Decisive Action "Defensive Quarantine Zone"
10-09-2004, 02:52
---Admiralty Hall, Hamptonshire City---
The newly appointed Defense Minister, Fleet Admiral Lord Phillip Rosecrans, stands before the assembled press to issue his statement.
"At noon Hamptonian Central Time today, the Congressional Board of the New Alliance Treaty Organization voted to impose a "Defense Quarantine Zone" around all possess of the nation known as Decisive Action. The Government of DA has continued to circumvent the Ultimatium issued by NATO that was agreed to by all parties concerned. While the Congressional Board has in the past voted to treat DA with dignity and respect, the Board will no longer do so. DA has proved to a be rouge nation, a threat to all mankind.
The "DQZ" shall operate in transnational waters and shall board and intercept all ocean going vessels of the following nature:
Weapons Carrying Cargo Vessels
Military Transports
Any ship failing to have it's cargo certified in a "third party" nation
All ships meeting these classifications will be stopped, boarded, examined, and if necessary detained.
Additionally, all NATO nations have agreed to place command of all their military forces in this instance to the Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire. Acting as "Supreme Commander, NATO Forces", I will coordinate the simultaneous Quarantines of DA's North American and African Possessions.
We will continue our Quarantine of DA until such time as the Government of Decisive Action agrees to let NATO Peacekeepers into all DA Possessions and DA formally issues a statement refuting the use of all offensive military units. Until such time as the Congressional Board is satisfied, the Quarantine will continue.
Thank you."
Without waiting of any questions, Lord Rosecrans leaves the room.
Both Fleet Squadrons are identical
9th Fleet Squadron (North America Quarantine Force)
22nd Fleet Squadron (Africa Quarantine Force)
8 Newport Class DDGN
4 Majesty Class DDN
4 Stalwart Class FFGN
8 Brutus Class SSN
1 Caesar Class SSGN
1 Pernicious Class ICVBN
2 Endeavour Class CVL
4 Proxima Class CVEN
1 Gettysburg Class BBGN
4 Valiant Class BCNs (ETC Variant)
2 Vengence Class FCGN
3 Merciless Class CAADN
8 Newport Class DDGN
6 Stalwart Class FFGN
3 Brutus Class SSN
3 Johnston Class AOE
2 McClellen Class General Ship Tenders
2 Pernicious II Class ICVBN
1 Vulpine Class CVBN
1 Quantam Class CVACN
3 Proxima Class CVEN
4 Coral Sea Class BBLGN
1 Council Class BBGN
1 Valiant Class BCN (Rail Gun Variant)
4 Valiant Class BCN (ETC Variant)
4 Merciless Class CAADN
5 Newport Class DDGN
6 Stalwart Class FFGN
2 Caesar Class CGN
3 Johnston Class AOE
2 McClellen Class General Ship Tenders
Decisive Action
10-09-2004, 02:57
---Admiralty Hall, Hamptonshire City---
The newly appointed Defense Minister, Fleet Admiral Lord Phillip Rosecrans, stands before the assembled press to issue his statement.
"At noon Hamptonian Central Time today, the Congressional Board of the New Alliance Treaty Organization voted to impose a "Defense Quarantine Zone" around all possess of the nation known as Decisive Action. The Government of DA has continued to circumvent the Ultimatium issued by NATO that was agreed to by all parties concerned. While the Congressional Board has in the past voted to treat DA with dignity and respect, the Board will no longer do so. DA has proved to a be rouge nation, a threat to all mankind.
The "DQZ" shall operate in transnational waters and shall board and intercept all ocean going vessels of the following nature:
Weapons Carrying Cargo Vessels
Military Transports
Any ship failing to have it's cargo certified in a "third party" nation
All ships meeting these classifications will be stopped, boarded, examined, and if necessary detained.
Additionally, all NATO nations have agreed to place command of all their military forces in this instance to the Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire. Acting as "Supreme Commander, NATO Forces", I will coordinate the simultaneous Quarantines of DA's North American and African Possessions.
We will continue our Quarantine of DA until such time as the Government of Decisive Action agrees to let NATO Peacekeepers into all DA Possessions and DA formally issues a statement refuting the use of all offensive military units. Until such time as the Congressional Board is satisfied, the Quarantine will continue.
Thank you."
Without waiting of any questions, Lord Rosecrans leaves the room.
Both Fleet Squadrons are identical
9th Fleet Squadron (North America Quarantine Force)
22nd Fleet Squadron (Africa Quarantine Force)
8 Newport Class DDGN
4 Majesty Class DDN
4 Stalwart Class FFGN
8 Brutus Class SSN
1 Caesar Class SSGN
1 Pernicious Class ICVBN
2 Endeavour Class CVL
4 Proxima Class CVEN
1 Gettysburg Class BBGN
4 Valiant Class BCNs (ETC Variant)
2 Vengence Class FCGN
3 Merciless Class CAADN
8 Newport Class DDGN
6 Stalwart Class FFGN
3 Brutus Class SSN
3 Johnston Class AOE
2 McClellen Class General Ship Tenders
2 Pernicious II Class ICVBN
1 Vulpine Class CVBN
1 Quantam Class CVACN
3 Proxima Class CVEN
4 Coral Sea Class BBLGN
1 Council Class BBGN
1 Valiant Class BCN (Rail Gun Variant)
4 Valiant Class BCN (ETC Variant)
4 Merciless Class CAADN
5 Newport Class DDGN
6 Stalwart Class FFGN
2 Caesar Class CGN
3 Johnston Class AOE
2 McClellen Class General Ship Tenders
Ooc- I never did anything against your ultimatum! I want a specific example. And I want to know why this wasn't planned with me ahead of time. You all know my rules for RPs... I have engaged in offensive warfare outside my own lands since signing the agreement.
IDF announces as their part of the DQZ, the Suez canal will be closed to all DA shipping.
To enforce this IDF is using land based aircraft as surveillance and the navy
(there are 2 fleets, each fleet has:)
4 Yorktown CVNs (360 F-35Cs)
8 Arizona BBGs
2 Iowa II BBGs
3 Walter Payton class battle-cruisers
7 Cherokee missile cruisers
6 Imperator missile cruisers
16 Ticonderoga II CGs
14 Farragat DDGs
20 Burke DDGs
12 Ramon DDGs
21 Chicago FFGs
12 Grisha V FFGs
12 Upholder SSKs
3 Kilo SSKs
4 Galaxy SSNs
5 Seawolf SSNs
25 replenisher ships
Backup is ready to be called quickly as this is right in our backyard
Decisive Action
10-09-2004, 03:00
IDF I have you on ignore and you don't exist OOC or IC for me. So whatever you say or do has no bearing with me.
Ooc- I never did anything against your ultimatum! I want a specific example. And I want to know why this wasn't planned with me ahead of time. You all know my rules for RPs... I have engaged in offensive warfare outside my own lands since signing the agreement.
OOC: this isn't a war against you, this is just a restriction of travel, I'm sure you don't follow your own rule with others either, I mean you kidnapped a Queen without permission and in a 1 post godmode.
IDF I have you on ignore and you don't exist OOC or IC for me. So whatever you say or do has no bearing with me.
If I'm on ignore, then that means the Suez is already closed to you
Decisive Action
10-09-2004, 03:01
Ooc- That entire thread was ignored by everybody, and it was ITD who sparked the kidnapping incident.
10-09-2004, 03:35
Sarzonian Naval Chief John Newman announced the dispatching of the Second Fleet to join the DQZ force.
The fleet is as follows:
One Freedom-class superdreadnaught
One Calypso-class superdreadnaught
One Vengeance-class supercarrier
Two Royal Holly-class aircraft carriers
Three Glacier-class trimarian aircraft carriers
Ten Charter-class battleships
Five Council-class battleships
Five Volunteer-class battleships
Two Truxtun-class battlecruisers
Two Region-class battlecruisers
Five Alliance-class supercruisers
Fifteen Duchy-class heavy cruisers
Five Randolph-class heavy cruisers
Twenty Province-class cruisers
Twenty five County-class AA destroyers
Twenty five City-class general purpose destroyers
Ten Evermore-class destroyers
Twenty five Buggles-class frigates
Twenty Furtive-class frigates
Ten Barracuda-class frigates
Ten Palace-class SSBNs
Twenty Forthar-class SSNs
Plus various support ships
Decisive Action
10-09-2004, 03:37
Ooc- Would somebody care to point out where I violated the treaty?
British Morocco
10-09-2004, 03:41
BM has control the Southern portion of the Gibraltar straight and after NATO members informed us of what was happening and we've decided to help.
We are sending 3 Nimitz CVNs, each one has 70 F-35s on it.
Also being sent are:
6 Arizona BBGs
4 Iowa class battleships
6 California class battlecruisers
5 Imperator missile armory ships
12 Ticonderoga CG
28 Burke DDGs
42 Oliver Hazard Perry FFGs
10 Seawolf SSNs
15 general logisitical ships
Decisive Action
10-09-2004, 03:43
Ooc- I'm going to ignore all of this as nobody seems willing to answer my question. I want a specific link!
Decisive Action
10-09-2004, 03:45
Ultimatum to the nation of Communist Mississippi
VIEWING the continued aggresion of Communist Mississippi against nations both of the 'Real World' and 'NS World'.
EXPRESSING concern over the lack of willpower by the government, and military, of Communist Mississippi.
ANGERED by Communist Mississippi's broken promises and movement of civilians to conquered lands, illegal by many peoples standards.
CONFUSED that Communist Mississippi feels that White Christians are both Gods Chosen People, and that they are fully justified in ALL actions.
DEMANDING that Communist Mississippi adhere to the following rules, where the penalty for breaking such rules is allowance of NATO to use military might to punish the nation of Communist Mississippi, the following rules being:
1. Communist Mississippi may not move its own citizens to conquered lands, as that is in violation of the Geneva Convention, whether or not Communist Mississippi is a signatory, and cannot be allowed.
2. Communist Mississippi may not obtain new territories by Purchase, Trade, Threat, Invasion, or Gift. If Communist Mississippi attempts to loophole this rule, it will still be punished.
3. Communist Mississippi may not declare war on a nation except for the following reasons:
3a. War has been declared upon Communist Mississippi
3b. A direct attack, such as invasion of Communist Mississippi, or military attack.
3c. A proven terrorist or indirect attack against Communist Mississippi. Communist Mississippi, if it feels it knows who perpetrated the attack, must give the evidence to an international court, with civilians of a neutral nation, for desicion.
3d. A failed but obvious attack, or attack in the happening, upon Communist Mississippi.
4. The exception to rule three is, if Communist Mississippi wishes to appeal to NATO for a special circumstance. In such a case, the Congressional Board is allowed to vote whether or not Communist Mississippi may commit its declaration of war, by a 3/5ths vote.
I've never gained territory since then, indeed I lost Mississippian Libya... I have never declared war since then, never committed troops to foreign nations except LOEL members with permission. I have not violated a single term of your treaty.
Communist Rule
10-09-2004, 03:45
OOC: this isn't a war against you, this is just a restriction of travel, I'm sure you don't follow your own rule with others either, I mean you kidnapped a Queen without permission and in a 1 post godmode.
OOC: Understandably ignored, the USSCR only points above. ^
Industrial Experiment
10-09-2004, 03:50
Official Business Council Notice, Signed as of 32.45.84, 4003
We of the Human Imperial Republic refuse to be intimidated by such a paltry show of force, and will continue normal trade relations with Decisive Action/Communist Mississippi (Dunno whether I should refer to it as CM or DA, the whole deletion thing was confusing). Though Earth is a minor source of income for the Imperial Republic, we take this as a personal attack on our economic success, and will respond in kind should any attacks be made on our trade ships, or should they be interfered with in any way.
Any such attacks will be treated as an unofficial declaration of war on the Imperial Republic and the remaining oceanic ships we have (All modern tech, of course) will be employed to break this blockade and scatter it to the four winds. Should any attacks be made on our main base of operations on Earth, we will not hesitate to begin orbital bombardment of all military installations of the offending nation.
Signed, 47 out of 50
Itinerate Tree Dweller
10-09-2004, 03:55
Ooc- That entire thread was ignored by everybody, and it was ITD who sparked the kidnapping incident.
ooc: ITD was the first to kidnap the woman, which was later released, but we caused no bodily harm to any person during it. The incident was largely ignored, so it didnt effectively happen.
Industrial Experiment
10-09-2004, 03:55
OoC: In that case, consider yourself ignored should you ever attempt to assault my Earth base.
o.o.c.Note we ignore future tech nation so we will ignore you if you orbitally bombard us.
o.o.c.Note we ignore future tech nation so we will ignore you if you orbitally bombard us.
Orbital weapons installations are constructable using modern tech.
Communist Rule
10-09-2004, 04:16
Orbital weapons installations are constructable using modern tech.
OOC: They are still commonly ignored. Otherwise I would've sunk a Doujin for fun way back when they were "cool."
10-09-2004, 05:50
I've never gained territory since then, indeed I lost Mississippian Libya... I have never declared war since then, never committed troops to foreign nations except LOEL members with permission. I have not violated a single term of your treaty.
You never asked for Congressional Board approval to send any of your military to any foreign nation. You have violated both the Ultimatum and the spirit of the ultimatum.
Decisive Action
10-09-2004, 06:01
You never asked for Congressional Board approval to send any of your military to any foreign nation. You have violated both the Ultimatum and the spirit of the ultimatum.
Nowhere does it say I need Congressional Board approval to send my forces to my allies lands upon allies requests to defend allies. They were for DEFENSIVE, not aggressive reasons. They never left the allies lands to attack anybody.
Decisive Action
10-09-2004, 06:01
1. Communist Mississippi may not move its own citizens to conquered lands, as that is in violation of the Geneva Convention, whether or not Communist Mississippi is a signatory, and cannot be allowed.
2. Communist Mississippi may not obtain new territories by Purchase, Trade, Threat, Invasion, or Gift. If Communist Mississippi attempts to loophole this rule, it will still be punished.
3. Communist Mississippi may not declare war on a nation except for the following reasons:
3a. War has been declared upon Communist Mississippi
3b. A direct attack, such as invasion of Communist Mississippi, or military attack.
3c. A proven terrorist or indirect attack against Communist Mississippi. Communist Mississippi, if it feels it knows who perpetrated the attack, must give the evidence to an international court, with civilians of a neutral nation, for desicion.
3d. A failed but obvious attack, or attack in the happening, upon Communist Mississippi.
4. The exception to rule three is, if Communist Mississippi wishes to appeal to NATO for a special circumstance. In such a case, the Congressional Board is allowed to vote whether or not Communist Mississippi may commit its declaration of war, by a 3/5ths vote.
Decisive Action
10-09-2004, 06:03
When did I.
1) Acquire new lands? Never (Indeed I lost Libya)
2) Declare war (Never) (sending troops to friendly nations and placing them under their command, and actually declaring war on their enemies, are two completely different things... I never declared war on anybody)
3) Send troops into foreign lands for aggression (Never, my allies asked me to come, as former leader of the LOEL and chairman, I had OBLIGATIONS under the LOEL charter, and those cannot be ignored) Also those obligations never conflicted with the nato treaty, the obligations stated "Defense of allies" not "Helping aggression with allies"
Ooc- And thus you have shown how hollow and hypocritical your treaties are.
Decisive Action
10-09-2004, 06:06
You never asked for Congressional Board approval to send any of your military to any foreign nation. You have violated both the Ultimatum and the spirit of the ultimatum.
Ooc- Was the spirit of the ultimatum to keep me from defending myself and my allies? All I have done is that... Or was the spirit to stop aggression (Which I had already voluntarily stopped a few days before it was issued, and have not engaged in since signing the treaty)
Again, I have asked many times, show me the link where this violation occurred.
10-09-2004, 06:07
Sarzonian Naval Chief John Newman announced the dispatching of the Second Fleet to join the DQZ force.
The fleet is as follows:
One Freedom-class superdreadnaught
One Calypso-class superdreadnaught
One Vengeance-class supercarrier
Two Royal Holly-class aircraft carriers
Three Glacier-class trimarian aircraft carriers
Ten Charter-class battleships
Five Council-class battleships
Five Volunteer-class battleships
Two Truxtun-class battlecruisers
Two Region-class battlecruisers
Five Alliance-class supercruisers
Fifteen Duchy-class heavy cruisers
Five Randolph-class heavy cruisers
Twenty Province-class cruisers
Twenty five County-class AA destroyers
Twenty five City-class general purpose destroyers
Ten Evermore-class destroyers
Twenty five Buggles-class frigates
Twenty Furtive-class frigates
Ten Barracuda-class frigates
Ten Palace-class SSBNs
Twenty Forthar-class SSNs
Plus various support ships
Because Sarzonia is one of Roach-Busters's oldest and closest allies, RB will do whatever it can to assist Sarzonia and the others.
10-09-2004, 06:31
Communist Mississippi may not move its own citizens to conquered lands, as that is in violation of the Geneva Convention, whether or not Communist Mississippi is a signatory, and cannot be allowed.
In these threads:[/url, [url], and, and many others, citizens of CM/DA were sent into lands that were conquered. Entire military divisions were moved into lands conqured by the Government and miliary of Communist Mississippi/Decisive Action.
Communist Mississippi may not obtain new territories by Purchase, Trade, Threat, Invasion, or Gift. If Communist Mississippi attempts to loophole this rule, it will still be punished.
This thread: By this marriage CM/DA sought to use a loophole. Seryown would become a subordinate state to CM/DA.
Finally by deploying your troops into theatres of hostile action and placing them under the command of belligerent forces, you have issued a de facto Declaration of War. While not a strict abuse of the letter of the Ultimatum, it is an abuse of the spirit of the ultimatum which you freely and fully agreed to.
Decisive Action
10-09-2004, 06:33
In these threads:[/url,, and [url], and many others, citizens of CM/DA were sent into lands that were conquered. Entire military divisions were moved into lands conqured by the Government and miliary of Communist Mississippi/Decisive Action.
This thread: By this marriage CM/DA sought to use a loophole. Seryown would become a subordinate state to CM/DA.
Finally by deploying your troops into theatres of hostile action and placing them under the command of belligerent forces, you have issued a de facto Declaration of War. While not a strict abuse of the letter of the Ultimatum, it is an abuse of the spirit of the ultimatum which you freely and fully agreed to.
I've owned Western Sahara since July, it's my land to do with as I please.
Also terrorist forces, guerilla forces, etc, rose up in Western Sahara and their victories required deployment of more forces. It's my land, not aggressive actinos to police my own land.
10-09-2004, 06:34
What can RB do to help, Hamptonshire?
Decisive Action
10-09-2004, 06:34
As for the royal marriage, if you followed this RP, a long RP, massively long, you can find Roger and Alice are in love and the marriage was the result of their love.
Start reading now, it's over 300 word document pages.
10-09-2004, 06:35
I've owned Western Sahara since July, it's my land to do with as I please.
Read: Communist Mississippi may not move its own citizens to conquered lands...
You moved your citizens to the conquered lands of Egypt and Western Sahara.
Decisive Action
10-09-2004, 06:36
Read: Communist Mississippi may not move its own citizens to conquered lands...
You moved your citizens to the conquered lands of Egypt and Western Sahara.
I did no such thing. They were already there! I halted all new movements after the ultimatum. Mississippian Egypt and Western Sahara have been stocked full of people since late July.
10-09-2004, 06:36
What can RB do to help, Hamptonshire?
Deploy your ships to the Horn of Africa.
Decisive Action
10-09-2004, 06:37
As for the royal marriage, if you followed this RP, a long RP, massively long, you can find Roger and Alice are in love and the marriage was the result of their love.
Start reading now, it's over 300 word document pages.
No response to this eh?
10-09-2004, 06:37
I did no such thing. They were already there! I halted all new movements after the ultimatum. Mississippian Egypt and Western Sahara have been stocked full of people since late July.
You moved your military in and out of those lands...last time I checked your military personnel are your citizens.
Decisive Action
10-09-2004, 06:38
You moved your military in and out of those lands...last time I checked your military personnel are your citizens.
Ooc- Last time I checked I can police my lands as I see fit. If you wanted to design an ulimatum such that no matter how hard I tried to obey it, you can trip me up... Well my diplomats move from one nation to the next, they are people. Families visiting relatives, missionaries, etc. By move in = "build settlements" and have colonists. And I stopped all further settlements after signing the treaty. Freedom of movement is crucial for any free society. You are simply looking for technicalities to trip me up on. I've bent over backwards to follow the terms of this treaty.
You have revealed your true warmongering nature, you never had any intention of keeping your end of the treaty.
10-09-2004, 06:38
No response to this eh?
It does not detract from the fact that a result of said marriage would be the subordination of Seryown, a violation of the Ultimatum.
10-09-2004, 06:39
Ooc- Last time I checked I can police my lands as I see fit. If you wanted to design an ulimatum such that no matter how hard I tried to obey it, you can trip me up... Well my diplomats move from one nation to the next, they are people. Families visiting relatives, missionaries, etc.
You have revealed your true warmongering nature, you never had any intention of keeping your end of the treaty.
OOC- moving small numbers is fine, not entire divisions and armies.
Decisive Action
10-09-2004, 06:40
It does not detract from the fact that a result of said marriage would be the subordination of Seryown, a violation of the Ultimatum.
Ooc- How so? Alice Carrion has no position of real importance in her government... I think you're a lunatic!
She's a diplomat! And Seryown doesn't even have a royal family! Roger was the royalty. She left Seryown in disgust and became a CM citizen to marry Roger!
10-09-2004, 06:40
Deploy your ships to the Horn of Africa.
I shall do so. 5 Tyrant-class Battleships, 5 UltorClass Battleship/Carriers, and 25 Payton Class Battlecruisers are being mobilized as we speak. They will be deployed shortly.
Decisive Action
10-09-2004, 06:41
OOC- moving small numbers is fine, not entire divisions and armies.
Ooc: Well maybe I should have let the terrorists swamp the entire nation... Or maybe you should stop trying to trip me up on technicalities.
Answer me this.
1) Have I done anything agaisnt the actual wording or spirit of the treaty? NO!
I have done NOTHING outside of my own lands. I had even halted all colonist movements to Africa!
Decisive Action
10-09-2004, 06:42
OOC- moving small numbers is fine, not entire divisions and armies.
Ooc: Considering 80% of our forces that were stationed in Western Sahara became casulties within the first few NS months of the fighting, it was only appropriate we replaced them.
Decisive Action
10-09-2004, 06:43
Ooc: Admit it, you have nothing! Nothing! against me IC, you are just grabbing at thin air and making up stories to try to get a casus belli against me. Seryown subordinate to me? The man tried to usurp my alliance? How does a marriage between a royal from my nation to a commoner from his mean his land is subordinated to me? It's just a marriage like any other! Read the RP!
Well one thing is for sure, NATO credibility has been shot to hell, I abided by every single term of your treaty, and yet to still persecute me for policing my own lands that were in such rebellion, Western Sahara had genocides against various groups from other groups, it was a mess, and only the rapid infusion of reinforcements stabilized it. My land, my decisions. I never invaded foreign land, despite evident that Ottoman Khaif terror supporters, private citizens backing terror, had camps in nations neighboring Western Sahara.
I've conducted myself according to your treaty.
Decisive Action
10-09-2004, 06:52
Newsflash, just because OOC I am right-wing, doesn't mean you can find a very flimsy IC reason and use it to go to war. I don't RP wars for OOC reasons and will refuse to do so. So basically, "better luck next time"
A royal from my land marrying a semi-exiled commoner from another land is supposed to = my owning their land? Get REAL!
My sending MY forces to MY land to suppress a rebellion to protect ALL citizens, is supposed to be aggressive actions? Get Real!
You need to do better than just "Well OOC I hate him, so let's make up some IC reasons."
You all are the same sort of people that were shouting at folks for going after Feminany for no reasons at all except OOC, yet you rush to do the same.
10-09-2004, 06:56
Newsflash, just because OOC I am right-wing, doesn't mean you can find a very flimsy IC reason and use it to go to war. I don't RP wars for OOC reasons and will refuse to do so. So basically, "better luck next time"
A royal from my land marrying a semi-exiled commoner from another land is supposed to = my owning their land? Get REAL!
My sending MY forces to MY land to suppress a rebellion to protect ALL citizens, is supposed to be aggressive actions? Get Real!
You need to do better than just "Well OOC I hate him, so let's make up some IC reasons."
You all are the same sort of people that were shouting at folks for going after Feminany for no reasons at all except OOC, yet you rush to do the same.
OOC: When have I ever expressed an OOC opinion of you? I couldn't careless about your OOC beliefs or actions, all that I am responding to and all that I am acting in response of are IC actions, IC statements, and IC beliefs.
Decisive Action
10-09-2004, 06:56
Here is the RP that NATO claims Seryown and I slapped together overnight so he could magically become little more than a colony of CM... Wow, where does it end eh?
Note it doesn't start on the 27th of August, it goes way back to an old peace conference, it just carried over into the new RP thread so it could be for ease of reading. Let me find the date of the old conference. :D
Originally started here:
(This is something Seryown and I have been working on for over one month!)
10-09-2004, 06:59
Here is the RP that NATO claims Seryown and I slapped together overnight so he could magically become little more than a colony of CM... Wow, where does it end eh?
Note it doesn't start on the 27th of August, it goes way back to an old peace conference, it just carried over into the new RP thread so it could be for ease of reading. Let me find the date of the old conference. :D
and where did I post a link to that thread
10-09-2004, 07:00
DA, just so you know, RB exhibits no ill feelings toward you, either IC or OOC (I'm not implying that you thought I did, I just wanted to make things clear), and RB's involvement in this incident is solely to support our ally Sarzonia, not to breed enmity between our two nations.
Decisive Action
10-09-2004, 07:00
Ooc: And here is the "aggression" (Putting down an internal rebellion by people who killed civilians, took hostages, suicide bombed, raped, massacred, etc, that they claim was aggression.
Decisive Action
10-09-2004, 07:01
Ooc: I've got to sleep, it's late as hell, as much as I'd love to stay up and argue, I cannot. (I so love a good argument though)
Get a start reading the links to those old RPs I posted, it's good stuff.
10-09-2004, 07:01
Ooc: And here is the "aggression" (Putting down an internal rebellion by people who killed civilians, took hostages, suicide bombed, raped, massacred, etc, that they claim was aggression.
would you mind making an IC response to an IC post (the first post). So far everything you've said is OOC.
Decisive Action
10-09-2004, 07:03
---Admiralty Hall, Hamptonshire City---
The newly appointed Defense Minister, Fleet Admiral Lord Phillip Rosecrans, stands before the assembled press to issue his statement.
"At noon Hamptonian Central Time today, the Congressional Board of the New Alliance Treaty Organization voted to impose a "Defense Quarantine Zone" around all possess of the nation known as Decisive Action. The Government of DA has continued to circumvent the Ultimatium issued by NATO that was agreed to by all parties concerned. While the Congressional Board has in the past voted to treat DA with dignity and respect, the Board will no longer do so. DA has proved to a be rouge nation, a threat to all mankind.
The "DQZ" shall operate in transnational waters and shall board and intercept all ocean going vessels of the following nature:
Weapons Carrying Cargo Vessels
Military Transports
Any ship failing to have it's cargo certified in a "third party" nation
All ships meeting these classifications will be stopped, boarded, examined, and if necessary detained.
Additionally, all NATO nations have agreed to place command of all their military forces in this instance to the Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire. Acting as "Supreme Commander, NATO Forces", I will coordinate the simultaneous Quarantines of DA's North American and African Possessions.
We will continue our Quarantine of DA until such time as the Government of Decisive Action agrees to let NATO Peacekeepers into all DA Possessions and DA formally issues a statement refuting the use of all offensive military units. Until such time as the Congressional Board is satisfied, the Quarantine will continue.
Thank you."
Without waiting of any questions, Lord Rosecrans leaves the room.
Both Fleet Squadrons are identical
9th Fleet Squadron (North America Quarantine Force)
22nd Fleet Squadron (Africa Quarantine Force)
8 Newport Class DDGN
4 Majesty Class DDN
4 Stalwart Class FFGN
8 Brutus Class SSN
1 Caesar Class SSGN
1 Pernicious Class ICVBN
2 Endeavour Class CVL
4 Proxima Class CVEN
1 Gettysburg Class BBGN
4 Valiant Class BCNs (ETC Variant)
2 Vengence Class FCGN
3 Merciless Class CAADN
8 Newport Class DDGN
6 Stalwart Class FFGN
3 Brutus Class SSN
3 Johnston Class AOE
2 McClellen Class General Ship Tenders
2 Pernicious II Class ICVBN
1 Vulpine Class CVBN
1 Quantam Class CVACN
3 Proxima Class CVEN
4 Coral Sea Class BBLGN
1 Council Class BBGN
1 Valiant Class BCN (Rail Gun Variant)
4 Valiant Class BCN (ETC Variant)
4 Merciless Class CAADN
5 Newport Class DDGN
6 Stalwart Class FFGN
2 Caesar Class CGN
3 Johnston Class AOE
2 McClellen Class General Ship Tenders
Ic: "We know for a fact we have not violated any terms of the treaty. We will make it a point to send our merchant ships out unarmed and without escorts, that way when you attack and seize them, your aggressive nature masked behind the facade of pacifism, shall be finally exposed for the world to see." Paul Stahlecker.
10-09-2004, 10:25
The Dominion has mobilized the GMB Ninth Fleet to the Sinai peninsula (to support IDF). We have also dispatched the GMB Eleventh Fleet to the DQZ:
GMB Ninth Fleet: "Conquerors of the Sea"
Manpower: 42,261 Personnel
2 Vengence Class Carriers
4 Roydia Class Battleships
4 Helina Class Battlecruisers
2 Triara Class Light Cruisers
10 Adari Class Air Defence Destroyers
11 Atlantia Class AEGIS Destroyers
6 Royale Class Frigates
5 Grevant Class Missile Frigates
7 Seawolf Class Submarines
4 Typhoon Class Submarines
6 Portos Class Catamarans
12 Executor Class Combat Logistics Ships
2 Perrigon Class Minesweepers
GMB Eleventh Fleet: "Bearers of the Banner"
Manpower: 76,450 Personnel
1 Calypso Class Dreadnaught
2 Vengence Class Supercarriers
3 Glacier Class Aircraft Carriers
4 Roydia RefitA Class Battleships
4 Helina Class Battlecruisers
6 Carthage Class Air Defense Cruisers
6 Triara Class Light Cruisers
8 Portlandia Class Missile Cruisers
8 Swiftsure Class Destroyers
10 Adari Class Air Defense Destroyers
10 Atlantia Class AEGIS Destroyers
12 Champlain Class Frigates
12 Lionfish Class Missile Frigates
4 Emden Class Amphibious Assault Ships
6 Spirit Class Submarines
6 Seawolf Class Submarines
20 Executor Class Combat Logistics Ships
6 Perrigon Class Minesweepers
Holy panooly
10-09-2004, 11:22
numberwanking, OOC shit, flaming and bitching: the anthem of a terrific roleplay!
In these threads:[/url, [url], and, and many others, citizens of CM/DA were sent into lands that were conquered. Entire military divisions were moved into lands conqured by the Government and miliary of Communist Mississippi/Decisive Action.
This thread: By this marriage CM/DA sought to use a loophole. Seryown would become a subordinate state to CM/DA.
Finally by deploying your troops into theatres of hostile action and placing them under the command of belligerent forces, you have issued a de facto Declaration of War. While not a strict abuse of the letter of the Ultimatum, it is an abuse of the spirit of the ultimatum which you freely and fully agreed to.
I can say from my own perspective that there was never any discussion in the slightest of the most tiny possibility about CM(or do I call him DA now?) exerting any control over my country. The two countries had an alliance - a legitimate alliance based on protecting each other because at the time our views were very much alike. But CM never made any attempt to control my nation.
10-09-2004, 19:17
Standing Order, Number 1
No NATO Forces shall open fire on any vessel, person, or other property of CM or any other nation except in self defense. All boarding parties are to be only lightly armed.
Encoded Tranmission to NATO Fleets
To facilitate intra-Fleet communication, Hamptonian General Staff level officers will be arriving to oversee each member-nation's contribution to the DQZ
OOC: Let's keep this thread to IC.
Napoleonic Empire
10-09-2004, 19:21
As a member of the Pact of Steel Alliance, we are curious as to how DA violated NATO's ultimatum. If he has indeed, then we will withdraw support from him and let NATO run its course. If not, I am afraid we have to protect our fellow nation's sovereignty. If you would, please enclose to us all the evidence and a specific mentioning of the violations of the ultimatum. I understand they have been said before we are only asking you reiterate them in an organized fashion to our government so we may quickly formulate a decision on the subject.- Foreign Minister Raphael Locke
Decisive Action
10-09-2004, 19:58
- Foreign Minister Raphael Locke
They claim my Czar marrying a commoner from Seryown = me gaining land, although the commoner has no claims to land in Seryown and was semi-exiled from her homeland.
They also claim my using my own forces in my own land, to put down rebellions = aggressive actions.
As much as we dislike DA, we dislike NATO just as much. Sevaris will not participate or condone this quarantine, nor will we aid DA.
The battleship RNS John R. Hichanim was heading to Sierra Leone. It watch the NATO ships at the Horn of Africa.
"What do you mean" said Adm. Hansley.
"NATO has a quarantine zone in Africa." respond Gen. Masigate.
The Brydog and Native force in Sierra Leone are put on alert.
British Morocco
10-09-2004, 20:52
IC: We have received your code Hamptonshire.
We aren't a part of NATO, but we will allow your naval personnel to oversee our actions. We can prepare to chopper you to our flagship, the HMS Victory very soon. We will adhere to all your commands and make sure the bloody DA gets what's coming to him. We have well trained marines who can help board ships.
Thank you,
Admiral Sir Arther Johnson, CinC BM North Atlantic fleet
Decisive Action
10-09-2004, 20:54
IC: We have received your code Hamptonshire.
We aren't a part of NATO, but we will allow your naval personnel to oversee our actions. We can prepare to chopper you to our flagship, the HMS Victory very soon. We will adhere to all your commands and make sure the bloody DA gets what's coming to him. We have well trained marines who can help board ships.
Thank you,
Admiral Sir Arther Johnson, CinC BM North Atlantic fleet
Ooc: You do realize since this whole NATO deal against me is being done for OOC reasons, rather than IC, that I am basically ignoring it all. Had I actually violated the treaty, I'd accept it. But my RPing a marriage to a commoner with no land involved, and my putting down internal rebellions, does not constitute my gaining land or my being aggressive. They cannot take things I've done and stated IC what they were about, and then state that I actually meant something else by them.
British Morocco
10-09-2004, 20:59
Ooc: You do realize since this whole NATO deal against me is being done for OOC reasons, rather than IC, that I am basically ignoring it all.
OOC: I have seen enough IC evidence to be swayed.
From what I have know the reasons are IC, there is somewhat of a rivalry here and they see you as a possible IC threat. It isn't anything OOC and ignoring it will make anyone who isn't allied to you wish to ignore you.
They aren't attacking you, this is a quarantine to try and mitigate the threat you pose to world peace. I think you should just RP it out, you never know, you may enjoy it and have some fun.
Decisive Action
10-09-2004, 21:02
OOC: I have seen enough IC evidence to be swayed.
Ooc: One question, you may be swayed, well sections of the American public were swayed to believe Saddam had WMDS (What few he might actually have had, were left-overs from the ones Reagan gave him in the 80s to fight Iran with)
But yet I see no WMDs...
It doesn't matter to me if you are swayed, I am not... And that is what counts.
Ooc: Did you even read the ultimatum?
I ask again:
When did I invade any other nation, declare war, etc.
When did I gain land through any means?
The answer is Never, Never, Never.
10-09-2004, 21:05
The 9th Destroyer Squadron has been repositioned to the area in order to observe ongoing actions. This fleet is Praetonian and therefore will not be handed over to the command of foreign powers. No ship flying Praetonian colours will carrying out board operations at this time.
Itinerate Tree Dweller
10-09-2004, 21:15
"DA owns the land known as Western Sahara, so he has done the equivalent of declaring martial law. He sent in troops to maintain peace and stability, he did not send in troops to conquer the land. These accusations from NATO are lacking in evidence, so we condemn the accusations. ITD itself sent in troops to put down rebel uprisings. What does NATO except DA to do? Allow rebels to break away? Allow rebels to take more human lives? Activities in his colonies are his business." - Christopher Irons, UN Delegate
Decisive Action
10-09-2004, 21:17
"DA owns the land known as Western Sahara, so he has done the equivalent of declaring martial law. He sent in troops to maintain peace and stability, he did not send in troops to conquer the land. These accusations from NATO are lacking in evidence, so we condemn the accusations. ITD itself sent in troops to put down rebel uprisings. What does NATO except DA to do? Allow rebels to break away? Allow rebels to take more human lives? Activities in his colonies are his business." - Christopher Irons, UN Delegate
"You are mistaken in one thing, Western Sahara is under Commonwealth law, the old colonial governments were considered too discriminating against the natives and were replaced by commonwealth governments. Western Sahara is not treated as a conquered land, more like a county of Mississippi herself, although this county happens to be in Africa." Paul Stahlecker
A P-3R takes off from Starskey AFB in Sierra Leone.
This is Chevy-1, repeat. Starting our mission, heading to mointer NATO sea forces. said the pliot, Lt. Col. James Hutchson
Chevy-1, this home, don't engage any ships or display hostile actions to the NATO fleet in Africa. respond the Chief of Airborne Naval Intellgence.
Itinerate Tree Dweller
10-09-2004, 21:20
"You are mistaken in one thing, Western Sahara is under Commonwealth law, the old colonial governments were considered too discriminating against the natives and were replaced by commonwealth governments. Western Sahara is not treated as a conquered land, more like a county of Mississippi herself, although this county happens to be in Africa." Paul Stahlecker
"We appologize for the misunderstanding. Regardless, ITD comdemns the accusations." -Christopher Irons, UN Delegate
P-3R flies over the NATO fleet reporting ship postions and ship types.
British Morocco
11-09-2004, 01:34
OOC: DA, when you will IC RP some of your ships reaching the DQZ? Stop the OOC complaining about how they are doing this to you and start IC posting. In NS a nation can do stuff to another whenever they want and for whatever reason. If you OOCly believe that there is no reason for it, then IC post along those lines and try and do something like run the blockade for that reason.
Decisive Action
11-09-2004, 01:47
OOC: DA, when you will IC RP some of your ships reaching the DQZ? Stop the OOC complaining about how they are doing this to you and start IC posting. In NS a nation can do stuff to another whenever they want and for whatever reason. If you OOCly believe that there is no reason for it, then IC post along those lines and try and do something like run the blockade for that reason.
Ooc: When will you realize that OOC reasons are not enough to start a blockade, which is essentially a quasi-war operation. And besides, members within NATO have a history of taking action in the name of NATO without it being NATO sanctioned, essentially because of the groups utter lack of standards in who they let it, their credibility has been shot to hell in a few short weeks since they came back into existence.
11-09-2004, 03:13
After recieving orders the Morathanian Mediterranean fleet set sail from Dubrovnik. Their mission was to sail the Medditerranean and to interdict any illegal shipping heading for Descisive Action (OOC: Or would you rather be called CM?). They were commanded by Fleet Admiral Niels Barlow, the Commander Morathanian Forces Mediterreanean (ComMorForMed), a 40 year carrer officer who had served in every Morathania naval engagement since the Feazanthia incident. He was the closest thing the Morathanian Navy had to a revered elder commander. He watched from the flight deck of the HMMS Reliant as she steamed out of Dubrovnik. He serveyed his fleet with an observant glare that made him look like a man from hell. He was ready to go to war if need be but he commited himself to the mission ahead. He had read his orders and was ready to carry them out. He didn't want to start a war but if CM ships fire first then he knew he would be let of the proverbial cage that he was trapped in.
Morathanian Mediterranean Fleet
4 Nimitz Class Carriers
4 Kirov Class Cruisers
12 Ticonderoga II Class Cruisers
16 Arleigh Bruke Class Destroyers
24 Oliver Hazard Perry Class Frigates
120 Orion Class Hydrofoils and varients
Decisive Action
11-09-2004, 03:16
OOC: DA, when you will IC RP some of your ships reaching the DQZ? Stop the OOC complaining about how they are doing this to you and start IC posting. In NS a nation can do stuff to another whenever they want and for whatever reason. If you OOCly believe that there is no reason for it, then IC post along those lines and try and do something like run the blockade for that reason.
Don't forget, IDF, I ignore you IC, so your movements mean nothing to me, and the rest of the movements here, being for OOC reasons, mean nothing to me. A naval blockade is a quasi-war, and such things cannot be done for OOC reasons. The NS board got into an uproar when people went after Feminany for OOC reasons, and rightfully so, even I apologized and retracted all my posts made and such, even the tribunal attempts. It was an uncharacteristic lapse in my usual RPing style, something I'm not proud of.
OOC: I've been reading everything, not been very active recently on NS. I would make an IC post, but dealing with CM, I really cant.
I just wish to say, as writer of the ultimatum, that the use of citizens in the first post basically meant civilians, it coincides with the geneva convention rules, which are about civilians. Military movements to conquered lands are not prohibited, there is no precedent.
I support the action, im just clearing things up.
Don't forget, IDF, I ignore you IC, so your movements mean nothing to me, and the rest of the movements here, being for OOC reasons, mean nothing to me. A naval blockade is a quasi-war, and such things cannot be done for OOC reasons. The NS board got into an uproar when people went after Feminany for OOC reasons, and rightfully so, even I apologized and retracted all my posts made and such, even the tribunal attempts. It was an uncharacteristic lapse in my usual RPing style, something I'm not proud of.
OOC: I find it funny how your conspiracy theory make you think everyone against you is me or DPUO (I guess that's from your redneck ideals.)
They didn't do this for OOC reasons. They did it because ICly you are a threat to world peace. You are building your space weapons and establishing alliances so others do your bidding, this is IC reasons, not OOC. THis is official NATO action and not hijacking of the alliance as the CB voted in favor of this action. (I don't know the final tally, but I've been assured a vote was done.)
Stop being an OOC whiner and post a damn IC post.
11-09-2004, 04:52
[OOC: I don't deny that I see a LOT of CM/DA I don't like OOC, but IC, Sarzonia considers you a threat to world peace in general and its interests in particular and we think of you as one of the worst dictators in world history. That's an IC reason for Sarzonia to be part of the quarantine.]
Napoleonic Empire
11-09-2004, 04:57
[OOC: OOC, I'm not a DA fan, but IC, I gotta voice my support]
We have come to a decision. We will provide aid to Decisive Action economically and financially through our connection with the Mississippi River. We will allow civilian Mississippian ships to pass through Louisiana, but we will not provide military support.- Raphael Locke, Foreign Minister
Military support for CM was once again deterred by the Brotherhood and liberal presence in Parliament.
[OOC: OOC, I'm not a DA fan, but IC, I gotta voice my support]
- Raphael Locke, Foreign Minister
Military support for CM was once again deterred by the Brotherhood and liberal presence in Parliament.
OOC: that won't help him as we are blockading the entrace to the Mediterranean sea and cutting off his oil supply
Napoleonic Empire
11-09-2004, 05:28
OOC: that won't help him as we are blockading the entrace to the Mediterranean sea and cutting off his oil supply
[OOC: It is more of a formal declaration of our support. And there is oil in America, you know...]
[OOC: It is more of a formal declaration of our support. And there is oil in America, you know...]
not enough to sustain a good sized nation.
Decisive Action
11-09-2004, 05:35
The USA consumes about 20 million barrels per day, my stockpile in Mississippi is about 5 billion barrels. I produce 5-6 million per day from the Fabus Island, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucy, Ohio, Indiana, and other oil rigs if the Gulf, and about 5-6 million more barrels in Mississippian Egypt (Which is entirely self-sufficient) Oh your oil plan has one flaw, I could buy oil from Louisiana and Texas and ship it overland. Also you forgot the most important part where I'm ignoring this blockade as it is for OOC reasons. Nobody has yet shown me any IC reasons for this blockade. And OOC reasons that translate into IC actions, are always ignored.
11-09-2004, 06:14
The USA consumes about 20 million barrels per day, my stockpile in Mississippi is about 5 billion barrels. I produce 5-6 million per day from the Fabus Island, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucy, Ohio, Indiana, and other oil rigs if the Gulf, and about 5-6 million more barrels in Mississippian Egypt (Which is entirely self-sufficient) Oh your oil plan has one flaw, I could buy oil from Louisiana and Texas and ship it overland. Also you forgot the most important part where I'm ignoring this blockade as it is for OOC reasons. Nobody has yet shown me any IC reasons for this blockade. And OOC reasons that translate into IC actions, are always ignored.
We (I) have showed you IC reasons for the blockade, you are the one that constantly brings OOC into this thread.
Decisive Action
11-09-2004, 06:18
We (I) have showed you IC reasons for the blockade, you are the one that constantly brings OOC into this thread.
I have made it clear, that what you are showing me is little more than your feeble pathetic attempts to grab at the slightest thing. The words of the agreement said aggression, it's not aggression to put down rebellions in MY OWN lands. I didn't acquire any land when Roger married a commoner from Seryown, as Seryown even attested to. You are the one who is looking for any reason to hassle me. Newsflash, OOC reasons are ignored totally.
How does this sound, "Hey Hampstonshire, you know your royal family, the prince in it, he married that middle class woman in country X, well you're conspiring to take over the world, die!" (see, that's complete BS, there is no connection between the two)
You are taking OOC reasons, and jumping at anything you can to get them by. Therefore this is entirely Ignored
11-09-2004, 14:53
OOC - Oh look! Guess who ignored perfectly plausible rationale.... again..
CM.. I'm glad this didn't turn into a war.. I don't want my battleships sunk by your uBer 10000 km - ranged Ts... worthless piles of crap.
As for the royal marriage, if you followed this RP, a long RP, massively long, you can find Roger and Alice are in love and the marriage was the result of their love.
Start reading now, it's over 300 word document pages.
Great! They can both abdicate and have their love somewhere else. If it's good enough for the Brits, it's better then enough for you.
numberwanking, OOC shit, flaming and bitching: the anthem of a terrific roleplay!
OOC *wonders if he should bring up Holy Panooly's "numberwanking, OOC shit, flaming and bitching" in the Praetoria/Sirens of Titan thread?*
In short - hush yuh mout'.
I have made it clear, that what you are showing me is little more than your feeble pathetic attempts to grab at the slightest thing. The words of the agreement said aggression, it's not aggression to put down rebellions in MY OWN lands. I didn't acquire any land when Roger married a commoner from Seryown, as Seryown even attested to. You are the one who is looking for any reason to hassle me. Newsflash, OOC reasons are ignored totally.
How does this sound, "Hey Hampstonshire, you know your royal family, the prince in it, he married that middle class woman in country X, well you're conspiring to take over the world, die!" (see, that's complete BS, there is no connection between the two)
You are taking OOC reasons, and jumping at anything you can to get them by. Therefore this is entirely Ignored
In other words, even though NATO has justification *IC* you're going to pull a "I don't see it nyah nyah nyah" because you don't like that your world is coming to an end.
Well waaah on you. Hampstonshire has posted the justification repeatedly so all you're proving is your inability to accept the consequences of your actions. Get off the high horse, it does not suit you.
Decisive Action
11-09-2004, 16:13
In other words, even though NATO has justification *IC* you're going to pull a "I don't see it nyah nyah nyah" because you don't like that your world is coming to an end.
Well waaah on you. Hampstonshire has posted the justification repeatedly so all you're proving is your inability to accept the consequences of your actions. Get off the high horse, it does not suit you.
No, in other words because NATO has CRAP IC, I'm going to tell them what any reasonable person says; OOC reasons equal crap.
I keep telling you, Hamptonshires justification is crap
Well how about this, my leader smoked a lot, that means he's Satan, because Satan is in hell, where there is smoke and fire... That means my leader is planning to destroy the world. That is the sort of logic they're using. F--ed up logic, but then again, when you only have OOC reasons to go after people, you have to use lies and distortions and BS to find a slight IC reason.
I have repeatedly posted what the truth behind the situations, and I've posted the wording of the treaty. Nowhere did it say, "Your royal prince cannot get married to a commoner from nation X" or "Don't you dare put down rebellions in your own lands that threaten the lives of millions of innocent civilians."
Holy panooly
11-09-2004, 16:23
OOC *wonders if he should bring up Holy Panooly's "numberwanking, OOC shit, flaming and bitching" in the Praetoria/Sirens of Titan thread?*
In short - hush yuh mout'.
OOC *wonders if he should bring up Vastiva's, praetonias, morathanias and IDF's "numberwanking, OOC shit, flaming and bitching" in the Praetonia/Sirens of Titan thread?*
In short - I made 3 posts there you halfwit, it's spelled 'Praetonia" and you should get your facts straight.
Stop you lame-ass flamebaiting.
o.o.c. DA grow up and face the facts. Just because something doesn't go your way doesn't mean you should IGNORe it. A craapy IC reason is still an IC reason nonetheless. Bushhad a crappy IC reason for going into Iraq and that still happened. You yourself tried to use that example but it porve true the other way around. Grow up and face the music.
Decisive Action
11-09-2004, 17:02
o.o.c. DA grow up and face the facts. Just because something doesn't go your way doesn't mean you should IGNORe it. A craapy IC reason is still an IC reason nonetheless. Bushhad a crappy IC reason for going into Iraq and that still happened. You yourself tried to use that example but it porve true the other way around. Grow up and face the music.
Ooc: How about a crappy OOC reason translated into a petty excuse IC. That isn't an IC reason at all. They have NOTHING IC wise.
You don't get it DA in NS nations do what they want and you don't IGNORE just because you disagree with reasoning, Most of the world ignores you and all the RPs you do are with allies against NPCs, sounds quite boring eh?
Decisive Action
11-09-2004, 17:56
OOC reasons are not acceptable for IC actions.
You need to read up on the NS RP stickies.
On another note, I'd much rather RP with people who can RP well, and RP IC for IC reasons, rather than OOC crap, like you and your commie crew.
I'm done with this thread, it's turning into an argument of the sort that belongs in general.
I also think that the level of the view counts my RPs get speaks for itself.
Well if NS nations do what they want, I don't want to RP with the likes of you folks. So I say good day to you all.
And to that I'd say you are a godmodding coward who can't take a loss. Hamptonshire, who is leading this effort, is one of NS's most respected RPers so why don't you just RP this.
Decisive Action
11-09-2004, 18:02
I've made it clear that OOC reasons are not acceptable for IC actions. Why don't you just RP being swamped by 30 people because your king married a woman from another nation (petty IC excuse) real OOC reason (you all don't like right-wingers)
Don't think I don't read your precious NATO forum. (I know all and see all, not really, but I know much and see much)
Now as I said, I am done here.
11-09-2004, 18:39
OOC: This is really confusing. Can we all cut out the flaming on both sides and can someone from NATO present the reasons for this and links to back it up. Im very disappointed in some people for getting involved in this flame war.
11-09-2004, 20:15
If I might just interject: CM, take a note of a couple of things:
1) This thread here. ( It's a surprise attack, and though it has been planned, I'd wager odds are it wasn't planned down to the quivering of a nostril hair on each character's nose. Nor was any reason given at all ICly to Cent. Mass., it just BEGAN. Hamptonshire has given reason, which is pretty decent of him. And before you go on: no, it wasn't me who began this. As a matter of fact, I wondered why even bother, since all you would do was say "you can't do this to me!" and promptly ignore it, like you ignore anything you don't like.
2) Role Play in short (What it is)
Role Playing is acting, just without a script. If you've ever been in a play or had some sort of part, you have role played, or played a role. :P Role Playing is more like life, though. You have a part that you play, whether its school, work, boyfriend, girlfriend etc.., it is unscripted. Role play is unscripted. You figure things out as you go along, putting up with rough patches (not ignoring someone, flamming, or getting your nation deleted over it), and most of all, try and have fun.
That's a direct quote from the TROUSRS NS RP sticky, pretty well the baseline for RPing. It's not all scripted, it's not all as you like it; well unless you simply can't do anything you don't want. Good RPers generally work some things out but leave a large degree of freedom and uncertainty. Take the Sevaris-Kahta stand-off; that was well-Rped, tense, and great fun, and not really planned out.
OOC: Nato has given its IC reasons. IC, most of the nations dislike DA's treatment of civilians, and feel he is a threat to the world. His history shows this. They have been preparing for war for a while, because they dont like CM/DA IC. They may have a bad told reason, but so did bush with WMD. Its the same thing. NATO doesn't like DA's evil policies, and their reasons give them a reason to invade, even if they might not be true. Its not OOC, really.
11-09-2004, 20:21
OOC: And we issued an ultinatum which he sticked to. This witch hunt frankly disgusts me, as does the conduct of several NATO members who took it on themselves to flame others. If we claim to have the moral high ground then we should at least conduct ourselves in a decent and honourable way. I dont want to debate this further.
If I might just interject: CM, take a note of a couple of things:
1) This thread here. ( It's a surprise attack, and though it has been planned, I'd wager odds are it wasn't planned down to the quivering of a nostril hair on each character's nose. Nor was any reason given at all ICly to Cent. Mass., it just BEGAN. Hamptonshire has given reason, which is pretty decent of him. And before you go on: no, it wasn't me who began this. As a matter of fact, I wondered why even bother, since all you would do was say "you can't do this to me!" and promptly ignore it, like you ignore anything you don't like.
That's a direct quote from the TROUSRS NS RP sticky, pretty well the baseline for RPing. It's not all scripted, it's not all as you like it; well unless you simply can't do anything you don't want. Good RPers generally work some things out but leave a large degree of freedom and uncertainty. Take the Sevaris-Kahta stand-off; that was well-Rped, tense, and great fun, and not really planned out.
And Ironically, both Sevaris and Kahta have had some sort of allying with CM...
11-09-2004, 20:24
Aye, there is a certain irony there. That stand-off was fun though, I really enjoyed it :)
Itinerate Tree Dweller
11-09-2004, 20:33
OOC: Nato has given its IC reasons. IC, most of the nations dislike DA's treatment of civilians, and feel he is a threat to the world. His history shows this. They have been preparing for war for a while, because they dont like CM/DA IC. They may have a bad told reason, but so did bush with WMD. Its the same thing. NATO doesn't like DA's evil policies, and their reasons give them a reason to invade, even if they might not be true. Its not OOC, really.
OOC: That is irrelevant. They are blockadng him for "violating the ultimatum", which he never did!
11-09-2004, 21:14
OOC *wonders if he should bring up Vastiva's, praetonias, morathanias and IDF's "numberwanking, OOC shit, flaming and bitching" in the Praetonia/Sirens of Titan thread?*
In short - I made 3 posts there you halfwit, it's spelled 'Praetonia" and you should get your facts straight.
Stop you lame-ass flamebaiting.
OOC: I resent that statement. I never, repeat never, did any of the so called "numberwanking, OOC shit, flaming and bitching that you say I did. Sirens of Titan did piss me off a few times and I did have to use some unsavory things to hold my own but that was only in defense. As for numberwanking, OOC shit and Flaming, I did none of that. Bring up any examples that you want HP I can tell you that SOT started everything. All in all I think I maybe had about 15 posts. Of those probably 7 were IC and the rest were OOC. Most of the OOC posts were saying how bad the RP was going or asking whats going on or what I should do. The only thing I ever did was try to defend myself when SOT used an OOC telegram as IC evidence, which, I might say, is very uncooth. I don't care if this turns into a flame war I'm out of this. I'm above this petty bickering.
OOC: That is irrelevant. They are blockadng him for "violating the ultimatum", which he never did!
OOC: They are blockading him for attempting to circumvent the ultimatum, which he can be seen to have been doing. Whether or not he was, its still a reason. Sometimes the real reason isnt told, ever heard of iraq?
12-09-2004, 02:08
Or the Gulf of I recall the Vietnamese didn't just say "I ignore you! I don't like it!111" however.
OOC: They are blockading him for attempting to circumvent the ultimatum, which he can be seen to have been doing. Whether or not he was, its still a reason. Sometimes the real reason isnt told, ever heard of iraq?
OOC: We aren't really even blockading him, we are restricting his access to Gibraltar and Suez
No, in other words because NATO has CRAP IC, I'm going to tell them what any reasonable person says; OOC reasons equal crap.
I keep telling you, Hamptonshires justification is crap
Well how about this, my leader smoked a lot, that means he's Satan, because Satan is in hell, where there is smoke and fire... That means my leader is planning to destroy the world. That is the sort of logic they're using. F--ed up logic, but then again, when you only have OOC reasons to go after people, you have to use lies and distortions and BS to find a slight IC reason.
I have repeatedly posted what the truth behind the situations, and I've posted the wording of the treaty. Nowhere did it say, "Your royal prince cannot get married to a commoner from nation X" or "Don't you dare put down rebellions in your own lands that threaten the lives of millions of innocent civilians."
OOC *You* can attempt to tell me anything you like. However, your being here as Communist Mississippi even though under a new name shows me you are completely unable to accept even a ban of a nation tossed by the mods.
In other words - you violated the spirit of THAT decision, you are IN VIOLATION of the Ultimatum from NATO, and you really don't care because maybe someone will listen to you avoiding responsibility.
Pure Cheese.
You are in violation. You are in violation for *IC* reasons. Each *OOC* attempt you have made to say "no I'm not" has been pure Straw Man debate tactics - therefore, invalid.
And you can stop with the attempt to say "they're blockading me because they don't like me personally". You're being blockaded because of your IC actions, not your personal OOC morality. Stop whining, it's getting old. If I don't listen to that schtick from three year olds, I most certainly won't listen to it from you.
NATO actions are in accord with the ultimatum. Suck it up and get on with it.