Turning Over a New LEAF(Alliance)
The Laudable Empires in an Amicable Federation...heretofor(did I get that right?) refered to as LEAF, is forming.
LEAF was founded by a group of nations that left the League of Empire Loyalists, feeling that Decisive Action was a threat to our nations, had improperly painted us as being of like kind with him, and had set up the league so that other nations had no say. This was reached both before and after Decisive Action refused to acknowledge the 4/5 vote to remove him from the LEOL.
LEAF is instead intended to be a mostly apolitical body of nations, mostly nations that have grown beyond their original size, that will give protection to each other and facilitate freer trade between our nations.
There will be a meeting soon to determine the charter and makeup of LEAF, featuring early members.
01) Seryown
02) The Parthians
03) Scoyle
04) Borman Empire
05) Napoleonic Empire
06) Ottoman Khaif
07) The God Falltothzu
08) Modern Texas
09) Itinerate Tree Dweller
10) Communist Rule
11) Wirraway
12) Sharina
13) Sevaris
14) Dracun imperium
15) Newtdom
16) Wirraway
this sounds interesting. I will confer with my ministers before applying.
I would like to join because for some reason I feel this will turn into a larger more powerful alliance.
Napoleonic Empire
10-09-2004, 03:05
"We are interested. May we suggest a summit for us to meet on the subject?"
- Grand Emperor Elect Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte the II
The Parthians
10-09-2004, 03:07
Parthia would like to join.
Borman Empire
10-09-2004, 03:07
We would like to join.
Modern Texas
10-09-2004, 03:12
We would also like to join, provided that this alliance has a conservative viewpoint that stops short of all-out radicalism. We hope to find a powerful, yet peaceful alliance with some mainstream conservative views.
Napoleonic Empire
10-09-2004, 03:14
We would also like to join, provided that this alliance has a conservative viewpoint that stops short of all-out radicalism. We hope to find a powerful, yet peaceful alliance with some mainstream conservative views.
"We of the Imperial Union have some conservative values, but we are moderate on most issues, and are a constitutional monarchy. Thus, we wish it to remain perfectly apolitical."
- Sophie Marseilles, Prime Minister
Once again, this alliance is mostly apolitical.
Ottoman Khaif
10-09-2004, 03:14
The Ottoman Khaif will join
Napoleonic Empire
10-09-2004, 03:16
"Oh, and yes, we are applying."
- Sophie Marseilles, Prime Minister
The God Falltothzu
10-09-2004, 03:16
As seeing that that we are no longer a memeber of an alliance, I will express my intrests in this. But I must inquire into your views upon national government. More specifically, the government of my nation (mostly fascist rule...officially theocratical...) (I'm no genocidal maniac, but I do rule with an iron fist, and my punishments are often quite severe) If this would pose a probem, then just let me know.
The Island of Rose
10-09-2004, 03:16
Official Statement from The Soviet Democratic Empire of The Island of Rose:
The Soviet Empire will watch with interest. We will not participate, but we will observe the hearings. May your Alliance be free from corruption.
-Vice President Orcha Yultanov
As seeing that that we are no longer a memeber of an alliance, I will express my intrests in this. But I must inquire into your views upon national government. More specifically, the government of my nation (mostly fascist rule...officially theocratical...) (I'm no genocidal maniac, but I do rule with an iron fist, and my punishments are often quite severe) If this would pose a probem, then just let me know.
For now, the alliance is apolitical - simply a protection pact and freer trade between members. A charter will be drawn up between members at a later date.
The God Falltothzu
10-09-2004, 03:18
Then I shall apply for this alliance.
Modern Texas
10-09-2004, 03:19
ooc: thought these up
FORE - Federation Of Reasonable Empires
CORE - Confederation Of Reasonable Empires
CREEP - Conservative Reasonable Empires Enacting Progress (lol)
Modern Texas
10-09-2004, 03:22
Once again, this alliance is mostly apolitical.
We feel that apolitical is sufficient. We are only wary of political extremes that tend to drag the unwilling into an abysmal catastrophe. Upon these grounds, we would like to apply for membership.
Itinerate Tree Dweller
10-09-2004, 03:26
"Hmmm.... We shall join.... for economic reasons." - Erik Kersk
Communist Rule
10-09-2004, 03:29
Doubtful of its acceptance, the USSCR attempts to enlist in order to provide its large economic and military forces, and moreso to moderate this alliance with someone who is more politically moderate (I'm a Conservative, yet I value socialism. I'm what a Nazi SHOULD be..)
Schultaria Prime
10-09-2004, 03:37
A Message from the National Assembly of Schultaria Prime
Our government has noted the development of this new alliance and we hope that every nation that who participates will develop a far more stable international climate than was ever achieved through the LOEL. We will watch, with interest, your progress and hopeful acceptance by the majority of the international community.
As a sign of goodwill towards the LEAF alliance, we offer our services in developing a computerized translator system for every nation currently involved with The Laudable Empires in an Amicable Federation. An alliance that can share its words can spread its ideas with far more clarity, and we hope that this will spread the message of peace in a new global era.
-The National Assembly of Schultaria Prime
10-09-2004, 03:45
The Iron Concordiat would like to join this new Alliance.
Itinerate Tree Dweller
10-09-2004, 04:11
A Message from the National Assembly of Schultaria Prime
As a member of this alliance, I welcome this gift and encourage other to do so.
The Republic of Sharina would like to join, seeing that this new alliance focuses on trade and friendship, which is a difficult commodity to find in today's war torn NS world.
President Rand Veristek
The Laudable Empires in an Amicable Federation...heretofor(did I get that right?) refered to as LEAF, is forming.
LEAF was founded by a group of nations that left the League of Empire Loyalists, feeling that Decisive Action was a threat to our nations, had improperly painted us as being of like kind with him, and had set up the league so that other nations had no say. This was reached both before and after Decisive Action refused to acknowledge the 4/5 vote to remove him from the LEOL.
LEAF is instead intended to be a mostly apolitical body of nations, mostly nations that have grown beyond their original size, that will give protection to each other and facilitate freer trade between our nations.
There will be a meeting soon to determine the charter and makeup of LEAF, featuring early members.
01) Seryown
02) The Parthians
03) Scoyle
04) Borman Empire
05) Napoleonic Empire
06) Ottoman Khaif
07) The God Falltothzu
08) Modern Texas
09) Itinerate Tree Dweller
10) Communist Rule
11) Wirraway
12) Sharina
Count me in.
Decisive Action
10-09-2004, 14:39
This was reached both before and after Decisive Action refused to acknowledge the 4/5 vote to remove him from the LEOL.
Ooc- Just to clear something up, and I'll keep this short so as not to clutter your thread. But the entire 6 member council was there, and the vote was 4/6. Also when I realized Sevaris and Seryown were plotting against me, I used my authority as chairman to strip them of their council status (Both were just probationary members due to questionable loyalties) and as such, the vote would therefore said to be 2/4, since Sevaris and Seryown were expelled from the league just before the motioning was attempted. Oh and the charter, which every member agreed to, stated that I was the founder, and permanent member of the LOEL and Security Council. So by attempting to usurp my alliance, you violated the charter and that is why you were expelled.
Actually, you tried that after the motion had been made and seconded.
Communist Rule
11-09-2004, 00:10
When and where is the meeting?
Borman Empire
11-09-2004, 00:23
Ottoman Khaif
11-09-2004, 01:05
The Ottoman Govement ask that we should have a summit should held to discuss of charter for this allaince.
Borman Empire
11-09-2004, 01:10
Could you clarify?
Ottoman Khaif
11-09-2004, 01:45
Could you clarify?
I said that we should work out the ideas for this grand allaince and talk about where should this allaince be doing and suff.
Borman Empire
11-09-2004, 01:48
I agree
Question That I have not seen answered is where are we going to discuss this alliance at.
Borman Empire
11-09-2004, 01:55
Could we do it in secret IC or do we need another place.
Worst of all we could use TGs.
Itinerate Tree Dweller
11-09-2004, 02:00
I said that we should work out the ideas for this grand allaince and talk about where should this allaince be doing and suff.
There are no official ideas of yet, but Seryown and I threw around a few ideas:
A council of 6, with a rotating chairman.
The council is elected every 6 weeks and the chairman is rotated every week, so every member of the council member can be chairman.
The order of chairman to be determined by population of homeland nation (puppets and commonwealths dont count).
Chairman has a veto power, but it can be over ruled by a 5/6 vote.
I suggest:
No person may be part of the council two terms in a row.
These are only ideas!
Borman Empire
11-09-2004, 02:02
those seem pretty good.
Communist Rule
11-09-2004, 02:10
If I may offer my own suggestion, the chairman should only lead the meetings. He shouldn't have any special powers. Also, a 75% vote to remove him should be passed.
Napoleonic Empire
11-09-2004, 02:21
We see these terms acceptable. And we agree with Communist Rule on the 75% vote impeachment, but the Chairman should still have the power to veto in cases not 5/6.- Raphael Locke, Foreign Minister
11-09-2004, 02:24
The Concordiat agrees with Communist Rule's suggestion also.
Borman Empire
11-09-2004, 02:37
We agree with Napoleanic empire
The vote to impeach him would be the same as any other - that is, five-sixths, or 83%, assuming that the chairman vetoes. The alternative would be, what, four-sixths, and 67%? I think that the 5/6 is appropriate.
Borman Empire
11-09-2004, 03:42
He means when voting on something when he vetoed it and less than 5/6 disagreed he should be able to veto.
I didn't understand that sentence at all.
Here's what I'm saying. If there's a four/sixths vote or better, the resolution passes. The chairman can veto this passing resolution, and then there's another vote - not a vote for or against the resolution, but to override the veto. In that case, a five-sixths vote will override it, and the resolution will pass.
Borman Empire
11-09-2004, 16:35
I didn't understand that sentence at all.
Here's what I'm saying. If there's a four/sixths vote or better, the resolution passes. The chairman can veto this passing resolution, and then there's another vote - not a vote for or against the resolution, but to override the veto. In that case, a five-sixths vote will override it, and the resolution will pass.
Thats what i want. I was saying that his veto would succeed if 4/6 or less voted to overide the veto. Basically if less than 5/6 vote against the veto then the veto succeeds.
Napoleonic Empire
11-09-2004, 17:54
I know it may be early, but I need authorization from LEAF on this certain situation:
We protect national sovereignty, yes, but these actions should transcend this. This may seem to be something absolutely trivial to you, but its the principle of things. If we allow minor acts of injustice and genocide such as this, it can escalate, down a slippery slope if you will. One day we may have another Hitler to defend, I mean, after all, its his country, no reason to stop that genocide, no?- Grand Emperor Elect Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte the II
Borman Empire
11-09-2004, 17:58
OOC: I know him in real life, he wouldnt do genocide
IC: We have yet to find out find out if it was uncalled for or if they were commiting violence. You said you would wait for his response, so you should do so.
Napoleonic Empire
11-09-2004, 18:07
OOC: I know him in real life, he wouldnt do genocide
IC: We have yet to find out find out if it was uncalled for or if they were commiting violence. You said you would wait for his response, so you should do so.
We know this, but I want to have authorization ahead of time, and at least alert LEAF to the situation ahead of time.- Sophie Marseilles, Prime Minister
Borman Empire
11-09-2004, 18:14
I suppose thats smart
Intervene as you wish. If no one is threatening you or another member nation, then LEAF has no official stand.
Borman Empire
11-09-2004, 19:52
Im not sure who that is at but im helping Asmaden and he doesnt want to.
Dracun imperium
11-09-2004, 20:12
From the Desk of Empress Hailie
We wish to join the alliance. We currently have two colonies (Earth V-Greece, New Jersey). We hope we can join what seems to be an effective alliance
ooc:Borman and The Parthians...we have no more "stuff" between us right?
It has already been sent to the Alliance through private channels that Newtdom would join. We would now like to make it public, we are glad, proud and honored to enter this great alliance.
-Lord of the Foreign Ministry
Lawrence, Duke Hollistein
11-09-2004, 20:16
The Iron Concordiat has thoroughly examined the principles of this alliance and has also decided by majority vote of the high command than Wirraway will enter in this alliance.
Borman Empire
11-09-2004, 20:29
From the Desk of Empress Hailie
We wish to join the alliance. We currently have two colonies (Earth V-Greece, New Jersey). We hope we can join what seems to be an effective alliance
ooc:Borman and The Parthians...we have no more "stuff" between us right?
I think we're ok. Unless you have a massive army on the outside of my walls we should be neutral.
Borman Empire
13-09-2004, 12:40
Borman Empire
24-09-2004, 03:14
I aks for asistance from all LEAF members. My survival is not guaranteed.
Anything is appreciated
Borman Empire
24-09-2004, 23:01
I'm shocked and surprised that no one even responded to my call for help in this thread. I wonder what i would think of this alliance if peace-talks were being negotiated. But i do think less of it, i went a day after putting out a call for help with no response whatsoever. We need to work on reactions to wars against allies.
Borman Empire
16-03-2005, 04:13
We request aid in removing several imperialistic occupiers from a great ally, Roach-Busters. Please pledge your support and aid us in this righteous campaign to liberate a freedom loving nation. Help us remove the imperialists. (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=405303)