revenue for avoiding taxes since June 1989.

The JRV Government would thank any foreign nation, or individual who can help in tracking down this wanted terrorist. He is considered highly dangerous, with absolutely no regard for authority. Help us bring him down.

Current bounty is set at 500,000 + if brought in dead. 1 million will be rewarded, however, to any person, group, or government who is able to deliver him alive to the Ministry of Homeland Security before 12:00 PM, December 23rd, 2006.
Decisive Action
23-09-2004, 23:17
Bishop Herman Von Felben is dead, killed by Tennessee Commonwealth Army units.
Russian Forces
13-10-2004, 09:13
I place 1,000,000,000 Dollars on Damien Wildfires head of Automagfreek. 2,000,000,000 if alive in Russian custody. He is extremely hated by the Russian government and we want him dead for good.
03-11-2004, 02:13
Id like to update the ransom on Paul Gorman to 100,000,000