What is a player thats not a country, but is a corporation-corporate warfare
Weapons-Tech incorp
13-09-2004, 23:11
This thread is to educate the players of N.S. to what a corporation is in this game. Corporations are -"NOT"-, I repeat NOT a nation. Corporations dont apply to the same rules as nations do. Corporations are not limited to budgets as much as nations are. Corporations do have corporate forces, which ( depending on the tech level) would make there corporate forces better them most militaries out there. Also if you some out become engaged in a conflict with a company, you can not engage them as normal combatants, because of the impossiblitity to attack all of thier assets and buildings not located in your nation. If the company has assets in other nations you would have to gain permission to enter other nations to engage the company. Remember companies most of the time have the best of equipment. so attacking a company is dangerous in its self. now to identify a corporation
1.The name : " Weapons-tech incorp" the name says it for its self. To be considered to be a company you MUST have the following in your name: Incorp, inc, corps, corp, ind, industries, or corporation, or Global
2. The ability to spend more then the normal calculators say. But to be able to claim to spend more then shown you must give proof of a storefront and must show earnings on the storefront. If none is hown you will be ignored.
3. If they claim to be a company, and not a nation, there forces are Different then normal national forces. companies that sell more advanced modern tech weapons, are more likely to win a war againsted a WW2 or gulf war tech nation, due to they will have the more advanced weapons in which to wage war with.
4. Companies Must have a way to prove earnings , if one can not be made they are considered to be going out out of Busniess
If anyone wishes to add and ask about companies in general may do so here, and any constructive additions will be added.
13-09-2004, 23:45
1. To be considered a company you must have either Plc or Ltd at the end of your name. None of the other words you mentioned have any legal meaning whatsoever.
2. The game is called Nationstates for a reason. It's not called Businessstates, or YouCan'tAttackMeBecauseIHaveLetters\RandomWordsAfterMyNamestates. Go figure.
Japanese States
13-09-2004, 23:54
theres no Corporations as WTI sead that would work, what there are in Nationstates are things called Mega Corporations.
i my self have Corporations within my nation who have corporate armies and such but i wont allow any nation claiming to be a "corporation" into my nation or RP with them since theres more flaws to the Corporation idea then Windows (and it borders on godmoding) tho i will allow a Mega Corp to have Branches in my nation aslong as they TG me.
Santa Barbara
13-09-2004, 23:56
Well, ah, corporations are limited to budgets. Very much so. Whereas a national leader can choose to, say, whimsically spend money that doesn't exist on things he decides the nation needs to spend money on, corporations exist primarily to make profit. Cash flow and budgeting are seriously important to corporate management.
Also, most (RL) corporations don't have "corporate forces." At least nothing that compares well with national forces. You're thinking, l33t troops in Resident Evil, I'm thinking, Rent-a-Cops and maybe bodyguards. It costs money to maintain security forces, and when you're talking about anything even paramilitary-sized, thats going to be extremely hard to justify to the board and/or owner and/or manager(s) of the corporation.
In NS we have the standard cyberpunk corporate future, but even then the whole point of RPing a corporation is that its not a usual nationalized military sending fleets and armies everywhere. I would want no corporation in NS to have a more powerful armed presence than the NS of the player RPing said corporation. Otherwise you're just like, "I can afford eight billion troops cuz I'm a megacorp." Doesn't really work like that.
Lastly, storefront sales are crap. No one ever bothers to even consider things like the COST to produce or sell or distribute these things, and no one bothers to RP them in the same way that real government trades happen but instead this phony, consumer based fiction.
Japanese States
14-09-2004, 00:12
anyway now for some useful infomation if you want to be a "corporation".
1) you wont have a bigger budget then other people if anything yours will be smaller for the simple fact of shareholders, its a bitch but true (you dont see something like Microsoft have a budget bigger then the USA after its payed its staff, Stockholders and Bill gates gets his share)
2) curpurtion is going to be alot higher then your normal Nation since well if your a money grabing **** and do care about a thing someone comeing up to you with a few billion dollers and asking you to steal some plans there more then likely.
3) Corporate war is more complex, you would have the Fancises, Stock and Pysical wars (you know u have gun and shoot at the person shooting you), you will have Corporate Sabatage, Espanarge hell you'll even have the good old dirty deals.
4) Corporations can only get money from selling (makeing your life hell since the only way for you ro have a budget is to make deals)
5) ok so you want to make big bucks but your storefronts not doing well, then its simple Contracts. now contracts are not like storefronts in the way as "i sell you this thanks for the cash", contracts need to be drawn up.
see the best people to do contracts with are Young nations since there the ones who need milltary hard wear.
so say you make a contract with a young nation its to last say 12 NS years, first you need to decide how long 1 NS year is from 1 day to 1 week to even 1 RL year. Then what they want in that time frame, how much it will cost, what they cant do, what you cant do, what they can do, what you can do. by them i mean they cant sell the hardwear off when it becomes out of dant, you cant make the contract null and void for X amount of NS years etc.
befor that X NS year period there could be a heavy fine for who ever cancels the contract, after the 12 NS years you may want to renawal the contract maby even extend it or you might want to just leave.
Contracts are long but worth it since most contracts would be muti billion {insert you money here} contracts where as you storefront might only bring in a few million in the time it took for the contract to complete.
well theres more but i cant be bothered so meh if i put mroe up feel lucky :P
The Island of Rose
14-09-2004, 00:50
I recently bought a Corporation, Military Weapons Inc. He receives my protection and funding and in return he gives me really good army thingies, which he has been doing and you will find out soon.
Though you really can't have a stock in it as it is Nationalized.... by me. And yes he has those OMG Corporate Troops of Doom. Is this okay?
A Few Rich People
14-09-2004, 00:55
Or, you can be a corperate owned nation like me (yes, not in name, but RPed as such [made decision after nation made]). Basically its a nation with a corperation for government, reaching into all aspects of society.
Profit comes from selling excess production and producing most if not all needed materials to support employies (food, home, etc).
And yes, I also have a large OMG Corperate force that is a seperate populace (but is at resonable size for support reasons).