Red Wales wants to open embassies
Red Wales
09-09-2004, 18:56
The First Minster of Red Wales prepared to make a speech which he was to address Red Wales’ position in the world after many years of virtual isolation. It was about time that Red Wales started to establish embassies and better relationships with her fellow nations, for too long she had been outside events, an onlooker. The First Minster prepared to make his speech “People of Red Wales, today is a brave new day for our nation, for today we are to open up to the rest of the world, we are willing to now establish embassies with our follow worlds’ peoples. We look forward for other nations willing to accept our embassy in your nations.”
The Lords of War
09-09-2004, 19:01
09-09-2004, 19:14
What's your offer? We want loot and valuables if you're getting in our country.
09-09-2004, 19:39
Transpontia welcomes you. The government is happy to allocate a property in the downtown of our capital capable of supporting 10-15 embassy staff.
We too wish to open to the world.
09-09-2004, 19:43
Armed Republic of Surginia - Official Wire Message
To: First Minister of Red Wales
Your search for nations to house Red Wales' embassies has been noticed. The Armed Republic of Surginia, a democratic nation, has recently started the process of establishing and housing embassies for other decent, like-minded nations as well. While we are a smaller, young country, we feel that we have the potential to make a positive impact for democratic and republic countries around the world. In short, we would be interested in having talks with your country about the possibility of relations - either at present or in the future. We feel that this issue is not particularly time sensitive; Surginia is always interested in thoroughly examining all situations and possibilities before rushing into a decision regarding international relations.
We look forward to communicating with you in the future.
Dr. B.N. Barnes
Director of Diplomatic and Embassade Relations,
Armed Republic of Surginia
Napoleonic Empire
09-09-2004, 19:49
Our Welsh comrades,
We may not have much to say at the current time, but we wish you to come to a conference by send an ambassador so we may discuss relations between the Imperial Union and your state. After the conference we can make an official statement on the matter.
With deepest respect,
Prime Minister Sophie Marseilles
The Confederacy of Medinat would be happy to accept an embassy of up to 20 individuals, including security personnel. We shall also inform our friends and allies of your wishes.
Modern Texas
09-09-2004, 21:15
The Armed Republic of Modern Texas welcomes you. We will gladly trade embassy space for twenty virgins and a case of your best local beer.
The Great Sixth Reich
09-09-2004, 21:18
The First Minster of Red Wales prepared to make a speech which he was to address Red Wales’ position in the world after many years of virtual isolation. It was about time that Red Wales started to establish embassies and better relationships with her fellow nations, for too long she had been outside events, an onlooker. The First Minster prepared to make his speech “People of Red Wales, today is a brave new day for our nation, for today we are to open up to the rest of the world, we are willing to now establish embassies with our follow worlds’ peoples. We look forward for other nations willing to accept our embassy in your nations.”
The Great Sixth Reich is interested in an embassy exchange.
The Kingdom of Malkyer would be greatly honored by the presence of a Red Welsh embassy. Please send us a telegram with any details.
09-09-2004, 23:37
Slaytanicca would also be interested in an exchange of embassies with your nation, if this pleases you.
Red Wales
18-09-2004, 16:08
Red Wales wishes to thank all the nations that ahve so far allowed us to exchange embassies, if you require anything special for your embassy please send us a telegram with the details, thank you.
Foriegn Minster of Red Wales.
Mac Cumhail
18-09-2004, 16:17
To the leadership of Red Wales;
We would be most pleased to begin diplomatic relations with your people. We have allocated extensive territory in our capital's government district for the construction of embassies, and we wish to offer your nation room to build an embassy, and to request permission to establish our own in your lands as well.
With Regards
Prime Minister Sean Dempsey
18-09-2004, 16:24
Kryozerkia has an open door policy. We generally allow all nations to open embassies unless we decide otherwise. Thus, in this, we welcome Red Wales to set up an embassy in our national capital of Kerzokoia.