NationStates Jolt Archive

Intergalactic StarBase Open for trade!

East Coast Federation
10-09-2004, 01:55
OOC: Please don't go attacking this thing. I'll Have to make the short shorts brigade fire the ignore beam

The ECF wishes to expand trade with other nations as well as Diplomatic Channels. Located in the universe you all exist in as the ECF is located in one of the many paraell(SP) universes. We want to open Diplomatic Ties with other advanced nations. We wish to make peaceful realtions with other worlds amoung other things. Goods from the ECF are already aveible for trading.
10-09-2004, 02:51
Black turned to white, white turned to black, and the universe halted for an instant that took an eternity.

The WSOGS Shadownickel burst into normspace at close to the speed of light, firing its forward screws as soon as its four fusactors flared to life, but not before disgorging an etherspace beacon at a velocity that wouldl put it into a nearly stationary orbit around the system's sun.

The Shadow-class vessel had been on patrol for six months, cruising through the deeps of the Star Ocean outside the perimeter of the Panthora system. Now, after two months of layover, it was on a less-stealthy mission, carrying ambassadors to the new space station.

Ion-magnetic shields flared to life, although weapons remained tucked away within their turrets, as the vssel continued on its decceleration. The cause was purely technical -- the Shadownickel's protective coating was vulnerable to damage from heavy ions that ships regularly emitted.

Inside, passageways and spaces were lit for the first time in six years. The artgrav remained offline, by virtue of not existing aboard the vessel. In the bridge, crew sat strapped in their seats at odd angles to each other. Trideo imagery flashed across consoles, accompanied by throught-images that lanced through the vessel's net.

"ECF Starbase control, this is WSOGS Shadownickel, requesting permission to dock," the commtech sent to the starbase that could now be seen as a small shape on viewscreen.
East Coast Federation
11-09-2004, 14:52
ECF commander: Premission Granted, 2 Akria Class Ships will be escorting you. What is the 1st order of business?
OCC: I know that was short but I have to run to school.
Harmonia Mortus
11-09-2004, 16:19
A somewhat less impressive flash signaled the arrival of something a good deal stranger.
Out of the stars appeared...a ship.
A wooden one.
"Bzz...This is the HMSF Carpe Jugulum, requesting permission to dock. Bzzzz...Sorry for the bzzzzt bad connection, bzzt...using lead crystalbzzzt."
A few sails billowed, behind them a Goblin with a fan cursed and remembered never to insult a mage again.

You dont mind a bit of fantasy, do you? Basicaly Im a semi-goblin nation, thats Humans, Goblins, Trolls and a few other assorted species. I use magic as a source of energy for most things, but outside of my nation I cant zap anybody.
11-09-2004, 17:18
Should I assume standard spacedock stats?
Kinda's important because the size will affect the my crew response and whether they dock, use the 'airbus', or go inside.....
East Coast Federation
11-09-2004, 20:31
OOC: Yeah its about the same size, and there is no sun or anything it's out in the middle of noware. ECF come from an classified location not that it would mattter as we come from a different universe. but the weapons are over 400 times more powerful than a StarBase From ST
Ops: I'm dectecting an Strange ship. It doesn't seem to have any type of power source!
Commander: What the hell! ,open a channel
Ops: Aye
ECF Commander: Carpe Jugulum! We cannot detect any power! Are you in need of assistance!
Harmonia Mortus
11-09-2004, 23:26
"Negative...your sensors would have trouble detecting its output. We can explain once we dock."
East Coast Federation
11-09-2004, 23:32
ECF Commander: You may dock. Explain yourselfs once you dock. Tell me do you utlilize Matter-Antimatter Reactors? Or QC Reactors?
11-09-2004, 23:56
A Parlimian Military-Converted Colony Ship popped out of FTL into the space where the base was located, the ex-colony ship was gigantic, once capable of carrying over 3.5 million people. It was easy to tell that the ship wouldn't fit inside of the starbase. Instead, it glided to a stop near the starbase.
East Coast Federation
12-09-2004, 00:06
ECF Commander: ............................................................ How may we be of Thats a BIG ship. Please dock with one of the external airlocks. State your business??
Wow. I've only ever seen a ship that big in the ECF Fleet once
*Gasps From the Bridge crew*
ECF Commander: You didn't hear that get back to work. And figure out how the hell that other ships is producing power!
12-09-2004, 00:07
OOC: Weapons don't really mater to me, since I use a floating damage output level that auto-adjusts whenever someone starts numberwanking. I need to know the size, and a general description of the location, because an ST starbase is too small to effectively accomodate a Shadow-class vessel. Erm...I accept the middle-of-nowhere, but there has to be a reason for the location choice....

Weyrean Shadow-class vessels look like submarines, and are a kilometer long.

"Kinda small," the executive commanding officer (ECO) sent a mental chuckle through the ship's ambient network, interrupted by the ECF response.

"Premission Granted, 2 Akria Class Ships will be escorting you. What is the 1st order of business?" flashed across the bridge local net, forwarded by the commtech.

"Aknowledged," the CO (commanding officer) sent back, at the same time activating the trideo feed.

The commtech monitored for other transmissions.

If the reciever had the ability to view trideo, he would have seen a middle-aged man in a white uniform with a gold arrow down the shoulders and front, with storm-gray eyes, and with graying hair tied into a short plait. Like all other Weyreans, his ears were around eight inches long and stuck out sideways from his head.

"We are here on a mission of good will. The legate will explain once we come aboard. Your station appears to be somewhat small....."

[i]"Commodore, two saucer-heads off port and starboard. They are matching speed." the scanntech (combined sensor-array officer) flashed. The CO did not miss a beat, continuing with the transmission.

" we will take station and deploy via airbus. Does my crew have permission to enter the station if they choose to?"

A few bursts from the forward screws -- technical names for the main engines -- had the [I]Shadownickel stationary relative to the starbase, holding station some ten thousand kilometers away.
East Coast Federation
12-09-2004, 00:13
ECF Commander: Shadownickel- Kind of small huh? Just you wait till the flagship gets hear to undergo a inspection. Shadownickel- Please dock now and explain to us why I am not getting any power readings from your ships.
saucer-heads huh? Well these "saucer-heads" have 3 gigaton Phasers :D
Please tell us more about your self. We offer WarpDrive TransWarp Drive and many other items that your race would find very useful.
12-09-2004, 00:15
Approximately 2,000,000 kilometers from the station, energy begins to surge at a single point in space. At the center of this energy swell, exotic matter is being formed and destroyed, in an instant.... suddently, with a surge of broadrange radiation, space begings to "open", a tear forming, first a slit, then expanding to a near disk.... the "surface" of the disk, which is really the light effects of the region bouncing off of the "event horizon" of a Warp-Gate, also called a Krasikinov Tube, by the vessel generating it......

Within moments, a massive 13.8 Million Metric Ton vessel lumbers from the gate, emitting the energy signature of a small sun... 1.2 kilometers long..... Markings onthe ship are sparce, on the superstructure, mid-forard on the facing "up" is a large blue and gold flag bearing a spread eagle. On the supper structure of a pod off the port side, and along the forward port and starboard superstructure, the words "TRSS Titan" can be read, along with, presumably a hull number, "BSG-6"....

On the bridge of the vessel, the ships Executive Officer, Commodore Harding, turns to the vessels Commanding Officer Rear Admiral Wadrill...

"Sir, we've arrived, Kraskinov Drive tested successfully... Sensors confirm we've arrived in the area of the ECF station...." says the XO

"Acknowledged, XO," commands RADM Wadrill, "Disengange the Kraskinov...."

"Aye sir..." Commodore Harding replies...... as he runs his hands over some controls by his station....

The massive energy signature from the Titan subsides, as MARC's deep in her engineering area drop to idle operation...... behind them, the massive "hole" in space begins to fluctute... its surface reacting like a fluid in space, as if a sea in a heavy storm..... suddenly then collapsing in on itself, a massive broadrange, and visible energyburst, almost like a silent explosion as it winks from existance....

"Mr. Proctor...." RADM Wadril commands, turning to a young officer at the communications station.... "Open up a channel to the ECF station....."

"Channel open sir"... Lt. Proctor replies, as he presses a few buttons....

"ECF Station... this is Rear Admiral Gregory Wadrill, Commanding Officer of the Tekanian Republic Stellar Ship Titan... We are escorting Ambassadore Henry Schutz, to open talks and discussions between our two peoples.... We request docking clearance... Titan out...." the CO says into the comm....
12-09-2004, 00:29
The massive Parlimian ship sat in space, as an equally large ship emerged from a bizarre form of FTL. The crew, bewildered for only a moment, returned to their duties. The massive weapons systems remained offline, but still the ship did not move.
12-09-2004, 00:51
OOC: @ECF: Yes, compared to the fact that the Consolidate is a giant spaceport that's several times more mssive that Death Star 2, things from Star Trek tend to be pinned down as 'small'. Of course, the entire Paradigm system is off-limits to people who do not come in via Weyrean translation........

Anyway, I'll assume that the last part was OOC, unless the ECF has some very good telepaths.

"If you insist," the commodore said evenly on the link with the ECF starbase. "We'll dock in a moment. "Sound envoy alert," he commanded to the ECO, after switching off the link feed from his seat.

The commtech continued watching for any other receptions.

A claxon set at precisely seventy decibels sounded in in the docking bay. Envoy alert was the standard signal that a ship-to-ship transfer was abotut o take place.

After a few minutes, the pilot did not want to rush things, the Shadownickel's external primary dock was alongside its counterpart in the Starbase. A whir of hydraulics -- they put out less emissions that equivalent electronics -- extended the docking clamp assembly.

A dozen marines in gray battle armor, with non-projectile weaponry held ready but not threateningly, stood ready in the buffer zone -- the room in the Shadownickel directly before the docking assembly. They were for show as much as for defense. The real protection lay with the ambient nanites and stats that populated the room but could not leave it.

Commodore Hawkins walked down the docking assembly, flanked by two unarmed marines. The docking assembly, unlike the rest of the Weyrean vessel, was tied to the Starbase's artgrav system.
East Coast Federation
12-09-2004, 02:08
ECF Commander: Shadownickel our computer is unable to understand a word your ship is well for lack of a better word saying to it. Please attend a meeting in the Conferance room on deck 34. I want to know what makes that ship of yours tick.
Prehaps I could interest you in Warp Drive?
Does your ship even have a computer? We keep trying to bring up a link and we are getting nothing back. I assume your computers are IsoLiner Based?

ECF Commander: Weyr what is it you wish to dicuss. Trade? Alliances ect?
We need to know exactly why you came here. ( forgot to put OOC up there,sorry)

ECF Commander: Commander to Admiral Gregory you may dock in docking port 4.
Harmonia Mortus
12-09-2004, 02:33
"Dunno what those are, but we dont use them, I think. Like I said, youll see once we get onboard."

The Tall Ship slowly pulled up beside the station. Once it was next to the docking ring a wide plank was thrown over and, with a brief flash, the strage 'aura' of the ship had lept over and was now touching the ring.
After this a strange procession trooped across, two rather short persons in full armour, shortswords at their sides, and a wizard.
You got it. Big fellow, lots of robes with occult symbols, and a staff. It had a knob on the end.
The little group made its way across the plank and into the airlock.
12-09-2004, 02:37
"Incomming Transmission from ECF station sir..." says Lt. Proctor.

"Put it through, Mr. Proctor", orders RADM Wadrill

Commander to Admiral Gregory you may dock in docking port 4.

"XO, retract the landing bays... and dock us with the station..." commands RADM Wadrill

"Aye sir..." responds Commodore Harding...

Outside, the massive arms with the two "runner" like landing bays slowly retract flush into the Titan, turning, her speed begins increasing to .05 c.... within 1 1/2 minutes, she slows to maneuvering only..... and slowly lumbers up, her hull flushing with the docking port...

Within moments, Rear Admiral Wadrill emerges into the station from the docking port, with Ambassadore Henry Schutz, and flanked by two Marine Guard escorts...
12-09-2004, 02:45
OOC: all of the above, actually. ^-^

The commodore decided not to reply via the net, although he was fully capable of doing so. Integrated crys-net and nanite system implants were required for all Star Guard, and had the added benefit of enabling users to access various data networks remotely, although the distance between the user and network could not be more that a hundred kilometers.

He entered the conference room on deck thrity-four, as the communication stated. He found the station interesting, although he had read descrpitions of similar designs. The brightly-lit passageways took time to adjust to, as did the sheer amount of energy used for little to no purpose.

The Shadownickel's NI :: Does computer posses self-awareness, or is it a dumb slave? Yes, this is the Shadownickel NI -- a self-aware net intelligence system. For your information, my databanks are rod logic and crys-net.
East Coast Federation
12-09-2004, 03:39
OOC: All of the above?

ECF Computer Technician: ECF Computers use an isoliner based core. Which is capable of 300 Billion Teraflops. It uses an 232 Bit Insuction set. While is can deciper billions of different codes and insuttion sets. It can't seem to make any sense of what your computer is trying to "tell it". We are waiting in the conferance room.

ECF Commander: To Harmonia Mortus, Your ship is sending our computers strange singles. We cannot idendifiy it. And your "wizard" is giving off strange singles. Your ship is just scaring us. The computer cannot understand anything your ship is trying to tell us. Meet me in the conferance room and please explain to me WHAT YOUR SHIP IS TRYING TO TELL MY COMPUTER!

Ops: Sir The Flagship will be here soon.
ECF Commander to Ops: Good put the station on condidtion alpha.

* in the conferance room *
ECF Commander: Before we get started. commodore your eyes seem strained. Would you like some sunglasses

OOC: What do you mean by Wasted Energy?
Germanische Zustande
12-09-2004, 04:03
ooc: As soon as the UFGZ ends all of its current wars, we may take up a small presence at this starbase of our Allies...
East Coast Federation
12-09-2004, 04:18
OOC: If it possible get on AIM, we need to talk.
The ECF Will not allow any GZ ships in the vicinty near the StarBase until your wars are finsihed.
Germanische Zustande
12-09-2004, 04:35
ooc: I'm on aim now...
East Coast Federation
12-09-2004, 04:38
OOC: You blocked me and then I blocked you,remeber?
12-09-2004, 04:38
OOC: Somewhat longwinded, but it's very late here, so apologies for confusing this stuff up....he's just stating that you're not really using energy for a serious purpose.....

"No, thank you," Commodore Hawkins declined politely.
East Coast Federation
12-09-2004, 04:45
OOC: I unblocked you and I am getting a bunch of you not being on,Did you get an new AIM name?
Germanische Zustande
12-09-2004, 04:45
I unblocked you like 30 minutes later... No, I still have the same AIM screen name...
12-09-2004, 04:54
A smooth black ship approached the ECF station.With SD painted on the side in big boled white lettering.Apparently with a 6ft by 8ft hole in the side.

ECF station BZZZZzT....... h.t by debry requ.tin. permi.... t. doooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!

Gunshots explode from one of the windows and a small creature flies out.
East Coast Federation
12-09-2004, 04:58
ECF Commander: Idenfiy yourselvs. Or do not come near the Base.
12-09-2004, 04:59
This is commader Nikoliy Wex I am the last surving crewmember aboard this ship and aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
East Coast Federation
12-09-2004, 05:03
OCC: uhhhhhhhhh more deatil please?

ECF Commander: We are beaming your aboard now. Once you have been treated in sickbay, mainres will escort you to your quaters.
12-09-2004, 05:06
4:00 AM Federation of SPYDUDES spacecommand center.

"Sir I think we just lost a ship near the ECF spacestation."said private Grid Grock

"What?!?! Try to contact ECF as soon as possible I want to know if they saw anything!" said commander Yun Gomp

"Yes sir!"

Priority 1 message from FSD to ESF.
We apparently lost a ship around your spacestation we are asking your cooperation in letting us know what your station saw.
message ended.
12-09-2004, 05:09
Al-Imvadjah welcomes trade with our FT neighbors. We will soon be sending a station of our own to facilitate our trade from this area, as it would be easier than sending ships to carry goods.

However, that will arrive at a later date. With an unimpressive apperarance, an Archangel and two T-1s appear in system. The T-1s approach ECF's station, while the Archangel remains back, scanning all the other vessels with its high-power sensors.
12-09-2004, 05:12
OCC: uhhhhhhhhh more deatil please?

occ:look at my first post

ECF station BZZZZzT....... h.t by debry requ.tin. permi.... t. doooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!

Gunshots explode from one of the windows and a small creature flies out.
East Coast Federation
12-09-2004, 05:15
ECF Commander: SPYDUDES we did not see anything,sorry.

ECF Commander: Al-Imvadjah- I hope you realize that everything around this station for one light year.
12-09-2004, 05:20
"Sir we just got a reply form ECF apparently they didn't see anything."

"What happened to our ship then?"

"Well, they just got back from visiting the country of DOUGOMANIA."

Prority1 message from FSD to ECF
May we send 3 reconisance ships to search the area around your station?
We think an alien creature might have gotten abaord the ship.
message ended.
East Coast Federation
12-09-2004, 05:23
ECF Commander: Ahhh yes the creatures. We dected them. Sorry for doing this but they were getting ready to break out and into the base. Our Marines are "dealing" with them aboard your ship. They are quite violent.
12-09-2004, 07:30
At the operations station aboard the Titan, the young LTJG Vernor sees detects high powers scanners from two ships near the station... turning to the XO, who has the bridge at this point, he voices this... "XO, we have two ships scanning our vessel with high powered scanners..."

"Scanners? Mr. Vernor, activate dampening fields around the Kraskinov..." commands the XO

"Done, sir...." LTJG Vernor replies...

"Mr. Proctor," says the XO, turning to the Communications officer.... "Open a channel to those vessels..."

"Aye sir..." says Lt. Proctor, who then presses some buttons on his console... "Channel open sir...."

"Al-Imvadjah ships... " says the XO, Commodore Harding, perusing his console... "This is Commodore Matthew Harding, Executive Officer of the Tekanian Republic Stellar Ship Titan. Please cease and desist arbitrary scanning of our vessel, we carry classified materials and equipment aboard... your actions could be deemed as hostile.... Titan out...."


On the station, Ambassadore Henry Schutz, and Rear Admiral Gregory Wadrill, peruse the station, observing the many people who are present.....
East Coast Federation
12-09-2004, 08:12
OOC Last Post For Tonight, post some kind of reaction to the flagship.
* A Massive Flash of Light, The 12.4km Long Flagship and 20 TITAN Escorts Drop out of TransWarp *
Admiral Willing: Hey Commander Long Time no see
ECF Commander: Admrial I have not seen you snice the battle of CoreWorlds!, Hows the Wife? And does she still have pink hair?
Admiral Willing: Yeah shes doing fine she still has that crazy pink hair. How have you been!
ECF Commander: Just fine, It seems like yesterday we were at coreworlds and you were captain of the 1st TITAN before that monster came into play.
Admiral Willing: That was only a few years ago. It makes me wonder why we came here anyway, I'm getting alot of oh god, ops open a channel to the 2 ships who are arguing
Admiral to Al-Imvadjah: Will you stop scanning his ships! The last thing I need is a firefight breaking out here. Don't make me test my new Grav Cannons and Temporal sheilds on you. , Commander we are docking now
ECF Commander: Meet me in the conferance room we have alot going on here.
Admiral Willing: Aye Commander, My wife has come with me as I have no seen her in over 2 years, still hasn't aged a day though, Could you have Quaters Arranaged for the both of us? I've been so busy I have not got any sleep in days.
ECF Commander: Oh I don't think your gonna be sleeping!, I can have them ready by the time you get over hear.
Willing: Perfect,pervert! Just kidding. Tomarrow we need to get caught up after I can sort out this diplomatic mess.
* 10 minutes later in the conferance room *
Willing: I am admiral willing, Commander of the ECF StarFleet, I regret our staff is severaly strained right now and well I need some sleep. We already have Quaters for you to stay in, If you will follow the Marines they will take you to them.
ECF Commander: Oh someones gonna score tonight!
Willing: *sigh,* *Points to Marine*, You take these Aliens to there rooms. * Points to ECF Commander* You Shut Up, I'll you about it tomarrow! You pervert! Nice to see you tomarrow we should catch up over breakfast. * Points to Wizard* Why the Hell are you wearing a Purple Robe? And what is that thing you call a ship?
Willing: Till Tomarrow.
12-09-2004, 09:48
Suddenly, the weapons systems on the Parlimian ship went hot. Turrets all over the vessel raised out from their housing. They tracked for a moment, then fired...

...At a ship that had just dropped out of FTL and was headed straight for the station. The shots rocked its hull, before it buckled and breached, exploding near the station.

A channel opened to the station.

"I am sorry for that. We handle matters of internal security our own way, as you can probably understand. If there was any damage, it shall be repaired."
12-09-2004, 10:20
Aboard the TRSS Titan, LTJG Vernor, picks up readings of the new vessel.... "Sir," LTJG Vernor remarks... "New vessel has arrived in the sector, and is docking with the station, ID has it as the ECF's flag.... the Titan sir....."

"Nice name..." the XO, Commodore Harding remarks....

Suddenly the operations officer Mr. Vernor's attention is peaked...." SIR!!! I have K-tube reading approximately 3.5 million kilometers from the station...."

"A Kraskinov... I wonder who that could be....." the Commodore Harding says in wonder...

At that point high energy readings are picked up, as before, broadrange, exotic matter, the whole lot.. Culminating the the "tear" in space, and the massive disk-like "hole" in space.... out of it emerged a vessel, almost identical to the TRSS Titan.... except bearing the name and hull number, TRSS Zeus, BSG-4... After the event is over... the TRSS Zeus holds position....

"Sir," remarks LT. Proctor, the TRSS Titan's Communications Officer... Registry has it as the Zeus....

"The Zeus!" says the XO with excitement.... "Mr. Proctor, open channels...."


Onboard the TRSS Zeus, the ships Communications officer, Lieutenant Yates, receives the Hail.... "Sir," says the Lieutenant, turning to the vessels Commanding Officer, Commodore Henry Brandeu..."We show the Titan is at the station..."

"The Titan? Fancy that...." says Commodore Brandeu. "About time they launched her.... My old Academy buddy is XO of her..... Mr. Yates, open channel....."

"Aye sir..." says Lt. Yates...


"This is the Zeus..." says Commodore Brandeu.

"Well, old friend..." says Commodore Harding.

"Commodore Harding.... you have the CON I see.... CO's off galabanting on the Station I suppose?" says COMM Brandeu...

Com. Harding:"You guessed it... what you been up to, haven't seen you around. I was suprised to missed the launch!"

Com. Brandeu:"Deep space exploration and charting....."

Com. Harding:(laughing)"Oh jeez, I'm sorry! Here I thought you blew off an old friend for some chick!"

Com. Brandeu:"Don't I wish.... How is the Titan holding up, all the bugs out of her yet?"

Com. Harding:"Mostly, we haven't Gated into any planetary bodies are stars yet... so we're holding pretty well, she still SMELLS new though... And prilimary testing at the Asteroid belt did show a minor phase varance in our Tracking Scanners that is still being ironed out..."

Com. Brandeu:"How's facilities on the station there?"

Com. Harding:"Personally, I wouldn't know... Captain's been goofing off on their the whole time..."

Com. Brandeu:"I look forward to some R&R, I'll have to find out... I definitely need it before getting back to 'Eagle One'... next mission we're going out as third fleet, clearing a convoy route of pirates...."

Com. Harding:"Oh great, so you'll be waiting on Admiral Manning the whole time.... you do need some R&R..."

Com. Brandeu:"Yeah, feel grateful the Titan isn't assigned a fleet flag... Oh, thought I'd tell you, Fleet's expected to visit...."

Com. Harding:"Fleet's actually leaving 'Eagle One'? Well, at least the Orion will see some action....."

Com. Brandeu:"Actually Fleet has been out... they were with us not long ago in a colonization op, when we had some Predator problems... Fleet brought Orion, as well as Pegasus and the 1st Fleet...."

Com. Harding:"Orion, Pegasus and Zeus in the same place? That had to be something to see..."

Com. Brandeu:"More than that, we were operating 3rd Fleet at the time, so it was the Orion, Pegasus, Zeus... the Battlecruisers Capricorn, Saggitarius, Scorpio, Libra, Gemini, Aquarius, Picses and Virgo, and the DSTEV's Odin, Poseidon, Hera, Hermes, Odysseus, Alexander, Hades, Charon, Thor, Phobos, Deimos and Mercury..."

Com. Harding:"Enough firepower there?"

Com. Brandeu:"More than enough... Anyway, we'll catch up more on the station..."


With that the Titan and Zues close coms....

Aboard the Zeus....

"Open a channel to the ECF Station, Mr. Yates...." says Commodore Brandeu

"Channel open sir" the young leiutenant responds, after pressing some buttons...

"ECF Station, this is Commodore Henry C. Brandeu, of the Tekanian Republic Stellar Ship Zeus, requesting docking clearance.... Zeus out..."
12-09-2004, 15:12
Onboard the Archangel, the hail was recieved and the scanning was ordered stopped. However, the appearance of the ubership caused a bit of a panic. The T-1s finished their docking manuevers and began unoading their trade goods. Items avaliable to be sold immediately were ANFBs, HACSHMS, TCMs, D-1s and all sorts of biologicals. A representative from Al-Imvadjah export shipyards was also there to relay orders of larger ships from the cataloge back to HQ.

OOC: ECF, were you trying to say that I won't be able to bring in a pace station of my own?
Also the cataloge I refered to, and all the stats for teh items I mentioned are in the link in my sig.
Harmonia Mortus
12-09-2004, 15:40
OOC: Sorry for my erratic replies...

"Your picking up thaumic intereferance, ECF Command. Its a bit like radiation. No, it wont kill you, or do anything unpleasant at these levels."
12-09-2004, 20:55
"How big is this station going to be?" Aster asked the pilot, Lieutenant Robert Quincy, of the XNV Allosaurus.

"No idea, I wouldn't imagine too big. I mean the Empire mining station is barely a kilometer long, and stuff doesn't get much bigger than that. So why are we going here again anyway?" Quincy asked.

"To discuss trade relations with ECF, we sold them some 12s a couple of years ago." Aster answered, the console beeped.

"Well here we are." Quincy hit the appropriate keys and the tachyon drive came to full power, the lights dimming as it unwarped space-time to bring the Allosaurus back to sub-light velocities. "Let's take a look shall we."

On the view screen was a massive mushroom shaped station, attached to it was an even more massive ship, and several smaller but huge ships as well. Aster's jaw dropped.

"Well I guess they do get bigger than Empire station." Aster said quietly, he activated the radio transmitter, "This is Georg Aster, on behalf of the Confederacy of Xessmithia and the XNV Allosaurus I request permission to dock." He deactivated the transmitter. "Quincy," He said slowly, "I think we have a lot of catching up to do."

OOC: The Allosaurus is a Raptor-class corvette. You can find the specs here:
Harmonia Mortus
12-09-2004, 21:03
The Wizard and his guards managed to work out how to open the inside portion of the airlock and waltzed out onto the stations main floor, peering curiosuly at the various shiney bits of technology.
Finnaly the wizard dismissed his guards, who wandered off.
This naturally meant they took their helmets off.
They were Goblins.
Rabbit ears, a nose almost as large as their head, and quite large eyes, they wandered about, looking for something to spend money on, then finnaly retiring to a table and beggining a game of Two-Up. This game consisted of throwing a coin in the air and betting whether or not it would come down again.
The wizard himself was content to keep his purchases to a large book of Galactic Cartography and chatting with various merchants and traders from other countries, he was apparently enjoying himself immensly.
East Coast Federation
12-09-2004, 23:12
ECF Manager: Welcome to the ECF StarBase. Ahh you the wiazrd here is what we offer.
Matter To Antimatter Reactor:
Sick and tired of fusion Reactors that break down? Run through fuel quickly? And generate a great deal of waste? Well we can slove your problem. Producing more power than 4 Fusion Reactors. This system can be all yours for the low price of 50 Million Credits. Requires Matter and Antimatter. A years supply is given with it.
WARNING: Imporper use of this system can and will destory the ship.

Warp Drive:
Blaze through space at up to warp 9.993. Over 16,000 times the speed of light. Sick and tired of having to sleep for years in your slow ships!? Buy a ECF Warp Drive and Change all of that ( needs Matter-Antimatter raector). We will install an EPS grid and Nacelles on your ship. Price: 300 Million Credits

Impluse Drive: Using Fusion Reactors . You can travel up to 90c at sublight, Cost 10 Million Dollars

Phasers: Phased Energy Ratification. The most effient weapon possible. They are strip mounted to your ship. Ranging from 100 Terajoules to 12,000 but they go higher in the ECF Fleet.
Cost: 1 million to 3 Billion per strip.

TransPasic Torpedos: Rated at 1/3 of a Gigaton these will dish out some massive pain to any enemy. 300,000 per 10 Pack.

Enhanced Compression Rifle: Dish out some pain to your enemys or stun your wife O_o.
Price: 1000 Credits

Ships Will Be Alivelible SOon.
12-09-2004, 23:14
OOC: "90c at sublight"? I hope you mean 90% C (sic 0.9 c ) at sublight :P
East Coast Federation
12-09-2004, 23:33
OOC: I use the ST system, Figure it out yourself
East Coast Federation
13-09-2004, 01:38
OOC: Read some ST books. It's quite possible for Impluse Engines to borderline lightspeed,however thats a bad idea as time on the ship slows down
IC Bump
13-09-2004, 01:54
Aster sat in his chair, where he'd been for the last few hours staring at the comm pannel. "Return the hail damnit. We didn't shlep accross a hundred light-years, 40 days worth of travel, to sit out in interstellar space soaking up gamma rays waiting for a response." He said to no one in particular. He thumbed the transmitter again, "ECF station we're still waiting for permission to dock. Please respond."
13-09-2004, 02:10
OOC: general comments:
(1) The maximum velocity in space is the speed of light. A bigger question for ship stats is acceleration...Also, your mass increases as your velocity increases (some law of physics that I don't remember specifically), so it gets harder to accelerate as you pick up velocity.
(2) You specified the velocity for your impulse engines as "90C", which is ninety times the speed of light. I understand that Star Trek, like all other sci-fi, sometimes bends the laws of physics, but not to this extent......
13-09-2004, 02:15
OOC: general comments:
(1) The maximum velocity in space is the speed of light. A bigger question for ship stats is acceleration...Also, your mass increases as your velocity increases (some law of physics that I don't remember specifically), so it gets harder to accelerate as you pick up velocity.
(2) You specified the velocity for your impulse engines as "90C", which is ninety times the speed of light. I understand that Star Trek, like all other sci-fi, sometimes bends the laws of physics, but not to this extent......

1) General relativity. It's mass dilation. M = Mo/sqrt(1 - (v/c)^2)

2) And yes indeed it does.
13-09-2004, 02:19
The Al-Imvad officials began to seek someone they could talk to regarding the space surrounding the station, and the possibility of establishing a small outpost to help handle trade in this area of the galaxy.

The commanding officer of the Archangel decided to call for more ships:
"This is Commander Johnson of AISS-10223, requesting that you send a battleship to the ECF outpost, this seems to be becoming a hotspot of activity, both peaceful and some small fighting. It would be most expedient to send heavier support to protect our interests in the station."

Reply from AISC:
"Message recieved. AISS Kanttuchdis has already been sent for other reasons and will be arriving within 10 minutes with Admiral Douglas."

The battleship arrived within the predicted timeframe, and moved toward the heavy cruiser. It was dwarfed by the ECF flagship, but was still one of the more powerful vessels in the crowded area.
13-09-2004, 03:22
OOC: That was my point, the Impulse Drive can approach c, but not exceed it (it's limited by general relativity to sublight aka, less that 1c (or 1 times the speed of light)... 90% c, ie 0.9c is more appropriate and realistic vice 90c which would be 90 times the speed of light (which is close to Warp Factor 4 {about 102c})

Stats for the Orion Class ships (such as the Titan and Zeus) of the Tekanian fleet

Mass: 13.8 Million Metric Tons
Length: 1,356 Meters
Height: 198 meters
Beam: 551 meters

Crew: 1800
Marines: 1500
AirCrew: 800

Max Speed:
0.2c at sublight
729c(about Warp 7) on Warp
Instant using Kraskinov Warp Gate technology(Requires almost exclusive power routing to the Kraskinov "drive" generators)

Engineering Systems:
4 MARC's generating a max of 7.5 Exawatts per unit
6 Reactionless Drive(Impulse Drive) Engines
2 Warp Drive Generators
1 Kraskinov Tube, Warp-Gate, Generator

80 170TW Phaser Cannons
150 50TW Phaser Cannons

24 Torpedo("Missile") Launchers.... both M/A type and ZPE (Quantum) type missiles...

5 Units in Service, 2 under construction(TRSS Orion(BSG-1), TRSS Pegasus(BSG-2), TRSS Chronos(BSG-3), TRSS Zeus(BSG-4), and TRSS Titan(BSG-6)..... Hull BSG-5 slated for sale. Predicted Delivery time on BSG-7 and BSG-8 is 7 and 10 years respectively...
13-09-2004, 11:47
Space itself seemed to burn as a bright, brilliant red flash of light exploded in the distance. As the light died down, a stream of sparks and fire started to move across space, as though being produced by an invisible force. This seemed an accurate description of what was actually happening, as space itself rippled, electrical sparks weaving the shape of a ship. Finally, it burst into view. A massive Ghargonian Venerator-refit class battleship decloaked, cruising along slowly, just far enough away to be visible to the naked eye.
Its huge hull was pockmarked with burnt craters, however. Huge chunks of its starboard side were gouged out completely. Its powerful engines glowed a funny shade of brown, instead of the usual red. Half of them were shut off completely. Through the windows, no lights could be seen, not even on the command deck.

Inside, the ship was a vacuum. The air had long since blasted its way out of one of the many hull breaches, and there was not enough power to sustain any containment fields. The cryopods would have preserved the crew, if they too hadn't been shut down to divert power. To the Earth-based Ghargonians, ships were more valuable than crews, and the computer was programmed with this mentality. The power that had been sustaining the crew had been shunted to engines and shields.
Shards of metal floated around in the dark corridors. 6,000 cryopods were loaded with dead creatures, lizards of some kind. They looked like humanoid dinosaurs, although they also looked like they'd been dead for a while.

Closer to the Mechanical Deck was the only activity on the entire ship. Plasma fires raged, regardless of the lack of air, and emergency bulkheads had sealed it off from the rest of the ship.
On the dead command deck, a small monitor flickered to life. Glowing red text began to appear. If one could read Ghargonian, it would appear to be something like this.

"Compu--u--u--uter online. AI subsystems restarting.
WARNING! Rationality circuits damaged.
Damage logs............ photonic drive approaching critical mass. Sublight thrusters approaching critical mass. Hull integrity compromised. All weapon turrets destroyed. Computer co-co-co-core 30% destroyed. Shield generators destroyed. Crew status: Average lifesigns 0%.
Scanning... sensor pallets 3 - 28 destroyed. Secondary backups active.
WARNING! Unidentified ships detected. Attempting defence systems.... failed.
Resolving scan........... ECF transponder signals detected. Unknown transponder signals detected.
ECF status -- Neutral, possible ally.
Attempting direct computer uplink........... fa9'iled.
Atte#mpting subspace communication link..... failed.
Attempting standard radio transmission......... failed.
Status of emergency battle distress beacon... 98%.
WARNING! Imperium Navy Light Cruiser detected. Attempting defence systems... failed.
Attempting emergency battle distress broadcast............. success.

"Fzztssshhh... GMS Kraken emergency computer system. Overall ship status: Critical damage sustained, termination imminent. 23,482 lightyears off course; contact with main fleet lost. Engine failure caused Kraken to fall back.
Under attack by Imperium Light Cruiser. Defensive systems destroyed. Assistance required. Loop: To allied battleships, this is the GMS Kra''/.###2251..."

For this desperate computer, it was too late. It now drifted through space, leaking God-knows what from various places throughout the hull.
Behind it, some sort of hole in space began forming. It was nothing particularly amazing; it was jet black, and had no features to admire. It looked more like a black circle than a hole. It started as a pin-prick in space, and began to grow. Within seconds, it was twice as wide as the Kraken. Within twenty seconds, it was over 100 times larger than the Kraken. By the time it stopped growing, it was 500 times wider than the Kraken.
After a while, something began to emerge. An enormous ship, totally black, began to pour from the hole, filling space with its presence. It was more like a city than a ship. From the top, in shape anyway, it was similar to a large Earth aircraft carrier. But from the sides, it was more like a wedge shape. This ship had been positively identified as a 'light cruiser' by the Kraken's AI system. From the look of it, there didn't seem anything 'light' about it, especially not the decor.
The hole shrank into nothing behind it, and it hung in space for a while.
The Kraken, looking tiny in comparison, was making a desperate attempt to attack, using its small manoeuvring thrusters as a last resort to ram itself into the new vessel. The large ship almost seemed amused, and fired a single blue burst of energy from one of its many turrets. It smashed into the Ghargonian vessel, blasting it to pieces. Small tractor beams fired from the large vessel, and pulled in various pieces of debris and equipment. And then it slowly turned, to 'look' at the starbase in the distance.
For what seemed like an eternity, nothing happened. It hung in space as though dead. Once in a while it made intrusive sensor scans of the station and the surrounding ships, but did nothing else.
Finally, it sent a signal to the starbase, in some bizarrely mutated form of standard Ghargonian.

"Yeah? Is this thing on? How old is this piece of junk any..." a voice said. Whoever was on the other end was apparently mildly intoxicated, and unfamiliar with the operation of the large ship. A scan of the ship may have revealed significant hull stress, and only a handful of lifeforms surrounding the command deck. It was apparently very old, and very poorly cared for, if cared for at all. Its massive cargo holds were full of scrap metal, damaged pieces of ship-mounted equipment, and various questionable 'consumables'.
"Oh hey there! You didn't see that little scene there, right?! There was a whole fleet of 'em going off somewhere towards that 'spooky' abandoned sector, y'know, the one with all the stories. Dunno why anyone would want to go there. Don't think we could taken 'em all on, so don't tell anyone. Easy pickings, we thought, when that one stopped for some reason.
"Anyway, OK, here's the deal; us guys are 'merchants', heh, and we would like to maybe come aboard your base there and maybe sell a few things we've 'found'? We've got some real cool weapons and supplies. You accept Galactic Gonars, right? Pretty old. Not many people take 'em these days -- not that we will be buying anything much, unless you can fix this entire hunk of scap metal in the next couple of days. We've got a whole bunch of little fighter things still on this thing that we can use to get across to your base, so no need to put yourself out. They're pretty fun to fly too once you get used to them, but they smell like crap. Anyway, what do ya say?"
13-09-2004, 12:56
OOC: I wonder when my other ship, TRSS Zeus will be cleared to dock.. :hint: :hint:
Lessr Tsurani
13-09-2004, 13:44
One second there was nothing, the next there was a small attack fleet. The technology used to transport the ship was advanced to saythe least, but how is unimportenet. They moved siwftly, into a position where they would not hit each other then turned to the space station, easily keeping up with the station. A message would be recived, within a few seconds.

"Command crew of the station, we will be docking our men. We require a place to nurse our wounded, as well as a place for our men off duty to relax. We request this, and require this now. Thank you.
East Coast Federation
14-09-2004, 00:20
OOC: Ghargonia are you not my ally?
ECF Commander:Ghargonian vessel state you business. Why did you destory that other ship? You ship also appears to be in a state of Disrepair. Do you guys let that thing fall apart? Premission Granted, But don't try any funny stuff.
ECF Commander: TRSS Zeus you are cleared to dock. Keep away from the FDR I don't want a massive crash.
ECF Commander: Lessr Tsurani- You will power down your weapons before I blow you out of the sky,Premission Granted we offer repair and medical services. Medical is free.
ECF Commander: Xessmithia- go dock and blow all of your money
Harmonia Mortus
14-09-2004, 01:35
East Coast Federation
14-09-2004, 02:31
OOC: So make comments about my tech and or buy it if you have money to blow up crap.
14-09-2004, 02:51
IC: "We can dock? That's great. Get us docked. It took them long enough to do it." Aster said relieved. He toggled the radio switch yet again, "Thanks ECF, hope I'll find something to trade with you."

From your ST site ECF,
The standard speed for impulse power is .25c

It's 0.25c not 25c. I think you missed the decimal point.
14-09-2004, 04:05
"We've receieved clearance, commodore..." Lt. Yates says...

"Helm, take us in slowly...." commands Commodore Brandeu

The Massive Zeus approaches the docking port, and slowly and eligantly docks with the station... A few hundred crewmen disembark, along with Commodore Brandeu... who heads over to the docking port for the TRSS Titan....

As Commodore Brandeu enters the port, two tekanian marine guards at the port press a button on a comm, and throughout the Titan, say, "Zeus, Boarding."
East Coast Federation
15-09-2004, 00:09
IC: "We can dock? That's great. Get us docked. It took them long enough to do it." Aster said relieved. He toggled the radio switch yet again, "Thanks ECF, hope I'll find something to trade with you."

From your ST site ECF,

It's 0.25c not 25c. I think you missed the decimal point.
OOC: Stupid Moniter Resulation being to high (smashes head on table)
ECF Commander( over COMM on the starbase): Welcome all who have come. Please take advantage of Medical and R&R Services all for free!
Also come spend some money on ECF Weapons and drive systems!
East Coast Federation
15-09-2004, 02:11
15-09-2004, 02:49
JOKE: A sewage hauler appears and offers to buy all the station's crap for 50 bucks.
What are you selling? I have no idea, if I did, I'd be buying stuff.
15-09-2004, 03:58
The engine tech walked up to Aster, who was enjoying himself look through the various goods available at the base. He said something to him.

"What do you mean we're almost out of fuel? Well I'll see if I can get some from the station." He went to the nearest info station.

"We need some fuel, deuterium to be exact for our fusion reactors on the Allosaurus. Would it be possible to buy some from you?"
15-09-2004, 08:43
OOC:"Dennis there is some wonderful filth over here!" Sorry :P

IC:"Tekanian is wonding about the power input rating on those .9c impulse drives...."
15-09-2004, 10:27
OOC: Ghargonia are you not my ally?

The first ship, the Kraken, was a member of the large fleet that you know of, from the Earth-based 'rebel' Ghargonians you've been in communication. You're probably the closest thing to an ally they have got, but being naturally xenophobic they will never admit it, even to themselves. It was attacked by this new ship which it identified as an 'Imperium light cruiser' -- maybe that's exactly what it is, or maybe the computer was fudged up. Guess we'll never know now... It dropped away from the main fleet because of engine troubles -- because the crew of the entire fleet is in stasis, nobody will know except for the other ships' computers. At least, not until they wake up. And when it dropped away, this new ship decided it would be a good idea to use it for target practice. The computer automatically used some rudimentary attack protocols against the new ship, but it was vastly over-matched and ultimately ran away -- not before it was damaged so bad it had to deactivate the stasis pods -- with the innards of the ship exposed to space that wasn't healthy for the crew -- just to stay online.
The latter ship, though, is certainly not acting under any official capacity on behalf of anybody. There are about six or seven 'extra-legal' merchants on there. Partly for selfish reasons (my own nation's story development), partly to perhaps bring something 'different' along to your base, and partly because it's more fun to RP with a gang of pirates than a diplomat :D. Although, you're not sure they're pirates yet, there's plenty for you to suspect...

ECF Commander:Ghargonian vessel state you business. Why did you destory that other ship? You ship also appears to be in a state of Disrepair. Do you guys let that thing fall apart? Premission Granted, But don't try any funny stuff.

"Ghargonians, you say?" the mildly intoxicated voice said. "Interesting. You do know of the stories. Some people believe we are descended from a race called the 'Ghargonians' who had some great big 'evil empire', but they are just talking nonsense. They're about as sane as the people who believe the region these people were rumoured to be from is haunted by ghost ships. This moron over here thinks he saw one once, what did you call it , Klarr? An 'Impelium battleship'? Oh yeah sorry, 'Imperium'... it was glowing and it was translucent and everything, wasn't it ya big reekfakar? Harharhar. Klarr's a laugh, it's the only reason we haven't killed the useless idiot.
"Anyway. This ship? This big hunk of junk? We found it drifting out by the Keelilaar asteroid field, near some planet with a bunch of ruins on them. There were LOADS of em, some of 'em even bigger than this one, all abandoned they were. Not sure why they were there or for how long. Looked like something had just come along and disabled their power and killed their crew without firing a shot or something. Must have happened ages ago though. But, there are barely enough of us to fly this one so we weren't too greedy. As for its condition, we're not exactly professional mechanics, and we tend to hang around in the back end of space -- where there are no shipyards. No anything, actually. Not our problem if it falls to pieces anyway. We'll just find another one and sell this for scrap."
There was a banging noise, and some irrelevant shouting in Archaic Ghargonian, just away from the speaker. Sounded like someone had been punched in the face rather hard. Another person was heard to receive a blow somewhere like their stomach. Finally, an energy weapon blast was heard, and something slammed into the wall before hitting the floor. There was some more shouting, another punch, and then silence.
"Erm, anyway, that other ship seemed to have some useful stuff on it, but there were loads of others travelling in a fleet," the voice said. "So when it stopped for some reason, we thought we'd 'remove' some of that stuff. Seemed like it didn't have crew either, some pretty rudimentary defensive measures. It tried to run but this big hunk of junk is fast considering, and we caught up with it just over there. Like I say, don't spread it around, there were more than a hundred of 'em and I don't fancy trying to fend 'em all off if they come looking for revenge... It was a waste of time anyway. Half the stuff on that ship was older than the stuff on this ship...
"Anyway, thanks for the docking permission, we'll be over soon. Hope you've got some good drinking establishments, heh heh heh." The signal was cut.

Three small craft emerged from the massive hangar deck on the underbelly of the ship, their engines firing to life and moving away. They had two 'blade' wings running along the side of a small, cone-shaped cockpit. On the front end of each blade was a small plasma gun, though they looked non-functional. They were combat fighters of some sort, though they didn't seem to have been used any time recently.
The fighters sped towards the base, occasionally competing with each other in loop the loops and other aerial manoeuvres. After almost colliding with each other once or twice, they came to a crawl in front of the base and slowly entered through one of the large outer doors.

A tall reptilian alien stepped out of the airlock, slamming his large black boot down on the deck. He looked like the offspring of a velociraptor and a human; he had a large, powerful humanoid body, no tail, but his head had a long snout, his mouth was lined with vicious-looking back-curved teeth, and his eyes, on the sides of his long head, were bright yellow. He was at least a head and a half higher than a tall human, and had to bend down to fit through the airlock. His green-brown scaled skin was marked with many small scars, several large scars, and even a nasty-looking burn scar on his neck. He'd been in one or two fights, that much was certain. He wore tough, thick, weathered brown leather-like clothes, with three different plasma pistols and a vicious-looking curved, serrated knife (almost long enough to be a sword) hooked onto his large black belt. His large hands had three fingers and a thumb, each with a large curved claw on the end.
Two more such creatures stepped out behind him shortly after, slightly more brown than he and a little shorter. They were hitting each other in the arm quite hard. One of them snarled and took a bite at the other, just missing his face. Their leader looked back at them both and snarled, and they stopped.
"Reklar, vak tun'es!" he shouted in a guttural roar, attracting the attention of one or two nervous onlookers. One of them nodded and hurried back into the hangar. He returned shortly with a bulky black electronic datapad, and handed it to him.
"Hey, nice place", their leader grunted, apparently knowing English. "Let's see if we can't dump our holds here. You, human, would you like to purchase three mildly damaged particle accelerator cannons? They've been reconditioned to full working order and..."
The three wandered off, trying to sell their loot to whoever walked near them. Most kept walking. Some stopped and listened. They didn't seem to be having much success.
East Coast Federation
15-09-2004, 21:50
ECF Commander there is a large Display Case on Deck 65 please have a look!

*on deck 65 several captiains were staring at a massive display case*

Matter To Antimatter Reactor:
Sick and tired of fusion Reactors that break down? Run through fuel quickly? And generate a great deal of waste? Well we can slove your problem. Producing more power than 4 Fusion Reactors. This system can be all yours for the low price of 50 Million Credits. Requires Matter and Antimatter. A years supply is given with it.
WARNING: Imporper use of this system can and will destory the ship.

Warp Drive:
Blaze through space at up to warp 9.993. Over 16,000 times the speed of light. Sick and tired of having to sleep for years in your slow ships!? Buy a ECF Warp Drive and Change all of that ( needs Matter-Antimatter raector). We will install an EPS grid and Nacelles on your ship. Price: 300 Million Credits

Impluse Drive: Using Fusion Reactors . You can travel up to .90c at sublight, Cost 10 Million Dollars

Phasers: Phased Energy Ratification. The most effient weapon possible. They are strip mounted to your ship. Ranging from 100 Terajoules to 2,000 but they go much higher in the ECF Fleet.
Cost: 1 million to 3 Billion per strip.

TransPasic Torpedos: Rated at 1/3 of a Gigaton these will dish out some massive pain to any enemy. 300,000 per 10 Pack.

Enhanced Compression Rifle: Dish out some pain to your enemys or stun your wife O_o.
Price: 1000 Credits

Customize your own ship!, No ship classes in the ECF fleet are avelible.
Ambassodor Class:
A ship made for Export. She is a fine balanced ship. Armaermants:
Medium Grade Sheild Generator ( on ECF scale )
100 Terajoule Phasers on 14 Strips
Front and Rear Torpdedo tubes.
Max Speed: .25 C,Warp 9
Crew Needed: 123
Power: Matter-Antimatter reactor and one backup fusion reactor
This is a fine ship for merchants who have a good bit of money. And need to defend themslves from small fleets.
Price Tag:200 Million Dollars
Intertor: A very appealing carpet and cream color. Dim Lighting During Red Alert and bright lighting during all other alerts.
It can carry the most cargo of any ships.
Soyuz Class:
Need a ship that can carry a good amount of cargo holds but has enough firepower to let you escape from an "hot trading zone" if the need be. This is our most powerful cargo ship for sale it will destory most Frigates and corvettes with ease. While they may seem powerful. Phasers in the ECF Fleet go up to 13,000 Terajoules
10, 1000terajoule Phasers Strips
2 Phaser Cannons 2,000 Terjoules.
2 Transpashic Torpdedo Tubes.
Maximum Speed: .25c,Warp 9.993 Inculdes new TRANSWARP Drive.
Medium Grade Sheliding system.
Power: 2 Fusion Generators and a Matter-Antimatter Reactor.
Price Tag: 1 Billion Credits
ECF Commander ( to the lizard dude): Prehaps you would be interested in a new ship? Our ships are the best built in the galaxy. * shows him the way to deck 65*
ECF Commander: I am sorry but we do not have the amounts that a ship your size would need,Xessmithia our antimatter reactors do use it but only a tiny amount. For the matter compenant.
ECF Commander: Tekania they can hit .25 but some can go up to 90 on very small ships. The power imput rating is 1/18 terajoules.
15-09-2004, 22:29

ECF Commander: I am sorry but we do not have the amounts that a ship your size would need,Xessmithia our antimatter reactors do use it but only a tiny amount. For the matter compenant.

"Are you sure. We'd only need a 1000 kilograms of deuterium to get back to a system where we can get towed through a TCG Gate back to Xess. I'm sure you can find that much. And if we could get it in supercooled metallic state it would be all the better."
15-09-2004, 23:20
"Hey boss, it looks like someone glued a peklok sizzle pan onto a velnir bug's head!" one of the two joked. The 'boss' didn't even bother talking to him, he just reached behind him and bopped the lizard on the nose.

"Hmm," the boss pondered, gazing up at the ship. He turned around and said something to his cohort in Archaic Ghargonian, then turned back. "No, I don't think these are for us. We need something scary-looking, y'know? Not that we need to scare anybody. Just pirates! Yeah, pirates. Pirates get scared if they see a scary ship. We've got the location of that ship graveyard somewhere in our computers, we can go back there and find another ship if this one gets too bad.
"How's about weapons, though? Zero point energy explosives are all the rage, I hear. Not that we need them for anything but self-defence. Sell any of those?"
East Coast Federation
16-09-2004, 00:39
ECF Engineer: I've ran scans on your ship. The ships here.
Are over 40 times faster than your "photonic" drive.
The sheilds are over 12 times more powerful than your ship.
The weapons are far more powerful than aything you have.
The Sublight drive is much much more powerful.
Your Weapons are pitiful.
Your ship is falling apart.
How did you not fall apart when you shot that ally?
How did I get these scans? Well we kinda could see you enaging that damaged ship *grins*
How is it not scary?
The Offer still stands.
Zero point energy explosives? HA! Phasers are far more effient and more powerful than that crap. ( this is all uber pumped trek stuff )
ECF Commander:
Xessmithia! 1000 kilograms ! Our ships use that in about 10 years. We could repicate some but that would take time.
16-09-2004, 01:20
ECF Commander:
Xessmithia! 1000 kilograms ! Our ships use that in about 10 years. We could repicate some but that would take time.

Aster slunk his head, he toggled the now very familiar switch.
"That's fine, we'll pay you well for it. But just how much time are we talking about here?"
East Coast Federation
16-09-2004, 01:44
The ECF Commander Responded " You don't have to pay for it. But it will take about a day and a half to make that much.
16-09-2004, 01:55
The ECF Commander Responded " You don't have to pay for it. But it will take about a day and a half to make that much.

Aster breathed a sigh of relief. He could get home to see his family now withoug having to beg for a ride from ECF, that would have been embarrasing to the Xessmithian Navy. "That sounds great commander, I'll have to ask for it in metallic form though. That's how our reactors take it. I'll have one of the crew take up a storage container for it, it's not that big of a container, metallic deuterium is about 3 times denser than platinum. And I feel you should get something out of this. How about I give you the access codes to the Xess TCG gate along with a hundred thousand USD. And thanks a 10^11 for helping us out with this."
East Coast Federation
16-09-2004, 02:08
ECF Commander:Xessmithia we use it that way. But why would you use an engine desing of that nature? Our AntiMatter-Matter reactors and Warp/TransWarp Drive is better than Sublight and Jump gates. Are you sure I could not interest you in one? ANd I'm assuming thats how your ship operates.
I would like premission to send the ECF TITAN( not the flagship) and a small fleet on a diplomatic mission.
I would like to send the following ships to highlight the best of the ECF navy to your population.
I regret I cannot spare the Flagship.

The Following Ships. ( OOV: This is all uber uber uber uber uber uber uber uber uber uber uber ST tech) I will only reqest to send one of each type of ship listed hear.
The TITAN- The turning point the ECF Fleet. Development of the 1st 3gigaton phasers on this vessel makes it our best avhiment.
The AKRIA- Our BattleCuirers of choice.
The Defiant- The small fast attack craft
Soverign Class- The mighty Soverign Class is the 3rd most powerful type of ship in out fleet.
Prometheus Class- The Most 'creative' ship in the Fleet.
Prometheus Class-
Intrepid Class-By the far the fastest and most manurvble ship of it's size.

OOC: I'd like to RP this meeting if that would be ok, as in when you leave we could let them follow you. They are not armed with stuff you see on st. They have 2-3gigaton phasers, and Transpashic Torpedos.
And they are just standard ships, You should see the BlackFleet.
16-09-2004, 02:22
Suddenly and without warning, a group of 4 Monarch Cruisers, 8 Donkey Attack Destroyers, and 12 Bulldog assualt craft appeared. They bore no markings of any kind, which practically labeled them as space pirates. They quickly opened fire. Aiming at the Archangel and the Kanttuchdis with high powered phasers and torpedos, they hoped to take revenge upon Al-Imvadjah. However, the warships shrugged off the energy wepons, and the torpedos did little damage to their thick armor plating. They then returned fire, a single HACSHM each was all it took to blow the large pirate ships apart, then then AA and rg batteries opened up, destroying the small Bulldogs quickly and efficiently. The firefight was over in less than one minute, the Al-Imvad ships demonstrating their power over trektech in a glorious victory.

Merchants on the station take the oppertunty to advertise the extreme effectiveness and availiblity of HACSHMs.
16-09-2004, 02:27
IC: "Well commander we use metallic deuterium because it's easy to store. It's very dense so it doesn't take up much internal space, the 1000 kg we're getting would fit inside one of those 10-liter water jugs you see in offices all the time, and with our reactors we get 30 megatons worth of energy out of it. And we have independent FTL that's not based on TCG jump-gates. We just use them for insystem travel and for between already established colony worlds. Our jump gates can get enough power to send ships through at a 1000 lightyears per hour. Which much much faster than our current Gen 3 Tachyon drives which gets 2.5 lightyears per day." Aster rumaged through his bag until he found a data card labeled Xessmithian Encyclopedia of Technology .

"It's an old version and doesn't have the Jump-gate entry yet but it's being updated soon. And you of course have permission to bring your fleet to Xess. We'll send you the co-ordinates."

OOC: An RP sounds good to me. Shall we do it here or in a new thread?
East Coast Federation
16-09-2004, 02:35
OOC: Al-Imvadjah do you honesetly think I use standard trek tech. This is my last post for tonight.
ECF Commander: Do think that was apporpaite? This is MY region. And I WILL DEAL WITH PROBLEMS, ADMIRAL!
Admiral Willing: More Ships in comming! No marks!
Lock all weapons and fire, Just the Flagship.
Ops: Incomming!
* the massive flagship doesnt even vibrate when the torpedos hit. ALl of the other ships srhug it off with no problems. The Smaller ships started playing with the enemys and dodgeing there fire *
Willing: This is funny, All weapons lock onto the enemy fleet and fire.
* The ECF ships begun to fire and the ships exploded ni less than 23 seconds *
Willing: Wow, When I mean 12,000 terajoules I mean it.
16-09-2004, 02:44
ECF Engineer: I've ran scans on your ship. The ships here.
Are over 40 times faster than your "photonic" drive.
The sheilds are over 12 times more powerful than your ship.
The weapons are far more powerful than aything you have.
The Sublight drive is much much more powerful.
Your Weapons are pitiful.
Your ship is falling apart.
How did you not fall apart when you shot that ally?
How did I get these scans? Well we kinda could see you enaging that damaged ship *grins*
How is it not scary?
The Offer still stands.
Zero point energy explosives? HA! Phasers are far more effient and more powerful than that crap. ( this is all uber pumped trek stuff )

OOC: Erm... a few points... first, I should probably clear this up; they're using an old Imperium ship they found lying around, which uses much more modernised technology than the Ghargonian rebels. I don't know if you noticed, but whereas the Kraken jumped in with photonic drive, the pirates' ship came through a hole in space... I've give you the falling apart bit though :D. It's been drifting in space for a while before they started gallivanting around the cosmos with it...
Also, with that in mind, you can't really tell me that their weapons are pitiful, as that would be 'godmodding' really (man I hate that term), but that's just because I wasn't really clear and you were going off rebel standards, so I'll let you off :p.
Ambassador-class? Scary looking? Soyuz-class? That Miranda variant? Scary looking? :D You really think so :confused: ?
Oh, and zero-point energy explosives are actually pretty much the same principles behind quantum torpedoes, which also use zero-point energy fields. Great for penetrating shields as I recall. Useful stuff for a pirate, no doubt. Anyway, I'll come up with something IC tomorrow. Bed calls to me...
Ruthless Slaughter
16-09-2004, 02:48
There was a brief flicker in the stars as the Saving Grace, Ruthless Slaughter's massive flagship came out of warp. It's half the size of the Deathstar, with 500 heavy turbolaser turrets, massive shields, incredibly thick armor, and a massive forward subspace-ionic cannon the the ship was built around.

Piett: This Admiral Piett of DSS Saving Grace requesting permission to uh, *notices that there's no way in hell a ship this size would be able to dock* sit outside and beam over.

OOC: (to ECF)Your Intrepid class is actually the Achilles class from Dominion Wars (computer game) and if there's any question about the Saving Grace being a godmod, I'll have you know it took almost all my budget and a few RL weeks to build and I only have one.
16-09-2004, 11:08
The 'boss', who had identified himself as Lef, stomped into a bar and looked around. He pulled back his lips into the closest thing he could manage to a smile -- his snout didn't allow much facial expression. One of the patrons at the table near a door appeared to back away, and Lef jokingly took a snap at him with his powerful jaws, causing him to run away.

"HAR HAR HAR HAR HAHAHAR," he bellowed loudly. "Humans, you have to love them." He walked up to the bar, his huge boots shaking the deck beneath him, and he kicked a stool out of the way so he could lean on the bar surface.
"Bar rat," he called. "What is the strongest drink you have in?"

"I... the strongest we have is Romulan ale... sir..." he said nervously. He seemed to be staring at Lef's teeth.

"Romulan ale it is then!" Lef roared, patting the humans next to him on the back roughly. They spluttered as they nearly fell over the side of the bar.
His two cohorts burst in through the door and skidded to a halt.

"There you are, boss," the shortest of the two exclaimed. "We were, err, we were looking for you."

"Well here I am," Lef cried. "Drinking! What did you call it? Romulan ale? Come on you pair of morons, test out the local spirits!"

"If you insist boss!" the taller one shouted. They ran up to the bar and hopped on the stools, which were obviously too small for them. Their legs tucked uncomfortably under the bar, and they bent right over to lean down.

The bar tender returned with a small glass of blue liquid, holding a large bottle in his other hand. "Here you go, sir." Lef snatched the glass and downed it in one gulp. Opening and closing his mouth for a second, he turned to glare at the bar tender.

"What is this? Water? This is the strongest you have?!" Lef roared angrily, smashing the glass on the bar, and grabbing the bar tender by the collar.

"Y... yes sir, it's... it's not the strongest in the galaxy to be sure, but it's... it's all we have..." he spluttered. "Please don't kill me!"

"I'm not going to kill you," Lef snorted, snatching the bottle from his hand and shoving him away. "Give me that." He put the bottle neck in his mouth and gulped some of the blue stuff down. "It's not too bad, shame it's so pitiful."

"Hey boss, give us some!" the other two protested.

"Two more bottles for the idiots here," Lef demanded. The bar tender straightened his clothes and scurried off to get some. He returned with two more bottles of blue liquid shortly after, and they were snatched from him. All three lizards now sat gulping from their respective bottles. The waiter reached under the bar on his side and pressed something.

"Hey, I'm empty," Lef cried. "You, midget, give me yours!"

"Get outta here, it's mine!" the smaller lizard shouted. Lef placed his fist in the smaller lizards face and knocked him off his stool, catching the bottle. The small one got up and roared, launching off his feet and bringing Lef to the ground, the bottle smashing on the floor on the other side of the room.
Lef pushed the smaller lizard up into the air with his powerful legs, and flipped to his feet with a thud. The lizard crashed down onto a table with a yelp. As Lef walked towards him, he slowly stood up and grabbed a nearby chair.

"Harharhar," Lef laughed. "What are you going to do with that you small fool?"

"This," the smaller one said, and swung the chair into Lef's head. It shattered all over the place, knocking Lef back a few steps. He shook his head, slightly dazed, and roared, throwing a punch at the small one. The small one dodged, but received an upper cut to the belly, and a powerful punch to the face which sent him flipping into the air before crashing down on his back. He shook his head, just about to get up, when a human shouted something.

"Stop!" said a nervous, but firm voice. Lef looked around curiously to see three men aiming rifles at them.

"We were just having a little fun," Lef grunted, almost amused. He grabbed the small one's hand and tugged him to his feet roughly.

"Y...yeah," the small one said, staggering around. "Hey, I think that blue water was stronger than we thought..."

"No, you just can't hold your drink you idiot," Lef snapped.

"Just leave peacefully and there'll be no trouble," the human said. Lef casually walked up to the human, placing his chest, or rather, his stomach, against the end of the rifle. Towering over the human he looked down at him, with a semi-grin on his face. He said nothing. The human shuffled his feet nervously, but stood his ground.

"You are brave, human," Lef growled, finally.

"Just doing my job, sir," the human told him.

"Har har har," Lef stepped back and laughed. "I like you, human." He placed his huge hand on the human's shoulder and shook him around roughly. "Telos, Kel, let's get outta here."

The other two stepped over several mounds of furniture debris, and moved to follow Lef out of the bar. They stopped and looked the humans up and down, and then continued out of the bar. The bar tender peered out over his bar and stood up, his eyes wide. He surveyed the damage, and looked at the men. Their commander shrugged at him, and they left.

"Three guards?" Telos exclaimed, as the three of them strolled along an empty corridor. He spoke Archaic Ghargonian again, mainly because it was easier for him. "It'd be easy to make money here!"

"Don't get excited," Lef said. "They were going to stop a bar room brawl; they were expecting a bunch of unarmed humans or something, not us three."

"Yeah," Kel nodded and looked at Telos, the short one. "If they know it's us, and we do something serious, they'll probably send more."

"Still, we've been in tough spots before," Telos said. "Remember that planet with loads of robots on it?"

"Yeah," Lef said, grinning for a second. It was one of their most glorious battles. "But there we had the element of surprise, we were in a great big open space with lots of cover, and there were five of us. Imagine how that could've gone if we were in a tight space with no cover, and there were only three of us."

Telos said nothing, and just dropped his head down.

"I don't think we should try anything," Kel shook his head. "I think we should just sell our stash and get outta here. Before those other ships realise what we did to their little friend."

"I agree," Lef muttered. "But, if we get an opportunity, as always, we should take it."

"Helgok frik, my head hurts..." Telos cursed, much to the amusement of the other two. He never could hold his drink, no matter how weak it was.

The three of them continued walking, laughing, looking for their quarters.
Ruthless Slaughter
16-09-2004, 19:29
East Coast Federation
17-09-2004, 00:26
The 'boss', who had identified himself as Lef, stomped into a bar and looked around. He pulled back his lips into the closest thing he could manage to a smile -- his snout didn't allow much facial expression. One of the patrons at the table near a door appeared to back away, and Lef jokingly took a snap at him with his powerful jaws, causing him to run away.

"HAR HAR HAR HAR HAHAHAR," he bellowed loudly. "Humans, you have to love them." He walked up to the bar, his huge boots shaking the deck beneath him, and he kicked a stool out of the way so he could lean on the bar surface.
"Bar rat," he called. "What is the strongest drink you have in?"

"I... the strongest we have is Romulan ale... sir..." he said nervously. He seemed to be staring at Lef's teeth.

"Romulan ale it is then!" Lef roared, patting the humans next to him on the back roughly. They spluttered as they nearly fell over the side of the bar.
His two cohorts burst in through the door and skidded to a halt.

"There you are, boss," the shortest of the two exclaimed. "We were, err, we were looking for you."

"Well here I am," Lef cried. "Drinking! What did you call it? Romulan ale? Come on you pair of morons, test out the local spirits!"

"If you insist boss!" the taller one shouted. They ran up to the bar and hopped on the stools, which were obviously too small for them. Their legs tucked uncomfortably under the bar, and they bent right over to lean down.

The bar tender returned with a small glass of blue liquid, holding a large bottle in his other hand. "Here you go, sir." Lef snatched the glass and downed it in one gulp. Opening and closing his mouth for a second, he turned to glare at the bar tender.

"What is this? Water? This is the strongest you have?!" Lef roared angrily, smashing the glass on the bar, and grabbing the bar tender by the collar.

"Y... yes sir, it's... it's not the strongest in the galaxy to be sure, but it's... it's all we have..." he spluttered. "Please don't kill me!"

"I'm not going to kill you," Lef snorted, snatching the bottle from his hand and shoving him away. "Give me that." He put the bottle neck in his mouth and gulped some of the blue stuff down. "It's not too bad, shame it's so pitiful."

"Hey boss, give us some!" the other two protested.

"Two more bottles for the idiots here," Lef demanded. The bar tender straightened his clothes and scurried off to get some. He returned with two more bottles of blue liquid shortly after, and they were snatched from him. All three lizards now sat gulping from their respective bottles. The waiter reached under the bar on his side and pressed something.

"Hey, I'm empty," Lef cried. "You, midget, give me yours!"

"Get outta here, it's mine!" the smaller lizard shouted. Lef placed his fist in the smaller lizards face and knocked him off his stool, catching the bottle. The small one got up and roared, launching off his feet and bringing Lef to the ground, the bottle smashing on the floor on the other side of the room.
Lef pushed the smaller lizard up into the air with his powerful legs, and flipped to his feet with a thud. The lizard crashed down onto a table with a yelp. As Lef walked towards him, he slowly stood up and grabbed a nearby chair.

"Harharhar," Lef laughed. "What are you going to do with that you small fool?"

"This," the smaller one said, and swung the chair into Lef's head. It shattered all over the place, knocking Lef back a few steps. He shook his head, slightly dazed, and roared, throwing a punch at the small one. The small one dodged, but received an upper cut to the belly, and a powerful punch to the face which sent him flipping into the air before crashing down on his back. He shook his head, just about to get up, when a human shouted something.

"Stop!" said a nervous, but firm voice. Lef looked around curiously to see three men aiming rifles at them.

"We were just having a little fun," Lef grunted, almost amused. He grabbed the small one's hand and tugged him to his feet roughly.

"Y...yeah," the small one said, staggering around. "Hey, I think that blue water was stronger than we thought..."

"No, you just can't hold your drink you idiot," Lef snapped.

"Just leave peacefully and there'll be no trouble," the human said. Lef casually walked up to the human, placing his chest, or rather, his stomach, against the end of the rifle. Towering over the human he looked down at him, with a semi-grin on his face. He said nothing. The human shuffled his feet nervously, but stood his ground.

"You are brave, human," Lef growled, finally.

"Just doing my job, sir," the human told him.

"Har har har," Lef stepped back and laughed. "I like you, human." He placed his huge hand on the human's shoulder and shook him around roughly. "Telos, Kel, let's get outta here."

The other two stepped over several mounds of furniture debris, and moved to follow Lef out of the bar. They stopped and looked the humans up and down, and then continued out of the bar. The bar tender peered out over his bar and stood up, his eyes wide. He surveyed the damage, and looked at the men. Their commander shrugged at him, and they left.

"Three guards?" Telos exclaimed, as the three of them strolled along an empty corridor. He spoke Archaic Ghargonian again, mainly because it was easier for him. "It'd be easy to make money here!"

"Don't get excited," Lef said. "They were going to stop a bar room brawl; they were expecting a bunch of unarmed humans or something, not us three."

"Yeah," Kel nodded and looked at Telos, the short one. "If they know it's us, and we do something serious, they'll probably send more."

"Still, we've been in tough spots before," Telos said. "Remember that planet with loads of robots on it?"

"Yeah," Lef said, grinning for a second. It was one of their most glorious battles. "But there we had the element of surprise, we were in a great big open space with lots of cover, and there were five of us. Imagine how that could've gone if we were in a tight space with no cover, and there were only three of us."

Telos said nothing, and just dropped his head down.

"I don't think we should try anything," Kel shook his head. "I think we should just sell our stash and get outta here. Before those other ships realise what we did to their little friend."

"I agree," Lef muttered. "But, if we get an opportunity, as always, we should take it."

"Helgok frik, my head hurts..." Telos cursed, much to the amusement of the other two. He never could hold his drink, no matter how weak it was.

The three of them continued walking, laughing, looking for their quarters.
ECF Head of Secuirity on the ECF base: Was that really nesscary? I mean if the that happens again. I will not hesitate to blow your head off * as 5 grauds point sniper rifles at there heads* Keep this in mind. Also we have reason to believe you destoryed one of our allies ships. We are investigating it now. If we find that you did it you will be kicked off the base. * he leaves *
East Coast Federation
17-09-2004, 01:28
pumpy bumps
ECF Commander: DSS Saving Grace uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh is that possible? Why not just send a shuttle over
East Coast Federation
17-09-2004, 01:41
Aster breathed a sigh of relief. He could get home to see his family now withoug having to beg for a ride from ECF, that would have been embarrasing to the Xessmithian Navy. "That sounds great commander, I'll have to ask for it in metallic form though. That's how our reactors take it. I'll have one of the crew take up a storage container for it, it's not that big of a container, metallic deuterium is about 3 times denser than platinum. And I feel you should get something out of this. How about I give you the access codes to the Xess TCG gate along with a hundred thousand USD. And thanks a 10^11 for helping us out with this."
Your deuterium is ready and is being beamed over. I would like premission to send a small fleet with you. And I would also like to bring the flagship. To show that we are not a bunch of weak idiots. Of crouse we would keep all weapons powered down.
17-09-2004, 01:58
The three lurked around a small back-end corridor shortly after their 'encounter'. Telos kept grabbing at Kel's pistol. Kel had a gold-plated plasma pistol which Telos found fascinating for some reason. Kel continually punched him in the snout. Lef stood apart from them, leaning against a wall thinking.

"Dammit Telos, GET... OFF!" Kel shouted finally. He gave the smaller lizard an almight smack to the head, and he slammed against the wall behind him, dazed.

"Allies? No wonder that puny little scrap can ran here," Lef thought out loud.

"Boss who cares?" Kel sighed, aiming his pistol at Telos playfully, who seemed to be having trouble standing. "Let's just sell our stuff and get outta here. It's dull! I haven't killed anyone in DAYS! Although I'm tempted..."

Telos squinted at him, and was about to say something, but staggered sideways slightly.

"Gah, we haven't sold a single piece of that junk since we got here," Lef snorted. "Either most of the humans here are scared of us, they're xenophobes, or they just don't like buying damaged junk."

"I say the first one, we... OW!" Telos said, staggering again and slamming his head on the wall.

"Yeah, you're scary alright," Lef mocked. "About as scary as a kelnar bug. I say we get outta here now."

"And go where?" Kel asked. "We've been kicked out of half the galaxy already."

"Half the galaxy is run by law and order," Lef smiled. "The other half isn't. Remember Planet Largos?"

"Oooh heheheheh yeah..." Kel grinned. "Hey, I wonder if that female Olipus still works there..."

"Let's go and find out," Lef suggested. "More likely to sell 'extra-legal' equipment with holes in it there than here anyway."

"I guess you're right boss," Kel nodded. "Lead the way!"

"Keep your plasma pistol handy," Lef suggested. "Not just so you can shoot Telos if he becomes annoying. But just in case someone thinks you're annoying."

Kel pulled his gold pistol from his belt and twirled it around. He'd used it a few times in the past, obviously. "If you're gonna die, do it in style."

"Let's go... and... bring him," Lef nodded at Telos, who was gazing around aimlessly. "We need someone to scrub the bulkheads."

"Come on bone head," Kel grabbed Telos' arm. "If you can see anything except stars, keep your hand on yer gun."

The three cautiously started making their way to the hangar where their fighters were parked. For such large creatures, they moved surprisingly stealthily.
East Coast Federation
17-09-2004, 02:32
OOC: Last post for tonight

Ops: Sir it was there ship! The alloys are a perfect match from matirels produced in the SOL system. Thats what I can tell from the scans before they destoryed it.
ECF Commander: All ships RED ALERT! Lock down the station NOW. Get the maries to there stations NOW! Set weapons on kill.
Admiral Willing: From a Bloackade around there ships and lock all weapons but do not fire until I say so.
Ruthless Slaughter
17-09-2004, 19:47
pumpy bumps
ECF Commander: DSS Saving Grace uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh is that possible? Why not just send a shuttle over
Piett: I don't trust shuttles, they're too rickety. But if you insist, I and my senior staff will be there in a few minutes.
17-09-2004, 20:49
My shuttles are very strong, and reasonably priced too.

I'm waiting for orders, please click on the link below in my sig marked "My Ships and Equipment" or just click (
All orders should be rp'd in this thread as talking to my merchants on the station, let's say level 14.
17-09-2004, 20:52
From out of Transwarp one of the few BORG ships not comitted to battle drops out of transwarp. It zooms along using a new form of energy that isn't quite impulse, but isn't quite warp either. The cube is lit like anyother, but, if you look closely you will see on each side of the cube in lights is the symbol Omega, from ancient earth. The only reason the symbol is hard to see is because it blends in so well with all the other lights on the cube. Instead of the Voice of the collective however, King Warfare himself addresses the station.

King Warfare: It is a pleasure to see my Allies in the ECF once again. It is I King Warfare of the BORG. The reason I come to you today, is because over the past few years since Coreworlds, The Collective has been upgraded. I come because I wish to share my knowledge with the universe. Have I permission to beam over?
East Coast Federation
17-09-2004, 22:08
Admiral Willing: well as you can see we have a little situation on our hands, Care to help blockade that massive ship that our task force has sorruned? But enough about that where have you been in the last 5 years? Please beem over *(i'm doing this for the sake of the RP) Warhaven beamed over to flagships bridge*
Admiral Willing: Nice to see you again, your not the only one who has made progress. We have finally invetented Gravtiy Weapons and finally created a temporal sheilding system ( level 1 on the temporal accord ). The ship and fleet has changed a great deal snice the battle of coreworlds. *Points to the nurmoures changes and tacital displays on the bridge, and the Gravity Beam Strips on the outside of the ship some being over 12km away* Yes I know you can see them. So I would like to show you the new engine room? We could chat on the way.

ECF Commander: All ships, Keep an eye on that strange pirate ship out there. We are aprehending it's owners on the base for possible crimes, such as murder.
Ruthless Slaughter
17-09-2004, 22:36
My shuttles are very strong, and reasonably priced too.

I'm waiting for orders, please click on the link below in my sig marked "My Ships and Equipment" or just click (
All orders should be rp'd in this thread as talking to my merchants on the station, let's say level 14.
OOC: Our shuttles are fine, it's just that Piett had a bad experience with shuttles when he was younger.

IC: Ops: Sir, unidentified fleet and multiple energy readings.

Piett: Finally! A battle! Open a channel to the ECF ships, tell them the cavalry's arrived.

Ops: *with a tinge of excitement* Yessir!

The massive flagship comes about, sending a message to the starbase that a plans changed, and headed for the fight.
17-09-2004, 22:43
Warfare: Sure I'll help.

The Cube glides over to the Pirate ship, Locks a tractor beam onto the ship, and 10,000 drones immediatly teleport ONTO THE SUFACE OF THE SHIP and start dismanteling the weapons, using force if neccessary, and the engine ports. 10,000 others teleport into the inside of the ship and immediatly start disabling engines and weapons internally
17-09-2004, 22:52
Warfare: As I am sure you will find out Willing, I am having the drones dismantle the weapons and engines, both entenaly and outside the ship. Oh don't worry about how drones can survive with out an atmosphere, We're BORG. About one thousand years ago, we discovered how to recycle the air we breath without inhaling or exhaling. That is also an added benefit to our Ships, we simply keep them atmosphere free to prevent intruders from entering. as to the BORG out side the ship, we have Magnetic capabilities in our legs allowing us to attach our selves to the outside of ships.
East Coast Federation
18-09-2004, 00:55
Admiral Willing: Well thanks for taking away my fun! I was going to test out all of the ECFs new Weapons on that!
Anyway, How have you been please follow me to the engine room.
* in the engine room *
Admiral Willing: As you can see we have surpassed the tech we used a mere 8 years ago! By far! We no longer use phasers. We have Gravity Weapons and Temporal Sheilding!
*There are 6 Warpcores and 2 QC Reactors in the massive engine Room*
We have advanced very far. Prehaps we could be of some assistance to you now. Please run all the scans on the new engines.
Tell me what you think.
There are 6 Matter-Antimatter Reactors
And 2 Brand New QC Reactors. And take a look at the temporal sheilding system. And the new Phase Sheilding System.
Ruthless Slaughter
18-09-2004, 01:01
The Saving Grace arrives, but sees that many allies are already on the scene, dismantling the pirate ship.

Tact: What the hell?!?!? The BORG are dismatling the ship!

Piett: Some pirates, they don't even have the option of electrifying the hull? Hah! Fire a single shot, let's the air in a bit for these amatuer buccaneers.

Weap: Aye sir, one away.

The turbolaser shot was pinpoint precise, so as not to hit any BORG. It slammed into a piece of the hull. The goal was to cause a breach just to piss off the pirates and maybe kill a few in the process.
18-09-2004, 01:27
There was a shimmer of blue light as the transporter from the ECF station re-materlialised the deuterium.

"Well that's sure a neat trick." Said the engine officer, a lieutenant.

"Indeed it is." Aster agreed, "Go put in the tank so we can get our main power back online." Aster turned as the lieutentant started to move the deuterium canister to the engine bay. He looked to the commander, "If you could start the jump calculations that's be great."

"Sure thing." The commander said as he got to work on the computer.

Your deuterium is ready and is being beamed over. I would like premission to send a small fleet with you. And I would also like to bring the flagship. To show that we are not a bunch of weak idiots. Of crouse we would keep all weapons powered down.

"I thank you again Commander for the deuterium and we will gladly allow you to bring your fleet and flagship to Xess." Aster toggled a switch, "I'm feeding you the co-ordinates now. I'll see you there, I'm sure the Prime Minister will be there to greet you personally."
East Coast Federation
18-09-2004, 01:29
Admiral Willing: Yeah now anyway................... * looks horrified * OH MY GOD

The King Warhaven could not read what was on the Tactical Board in Main Engineering but he would probably know what a big ass Red Dot ment!

Admiral Willing: Charge weapons and AHHHHHHHHHHHH

A strange blue shot hit the lone flagship just before the shileds came online. Willing shoved King Warhaven out of the way as a massive expolsion sent 4 Warp Cores Offline
* 20 Seconds later on the bridge by using site to site transport warhaven and Willing were on the bridge, fires were burning and several crew members where dead*
Ops: Sir they jumped right in withen 1km of us and begun firing before the sheilds came online, Damage to Phasers and Sheilds are down to 75% 4 Warpcores are offline. Power at 80% Temporal sheilds are comming online now
Admiral Willing: Heading 345.52 Full Impluse! Knock down that things sheilds with the shotgun phaser!
* Once the Sheilds got to full capity and the temporal sheilds came online the enemy fire begun bouncing off the doubled sheilded vessel.*
Admiral Willing : WARFARE BRACE YOUR SELF! * The Lights on the ship dimmed and the whole ship shuddered violently as the shotgun phaser shot off a massive beam of energy that popped the vessels sheilds and put severe damage into there hull *
Admiral Willing: Good now engage Grav Cannons and aim at there engine room!
Tactical: Common online now! Firing!
*Invsible waves came out from the flagships And massive dents and ruptures begun to to form in the enemys hull and once a pluse of gravity hit the Engine Room a massive explsion ensured. It was all over in 40 seconds after Willing Took Command*
Admiral Willing: uhhhh have you seen a ship of that size and power before?
East Coast Federation
18-09-2004, 01:34
There was a shimmer of blue light as the transporter from the ECF station re-materlialised the deuterium.

"Well that's sure a neat trick." Said the engine officer, a lieutenant.

"Indeed it is." Aster agreed, "Go put in the tank so we can get our main power back online." Aster turned as the lieutentant started to move the deuterium canister to the engine bay. He looked to the commander, "If you could start the jump calculations that's be great."

"Sure thing." The commander said as he got to work on the computer.

"I thank you again Commander for the deuterium and we will gladly allow you to bring your fleet and flagship to Xess." Aster toggled a switch, "I'm feeding you the co-ordinates now. I'll see you there, I'm sure the Prime Minister will be there to greet you personally."

Admiral Willing: I may be a few hours short, We repairing the damage from that cheapass attack.
Admiral Willing: Warhaven please tell me what you think of our advance ments I will have to take leave once the repiars are done,
18-09-2004, 01:40
Admiral Willing: I may be a few hours short, We repairing the damage from that cheapass attack.

"That is quite alright. We would have helped but our weapon systems are offline. We can't spare the power."
East Coast Federation
18-09-2004, 01:52
Admiral Willing: Well if you need to save energy. Then let us "tow you" This is the Fleet I am sending. Without the Flagship because I simply cannot spare it.
The Following Ships. ( OOV: This is all uber uber uber uber uber uber uber uber uber uber uber ST tech) I will only reqest to send one of each type of ship listed hear.
The TITAN- The turning point the ECF Fleet. Development of the 1st 3gigaton phasers on this vessel makes it our best avhiment.
The AKRIA- Our BattleCuirers of choice.
The Defiant- The small fast attack craft
Soverign Class- The mighty Soverign Class is the 3rd most powerful type of ship in out fleet.
Prometheus Class- The Most 'creative' ship in the Fleet.
Prometheus Class-
Intrepid Class-By the far the fastest and most manurvble ship of it's size.

We can Evelope your ship in a warp bubble and have you home in no time!
18-09-2004, 01:57
Admiral Willing: Well if you need to save energy. Then let us "tow you" This is the Fleet I am sending. Without the Flagship because I simply cannot spare it.
The Following Ships. ( OOV: This is all uber uber uber uber uber uber uber uber uber uber uber ST tech) I will only reqest to send one of each type of ship listed hear.
The TITAN- The turning point the ECF Fleet. Development of the 1st 3gigaton phasers on this vessel makes it our best avhiment.
The AKRIA- Our BattleCuirers of choice.
The Defiant- The small fast attack craft
Soverign Class- The mighty Soverign Class is the 3rd most powerful type of ship in out fleet.
Prometheus Class- The Most 'creative' ship in the Fleet.
Prometheus Class-
Intrepid Class-By the far the fastest and most manurvble ship of it's size.

We can Evelope your ship in a warp bubble and have you home in no time!

"We have enough energy for our tachyon drive Admiral, just not our weapons. But we'll gladly take you up on your offer to hitch a ride in your warp bubble. You already have the co-ordinates. I'll send a tachband message back to the Prime Minister announcing our arrival." Aster quickly typed the message and sent it off at several hundred million times c. "We're ready to go when you are."
East Coast Federation
18-09-2004, 02:13
Admiral Willing The ships are moving into position now, Captain Wells of the TITAN Will Be Leading our small fleet.
Captain Wells: nice to meet you, Ok I'll give you a rundown we will fly in a formation at our Maximum sublight speed of .50C and we will engage the Warpdrives. The only difference is that all the Warp Drive will create a large bubble comming out from one side. We will sourrond you. As we the Bubble begins to from. You will be "snagged" by it. Please Brace yourself. If you are on a ship with warp drive you won't feel a thing. But Because you will be snagged please brace for turbulance. As we reach Warp 5 It will begin to smoothen out for you. Today are cursing speed will be Warp 9.993. The Maximum Speed for Warp Drive. We really don;t want to open a transwarp tunnel as it would probably collpase on you! So here we go!
* The Small Fleet Running at Maximum Impluse Engages Warp Drive Near The Xessmithia ship. As The Warp Bubbles expand off to one side of each ship. The Xessmithia ship seems to "strech" as they go into warp one. After 10 Minutes they were up to Warp 3. After 40 Minutes they were finally at warp 9.993.*
Captian Wells: I am so sorry we took so long to make the turbulance go away. I hope your not banged up to bad. We should reach your "JumpGate" as you call it in about 2 days.
18-09-2004, 03:17
OOC: ECF I started a new thread for this meeting so this one won't get too cluttered.
East Coast Federation
18-09-2004, 03:58
Admiral Willing: Full Damage Report!
Engineering: Impluse Drive Damaged,Warp Drive Offline,Phasers 300 Strips Offline,Torpdedos Offline. Warp Cores 1 2 4 5 offline. TransWarp Online,Tranwarp 2 Online,Fold Drive Online. We can be back at 100% in 8 hours! Moving the fleet to protect us and moving next to the station
Admiral Willing: Wafare would please cover us while we repair?
Admiral Willing: How come my TITAN command never got this beat up.
Ops: Thats Because the TITAN Class Ships have Nanties that allow them to regerate!
18-09-2004, 04:42
The AISS Kanttuchdis offers her support in protecting the ECF flagship and in hunting down the pirates' base(s) of operations. Al-Imvadjah might commit more ships to this cause, but for right now only the Kanttuchdis, as she is in the conflict area, will operate alongside the ECF. The Archangel will also help.
East Coast Federation
18-09-2004, 05:06
OOC: last post for tonight so dont be going around finding there base!

Admiral Willing: This is a major Hotspot sooooooooooooooooooo I was able to get the bluefleet to come to test out there new toys! You may have seen the FS use them but not on the scale the BlueFleet uses them.

This Our Ultra Eilte Unit ( sorry if it's badly written it's Midnight and I'm tired )

The BlueFleet Employs the most advanced tech ever developed by the EFC. Many of them look and act
like everyother EFC Ship. However they are over 10 times more powerful and have the best crews.
The backbone of the BlueFleet is the TITAN Class StarShip, Much more powerful than the production version.
In has some added goodies that make it a very powerful enemy.
The hardy TITAN class is the ship the BlueFleet is based on. There are 30 of these vessels in the blue fleet.

Dimensions: Length : 1241 m
Beam : 770 m
Height : 545 m
Decks : 64

She is one of the best looking ships in starfleet. SHe is also the fastest exxluing the flagship which has fold engines.
She was the 1st ECF Ship to Employ the QC reactor. She has 3 of these( though they are all outdated), and one matter/ANtimatter reactor for warpflight and back
up power. Now when it comes down to firepower. The TITAN is the only ship of it's size to pack this amount of punch.
12x4Gigaton Phaser Strips, This is more powerful than the production model.
15 Transpashic Torpedo Bays. The Wonderful thing about this weapon is that it will pass through most types of sheilding.
4 Gravitiy Cannons, This weapon is a newcommer in the ECF Fleet, Recently developed by Democrat Inc. It is capable of generating gravity pulse waves.
Which in turn can "beat" a ship. Sort of like beating a cat with a baseball bat.
MineLayer, Another newcomer to the EFC Fleet is the minelayer. It can lay very powerful antimatter Mines, this is the 1st ship capable of doing that in th EFC.
10 Fighters, Another Newcomer to the EFC Fleet, Each TITAN Class ship in the BlueFleet has 10 FIghters with 2 Terajoule Phasers, They are effective agnsit frigates
and other small ships.
High Capcity Sheild Grid
And PHASE Sheilds
The BlueFleet TITAN Class ships all have TransWarp and warp engines. Capable of warp 9.993.
And Transwarp is just transwarp
The TITAN Class ships can borderline lightspeed when at impluse and can turn at 170 Degree's. Making them very fast and manurvelble ships.
The Ships Holds 2,100 Crew,And snice it uses food replicator can stay deployed for years at a time.
The TITAN is the most famous EFC ship. And has exceded all expections. Defeating Shivan ships with ease at the Battle Of Coreworlds,
ANd that was only the production model.

The Famous Sovereign Class: Once the most powerful ship in the EFC it is still a very important part of the blue fleet.
Not as powerful as her newer sister the TITAN she still is a formidble force on the battle feild. She is the best looking ship out there, Period.
She has the newest Weapons aveible for the class. Not as powerful as the TITAN but still a good deal of firepower.
16X 10,000 Terajoule Phasers ( 2.3 gigtatons )
5 Torpdeo launchers and one turret firing 10 Torpdeos a second.
2 Gravity Cannons
1 Fighter
High Capcity Sheilds.
700 Meters Long.
PHASE Sheilds
Crew: 1500
The Sovereign can borderline lightspeed.
There are 50 Of These Ships.

Defiant Class:
Ok you got to admit it, Even those who hate the EFC, THIS IS ONE COOL LOOKING SHIP!
There isn't much to say about it. It looks fast going slow. Because it is fast.
It can borderline lightspeed at impluse like all other BlueFleet Ships.
Not Much here as she is mainly a fighter and escort.
2 Pluse Phasers at 1.5 Gigatons per burst. And 2 TransPashic Torpedo Lunchers.
The Defiant Carrys a crew of 200 and is the most manureable ship in the fleet. And performans
wonderfullt agnist fighters and corvettes.
Without this little guy we would be overwhelmed by smaller ships.
There are 42 of these little guys, how can you not love them?

The Galaxy Class:
I cannot say much and I'm not going to.
It is similer to the Sovereign but slower and with far more Torpedo Bays.
It is used to assult stations and is also used as a command ship. As they can take a huge beating. And can carry 25,000 people.
There are 20 of these ships and they do have some experimental tech onboard.
Phase Sheilds

Last but not the least is the mighty Akria Class!

10x 2 GIgaton Phaser Arrays.
15 Torpedo Bays each capable of a 4 shot burst.
2 Gravity Cannons
Phase Sheilds
HIgh Energy Sheilds.

The Akria is a "Bland" vessel. It's not strong in any area but is a very durable ship that can take a beating.

OOC: It kinda went downhill as it got later and later :P
East Coast Federation
18-09-2004, 14:12
bumper cars
East Coast Federation
19-09-2004, 01:41
19-09-2004, 03:20
(post something worth replying to)
East Coast Federation
19-09-2004, 14:39
OOC: There are like 3 people have not posted there replys yet, so I'm waiting on them.
19-09-2004, 15:08
Don't you just hate that?
20-09-2004, 17:50
OOC: Sorry, I only have computers during the week, even then it is only during the day.

IC: Warfare: heh, that was something. Willing, in response to your question, no that is not the largest ship I have seen. I saw an abandoned Worldship once that made Jupiter in the SOL system look small. I would have taken it, but, all the technology in it I already had, and on top of that, It was reall close to being destroyed if someone even so much as sneezed on it the wrong way.

I like your advance ments and would be intrested in the Temporal sheilding. If you like I can teach you how to use the Omega Particle. Just be carful though, if even one particle destabilizes and collapses, the energy from the Omega particle is such that it takes subspace with it for avout 20,000 light years, there by making Warp impossible. We figured out how to stabilize them, and now have a bomb the collapses all layers of space for approximatly 5 light years in every direction. Space slowly repairs it self and takes about ten years to repair. Anything in a section of space that collapses, Dies immediatly. Anything that tries to enter a collapsed section of space, can't. This is because there is absolutly nothing there. We also created a new impulse drive that harnesses the energy coming from an Omega Particle, and, It is able to power a ship. The Energy activates the machine, (certain metals are reactive to Omega energy), The machine works entirly on the power of the Particles because, as long as the energy is coming from the Particles, the metals cause the machine to work. Think of it like a Battery pack with the Particles as the power core. Except that this energy causes Impulse engines to work at double their speeds whil using half the power they normally would. We have yet to do the same to a Warp core or even a Transwarp core, but, we theorize the same results would happen. If you would like to look at it I will show it to you.

*Warfare stares off into space. Atmospheric sheilds suddenly materialize over the cube which then proceeds to fill with oxygen.* If you care to folloow me to my Cube I would be happy to show you. Just stick close to me because the inside is much akin to a maze, and there is the possibility you will get lost. I can't because it makes sense to me.
20-09-2004, 19:01
Lef and his cohorts made it to the hangar bay, after a running fire fight, and strapped themselves into their fighters. They forced their way out into space and began dodging weapons fire.

"Woo hoo!" Telos shouted over the radio. The way he was flying, anyone would think he was drunk. Still, it's hard to hit a drunken pilot as even the pilot can't predict where he's going to go next, so the more alcohol the better.

"Boss, what's that?" Kel asked. Lef looked over at Kel's fighter, to see him pointing at something. Lef followed his finger's direction, and his eyes widened.

"Trouble, that's what," he gulped.

A hole in space formed. Black, jet black, with no visible features. A large ship came through. When it emerged, one could see that it was of the same class as the Kraken, which was destroyed before by the now-abandoned pirate vessel. Only, it was using the same 'hole' to travel with as that pirate ship had used, and all its weapons turrets had been torn off and replaced with larger ones, turrets that were obviously not supposed to fit the vessel. They'd forced them to fit.

The new ship offered its own firepower to the fighters. Huge blue plasma balls were hurled at the tiny fighters. They were now dodging several different firing points, from the station and the surrounding ships, frantically weaving through space as their shielding lit up once or twice. When their shielding finally took one too many hits, they suddenly lurched to the side, as though snagged on something. The new ship extended its own shielding around the three fighters as they were dragged by an invisible force towards the open hangar bay doors. Once they were inside, the doors shut.

Thank you for not killing these criminals. Now we can make them suffer for their crimes. The New Ghargant Imperium thanks you. They also thank you for leaving that item of Imperium property relatively intact.
For your information, the Emperor, whom you shall now address as Ghargon, is ready to be contacted once again.

GMS Reeklar.
Flagship of the 9th Imperium Fleet

The large ship slowly turned in space. A hole began to form in front of it. The hole started as a pin-prick in space. It quickly grew to the size of a football field. Within a few seconds, it was the size of the Reeklar. Within a minute, it was many times bigger than the starbase itself. The huge, badly damaged, abandoned pirate ship suddenly lurched towards the Reeklar as she entered the massive hole. The pirate ship was dragged through, and then the hole sealed up in a flash.
20-09-2004, 19:36
Warfare: Thank the powers of Omega all my drones made it back to the Cube in time.
20-09-2004, 19:40
As the large ship leaves the BORG cube moves to a position above the Station and beginsrotating in diffrent directions for no apperant reason.
20-09-2004, 20:02
"Will somebody PLEASE put some kind of sound dampers on that engine?!" Captain Williamson shouted. The entire ship was filled with a horrifically loud vibrating noise. "It's giving me a splitting headache."

"Sorry sir," the engineer grinned, hammering at one of the consoles. "When those cruise engines run hot, they rattle. We've never really needed them for any long period of time back home, what with the trade lane and jump gate networks. If you spend most of your time down in Mechanical, you kinda get used to it."

"Is that any excuse for that horrendous racket?" the captain groaned, putting his head in his hands. "And will you put something heavy on that loose deck panel? The cruise engines are bad enough, we don't need that thing rattling as well."

"You're the captain," the engineer chuckled. He lifted his equipment box and put it onto the loose deck plate to his left. The rattling seemed a little quieter.

The bridge lights dimmed. Rotating red lights became the only souce of illumination. A loud, high-pitched, rapid alarm sounded from one of the forward control stations. Williamson covered his ears wincing.

"What the hell is going on now?!" he yelled.

"The computer has just picked up some kind of station, and several ships of unknown configuration," the helm officer said, brushing hair out of her face as she started hitting buttons.

"Research outpost? Experimental ships?" the captain asked, standing up. He suddenly forgot about his headache.

"Sir, we're the first ship to make it through the Great Barrier," she said, looking at him. "Whatever those ships are, they're not Bretonian. Look at these power signatures... or... whatever they are. They're aliens, sir!"

"Well they're obviously not friendly," Williamson grunted, sitting down. "We've been broadcasting friendship messages for over a week now, and they've been right here ignoring us. Can you detect any cruise disrupters, or something similar?"

"No sir," she shook her head and sighed as hair fell back on her face. "Nothing like that."

"Are we within their sensor range?" he asked.

"They're hundreds of thousands of kilometres away, sir," the helm officer said, a puzzled look on her face. "They're on the edge of our sensor range, and we've got the best pallet in the fleet. I doubt they can see us."

"I wouldn't be too sure," the engineer said, sitting to the right of the captain. "If they're aliens, we can't judge their technology on our standards."

"Well until we know otherwise we have nothing else to judge it with. Besides we don't know if they're aliens. There's no proof of that," the captain said. He paused for a minute, thinking. He sighed relief when the alarm finally stopped. "No, keep going. We should be at the next star system in the next few weeks. We'll cool the engines down there. Don't get to close to them though, helm. Keep them on the edge of our sensors."

"Yes sir," she nodded. "Maintaining course."

"Can I get a medic up here? With some painkillers?" the captain shouted into the communications panel on his chair. He sat back, clutching his forehead, and glared at the engineer.

The HMS Victoria continued trudging along space.
20-09-2004, 20:15
As Warfare was talking with Willing, something caught his attention. Suddenly his eyes go wide, he stops talking and concentrates his full attention on the Collective.


Wiling, we just detected a mysterious vessal not to far away. I am sending the cube to investigate.

The cube moves from its posistion traveling on Omega drives. the Cube easily overtakes the strange ship and broadcasts a message to the ship, King Warfare repeating what The collective is saying for the benefit of those near him.


King Warfare winced silently at the last part of that. the Subroutine was active again. He would have to try harder to supress it, lest he go crazy and start assimilating everybody, friend or foe.
East Coast Federation
20-09-2004, 20:59
"Will somebody PLEASE put some kind of sound dampers on that engine?!" Captain Williamson shouted. The entire ship was filled with a horrifically loud vibrating noise. "It's giving me a splitting headache."

"Sorry sir," the engineer grinned, hammering at one of the consoles. "When those cruise engines run hot, they rattle. We've never really needed them for any long period of time back home, what with the trade lane and jump gate networks. If you spend most of your time down in Mechanical, you kinda get used to it."

"Is that any excuse for that horrendous racket?" the captain groaned, putting his head in his hands. "And will you put something heavy on that loose deck panel? The cruise engines are bad enough, we don't need that thing rattling as well."

"You're the captain," the engineer chuckled. He lifted his equipment box and put it onto the loose deck plate to his left. The rattling seemed a little quieter.

The bridge lights dimmed. Rotating red lights became the only souce of illumination. A loud, high-pitched, rapid alarm sounded from one of the forward control stations. Williamson covered his ears wincing.

"What the hell is going on now?!" he yelled.

"The computer has just picked up some kind of station, and several ships of unknown configuration," the helm officer said, brushing hair out of her face as she started hitting buttons.

"Research outpost? Experimental ships?" the captain asked, standing up. He suddenly forgot about his headache.

"Sir, we're the first ship to make it through the Great Barrier," she said, looking at him. "Whatever those ships are, they're not Bretonian. Look at these power signatures... or... whatever they are. They're aliens, sir!"

"Well they're obviously not friendly," Williamson grunted, sitting down. "We've been broadcasting friendship messages for over a week now, and they've been right here ignoring us. Can you detect any cruise disrupters, or something similar?"

"No sir," she shook her head and sighed as hair fell back on her face. "Nothing like that."

"Are we within their sensor range?" he asked.

"They're hundreds of thousands of kilometres away, sir," the helm officer said, a puzzled look on her face. "They're on the edge of our sensor range, and we've got the best pallet in the fleet. I doubt they can see us."

"I wouldn't be too sure," the engineer said, sitting to the right of the captain. "If they're aliens, we can't judge their technology on our standards."

"Well until we know otherwise we have nothing else to judge it with. Besides we don't know if they're aliens. There's no proof of that," the captain said. He paused for a minute, thinking. He sighed relief when the alarm finally stopped. "No, keep going. We should be at the next star system in the next few weeks. We'll cool the engines down there. Don't get to close to them though, helm. Keep them on the edge of our sensors."

"Yes sir," she nodded. "Maintaining course."

"Can I get a medic up here? With some painkillers?" the captain shouted into the communications panel on his chair. He sat back, clutching his forehead, and glared at the engineer.

The HMS Victoria continued trudging along space.
OOC; My Sensor range is 30 LIGHTYEARS
* On The ECF Federation Pride Of the Famous ECF Sovereign Class ship Comes out at full impluse and easliy matching speed with the strange vessel with sheilds rasied and weapons powered down* Thats what you crew would be seeing.
Captain Walker: Oh god it looks like a 1st Contact for these guys.
1st Officer: yeah there showing all the signs, Primitive ship very slow drive system and very weak weapons.
Captain Walker: Open a Channel
Ops: Channel Open
Captain Walker: Greetings Unknown Vessel. I am Captain Walker of the East Coast Federation. You seem to be very new to space judgeing by your ship and your speed. Please dock at our station we want to open diplomatic realtions with your people. Please run all the scans you want on my ship. I don't want to be mean but you will find it far more advanced than your own. We have much to offer you. New means of travel such as Warp Drive. Please Respond I will answer any ?'s you may have.
You would find much at our base. And we are willing for trade. We even offer brand new ships. And please allow us to use our tractor beam to allow us to move you back to the station much faster.
And before we allow you in the station I want me and you to meet person to person on my ship. Were you and your crew will be given a full tour. After the meeting we will take you and your ship to our station in this sector. We may offer you a brand new ship. Please Respond. We have No Hostile Inteions.
20-09-2004, 21:40
On the TRSS Zeus, com officer Yates turns to Commodore Brandeu.....

"Sir, looks like we have a first contact... sir...." says Lt. Yates

"First contact? That's something we don't get every day. Let's intercept and give them a welcome!" says the Commodore... "Helm, release docking stations... Pull us to away from the station. Ops...." the commodore turns to the Zeus' operations officer, LTJG Hopper...." Calculate for K-tube insertion.... let's give 'em a show....."

"Aye sir...." LTJG hopper begins plugging away at his console.

The Zeus pulls from her berth along side the Titan... her 13.8MT 1.3km bulk gliding from the station...

"Kraskinov insertion calcs are complete, sir..." says LTJG Hopper.

"Engage the Kraskinov.... all hands prepare for K-Tube insertion...." commands Commodore Brandeu....

Immediately the other 3 MARC's on the Zeus go online.... her power output skyrocketing.... 1TW..... 5 TW..... 30TW.....230 TW...... climbing till she's putting out a power signature of almost 7 Exawatts..... Before her space being to rift, a a hole opening up.... simultaneously, several thousand kilometers away a similar hole opens up near the new vessel.... energies teeming from the depths of it's rippling "event horizon".....

"Helm, K-tube insertion....." commands commodore Brandeu....

"Aye sir..." the helm responds.....

The Zeus enters the massive "rift"... and within a flash is emerging from the hole near the new craft....

"Power down the Kraskinov..... " commands Commodore Brandeu....

Immediately the power signature winks to a mere 2 TW of the Zeus.... and the "rift" slams in a flash of light.....

Slowly it's bulk overflies the new small vessel, and holds station over her. Weapons and shields still down.

"Lt. Yates, open channels." commands commodore Brandeu.

"Channels open...." says Mr. Yates.

"Unknown vessel, this is Commodore Henry C. Brandeu. Commanding Officer of the Tekanian Republic Stellar Ship Zeus, Flag of the 3rd fleet." he says over com, then dropping to his hometown drawl... "Y'all look like you're new here. On behalf of the Constitutional Republic of Tekania, the President, Eric D. Williamson, and the Chief of Stellar Operations Fleet Admiral Lawrence M. Warner. We wish to welcome you to the spacefaring community."
20-09-2004, 21:43
OOC: well, if Bretonia attacks, between the three of us, one of use at least ought to be able to stop them. on the other hand, if Bretonia decides to be friendly, he sure does have a lot to gain.
East Coast Federation
20-09-2004, 22:45
On the TRSS Zeus, com officer Yates turns to Commodore Brandeu.....

"Sir, looks like we have a first contact... sir...." says Lt. Yates

"First contact? That's something we don't get every day. Let's intercept and give them a welcome!" says the Commodore... "Helm, release docking stations... Pull us to away from the station. Ops...." the commodore turns to the Zeus' operations officer, LTJG Hopper...." Calculate for K-tube insertion.... let's give 'em a show....."

"Aye sir...." LTJG hopper begins plugging away at his console.

The Zeus pulls from her berth along side the Titan... her 13.8MT 1.3km bulk gliding from the station...

"Kraskinov insertion calcs are complete, sir..." says LTJG Hopper.

"Engage the Kraskinov.... all hands prepare for K-Tube insertion...." commands Commodore Brandeu....

Immediately the other 3 MARC's on the Zeus go online.... her power output skyrocketing.... 1TW..... 5 TW..... 30TW.....230 TW...... climbing till she's putting out a power signature of almost 7 Exawatts..... Before her space being to rift, a a hole opening up.... simultaneously, several thousand kilometers away a similar hole opens up near the new vessel.... energies teeming from the depths of it's rippling "event horizon".....

"Helm, K-tube insertion....." commands commodore Brandeu....

"Aye sir..." the helm responds.....

The Zeus enters the massive "rift"... and within a flash is emerging from the hole near the new craft....

"Power down the Kraskinov..... " commands Commodore Brandeu....

Immediately the power signature winks to a mere 2 TW of the Zeus.... and the "rift" slams in a flash of light.....

Slowly it's bulk overflies the new small vessel, and holds station over her. Weapons and shields still down.

"Lt. Yates, open channels." commands commodore Brandeu.

"Channels open...." says Mr. Yates.

"Unknown vessel, this is Commodore Henry C. Brandeu. Commanding Officer of the Tekanian Republic Stellar Ship Zeus, Flag of the 3rd fleet." he says over com, then dropping to his hometown drawl... "Y'all look like you're new here. On behalf of the Constitutional Republic of Tekania, the President, Eric D. Williamson, and the Chief of Stellar Operations Fleet Admiral Lawrence M. Warner. We wish to welcome you to the spacefaring community."
OOC: Dude I already called that 1st contact!
20-09-2004, 22:51
OOC: Yep, sure does ... bloop a doo doop ... la la la la la ... *hums* ... I can't think of anything else to say.

IC The AISS Kanttuchdis is being recalled to Nonistan for refitting and repairs. The Archangel will remain to protect shipping.

Merchants urge nations to purchase our superb weapon systems. Especially the Temporal Colapse Missile, which can make Temporaly shielded stuff disappear.
20-09-2004, 23:02
OOC:Actually I got there first, but sense we are allies I guess I will let you have it.
20-09-2004, 23:36
I guess my posts aren't being seen.
Here's a test:
quote this.

Honestly people, you could at least pretend to care.
East Coast Federation
20-09-2004, 23:53
OOC: Yep, sure does ... bloop a doo doop ... la la la la la ... *hums* ... I can't think of anything else to say.

IC The AISS Kanttuchdis is being recalled to Nonistan for refitting and repairs. The Archangel will remain to protect shipping.

Merchants urge nations to purchase our superb weapon systems. Especially the Temporal Colapse Missile, which can make Temporaly shielded stuff disappear.
OOC: I hope your part of the temporal accord.

ECF Commander: We are sorry for your loss........... if you are in need of assistance send both of your ships. We have everything covered here.
21-09-2004, 01:41
OOC yes I am
East Coast Federation
21-09-2004, 01:47
OOC: To bad your not allowed to sell your temporal tech.
ECF COmmander: Buy the best ships for the best prices from the ECF! Low Prices all the time!
21-09-2004, 01:52
OOC: Hey, he didn't look like he was going to do anything.... thought I'd really get attention..... looks like he may have gotten caught in a stray wormhole though
21-09-2004, 01:54
I think I can to other signatants, but I don't have a copy of it with me.
East Coast Federation
21-09-2004, 01:55
OOC; Well I'd like to handle this if you don't mind, This is my Territory near MY Base so I'd like to take care of it, so -Bretonia- respond to my post.
21-09-2004, 10:16
OOC: Hi. I fell asleep in my chair shortly after posting, hence no replies :D

"So much for not being within their sensor range lieutenant," Williamson said, gazing out of one of the starboard windows.

"Sorry sir," she said, pressing various buttons. "I couldn't tell..."

"Tactical, charge the energy sheath," Williamson shouted, sitting back down in his chair. "Drop from cruise mode, and send an emergency broadcast back to the Alpha-Epsilon jump gate."

"Energy sheath at 100 percent," the engineer said from his station. "I've got green across the board... uh... except for the temperature readouts of the cruise engines, of course."

"Do we have weapons?" the captain shouted.

"Turrets 1 through 12 have been pre-charged to standby mode," the commander at tactical said calmly. "12 through 20 are still offline. Torp tubes 1-8 are loaded and ready to fire; just give me the word and I'll open them up. We have positive readouts on all hull armour readouts. And the fighter squadrons are strapped in and ready to fly."

"Those things are huge..." the lieutenant at the helm said, looking out the forward window.

"And those engineers at Southampton thought 300 metres was big," the engineer chuckled, taking pictures through the starboard window with a holo-cam. "Wait 'till they see these..."

"I am reading significant power output," the tactical officer said. "Their weapons could be charged."

"Continue broadcasting friendship messages," the captain snapped. "Even if those things have primitive weapons, they're so big it'd take an eternity to blow them to pieces."

"I don't think they have primitive weapons sir," the lieutenant said, tying her hair back.

"You didn't think they had good sensors either until they found us," Williamson sighed.

"No sir, but they have power readings way off the scale," she said. "I can't imagine how much MOX they need to carry to fuel that many reactors."

"Given their size, I'd say they can carry as much as they want," the engineer joked. He seemed to be having fun.

"I think we are being contacted sir," the lieutenant said, peering down at her console. "I'm picking up several... I'm not sure. It's like hyper-accelerated radio or something."

"Can you decode?"

"I'll have a bloody good try sir," she said, looking outside again before getting to work.

"Some sort of extra-dimensional transmission," the engineer said, moving between stations. "Kind of like they're inside self-contained jump gate tubes. And... there, try it now, lieutenant."

"Got it," she cheered. "Hey, they seem to be in English. Wow, those holovid producers on New London are going to be smug..."

"Can you put them on speaker?" the captain asked.

"Hmm... yes sir," she pressed a button.

One after the other, the messages played through the bridge speakers. Crewmen who'd been busy fine-tuning things looked up and listened. The captain put his head in his hands, still suffering from a headache, and listened. Everyone listened intently, until the last one played out.

They sat in silence for a while, looking at each other, until the captain stood up.

"What the hell is a borg...?" the engineer asked thoughtfully.

"One of those," the lieutenant quickly pointed at the cube-shaped vessel in front of them.

"Oh," the engineer grinned.

"Can we respond?" the captain asked after clearing his throat. He tugged on his red and white uniform until it was straight.

"Maybe," the lieutenant said. "If they have communications like... erm, that... they should be able to receive standard radio frequencies, sir."

"Unless they shrug them off as background noise," the engineer suggested.

"Always the optimistic," the captain sighed. "Try a standard Bretonian Armed Forces broadband signal."

"You're on, sir," the lieutenant said, looking out the windows.

"This is the HMS Victoria of the Bretonian Armed Forces," he said. "I am Captain Williamson, representing Her Majesty the Queen of Bretonia, and the Bretonian people. We are on a mission of exploration; we don't want to fight you." He made a slashing motion with his finger, and the lieutenant pressed a button.

"Transmission cut," she nodded.

"How'd I do?" he asked rhetorically.

"We'll find out if we're still alive in a few minutes, sir," the engineer grinned.
21-09-2004, 11:49
"They're broadcasting multichannel radio sir...." Lt. Yates says, turning to Commodore Brandeu.

"Radio? No wonder no one's been picking up much of their signals... no one pays much attention to the radio frequencies anymore..." the COM. Brandeu remarks.

"Sir, got one open band, and an encrypted transmission, shall I decrypt sir?" Mr. Yates asks.

"No, leave that alone, most likely just a transmission to their base, or home, or whatever comparible system they have. Mr. Yates. patch the open channel through. And ops.... give me readings on their vessel." orders Commodore Brandeu.

This is the HMS Victoria of the Bretonian Armed Forces, I am Captain Williamson, representing Her Majesty the Queen of Bretonia, and the Bretonian people. We are on a mission of exploration; we don't want to fight you.

The ops officer, LTJG Hopper has been looking over readings..."Sir, energy readings are minor. I'm showing likely powerplant as being either tokomac or some form of buble-fusion, primitive to say the least, but they do have quite abit of efficientcy in their design. I'm reading rudimentary power to some sort of hull polarization, most likely a primitive energy shield of sorts, and power to their weapon systems... Tactical analysis doesn't give them much, sir. Looks like rudimentary weapon systems, some missile or space-torpedo-like techology seems to be their highest form, it could dish out some damage, but not much. Energy weapons are of no decernable threat, looks like a laser of plasma form of some sort."

"These guys haven't been out long then, or if they have, it's good they haven't run into any hostiles.... Mr. Yates, open a channel to ECF station....." orders Commodore Brandeu, "They've got the call on this one."

"Channel open sir..." remarks Lt. Yates.

"ECF Station, this is the TRSS Zeus. We've got com traffic from the new vessel, the HMS Victoria. Operating on old band radio channels, forwarding in subspace, with sensor readings of the craft. Mr. Yates, forward the message, and send our sensor data." says Commodore Brandeu.

"Sent sir." responds Lt. Yates.

"Reconfigure for old-band radio, match their transmission, and send the following message...." orders Commodore Brandeu.

Lt. Yates runs spends some time re-entering commands into his console.... "Ready sir."

"HMS Victoria. We have received your message, and forwarded to the Commander of the East Coast Federation Station, the large space station you've seen on your sensors. Acknowleged your status on a peaceful mission. Please hold station, and await ECF station response. Zeus will remain on station as escort. Consider your ship under the protection of the Tekanian Flag for the time being...." Commodore Brandeu says over the com..... then signals for transmission to cut. "Ops, I want full long range scans of the area, I don't want any malcontents taking advantage of these poor fellows...." orders Commodore Brandeu...

"Aye, sir..... scans commencing....." says Mr. Hopper.
21-09-2004, 12:16
"HMS Victoria. We have received your message, and forwarded to the Commander of the East Coast Federation Station, the large space station you've seen on your sensors. Acknowleged your status on a peaceful mission. Please hold station, and await ECF station response. Zeus will remain on station as escort. Consider your ship under the protection of the Tekanian Flag for the time being...."

The helm lieutenant listened before pulling the headphones off her head and turning around.

"Sir, one of those vessels is ordering us to hold our position," she told him. "Something about the operators of that large space station wanting to respond. They said they'd protect us, anyway."

"Which ship sent that message lieutenant?" Williamson asked.

"I think it was that one, sir," she pointed at the Tekanian ship through the window. "I think it's called the Zeus."

"That's one less thing to worry about anyway," he sighed.

"They ran intensive scans of our vessel before they sent that message," the tactical officer grumbled. "They know more about our systems than we do about theirs. A fine way to prepare for an attack if you ask me. Gather intelligence, create a false sense of security, then finish the job."

"I've never met a tactical officer who isn't cynical you know," the captain leaned over to his engineer, talking loud enough for the tactical officer to hear. "On my last ship, the tactical officer nearly convinced me to completely destroy Planet Cambridge because he thought they might be working on experimental weapons programs. It never occurred to him that they were doing research for the Armed Forces." He turned around and looked at the tactical officer. "Don't be so trigger happy."

"Yes sir," the officer sighed and turned back to his station.

"Lieutenant, open another frequency," he ordered. She tapped some buttons, then turned and nodded.

"This is Captain Williamson of the HMS Victoria," he announced. "Commander of the 'Tekanian' vessel, we acknowledge your reply and will co-operate with your requests for the time being. We appreciate your offer of defence." He made a slashing motion.

"You're clear sir," she said. Williamson sat down and looked over at the engineer.

"Well we're still alive," the engineer grinned.

"For now," Williamson nodded. He pressed a button on his chair. "Hangar deck, inform one of your pilots to take a Crusader fighter back to the jump gate. They're to go through and inform Armed Forces High Command, and Parliament, of our situation."

"Aye sir, we'll launch ASAP," came the response. The Captain released the button on his chair and leaned back, stretching his arms.

"That message we sent will only be recorded by the communications drone," he said. "It won't have gone through the Great Barrier."
21-09-2004, 17:04
*The cube goes back to the station and stays there. King Warfare teleports over to the station.*
21-09-2004, 19:31
The Archangel recognizes it has no part in Firtst Contact diplomacy, as it was designed purely for warfare. However the merchants start salivating at the thought of somebody who'd buy their stuff.
21-09-2004, 20:14
King Warfare strolled down to the merchant sections and decided to see what inferior technology he could improve upon and add to the collective.
He spies a small shop belonging to an Al-Imvadjahan merchant.
Warfare: what do you have for sale today good sir.
East Coast Federation
21-09-2004, 20:28
The helm lieutenant listened before pulling the headphones off her head and turning around.

"Sir, one of those vessels is ordering us to hold our position," she told him. "Something about the operators of that large space station wanting to respond. They said they'd protect us, anyway."

"Which ship sent that message lieutenant?" Williamson asked.

"I think it was that one, sir," she pointed at the Tekanian ship through the window. "I think it's called the Zeus."

"That's one less thing to worry about anyway," he sighed.

"They ran intensive scans of our vessel before they sent that message," the tactical officer grumbled. "They know more about our systems than we do about theirs. A fine way to prepare for an attack if you ask me. Gather intelligence, create a false sense of security, then finish the job."

"I've never met a tactical officer who isn't cynical you know," the captain leaned over to his engineer, talking loud enough for the tactical officer to hear. "On my last ship, the tactical officer nearly convinced me to completely destroy Planet Cambridge because he thought they might be working on experimental weapons programs. It never occurred to him that they were doing research for the Armed Forces." He turned around and looked at the tactical officer. "Don't be so trigger happy."

"Yes sir," the officer sighed and turned back to his station.

"Lieutenant, open another frequency," he ordered. She tapped some buttons, then turned and nodded.

"This is Captain Williamson of the HMS Victoria," he announced. "Commander of the 'Tekanian' vessel, we acknowledge your reply and will co-operate with your requests for the time being. We appreciate your offer of defence." He made a slashing motion.

"You're clear sir," she said. Williamson sat down and looked over at the engineer.

"Well we're still alive," the engineer grinned.

"For now," Williamson nodded. He pressed a button on his chair. "Hangar deck, inform one of your pilots to take a Crusader fighter back to the jump gate. They're to go through and inform Armed Forces High Command, and Parliament, of our situation."

"Aye sir, we'll launch ASAP," came the response. The Captain released the button on his chair and leaned back, stretching his arms.

"That message we sent will only be recorded by the communications drone," he said. "It won't have gone through the Great Barrier."
OOC: I thought I called this 1st contact?, Anyway snice it's my territory I would like to take charge.

Admiral Willing: what the hell did I tell Tekania! I told them snice this was are territory that WE WOULD HANDLE THIS!, CAPTAIN WALKER! HAVE THEY ANSWERED YOUR HAILS YET?
Captain Walking: Trying again, On oldband radio.
Captain Walking( on the sovregin class ship, its about 700 Meters long look on the last page for a pic): HMS VICTORIA OR WHATEVER YOUR NAME IS! You have enterented the protection zone of the East Coast Federation. Ignore Tekania we will escort you to the StarBase. And once you are there Admiral Willing of StarFleet Command would like you to attend a conferance. Feel free to scan my ship. The High Power Reading you are getting are not from out weapons. They are from the Warp Drive. Please Respond. If you appect I will escort you into the station as soon as possible. Consider yourself under offical protection Of the East Coast Federatiom. The Admial Wishs to meet with your command staff as soon as possible. 1st We should Discuss where you came from and the Technoglys we both use!
21-09-2004, 21:57
"Ah, well, we have the best that our government exports reay to be sold. In the transport and ready for immeditate use are thousands of HACSHMs, D-1s, ANFBs, and even some Biologicals ( And we have our catalouge ( right here if you would care to look through our selection of ships and items. Anything you order will arrive here for you to pick up in a matter of days."

The Imvadjan merchant beamed, hoping that the Borg would buy something expensive, he got a bigger commision for those.
East Coast Federation
21-09-2004, 22:31
Captain Walker: Please Respond. And ignore Tekania and the ZESUS. Under Artical 32 Of the ECF Counstituion "protect primitive races if possible" I am required to protect you. So please allow us to take you back to the StarBase. I am begging you. The Admiral cannot be kept waiting. And the ECF Congress is becomming restless about what is happened out here. I AM BEGGING YOU TO RESPOND! Scan my ship all you want and take notes. If I had hostile inteions you would already be dead. We have no hostile inteions. Now please our admiral wishs to speak to your capain and engineer. I urge you to respond. We are your ally we only wish to help. It would also seem that there are some defects in your Hull Plating and your engines are starting to overheat. Please Respond I am begging you.
ECF Commander: King Warfare if you would be so kind as to follow me I have some surprises you may find intersesting
21-09-2004, 22:52
Warfare, I'll leave a drone in my place Merchant man. The commander wishes for me to follow him. Worry not, Me and the Drone share the same mind.
*King Warfare follows the ECF commander to sse what he wants.*
Drone: We need a few minuets to carefully consider our perchase.
21-09-2004, 22:57
Drone: What currncy does the people of Al-Imvadjah use? Currently we have Gold pieces availible or of you like we also have Gold Bullion worth at least 1,000 pounds of Gold.
East Coast Federation
21-09-2004, 23:05
Warfare, I'll leave a drone in my place Merchant man. The commander wishes for me to follow him. Worry not, Me and the Drone share the same mind.
*King Warfare follows the ECF commander to sse what he wants.*
Drone: We need a few minuets to carefully consider our perchase.
ECF Commander: Are you interested in the following items.
1. A QC Reactor, Even as powerful as the omega particals
2. Temporal Sheilding ( level 1 )
3. Gravity Weapons
4.Phase Sheilding.
21-09-2004, 23:13
Warfare: Hmmm, Why yes we are. would you like to see our Omega Drives in exchange?
East Coast Federation
21-09-2004, 23:29
ECF Commander: I need promise that you nor your collective will NEVER TELL ANYONE about this new from of ECF Defense. Doing so would compromise the secutiry of the ECF.
21-09-2004, 23:51
Captain Walker: Please Respond. And ignore Tekania and the ZESUS. Under Artical 32 Of the ECF Counstituion "protect primitive races if possible" I am required to protect you. So please allow us to take you back to the StarBase. I am begging you. The Admiral cannot be kept waiting. And the ECF Congress is becomming restless about what is happened out here. I AM BEGGING YOU TO RESPOND! Scan my ship all you want and take notes. If I had hostile inteions you would already be dead. We have no hostile inteions. Now please our admiral wishs to speak to your capain and engineer. I urge you to respond. We are your ally we only wish to help. It would also seem that there are some defects in your Hull Plating and your engines are starting to overheat. Please Respond I am begging you.

"'Primitive'?" Williamson said, looking up. "Pleasant people, aren't they?"

"I say we hit them with sticks," the engineer joked, walking towards one of the stations.

"I have some hair ties we could flick at them," the lieutenant smiled. "Give us a range advantage, y'know."

"Hey, that's not a bad idea!" the engineer chimed. "Ranged weapons, huh? What an age we live in..."

"People, stow it," Williamson said after a chuckle. "If they want to call us primitive, this is their territory. Lieutenant Page, a transmission frequency, if you would be so kind."

"Prepare to be humbled... now," she grinned, and hit a button.

"This is Captain Williamson of the Victoria, to 'ECF' ship," he said. "We would be prepared to meet with your commanding officer on the station. We shall follow." He nodded at Page. She cut the transmission.

"Lieutenant," he said. "Recharge the cruise engines and follow that ship back to that space station of theirs."

"Aye sir," she nodded. "Bringing cruise engines online in five... four... three... two... one... cruise engines activated. Course engaged."

"She's cooled down quite a bit since we shut 'em down sir," the engineer patted the captain on the shoulder. "Your headache should be gone now."

"Excellent," he said, grinning like a Cheshire cat. "Cancel my appointment in sickbay!"

"Incoming transmission from Green 1 fighter lead," Lieutenant Page announced. "On speakers."

"...reen 1 Crusader," a distorted transmission came through. His fighter was too close to the Great Barrier; his signal was being broken up. " y... ecieving me, ove...?"

"Just barely, fighter leader," Williamson shouted. "What's your status?"

"Jum... ate is coming on...ine now," the crackly voice said. "I'll be goin... through to... retonian space in a fe... conds."

"Roger that," Williamson shouted. "See you when you get back."

"Affi...itve," the voice said. "Ov... out!"
22-09-2004, 00:07
"Al-Imvadjah uses the Mark, each of which is worth slightly more than one USD. Gold bullion is not really worth that much, we have plenty coming out of our mines. But if you could initiate a computer transaction, then that simplifies things for me."

Contrary to what some people would say, "money wired" works when purchasing things in a rp because most of a nation's cash is really just numbers on a spreadsheet.
East Coast Federation
22-09-2004, 00:33
"'Primitive'?" Williamson said, looking up. "Pleasant people, aren't they?"

"I say we hit them with sticks," the engineer joked, walking towards one of the stations.

"I have some hair ties we could flick at them," the lieutenant smiled. "Give us a range advantage, y'know."

"Hey, that's not a bad idea!" the engineer chimed. "Ranged weapons, huh? What an age we live in..."

"People, stow it," Williamson said after a chuckle. "If they want to call us primitive, this is their territory. Lieutenant Page, a transmission frequency, if you would be so kind."

"Prepare to be humbled... now," she grinned, and hit a button.

"This is Captain Williamson of the Victoria, to 'ECF' ship," he said. "We would be prepared to meet with your commanding officer on the station. We shall follow." He nodded at Page. She cut the transmission.

"Lieutenant," he said. "Recharge the cruise engines and follow that ship back to that space station of theirs."

"Aye sir," she nodded. "Bringing cruise engines online in five... four... three... two... one... cruise engines activated. Course engaged."

"She's cooled down quite a bit since we shut 'em down sir," the engineer patted the captain on the shoulder. "Your headache should be gone now."

"Excellent," he said, grinning like a Cheshire cat. "Cancel my appointment in sickbay!"

"Incoming transmission from Green 1 fighter lead," Lieutenant Page announced. "On speakers."

"...reen 1 Crusader," a distorted transmission came through. His fighter was too close to the Great Barrier; his signal was being broken up. " y... ecieving me, ove...?"

"Just barely, fighter leader," Williamson shouted. "What's your status?"

"Jum... ate is coming on...ine now," the crackly voice said. "I'll be goin... through to... retonian space in a fe... conds."

"Roger that," Williamson shouted. "See you when you get back."

"Affi...itve," the voice said. "Ov... out!"
Captain Walker: Once you have reached the st.......................... Ok I don't have time for this, Your out the Shipping Lanes. brace for some slight turbulance. Helm Set Crouse for the station Warp 4 and surround them in out warp bubble reach it out 75Degrees Aft. Engage
* The ECF Ships Nacells flashed for a second as it dragged the Alien ship with them, 10 seconds past*
Captain Walker: You have premission to dock inside the station. And once your meeting with Admiral willing he will tell how we got you here so fast *grins* Now once you go through the airlock, 5 Federation Marines will escort you to a Class A Conferance room with all trimmings. Admiral Willing Will meet with you. Once you are there ask him any ?'s you want. Well Duty Calls me ,nice to meet you Captain. The ECF is out helping another needy nation. Helm Set Crouse for the Xess homeworld to help defend there station. Heml Warp 9.993 Enage * and with that the Federation Lept off at over 90000 C*
22-09-2004, 01:21
Captain Walker: Once you have reached the st.......................... Ok I don't have time for this, Your out the Shipping Lanes. brace for some slight turbulance. Helm Set Crouse for the station Warp 4 and surround them in out warp bubble reach it out 75Degrees Aft. Engage
* The ECF Ships Nacells flashed for a second as it dragged the Alien ship with them, 10 seconds past*
Captain Walker: You have premission to dock inside the station. And once your meeting with Admiral willing he will tell how we got you here so fast *grins* Now once you go through the airlock, 5 Federation Marines will escort you to a Class A Conferance room with all trimmings. Admiral Willing Will meet with you. Once you are there ask him any ?'s you want. Well Duty Calls me ,nice to meet you Captain. The ECF is out helping another needy nation. Helm Set Crouse for the Xess homeworld to help defend there station. Heml Warp 9.993 Enage * and with that the Federation Lept off at over 90000 C*

*The entire crew of the Victoria has been killed, as the Victoria lacks sufficiently powerful inertial damping systems to achieve warp speed*

:p Got ya! Hahahaha! No. This is OOC. They didn’t die really. I don’t think I could RP the mess that would make, anyway…

The captain looked around at sparking consoles for a second, bewildered.

"What just happened?" he asked quietly.

Lieutenant Page lay on the floor, a cut on her forehead where she'd hit the deck. She went to say something, but frowned and grabbed her head instead.

"You... you got me, Captain," the engineer said, holding his arm. "Hull stress just shot up for a few seconds." He let go of his left arm for a second to reach down to a panel, revealing a large gash. "Damage control teams to sections five through fifteen, decks 12, 13, 14 and 15," he said into a speaker. Several lights lit up on his station and he grabbed his arm again.

"Medics to the bridge," Williamson said into his own communications panel on his chair.

"Cruise engines overloaded and shut down automatically," Page said, easing herself back into her chair. "We're right up by the station. Communications array was torn clean off..."

"Damage reports are being submitted," the engineer said, peering at his station. "Hull integrity has been compromised, but no breaches have been found. Cruise engines have been overloaded, but they can be repaired. The lieutenant's right; communications array has been ripped clean off. I've got some debris on the edge of our sensors; that's probably it."

"I say we fire torps now before they attack us again," the tactical officer said. "Close range, a few daranium-tipped torps'll do damage whatever species you are."

"Hold off on that, commander," the captain snapped, rubbing his head. His headache had come back.

"You couldn't if you wanted to," the engineer said. "Launchers are offline. Turrets are functioning, but only half of 'em."

"He's not going to do it," the captain said. "Lieutenant, you said we were by the station?"

"Yes sir," she nodded. "We've gone a few hundred thousand kilometres from our previous location."

"Sounds like they were trying to move us, if you ask me," Williamson nodded thoughtfully. "Fighters have their own communications equipment. Are they intact?"

"Well the hangar deck isn't reporting any damage, but their internal comms system could be down," the engineer shrugged. "It's quite ironic that internal comms systems have to be added to your damage report if it's disabled, really."

"Bridge to hangar deck," Williamson said, pressing a button on his chair. He waited a few moments.

"Hangar deck here, sir," came a response, finally. Sounded like a fire in the background.

"What's your status?" the captain inquired.

"We fighting?" the voice asked. "We can launch fighters if you give us a few minutes to fix the bay doors."

"No, we're not fighting," the captain shook his head, despite the fact the man on the other end couldn't actually see him. "We need a fighter to communicate through. Also, send another fighter at cruise speed to grab hold of some debris, our comms array could be salvageable. First fighter you launch, have it set up a link to the Victoria so we can communicate through it."

"Aye sir," the voice said. "We'll get right on it."

Williamson waved his hands at some of the medics who were trying to treat him. "I'm fine, see to the others."

"Main power restored to decks 9 and 10," the engineer announced casually. "The team in Mechanical have completed their analysis on the reactor core; it's not damaged, so we're safe."

"I'm having trouble with the ion engines," Page said. "Bradey, are you sure they're online?"

The engineer, apparently called Bradey, turned away from the medic trying to treat his arm and punched some buttons with his good hand. "Yeah, they seem to be... ah damn it. Part of the plating was hit by debris or something; we've got a hole in the emitters."

"That would explain that," Page said, leaning her head back as a medic swabbed her cut.

"Could we get an extra-vehicular team out to the rear engine plating?" Bradey asked someone through his comm panel.

Williamson stirred as his own panel lit up. He pressed the receive button.

"Sir, we've got the doors open, first fighter is acting as a relay station," the voice said. "You can establish a frequency through that. The other fighter just launched and has started heading towards the debris."

"Roger that," Williamson said. He released the button and stood up, tugging on his uniform. A black stain had appeared on his right shoulder.

"Lieutenant, are you getting anything?" he asked.

"Yes sir," she nodded, much to the frustration of the medics, especially the one that got a mouthful of hair. "Uplink stable; you're on."

"ECF base this is commander of Victoria," he said quickly. "I would urge you not to use whatever weapon or method of transport you just used on our ship again; this vessel is designed for sublight and jump gate/trade lane travel speeds only. We have received heavy damage and minor casualties on all decks. I will leave with my senior staff on a Clydesdale-class transport vessel to dock with your station in one standard hour; the docking clamps of the Victoria will no longer function. Out." He made a slashing motion with his hand. Lieutenant Page nodded at him.

"Lt. Commander Bradey, assign your damage control teams and then change into a clean uniform," Williamson said. "Commander Johnson, Lieutenant Page, same goes for you. We depart in one hour. We'll bring some armed guards, I think... just in case that was an attack."
East Coast Federation
22-09-2004, 01:43
ECF Commander: Please allow us to beam you over it will be much faster and less messy. We can beam you over right now if that is your wish. Please allow us to. I am ordered the Station the tractor beam to bring your ship inside the station. We can beam you out right now, In fact we need to now. The Admiral is ready. We have locked onto your 2 Bio Signs, StandBye> ( for the sake of the RP to go a bit quicker) I am sending repair teams to your vessel.
* The Transporters comes to life as the 2 dispear off there brigde and end up in a Transporter room on the ECF Statation)
Admiral Willing: Nice to see you in person. Follow me to the 1st Class Conferance room. We will pass through main engineering on the way. DO NOT TOCH THE WARPCORE! And sorry about Captain Walker he was in a hurry those repair teams should be getting to your ship soon. In fact you know what we are doing? We are having this in my conferance room on my Personal Ship the TITAN. I have a dinner being prepared as we speak. And I'll take us on a ride around the system. * beams everyone over* I am sorry for moving us around so much. I never liked the Transporter myself either.
My Personal Ship
I know it's not as good as my Flagship but it will do.
* They Enter a Room 1with a 9 crouse meal prepared and the TITANS Engineer and his 1st officer, there are large Windows on the side of the room.*
Admrial Willing: This is my 1st Officer Riker. And this is my Engineer he keeps my ship running at 100% Now I know I've rampled on so tell us about your ship and were you came from. Helm take us around the 3rd Fleet and show them some of our ships, 1/3 impluse.
22-09-2004, 10:10
The captain looked around, quite irate that he hadn't been given the chance to change into a clean uniform, and sat down. He was about six foot high, and for all intents and purposes seemed human. He had grey appearing in his hair, but other than that he seemed healthy enough.
A woman sat down also; she had black hair, tied back into a pony tail that reached halfway down her back. She too appeared human, and had a dressing on her forehead where she'd apparently been injured.
Another, younger man sat down next to the captain, he had scruffy brown hair, dirt on his face and uniform, and his left arm was in a sling.
A stern looking man sat down to the right of the grubby man, with black hair and no apparent injuries, or emotions. He seemed rather disapproving of the whole experience, though said nothing.

"I am Captain Williamson," the man with grey in his hair began. This is my engineer, Lt. Commander Jeff Bradey, my helm, communications and third officer Lt. Nathalie Page, and this is my tactical officer and first officer, Commander Frederick Johnson. You have an impressive collection of ships."

"A 'destructive' collection of ships," Johnson grumbled.

"You asked about where we came from," the captain said. "We are of the Armed Forces of the Constitutional Monarchy of Bretonia. Our civilisation has been travelling in space for the past 800 or so years, and we now occupy six star systems. These six star systems, however are surrounded completely by something we call 'the Great Barrier'. It is at least two lightyears thick in any one place, and is filled with huge 'ice asteroids' and some strange gravitational anomalies and phenomenon we cannot identify -- although we might be onto something since seeing your engines.
Anyway, we've got a democratic system of government; if you don't know what that is, the population of Bretonia votes in representatives on a regular basis to run Bretonia on their behalf. We also have a Queen, although she has no 'real' power she is still the figurehead of our society and as such highly respected. She also keeps most of the political fighting in check. Some believe that if the Queen gave the admiralty an order, they would follow it regardless of what Parliament says to the contrary. Anyway, you seem more interested in ships than anything else, including manners, so Jeff, bore them."

"The Victoria's the first ship to get out," Bradey said, sighing. He hated engineering lectures. He preferred putting his hands in a working engine.
He pulled something out of his pocket and slapped it on the table. It was a small circle, with a cone in the middle. He pressed a button, and a glowing blue wireframe of their ship appeared above it, rotating slowly.
"She's the flagship of the first fleet, and the first of the line of Victoria-class battleships. She's powered by a standard MOX-fuelled reactor core, and manoeuvres with ion engines. Those babies at the back can be over-charged to create the 'cruise effect', which lets us get around at roughly half, or maybe two thirds if you're lucky, the speed of light.
"She's armed with 20 Mk 12 auto-lock laser turrets, 10 Mk 2 auto-lock tachyon turrets, 15 Mk 8 auto-lock plasma turrets and 5 fast-fire Mk 16 anti-fighter missile turrets. She's got an additional 8 torpedo tubes, 4 on either side, which can fire high-speed Torps armed with daranium-enhanced thermo-nuclear warheads.
"She got out of Bretonia because of her energy sheath. Fighters have been using 'em for a while, but fighters can't produce the power necessary to generate a sheath strong enough to break through the Barrier. Battleships have been unable to use them because we've had difficulties establishing a sheath on anything larger than a cargo ship. Even when we finally got this one workin', we had to configure it precisely to get through the Barrier. With a normal sheath, or no sheath at all, a ship would be ripped apart as though it didn't have one."

The engineer reached down and pressed another button. The wireframe morphed. A bulky-looking ring appeared. It had four 'arms' which, on the wireframe image anyway, kept opening and closing slowly, as well as two long poles which looked like they guided something through the centre of the ring.

"This is a jump gate," he said. "Pride of Bretonia. They allow near-instant travel over any distance using something we call a 'jump tube'. It's some sort of extra-dimensional portal, a little like a wormhole only nowhere near as powerful. Only problem is, you HAVE to have a jump gate to enter, and you have to have a jump gate where you leave. Once a network's set up, your can come and go as you please -- it's just setting up the network that takes time. There are scientists trying to figure out a way for a ship to generate a jump tube on its own, but that'll take a while. We've set one up near the Alpha-Epsilon system, save us flying through the Great Barrier every time we want to enter or leave Bretonia."

He pressed another button. The wireframe morphed again. An unusual structure appeared. Two rings joined together, creating a figure 8.

"This is a trade lane ring," he said, sighing. "It allows superluminal travel within a star system. You can get 2-5c out of these things. They put your ship very slightly out of phase with normal space, a phase which apparently 'shrinks' surrounding space slightly allowing for seemingly faster travel. Again, only trouble is, you need a set of rings a set distance from each other in a straight line for it to work. Deviate from the path and you're back into normal phase and back to normal engines. The rings also reduce hull stress, so you don't suffer the same damage we did when you played your annoying little prank on us." He shut off the small holographic emitter, put it back in his pocket and sat down.

"Anything else you want to know?" the captain asked.
22-09-2004, 16:14
OOC: Hey am I in the conference room? This is just for the sake of introductions so we can all get to know each other with out having to run into each other in the middle of a war.

IC: Drone: okay, *Wires 85 million to the merchant from Al-Imvadjah* This is for one set of HACSHMS and one set of SHABSTMS. when will they be availible?

Warfare:Commander, Nobody has ever figured out the BORG secrets, this is one of them. Did you want to see the omega drives?
22-09-2004, 19:25
"HACSHMs are immediately avaliable, SHABSTMs will be delivered to you at this station tommorrow afternoon (ns time). Will you require launcher turret instalation for the HACSHMs, or will you build your own?"
"Where would you like us to take the HACSHMs for transfer to your cube?"
22-09-2004, 19:41
Drone: we will build our own once we assimilate the technology into the collective. Inform us of their spatial coordinates and we will simply teleport them onboard.
East Coast Federation
22-09-2004, 20:59
The captain looked around, quite irate that he hadn't been given the chance to change into a clean uniform, and sat down. He was about six foot high, and for all intents and purposes seemed human. He had grey appearing in his hair, but other than that he seemed healthy enough.
A woman sat down also; she had black hair, tied back into a pony tail that reached halfway down her back. She too appeared human, and had a dressing on her forehead where she'd apparently been injured.
Another, younger man sat down next to the captain, he had scruffy brown hair, dirt on his face and uniform, and his left arm was in a sling.
A stern looking man sat down to the right of the grubby man, with black hair and no apparent injuries, or emotions. He seemed rather disapproving of the whole experience, though said nothing.

"I am Captain Williamson," the man with grey in his hair began. This is my engineer, Lt. Commander Jeff Bradey, my helm, communications and third officer Lt. Nathalie Page, and this is my tactical officer and first officer, Commander Frederick Johnson. You have an impressive collection of ships."

"A 'destructive' collection of ships," Johnson grumbled.

"You asked about where we came from," the captain said. "We are of the Armed Forces of the Constitutional Monarchy of Bretonia. Our civilisation has been travelling in space for the past 800 or so years, and we now occupy six star systems. These six star systems, however are surrounded completely by something we call 'the Great Barrier'. It is at least two lightyears thick in any one place, and is filled with huge 'ice asteroids' and some strange gravitational anomalies and phenomenon we cannot identify -- although we might be onto something since seeing your engines.
Anyway, we've got a democratic system of government; if you don't know what that is, the population of Bretonia votes in representatives on a regular basis to run Bretonia on their behalf. We also have a Queen, although she has no 'real' power she is still the figurehead of our society and as such highly respected. She also keeps most of the political fighting in check. Some believe that if the Queen gave the admiralty an order, they would follow it regardless of what Parliament says to the contrary. Anyway, you seem more interested in ships than anything else, including manners, so Jeff, bore them."

"The Victoria's the first ship to get out," Bradey said, sighing. He hated engineering lectures. He preferred putting his hands in a working engine.
He pulled something out of his pocket and slapped it on the table. It was a small circle, with a cone in the middle. He pressed a button, and a glowing blue wireframe of their ship appeared above it, rotating slowly.
"She's the flagship of the first fleet, and the first of the line of Victoria-class battleships. She's powered by a standard MOX-fuelled reactor core, and manoeuvres with ion engines. Those babies at the back can be over-charged to create the 'cruise effect', which lets us get around at roughly half, or maybe two thirds if you're lucky, the speed of light.
"She's armed with 20 Mk 12 auto-lock laser turrets, 10 Mk 2 auto-lock tachyon turrets, 15 Mk 8 auto-lock plasma turrets and 5 fast-fire Mk 16 anti-fighter missile turrets. She's got an additional 8 torpedo tubes, 4 on either side, which can fire high-speed Torps armed with daranium-enhanced thermo-nuclear warheads.
"She got out of Bretonia because of her energy sheath. Fighters have been using 'em for a while, but fighters can't produce the power necessary to generate a sheath strong enough to break through the Barrier. Battleships have been unable to use them because we've had difficulties establishing a sheath on anything larger than a cargo ship. Even when we finally got this one workin', we had to configure it precisely to get through the Barrier. With a normal sheath, or no sheath at all, a ship would be ripped apart as though it didn't have one."

The engineer reached down and pressed another button. The wireframe morphed. A bulky-looking ring appeared. It had two 'arms' which, on the wireframe image anyway, kept opening and closing slowly, as well as two long poles which looked like they guided something through the centre of the ring.

"This is a jump gate," he said. "Pride of Bretonia. They allow near-instant travel over any distance using something we call a 'jump tube'. It's some sort of extra-dimensional portal, a little like a wormhole only nowhere near as powerful. Only problem is, you HAVE to have a jump gate to enter, and you have to have a jump gate where you leave. Once a network's set up, your can come and go as you please -- it's just setting up the network that takes time. There are scientists trying to figure out a way for a ship to generate a jump tube on its own, but that'll take a while. We've set one up near the Alpha-Epsilon system, save us flying through the Great Barrier every time we want to enter or leave Bretonia."

He pressed another button. The wireframe morphed again. An unusual structure appeared. Two rings joined together, creating a figure 8.

"This is a trade lane ring," he said, sighing. "It allows super-luminous travel within a star system. You can get 2-5c out of these things. They put your ship very slightly out of phase with normal space, a phase which apparently 'shrinks' surrounding space slightly allowing for seemingly faster travel. Again, only trouble is, you need a set of rings a set distance from each other in a straight line for it to work. Deviate from the path and you're back into normal phase and back to normal engines. The rings also reduce hull stress, so you don't suffer the same damage we did when you played your annoying little prank on us." He shut off the small holographic emitter, put it back in his pocket and sat down.

"Anything else you want to know?" the captain asked.
OOC: Warhaven your on the Station remeber? I'm out in my personal ship. If you want me to change my format of RPing just ask.
ECF Engineer: MOX? * as he looked at the holograms* Wow I've never seen anything this primitive and
Admiral Willing: Stow it, Maybe you would like to know about the ECF.
The ECF was formed about 400 years ago on our homeworld. After a Large Seris of wars which devistated the system. One nation came out in tact The East Coast Federation. We invaded what was left of our world. And well 400 Years later here we are! Now you may Speak Engineer.
ECF Engineer: It would seem that it took you a good deal of time to get here. This is because you have no FTL Drives. This is a slow and ineffiant and old outdated system that has not been used the ECF! Ever. Mox is a dangours and slow system.
The ECF uses 4 Types of Drive.
Impluse Drive: Maximum Speed is .40C this is the simplest drive used by the ECF, Comments Please.
Warp Drive: Warp Drive is the Mainstream FTL Drive System used by the ECF. It utilizes Nachells, Look out the Window and you can see the TITANS 2 Nachells(SP?).
Warp Drive is an incredbly complex antimatter-matter System. Using the so called "warpcore" it was invented in 2100 by a team of ECF engineers. You can engage it any time anywhere. But Be for warned. A Badly maintianted Warp Drive is a DEADLY one.

ECF Warp Drive Speeds.
Speed Description
----- -----------
Standard orbit 9600 km/h (SUBLIGHT)
Full impulse 0.25c (SUBLIGHT)
Warp factor 1 1c
Warp factor 2 10c
Warp factor 3 39c
Warp factor 4 102c
Warp factor 5 214c
Warp factor 6 352c
Warp factor 7 656c
Warp factor 8 1024c
Warp factor 9 1516c
Warp factor 9.2 1649c
Warp factor 9.6 1909c
Warp factor 9.9 3052c
Warp factor 9.99 7902c
Warp factor 9.9999 199516c
Warp factor 10 infinite
At Warp 10 you would be thrown back into time. This ship is capable of Warp 9.9999.

Traswarp: Transwarp is only employed on select ECF Ships, Inculding this one. Details of this drive is classfied to any Race under Tech Level 4. You Would be a 2.
Fold Drive: This Drive is classified and is only used by the flagship.

Now For Weapons
Our Transpashic Torpedos are simply torpdeos which vibrate at a different quatem ferwacy. Which means they can pass through most primitive sheilding systems and are rated at 120 Megatons. Much more powerful than your nuclear weapons.
Now Onto The Phaser:
Phasers, Phased Energy Rectification, are the standard sub light speed weapon used by most space faring races, most notably the United Federation of Planets. Phasers came into wide spread service during the 2200's, with most Star Fleet ships being equipped with them by the 2250's. These first phasers replaces EM weapons, such as lasers, and particle beam accelerators. Phasers are related to the other widely used beam weapon, disrupters. Phasers are more efficient versions of disrupters, used mainly by the Klingon and Romulan empires, phasers require less energy to produce the same effect as disrupters allowing smaller or higher output weapons to be created

The energy released by phasers is from the rapid nadion effect (RNE), rapid nadions are subatomic particles that interact with certain types of superconducting crystals call fushigi-no-umi. The rapid nadions interact with the crystal by freeing the strong atomic force from the nuclei of the crystals' atoms, producing the power output of the phaser.
Phasers in the ECF Run up to 12,000 Terajoules. And the Flagship has a "phaser shotgun" which can destoy small planets.
Phaser are capable of out putting more power than your ship could in 30 years. No offense to your peoples ablitys.
QC Reactor: Even Warfare asks about that be I can't tell you or him anything
Now we come to the conerstone of the ECF Fleet. The Matter-Antimatter Reactor.
Snice you probably have no idea how it works I'll put it down in Laymans terms.
A reaction of Matter and Anti-Matter creates a controlled explosion within the warp core. This explosion generates enough plasma to power a starship.

Federation warp cores depend on warp coils to form a subspace "bubble" that the vessel travels in at warp speed.
Admiral: Thats enough for now. Now I would like to make 1st contact with your race. If you would tell us where it is. We could probably be there in under 20 minutes. Now Please as any ?'s you wish about our techonogly. ( please ask some PRETTY PLEASE!, I'm trying to make the engineer seem mean about your tech for fun)
Yes we do know what a Democary is. In fact the ECF is one. More SPficly Socliast-Democrary. We elect our leaders. And the goverment proviedes every luxary one could ever want. Why does it work in th ECF? Because we have accived near heaven status. Now Please ask away. Warp Drive, phasers? Anything?
22-09-2004, 21:26
OOC: I was just wondering thats all. would you please deal with your Secret IC with warfare now? Please?
East Coast Federation
22-09-2004, 22:12
*hands over a padd to Warfare * There are spare generators on the flagship. I've already informed them that you would teleport the generators over. The Payment will be what you see fit. And destory that PADD once you read the infomation
22-09-2004, 22:34
*Reads Padd simultaniously copying information into Collective and then throws the padd and shoots it with the Phaser technology embedded in his arm.*
*Closes eyes and has Generators teleported over to Cube*
Warfare:Perhaps you would like to know the coordinates of a nearby world that is full of rare jems and minerals. Scans also indicate it has a generous supply of oil and Uranium. It is capable of supporting life, if, perhaps in a few months it might be appropiate to start a coloney there, and who knows what they might find? If that is not enough I could also give you a PADD detailing how to use Omega particles and how to stabilize them. Just be careful. I have a Bomb made from Omega Particles that collapses space for five light years in every direction. You may end up hurting your sef if you use it for war. Or maybe you would like to learn about Wormhole Technology? Just be careful, It requires a substancial amount of power to use.
*Warfare leaves three separate padds on a nearby table detailing all three offers. Warfare then heads out looking for these new people that have arrived.*
22-09-2004, 23:08
OOC, I can't be bothered to rp telling you exact coordinates, so just assume the merchant tells you, and you get them.
23-09-2004, 00:30
Phasers in the ECF Run up to 12,000 Terajoules

OOC: You should know that 12,000 TJ is approximately 3 megatons. You keep on saying 3 gigatons, which would be 12,000,000 TJ.
East Coast Federation
23-09-2004, 00:52
OOC: You should know that 12,000 TJ is approximately 3 megatons. You keep on saying 3 gigatons, which would be 12,000,000 TJ.
OOC: Fuck I forgot to add the extra 000 * smashs head on wall*
23-09-2004, 01:44
ECF Engineer: MOX? * as he looked at the holograms* Wow I've never seen anything this primitive and
Admiral Willing: Stow it, Maybe you would like to know about the ECF.
The ECF was formed about 400 years ago on our homeworld. After a Large Seris of wars which devistated the system. One nation came out in tact The East Coast Federation. We invaded what was left of our world. And well 400 Years later here we are! Now you may Speak Engineer.
ECF Engineer: It would seem that it took you a good deal of time to get here. This is because you have no FTL Drives. This is a slow and ineffiant and old outdated system that has not been used the ECF! Ever. Mox is a dangours and slow system.
The ECF uses 4 Types of Drive.
Impluse Drive: Maximum Speed is .40C this is the simplest drive used by the ECF, Comments Please.
Warp Drive: Warp Drive is the Mainstream FTL Drive System used by the ECF. It utilizes Nachells, Look out the Window and you can see the TITANS 2 Nachells(SP?).
Warp Drive is an incredbly complex antimatter-matter System. Using the so called "warpcore" it was invented in 2100 by a team of ECF engineers. You can engage it any time anywhere. But Be for warned. A Badly maintianted Warp Drive is a DEADLY one.

ECF Warp Drive Speeds.
Speed Description
----- -----------
Standard orbit 9600 km/h (SUBLIGHT)
Full impulse 0.25c (SUBLIGHT)
Warp factor 1 1c
Warp factor 2 10c
Warp factor 3 39c
Warp factor 4 102c
Warp factor 5 214c
Warp factor 6 352c
Warp factor 7 656c
Warp factor 8 1024c
Warp factor 9 1516c
Warp factor 9.2 1649c
Warp factor 9.6 1909c
Warp factor 9.9 3052c
Warp factor 9.99 7902c
Warp factor 9.9999 199516c
Warp factor 10 infinite
At Warp 10 you would be thrown back into time. This ship is capable of Warp 9.9999.

Traswarp: Transwarp is only employed on select ECF Ships, Inculding this one. Details of this drive is classfied to any Race under Tech Level 4. You Would be a 2.
Fold Drive: This Drive is classified and is only used by the flagship.

Now For Weapons
Our Transpashic Torpedos are simply torpdeos which vibrate at a different quatem ferwacy. Which means they can pass through most primitive sheilding systems and are rated at 120 Megatons. Much more powerful than your nuclear weapons.
Now Onto The Phaser:
Phasers, Phased Energy Rectification, are the standard sub light speed weapon used by most space faring races, most notably the United Federation of Planets. Phasers came into wide spread service during the 2200's, with most Star Fleet ships being equipped with them by the 2250's. These first phasers replaces EM weapons, such as lasers, and particle beam accelerators. Phasers are related to the other widely used beam weapon, disrupters. Phasers are more efficient versions of disrupters, used mainly by the Klingon and Romulan empires, phasers require less energy to produce the same effect as disrupters allowing smaller or higher output weapons to be created

The energy released by phasers is from the rapid nadion effect (RNE), rapid nadions are subatomic particles that interact with certain types of superconducting crystals call fushigi-no-umi. The rapid nadions interact with the crystal by freeing the strong atomic force from the nuclei of the crystals' atoms, producing the power output of the phaser.
Phasers in the ECF Run up to 12,000 Terajoules. And the Flagship has a "phaser shotgun" which can destoy small planets.
Phaser are capable of out putting more power than your ship could in 30 years. No offense to your peoples ablitys.
QC Reactor: Even Warfare asks about that be I can't tell you or him anything
Now we come to the conerstone of the ECF Fleet. The Matter-Antimatter Reactor.
Snice you probably have no idea how it works I'll put it down in Laymans terms.
A reaction of Matter and Anti-Matter creates a controlled explosion within the warp core. This explosion generates enough plasma to power a starship.

Federation warp cores depend on warp coils to form a subspace "bubble" that the vessel travels in at warp speed.
Admiral: Thats enough for now. Now I would like to make 1st contact with your race. If you would tell us where it is. We could probably be there in under 20 minutes. Now Please as any ?'s you wish about our techonogly. ( please ask some PRETTY PLEASE!, I'm trying to make the engineer seem mean about your tech for fun)
Yes we do know what a Democary is. In fact the ECF is one. More SPficly Socliast-Democrary. We elect our leaders. And the goverment proviedes every luxary one could ever want. Why does it work in th ECF? Because we have accived near heaven status. Now Please ask away. Warp Drive, phasers? Anything?

"I know how antimatter works you cheeky so... MOX, dangerous? How much Cardamine have you taken today? It's less likely to blow up in your face than a..." the engineer began, but then paused. "'Subspace'? Cap'n, isn't that what those scientists thought those anomalies were, you know, in the..."

"Who's Layman?" Page butted in, confused. "Why would we be using his terms?"

"Primitive indeed..." the tactical officer snorted. "They've obviously never thought of enhancing nuclear warheads with daranium..."

"Alright, can it you two," Williamson held up his hand. "Jeff, what were you saying?"

"Cambridge scientists, sir," he said. "They had a theory that those unusual anomalies led to a place called 'subspace'. If anything went near one with a subspace field, they'd be sucked in... or ripped to pieces. Or have their nacelles pulled off. And there are a lot of those anomalies in the Great Barrier..."

"So these guys couldn't go to Bretonia even if I was able to tell them where it is," the captain pondered.

"They should be alright going through the jump gate," Bradey shrugged. "The tube doesn't interact with normal space at all. They'd, err, have to take a smaller ship though. This one won't fit."

"They're not going through any jump gates yet," Williamson shook his head. "I'm not at liberty to divulge the location of Bretonia, or our external jump gate. Certainly not to people with such reckless abandon of the safety of our ships. Not until I have orders from New London, anyway. We can either sit tight here, or continue on to the next system."

"Agreed," Johnson nodded. It was the first time he'd agreed with anything that had been said so far, and he made sure everyone knew it.

"Queen Carina has taken a personal interest in this entire program, so it shouldn't take long for orders to be sent," Page chimed in. "I don't think she'd want us to run off just yet. Of course, if we don't have our communications array back up, then we won't receive them..."

"It'll be back up," Bradey nodded. "I have confidence in the damage teams abilities. They'll get the job done. They did last time anyway."

"How the heck do you store this in ration packs?" Williamson asked the ECF commander. He pointed down at his plate. "We have tasteless nutrient 'bricks'..."

"And how do you stop this thing falling to pieces when you go faster than light," Bradey asked, leaning back on his chair and hammering the bulkhead with his knuckles. "Without the stabilisation of a gate network, the inertia would rip it to pieces, surely?"
East Coast Federation
23-09-2004, 02:12
"I know how antimatter works you cheeky so... MOX, dangerous? How much Cardamine have you taken today? It's less likely to blow up in your face than a..." the engineer began, but then paused. "'Subspace'? Cap'n, isn't that what those scientists thought those anomalies were, you know, in the..."

"Who's Layman?" Page butted in, confused. "Why would we be using his terms?"

"Primitive indeed..." the tactical officer snorted. "They've obviously never thought of enhancing nuclear warheads with daranium..."

"Alright, can it you two," Williamson held up his hand. "Jeff, what were you saying?"

"Cambridge scientists, sir," he said. "They had a theory that those unusual anomalies led to a place called 'subspace'. If anything went near one with a subspace field, they'd be sucked in... or ripped to pieces. Or have their nacelles pulled off. And there are a lot of those anomalies in the Great Barrier..."

"So these guys couldn't go to Bretonia even if I was able to tell them where it is," the captain pondered.

"They should be alright going through the jump gate," Bradey shrugged. "The tube doesn't interact with normal space at all. They'd, err, have to take a smaller ship though. This one won't fit."

"They're not going through any jump gates yet," Williamson shook his head. "I'm not at liberty to divulge the location of Bretonia, or our external jump gate. Certainly not to people with such reckless abandon of the safety of our ships. Not until I have orders from New London, anyway. We can either sit tight here, or continue on to the next system."

"Agreed," Johnson nodded. It was the first time he'd agreed with anything that had been said so far, and he made sure everyone knew it.

"Queen Carina has taken a personal interest in this entire program, so it shouldn't take long for orders to be sent," Page chimed in. "I don't think she'd want us to run off just yet. Of course, if we don't have our communications array back up, then we won't receive them..."

"It'll be back up," Bradey nodded. "I have confidence in the damage teams abilities. They'll get the job done. They did last time anyway."

"How the heck do you store this in ration packs?" Williamson asked the ECF commander. He pointed down at his plate. "We have tasteless nutrient 'bricks'..."

"And how do you stop this thing falling to pieces when you go faster than light," Bradey asked, leaning back on his chair and hammering the bulkhead with his knuckles. "Without the stabilisation of a gate network, the inertia would rip it to pieces, surely?"
Admiral Willing: Well these didn't come from "packs" these came from the computer. Or the Replicator to more exact. I think theres one on the table actually, Computer A1 Steak souce Cold,and throw in a cold bottle of coke! Computer: Yes Admiral * bottle of A1 appears and a classic coke bottle*
Admiral Willing: Would you like anything else? Though the replicator never gets it quite right.
ECF Engineer: Well 1st off the Alloy known as Tritanium is probably much stronger than what your ship uses. * grunts as he starts to pull a wall planel off the side of the bulkhead which soon comes open, revealing a blue glowing machine*
ECF Engineer: That would be part of the inertial damping system. It consites of 3 Massive Generators. And over 120 Backup genertors like this one around the ship. They create feilds powerful enough to hold the ship together. If the system fails. The computer automatcily drops the ship out of warp. Oh and by the way I mispoke out Phasers are rated at 12,000,000 TJ.
Ops: Distress call from a unknown cargo ship they say they are under attack by a "Bird Of Prey" Estimated time of arrival at Maximum Warp 10 Minutes
Admiral Willing: RED ALERT! SHEILDS UP! Set Crouse At Maximum Warp!
Genetalmen, Please enjoy your meal I will be back soon. Ask the computer for anything you want. Take a look out the window and prepare to watch the upcomming show
* the ship shakes violently as the warp engines are thrust right to warp 9.9999*
ECF Engineer: You engineer tactical whatever you are! You want to see what makes this ship tick? Then come on! * they head to engineering, Leaving the 2 commanding officers in the room to watch the show*
* 10 minutes later in the peak of battle*
In Enigeering
* The WarpCore was flashing like a strob light and alarms were going off *
* On Birdge *
Admrial willing: FINSIH THEM NOW!
* The Bird of Prey expoldes and the head goes flying right into the window where the Guests are, And Explodes on the sheilds giving them quite a scare.)
ECF Engineer: Ya did good! Lets Get back to dinner. My Crew can clean this up
Admiral Willing ( sittting back down ): Sorry about that We are heading back at warp 4. Minimum Damage to the ship, The Warpcore sufferend an overload. Now howa bout desert? Ask the computer whatever you want. Now about that Diplomatic Mission.
* admiral willing glares at the Alien Tactical Officer: Any more ?;s about my weapons? Kuz I think I just answered them!
23-09-2004, 02:28
OOC: ECF, could you perhaps use quotation marks, or at least put extra spaces between each person's dialogue, i get confused easily.
East Coast Federation
23-09-2004, 02:38
OOC: ECF, could you perhaps use quotation marks, or at least put extra spaces between each person's dialogue, i get confused easily.
OOC: I'm not using paragrah format.
It goes like
Person : Whats Up Fra Shizzel!
Person 2: You NIzzle Fra SIZ!
ect. There for I don't NEED quotation,


ECF Commander:DO NOT TRY SELLING ANYTHING to Bretonia, they are a primitive race who have recently left there own system. I am trying my best to keep there ship isolated. ANy attempt to sell goods or contact them will be seen as a act of aggresion.
23-09-2004, 02:52
That works great unless somebody's speach runs over one line long. Then it gives me a headache. But I can live through it, it isn't the worst I've ever seen.
23-09-2004, 04:08
OOC: What is MOX? I've never heard of it before.
23-09-2004, 04:26
It has come to my government's understanding that there is an Intergalatic StarBase operating above the very skies of our fair nation. We demand representation in this StarBase in the form of personnel, starships, and our own territory aboard the base subject only to the laws established by the citizens of Needsometail.

We also demand a public apology for the operation of a base without an invitation for participation. This slight will be overlooked when and only if our demands are met.
Strathclyde and Gallow
23-09-2004, 05:05
A strange energy charge sweeps into the area of the space station, disrupting communications systems aboard the station and the surrounding vessels. Simultaneously on every comlink, faint words can be heard... "What the??? What is that? I'm not touching it! You touch it!"
Suddenly, a loud burst of static blasts through the comlinks before communications return to normal. Deep inside the space station, knocking is heard from inside the lavatory wall. A muffled voice can be heard. "Where am I? Help! I'm stuck in this tiny, black space! If this is one of your jokes, Hamish, I'll get you! Help! Somebody!!!"
23-09-2004, 10:15
OOC: What is MOX? I've never heard of it before.

OOC: MOX is a fuel for nuclear reactors made from uranium oxide and a small portion of plutonium. Using reactor-grade plutonium, you need a concentration of about 7%. If you use weapons-grade, you only need 3-5%. But reactor-grade is easier to come by, so it's more common.

It has come to my government's understanding that there is an Intergalatic StarBase operating above the very skies of our fair nation. We demand representation in this StarBase in the form of personnel, starships, and our own territory aboard the base subject only to the laws established by the citizens of Needsometail.

We also demand a public apology for the operation of a base without an invitation for participation. This slight will be overlooked when and only if our demands are met.

OOC: Unless your nation is in deep space, I don't think this starbase is anywhere near you...

I will do IC later. When I'm not so busy.
The Imperial Navy
23-09-2004, 10:26
Imperial Light cruiser Victory Exited hyperspace, with a cargo of Tibana Gas containers.

"Think they'll have anything to trade?" Asked the Vice Captain.

"Only time will tell. Open commlink and prepare to transfer our message."

-To: Starbase-

This is The Imperial Light cruiser Victory. We have a shipment of Tibana gas you may find useful. Will you be willing to trade? Over.

-End Transmission-

Tibana Gas: Used in laser weapons, it will increase your firepower and weapon strengh. a popular choice for Fleet commanders. Mined from Imperial Instalations.
The Imperial Navy
23-09-2004, 11:17
23-09-2004, 15:50
Warfare: Well, It grows late for me, my energy levals are at the point I must return to my cube for regeneration. If Wiling or somebody needs me, I'll be on my ship.
*Touches each shoulder activating the personal teleportation nodes contained therein and disappears in a flash of green light.*
23-09-2004, 20:18
Admiral Willing: Well these didn't come from "packs" these came from the computer. Or the Replicator to more exact. I think theres one on the table actually, Computer A1 Steak souce Cold,and throw in a cold bottle of coke! Computer: Yes Admiral * bottle of A1 appears and a classic coke bottle*
Admiral Willing: Would you like anything else? Though the replicator never gets it quite right.
ECF Engineer: Well 1st off the Alloy known as Tritanium is probably much stronger than what your ship uses. * grunts as he starts to pull a wall planel off the side of the bulkhead which soon comes open, revealing a blue glowing machine*
ECF Engineer: That would be part of the inertial damping system. It consites of 3 Massive Generators. And over 120 Backup genertors like this one around the ship. They create feilds powerful enough to hold the ship together. If the system fails. The computer automatcily drops the ship out of warp. Oh and by the way I mispoke out Phasers are rated at 12,000,000 TJ.
Ops: Distress call from a unknown cargo ship they say they are under attack by a "Bird Of Prey" Estimated time of arrival at Maximum Warp 10 Minutes
Admiral Willing: RED ALERT! SHEILDS UP! Set Crouse At Maximum Warp!
Genetalmen, Please enjoy your meal I will be back soon. Ask the computer for anything you want. Take a look out the window and prepare to watch the upcomming show
* the ship shakes violently as the warp engines are thrust right to warp 9.9999*
ECF Engineer: You engineer tactical whatever you are! You want to see what makes this ship tick? Then come on! * they head to engineering, Leaving the 2 commanding officers in the room to watch the show*
* 10 minutes later in the peak of battle*
In Enigeering
* The WarpCore was flashing like a strob light and alarms were going off *
* On Birdge *
Admrial willing: FINSIH THEM NOW!
* The Bird of Prey expoldes and the head goes flying right into the window where the Guests are, And Explodes on the sheilds giving them quite a scare.)
ECF Engineer: Ya did good! Lets Get back to dinner. My Crew can clean this up
Admiral Willing ( sittting back down ): Sorry about that We are heading back at warp 4. Minimum Damage to the ship, The Warpcore sufferend an overload. Now howa bout desert? Ask the computer whatever you want. Now about that Diplomatic Mission.
* admiral willing glares at the Alien Tactical Officer: Any more ?;s about my weapons? Kuz I think I just answered them!

"Our 'diplomatic mission' as you call it is on hold," the captain said. "Until I get orders from either Parliament, the Admiralty or the Queen herself I'm not at liberty to take this any further."

He pushed the chair away from the table and stood up. Page, Bradey and Johnson followed suit.

"Now if you'll excuse us, we must return to our ship," Williamson told him. "Thank you for an entertaining and informative meal. I must return, in case a personal response to those orders is required. And to change my uniform. When we're within range of the Victoria, please... leave your transporter things switched off, I don't want to have my molecules scrambled without my permission again. We'll take one of our shuttles."

"You can use your teleporter thingie on me though," Bradey said. "I thought it was fun."
23-09-2004, 21:05
While Warfare was regenerating, what appeared to be about 50 BORG cubes came by, they stayed there for just a few minuets while some "Cargo" was teleported between them. Then, just as suddenly as they appeared, the disappeared back to BORG territory. A few hours later, King warfare reappeared back on the station, renergiezed and ready to assimilate an army. Walking around he heard someone calling for help inside a lavitory. He walked over to it, opened the unlocked door, and asked
Just what do you need help with?
East Coast Federation
24-09-2004, 01:04
"Our 'diplomatic mission' as you call it is on hold," the captain said. "Until I get orders from either Parliament, the Admiralty or the Queen herself I'm not at liberty to take this any further."

He pushed the chair away from the table and stood up. Page, Bradey and Johnson followed suit.

"Now if you'll excuse us, we must return to our ship," Williamson told him. "Thank you for an entertaining and informative meal. I must return, in case a personal response to those orders is required. And to change my uniform. When we're within range of the Victoria, please... leave your transporter things switched off, I don't want to have my molecules scrambled without my permission again. We'll take one of our shuttles."

"You can use your teleporter thingie on me though," Bradey said. "I thought it was fun."

Admiral Willing: Well we should be back quite soon. And it's called a Transporter
Ops: We are back at the StarBase, Beaming them out now, Site To Site
* And the Alien Crewmembers dispassed *
1st Officer: They were odd!
24-09-2004, 01:31
The four officers materialised on their bridge.

"I thought I asked them not to 'transport' us..." Williamson grumbled, rubbing his chest as though checking everything was still there.

"Man that's fun," Bradey said, moving back to his engineering station. "We should get one of those things fitted in my quarters, so I could play around with it."

"You can pay for the fuel that'd use," Williamson snorted. "In fact it'd be easier to just cancel your pay cheque, I reckon."

"Worth it though," Bradey chuckled.

"We could never use that," Page said. "You imagine if the Gaians got a hold of one of those things? They'd be teleporting bombs right into the cores of ships. All hell would break loose!"

"Lieutenant," Williamson said. "Have there been any transmissions while we were over there?"

"None from Bretonia sir," she shook her head.

"What's our repair status?" he asked Bradey.

"Like I said, the comm tower's almost fixed," he grinned, smug. "They're still replacing some hull plating on the dorsal side, but we're restored to full operational status apart from that."

"Those aliens helped a little," one of the ensigns said to the right of Bradey.

"Only a little?" Bradey turned. "I would have thought they would have taken over the whole repair effort."

"They would have," the ensign grunted. "'Cept they kept commenting on how primitive everything was."

"Sounds about right," Bradey laughed.

"I don't like them," Page shook her head. "Back when I was an ensign flying off the Hood, I once detailed a cargo ship full of Mollys who were more polite than they were. And I swear that engineer of theirs kept giving me funny looks..."

"Save it," Williamson sighed. "It doesn't matter what we think. It's up to the big boys at home now. Lieutenant, alert me if we're contacted by Bretonia, or Green 1 -- I'm going to go take a shower... and Jeff; fix the damned ship would you?"

"Yes sir," Page nodded.

Jeff grinned and waved his hand in dismissal.

Williamson strolled out of the bridge. He STILL had a headache.
East Coast Federation
24-09-2004, 01:57
The four officers materialised on their bridge.

"I thought I asked them not to 'transport' us..." Williamson grumbled, rubbing his chest as though checking everything was still there.

"Man that's fun," Bradey said, moving back to his engineering station. "We should get one of those things fitted in my quarters, so I could play around with it."

"You can pay for the fuel that'd use," Williamson snorted. "In fact it'd be easier to just cancel your pay cheque, I reckon."

"Worth it though," Bradey chuckled.

"We could never use that," Page said. "You imagine if the Gaians got a hold of one of those things? They'd be teleporting bombs right into the cores of ships. All hell would break loose!"

"Lieutenant," Williamson said. "Have there been any transmissions while we were over there?"

"None from Bretonia sir," she shook her head.

"What's our repair status?" he asked Bradey.

"Like I said, the comm tower's almost fixed," he grinned, smug. "They're still replacing some hull plating on the dorsal side, but we're restored to full operational status apart from that."

"Those aliens helped a little," one of the ensigns said to the right of Bradey.

"Only a little?" Bradey turned. "I would have thought they would have taken over the whole repair effort."

"They would have," the ensign grunted. "'Cept they kept commenting on how primitive everything was."

"Sounds about right," Bradey laughed.

"I don't like them," Page shook her head. "Back when I was an ensign flying off the Hood, I once detailed a cargo ship full of Mollys who were more polite than they were. And I swear that engineer of theirs kept giving me funny looks..."

"Save it," Williamson sighed. "It doesn't matter what we think. It's up to the big boys at home now. Lieutenant, alert me if we're contacted by Bretonia, or Green 1 -- I'm going to go take a shower... and Jeff; fix the damned ship would you?"

"Yes sir," Page nodded.

Jeff grinned and waved his hand in dismissal.

Williamson strolled out of the bridge. He STILL had a headache.

OOC: Lets get confirmation tonight to I can move the TITAN into your space for a 1st contact
Admrial Willing: This is Admiral Willing, It looks like your array is back up so I am expect confermation very soon. AS in the next 30 Minutes. We need to know as soon as possible, Look in your quaters, when we did a bio scan on you when we beamed you over we found you had a headach. We beamed it into your room, Eat it and you will never have a headache, EVER AGAIN!,Willing out.
24-09-2004, 02:00
OOC: Lets get confirmation tonight to I can move the TITAN into your space for a 1st contact
Admrial Willing: This is Admiral Willing, It looks like your array is back up so I am expect confermation very soon. AS in the next 30 Minutes. We need to know as soon as possible, Look in your quaters, when we did a bio scan on you when we beamed you over we found you had a headach. We beamed it into your room, Eat it and you will never have a headache, EVER AGAIN!,Willing out.

OOC: It's actually 2am in the morning here, so I'm going to bed in the next few minutes; I'll post IC tomorrow. I was planning to get confirmation in the next post anyway, so you'll get your wish! Cya!
Strathclyde and Gallow
24-09-2004, 02:22
In a small experimental nuclear plant outside the Strathclydian city of Caledon, two men stare puzzledly at the small chunk of material that had been glowing only moments before.

Hamish- "What just happened?"

Patrick- "Umm... Aymer just touched that thing and dissapeared. That's what happened."

Hamish- "I knew this nuclear plant was a bad idea! Hoot Mon! I need a drink!"

Meanwhile... in a lavatory wall deep within the space station, Aymer Campbell shifts his weight to avoid cramping in his legs.

"Where am I? Geez, it smells horrible!
Somebody help me!!!!
I knew this nuclear plant was a bad idea. I need a drink.
Hello?!?!?!?... Hello??????"
East Coast Federation
24-09-2004, 02:44
OOC: It's actually 2am in the morning here, so I'm going to bed in the next few minutes; I'll post IC tomorrow. I was planning to get confirmation in the next post anyway, so you'll get your wish! Cya!
OOC: Ok cool, I really want to get the Ship near that expanse thingy.
East Coast Federation
24-09-2004, 02:46
In a small experimental nuclear plant outside the Strathclydian city of Caledon, two men stare puzzledly at the small chunk of material that had been glowing only moments before.

Hamish- "What just happened?"

Patrick- "Umm... Aymer just touched that thing and dissapeared. That's what happened."

Hamish- "I knew this nuclear plant was a bad idea! Hoot Mon! I need a drink!"

Meanwhile... in a lavatory wall deep within the space station, Aymer Campbell shifts his weight to avoid cramping in his legs.

"Where am I? Geez, it smells horrible!
Somebody help me!!!!
I knew this nuclear plant was a bad idea. I need a drink.
Hello?!?!?!?... Hello??????"
OOC: What the hell?
Ecf Commander: Victory. Premission Granted to dock. Tibana Gas? What the fuck am I supposed to do with that? Lasers are old. The ECF uses Phasers. Much more powerful.
24-09-2004, 03:06
OOC: What the hell?
Ecf Commander: Victory. Premission Granted to dock. Tibana Gas? What the fuck am I supposed to do with that? Lasers are old. The ECF uses Phasers. Much more powerful.

OOC: A 3 gigaton LASER is just as powerful as a 3 gigaton phaser, you know.
24-09-2004, 14:48
OOC: How many base commanders say 'fuck' in a transmission :confused: ?

Williamson had put his uniform back on. He was straightening some of the gold parts that ran down the centre, when he noticed a pill on the table beside his bunk.

"Must have been what that alien was talking about," Williamson said to himself as he picked it up. He was about to eat it, when his comm panel lit up and bleeped. He sighed, put the pill down on the table again and walked over to the far wall. He clicked the button down.

"Bridge to Captain's quarters," Page's voice came through.

"Go ahead," he said, stretching his legs.

"You asked to be contacted when we received orders, sir," she said. "We've received orders, so I'm contacting you."

"Very good," he grumbled. "I'll be up in a minute."

He released the button and slumped himself against the bulkhead, yawning. He gave parts of his uniform a few final tugs, then pressed the door controls and headed for the bridge elevator at the end of the narrow corridor.

The doors clunked, whirred, and finally slid open with a loud buzz. He stepped out and walked down the ramp towards his chair.

"Alright, what have you got?" he asked.

"Green 1 just came out of the jump gate, sir," Page said. "They sent our orders, and 231 other messages."

"231?!" Williamson exclaimed. "From who?"

"Corporations, Universities, scientists warning of subspace distortions, those nut-jobs who go around claiming they saw alien ships on the trade routes, priests..." Page read from a list on an LCD-like monitor on her station. "You name it. There are only two of consequence; one from the Admiralty containing our orders, and one from the Queen."


"We are to escort one alien ship back through the jump gate," she read. "And take them to a diplomatic function on the New London border station. We are then to escort them back and continue with our exploration mission."

"Ah good," he said. "This should be difficult... set up a comm frequency."

"Ready," she nodded, hitting a button.

"This is HMS Victoria to ECF base," he said. "Our orders are to escort one of your ships to Bretonian territory for diplomatic protocol with our leaders. You will need a smaller ship to get through the jump gate. Either that, or the Victoria could take your representatives on board. Our scientists believe the propulsion you use could be potentially devastating if you attempt to cross the Great Barrier without the jump gate. Respond when ready, out."
24-09-2004, 15:39
ooc: Strathclyde and Gallow, I've already opened the lavatory door you claimed to be in, and asked why you needed help.

IC: Are you alright in there, Warfare asked.
East Coast Federation
25-09-2004, 04:49
OOC: How many base commanders say 'fuck' in a transmission :confused: ?

Williamson had put his uniform back on. He was straightening some of the gold parts that ran down the centre, when he noticed a pill on the table beside his bunk.

"Must have been what that alien was talking about," Williamson said to himself as he picked it up. He was about to eat it, when his comm panel lit up and bleeped. He sighed, put the pill down on the table again and walked over to the far wall. He clicked the button down.

"Bridge to Captain's quarters," Page's voice came through.

"Go ahead," he said, stretching his legs.

"You asked to be contacted when we received orders, sir," she said. "We've received orders, so I'm contacting you."

"Very good," he grumbled. "I'll be up in a minute."

He released the button and slumped himself against the bulkhead, yawning. He gave parts of his uniform a few final tugs, then pressed the door controls and headed for the bridge elevator at the end of the narrow corridor.

The doors clunked, whirred, and finally slid open with a loud buzz. He stepped out and walked down the ramp towards his chair.

"Alright, what have you got?" he asked.

"Green 1 just came out of the jump gate, sir," Page said. "They sent our orders, and 231 other messages."

"231?!" Williamson exclaimed. "From who?"

"Corporations, Universities, scientists warning of subspace distortions, those nut-jobs who go around claiming they saw alien ships on the trade routes, priests..." Page read from a list on an LCD-like monitor on her station. "You name it. There are only two of consequence; one from the Admiralty containing our orders, and one from the Queen."


"We are to escort one alien ship back through the jump gate," she read. "And take them to a diplomatic function on the New London border station. We are then to escort them back and continue with our exploration mission."

"Ah good," he said. "This should be difficult... set up a comm frequency."

"Ready," she nodded, hitting a button.

"This is HMS Victoria to ECF base," he said. "Our orders are to escort one of your ships to Bretonian territory for diplomatic protocol with our leaders. You will need a smaller ship to get through the jump gate. Either that, or the Victoria could take your representatives on board. Our scientists believe the propulsion you use could be potentially devastating if you attempt to cross the Great Barrier without the jump gate. Respond when ready, out."

1st Officer: Took them long enough, what do we know about this rift?
Ops: Well we know it is full of subspace anomloys and large ice ridden astroids, Its a very dangours area of space.
Chief Engineer: From the scans they've given us which are horrible to start out with. It would interfere with our warp drive. This could cuase a warpcore overload. But I can reconfigure the sheilds.To protect us from it. I'll have to take the warpcore offline when we enter and I can have it back online in 10 seconds because I will leave it on hotstandby. I am also preparing the Tractor beam and Warp Drive.
Admiral Willing: From the Infomation you have given us HMS Victoria we can pass through the rift with no problems. I am departing now. And I expect you to do the same. I have an idea. We can use the Tractor Beams as a Giant Dampaning feild ( yes it could work, if modifired correctly but I hate technobabling) and we would bring the warp bubble around you and head to your "rift" at warp 2. This would be much faster. And your ship would be perfectly safe. The Diplomatic Crew well would be me and my command staff. Once we are at your planet I will answer any and all ?'s your people have. * The TITAN Pulls up alongside the HMS Victoria and prepares to engage the tractor beam*
Please lets get going, this is the ECF's 1st contact mission with a race under tech level 3. And my Bioscan is showing that you still have a headache, eat it.
25-09-2004, 15:24
1st Officer: Took them long enough, what do we know about this rift?
Ops: Well we know it is full of subspace anomloys and large ice ridden astroids, Its a very dangours area of space.
Chief Engineer: From the scans they've given us which are horrible to start out with. It would interfere with our warp drive. This could cuase a warpcore overload. But I can reconfigure the sheilds.To protect us from it. I'll have to take the warpcore offline when we enter and I can have it back online in 10 seconds because I will leave it on hotstandby. I am also preparing the Tractor beam and Warp Drive.
Admiral Willing: From the Infomation you have given us HMS Victoria we can pass through the rift with no problems. I am departing now. And I expect you to do the same. I have an idea. We can use the Tractor Beams as a Giant Dampaning feild ( yes it could work, if modifired correctly but I hate technobabling) and we would bring the warp bubble around you and head to your "rift" at warp 2. This would be much faster. And your ship would be perfectly safe. The Diplomatic Crew well would be me and my command staff. Once we are at your planet I will answer any and all ?'s your people have. * The TITAN Pulls up alongside the HMS Victoria and prepares to engage the tractor beam*
Please lets get going, this is the ECF's 1st contact mission with a race under tech level 3. And my Bioscan is showing that you still have a headache, eat it.

OOC: The necessity of the jump gate is part of my RPing 'plan' for the future... if someone wanted to blockade me, they could just sit outside the jump gate and have done with it. Or even destroy it to keep them contained for a long time. If someone wanted to invade me, they could hack into the gate's computers to get it to open to their ships, maybe even prevent it from opening to Bretonian ships, and then work their way through our territory like that. This nation is 'primitive' deliberately, but the advanced technologies they do have, for example the jump gate, aren't going to be negated by anyone any time soon. The Great Barrier is, therefore, for my own benefit AND my own problems, in terms of RP. Last time I checked, shields can't be 'remodulated' to counter the problems of subspace distortions. I think TNG episode 'Force of Nature' would sort-of show how dangerous they are... And it's not just one big subspace rift, either. It's a huge nebula that completely surrounds Bretonia, and it's full of subspace distortions, gravitational anomalies, ice asteroids... even pirates don't make bases in there.
And last time I checked, inertial dampers weren't on the outside of a ship like a shield, but built into the ship itself in the form of various force-fields that alter their kinetic 'stopping power' depending on how much you accelerate. I'd be very interested to hear how you'd 'extend' these... You don't have to spend a week RPing, just pretend you spent a week travelling. 3/4 the speed of light isn't THAT slow, considering how far they have to go.

IC: "I would urge you to reconsider," Williamson said into his speaker. "Our diplomatic meeting would be cut phenomenally short if you tried to enter the Great Barrier. Our ship wasn't too badly affected by the distortions because we don't have anything that creates a subspace field. But we were still severely damaged by the gravitational anomalies and the masses of ice asteroids. You might be able to manage it with a smaller ship without any subspace technologies with those shields of yours, but...
"Bretonian rescue shipping will not be made available if you do attempt to enter. They would not likely survive. If you are in a hurry to reach the diplomatic function, you can go ahead of us if you like. I will come aboard your ship and you can store one of our fighters in your hangar bay. When we reach the gate, I will go out in the fighter and open the gate for you. The Victoria will follow, at a much slower pace, perhaps." He made a slashing motion with his hands again.

"Cool," Bradey said. "Suicidal too. They've got everything!"

"They don't know the dangers of the Barrier," Williamson said. "It's not their fault."
East Coast Federation
25-09-2004, 17:18
OOC: The necessity of the jump gate is part of my RPing 'plan' for the future... if someone wanted to blockade me, they could just sit outside the jump gate and have done with it. Or even destroy it to keep them contained for a long time. If someone wanted to invade me, they could hack into the gate's computers to get it to open to their ships, maybe even prevent it from opening to Bretonian ships, and then work their way through our territory like that. This nation is 'primitive' deliberately, but the advanced technologies they do have, for example the jump gate, aren't going to be negated by anyone any time soon. The Great Barrier is, therefore, for my own benefit AND my own problems, in terms of RP. Last time I checked, shields can't be 'remodulated' to counter the problems of subspace distortions. I think TNG episode 'Force of Nature' would sort-of show how dangerous they are... And it's not just one big subspace rift, either. It's a huge nebula that completely surrounds Bretonia, and it's full of subspace distortions, gravitational anomalies, ice asteroids... even pirates don't make bases in there.
And last time I checked, inertial dampers weren't on the outside of a ship like a shield, but built into the ship itself in the form of various force-fields that alter their kinetic 'stopping power' depending on how much you accelerate. I'd be very interested to hear how you'd 'extend' these... You don't have to spend a week RPing, just pretend you spent a week travelling. 3/4 the speed of light isn't THAT slow, considering how far they have to go.

IC: "I would urge you to reconsider," Williamson said into his speaker. "Our diplomatic meeting would be cut phenomenally short if you tried to enter the Great Barrier. Our ship wasn't too badly affected by the distortions because we don't have anything that creates a subspace field. But we were still severely damaged by the gravitational anomalies and the masses of ice asteroids. You might be able to manage it with a smaller ship without any subspace technologies with those shields of yours, but...
"Bretonian rescue shipping will not be made available if you do attempt to enter. They would not likely survive. If you are in a hurry to reach the diplomatic function, you can go ahead of us if you like. I will come aboard your ship and you can store one of our fighters in your hangar bay. When we reach the gate, I will go out in the fighter and open the gate for you. The Victoria will follow, at a much slower pace, perhaps." He made a slashing motion with his hands again.

"Cool," Bradey said. "Suicidal too. They've got everything!"

"They don't know the dangers of the Barrier," Williamson said. "It's not their fault."
OOC: For sake of RP I'm beaming your guys over and heading right to the gate
* Flashs in the transporter room *
Admiral Willing: Good We've beamed you and your command staff over to a brand new class in the ECF. And it;'s also the smallest Warship we have avelible besides the Defiant. But the Defiant ships are very busy in the Defense of the ECF.
Engineer: And you will be very safe. The Prometheus Class is the most powerful vessel of it's size.
9,000,000TJ Phasers
Trans Torpedoes
Quantum(type 2) Torpedoes
Multi-Vector Assault

Regenerative Shields
Ablative Hull Armor
Admiral Willing
Admiral Willing: Please allow us to take you on a tour. * in the engine room *
As you can see the Prometheus has 3 warpcores. This is one of them. The Ship is capable of splitting into 3 Warp Capable Sections. Each armed with a good deal of weapons. This is devestaing agnist single ships.
Ops: We have reached the 'gate'
* on the bridge *
Ops: There is NO WAY that we can fit though that. Soooooooo
Admiral Willing: Yeah lets do it! I love this ship!,so it Condition Blue!
Ops; Step One Complete Docking Clamps are comming undone and speration in 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 and NOW
Admiral Willing: Now get out there and open that gate! Once we are inside we will reform the ship. And please keep your forces away.
* the other captain dispeers into the gate and it suddenly opens up *
Admiral Willing: Take us through!
* One by one the ship sections went through all 3 of them , once on the other side they reformed bringing the ship back to it's orginal state, They only went about 1/8 of a lightyear before *
Admiral Willing : WHAT!, ON screen
O* hundrads of ships were constaly sending hails to the ECF Vessel which was a mere 10 Kiometers away *
Admiral Willing: Whats the planet with the most activity going on?
Ops: Plotted,
* the ship runs past all that gaggle at warp 3 soon comming to the homeworld ( for RPing sakes kuz I want to talk to your "people"*
Admiral Willing: Stay a bit away from those armed vessels, Yellow alert but keep weapons powered down.
Admiral Willing: This is Admiral Willing of the East Coast Federation I wish to speak to whorever is charge of your "gaggle" We just enocunter about 204 ships who were constaly asking ?'s but I though I should come to you 1st.
26-09-2004, 17:03
Onboard the TRSS Zeus.....

"We've got an incomming transmission from Eagle One, sir...." says Lt. Yates...

"Put it on, Mr. Yates...." commands the Commodore.

From: Warner, Lawrence M. FADM, Chief of Stellar Operation, Constitutional Republic of Tekania.
To: All personnel and vessels located in or around East Coast Federation space and territory.

The ECF is presently become a Communist Country, and by CDEA treaty, we can no longer have military and economic ties with their nation.

Orders are as follows. All vessels located in ECF controled regions are to immediately gate or warp to Republic territories, after collecting all Tekanian personnel. And then immediately proceed to Eagle One for debrief.

"You heard the orders....... ops", COM Brandeu turns, to order LTJG Hopper. "Get the Krasikinov online, we're heading home."

Within moments, the Zeus powers up her MARC's, and open the Kraskinov tube...... then plows inside at full sublight, vanishing from all sensors.... as the gate slams shut behind her.....


On the Titan still docked at ECF station.

"Sirs, we need to get all personnel back onto the vessel, there is a message from Fleet command.... we're supposed to disembark immediately and head home." says LTJG Vernor over coms to the CO, RADM Wadrill.

"Ok Lieutenant... I'm heading back.... recall all personnel... I'll be on the bridge shortly....." says Rear Admiral Wadrill.

Tekanian fleet personnel at the station start heading back to the Titan in droves, as they are messaged over their communicators.
East Coast Federation
26-09-2004, 17:14
Onboard the TRSS Zeus.....

"We've got an incomming transmission from Eagle One, sir...." says Lt. Yates...

"Put it on, Mr. Yates...." commands the Commodore.

"You heard the orders....... ops", COM Brandeu turns, to order LTJG Hopper. "Get the Krasikinov online, we're heading home."

Within moments, the Zeus powers up her MARC's, and open the Kraskinov tube...... then plows inside at full sublight, vanishing from all sensors.... as the gate slams shut behind her.....


On the Titan still docked at ECF station.

"Sirs, we need to get all personnel back onto the vessel, there is a message from Fleet command.... we're supposed to disembark immediately and head home." says LTJG Vernor over coms to the CO, RADM Wadrill.

"Ok Lieutenant... I'm heading back.... recall all personnel... I'll be on the bridge shortly....." says Rear Admiral Wadrill.

Tekanian fleet personnel at the station start heading back to the Titan in droves, as they are messaged over their communicators.
ECF Commander: Any incursion back into this territory will be seen as a act of agression and you will be fired upon, So when you get out,Stay out.
26-09-2004, 17:41
As the last personnel board the Titan.....

"All persons aboard and accounted for...." says LTJG Vernor.

"Incomming message from ECF Commander...." says Lt. Proctor.

"Put it through... " orders RADM Wadrill.

Any incursion back into this territory will be seen as a act of agression and you will be fired upon, So when you get out,Stay out.

"Hmm, friendly lot they are..." remarks COM. Harding, the Titan's XO.

"I say we clean their chronometers...." remarks Command Master Chief Douglas.

"Stow it Chief, we're just leaving, you should know better than any, the Republic does not start wars..... OPS, prepare calculations for K-tube insertion." commands RADM Wadrill.

"Aye sir..." responds LTJG Vernor....

"Helm, pull us away from the ECF station slowly....."

The massive Titan pulls from her berth, and slowly slips away from the station. At 1,000,000 km, she comes to a stop.

Within moments enegy begins surging has her MARC's go online, to power the massive Kraskinov Warp-Gate generators in her bow..... teaming energy and exotic matter forms as the Kraskinov gate's even horizon begins to form in front of her.......
East Coast Federation
26-09-2004, 18:07
As the last personnel board the Titan.....

"All persons aboard and accounted for...." says LTJG Vernor.

"Incomming message from ECF Commander...." says Lt. Proctor.

"Put it through... " orders RADM Wadrill.

"Hmm, friendly lot they are..." remarks COM. Harding, the Titan's XO.

"I say we clean their chronometers...." remarks Command Master Chief Douglas.

"Stow it Chief, we're just leaving, you should know better than any, the Republic does not start wars..... OPS, prepare calculations for K-tube insertion." commands RADM Wadrill.

"Aye sir..." responds LTJG Vernor....

"Helm, pull us away from the ECF station slowly....."

The massive Titan pulls from her berth, and slowly slips away from the station. At 1,000,000 km, she comes to a stop.

Within moments enegy begins surging has her MARC's go online, to power the massive Kraskinov Warp-Gate generators in her bow..... teaming energy and exotic matter forms as the Kraskinov gate's even horizon begins to form in front of her.......
OOC: Bretonia lets not have this effect our RP.

ECF Commander: Stay out, Any Tekania ship or citizen cought within 5 Lighyears of this base will be fired upon,
All ships in the ECF Territory around or in this base, Our Ecnomnic System has changed, our poltical system while slightly redone remains the same, our social system has also been changed, Thank you.
26-09-2004, 20:39
The massive Titan slips into the Kraskinov tube.... vanishing from all sensors...... the Large disk-like event horizon remains for moments.....
26-09-2004, 21:58
The massive rift of the Kraskinov tube slams shut....

A short time later, a massive energy surge erupts in space, and another Kraskinov tube opens..... it holds for a moment, and then the surface ripples like a pond.... and then suddenly slams shut in a burst of energy.
27-09-2004, 15:26
Admiral Willing: This is Admiral Willing of the East Coast Federation I wish to speak to whorever is charge of your "gaggle" We just enocunter about 204 ships who were constaly asking ?'s but I though I should come to you 1st.

Robot 621a looked up at the control panel. A new message was coming through on a new frequency. Since the establishment of the Trade Lanes, these communication stations were so overrun with messages that robots had to man them -- they were the only beings fast enough to cope with the influx of comm traffic.

621a looked at the visual monitoring system. It was a most peculiar vessel, and did not match any of its files.

It pressed a button, activating the visual feed. Its bronze, flat metal head with black lens-like eyes would have appeared on somebody's monitor. It had no mouth, just a speaker.

"This is New London control," it said with a mechanical voice. "Your vessel does not appear to be on my roster. Please standby while I contact the relevant authorities." It pressed another button and terminated the feed before they had a chance to respond. With lightning fast efficiency, its hands flew across one of the control panels to its left, while it continued granting permission to land with its right hand.

"This is Armed Forces control, go ahead," a human voice said.

"Sir, this is unit 621a operating New London Docking Control," the robot said. "A vessel has just contacted me which does not conform to any known log files. Requesting instructions."

"621a, that is an extra-terrestrial diplomatic party, operating on the behalf of the 'ECF'," the human voice said. "They are to return to the jump gate. Border Station Cardiff is scheduled to hold the diplomatic function. Inform them that holding it on New London may have put them and our own representatives at risk of terrorist attacks. Cardiff is safer."

"Acknowledged," 621a said. "I have updated my logs accordingly. Good day, sir."

It switched back to the visual feed to the strange vessel. "ECF vessel, your request has been acknowledged. You are to return to the jump gate where you entered Bretonian space. Nearby is Border Station Cardiff; Bretonian officials await your arrival there. Holding the diplomatic function on New London may have put you and Bretonian personnel at risk from terrorist attacks. Border Station Cardiff is a military operated station and will provide a much safer environment. Your permission to land has already been granted; simply land in docking bay three with your shuttles and Armed Forces personnel shall take you to the meeting hall. New London Control out. Good day, sir."

621a returned to its usual day of acknowledging hundreds of landing requests. It couldn't wait to get off work and have some stand-by time.
East Coast Federation
27-09-2004, 20:42
Robot 621a looked up at the control panel. A new message was coming through on a new frequency. Since the establishment of the Trade Lanes, these communication stations were so overrun with messages that robots had to man them -- they were the only beings fast enough to cope with the influx of comm traffic.

621a looked at the visual monitoring system. It was a most peculiar vessel, and did not match any of its files.

It pressed a button, activating the visual feed. Its bronze, flat metal head with black lens-like eyes would have appeared on somebody's monitor. It had no mouth, just a speaker.

"This is New London control," it said with a mechanical voice. "Your vessel does not appear to be on my roster. Please standby while I contact the relevant authorities." It pressed another button and terminated the feed before they had a chance to respond. With lightning fast efficiency, its hands flew across one of the control panels to its left, while it continued granting permission to land with its right hand.

"This is Armed Forces control, go ahead," a human voice said.

"Sir, this is unit 621a operating New London Docking Control," the robot said. "A vessel has just contacted me which does not conform to any known log files. Requesting instructions."

"621a, that is an extra-terrestrial diplomatic party, operating on the behalf of the 'ECF'," the human voice said. "They are to return to the jump gate. Border Station Cardiff is scheduled to hold the diplomatic function. Inform them that holding it on New London may have put them and our own representatives at risk of terrorist attacks. Cardiff is safer."

"Acknowledged," 621a said. "I have updated my logs accordingly. Good day, sir."

It switched back to the visual feed to the strange vessel. "ECF vessel, your request has been acknowledged. You are to return to the jump gate where you entered Bretonian space. Nearby is Border Station Cardiff; Bretonian officials await your arrival there. Holding the diplomatic function on New London may have put you and Bretonian personnel at risk from terrorist attacks. Border Station Cardiff is a military operated station and will provide a much safer environment. Your permission to land has already been granted; simply land in docking bay three with your shuttles and Armed Forces personnel shall take you to the meeting hall. New London Control out. Good day, sir."

621a returned to its usual day of acknowledging hundreds of landing requests. It couldn't wait to get off work and have some stand-by time.

The Comm Officer sighed " sir we need to head to that station near the jump gate". Admiral Willing rubbed his forehead " oh god set a crouse warp 5" he appeared to be quite annoyed that this was taking so long. The helm officer responded " Sir we will be there in 3 minutes, I am already preping a shuttle, it's all ready" * 3 minutes later 3 KM off the station the tiny shuttle lands in the small stations lunch bay and the door closes*
The Shuttle
* The Command staff of the TITAN steps out of it with 4 Federation Marines sourrding them for defensive crap only, There is a crowd of people running towards them*
Admiral Willing said " holy crap , Willing To Promethous keep sheilds rasied, answer as many hails as you can, Willing out"
27-09-2004, 20:45
OOC you don't mind if I include this station in This ( do you?
East Coast Federation
27-09-2004, 20:50
OOC you don't mind if I include this station in This ( do you?
By all means, but DO NOT get it cought in the middle of a war.
27-09-2004, 21:00
Of course not, this is just a nice, peaceful, getting to know my neigbors rp. I'll also be releasing the location of my hidden homeworld to select nations in this trip.
East Coast Federation
27-09-2004, 21:51
ECF Commander: Please Purchase ECF ships, the best ships for the best prices!
27-09-2004, 22:37
ECF Commander: Please Purchase ECF ships, the best ships for the best prices!

No, buy Xessmithian ships. You can outfit them with multi-gigaton warheads, or even have your own custom ship built. Visit The Confederate Shipyards.

OOC: Nothing wrong with some friendly competiton eh ECF.
East Coast Federation
27-09-2004, 22:46
ECF Commander: Factoid: ECF export ships are almost as powerful as his but they are over 40% cheaper!
27-09-2004, 23:30
Warfare: I would simply take the third route and simply assimilate both ships into the collective thereby gaining the benefit of both throughout the entire collective for the price of both ships. But, that is neither here nor there.
28-09-2004, 02:34
ECF Commander: Factoid: ECF export ships are almost as powerful as his but they are over 40% cheaper!

Only because we sell you our top of the line technology and equipment, not our obsolete left overs. Come to the Confederate Shipyards and we'll build your dream ship for you. We will soon be adding reactors and other essential starship equipment that you need, as well as selling our Solar Collecting Array. It allows you to collect all of that unused energy your sun emits.
28-09-2004, 02:34
Warfare: I would simply take the third route and simply assimilate both ships into the collective thereby gaining the benefit of both throughout the entire collective for the price of both ships. But, that is neither here nor there.

:D lol
28-09-2004, 03:03
Buy mine, they are far superior to both ECF and Xessmithia's stuff.
28-09-2004, 16:20
Warfare: Although, I am intrested in the Xessmithian Solar collecting array. If a Xessmithian merchant would be so kind as to fill me in on the details...
28-09-2004, 17:01
Six Bretonian soldiers shouted loudly at the crowd, telling them to move on or be arrested. Mumbling sounds came from them all, but they complied, and slowly shuffled away, casting sneaky looks back as they went.

"Sir, I am Lance Corporal Hicks," one soldier said, straightening his helmet. "I will escort you to the conference suite. If you'll follow me... oh, if you wish to bring your sidearms, please hand them to our guards and they will hold onto them for you. If for some far-fetched reason you require them, for example a terrorist attack, they will give them back to you. Otherwise, you must leave them here. This is a military operated facility and non-military weapons are not tolerated."

He turned and started walking. He led them over a platform, a platform with large drops over either side. It was a narrow platform, leading to the far wall. The drop was rather far, to the very bottom of the large hangar bay. They exited the hangar through a door, and began moving through a maze of corridors. The corridors they moved down were sparse and narrow; bare grey metal being the only decoration. Lights built into the roof overhead provided some illumination, but not much. They had a certain claustrophobic quality that very few people appreciated.

After a few minutes of walking, they emerged into a public area of the base. It was a large, open expanse, with storefronts on either side on two decks (OOC: Imagine DS9's promenade, only, more militaristic, much wider and taller, and with shops on both sides instead of those windows – oh, and not curved). Traders lugged their cargo containers through the crowd with huge anti-grav sleds. More dignified traders could be seen hammering out deals in cafes. Customers milled around, occasionally glancing at the strangely-dressed newcomers but not paying them any particular attention. One trader tried to sell one of the ECF officers a niobium broach, but he was shoved away roughly by one of the soldiers.

They turned away from the noise and activity and headed down another bare corridor, until finally reaching a large metal door. A large sign, with yellow and black borders and red writing, was attached to the wall beside it:
Hicks let go of his rifle, allowing it to hang from the strap, and pulled out a keycard which he swiped. A small panel opened on the wall, and a glowing blue 'stripe' appeared. Hicks put his face against it, and it waved a line of blue light across his face, scanning his retinas. It bleeped, and he pulled away again. The panel slid shut, and a light above the door changed to green. It clunked, and whirred open. It was a thick door, almost 5 inches. When it was finally open, Hicks motioned for the ECF personnel to enter.

Several robots glanced at them with their black eyes, but said nothing. They continued working on various projects. Had the ECF personnel looked at each corner of the medium-sized room, they would have noticed small gun turrets tracking their movements. Hicks led them past all the robots and consoles, and through another door. They were now in a corridor with thick glass on either side. Through the glass, labs could be seen. One lab had several robots repairing something on the wall. Another lab contained a crate of green goop, which appeared to be moving on its own. When they walked past the glass, it appeared to pull towards them.
As they headed on, they another two labs. One had several suited scientists working on some sort of weapon, and another had a strange, pink, glowing rock sitting in the middle. They reached another door, and passed through it.

Some sort of reception area. A woman in uniform sat at a series of computer consoles, and looked at them.

"Hicks, Lance Corporal," said their escort. "Diplomatic party for room six."

"You're cleared," she nodded. "They're waiting for you inside."

Hicks nodded, and led them through a door. A long, wide corridor was before them, with doors on either side. The military-only areas of the station were much better lit than the public areas, but they were just as spartan. The ECF officers were led past several closed doors, until finally stopping by one of them. Hicks swiped his card, and the door slid open. He motioned for them to go inside.

"I'll be out here," he said. "This is a need-to-know thing, and apparently we don't need to know. Captain, you're cleared though." The soldier nodded at Williamson, then stood to attention beside the door.

Once the ECF personnel were through the door, it slid shut again, and clanged as a magnetic lock sealed it. They were presented with a large room, with dark red walls. The metal bulkheads had been covered with some sort of cross between plaster and metal. They were decorated with a deep shade of burgundy with elegant gold patterns. The floor was wooden, a material with very similar colour and grain to mahogany, but distinctly alien. A few pictures of astronomical phenomenon hung from symmetrical points on the room, and an elegant series of hanging lights dangled above.
A round table was placed in the centre of the room. It had a silver rim, and a soft, white, illuminated surface. Comfortable-looking chairs surrounded the table. The far wall was little more than a window.
In the distance, the silent jump gate could be seen hanging in space, against the blue-white backdrop of the distant Great Barrier. It was active, and the nose of the Victoria was just emerging. One may notice that no stars could be seen anywhere in Bretonian space, except the six stars of those systems already occupied. Only the bright Great Barrier could be seen.

Four of the conference seats were occupied; two of the men wore uniforms very similar to Williamson's, only with gold decorations on the shoulders. One of them wore another uniform, and although it had a similar colour scheme -- white and light red -- it was of a different design. The other person was wearing what seemed to be civilian clothing. He was probably an ambassador, or minister. They were leaned in close to each other, talking amongst themselves.

Williamson walked away from the ECF officers and took a seat away from the table, by the wall. He was apparently allowed to observe but nothing more.

"Take a seat, sirs," the man in civilian clothing said, standing up when he noticed them. "I am Ambassador Lonnigan, I have been sent here to meet with you, as per your request. These are Admirals Rochester and Connoly,"
He gestured at the two in familiar uniforms. They nodded in respect, but said nothing more.
"They are two of the highest ranking officers in the Bretonian Armed Forces. This is Commander Hutch, the chief of Bretonian Police."
He gestured at the man in an unfamiliar uniform, who also nodded.
"The police and the military have a close connection in Bretonia given the similar troubles and duties they share. Please, take a seat." He sat down and motioned for the ECF officers to do likewise.
"Captain Williamson I am sure you already know. Now, I have a fairly unlimited amount of time allotted to this particular occasion, so you have my undivided attention. I would like to say that the Bretonian people, and Queen Carina in particular, are very pleased to have contacted life from another world. Anything we can to do make your stay here more comfortable will be accommodated if it is within our capabilities. What is it you wished to talk to us about? I have already read the report forwarded to us by Captain Williamson when you arrived, so we shouldn't cover too much old ground."
28-09-2004, 19:56
Warfare: Although, I am intrested in the Xessmithian Solar collecting array. If a Xessmithian merchant would be so kind as to fill me in on the details...

The XSV Lumen fell out of Tachyon drive near the ECF station. The construction ship carried Georg Aster the Xessmithian trade minister. "It's good to be back. ECF commander, this ship is here to build a TCG gate so we can get here much faster. It'll go under construction as soon as we get permission."

Aster swicthed channels to the Borg ships. "Warfare, we're glad you're interested in a solar array. As for the details it's not all that complicated. Upon ordering we'd proceed to the star you wish to harness and construct a series of one-thousand square kilometer solar pannels in a 10 million km altitude orbit around the star. This orbit will be ninety degrees from the ecliptic plane so that the light reaching any planets is not intercepted except in unnoticeable amounts. These panels produce an average 9.6 megajoules of usable nergy per hour from a G2 type star, although that varies with the stars luminosity, you would get more energy from an O5 type than a K0. The orbit is maintained against decay by a series of ion thrusters on the panels. The energy is transmitted back to installations via microwave transmitters. The cost is 500 million USD per 1000 km^2, we'll build them for you as long as the microwave receivers. The average construction time is 6 months per panel, they are quite large."
28-09-2004, 20:19
Warfare: we would have to think about it. While yes it is true we control several planets, it is also true we do not need sunlight to survive. unfortunatly, The largest planet we control is also teaming with unusual life. the second largest has a highly evolved highly intelligent monkey species we have made friends with. The both revolve around a star known as Blue Delta, A blue giant about in its middle years. Upon further review the collective has decided to have one built around Ocean Star, The largest star in our territory. Blue giant would be an accurate statement as it measures nearly five times the size of the sun in SOL. We have a transwarp Gateway on the edge of ECF territory 40 light years from here. Or if you Wish, we could put a tractor beam on you and simply take you in a transwarp Conduit straight to the star.
28-09-2004, 20:36
Warfare: we would have to think about it. While yes it is true we control several planets, it is also true we do not need sunlight to survive. unfortunatly, The largest planet we control is also teaming with unusual life. the second largest has a highly evolved highly intelligent monkey species we have made friends with. The both revolve around a star known as Blue Delta, A blue giant about in its middle years. Upon further review the collective has decided to have one built around Ocean Star, The largest star in our territory. Blue giant would be an accurate statement as it measures nearly five times the size of the sun in SOL. We have a transwarp Gateway on the edge of ECF territory 40 light years from here. Or if you Wish, we could put a tractor beam on you and simply take you in a transwarp Conduit straight to the star.

"We'll have you tractor some construction ships there. How many panels would you like? And they produce electrical power, something every high-tech nation needs to run their systems, and it can be easily converted into other forms of energy you may require. And if you require them not to intercept the eclipitc we can build them static although that would increase the cost as they would require a different material that would allow them to maintain their altitude agaist gravity and the solar radiation pressure."
East Coast Federation
29-09-2004, 03:05
Six Bretonian soldiers shouted loudly at the crowd, telling them to move on or be arrested. Mumbling sounds came from them all, but they complied, and slowly shuffled away, casting sneaky looks back as they went.

"Sir, I am Lance Corporal Hicks," one soldier said, straightening his helmet. "I will escort you to the conference suite. If you'll follow me... oh, if you wish to bring your sidearms, please hand them to our guards and they will hold onto them for you. If for some far-fetched reason you require them, for example a terrorist attack, they will give them back to you. Otherwise, you must leave them here. This is a military operated facility and non-military weapons are not tolerated."

He turned and started walking. He led them over a platform, a platform with large drops over either side. It was a narrow platform, leading to the far wall. The drop was rather far, to the very bottom of the large hangar bay. They exited the hangar through a door, and began moving through a maze of corridors. The corridors they moved down were sparse and narrow; bare grey metal being the only decoration. Lights built into the roof overhead provided some illumination, but not much. They had a certain claustrophobic quality that very few people appreciated.

After a few minutes of walking, they emerged into a public area of the base. It was a large, open expanse, with storefronts on either side on two decks (OOC: Imagine DS9's promenade, only, more militaristic, much wider and taller, and with shops on both sides instead of those windows – oh, and not curved). Traders lugged their cargo containers through the crowd with huge anti-grav sleds. More dignified traders could be seen hammering out deals in cafes. Customers milled around, occasionally glancing at the strangely-dressed newcomers but not paying them any particular attention. One trader tried to sell one of the ECF officers a niobium broach, but he was shoved away roughly by one of the soldiers.

They turned away from the noise and activity and headed down another bare corridor, until finally reaching a large metal door. A large sign, with yellow and black borders and red writing, was attached to the wall beside it:
Hicks let go of his rifle, allowing it to hang from the strap, and pulled out a keycard which he swiped. A small panel opened on the wall, and a glowing blue 'stripe' appeared. Hicks put his face against it, and it waved a line of blue light across his face, scanning his retinas. It bleeped, and he pulled away again. The panel slid shut, and a light above the door changed to green. It clunked, and whirred open. It was a thick door, almost 5 inches. When it was finally open, Hicks motioned for the ECF personnel to enter.

Several robots glanced at them with their black eyes, but said nothing. They continued working on various projects. Had the ECF personnel looked at each corner of the medium-sized room, they would have noticed small gun turrets tracking their movements. Hicks led them past all the robots and consoles, and through another door. They were now in a corridor with thick glass on either side. Through the glass, labs could be seen. One lab had several robots repairing something on the wall. Another lab contained a crate of green goop, which appeared to be moving on its own. When they walked past the glass, it appeared to pull towards them.
As they headed on, they another two labs. One had several suited scientists working on some sort of weapon, and another had a strange, pink, glowing rock sitting in the middle. They reached another door, and passed through it.

Some sort of reception area. A woman in uniform sat at a series of computer consoles, and looked at them.

"Hicks, Lance Corporal," said their escort. "Diplomatic party for room six."

"You're cleared," she nodded. "They're waiting for you inside."

Hicks nodded, and led them through a door. A long, wide corridor was before them, with doors on either side. The military-only areas of the station were much better lit than the public areas, but they were just as spartan. The ECF officers were led past several closed doors, until finally stopping by one of them. Hicks swiped his card, and the door slid open. He motioned for them to go inside.

"I'll be out here," he said. "This is a need-to-know thing, and apparently we don't need to know. Captain, you're cleared though." The soldier nodded at Williamson, then stood to attention beside the door.

Once the ECF personnel were through the door, it slid shut again, and clanged as a magnetic lock sealed it. They were presented with a large room, with dark red walls. The metal bulkheads had been covered with some sort of cross between plaster and metal. They were decorated with a deep shade of burgundy with elegant gold patterns. The floor was wooden, a material with very similar colour and grain to mahogany, but distinctly alien. A few pictures of astronomical phenomenon hung from symmetrical points on the room, and an elegant series of hanging lights dangled above.
A round table was placed in the centre of the room. It had a silver rim, and a soft, white, illuminated surface. Comfortable-looking chairs surrounded the table. The far wall was little more than a window.
In the distance, the silent jump gate could be seen hanging in space, against the blue-white backdrop of the distant Great Barrier. It was active, and the nose of the Victoria was just emerging. One may notice that no stars could be seen anywhere in Bretonian space, except the six stars of those systems already occupied. Only the bright Great Barrier could be seen.

Four of the conference seats were occupied; two of the men wore uniforms very similar to Williamson's, only with gold decorations on the shoulders. One of them wore another uniform, and although it had a similar colour scheme -- white and light red -- it was of a different design. The other person was wearing what seemed to be civilian clothing. He was probably an ambassador, or minister. They were leaned in close to each other, talking amongst themselves.

Williamson walked away from the ECF officers and took a seat away from the table, by the wall. He was apparently allowed to observe but nothing more.

"Take a seat, sirs," the man in civilian clothing said, standing up when he noticed them. "I am Ambassador Lonnigan, I have been sent here to meet with you, as per your request. These are Admirals Rochester and Connoly,"
He gestured at the two in familiar uniforms. They nodded in respect, but said nothing more.
"They are two of the highest ranking officers in the Bretonian Armed Forces. This is Commander Hutch, the chief of Bretonian Police."
He gestured at the man in an unfamiliar uniform, who also nodded.
"The police and the military have a close connection in Bretonia given the similar troubles and duties they share. Please, take a seat." He sat down and motioned for the ECF officers to do likewise.
"Captain Williamson I am sure you already know. Now, I have a fairly unlimited amount of time allotted to this particular occasion, so you have my undivided attention. I would like to say that the Bretonian people, and Queen Carina in particular, are very pleased to have contacted life from another world. Anything we can to do make your stay here more comfortable will be accommodated if it is within our capabilities. What is it you wished to talk to us about? I have already read the report forwarded to us by Captain Williamson when you arrived, so we shouldn't cover too much old ground."

OOC: I have to go to sleep very soon so I'll have to keep it short.
Captain Wells: I am Captain Wells of the East Coast Federation Starship the ECF Promethous. We discovered your ship truding through territory near our Starbase Territory. Some factoids about the ECF.
We are a Direct Democary-socialest nation. We are a peaceful nation. We never start wars. however if attacked we are more than prepared to defend ourselvs.
We are not a dictatorship. People elect who they want to lead them.
Now I know this station and over 600 ships have run intensive scans on my ship is there anything you would like to know about it before i go on?
29-09-2004, 11:33
Captain Wells: I am Captain Wells of the East Coast Federation Starship the ECF Promethous. We discovered your ship truding through territory near our Starbase Territory. Some factoids about the ECF.
We are a Direct Democary-socialest nation. We are a peaceful nation. We never start wars. however if attacked we are more than prepared to defend ourselvs.
We are not a dictatorship. People elect who they want to lead them.
Now I know this station and over 600 ships have run intensive scans on my ship is there anything you would like to know about it before i go on?

"Well that is good to know," Lonnigan said. "We too are a democracy with extensive public services. As for your ships, I believe that Captain Williamson's report contains all that you have told us of their most impressive capabilities thus far."

"I would like to know how many ships you have," Rochester said abruptly. "What classes they are, how they are organised, fleet deployments near Bretonian territory, and their average response times to long-range emergency scenarios."

"There is no need for such an aggressive line of questioning," Lonnigan said to him. "Their fleet deployments are none of our concern unless they interfere with our operations, which they don't."

"You didn't ask us here to discuss diplomacy with you," Rochester said to Lonnigan. "We're Admirals in the Armed Forces, not diplomats or engineers. Tactical assessment is exactly why we are present at such functions regardless of the tone of the proceedings."

"Very well, ask if you must," Lonnigan sighed, and turned to Wells. "You are under no obligation to divulge such information though. He's a typical Admiral, and I guarantee you he wouldn't divulge similar information if you asked him."
East Coast Federation
29-09-2004, 22:08
"Well that is good to know," Lonnigan said. "We too are a democracy with extensive public services. As for your ships, I believe that Captain Williamson's report contains all that you have told us of their most impressive capabilities thus far."

"I would like to know how many ships you have," Rochester said abruptly. "What classes they are, how they are organised, fleet deployments near Bretonian territory, and their average response times to long-range emergency scenarios."

"There is no need for such an aggressive line of questioning," Lonnigan said to him. "Their fleet deployments are none of our concern unless they interfere with our operations, which they don't."

"You didn't ask us here to discuss diplomacy with you," Rochester said to Lonnigan. "We're Admirals in the Armed Forces, not diplomats or engineers. Tactical assessment is exactly why we are present at such functions regardless of the tone of the proceedings."

"Very well, ask if you must," Lonnigan sighed, and turned to Wells. "You are under no obligation to divulge such information though. He's a typical Admiral, and I guarantee you he wouldn't divulge similar information if you asked him."
OOC: It's willing I forgot to change it, kuz I was wrting another RP in another tab grr stupid tabs.
Admiral Willing: Well if you want to know that badly, I'll give you a picture of each ship, but not there specs, that IS classifed you know and being a military man yourself. But I will tell you this. They are all capable of decimating your nation, not that we would ever do that, We are not Imperailistic(SP). - THE MOST FAMOUS SHIP IN THE GALAXY!
All have 9,000,0000 TJ Phasers < High POwered Sheliding and Transphasic Torpdeos and Warp Drive.

All of these ships have the following basic weapons on them, 12,000,000 Terajoule Phasers, Phase Sheilding , Transpashic Torpedos and Standard SHeilding and Warp Drive.
I cannot and will not tell you how many ships there are of each class and there true capablitys.

TITAN CLASS- I will tell you the specs of the 2nd most powerful ship in the fleet. Simple because we are so proud of it.

The ECF has been known to pack lots of ship into a small pacake!

Dimensions: Length : 1241 m
Beam : 770 m
Height : 545 m
Decks : 64

12X 12,000,000 TJ Phasers
15 Torpedo Turrets with a 4 Spread Burst, Transphic Torpdeos
3 Gravity Strips which create pluses of very heavy gravity or Kentic Energy with can beat a ship into submission.
High powered Shileding system
Temporal Sheilding ( level 1 on the Accord )
Phase Sheilding
Power Systems:
1 Warpcore
1 Backup fusion generator
1 QC Reactor

Other Crap:
Crew Numbers 1500
Number of Transporters, 40
Tractor Beam Emimters number 4
Replicators to provide food and spare parts.
3 Lounges, and 3 holodecks and 45 Smaller Holodecks.
Interior: - Comments Please! ( somthing like how do you pull that much power out of somthing so small) My Ready Room A crew Qauter Unit Ten Forward hallway
Please tell me what you think.
Admiral Willing: And the new class that you see ourside that window!

The Prometheus class was designed as a prototype for multi vector assault technology, as an outgrowth of the Sovereign and Defiant class projects. In designing this ship, Starfleet equipped it with all the latest technology tested with other classes including weapons, shields, and engines. The class also includes a new multi-vector assault design, where the ship is capable of separating into three components that can be coordinated to attack a single threat or act independently to fight multiple enemies. The Prometheus is also the fastest ship in the fleet, capable of reaching speeds greater then Warp 9.9. As the Prometheus class goes into full scale production it should be considered an outstanding threat.

Multi-Vector Assault
415 meters
163 meters
64 meters
1,350,000 metric ton

Decks: 15
175 officers
and enlisted'

Maximum Speed: Warp 9.993

And our closest terrotitory is about 3 lightyears away from your great barrier thingy. It's a starbase. But our actual territory is very far away from that,
Anyone of those ships could be here in 10 minutes.
30-09-2004, 13:43
"Decimating our nation?" Rochester spluttered. "Is that some kind of threat?! If you even try anything, I'll order the entire jump gate network to overload and..."

"Enough admiral," Lonnigan said. "If you can't remain calm, you will be ejected from these proceedings. This may be a military installation but I have authority in this room for the time being."

"Very well," Rochester said, taken aback. He tugged his collar. "That information shall satisfy me for now."

"Good," Lonnigan said, and turned away. "Mr. W... sorry, Admiral Willing, that should cover our military questions for now. Unless Admiral Rochester has anything constructive to add?"

Lonnigan glanced back at Rochester, who remained silent, shaking his head.

"Very well," he said, and turned back. "Now, Admiral, I am sure you came here for something other than arguing with other Admirals. Is there something in particular you wished to meet with us about? I shall offer the Commander and Admiral Connoly a chance to talk with you after we have dealt with the 'meat' of this meeting, as it were." He chuckled to himself, and coughed when he noticed the joke had not induced similar behaviour in the surrounding people.
East Coast Federation
30-09-2004, 20:41
"Decimating our nation?" Rochester spluttered. "Is that some kind of threat?! If you even try anything, I'll order the entire jump gate network to overload and..."

"Enough admiral," Lonnigan said. "If you can't remain calm, you will be ejected from these proceedings. This may be a military installation but I have authority in this room for the time being."

"Very well," Rochester said, taken aback. He tugged his collar. "That information shall satisfy me for now."

"Good," Lonnigan said, and turned away. "Mr. W... sorry, Admiral Willing, that should cover our military questions for now. Unless Admiral Rochester has anything constructive to add?"

Lonnigan glanced back at Rochester, who remained silent, shaking his head.

"Very well," he said, and turned back. "Now, Admiral, I am sure you came here for something other than arguing with other Admirals. Is there something in particular you wished to meet with us about? I shall offer the Commander and Admiral Connoly a chance to talk with you after we have dealt with the 'meat' of this meeting, as it were." He chuckled to himself, and coughed when he noticed the joke had not induced similar behaviour in the surrounding people.

Admiral Willing:Thanks for shutting him up, With your premission I'll you on a personal tour,
Promethous: Proethous to willing your wife is on the comm I'm putting her through
* willing bangs his head on the table *
Willing: Oh boy here we go, sorry about this
Mrs Willing: Where have you been! You promised me that you would have been back home 3 months ago!
Willing: Well some stuff came up I'll be home when I can bye honey,
Mrs Willing: Well we won't be in our 20's forever!
Admiral Willing: Oh god, sorry about that, Anyway it's not what you can do for me. It's what I can do for you. Now if you'll keep your admiral under control I promise I'll give him anything he wants to know AFTER the meeting. Now anything and I mean ANYTHING just ask me and I will answer it. Any work you need done? Ect. Well I'd like to know. A little bit about your culture and history. And I really want to know about your ships. And these "trade lanes" as you seem to call them. And why you have no invented a "mobile" FTL travel system. I'd also like to know more about your people. What the........... Oh my god! Why are all those ships out there constaly hailing my vessel and they seem to be running intensive scans of it. Willing to Promethous bring up a dampining feild.
Promethous: Aye
Willing: Now I would like to know about well you and your culture. That is why we are here. Now have you ever contacted another race? From your tech level it would appear now.
I will put this into presective
On our rating system
The ECF is level- 15 out of 25
Your Nation is 3 out of 25
I would like to see your "trade lanes" as you call them as well.
I could offer a better alternitive, would you be interested?

OOC: I am writing up more on my culture now so when we get him on the ship maybe after the reporters I will post it because it goes into detail very nicely
01-10-2004, 01:41
Admiral Willing:Thanks for shutting him up, With your premission I'll you on a personal tour,
Promethous: Proethous to willing your wife is on the comm I'm putting her through
* willing bangs his head on the table *
Willing: Oh boy here we go, sorry about this
Mrs Willing: Where have you been! You promised me that you would have been back home 3 months ago!
Willing: Well some stuff came up I'll be home when I can bye honey,
Mrs Willing: Well we won't be in our 20's forever!
Admiral Willing: Oh god, sorry about that, Anyway it's not what you can do for me. It's what I can do for you. Now if you'll keep your admiral under control I promise I'll give him anything he wants to know AFTER the meeting. Now anything and I mean ANYTHING just ask me and I will answer it. Any work you need done? Ect. Well I'd like to know. A little bit about your culture and history. And I really want to know about your ships. And these "trade lanes" as you seem to call them. And why you have no invented a "mobile" FTL travel system. I'd also like to know more about your people. What the........... Oh my god! Why are all those ships out there constaly hailing my vessel and they seem to be running intensive scans of it. Willing to Promethous bring up a dampining feild.
Promethous: Aye
Willing: Now I would like to know about well you and your culture. That is why we are here. Now have you ever contacted another race? From your tech level it would appear now.
I will put this into presective
On our rating system
The ECF is level- 15 out of 25
Your Nation is 3 out of 25
I would like to see your "trade lanes" as you call them as well.
I could offer a better alternitive, would you be interested?

Lonnigan looked at the screen where the admiral's wife had been for a moment, his eyes wide. He shook his head after a while, cleared his throat and began his lecture.

"I'll cover the dull stuff first," he said. "Our jump gates and trade lanes at the moment form the basis of our faster than light travel. There is an ongoing research project on Planet Cambridge which is attempting to create a 'mobile jump gate'; in essence, it will allow a ship to form a jump hole without the need for a gate. However, our best estimate suggests this project will take a decade to produce a working prototype.
"There is an anti-matter research facility set up in the fairly remote system of Edinburgh, but that is highly classified and so for obvious reasons I can't discuss it.
"Anyway, our trade lanes were constructed to allow high-speed travel within a solar system. They only go up to about three times the speed of light, but that is generally fast enough to get from planet to planet within a solar system. They are a low-power version of a jump gate, essentially -- they even use some of the same parts.
"As their name suggests, they were to provide a safe and fast way for our merchants to get around, however various criminal elements have found a way to temporarily disrupt a trade lane, thus kicking the trade ships out and giving them an opportunity to attack. Trade lanes require a 'trade lane ring' at regular intervals along a straight path to function correctly, as it is the rings which keep the ship phased slightly into jump space. Generally, trade lanes are made up of about 20-40 rings, depending on how long the lane is.
"Each ring is constructed of various types of super-conductor and super-alloy, to ensure they last for a long time and are very hard to destroy. As well as accelerating the ships to faster-than-light speeds, they also reinforce their hull integrity with various types of extended force fields. As I believe you nearly destroyed one of our battleships earlier, you know that they are not designed to be 'FTL streamlined', as it were. A few advanced ships can survive without such stabilisation, but most cannot.
"It is because of this system, however, that pirates and terrorists have found an exploit. The field generators are a weakness; although conventional energy weapons cannot destroy them, if you shoot the generators enough times they absorb the energy, overload, and the trade lane automatically cuts out to prevent damage to travelling ships. It is only temporary while the generators restore themselves, but it is sufficient for the travelling ships to be brought to a halt and attacked.
"Shipping in Bretonia consists primarily of merchant vessels, such as those large transports," he pointed out the window. Docked above the window was a huge, very long ship with cargo containers attached to its underbelly. It must have been about three quarters the length of the Victoria, only it was little more than a large pole with pods hung from the bottom. a cockpit on one end, and engines on the rear end. It looked like it could haul quite a lot. Small gun turrets were placed on either end though they probably weren't very powerful.
"There are also substantially smaller, one-man freighters used for smaller deliveries and sole traders. Many people prefer the use of smaller personal ships very similar to our fighters. These are used to get around, but they also have weapons in the event of a pirate attack. Battleships such as the Victoria are rather rare. We have five or six of them now, I believe. I'm not privy to exact military details, you see. There are also 'gun boats' which are much more frequent, we have maybe 100 or 200 of these."
He looked out the window for a few seconds, then made a successful 'ah' noise and pointed. A small ship with two down-pointing wings cruised just past the window. It must have been 80 metres long, and probably the same width due to the wings. Various gun turrets littered its hull, as well as a forward torpedo tube. A shield generator was perched on its back. Three fighters flew in formation around it.
"Gun boats like that one are used where battleships are not necessary," he explained. "They use similar power generation and propulsion systems, and are even capable of launching torpedoes and anti-fighter missiles. They have a crew of roughly 20-30, and no fighter contingent. Most scenarios in Bretonia don't require the involvement of a battleship, or sometimes a battleship can't even go there because of obstacles such as an asteroid field. The gun boat proves handy in such scenarios, and is more numerous so can be far more flexible. In a full scale war, the gunboat could be devastating to enemy battleships due to their numbers and their torpedoes. They are frequently seen acting as support to battleship groups in major engagements, such as the attack on a Corsair base three years ago. In turn, fighters act as support to gunboats, such as the three you see now. They are flying off the HMS York, I believe.
"The primary ships of both the Armed Forces and the Police are fighters, however. The military tend to use the larger, more powerful 'Crusader' heavy fighter, which is powerful enough to take on a battleship in small groups, perhaps. The police prefer the smaller more agile Cavalier light fighter. A Crusader would generally be far too overkill for most scenarios the police deal with anyway. Fighters such as these are too small to carry MOX cores, and so use H-fuel as propulsion instead. They are capable of equal speeds with cruise engines, however require refuelling regularly. A battleship generally carries a contingent of twenty-five Crusaders, as well as equipment and fuel for them."

He cleared his throat, took a drink of water, and continued.

"As for contacting another race, we have found evidence of an ancient alien civilisation here already, though they have been gone from this area for a while. You may have noticed a peculiar rock in one of the labs; this is not a natural phenomenon. Some scientists believe that the Great Barrier was in fact constructed by them for their own protection. There are various ruins on some of the planets we have colonised that were definitely not built by us -- how could we build them before we left our home world? Some of their technology is still active, such as that rock I mentioned, but we are unable to determine what they do or even how they are powered. However, we have never encountered a living, breathing, talking sentient being before. A few people thought that the Great Barrier was the edge of the universe until the Victoria breached it."

He picked up a small piece of foil, unwrapped it, and put something small, round and red in his mouth. It smelt of some strange berry that the ECF commander wouldn't recognise.

"Want one?" he asked the ECF admiral, offering him another. "Anyway. I'm not quite sure how you describe a culture; when you live in it, you don't tend to notice it. We have laws that we must follow. Most people are polite with each other. There are political disagreements, even protests on New London sometimes, usually over pay-related issues. We have books, which are works of fiction dreamed up by writers for other people to enjoy. A lot of people like music, which is basically vocal 'singing' alongside a rhythm."

He pressed a button on a panel under the desk, and some light-hearted classical-rock cross-breed music, with a harmonious female voice singing along, played quietly on several speakers around the room, before he shut it off.

"The Holo-vid industry is booming recently," he continued. "A Holo-vid is a motion picture, made 3D by a holographic monitor. They are usually works of fiction, quite often based on the afore mentioned books. People pretend to fill the roles of the characters in these books, and then act them out." He pressed another button. The middle of the table changed to black, and above it a detailed, photo-realistic 3D video clip of a dramatic space battle played out. The small ships flew around the room shooting at each other silently, until he pressed another button. The holo-vid shut off and the table began glowing white again.

“We have laws that we must follow to maintain an orderly and decent society – I would have thought that obvious by the fact we have the commander of the police force at this very table. You’re not allowed to murder other people, steal from other people, damage public or private property, drink alcohol and fly, things like that. Cardamine, a powerful but dangerous narcotic substance, is illegal, both the trading of and using of. There are much more complicated laws of course, but as the entire set of Bretonian laws spans 72 books I think I’ll skip most of them for now.
"People get married, which is a religious and legal bonding between a man and a woman. These ceremonies are usually performed by a religious figure. I believe there are currently 56 registered religions across Bretonia -- a lot of them focus on the aliens I mentioned before. Some of them even believe the Great Barrier is some form of deity. A lot of people regardless of religion prefer to have children while married, it's some sort of cultural 'un-written rule' that has developed over the centuries. A typical family consists of two or three children, who go to school when they are 4 years old, until they are 16 years old. When they leave school, they can volunteer to join further education programs, such as the illustrious Cambridge University, or New London Technical College.
"Most people enjoy their food. Most of our produce is farmed on Planet Cambridge, and consists of a variety of meat and vegetables. Meat is taken only from herbivores, due to potential health issues from eating carnivore meat. You will often find a large portion of various vegetables alongside a small portion of meat on every Bretonian's place. There is also a 'synth paste' craze going around the younger generations. It was originally designed to replace the nutrient bricks that most ships carry as rations -- a paste of high value nutrients flavoured very much like foods we know and love. It's cheap, though, so it became popular on most colonies quite quickly after it was made public.
"And people love to go on holiday. The Edinburgh system is quite popular. There is a company called 'Spa and Cruise Lines' which currently has a luxury liner posted there, I believe it is the Hawaii. There are some very beautiful nebulas that people take trips through on shuttles. And planet Gaia, which is an undisturbed tropical planet filled with exotic species. Cambridge University has temporarily banned anyone from developing the planet while they catalogue all the species there, meaning it will remain fairly natural for a good deal of time, but tourist parties frequently go down there from the orbiting Hawaii to enjoy it. Unfortunately, the planet has also stirred some terrorist activities which has cost hundreds of lives, but that's another story.
"Most people have jobs, like you and I. Some people work in the Armed Forces or the Police. Many people have office, or retail jobs. A lot of people choose to become merchants in the hope of captaining a transport freighter. There are a lot of people who work in industrial or mining positions, though; Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing is the largest employer at the moment. They mine everything from uranium to copper, and build a great many things such as the jump gate and trade lane networks, various classes of ships, and even this very border station. Also there are academic positions, such as working for Cambridge University on various research projects.
"The only real crisis we have closest to a 'war' is in regards to the Dublin system. This system is rich in gold. There are no planets, but plenty of asteroid fields containing the valuable metal. A century or two ago, BMM upset some of the workers who operated there with some severe pay cuts. Ever since, those workers split from the company to form a terrorist organisation calling themselves the 'Mollys'. They essentially want Dublin to be free from Bretonian rule, though this is just their quest of greed and vengeance talking. There is nothing there but the gold; they all live on space stations hidden within the fields. We've posted the Battleship Essex and the Battleship Hood there to try and stem the violence, but they have had little effect. In response to the Essex's arrival, they even made an attempt on Her Majesty's life. But that is a very delicate political situation you need not worry yourself with. It has become an all-too well-known part of our culture, though."

"And as for those ships hailing your vessel," he chuckled, looking at the morass of small ships outside, swarming around the significantly larger vessel. "They are harmless, I would hope. Civilians, merchants, maybe even a few police officers sneaking off their patrol routes. If you'd never seen aliens before and a ship like that flew right through your home system, you'd want to take a look as well, wouldn't you?
"I would say that your shields are a good idea, though. Some terrorists may want to take the opportunity to try and start something. Regardless of your technological prowess, an unshielded ship likely wouldn't survive many hits from daranium-tipped warheads. They do have them, as their recent attack on the Luxury Liner Camelot demonstrates."

"Your offer for technological assistance is much appreciated," Admiral Connoly said when Lonnigan finally stopped talking. "Your technological capabilities very obviously exceed ours in numerous areas, especially mobile propulsion systems and defensive capabilities. However you must understand why we would be reluctant to refit all our vessels with an alien technology from a species we have not known for longer than a few hours. I am fairly sure you wouldn't do such a thing if our roles were reversed. For the moment I believe it would be more prudent if we rely on tried and tested Bretonian technologies, and our own research. As I understand it, Military Research is very confident about a new mobile FTL system they are designing."

"That said," Lonnigan interrupted. "I am sure BMM would be most interested in knowing anything you can tell them about improving their current mining methods. Planet Leeds is starting to dry up and they're having a hard time digging deep enough to pick up anything of significant value. If you do speak with them, bear in mind that Leeds is a heavily populated industrial world, so simply blowing the crust away won't be an option. Even for them. Although I wouldn't put it past them. They constructed a worker's settlement on a known toxic waste dump a week ago."

He picked up another sweet of some kind and ate it; he seemed to be starting a wrapper collection on the table.

"Anyway," he said. "Tell us about your own culture. We would be fascinated to hear about an alien society."

OOC: Sorry for any mistakes in the grammar or spelling. I put it through Word but we all know that doesn’t catch everything. It’s 1:40am and my fingers hurt :D.
East Coast Federation
01-10-2004, 01:58
OOC: Tomarrow I'll make a really nice response, but the DEBATE IS ON! I gotta catch it!
01-10-2004, 05:22
Aster hailed Warfare, "We're still waiting on how many panels you would like built around Ocean Star. Get back to us at your convenience."
01-10-2004, 16:36
Warfare: Merchants of Xessmithia, Forgive us of our prolonged silence. We were reveiwing several factors surrounding Ocean Star. For Historical purposes only, It has seen many, many battles, self evident from the space Debris around it. Surviving historical records taken from these ships indicate its designation to be Ocean Star. The Results of these battles have caused the surrounding area's to be devoid of life. Because of that we would like the ENTIRE STAR to be covered with the Energy collectors.
01-10-2004, 22:08
Warfare: Merchants of Xessmithia, Forgive us of our prolonged silence. We were reveiwing several factors surrounding Ocean Star. For Historical purposes only, It has seen many, many battles, self evident from the space Debris around it. Surviving historical records taken from these ships indicate its designation to be Ocean Star. The Results of these battles have caused the surrounding area's to be devoid of life. Because of that we would like the ENTIRE STAR to be covered with the Energy collectors.

Aster whistled. "Well we can do that, but it'll cost you. The raw materials alone are worth several fortunes. But we can do it, we can't build an actual Dyson Sphere mind you, it will be more of a solar sail like energy collector. I'm sure you'll be happy with it. You'll be getting several gigatons of energy per second out of it."
East Coast Federation
02-10-2004, 02:53
Lonnigan looked at the screen where the admiral's wife had been for a moment, his eyes wide. He shook his head after a while, cleared his throat and began his lecture.

"I'll cover the dull stuff first," he said. "Our jump gates and trade lanes at the moment form the basis of our faster than light travel. There is an ongoing research project on Planet Cambridge which is attempting to create a 'mobile jump gate'; in essence, it will allow a ship to form a jump hole without the need for a gate. However, our best estimate suggests this project will take a decade to produce a working prototype.
"There is an anti-matter research facility set up in the fairly remote system of Edinburgh, but that is highly classified and so for obvious reasons I can't discuss it.
"Anyway, our trade lanes were constructed to allow high-speed travel within a solar system. They only go up to about three times the speed of light, but that is generally fast enough to get from planet to planet within a solar system. They are a low-power version of a jump gate, essentially -- they even use some of the same parts.
"As their name suggests, they were to provide a safe and fast way for our merchants to get around, however various criminal elements have found a way to temporarily disrupt a trade lane, thus kicking the trade ships out and giving them an opportunity to attack. Trade lanes require a 'trade lane ring' at regular intervals along a straight path to function correctly, as it is the rings which keep the ship phased slightly into jump space. Generally, trade lanes are made up of about 20-40 rings, depending on how long the lane is.
"Each ring is constructed of various types of super-conductor and super-alloy, to ensure they last for a long time and are very hard to destroy. As well as accelerating the ships to faster-than-light speeds, they also reinforce their hull integrity with various types of extended force fields. As I believe you nearly destroyed one of our battleships earlier, you know that they are not designed to be 'FTL streamlined', as it were. A few advanced ships can survive without such stabilisation, but most cannot.
"It is because of this system, however, that pirates and terrorists have found an exploit. The field generators are a weakness; although conventional energy weapons cannot destroy them, if you shoot the generators enough times they absorb the energy, overload, and the trade lane automatically cuts out to prevent damage to travelling ships. It is only temporary while the generators restore themselves, but it is sufficient for the travelling ships to be brought to a halt and attacked.
"Shipping in Bretonia consists primarily of merchant vessels, such as those large transports," he pointed out the window. Docked above the window was a huge, very long ship with cargo containers attached to its underbelly. It must have been about three quarters the length of the Victoria, only it was little more than a large pole with pods hung from the bottom. a cockpit on one end, and engines on the rear end. It looked like it could haul quite a lot. Small gun turrets were placed on either end though they probably weren't very powerful.
"There are also substantially smaller, one-man freighters used for smaller deliveries and sole traders. Many people prefer the use of smaller personal ships very similar to our fighters. These are used to get around, but they also have weapons in the event of a pirate attack. Battleships such as the Victoria are rather rare. We have five or six of them now, I believe. I'm not privy to exact military details, you see. There are also 'gun boats' which are much more frequent, we have maybe 100 or 200 of these."
He looked out the window for a few seconds, then made a successful 'ah' noise and pointed. A small ship with two down-pointing wings cruised just past the window. It must have been 80 metres long, and probably the same width due to the wings. Various gun turrets littered its hull, as well as a forward torpedo tube. A shield generator was perched on its back. Three fighters flew in formation around it.
"Gun boats like that one are used where battleships are not necessary," he explained. "They use similar power generation and propulsion systems, and are even capable of launching torpedoes and anti-fighter missiles. They have a crew of roughly 20-30, and no fighter contingent. Most scenarios in Bretonia don't require the involvement of a battleship, or sometimes a battleship can't even go there because of obstacles such as an asteroid field. The gun boat proves handy in such scenarios, and is more numerous so can be far more flexible. In a full scale war, the gunboat could be devastating to enemy battleships due to their numbers and their torpedoes. They are frequently seen acting as support to battleship groups in major engagements, such as the attack on a Corsair base three years ago. In turn, fighters act as support to gunboats, such as the three you see now. They are flying off the HMS York, I believe.
"The primary ships of both the Armed Forces and the Police are fighters, however. The military tend to use the larger, more powerful 'Crusader' heavy fighter, which is powerful enough to take on a battleship in small groups, perhaps. The police prefer the smaller more agile Cavalier light fighter. A Crusader would generally be far too overkill for most scenarios the police deal with anyway. Fighters such as these are too small to carry MOX cores, and so use H-fuel as propulsion instead. They are capable of equal speeds with cruise engines, however require refuelling regularly. A battleship generally carries a contingent of twenty-five Crusaders, as well as equipment and fuel for them."

He cleared his throat, took a drink of water, and continued.

"As for contacting another race, we have found evidence of an ancient alien civilisation here already, though they have been gone from this area for a while. You may have noticed a peculiar rock in one of the labs; this is not a natural phenomenon. Some scientists believe that the Great Barrier was in fact constructed by them for their own protection. There are various ruins on some of the planets we have colonised that were definitely not built by us -- how could we build them before we left our home world? Some of their technology is still active, such as that rock I mentioned, but we are unable to determine what they do or even how they are powered. However, we have never encountered a living, breathing, talking sentient being before. A few people thought that the Great Barrier was the edge of the universe until the Victoria breached it."

He picked up a small piece of foil, unwrapped it, and put something small, round and red in his mouth. It smelt of some strange berry that the ECF commander wouldn't recognise.

"Want one?" he asked the ECF admiral, offering him another. "Anyway. I'm not quite sure how you describe a culture; when you live in it, you don't tend to notice it. We have laws that we must follow. Most people are polite with each other. There are political disagreements, even protests on New London sometimes, usually over pay-related issues. We have books, which are works of fiction dreamed up by writers for other people to enjoy. A lot of people like music, which is basically vocal 'singing' alongside a rhythm."

He pressed a button on a panel under the desk, and some light-hearted classical-rock cross-breed music, with a harmonious female voice singing along, played quietly on several speakers around the room, before he shut it off.

"The Holo-vid industry is booming recently," he continued. "A Holo-vid is a motion picture, made 3D by a holographic monitor. They are usually works of fiction, quite often based on the afore mentioned books. People pretend to fill the roles of the characters in these books, and then act them out." He pressed another button. The middle of the table changed to black, and above it a detailed, photo-realistic 3D video clip of a dramatic space battle played out. The small ships flew around the room shooting at each other silently, until he pressed another button. The holo-vid shut off and the table began glowing white again.

“We have laws that we must follow to maintain an orderly and decent society – I would have thought that obvious by the fact we have the commander of the police force at this very table. You’re not allowed to murder other people, steal from other people, damage public or private property, drink alcohol and fly, things like that. Cardamine, a powerful but dangerous narcotic substance, is illegal, both the trading of and using of. There are much more complicated laws of course, but as the entire set of Bretonian laws spans 72 books I think I’ll skip most of them for now.
"People get married, which is a religious and legal bonding between a man and a woman. These ceremonies are usually performed by a religious figure. I believe there are currently 56 registered religions across Bretonia -- a lot of them focus on the aliens I mentioned before. Some of them even believe the Great Barrier is some form of deity. A lot of people regardless of religion prefer to have children while married, it's some sort of cultural 'un-written rule' that has developed over the centuries. A typical family consists of two or three children, who go to school when they are 4 years old, until they are 16 years old. When they leave school, they can volunteer to join further education programs, such as the illustrious Cambridge University, or New London Technical College.
"Most people enjoy their food. Most of our produce is farmed on Planet Cambridge, and consists of a variety of meat and vegetables. Meat is taken only from herbivores, due to potential health issues from eating carnivore meat. You will often find a large portion of various vegetables alongside a small portion of meat on every Bretonian's place. There is also a 'synth paste' craze going around the younger generations. It was originally designed to replace the nutrient bricks that most ships carry as rations -- a paste of high value nutrients flavoured very much like foods we know and love. It's cheap, though, so it became popular on most colonies quite quickly after it was made public.
"And people love to go on holiday. The Edinburgh system is quite popular. There is a company called 'Spa and Cruise Lines' which currently has a luxury liner posted there, I believe it is the Hawaii. There are some very beautiful nebulas that people take trips through on shuttles. And planet Gaia, which is an undisturbed tropical planet filled with exotic species. Cambridge University has temporarily banned anyone from developing the planet while they catalogue all the species there, meaning it will remain fairly natural for a good deal of time, but tourist parties frequently go down there from the orbiting Hawaii to enjoy it. Unfortunately, the planet has also stirred some terrorist activities which has cost hundreds of lives, but that's another story.
"Most people have jobs, like you and I. Some people work in the Armed Forces or the Police. Many people have office, or retail jobs. A lot of people choose to become merchants in the hope of captaining a transport freighter. There are a lot of people who work in industrial or mining positions, though; Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing is the largest employer at the moment. They mine everything from uranium to copper, and build a great many things such as the jump gate and trade lane networks, various classes of ships, and even this very border station. Also there are academic positions, such as working for Cambridge University on various research projects.
"The only real crisis we have closest to a 'war' is in regards to the Dublin system. This system is rich in gold. There are no planets, but plenty of asteroid fields containing the valuable metal. A century or two ago, BMM upset some of the workers who operated there with some severe pay cuts. Ever since, those workers split from the company to form a terrorist organisation calling themselves the 'Mollys'. They essentially want Dublin to be free from Bretonian rule, though this is just their quest of greed and vengeance talking. There is nothing there but the gold; they all live on space stations hidden within the fields. We've posted the Battleship Essex and the Battleship Hood there to try and stem the violence, but they have had little effect. In response to the Essex's arrival, they even made an attempt on Her Majesty's life. But that is a very delicate political situation you need not worry yourself with. It has become an all-too well-known part of our culture, though."

"And as for those ships hailing your vessel," he chuckled, looking at the morass of small ships outside, swarming around the significantly larger vessel. "They are harmless, I would hope. Civilians, merchants, maybe even a few police officers sneaking off their patrol routes. If you'd never seen aliens before and a ship like that flew right through your home system, you'd want to take a look as well, wouldn't you?
"I would say that your shields are a good idea, though. Some terrorists may want to take the opportunity to try and start something. Regardless of your technological prowess, an unshielded ship likely wouldn't survive many hits from daranium-tipped warheads. They do have them, as their recent attack on the Luxury Liner Camelot demonstrates."

"Your offer for technological assistance is much appreciated," Admiral Connoly said when Lonnigan finally stopped talking. "Your technological capabilities very obviously exceed ours in numerous areas, especially mobile propulsion systems and defensive capabilities. However you must understand why we would be reluctant to refit all our vessels with an alien technology from a species we have not known for longer than a few hours. I am fairly sure you wouldn't do such a thing if our roles were reversed. For the moment I believe it would be more prudent if we rely on tried and tested Bretonian technologies, and our own research. As I understand it, Military Research is very confident about a new mobile FTL system they are designing."

"That said," Lonnigan interrupted. "I am sure BMM would be most interested in knowing anything you can tell them about improving their current mining methods. Planet Leeds is starting to dry up and they're having a hard time digging deep enough to pick up anything of significant value. If you do speak with them, bear in mind that Leeds is a heavily populated industrial world, so simply blowing the crust away won't be an option. Even for them. Although I wouldn't put it past them. They constructed a worker's settlement on a known toxic waste dump a week ago."

He picked up another sweet of some kind and ate it; he seemed to be starting a wrapper collection on the table.

"Anyway," he said. "Tell us about your own culture. We would be fascinated to hear about an alien society."

OOC: Sorry for any mistakes in the grammar or spelling. I put it through Word but we all know that doesn’t catch everything. It’s 1:40am and my fingers hurt :D.
OOC: It's late agian sorry for my crappy format
Admiral Willing: Oh boy.
Well to start out with. People do have jobs and they can pursue whatever education they wish and job and meaning in life. Alot of young people join starfleet. I did.
Music you say! You should hear our music! Queen! Pink Folyd! Rammstien! And some of our classic artists like beethovan! They are truely amazing.
We have wonderful bands.
As far as relgion goes I really don't know much about that, I've always been considered a non beliver. There are about 39 reglions but 4 Major ones.
Marrige is a Civil affiair at 1st but people can be a reglios affair.
But snice 78% of the ECF is athiest I won't go into more deaitil. Most people in the ECF Marry for life. Inculding me and my life.
Please tell me the life expactny of your people. ( lets assume that we both have the same year so I don't have to convert ). The average life span of "humans" as we have dubbed ourselves is about 80-100 years old. Though women live several years longer for some odd reason. I never figured out why. Most famlies consist of a Father and mother and 2-3 Children. Though I dont have any and really don't want to but my wife does, go figure. I don't really like kids. Maybe I am just crazy.
Moving onto poltics.
We do not have a queen as you seem to be calling her.
( I think clinton is awsome so I'm using him ( * appears on the screen *
He is a great great man. His social and economic policiys have done wonders for the ECF. As well as the Democratic Party.
I am part of the Democratic party. Which is a left leaning party. Which can only mean good things.
Now Let me move onto trade and business.
We have no corperations. The Goverment runs the Following
1. Energy
2. Banking
3. Consurtion
4. Transportation
5. Large stores.
But business runs everything else. Like tourist locations. Lets just say the goverment handles all the important stuff.
Small business handles trade and such. It's a Mix Between Socialism and Capitailism, But business is very regulated.
Now back to music. There is a new type of music that is really wonderful. It's called Punkrock. You should hear some of it. hörstreich is my fav band hear have a listen! ( download Yesterday thats probably there best song and it's pretty good, but make sure you have winamp or QCD)
* music plays *, well that was good?
I would like to offer you a tour of my ship the tour would cover the following
1. Warp Engine Room
2. Torpedo bay
3. A Tour of one of the nachells while it's shutdown of crouse.
4. Shuttlebay
5. Bridge
6. Computer Core
7. Armory where you can check out some of our hand weapons
8. Phaser Arrays
Followed by a short trip back to the ECF system to our homworld where a formal diploamtic meeting would take place. We wish to discuss Trade,Militray,Social and other avinues.
Please take your time to consider. If you do not wish to come yet then just say so. We will always be avlieble.
Now theres alot of reporters out there I am willing to answer any and all ?'s they may have.

OOC: I am working on a better cultre paper, so in the next few posts I'll post it.
04-10-2004, 16:26
Warfare: Don't worry, we have a lot of money. since internally we do not rely upon money, we have plenty of it to give to other nations. When ever you are ready to go, please contact use and we shall promptly transport you to our territory.
East Coast Federation
08-10-2004, 02:37
East Coast Federation
12-10-2004, 03:15
12-10-2004, 11:10
OOC: Sorry, I've just been phenomenally busy with various things of late. I was barely online at all last week. I'll try and do something IC as soon as poss. i don't know, just consider this a long recess or something ;).
12-10-2004, 17:14
The fun starts tommorrow - my GWSF rp will be begining.
31-10-2004, 04:55
OOC = I guess I was real busy :D. But I didn't forget...

IC =

Lonnigan entered the room, this time without the military personnel. Captain Williamson took one of their seats this time.

"I apologise for our delay," Lonnigan said, bowing his head. "We have had some serious matters to attend to of late, and I had to address them all before returning."

"I'm going to be reassigned soon," Williamson said. "The Victoria is scheduled for a cruise to the system we've dubbed LV-0010 for exploratory and colonial potential analysis. We'll hang around until you leave, though."

"Anyway. So far as those reporters are concerned," Lonnigan looked out at the mass of journalist vessels. They looked like a swarm of insects, which Lonnigan thought was a perfect analogy. "I think we can handle them."

He pulled a datapad from his pocket and put it on the table. He pressed a few buttons on the touch-screen panel, and grinned.

"These are but a few of the examples of the transmissions we are blocking: Have you ever had, or do you plan to have, green skin?" he read. "What colour are your excrements? Do you find humans to be a luxury meal? Can your ships change shapes to look like space-borne animals? How many sexes are there, and how many wives can you have? Are your species able to survive for years without eating, and are you immune to fire? Do you eat Uranium?" He shook his head and put the pad back in his pocket. "Journalists. Mostly tabloids and special interest datazines. Last time they asked a serious question of anybody we still hadn't discovered the art of fire. I think we can field most of their questions on your behalf with a sharp 'shut your damned mouth'."

Lonnigan looked up as the veritable blast door whirred open and a Corporal stood to attention in its place.

"What is it Corporal?" he called across.

"HMS Royale is docked in port 1, ambassador," the Corporal said sharply. "Her Majesty Queen Corina is on the Command Deck assessing strategic deployments for this region."

"Alright, thanks for notifying me," he nodded. The Corporal saluted, turned, and left. The door clunked shut again. "Queen Corina has been anxious to meet with you ever since Admiral Connoly cleared you as 'low risk'. She was particularly supportive of the government's 'Breach the Barrier' campaign right up until the Victoria broke through. So far as a tour goes, I and the Captain here would be pleased to go on such a tour. We will be ready to join you as soon as Her Majesty has met with you."
East Coast Federation
31-10-2004, 14:56
OOC = I guess I was real busy :D. But I didn't forget...

IC =

Lonnigan entered the room, this time without the military personnel. Captain Williamson took one of their seats this time.

"I apologise for our delay," Lonnigan said, bowing his head. "We have had some serious matters to attend to of late, and I had to address them all before returning."

"I'm going to be reassigned soon," Williamson said. "The Victoria is scheduled for a cruise to the system we've dubbed LV-0010 for exploratory and colonial potential analysis. We'll hang around until you leave, though."

"Anyway. So far as those reporters are concerned," Lonnigan looked out at the mass of journalist vessels. They looked like a swarm of insects, which Lonnigan thought was a perfect analogy. "I think we can handle them."

He pulled a datapad from his pocket and put it on the table. He pressed a few buttons on the touch-screen panel, and grinned.

"These are but a few of the examples of the transmissions we are blocking: Have you ever had, or do you plan to have, green skin?" he read. "What colour are your excrements? Do you find humans to be a luxury meal? Can your ships change shapes to look like space-borne animals? How many sexes are there, and how many wives can you have? Are your species able to survive for years without eating, and are you immune to fire? Do you eat Uranium?" He shook his head and put the pad back in his pocket. "Journalists. Mostly tabloids and special interest datazines. Last time they asked a serious question of anybody we still hadn't discovered the art of fire. I think we can field most of their questions on your behalf with a sharp 'shut your damned mouth'."

Lonnigan looked up as the veritable blast door whirred open and a Corporal stood to attention in its place.

"What is it Corporal?" he called across.

"HMS Royale is docked in port 1, ambassador," the Corporal said sharply. "Her Majesty Queen Corina is on the Command Deck assessing strategic deployments for this region."

"Alright, thanks for notifying me," he nodded. The Corporal saluted, turned, and left. The door clunked shut again. "Queen Corina has been anxious to meet with you ever since Admiral Connoly cleared you as 'low risk'. She was particularly supportive of the government's 'Breach the Barrier' campaign right up until the Victoria broke through. So far as a tour goes, I and the Captain here would be pleased to go on such a tour. We will be ready to join you as soon as Her Majesty has met with you."
The Admiral responded to that array of ?'s " Well I will arrange a press conferance when we have time, now is not the time. But tell them, We live about 90 years. We are just as human as you are. Prehaps even more so than you are, Human is a very loose trem I won't tell you, but as you explore the galaxy, it will become appanat as you contact more races. But 1st you need a decent from of FTL travel, as in somthing faster than 1c." He cleared his throat " You have a queen? I thought this was a democracy? Anyway, We will be more than happy to wait for your queen, on our ship. Send a shuttle in 30 minutes I must prepare the ship for inspection, I want to make sure it's in tip top shape, it's an Section 31 ship so it should anyway. You and your leader will be treated to an full Banqeut dinner, if you would like, if not the tour would begin as soon as you would like. See you in 30 minutes, 3 To beam up" * The 3 Aliens dissaper*
01-11-2004, 15:30
"She's only our head of state," Lonnigan said just before the aliens left. "She holds no real power. The power resides with the Prime Minister and Parliament, although some believe that if push came to shove, the military would support her over the parliament."

"Her Majesty is more honourable than any sleazy politician," Williamson butted in. "If she gave an order which would require us to choose between her and parliament, you could be sure it'd be for a damned good reason -- like the good of the Bretonian people. There's a reason nobody trusts politicians as far as they can throw them... oh, no offence of course."

"None taken," Lonnigan scowled. "Anyway, we'll see you in an hour or two."

The aliens vanished.

"I'm going back to the Victoria to make pre-sailing checks," Williamson said. "I can only hold off our mission for so long. We have to be ready to leave immediately after we escort the aliens out of Bretonian space."

"Very well," Lonnigan said. "I'll apologise for your absense."

Williamson saluted, picked up his helmet and left the room. Lonnigan slouched back in his chair, twiddling his thumbs. He had an hour to kill and no weapons to kill it with. He picked up his datapad and started playing a card game.

An hour later, there were bleeping noises and the large door shifted itself out the way. Queen Carina slowly entered the room and looked around. She was an atypical Queen, favouring sleek fashionable clothes over impractical royal robes. She wore a crown, but it was small and sat lightly on her short black hair. Her clothing was an elegant, all-in-one suit, with soft whites and reds highlighted with gold decoration. The sleeves only went half-way down her upper arm, not even reaching her elbows. Her shoulders were covered in large, solid, light purple 'plates', which were essentially exterior shoulder pads making her look broader than she actually was. They moved up her neck to form a stiff collar. Decent protection against strangulation, at least.

"Your majesty, welcome to the border station," he nodded in respect. She hated excessive formalities, but couldn't get people to stop entirely. According to news nets, the last person who performed a full-on bow she took to a local tavern and bought him several ales in an effort to convince him to do otherwise in the future. Her bodyguards were elite members of the special operations division of the Armed Forces, and they found their jobs more stressful than any other in the galaxy.

"Ambassador," she smiled and shook his hand. "I have been informed of the situation. Extra-Bretonians, here... wow. Can we meet them?"

"They have offered us a tour of their ship, your majesty," he told her. "I would assume you are welcome to join us. Captain Williamson has other matters to attend to."

"I would imagine so," she frowned. "OK then, make arrangements and I'll join you."

"As you wish, your majesty," he nodded. He picked up his datapad and clicked a button on the side. "Lieutenant, signal the alien vessel, inform them we are ready to go and will be arriving in a shuttle shortly. Inform the HMS Victoria to give full fighter protection, and to destroy any unauthorised ship attempting to enter the restricted zone."

"Yes ambassador," a voice said. Lonnigan clicked the datapad off and stuffed it into his pocket. "This way, your majesty."

"Ma'am, I strongly recommend against this," one of the two bodyguards said. "Terrorists will take advantage of the opportunity. You must..."

"Oh be quiet," she said, pushing him out of the way. "You worry too much. Between our own ships and those suspicious aliens out there I don't think that even the Corsairs would attempt anything."

"All the same ma'am, I will note my objection in my official report," he sighed.

"You do that," she said, following Lonnigan out of the room. The two guards shrugged in mute surrender and followed, their hands clutching their holstered pistols.
East Coast Federation
03-11-2004, 00:16
"She's only our head of state," Lonnigan said just before the aliens left. "She holds no real power. The power resides with the Prime Minister and Parliament, although some believe that if push came to shove, the military would support her over the parliament."

"Her Majesty is more honourable than any sleazy politician," Williamson butted in. "If she gave an order which would require us to choose between her and parliament, you could be sure it'd be for a damned good reason -- like the good of the Bretonian people. There's a reason nobody trusts politicians as far as they can throw them... oh, no offence of course."

"None taken," Lonnigan scowled. "Anyway, we'll see you in an hour or two."

The aliens vanished.

"I'm going back to the Victoria to make pre-sailing checks," Williamson said. "I can only hold off our mission for so long. We have to be ready to leave immediately after we escort the aliens out of Bretonian space."

"Very well," Lonnigan said. "I'll apologise for your absense."

Williamson saluted, picked up his helmet and left the room. Lonnigan slouched back in his chair, twiddling his thumbs. He had an hour to kill and no weapons to kill it with. He picked up his datapad and started playing a card game.

An hour later, there were bleeping noises and the large door shifted itself out the way. Queen Carina slowly entered the room and looked around. She was an atypical Queen, favouring sleek fashionable clothes over impractical royal robes. She wore a crown, but it was small and sat lightly on her short black hair. Her clothing was an elegant, all-in-one suit, with soft whites and reds highlighted with gold decoration. The sleeves only went half-way down her upper arm, not even reaching her elbows. Her shoulders were covered in large, solid, light purple 'plates', which were essentially exterior shoulder pads making her look broader than she actually was. They moved up her neck to form a stiff collar. Decent protection against strangulation, at least.

"Your majesty, welcome to the border station," he nodded in respect. She hated excessive formalities, but couldn't get people to stop entirely. According to news nets, the last person who performed a full-on bow she took to a local tavern and bought him several ales in an effort to convince him to do otherwise in the future. Her bodyguards were elite members of the special operations division of the Armed Forces, and they found their jobs more stressful than any other in the galaxy.

"Ambassador," she smiled and shook his hand. "I have been informed of the situation. Extra-Bretonians, here... wow. Can we meet them?"

"They have offered us a tour of their ship, your majesty," he told her. "I would assume you are welcome to join us. Captain Williamson has other matters to attend to."

"I would imagine so," she frowned. "OK then, make arrangements and I'll join you."

"As you wish, your majesty," he nodded. He picked up his datapad and clicked a button on the side. "Lieutenant, signal the alien vessel, inform them we are ready to go and will be arriving in a shuttle shortly. Inform the HMS Victoria to give full fighter protection, and to destroy any unauthorised ship attempting to enter the restricted zone."

"Yes ambassador," a voice said. Lonnigan clicked the datapad off and stuffed it into his pocket. "This way, your majesty."

"Ma'am, I strongly recommend against this," one of the two bodyguards said. "Terrorists will take advantage of the opportunity. You must..."

"Oh be quiet," she said, pushing him out of the way. "You worry too much. Between our own ships and those suspicious aliens out there I don't think that even the Corsairs would attempt anything."

"All the same ma'am, I will note my objection in my official report," he sighed.

"You do that," she said, following Lonnigan out of the room. The two guards shrugged in mute surrender and followed, their hands clutching their holstered pistols.
OOC: Election Night
* The Shuttle Landed And The Queen and her grauds got out to find a Drill Team
doning a routine, They trwiled there rifles and threw several rifles to each other over people, inculding the queen, they left banging the rifles on the floor as they marched out"
Drill Team: Willing Willing He's our Man! Willing Willings He's our man! if he can't do it, NO ONE CAN!
Admiral Willing: If you would just follow me to the Formal Banqent room then we can get underway, * They Lead the Queen to the Formal Meeting room, where a full crouse meal was waiting and so was the whole command staff was waiting, they all took there seat*
Admial Willing: I am admiral willing of the East Coast Federation a massive nation, with an equally massive military. Now I hear this is a democracy. Now please any ?'s you may have about My Ship, Me, or our nation and its people,I'm open ears. Anything you want to know just ask me. After dinner I suggest we get on with the tour.
East Coast Federation
17-12-2004, 00:46
17-12-2004, 05:25
OOC: Hey ECF, is the USF still active? I lost the web address for the board. I also grew tired of waiting for something to happen. I mean I was on those boards every day looking for something to happen, so, I went and joined the UFP.