On September 9th of 2004, 500 protesters marched on the streets, protesting war in general. The protesters soon came face to face with Asmaden's top general, Alex Smith, and a hundred army tanks. The hippies tried to flee, but they had no chance against the army tanks, and were soon run over. The apparent leader o0f the protesters, Jim Floweris, said, "War is horrible, man. War didn't do nothing for nobody!" Shortly afterward, he was run over. :)
Borman Empire
10-09-2004, 12:36
OOC: Later on describe the posts in moe depth, make the reader here the sound of their scream as the tanks drive over.
10-09-2004, 14:45
On September 9th of 2004, 500 protesters marched on the streets, protesting war in general. The protesters soon came face to face with Asmaden's top general, Alex Smith, and a hundred army tanks. The hippies tried to flee, but they had no chance against the army tanks, and were soon run over. The apparent leader o0f the protesters, Jim Floweris, said, "War is horrible, man. War didn't do nothing for nobody!" Shortly afterward, he was run over. :)
This was uncalled for!!!!!!
although I agree, hippies are a load of freaks (no offence if you are one) but running them over is wrong! Exile them or something!
Borman Empire
11-09-2004, 00:33
If anyone attacks you becuase of this expect aid from me and my allies.
Napoleonic Empire
11-09-2004, 00:35
We support national sovereignty, but we implore you not to use violence against the protestors. This will only be detrimental to your nation's reputation. Jailing is a more humane method of stopping them if they cause disruption in your system. We are waiting for a reply. We may put a motion through Parliament for action if you do not comply.- Raphael Locke, Foreign Minister
Borman Empire
11-09-2004, 01:01
1,500,000 soldiers on route to Asmaden. They shall dig in and defend against enemy attacks. More can be sent if necessary.
Borman Empire
11-09-2004, 16:43
Now 2,100,000 qare being sent, they should arrive soon.
Borman Empire
11-09-2004, 16:55
The Holy Republic of Seriphyn disapproves of this sadist act of terror against its own people.
The Holy Republic will not attack the Empire of Asmaden, but will request that you cease such policies. Take note, that the Holy Republic outnumbers both the population of the Empire of Borman Empire and the Empire of Asmaden both combined. We have 231 million while both of you have a measly 77 million. [OOC: War is usually judged by population here, I think]
OOC: Borman Empire, how can you send 3,600,000 troops to Asmaden when you only have a population of 68 million?
Holy Republic of Seriphyn
Foreign Office
I mean 2,100,000 instead of 1,500,000
11-09-2004, 16:59
Any attack on Asmanian territory will result in a state of war with that nation. You have no right to meddle in the soverign affairs of another nation.
Baron Manfred von Konan
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Borman Empire
11-09-2004, 17:02
Any attack on Asmanian territory will result in a state of war with that nation. You have no right to meddle in the soverign affairs of another nation.
Baron Manfred von Konan
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Thank you Dimmimar
The captain put down his copy of the times and looked at his watch. He flicked his middle finger at it a couple of times to get it started. No use, the second hand stayed on 13.
"How much longer?"
"Couple of hours."
11-09-2004, 17:04
The Holy Republic of Fodmodmadtol approves of this sadistic act of terror against the rebels. The Holy Republic will not aide the Empire of Asmaden, but will request that you continue and support such policies. Take note, that the Holy Republic outnumbers the population of some parties involved.
Holy Republic of Fodmodmadtol
Ministry of Pain and Pleasure
Subsidised by the Ministry of Sarcastic and Sardonic Remarks
][ I vonder eef people shtill 'ave a sense oaf humour, dah?][
Borman Empire
11-09-2004, 17:12
It seems like people think im attacking. Im going to help defend againt attackers.
Becuase of the amount of support and no threats yet the grand total of soldiers being sent has been lowered to the first infantry army alone. 1,000,000
OOC: I would help if you were attacked, but I'm future tech.
IC: Cam III congratulates the Asmaden govenment for this act. "Do it more!" Was the only comment.
Borman Empire
11-09-2004, 17:26
dont you have some ancient weapons that could be classifed as modern.
Napoleonic Empire
11-09-2004, 17:44
We do find ourselves in a comprimising position. We will not do anything until you reply. We are prepared to take action, but we still need Parliamentary support and we need to discuss this with our alliances, LEAF and PAS, which both protect National Sovereignty. We believe that, if the nation is not commiting anything that would go against the laws of the world, we shall leave it alone. Genocide of any kind, such as what you are doing, is no acceptable. If you can prove to me that
A) This is not Genocide
B) That you will stop these actions
C) The hippies were commiting violent, illegal acts
we will immediately cease our actions, and we will let you continue on. Good day.- Sophie Marseilles, Prime Minister
Borman Empire
11-09-2004, 17:46
There are no laws of the world. If your talking about the U.N. then no one listens to them. Also we are a part of LEAF.
dont you have some ancient weapons that could be classifed as modern.
Oh, well I could scronge up a few thousand men with AK 47s....
Borman Empire
11-09-2004, 17:51
Oh, well I could scronge up a few thousand men with AK 47s....
Cool, thanks
OOC: Your welcome.
IC: En route to Asmaden are: 1200 men with AK 47s and 10 Challenger tanks.
Soviet leaders
11-09-2004, 18:01
We will support Asmaden with are army if a it comes to war we are sending
5,000 troops
100 MIG-29 (Can we set up a temp air feld plz.)
fleet 9:
10 AA GUNS Ships
5 Battelships
1 Aircraft carrier
If any war happens
100 more troops
100 more plains
Thank you
Borman Empire
11-09-2004, 18:19
We will support Asmaden with are army if a it comes to war we are sending
5,000 troops
100 MIG-29 (Can we set up a temp air feld plz.)
fleet 9:
10 AA GUNS Ships
5 Battelships
1 Aircraft carrier
If any war happens
100 more troops
100 more plains
Thank you
We thank you for your support