Deportation of the French
08-09-2004, 05:40
AP: After the conclusion of a semi-scientific study and survey of Texarkanians, the government of Texarkania announced today that:
"Our findings indicate that France is a country of wussies, winos and cheese eating wimps. Their language is too "hoity-toity" to be used in real conversations except between pretentious girlie men and their exportation of mimes threatens the collective sanity of the world. We have therefore, as of this day, canceled the visas of all french citizens within our borders, banned their language's use in Texarkania, forbidden its teaching in our schools and made it a crime for a citizen of Texarkania to go to france for any reason whatsoever. All things french, including the salad dressing and fries, are hereby banned, declared illegal and otherwise forbidden within Texarkania's borders. Any frenchie found within our borders with 7 days of this declaration will be automatically presumed to be a spy and subject to summary execution as such.
Lord Wacko,
Fiefdom of Texarkania"
No nation as of yet has reacted to this announcement, but statements are anticipated in the near future.
Colodia takes it that you have a problem with the French, Mr. Jack...[/oldjoke]
Colodia condems this, etc etc, we open our borders to any and all victims, blah blah blah.
The God Falltothzu
08-09-2004, 05:44
If you want to deport them, we'll take them. I can always use more "employees".
Beth Gellert
08-09-2004, 05:51
"Even though French fries don't originate from France, and only weird people call them by that name, anyway?"
-One Beth Gellen reaction, provided by Anne Of Tarlemere, 87.
The semi-official Igovian line thus far remains that this is a very silly thing to do, and that jealousy is a terrible thing, really, and who the hell feels that inferior to the French, anyway? Man, they must have some terrible secrets in Texarkania!
08-09-2004, 05:58
"Even though French fries don't originate from France, and only weird people call them by that name, anyway?"
-One Beth Gellen reaction, provided by Anne Of Tarlemere, 87.
The semi-official Igovian line thus far remains that this is a very silly thing to do, and that jealousy is a terrible thing, really, and who the hell feels that inferior to the French, anyway? Man, they must have some terrible secrets in Texarkania!
"pom frites" is french as well, you can call them fried potatoes, chips or anything of the kind, it is the name "french fries" that is banned. Secondly, we are not jealous and do not feel inferior to the french at all. Rather, we have determined that mimes and french wussies are detrimental to our country and its culture and the risk of our men turning into pinkie extended, cheese eating, wino, wimps is not a risk we are willing to take. As to secrets of Texarkania, we'd be happy to discuss them, but they're classified.
08-09-2004, 05:59
What a horrible thing to do! The French are God's gift to humanity! Oh if I could have only been born French! Comrade Chirac is like a god to me! He is after all, cheif among my European masters. He also has the tastiest backside.
Modern Texas
08-09-2004, 13:45
The Armed Republic of Modern Texas supports the actions taken by Texarkania, our cross-dimensional ally. If our nation can assist in the "disposal" of these people, please advise.
08-09-2004, 13:57
S'il vous plait , it is "pomme frites". Get it right eh! ROFL
Orange state
08-09-2004, 14:40
We'll take them, they have the best wine, good food.. and know how to stick up for themselves and protest to make the government serve the people which other nation's governments dont..
wait... on second thoughts... id rather not. We encourage this action.
(OOC: I like the french but my nation wouldnt)
The devastating Evil
08-09-2004, 14:54
The devastatign evil supports all actions to remove the french from Tarkania except we dont support anyone but ourself. We would help you but we dont do anything excpet for ourselves. And by this I mean we too will be exporting large quantity of french and I will sell them to the highest bidder. As of now we have 22000 crates of fresh alive french people.
Dicatator at Large,
"We have a rich French community in the Hadulan Republic. We do not condone the deportation, but will take in the 'wussies.' We respect the French deeply for their contributions to liberty, democracy, and socialism. They bring new diversity and culture to Hadula, and we will accomadate them like any other citizen, with designated accomodation units, free healthcare, employment, and we will fufill their needs through our welfare program. Oh, and on a side note, I like mimes. Its a form of expression, but maybe you wouldn't understand it."
- Consul Estaban Riverra, Philantropist Party
08-09-2004, 15:18
Hague will hear of this!
Kulladal opens borders for texarkian refugees, will they be french or simply humain texarkins. We will also give economical and juridicule aid to those who whishes to take this matter to international court.
We will also put an economic embargo on texarkian products like, ... ... we will have to get back to you on that one.
As we are a free state we will not ban any of the wonderfull cultural cuntributions coming from your region. We will continue to enjoy the ... ... ?
We would also like to keep diplomatic relations as we belive that information and education can only bring prosperity. We look forward to continue the study of your most benevolant progress in ... ... capital penalty???
08-09-2004, 15:18
Ever heard of Napolean? Or of how, without the French, the US would never of succeeded against the British in the Revolution. They would have crushed us without breaking the rules of war, even with millions in funding, we still had to cheat. My family were personal friends with Washington, so this is hard to say, but I think we rightfully should have lost, the King was mad, but he was gonig to die soon anyways. Napolean, conquerored almost all of Europe, marched all his armies ON FOOT, conquored armies all over europe, even defeating the English army at times, call them wussies, they were ruthless.
08-09-2004, 15:33
c'est dingue qu'est-ce que vous avez contre les français?? ça serait pas un peu de jalousie parce qu'ils savent faire entendre leur opinion, qu'ils ne sont pas obèses, que la bouffe en France est la meilleure du monde, que ce pays a une histoire...mais il parait qu'une étude scientifique a montré que les américains ne savent mme pas ou se trouve l'europe et la france encore moins....
Hey réveillez-vous! vous n'êtes pas seuls sur terre!!
Je suis française et très fière de l'être! Je m'intéresse au reste du monde et je suis dégoutée de voir qu'un pays aussi puissant ne peux pa en faire autant!
That's crazy why are you so aggressive against french people?? perhaps jalousy because they know how to be heard, they are not overweight, french food is the best of the world, this country has an history... but i've heard that a scientific study showed the american don't even know where is europe and france....
Hey wake up! you're not alone on Earth!!
i'm a french girl and very proud of it! i cares what's happening on the rest of earth and i'm sick when i see a country as strong can't do the same...
and excuse me for my englsh mistakes, at less, i tried!!!
08-09-2004, 15:45
Pas grave, on comprend tres bien :)
Mais il provoque et compete entre des pays n'a jamais donne qqch du bien. Personellement je ne sais pas ou se trouve Oregon et si Missouri et une fleuve ou un etat ou les deux.
Souvenez vous que il y a des chose bien qui sort de la aussi. Marx brothers, Phil Roth, The mountain goats, nuclear power, HIV medicin....
08-09-2004, 15:55
je sais bien mé c agaçant ces gens qui croient tout savoir alors qu'ils voient pas + loin que le bout de leur nez!!
kulladal, pays français???
08-09-2004, 16:03
Normalement on m'as dit que c'est evidant que je ne suis pas francais dans une conversation qq part entre le bon et le jour. Mais merci. Kulladal est une banlieu de Malmo au sud de la Suede.
Rarement est ce que on voit de francais sur NS. C'est refrichant du plaignt normal du Bush et Kerry qui pourtant paresses tres proche.
08-09-2004, 16:10
"The french are not wussies"
How can you explain the French fleet at Toulon in WWII?
The French in general in WWII?
The French beat the English once, or twice. It was the British, who beat the French.
La Francais c'est merde c'est nul viva la grand bretagne!
We condemn this deportation of a foreign culture because you merely dislike them.
-Prime Minister John Brown
Virginian States
08-09-2004, 16:19
Our nation's armed forces will gladly aid in the event that Texarkania should require any assistance in enforcing this new law.
We would also like to support Texarkania with the following statement:
"Texas is bigger than France."
The devastating Evil
08-09-2004, 16:50
the devastating evil also wishes to remind other nations of his offer of fresh alive and kicking french people in crates. We too are deporting all of our french and we would also like to make a prophit. We have around 2200 boxes left so people dont miss this oppurtunity to save the frnech people of my country. Cuz like any product when they go bad they are "disposed" of.
the devastating evil also wishes to remind other nations of his offer of fresh alive and kicking french people in crates. We too are deporting all of our french and we would also like to make a prophit. We have around 2200 boxes left so people dont miss this oppurtunity to save the frnech people of my country. Cuz like any product when they go bad they are "disposed" of.
"This act horrifies us, and we will offer four million Hadulan pence (1 million USD) to free these people and give them proper medical care."
- Official Statement from the Ministry of Hospitality's Immigration department.
Hell, I'm French and I don't like me much either.
Jerry Lewis est une Dieux!!!
08-09-2004, 17:26
Hell, I'm French and I don't like me much either.
Jerry Lewis est une Dieux!!!
si t'es si français que ça, explique moi ta faute: on dit un dieu et pas une dieux...................
08-09-2004, 17:28
why do you say france's shit?? do you really know it?? yeah it's not a perfect country but the perfect country does not exist! i respect your country so please respect mine....
pourquoi tant de haine?????????????????
We've taken our own measures as a bilingual country with French as an official language, because of Texarkania's stupid grudge.
Next week, we'll be holding a national exhibition of famous intellectual Texans, consisting chiefly of a blank wall.
Stay tuned for more events soon!
Gran Breton
08-09-2004, 17:43
We also condone and fully support the movement of deportation an dnay help we offer is yours, once we've got rid of our own as well.
The British and French have been rivals for centuries and the French have been generally kicked by the Brits. When the Brits haven't kicked them they've rescued them from the Germans. An despite that they still side with the Gernam's against the Brits in teh EU.
French food isn;t the best in the World at all! Who wants to eat raw meat, froges legs, snails and horse? The reason French food is reknowned is due to the fancy sauces they pour over it. The only reason for this is because they're not able to rear beef as well as Britain. In Britain we only need the gravy from the meat to add flavour, not some poncy sauce!
Ohhh and talk about jealousy.... if it was n';t for teh French Britain wouldn't have lost America as a colony or India. The french were behind many uprisings in teh Empire through their own jealousy.
And what about their resolve to make French the only recognised language of the EU? etc
08-09-2004, 18:11
Excuse me but are you really thinking we (the french) are eating frogs, snails,... You're completely wrong! I eat beefsteak with potatoes, i think you do the same...
Forget all you've read from me before, ok? I was so angry you don't like french people but, you know, i think we really don't know how is life in the other country. And when you're talking about wars, history,...the people who were living in this time are dead know! I'm not like them, you can't judge people like that....too easy....
Have you ever been to france? I've been three times in great britain and i love it. I lived in an english family so i think i know how you're living, just about... i love english people and i love your language that's why i come on this site to improve it... il fact i'd like to be bilingual...
i think if we try, we can understand each other....or perhaps i hope so...
Modern Texas
08-09-2004, 19:04
Next week, we'll be holding a national exhibition of famous intellectual Texans, consisting chiefly of a blank wall.
Oh you poor plebians from Kanabia! Modern Texas has one of the premier head trauma units in the world....Parkland Hospital. We invite you to attend a free screening.
Without bragging, Modern Texas boasts a few idiots at NASA in Houston. And a few more morons at Dell, HP, Compaq, TI, and Raytheon. The original Texas territory gave birth to political, military, and pop culture icons. From Lyndon Johnson, Walter Cronkite, and Dwight Eisenhower, to Willie Nelson, A. J. Foyt, Ben Hogan, and Tommy Lee Jones.
And of all the intellectuals, entertainers, and athletes produced, France chooses to celebrate Jerry Lewis? Jerry Lee that would be intelligent.
Beth Gellert
08-09-2004, 19:41
((Heh, this is turning into a silly OOC squabble about which country is better than which... and that's just stupid. Silly nationalists, stop it! I'm British, and I've been to France four times, and it's fine, I mean, all being relative. It could be better, but so could everywhere else. French people have done some great things, well, at least written some great things, and other French people have done some terrible things, like slaughtering a bajillion Algerians. Americans have...probably done something good at some point in history, too, and they've also done some terrible things, like slaughtering two and a half bajillion aboriginals. In the end, though, they've both had their backsides kicked by the English and the Vietnamese, and I'm not sure anyone else on earth has that special bond. Nationalism and xenophobia are stupid concepts for stupid people like the Dutch.
But, if this is going to continue being played-out in character, Texwhatsit and other racist states like that should probably be RPing the massive loss of international trade they'll experience, and the domestic unrest that will result.))
08-09-2004, 20:28
thank you, really, for what you said. that's what i would like to make understand but my english is too bad, i've not enough i completely agree with you....thank you a lot, again and again...
"We know who we are and what we wanna say but we don't care who's listening" said Henry Yette, quoting Marilyn Manson, at the end of this debat.
The Free Land of Sovietporcin, France
si t'es si français que ça, explique moi ta faute: on dit un dieu et pas une dieux...................
Mon explination? Je suis Quebecois, pas pur laine, moitie-Bloke, moitie-Francophone. Pis en passant, je faissais une "joke", est je suis pas vraiment serieux. Ma femme de 17 ans est Francais pur laine!
I, as the Executive officer of The "Holy Republic" of Oreth, have released an order to our Border Guard to allow any and all French refugees to enter our land. As a matter of fact, French refugees are encouraged to make thier way to the "Holy Republic" of Oreth, and are eagerly awaited as new members of our labor force.
As for the Devastating Evil, We will offer you 3.52 million Finera Dollars (The equivalent of 2 Million USD, twice the asking price of Hadula) for the crates of Frenchmen, as they too, would be valuable additions to our workforce.
Thank you-
John Hansen, Executive Officer of Oreth
you banned...french fries? *blink blink*
Big Playground
08-09-2004, 21:53
Scathing Rebuttals Abound
Barrytown - AP
At a press conference given this morning, the Big Playground Minister for Foreign Affairs, Miss Eva Strauss, lashed out at the recent announcement by Lord Wacko of Texarkania.
"Speaking on Behalf of the Chief Citizen of Big Playground, I feel it necessary not only to condemn the deportation of civilians for their personal beliefs, but also the manner in which this matter has been handled by the government of Texarkania. When it is taken as the sovereign right of the government to dictate what the people may and may not do within their private lives ("wussy" or not, "winos" or not), the population must necessarily find itself in the place that the French once did under their monarchs. We happily open our borders to any and all refugees from this tyrranistic state, embracing the cultural diversity of those who are willing to tolerate each others' differences without resorting to uncalled for punitive measures.
Furthermore, this open invitation should be seen as a gesture of open arms to any who feel oppresed in their current homelands. We will not dictate the course of your actions, nor will we expel you for a trumped-up victimless crime such as drug usage, holding an opinion, or pursuing whatever private matters you see fit to engage in. In addition to these statements of disgust, we feel it necessary to offer our support to the United Socialist States of Hadula's attempt to free the French from their unjust imprisonment at the hands of The Devastating Evils and to commend the Holy Republic of Oreth for their support of the downtrodden peoples.
We of Big Playground love freedom and would like to share it with anyone who cares to join us, even at the increased economic burden of settling extra citizenry. Thank you."
No further comment was made, and Miss Strauss declined to answer questions.
08-09-2004, 21:54
Oh you poor plebians from Kanabia! Modern Texas has one of the premier head trauma units in the world....Parkland Hospital. We invite you to attend a free screening.
Without bragging, Modern Texas boasts a few idiots at NASA in Houston. And a few more morons at Dell, HP, Compaq, TI, and Raytheon. The original Texas territory gave birth to political, military, and pop culture icons. From Lyndon Johnson, Walter Cronkite, and Dwight Eisenhower, to Willie Nelson, A. J. Foyt, Ben Hogan, and Tommy Lee Jones.
And of all the intellectuals, entertainers, and athletes produced, France chooses to celebrate Jerry Lewis? Jerry Lee that would be intelligent.
AHAHAHAH. HadesRulesMuch salutes you and the rest of your allies. We would like to join you in your fight against the Axis of French Oppression. We have summarily fed all of our French to our frolicking cerberuss. We have done numerous studies, and have found that there has been an enormous drop in military effectiveness since we allowed the French to join. Therefore, we have officially sacked Paris, since it was kinda just sittin there lookin all pretty. Also, the Underworld has unleashed its fearful minions to hunt down all French hiding within our borders. Apparently they are quite easy to track, since all that underarm hair gives off a very strong odor. United we stand, divided we can probably still win against the French. The only problem could be if they actually learn how to fight.
08-09-2004, 22:20
It shall be the response of this government to support the deportation of French-and-French-speaking peoples in Texarkania. We judge the indecisive and peace-mongering French to be a source of moral and cultural corruption to our society and a direct threat to the Diffidanndan way of life and as such, we intend to follow suit and allow a limited exile of our own Franco-Diffidanndanians and French sympathizers. Those who do not depart within a month shall be required to register with the Anti-Diffidanndan Response Committee (ADRC). To Frenchies in Diffidannda, You Have Been Warned!
President Hugh Harrold Kok
08-09-2004, 22:42
We, the Constitutional Monarchy of Intlandia, deplore the shameless racist and xenophobic acts of Texarkania and other similar nations. Although we are a mainly English-speaking nation, we appreciate the contributions the French have given to us. As a regular policy that extends to the beginings of our nation, we automatically oppose regimes which seek to oppress individuals and/or other nationalities. We would, of course, like to extend the welcome to our shores of all French refugees, French-speaking refugees, and Francophiles as well as other refugees from oppressed countries.
We also support a ban of Texarkanian goods and services, as well as any potential economic sanctions imposed on Texarkania and other countries.
His Intlandian Royal Majesty King Eugene IX, House of Bupkus
Prime Minister Lord Alistair Haskew, Duke of Rothsinnia
Crazed Marines
08-09-2004, 22:44
We support a county's right to deport someone who they do not like. We have mixed feelings about the French. French people are ok, French Government sucks ass. The French Government has never stood up for itself when it was threatened within the past hundred or so years... I like the French people, they like they really need to improve their military, mainly by giving them guns, a fighting spirit, an taking away the friggin white flag (sorry, had to get in those shameless French jokes, I mean no offense about it)
Sovietporcin: I would like to open trading routes with you, and you will be added to my dossier. As I said, I just don't like the French Government (mainly Chirac)
09-09-2004, 04:33
Hague will hear of this!
Screw the Hague, we're not UN, Nato, EU or members of any alliance or parties to any treaty that recognizes the Hauge as anything but some city in europe.
Kulladal opens borders for texarkian refugees, will they be french or simply humain texarkins. We will also give economical and juridicule aid to those who whishes to take this matter to international court.
Screw the international court, they have no power or jurisdiciton here.
We will also put an economic embargo on texarkian products like, ... ... we will have to get back to you on that one.
How about the millions of barrels of oil and the millions of cubic feet of natural gas we produce from our oil field in west Texas and the Gulf of Mexico? That's fine, we have plenty of other people lined up to buy our oil and gas. We'll live.
As we are a free state we will not ban any of the wonderfull cultural cuntributions coming from your region. We will continue to enjoy the ... ... ?
Best Bar-b-Que in the world? Best Southwestern Art and American Indian Cultural artistic items? Fredrick Remington paintings and sculptures?
We would also like to keep diplomatic relations as we belive that information and education can only bring prosperity. We look forward to continue the study of your most benevolant progress in ... ... capital penalty???
Computer technology, electronics, geology, archeology, native american history?
Has this helped?
09-09-2004, 04:46
We've taken our own measures as a bilingual country with French as an official language, because of Texarkania's stupid grudge.
Next week, we'll be holding a national exhibition of famous intellectual Texans, consisting chiefly of a blank wall.
Stay tuned for more events soon!
You obviously don't have the correct contacts in our great country. So we have taken it upon ourselves to invite the CEO's of Dell, Texas Instruments, AMD, Rayethon, Halliburton, Texaco Oil, The Dallas Cowboys, The Houston Oilers, Compaq Computers, some NASA leaders, Ross Perot, Willie Nelson, Tommy Lee Jones, A.J. Foyt and a few others to speak at your exhibition.
Napoleonic Empire
09-09-2004, 04:46
This is, interesting. We accept any of our brethren into the Union if they wish to come back to their homeland. We will prepare an official statement by the Emperor shortly on this subject.
This could certainly be taken as a warning.
With sincerest regards,
Prime Minister Sophie Marseilles
09-09-2004, 04:50
je sais bien mé c agaçant ces gens qui croient tout savoir alors qu'ils voient pas + loin que le bout de leur nez!!
kulladal, pays français???
OOC: with apologies to Steve Martin
See, they don't even have the common courtesy to speak English!
Lord Wacko
Napoleonic Empire
09-09-2004, 04:53
OOC: with apologies to Steve Martin
See, they don't even have the common courtesy to speak English!
Lord Wacko
Rather, they were speaking informally with a fellow Frenchman.
Evil Woody Thoughts
09-09-2004, 04:56
upon arrival in the Democratic Republic of Evil Woody Thoughts.
AP: After the conclusion of a semi-scientific study and survey of Texarkanians, the government of Texarkania announced today that:
"Our findings indicate that France is a country of wussies, winos and cheese eating wimps. Their language is too "hoity-toity" to be used in real conversations except between pretentious girlie men and their exportation of mimes threatens the collective sanity of the world. We have therefore, as of this day, canceled the visas of all french citizens within our borders, banned their language's use in Texarkania, forbidden its teaching in our schools and made it a crime for a citizen of Texarkania to go to france for any reason whatsoever. All things french, including the salad dressing and fries, are hereby banned, declared illegal and otherwise forbidden within Texarkania's borders. Any frenchie found within our borders with 7 days of this declaration will be automatically presumed to be a spy and subject to summary execution as such.
Lord Wacko,
Fiefdom of Texarkania"
No nation as of yet has reacted to this announcement, but statements are anticipated in the near future.
The french would fight in this decision, but then they would have to surrender very fast.
09-09-2004, 05:06
I'm amazed at the responses this has generated so I'd like to say that it would appear that possibly:
1. Some of you need to get a RL; and/or
2. Some of you can't tell the difference between RL and RP; and/or
3. Some of you think that NS=RL.
That said, to Sovietporcin, I want to extend my sincere RL apology if I have truly offended you. I have no RL grudge against the French at all. I grew up in Great Britain and have visisted France several times. My sister-in-law has a degree in French Literature and I have a cousin that lives just outside Paris and teaches English as a second language (BTW, your use of English is very good). Please understand, this is Role Playing and I'm developing the "character" of my country. It has no relation to who I am in RL. This is fiction, not fact. I just decided to RP the ejection of some group of people from Texarkania and the French is who I thought of, I could have just as easily ejected Polish, Italians, Dutch, Germans, Mexicans, etc. French was just a random choice and is not meant as an RL condemnation of you, your country or its culture.
Also, surely you ("you" meaning those who can't tell RL from RP) note the satire included in the original post: banning french fries, french dressing, presumably French's mustard, Mimes as a threat to world sanity? Come on, you need to learn about satire and irony. And, well, if you can't take a joke, then _______ya'
That said:
To all the countries that are supporting us, thank you for your support and assistance. To those that have opened your shores to the French we are ejecting from Texarkania, we have offered those being deported the option of going to your country upon deportation. To those that condemn our actions, we don't give a flying you know what.
Lord Wacko, Texarkania
Californian People
09-09-2004, 05:07
California News Network Update!
Dozens of Hairy French Refugees arrived from Texarcania At the Long Beach Port Today...upon arrival, a Rocket Laucher Toting Extreamist Terrorist From Communist MExico Arrived, and attempted to fire upon the Crowds who were protesting the arrival of the french. The terrorist missed, and he instead hit the arriving boat full of French Refugees.
Questioning witnesses, we got the fallowing remarks
"Woo-hoo! what an Explosion! Holy Monkey thats fun!"
"Sniff...oh god...the smell..."
"Those poor french live thier lives..and then to die taking a bath..."
"I will sue on for their Families you sick right wing bas...hey..what are you dont! *Gargle gasp snap!*
Afterwards, the terrorist, seeminglly filled with some sort of remoce, slit his own wrists.
Governer Cerberus has been quoted as saying "Jesus..after 200 years we finally got or reputation back from teh whole Elcting Arnold this..." he then rubbed his forehead and added "Oy!"
We shall return with sports, weather. and in our "lighter side" news...a texas Confederate struggles with his zipper...
California News Network... CNN...
09-09-2004, 05:11
California News Network Update!
Dozens of Hairy French Refugees arrived from Texarcania At the Long Beach Port Today...upon arrival, a Rocket Laucher Toting Extreamist Terrorist From Communist MExico Arrived, and attempted to fire upon the Crowds who were protesting the arrival of the french. The terrorist missed, and he instead hit the arriving boat full of French Refugees.
Questioning witnesses, we got the fallowing remarks
"Woo-hoo! what an Explosion! Holy Monkey thats fun!"
"Sniff...oh god...the smell..."
"Those poor french live thier lives..and then to die taking a bath..."
"I will sue on for their Families you sick right wing bas...hey..what are you dont! *Gargle gasp snap!*
Afterwards, the terrorist, seeminglly filled with some sort of remoce, slit his own wrists.
Governer Cerberus has been quoted as saying "Jesus..after 200 years we finally got or reputation back from teh whole Elcting Arnold this..." he then rubbed his forehead and added "Oy!"
We shall return with sports, weather. and in our "lighter side" news...a texas Confederate struggles with his zipper...
California News Network... CNN...
Texas and Colorado
09-09-2004, 05:13
We are Standing outside of the port of Longbeach where a killer just struck....(off to the side"damn it Jum leave your zipper alone") No innocents were harmed just a boatlaod of French people. To the relife of the goverment and to the great amusemnt of all except Port Athourtiy who now has the fun (to the side..."what did I say jim?" *loud slap*) job of cleaning up the waters.
We now go to George Regan back in New-Denver for the politacl reports.....
I'm sorry, but... I've always heard that French women do not shave their underarms, and was wondering if this were really true.
Please, I am not trying to be offensive. It's just something I'm curious about.
Californian People
09-09-2004, 05:23
*two Port authority Janitors, with pool cleaners, stream out the french body parts in the water*
I tell you bob...they dont pay us enough for this job, Man.
*bob plops some inners into a bucket Marked "Chum" * Yeah they do, George. we make 25 K a year after taxes, Man.
*George reaches into the buvket and pulls otu a set of golden false teeth "Plus we get Salvage benifits..." he says, whiping the blood off on his pants, and pocketing the teeth.
*Bob makes a face as he puts the now full bucket, onto a Radio Flyer wagon, which is full of buckets, half of them fll of human body parts. "Man...and I thought the smelled bad...on the outside" ((Obligatory Star Wars Refrencee))
*George pulls down an Empty bucket, labeled "100% Kosher Hot Dogs" and picks his stramer back up,a nd goes back to work*
Texas and Colorado
09-09-2004, 05:28
"Well Mister Tyrone our work here is done" Said the strange man as he pulled off a Comunist MEXICO UNIFORM.
"I pittied da foo who lets Frenchies on thier shores!" says a large african American man, polishing his jewelry "With all that resultin confusion and Jibber jabber...California will declare war on mexico...not cuase of them damn foo frenchies...but for the Boat....and we, the A-hole team...will sell both sides weapons...but better ones to claifornia...those Comies are Suckahs...and I throw hella far!"
"What does taht have to do with anything?"
"Daddie didn't love me...."
((Dun dund und! dunun da! )) :mp5:
c'est dingue qu'est-ce que vous avez contre les français?? ça serait pas un peu de jalousie parce qu'ils savent faire entendre leur opinion, qu'ils ne sont pas obèses, que la bouffe en France est la meilleure du monde, que ce pays a une histoire...mais il parait qu'une étude scientifique a montré que les américains ne savent mme pas ou se trouve l'europe et la france encore moins....
Hey réveillez-vous! vous n'êtes pas seuls sur terre!!
Je suis française et très fière de l'être! Je m'intéresse au reste du monde et je suis dégoutée de voir qu'un pays aussi puissant ne peux pa en faire autant!
That's crazy why are you so aggressive against french people?? perhaps jalousy because they know how to be heard, they are not overweight, french food is the best of the world, this country has an history... but i've heard that a scientific study showed the american don't even know where is europe and france....
Hey wake up! you're not alone on Earth!!
i'm a french girl and very proud of it! i cares what's happening on the rest of earth and i'm sick when i see a country as strong can't do the same...
and excuse me for my englsh mistakes, at less, i tried!!!To you I offer this gift:
Texas and Colorado
09-09-2004, 05:53
:D To you I offer this gift:
Akaton Standard Complaint Form:
We are horrified by your (terrorist/military/genocidal/racist) actions. Please stop (exterminating/attacking/supporting/deporting) the members of this (terrorist group/religious group/enemy nation/race). We (won't/will) do anything to stop you, so (do as we command/ignore our complaint/enter into negotiations with us).
Filled out by: The housekeeping staff of the assistant to the secretary of foreign affairs.
Modern Texas
09-09-2004, 11:41
Akaton Standard Complaint Form:
We are horrified by your (terrorist/military/genocidal/racist) actions. Please stop (exterminating/attacking/supporting/deporting) the members of this (terrorist group/religious group/enemy nation/race). We (won't/will) do anything to stop you, so (do as we command/ignore our complaint/enter into negotiations with us).
Filled out by: The housekeeping staff of the assistant to the secretary of foreign affairs.
OOC: This sounds like standard issue from the French government.
Modern Texas
09-09-2004, 11:46
The Armed Republic of Modern Texas would like to again reaffirm its support for Texarkania in light of new threats and baseless accusations being hurled at their great nation. Through our trans-dimensional alliance, we have been able to dispose of thousands of Frenchman, dispersing them to their allied nations, such as Iran, Syria, and Germany who are always willing to take in a retreating Frenchman.
To Texas and Colorado and to the Californian People, we offer a trans-dimensional non-agression treaty and open up dialogue for diplomatic relations, as we occupy the same space in a different dimension. Greetings to you both and may your futures be profitable.
Orange state
09-09-2004, 12:31
I'm amazed at the responses this has generated so I'd like to say that it would appear that possibly:
1. Some of you need to get a RL; and/or
2. Some of you can't tell the difference between RL and RP; and/or
3. Some of you think that NS=RL.
OOC:yeah, though after a few scares where nazi countries have been known to be be run by racist fashist nutballs, you can excuse the general tension. In subjects like this i now try to make it clear if my RL views conflict with my nation's ones.
IC: we officially approve of your actions. Please send us the newborn babaies we will use them for warriors, and dont worry about their pro rights anti war gentics, thats nothing genetic therapy (we are future tech so we dont exactly have normal humans in our army) and 18 years of training (OOC: brainwashing) wont fix.
You obviously don't have the correct contacts in our great country. So we have taken it upon ourselves to invite the
Wait a second. YOU invited THEM to OUR convention? Pfeh. Must be Texan hospitality.
CEO's of Dell, Compaq Computers
They aren't welcome. Building computers out of OEM equipment and overpricing the finished product does not constitute an intellectual figure.
Texas Instruments
Ah, yes, those cruddy calculators. Bah. (OOC:Mine wont work after a friend tried programming in assembly on it. If you turn it on, it freezes, and the only way you can switch it off is by removing all the batteries. lol)
Ah, yes, and how many of their technicians and engineers are Texan? :p We'll invite a delegation from Taiwan quite happily.
Please, its Raytheon. And they employ in many countries so are therefore not a prime example of Texan ingenuity. Not permitted.
Halliburton, Texaco Oil, The Houston Oilers
Eww...oil companies. Not permitted.
The Dallas Cowboys
Har har har. They can come. Jocks speaking at an intellectual convention should be interesting.
some NASA leaders
How many, exactly :p
Ross Perot
Just cause he's a billionaire capitalist scumbag does not make him an intellectual figure. Denied, unless we can detain him and surgically remove his accent for fun.
Willie Nelson
Not a fan of country music. Denied.
Tommy Lee Jones
An actor. Big deal.
A.J. Foyt
We're doing you a favour though. We're showing episodes of "King of the Hill" as an insight into the average Texan. Har.
OOC: No, I don't have anything really against Texans, having never been to the USA and therefore unable to tell apart residents of seperate states, but ICly you asked for it :p
09-09-2004, 13:47
After a few discussions with ministers of the economy we have decided that all of the French being deported who own land our businesses in Texarkania will be required to sell said land or businesses to the government of Texarkania at a price determined by us to be the fair market value of the business or land minus a 50% re-location expense tax. The businesses and land thus purchased by Texarkania will then be auctioned off to the highest, non-french bidder. Any profit realized from these sales will be distributed to the Worldwide AntiMime Project (W.A.P.) for their use in ridding the world of the scourge of mimes.
Lord Wacko
09-09-2004, 13:53
Wait a second. YOU invited THEM to OUR convention? Pfeh. Must be Texan hospitality.
They aren't welcome. Building computers out of OEM equipment and overpricing the finished product does not constitute an intellectual figure.
Ah, yes, those cruddy calculators. Bah. (OOC:Mine wont work after a friend tried programming in assembly on it. If you turn it on, it freezes, and the only way you can switch it off is by removing all the batteries. lol)
Ah, yes, and how many of their technicians and engineers are Texan? :p We'll invite a delegation from Taiwan quite happily.
Please, its Raytheon. And they employ in many countries so are therefore not a prime example of Texan ingenuity. Not permitted.
Eww...oil companies. Not permitted.
Har har har. They can come. Jocks speaking at an intellectual convention should be interesting.
How many, exactly :p
Just cause he's a billionaire capitalist scumbag does not make him an intellectual figure. Denied, unless we can detain him and surgically remove his accent for fun.
Not a fan of country music. Denied.
An actor. Big deal.
We're doing you a favour though. We're showing episodes of "King of the Hill" as an insight into the average Texan. Har.
OOC: No, I don't have anything really against Texans, having never been to the USA and therefore unable to tell apart residents of seperate states, but ICly you asked for it :p
OOC: yes ICly I did ask for it and it is accepted in that way. :)
Ancient and Holy Terra
09-09-2004, 14:00
(ooc: I think an important distinction must be made. Whereas the French say that they have problems with the US Government, we assume that they are criticizing America itself. They are not. They like America for what it stands for. They have qualms with the Bush Administration.
The United States, however, has failed to make that distinction. We call the French people sissies, wusses, and those various other derogatory nicknames, where it should be their government we are criticizing.
Just as an aside, President Chirac said that the meal he had in America was 'at least as good as any he's ever had in France.' Score one for American Cuisine. :D)
Modern Texas
09-09-2004, 14:05
The Governing Council of the Armed Republic of Modern Texas has just issued emergency legislation in response to the alarming proliferation of mimes. The Council hereby approves and demands that the Minister of Defense use every WMD (Weapons of Mime Destruction) at his disposal to combat this epidemic. Together, we can defeat the mimes!
Ted The Penguin
09-09-2004, 14:05
After carefull and precise case studies The Allied States of Ted the Penguin are condeming the Actions taken by those Deporting the french.
It is quite well known that we dont need to deport the french... we need to cure them!
Any interested nations can contact the "Great University Of Ted The Penguin" to receive further details of our "program for fixing the french"
Thankyou and goodnight
09-09-2004, 14:31
Sadly, we were forced to expel Frarse from the League of Independent States.
Please understand, it is not that our region is in any way prejudiced against the poodle-loving, garlic-munching, gibbering surrender-monkeys. It was just that we could no longer stand the smell.
And, yes, Phasv2, it is quite common for French women not to shave their armpits. And to smear their armpit hair with camembert, too, by all accounts. Their men like them that way (remember Napoleon's message to the Empress Josephine: "I am coming home tonight: do not wash!").
And, yes, Phasv2, it is quite common for French women not to shave their armpits. And to smear their armpit hair with camembert, too, by all accounts. Their men like them that way (remember Napoleon's message to the Empress Josephine: "I am coming home tonight: do not wash!").
OOC: I know plenty of nice looking French girls that don't fit that stereotype.
Hell, if we want to play stereotypes, how about them fat American women? They cant even reach their armpits, let alone shave them.
Modern Texas
09-09-2004, 14:49
(ooc: I think an important distinction must be made. Whereas the French say that they have problems with the US Government, we assume that they are criticizing America itself. They are not. They like America for what it stands for. They have qualms with the Bush Administration.
OOC: That's BS. The French people have believed Americans to be arrogant and overbearing long before they ever heard of George W. Bush. Don't try to pin every ill opinion of America on him (even though that is quite fashionable these days)
09-09-2004, 15:06
OOC: I know plenty of nice looking French girls that don't fit that stereotype.
Hell, if we want to play stereotypes, how about them fat American women? They cant even reach their armpits, let alone shave them.
Typical American ingenuity has solved that and other similar problems, Kanabia. They simply use an extending arm to which is fastened an electric razor, toilet tissue, or whatever.
As for nice-looking French girls, I agree that there must be some, somewhere - possibly even in Frarse - but how about ones that aren't stinky? I notice you didn't make as outlandish a claim as that...
09-09-2004, 19:04
09-09-2004, 19:33
We here in Louisiana tend to agree with Ted the Penguin in this matter and we have therefore opened several re-education camps in the swamps of Louisisana to teach the French how to be a french Cajun. They will learn how to drink beer and whiskey, play zydeca music, eat and wrestle alligators, coon and crawfish. They'll learn how to shoot first and ask questions later and how to drive a swamp buggy among other things. We estimate with a year of proper training in our camps, most french can be properly acclimated and learn to speak english (albeit with a cajun accent). We would hope that cajuns would be accpetable to Texarkania, our neighbor and ally.
"uncle" Duke Huey P. Long III
New Orleans
The Grand Duchy of Norleans
Independent Hitmen
09-09-2004, 19:36
We suggest some light reading to you.
The book French Military Victories by Monsiour Henri De'Dutumph.
OOC: Also type in french military victories on google and hit im feeling lucky instead of search. You may like the result.
09-09-2004, 19:42
I'm sorry, but... I've always heard that French women do not shave their underarms, and was wondering if this were really true.
Please, I am not trying to be offensive. It's just something I'm curious about.
what do you mean??? are you really thinking that??? i'm a french women and i do shave my
09-09-2004, 19:57
***you are looking for the true love with a beautiful woman?***
***have you ever been to france?***
You sould like our collection automn/winter 2004 of french girls!! So hurry up! Come to visit our great country!! (a camembert will be given to you for every trip to our country!!)
it was a message from the "Bureau de la condition féminine" of sovietporcin
Napoleonic Empire
09-09-2004, 20:04
To the Texan people, and who else it may concern,
I watch you and ponder many things. It seems you make many irrational decisions regarding our people. I am disheartened by your view, but still, I must not let my temper flare.
We request you send any French deportee to the Imperial Union that has not yet been taken in my another nation. We also furthur implore that they be able to retain ownership of their property, and sell it at their own price. They should still however be able to run it from overseas. We personally aren't fond of the idea of private ownership of business, but I regress, that is not the point I am trying to put across.
If the French deportees have any sign of abuse, you and/or the personnel you had assigned to deport the emigrants will be charged and prosecuted by our powerful courts. We may see it likely to fine your government/personnel as punishment should this trangression be proven.
Furthurmore, you must stop your actions against the simple mime and pandomime performers. You may outlaw the practice in your own nation, but we see it as a form of expression here in the Imperial Union, and see it as a rather blatant sign of disrespect to our culture.
Our final term will come to the fact that we request all the Texans in Louisiana [Earth III, consists of Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alabama] and other Union holdings please leave peacefully or be forcibly deported to Modern Texas or Texarkania. This emigration will be done humanely and with the terms specified above in addition to the 20,000 franc compensation and other policies by our emigration offices. We will not stop deporting our Texan population until the French populace of Modern Texas and Texarkania are returned.
If you do not conform to these terms, we will take furthur action. We ask you to remain respectful of our culture, and do not do something as rash as this once more.
His Imperial Majesty,
Grand Emperor Elect Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte II
High Ruler and Director of the Imperial Union [Napoleonic Empire to foreigners]
[OOC: BTW, I have nothing against Texans, in fact, I live right next to them (I'm Oklahoman.) But I like the French as well, and am acting within IC behavior.]
Napoleonic Empire
09-09-2004, 20:06
***you are looking for the true love with a beautiful woman?***
***have you ever been to france?***
You sould like our collection automn/winter 2004 of french girls!! So hurry up! Come to visit our great country!! (a camembert will be given to you for every trip to our country!!)
it was a message from the "Bureau de la condition féminine" of sovietporcin
"What in the Nine Hells is this!?"
- Prime Minister Sophie Marseilles's recorded first response
Crazed Marines
10-09-2004, 02:37
***you are looking for the true love with a beautiful woman?***
***have you ever been to france?***
You sould like our collection automn/winter 2004 of french girls!! So hurry up! Come to visit our great country!! (a camembert will be given to you for every trip to our country!!)
it was a message from the "Bureau de la condition féminine" of sovietporcin
OOC: You have good english skills. Just remember that Microsoft Word works just as well in English as it does in French (I used it to help me write my French 2 Final).
IC: We shall send in an "inspection" team on 4 platoons of off-duty Marines to tour your country and report back on the conditions. If it is favorable, we would like to set up a hospital in your country for our wonded veterans (nice place to be sent after being hit...)
10-09-2004, 03:10
In Houston, Capital of Texarkania
For Immediate Release:
Lord Wacko, after conferring with other government officials has partially reversed the government's decisions regarding the deportation of the French. Specifically, it has been ordered that all french who relocate to our neighbor and ally, Norleans, and spend a year in their cajun re-education camps, will be welcomed back into Texarkania at the end of the year. Furthermore, such people shall not lose their property or business interests in Texarkania. "We can live with Cajuns" said Lord Wacko. "They're not wussie wimps like real frenchies. No wussie can be a cajun swamper, so Norleans bred or educated french cajuns can stay."
Secondly, Lord Wacko announced that any person caught abusing, torturing or otherwise deliberately harming a frenchie just because he was a frenchie would be prosecuted. "Just cause we don't like 'em and want them outta our country doesn't mean they deserve to be totured. Real men pick fights with other real men, not weanies." All french people are reminded they have 6 days left in which to decide where they intend to relocate too and make their intentions known to their local Texas Rangers' office or face arrest and forcible deportation back to France itself.
Napoleonic Empire
10-09-2004, 03:12
[OOC: Are you going to reply to NE's ultimatum?]
10-09-2004, 03:38
To the Texan people, and who else it may concern,
I watch you and ponder many things. It seems you make many irrational decisions regarding our people. I am disheartened by your view, but still, I must not let my temper flare.
Good, its bad for your blood pressure to lose your temper.
We request you send any French deportee to the Imperial Union that has not yet been taken in my another nation.
They can go wherever the hell they want, we're not sending them anywhere, we're just telling them to get out, we'll put them on a plane, free of charge, to anywhere they choose to go.
We also furthur implore that they be able to retain ownership of their property, and sell it at their own price. They should still however be able to run it from overseas. We personally aren't fond of the idea of private ownership of business, but I regress, that is not the point I am trying to put across.
If you'll note our newly broadcast press release sets out some terms under which they can retain their property and even return to Texarkania in just under a year. Since you don't even like the private ownership of business why should you even give a flying you know what though?
If the French deportees have any sign of abuse, you and/or the personnel you had assigned to deport the emigrants will be charged and prosecuted by our powerful courts. We may see it likely to fine your government/personnel as punishment should this trangression be proven.
First, see our new press release, we'll prosecute our own citizens for toturing or abusing the wussies. Secondly, your courts have no jurisdiction over us so prosecute and fine away, we won't be responding
Furthurmore, you must stop your actions against the simple mime and pandomime performers. You may outlaw the practice in your own nation, but we see it as a form of expression here in the Imperial Union, and see it as a rather blatant sign of disrespect to our culture.
go back and read our posts again, we have taken no, I repeat NO action against any mime at all. We have said we don't like them, we have offered to donate money to WAP (The Worldwide Anti-Mime Project), but no where have we stated we were arresting, toturing, killing or other wise harming mimes. If they are a french mime they must leave our country, but that's all we've said.
Our final term will come to the fact that we request all the Texans in Louisiana [Earth III, consists of Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alabama] and other Union holdings please leave peacefully or be forcibly deported to Modern Texas or Texarkania. This emigration will be done humanely and with the terms specified above in addition to the 20,000 franc compensation and other policies by our emigration offices. We will not stop deporting our Texan population until the French populace of Modern Texas and Texarkania are returned.
We feel certain none of our fine citizens are in your wussie country, and if they are, they've already been informed that they are to return here at once anyway. Why would they want to stay in sissie land
If you do not conform to these terms, we will take furthur action. We ask you to remain respectful of our culture, and do not do something as rash as this once more.
We don't give a flying armadillo shit about your culture and we'll do whatever the fuck we want. We're a sovereign nation. We don't tell you which wine goes with snails and eels and you have no right to tell us which person belongs in our country.
His Imperial Majesty,
Grand Emperor Elect Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte II
High Ruler and Director of the Imperial Union [Napoleonic Empire to foreigners]
His Lordship,
Lord Wacko
Ruler of the Fiefdom of Texarkania
A country of Real Men, not mimes
OOC: You're an Okie huh? that's kinda neat. I'm an Arkie, howdy neighbor! And again, I don't have any RL gripe with french people, mimes, or Oklahomans :)
Napoleonic Empire
10-09-2004, 03:54
Good, its bad for your blood pressure to lose your temper.
Quite. You know that pain in your left arm? Its nothing, really.
They can go wherever the hell they want, we're not sending them anywhere, we're just telling them to get out, we'll put them on a plane, free of charge, to anywhere they choose to go.
Very well, we were only offering safe haven. No objections.
If you'll note our newly broadcast press release sets out some terms under which they can retain their property and even return to Texarkania in just under a year. Since you don't even like the private ownership of business why should you even give a flying you know what though?
Because it is their right, as that was the system they were born into. I had written the letter before that release, and we accept those terms.
First, see our new press release, we'll prosecute our own citizens for toturing or abusing the wussies. Secondly, your courts have no jurisdiction over us so prosecute and fine away, we won't be responding
We are glad you are not abusing the parties in question. Do not use that term, it is a gross generalization. You are insulting our country to the brink of hostility, and we do not want this to escalate it furthur.
go back and read our posts again, we have taken no, I repeat NO action against any mime at all. We have said we don't like them, we have offered to donate money to WAP (The Worldwide Anti-Mime Project), but no where have we stated we were arresting, toturing, killing or other wise harming mimes. If they are a french mime they must leave our country, but that's all we've said.
We were referring to Modern Texas, not you, look at the beginning of my letter.
We feel certain none of our fine citizens are in your wussie country, and if they are, they've already been informed that they are to return here at once anyway. Why would they want to stay in sissie land
Louisiana is far from "sissy-land." Again I implore you not to use that language. We have had many Texan immigrants into Louisiana for various reasons. We do not accept this generalizations.
And how exactly did you 'inform' them? We monitor our communication lines and it would have at least been noted by us. It is a little matter, only we wish to know how.
We don't give a flying armadillo shit about your culture and we'll do whatever the fuck we want. We're a sovereign nation. We don't tell you which wine goes with snails and eels and you have no right to tell us which person belongs in our country.
We have not done anything of the sort, we have only advocated freedom from prosecution of our People. Also, do not make a comment like that again, or I will make you eat those words, you morceau dégoûtant de merde.
OOC: You're an Okie huh? that's kinda neat. I'm an Arkie, howdy neighbor! And again, I don't have any RL gripe with french people, mimes, or Oklahomans :)
[OOC; Heh, I know. This is becomign rather fun. In the immortal words of Zell Miller "I challenge you to a duel!"]
what do you mean??? are you really thinking that??? i'm a french women and i do shave my
Il a confondu les femmes françaises avec les femmes italiennes :p
(je suis désolé pour mon Français pauvre..)
I totally agree with the statement that all french should be deported.. as to where they should go, maybe we could send them to work camps at the nations border, so they might corrupt the hearts of citizens of hated neighbouring countries:p..
10-09-2004, 17:50
Il a confondu les femmes françaises avec les femmes italiennes :p
(je suis désolé pour mon Français pauvre..)
no you're french is good (i hope my english is understandable and as good as your french !!! )
this debat is beggining to be interesting i think!! someone here has msn messenger???? if you want my e-mail, send a message to sovietporcin with yours, and i'll give you mine....i really want to improve my english talking with english or american people!!
Napoleonic Empire
10-09-2004, 17:58
[OOC: I won't be on for a while, but my MSN address is
The Imperial Union is pre-WWII tech, with mostly 17-19th Century customs and traditions. If this does escalate into war, may I ask you respond with the same tech? If not, then we would be at a disadvantage, and it wouldn't very fair now, would it ;)? However, a small skirmish fighting at our borders (Louisiana territory owned by the Imperial Union borders on Texas) may result from our flinging of insults at each other. In fact, since dueling is a common practice in the Napoleonic Empire, how about we arrange a "duel" between our nations, basically a war game in uninhabited territory with equal terms on both side to prove who is superior to the other. Interested?]
no you're french is good (i hope my english is understandable and as good as your french !!! )
this debat is beggining to be interesting i think!! someone here has msn messenger???? if you want my e-mail, send a message to sovietporcin with yours, and i'll give you mine....i really want to improve my english talking with english or american people!!
Sure, check your TG's. By the way, i'm Australian :)
edit- and your English is perfectly understandable.
Crazed Marines
10-09-2004, 23:38
Il a confondu les femmes françaises avec les femmes italiennes :p
(je suis désolé pour mon Français pauvre..)
ROTFLMAO! Good one!
10-09-2004, 23:51
Napoleonic Empire
We informed our citizens they had to leave via e-mail. All citizens of Texarkania with Texarkania passports are required to supply us with a valid e-mail address when they get their passport so we can inform them of stuff like this while they are out of our great country. A bulk email was sent to all our citizens abroad that they were to leave any frenchie territory they might find themselves in order to avoid possible attempts to retaliate against them by the throwing of calimari rings or escargot at them as they ate their T-Bones and Baked potatoes.
Lord Wacko
Il a confondu les femmes françaises avec les femmes italiennes
I agree with crazed marines, but I have to ask, are you trying to get the Italians pissed off as well? :D
BTW, did you hear about the italian that moved to france? He more than doubled the collective IQ of both countries. (It's a joke guys!!!)
Napoleonic Empire
10-09-2004, 23:55
Napoleonic Empire
We informed our citizens they had to leave via e-mail. All citizens of Texarkania with Texarkania passports are required to supply us with a valid e-mail address when they get their passport so we can inform them of stuff like this while they are out of our great country. A bulk email was sent to all our citizens abroad that they were to leave any frenchie territory they might find themselves in order to avoid possible attempts to retaliate against them by the throwing of calimari rings or escargot at them as they ate their T-Bones and Baked potatoes.
Lord Wacko
[OOC: You do know I am in pre-WWII technology? Computers are abstract concepts, only a few French scientists even have thought of what a computer may be. We don't have a passport system. But it doesn't matter really. Are you interested in the War Game solution? That may be interesting, non-lethal way of solving the conflict without much more insults being thrown around.
And calamari is Italian ;)]
11-09-2004, 00:06
[OOC: You do know I am in pre-WWII technology? Computers are abstract concepts, only a few French scientists even have thought of what a computer may be. We don't have a passport system. But it doesn't matter really. Are you interested in the War Game solution? That may be interesting, non-lethal way of solving the conflict without much more insults being thrown around.
OOC: My bad, sorry, ok, we sent them encryped telegrams. maybe you intercepted them. I don't know if we need to have war games or not, didn't we settle our differences on your ultimatum? or is this now a matter of honor? I'll certainly go along with your tech. level should we need to have some sort of battle of honor.
And calamari is Italian ;)]
Ok, my bad again. Just leave it at escargot.
Napoleonic Empire
11-09-2004, 00:13
OOC: My bad, sorry, ok, we sent them encryped telegrams. maybe you intercepted them. I don't know if we need to have war games or not, didn't we settle our differences on your ultimatum? or is this now a matter of honor? I'll certainly go along with your tech. level should we need to have some sort of battle of honor.
[OOC: Nah, I don't think so after I think about it. Though Frances would certainly feel his honor violated after this, but he is a calm man, and he doesn't think that being so arrogant would be good for his political image. Despite this, that may be bad for his popularity among the nationalists among his nation. Maybe just a duel between him and one of the Texarkania leaders? Doesn't eve nhave to be an actual duel, it could be just shot into the air or staged to satisfy each party's honor. As they say in the Union, "pistols at dawn."]
11-09-2004, 00:16
Might we suggest a 'gator wrestlin' contest? 1st one to hog tie a 8 foot alligator in the swamp wins?
Napoleonic Empire
11-09-2004, 00:18
Might we suggest a 'gator wrestlin' contest? 1st one to hog tie a 8 foot alligator in the swamp wins?
[OOC: Frances is a New Orleans native, and the first Emperor Elect to be from Louisiana. (One has been from Quebec, the others from homeland France, or Corsica in Napoleon's case.) He isn't very Cajun though, but he wouldn't find that below him ;)]
11-09-2004, 00:36
If we weren't so sure this action means nothing, for most nations supporting this mean nothing, the following action would take place. The crippled prime minister would stand, point to the following nations and go- "Independent war on you, war on you, war on you, SANCTIONS on yous, war, war, war, war, sanctions, induced civil war, enslavement, war, war, and annihilation for you next tuesday. Thank you and have a nice evening." She would then proceed to do the Charleston.
Bon annee mes amis!
Ministry of Sarastic and Sardonic Remarks
Crazed Marines
11-09-2004, 17:09
To all combatants: Bonne chance! (spelling's correct?)
11-09-2004, 18:07
To all combatants: Bonne chance! (spelling's correct?)
really good, don't worry...
11-09-2004, 18:18
and offer them full care.
There is a large minority of French-speaking citizens in Earthaven, and are a valued asset to the strength of our nation.
Crazed Marines
11-09-2004, 18:23
really good, don't worry...
I meant on the Bon/Bonne...It has been over a year since I last took French, so I'am about as rusty as a Model T Ford that's underwater.
12-09-2004, 00:23
OK NE, you wanna go to Norleans and wrestle a gator for honor, its a deal. Norleans give us a day and time and place and set up the ground rules for us. If we lose, we will agree to allow all the french we are deporting to retain their property and sell it or manage it from overseas (we will not agree to stop deporting them, we still don't want them here, we will just agree that they can all keep their property. They will still be free to go to a Norlean's Cajun Re-education camp and be re-admitted to Texarkania upon certification as an honorary cajun as well). On the other hand, if you lose, we want a public announcement and apology for inflicting the curse of mimes upon the world and an acknowledgement that your countrymen are wussies. If you don't want to do that, then how about a $1,000.00 bet on who will win :)
Napoleonic Empire
12-09-2004, 00:29
OK NE, you wanna go to Norleans and wrestle a gator for honor, its a deal. Norleans give us a day and time and place and set up the ground rules for us. If we lose, we will agree to allow all the french we are deporting to retain their property and sell it or manage it from overseas (we will not agree to stop deporting them, we still don't want them here, we will just agree that they can all keep their property. They will still be free to go to a Norlean's Cajun Re-education camp and be re-admitted to Texarkania upon certification as an honorary cajun as well). On the other hand, if you lose, we want a public announcement and apology for inflicting the curse of mimes upon the world and an acknowledgement that your countrymen are wussies. If you don't want to do that, then how about a $1,000.00 bet on who will win :)
You underestimate a Louisianan. Its a deal. We await the contest.- Grand Emperor Elect Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte the II
12-09-2004, 01:07
OK Here are the rules:
Next Saturday (RL) meet in Baton Rouge at the steps of the capital building at 10:00 a.m. (NS time, meaning whenever you can get on and start this next weekend). We'll escort the two combatants to the swamps near Metarie, LA. where we will have secured an area for the contest. We will have 2, eight foot alligators all ready for the combatants. Each alligator will be in perfect health, approximately 4-5 years old and will have gone without any food for a period of 48 hours prior to the contest. Each combatant will enter the combat area and the alligators will be turned loose. The first one to have his gator's mouth tied shut, flipped on its back and all four of its legs tied up "rodeo style" will be the winner. After the contest, we'll host a state dinner at which the alligators will be served.
OK with ya'll? If we don't hear any objections, we'll see ya' next Saturday in Baton Rouge.
OOC: I need to RP this next week for various reasons. I gues if you guys want to go ahead without me you can, but I'd like to be a part of it and set the stage. Why don't ya'll work out in TG's how the contest is going to come out and let me know then I can narrate it as the host and provide news coverage, etc.
12-09-2004, 01:18
OK Here are the rules:
Next Saturday (RL) meet in Baton Rouge at the steps of the capital building at 10:00 a.m. (NS time, meaning whenever you can get on and start this next weekend). We'll escort the two combatants to the swamps near Metarie, LA. where we will have secured an area for the contest. We will have 2, eight foot alligators all ready for the combatants. Each alligator will be in perfect health, approximately 4-5 years old and will have gone without any food for a period of 48 hours prior to the contest. Each combatant will enter the combat area and the alligators will be turned loose. The first one to have his gator's mouth tied shut, flipped on its back and all four of its legs tied up "rodeo style" will be the winner. After the contest, we'll host a state dinner at which the alligators will be served.
OK with ya'll? If we don't hear any objections, we'll see ya' next Saturday in Baton Rouge.
OOC: I need to RP this next week for various reasons. I gues if you guys want to go ahead without me you can, but I'd like to be a part of it and set the stage. Why don't ya'll work out in TG's how the contest is going to come out and let me know then I can narrate it as the host and provide news coverage, etc.
OOC: Haven't seen you in while Norleans, hows the Grand Duchy?
12-09-2004, 01:37
OOC: Haven't seen you in while Norleans, hows the Grand Duchy?
We're doing good, looks like we're gonna have some fun here next week too. Send the staff to watch and join in the festivities. Should be some good eatin' too.
OOC: watch the board for a soon to be posted (i.e. within the next RL hour) announcement re: Texarkania and Norleans and our oil
12-09-2004, 01:40
I'll send Rowanoke in to join the fun.
12-09-2004, 02:07
Here goes my two cents...
I'm an american, and before my family moved here bout a billion years ago, they were british, but, I happin to love the french people, they make good food, are intelligent (From those I've met) and are generally nice people (Again, from those I've met.) I may disagree with how they handle some things, like the war in Iraq, but I'd have rathered we didn't get into that anyway. (Even though it is nice Bin Ladden and all those are gone) However, I dissagree with their opinion of the U.S., If I go online and enter a chat room and say something where there are french people, They usually laugh me outta there. It would be nice if they judged people individually, and not as a whole.
12-09-2004, 02:09
Here goes my two cents...
I'm an american, and before my family moved here bout a billion years ago, they were british, but, I happin to love the french people, they make good food, are intelligent (From those I've met) and are generally nice people (Again, from those I've met.) I may disagree with how they handle some things, like the war in Iraq, but I'd have rathered we didn't get into that anyway. (Even though it is nice Bin Ladden and all those are gone) However, I dissagree with their opinion of the U.S., If I go online and enter a chat room and say something where there are french people, They usually laugh me outta there. It would be nice if they judged people individually, and not as a whole.
This is RP, not RL, you're obviously confused about the difference between the two.
12-09-2004, 02:14
oops, I just read that he was deporting french, and then everyone was like, no the french are cool, haha, I guess im just tired.
12-09-2004, 02:19
Can we have a roast after the spectacle? And eat the gator?
Ministry of Tucking In
Go back and read the post, that is exactly what is going to happen.
12-09-2004, 02:19
Can we have a roast after the spectacle? And eat the gator?
Ministry of Tucking In
12-09-2004, 02:26
Ever heard of Napolean? Or of how, without the French, the US would never of succeeded against the British in the Revolution. They would have crushed us without breaking the rules of war, even with millions in funding, we still had to cheat. My family were personal friends with Washington, so this is hard to say, but I think we rightfully should have lost, the King was mad, but he was gonig to die soon anyways. Napolean, conquerored almost all of Europe, marched all his armies ON FOOT, conquored armies all over europe, even defeating the English army at times, call them wussies, they were ruthless.
For a long time the Frankish kings were conquerors and their culture was the most sophisticated in Western Europe. Napoleon was the last French leader that really inspired his people to real millitary gains.
Napoleon was a ruthless and successful leader but in the end he was no match to the British or the Tzars...
The Mighty Quin
12-09-2004, 02:34
The Empire of The Mighty Quin condemns this action, you are no different than Feminani(sp?) with this plan against the French, and though our nation cannot hold a candle to most we feel this is a vilie disgrace on your country's part and do not support it.
12-09-2004, 02:45
Huzzah! A feast upon the lizard beasts! Time to make me some boots.
Ministry of Oversight
I agree with crazed marines, but I have to ask, are you trying to get the Italians pissed off as well? :D
Sure, why not? Haha.
All the insults levelled at France could easily be applied to that country. :p
(of course, i'm joking for anyone who doesn't get the context and jumps in and reads the last post before replying)
12-09-2004, 13:41
Here goes my two cents...
I'm an american, and before my family moved here bout a billion years ago, they were british, but, I happin to love the french people, they make good food, are intelligent (From those I've met) and are generally nice people (Again, from those I've met.) I may disagree with how they handle some things, like the war in Iraq, but I'd have rathered we didn't get into that anyway. (Even though it is nice Bin Ladden and all those are gone) However, I dissagree with their opinion of the U.S., If I go online and enter a chat room and say something where there are french people, They usually laugh me outta there. It would be nice if they judged people individually, and not as a whole.
no pb for that! i'm french and i completely agree with you!! i'd like people to do the same with french people or everyone else
12-09-2004, 14:00
Just a small statement:
The French refugees are welcome to join the Free Land of Inexistentialists. If we, for some weird reason, would exist.
As it is, unfortunately, we do not. And even if we did, we wouldn't tell you.
We also seem to have misplaced our country, and forgot where it is at this moment in time.
Have a nice one.
-Inexistentialist HQ-
German Axis Glory
12-09-2004, 14:14
Just for a laugh, Mora Tau just rounded up any person from a country with the first three letter 'tex' and shot them.
:mp5: :sniper: :sniper: :mp5: :sniper: :mp5: :sniper: :sniper: :mp5: :sniper:
*wasted ammunition.... screw it.
German Axis Glory
12-09-2004, 14:15
God, I hate Mora Tau. Round them up and shoot them all.
Mora Tau
12-09-2004, 14:20
Cool. Why does everyone hate me? O well.
I know a French girl. She's a goth exchange student. My friend has given her the imaginative nickname 'Frenchie'. Clever, huh?
12-09-2004, 14:37
La reine condamne ces actions comme son héritage est des rois chrétiens francs. La généralisation rapide au sujet du Français est totalement inadmissible et peut mener aux actions contre Texans à l'avenir .
Dieu bénissent
Dairy Department
12-09-2004, 14:58
Our great and gloryist leader has just signed legislation outlawing France forever.
We begin bombing in 5 minutes.
The Maginot Consortium
12-09-2004, 15:42
The Consortium offers its sympathy to those effected by the cruel edict issued by Texarkania and its supporters. All refugees are welcome in the Consortium, and we will (active immediately) be instituting an embargo against the political entities mentioned above.
12-09-2004, 16:00
Con, c'est vraiment con.... I am so sick and tired of what dumbasses like you have to say..... Is it ture about America? That all people there are so fat they use scooters and rascals to move around? Is it true that dumbassed Americans keep Tigers in their backyards? Is it true that Americans do not even know the birthdate of their country? Is it true that 1/3 of Americans have never even left their country? Is it true that there are no such things as Americans? That everyone is was and never was "an American"? Is it true that "Real Americans" still are perjured and humiliated because "we were here first"? What kind of bullcrap is this? I bet you can't even locate Australia on a map, you are just an ingnorant sonofabitch who couldn't find his ass with a map. I bet you have never even seen a Frenchman, and I bet that you wouldn't know what a man was if one began riding you. I am so sick of all this anti-french crap... Nothing about "unshaved arms" and "using their hand" is true... Just because you have a dumbassed president who can't even give a speach or wipe his ass with out his VP doesn't meen you have to be a dumbass too. Rise up, get smart, and stop being a bunch of Ignorant pansies....
I am French and I am proud of it... Anyone who is as stupid as you should cut off their balls and go to hell
Vive la France! Nous sommes pas copmme le cons comme les Americains...
Napoleonic Empire
12-09-2004, 16:13
Con, c'est vraiment con.... I am so sick and tired of what dumbasses like you have to say.....
I am French and I am proud of it... Anyone who is as stupid as you should cut off their balls and go to hell
Vive la France! Nous sommes pas copmme le cons comme les Americains...
[OOC: Hey, no need to got on a rant here, most of the people here have already stated that they didn't have these opinions OOC, just IC. I am assuming that your statement was OOC. No need for insult, mkay?]
Infinite Power
12-09-2004, 16:26
The french dont even bother to get a decent translator.
I will also start deporting French to international waters from next week on.. with specialized dumping boats.. A new project to create jobs in my country.. The French are still welcome in my country tho..
My military needs live target practice, we would like to purchase as many French citizens as you are willing to part with. I promise we will give them a fighting chance and treat them as good as we treat our chickens or cattle. We will provide them with the latest Kerry M1A1 Spitball wads and allow them to run as fast as they can while we mow them down with our latest weaponry.
We need to zero in all of our day and night time scopes so it would be helpful if you have various shades of French citizens, from white to black, thank you...
Napoleonic Empire
12-09-2004, 16:44
My military needs live target practice, we would like to purchase as many French citizens as you are willing to part with. I promise we will give them a fighting chance and treat them as good as we treat our chickens or cattle. We will provide them with the latest Kerry M1A1 Spitball wads and allow them to run as fast as they can while we mow them down with our latest weaponry.
We need to zero in all of our day and night time scopes so it would be helpful if you have various shades of French citizens, from white to black, thank you...
If you find that one French person has been deported for this purpose, there is no measure on how fast and how hard we will bring judgement back on your heads. This is a warning.- Security Minister Gregorio Ducheski (
A couple of hundred years ago you were not protesting the importation of slaves to your country, so what business is it of yours. If I recall correctly most of Europe was importing slaves, so now it might just be time to deport a few and get the balance right.
I'm still interesting in taking as many as you have to offer, the quicker the better, I feel we have countries interested in forcing us to do as they wish, therefor we need to get that target practice done ASAP.
P.s. If you know were we can get any Germans, that would be great also, they hide much better than the French and it would really help us in our tracking capabilities. My Neocon General is really hopeful to go German hunting this spring as well.
Napoleonic Empire
12-09-2004, 16:59
A couple of hundred years ago you were not protesting the importation of slaves to your country, so what business is it of yours. If I recall correctly most of Europe was importing slaves, so now it might just be time to deport a few and get the balance right.
I'm still interesting in taking as many as you have to offer, the quicker the better, I feel we have countries interested in forcing us to do as they wish, therefor we need to get that target practice done ASAP.
If I do recall the Union since its creation after the Revolution has never practiced slavery, that is against the entire principles of the Revolution. It is our business because these are inhumane acts of prejudice and intolerence, and if you persist, we will take action.- Security Minister Gregorio Ducheski (
12-09-2004, 17:01
Con, c'est vraiment con.... I am so sick and tired of what dumbasses like you have to say..... Is it ture about America? That all people there are so fat they use scooters and rascals to move around? Is it true that dumbassed Americans keep Tigers in their backyards? Is it true that Americans do not even know the birthdate of their country? Is it true that 1/3 of Americans have never even left their country? Is it true that there are no such things as Americans? That everyone is was and never was "an American"? Is it true that "Real Americans" still are perjured and humiliated because "we were here first"? What kind of bullcrap is this? I bet you can't even locate Australia on a map, you are just an ingnorant sonofabitch who couldn't find his ass with a map. I bet you have never even seen a Frenchman, and I bet that you wouldn't know what a man was if one began riding you. I am so sick of all this anti-french crap... Nothing about "unshaved arms" and "using their hand" is true... Just because you have a dumbassed president who can't even give a speach or wipe his ass with out his VP doesn't meen you have to be a dumbass too. Rise up, get smart, and stop being a bunch of Ignorant pansies....
I am French and I am proud of it... Anyone who is as stupid as you should cut off their balls and go to hell
Vive la France! Nous sommes pas copmme le cons comme les Americains...
You appear to have RL confused with NS and RP. Please go back and read the entire thread, get off your high horse and join in the RP fun. Or, keep quiet, but understand this is NOT about any RL condemnation of the french.
12-09-2004, 17:12
My military needs live target practice, we would like to purchase as many French citizens as you are willing to part with. I promise we will give them a fighting chance and treat them as good as we treat our chickens or cattle. We will provide them with the latest Kerry M1A1 Spitball wads and allow them to run as fast as they can while we mow them down with our latest weaponry.
We need to zero in all of our day and night time scopes so it would be helpful if you have various shades of French citizens, from white to black, thank you...
Please note that we are not "sending" the french deportees anywhere, we are merely telling them to leave and allowing them to choose where they go. We then buy them a plane ticket. If any of them are dumb enough to wish to go to your country, then so be it (Hmmm, a country where their sole reason to exist is to run and hide from warfare, might be just like home to 'em.) However, we will not "export" them to you against their stated wishes.
Lord Wacko
Crazed Marines
12-09-2004, 19:00
Con, c'est vraiment con.... I am so sick and tired of what dumbasses like you have to say..... Is it ture about America? That all people there are so fat they use scooters and rascals to move around? Is it true that dumbassed Americans keep Tigers in their backyards? Is it true that Americans do not even know the birthdate of their country? Is it true that 1/3 of Americans have never even left their country? Is it true that there are no such things as Americans? That everyone is was and never was "an American"? Is it true that "Real Americans" still are perjured and humiliated because "we were here first"? What kind of bullcrap is this? I bet you can't even locate Australia on a map, you are just an ingnorant sonofabitch who couldn't find his ass with a map. I bet you have never even seen a Frenchman, and I bet that you wouldn't know what a man was if one began riding you. I am so sick of all this anti-french crap... Nothing about "unshaved arms" and "using their hand" is true... Just because you have a dumbassed president who can't even give a speach or wipe his ass with out his VP doesn't meen you have to be a dumbass too. Rise up, get smart, and stop being a bunch of Ignorant pansies....
I am French and I am proud of it... Anyone who is as stupid as you should cut off their balls and go to hell
Vive la France! Nous sommes pas copmme le cons comme les Americains...
I'll admit that we do have a few people with more money than brains, but they are they exceptions, not the rule. You're bound to have a few nuts with a population of close to 300 million. You act as if your French genes are superior to everyone else. You're nothing more than a blueblood who can't take it that your country is past its prime because you became weak. FOR PETE'S SAKE, WE SAVED YOU FROM ROMMEL AND HITLER! Our people are smart, you are just exposed to the dumb ones because you think the Democrats are so great, so you hang around them. Just so you know, I took French one and two to learn your language, meet your people and understand your culture. I did all three and you know what, you have proven to me that the French can not be trusted farther than they can be thrown. I'm sorry to all you other French people, but you shall regain my trust on a personal level. This guy, however, has ruined it for y'all. Sorry about this.
When I join the Marines, I will visit France to go see Normandy and Bastogne and Antwerp and Cologne. I have some good friends who were in WW2 and saved your asses. The least you can do is to show respect. You have diminished your military to the point where I could take over all of France with a lighter and a dozen bottle rockets. Do yourself a favor, get smart, and fast. Because if you don't, a sucker-punch is going to come your way and make you cry for the USA again.
Our great and gloryist leader has just signed legislation outlawing France forever.
We begin bombing in 5 minutes.
Your brain medication is on its way via. ICBM, Mr. Reagan :p
13-09-2004, 13:23
"I'll admit that we do have a few people with more money than brains, but they are they exceptions, not the rule. You're bound to have a few nuts with a population of close to 300 million. You act as if your French genes are superior to everyone else. You're nothing more than a blueblood who can't take it that your country is past its prime because you became weak. FOR PETE'S SAKE, WE SAVED YOU FROM ROMMEL AND HITLER! Our people are smart, you are just exposed to the dumb ones because you think the Democrats are so great, so you hang around them. Just so you know, I took French one and two to learn your language, meet your people and understand your culture. I did all three and you know what, you have proven to me that the French can not be trusted farther than they can be thrown. I'm sorry to all you other French people, but you shall regain my trust on a personal level. This guy, however, has ruined it for y'all. Sorry about this.
When I join the Marines, I will visit France to go see Normandy and Bastogne and Antwerp and Cologne. I have some good friends who were in WW2 and saved your asses. The least you can do is to show respect. You have diminished your military to the point where I could take over all of France with a lighter and a dozen bottle rockets. Do yourself a favor, get smart, and fast. Because if you don't, a sucker-punch is going to come your way and make you cry for the USA again."
Hello my dear Crazed Marines. It's very beautiful that you says.
The Allied soldiers must be honored all time.
But you forget something. Who did save you during the Independance War of USA? The French!
13-09-2004, 13:32
Je propose de créer une Alliance Française et Européenne afin de protéger tout les ressortissants français en territoire étranger. Nous ne pouvons en aucun cas laissez ce genre d'atrocité continue. Cette conduite est aussi forte que le Nazisme et le Stalinisme réunis. Je propose dans cette charte de déclarer la guerre aux nations commettant de tels actes si dans 48h ils ne cessent pas leurs activités illegales selon la Convention de Genève.
Merci à tous.
Président LEPLANG
P.S.: Merci aux personnes billingues de traduire cette proposition en Anglais afin que nos amis anglophones puissent comprendre.
13-09-2004, 21:03
Je propose de créer une Alliance Française et Européenne afin de protéger tout les ressortissants français en territoire étranger. Nous ne pouvons en aucun cas laissez ce genre d'atrocité continue. Cette conduite est aussi forte que le Nazisme et le Stalinisme réunis. Je propose dans cette charte de déclarer la guerre aux nations commettant de tels actes si dans 48h ils ne cessent pas leurs activités illegales selon la Convention de Genève.
Merci à tous.
Président LEPLANG
P.S.: Merci aux personnes billingues de traduire cette proposition en Anglais afin que nos amis anglophones puissent comprendre.
Je vote pour!!! Nous ne pouvons pas laisser commetre de telles atrocités!!
14-09-2004, 01:47
Je propose de créer une Alliance Française et Européenne afin de protéger tout les ressortissants français en territoire étranger. Nous ne pouvons en aucun cas laissez ce genre d'atrocité continue. Cette conduite est aussi forte que le Nazisme et le Stalinisme réunis. Je propose dans cette charte de déclarer la guerre aux nations commettant de tels actes si dans 48h ils ne cessent pas leurs activités illegales selon la Convention de Genève.
Merci à tous.
Président LEPLANG
P.S.: Merci aux personnes billingues de traduire cette proposition en Anglais afin que nos amis anglophones puissent comprendre.
Escúchelo bastardos pequeños de frenchie. Qué nosotros hacemos está en ahora fin de manera a qué Stalin y Hitler hizo. Nosotros no hemos cometido las atrocidades. Su pensamiento como compatriotas meramente son pedidos salir nuestro país; eso es. Nosotros no los atormentamos, los matando por el millón o los cerrando arriba en campo de prisioneros. Acabamos de patears su asses feo fuera de nuestro país. Así que se siente libre formarlo pequeña E.U. y hacer lo que usted quiere (buena suerte que obtiene a los ingleses para unir su partido pequeño). Ah, sí, usted lo puede atascar Convención de Ginebra donde el sol no brilla. Nosotros no somos signatarios a y meramente deportando extranjeros nosotros no deseo más largo tener en nuestro país no es una infracción de ello ninguna manera. ¡Así que besa mi como!
Sin el comentario adicional,
el Señor Wacko, Texarkania
P. ¡Usted no es tan listo, anunciando en el francés, leyó este assholes!!
OOC: Nota, una vez más, esto está en el carácter y no tiene nada que ver con mi sentimiento de RL acerca del francés. Soy es apenas el tejano rojo de cuello que dirige Texarkania.
14-09-2004, 01:50
Canada would benifet from deporting the french
all they do is bitch and complain while the government hands their lives to them
Ancient and Holy Terra
14-09-2004, 11:46
(ooc: Uh, Modern Texas...I like Bush. My family are Republicans, and if I were 18, I'd probably vote for him as well. I'm just saying that the French view Bush as among the reasons the United States became involved in the war in Iraq. I am not criticizing him; I feel he has served as a good President during these times. :))
The Imperia
14-09-2004, 12:42
Imperial Decree
Matters of Imperial Foreign Policy
Response to International Incident – Texarkania/French Crisis
His Divine Imperial Majesty, Emperor Marius De Romanus issues this decree in response to the French exiling by the Texarkanians from their borders.
“It is herby put forth by myself that all exiled citizens of French origin, who are being persecuted due to the primitive ethnic/racial/cultural laws that have been enacted in the Texarkania borders, are granted amnesty in the Empires current Nationstates Colony borders. Thus opening up the borders to all those being persecuted by the current Anti-French law.
In response, we grant all French exiles with a transferable income of 1,000,000 Imperial Marks or more, complete citizenship in the Empires Nationstates Colony borders. This does not leave the rest of any exile willing to take up our offer in pain. Those without such income are still very much welcome, but the amnesty is not permanent by the rules that follow.
All exiled citizens are allowed to stay (though, as stated, those without such income will not be granted full citizenship) within the Imperial colonies borders. However, those not granted full citizenship would be subject to the following…
1. If the crisis is officially ended under our terms of recognition, then all non-citizens will be deported back to Texarkania, despite what life they must leave behind here.
2. As a non-citizen you will be subject to tougher laws if you commit an offence, and if it deems us too costly to keep you here, you will be deported back to Texarkania.
3. At any time, for any reason, the Imperial government or myself can deem it fit to remove all non-citizens from our lands and deport them back, even if the crisis has not ended.
However, despite this, a non-citizen can work their way to becoming one. By applying for a special assessment and then permit, a non-citizen can be found to qualify for citizenship. A non-citizen must, however, be able to completely support him or herself and contribute to the Empire in order to qualify for such things. This, though, allow for a non-citizen to be able to build up enough skills here to be eligible, despite coming here ineligible.
Though this may seem an off offer compared to other nations promises of amnesty, we do offer something most others do not.
The Empire will recognise any request for amnesty by those eligible and do whatever is in their power to retrieve them. That is why Imperial escort fleets will be arriving at designated points next to, and within the neutral borders of Texarkania, to collect exiles. Also exiles may be retrieved due to border crossings by Imperial retrieval teams if they are deamed fit enough to break such laws.”
~His Divine Imperial Majesty, Emperor Marius De Romanus
Crazed Marines
15-09-2004, 02:13
Je ne parle francais bon. Parlez en anglais aussi, s'il vous plait.
*hopes he got that right*
15-09-2004, 03:27
Je propose de créer une Alliance Française et Européenne afin de protéger tout les ressortissants français en territoire étranger. Nous ne pouvons en aucun cas laissez ce genre d'atrocité continue. Cette conduite est aussi forte que le Nazisme et le Stalinisme réunis. Je propose dans cette charte de déclarer la guerre aux nations commettant de tels actes si dans 48h ils ne cessent pas leurs activités illegales selon la Convention de Genève.
Merci à tous.
Président LEPLANG
P.S.: Merci aux personnes billingues de traduire cette proposition en Anglais afin que nos amis anglophones puissent comprendre.
Je vote pour!!! Nous ne pouvons pas laisser commetre de telles atrocités!!
translation: I propose to create a French and European Alliance in order to protect all the French nationals in foreign territory. We cannot in any case leave while this kind of atrocity continues. This conduct is as strong as what the Nazis and the Stalinists did. I propose in this charter to declare war on the nations committing of such acts if in 48 Hours they do not stop their activities which are illegal according to the Geneva Convention.
Thank-you to all. President LEPLANG
P.S. : Thank-you to the person who is billingual and translates this suggestion into English so that our english-speaking friends can understand.
I vote for this!!! We cannot leave such atrocities with comment!!
Escúchelo bastardos pequeños de frenchie. Qué nosotros hacemos está en ahora fin de manera a qué Stalin y Hitler hizo. Nosotros no hemos cometido las atrocidades. Su pensamiento como compatriotas meramente son pedidos salir nuestro país; eso es. Nosotros no los atormentamos, los matando por el millón o los cerrando arriba en campo de prisioneros. Acabamos de patears su asses feo fuera de nuestro país. Así que se siente libre formarlo pequeña E.U. y hacer lo que usted quiere (buena suerte que obtiene a los ingleses para unir su partido pequeño). Ah, sí, usted lo puede atascar Convención de Ginebra donde el sol no brilla. Nosotros no somos signatarios a y meramente deportando extranjeros nosotros no deseo más largo tener en nuestro país no es una infracción de ello ninguna manera. ¡Así que besa mi como!
Sin el comentario adicional,
el Señor Wacko, Texarkania
P. ¡Usted no es tan listo, anunciando en el francés, leyó este assholes!!
OOC: Nota, una vez más, esto está en el carácter y no tiene nada que ver con mi sentimiento de RL acerca del francés. Soy es apenas el tejano rojo de cuello que dirige Texarkania.
translation: Listen you little frenchie bastards. What we are doing is in now way close to what Stalin and Hitler did. We have committed no atrocities. Your pansy ass countrymen are merely being asked to leave our country; that's it. We are not torturing them, killing them by the millions or locking them up in prison camps. We're just kicking their ugly asses out of our country. So feel free to form your little E.U. and do what you want (good luck getting the british to join your little party). Oh, yeah, you can stick your Geneva Convention where the sun don't shine. We're not signatories to it and merely deporting aliens we no longer wish to have in our country is not a violation of it any way. So kiss my ass!
Without further comment,
Lord Wacko,
P.S. You're not so smart, posting in french, read this assholes!!!
OOC: Note, once again, this is in character and has NOTHING to do with my RL feeling about the french. I'm just being the red neck Texan that leads Texarkania.
15-09-2004, 06:55
bump for the fun of it
Crazed Marines
15-09-2004, 23:23
The Government of Crazed Marines agrees with Texarkania by saying that they are a soverign nation whose laws are not physically harming anyone. We also second the notion of shoving the Geneva "Rules of war" book up some French Bastard's blue-blooded arse. The Geneva Convention does not apply to those who refuse to/do not sign it (i.e., me).
[ooc: in character only. I will keep my feelings out of this to avoid flaming]
I despise anti French Sentiment and think that anyone who think sthat the French are Cowards, don't follow current events very closely.
16-09-2004, 03:28
I despise anti French Sentiment and think that anyone who think sthat the French are Cowards, don't follow current events very closely.
OOC: If you're talking about RL events, we don't care, this is RP, not RL, please try to keep the two separate in your mind. If you're referring to any RP/NS events, what are they?
I despise anti French Sentiment and think that anyone who think sthat the French are Cowards, don't follow current events very closely.
Easy one... When no franch in front of you...
I do not like French for others reasons, mainly because they feel to be gods or the masters of the world...
La Bretagne qui fut un pays occupe par les Francais rejette les touristes francais a la mer.
Bretagne freed of the French occupation is pulling back any French visitor to the sea.
Alliance with France is an Alliance with the devil as said George W. Blush the Red Face Loco de la Mancha.
Their camembert is radio-active. Their traities are treacheous.
Crazed Marines
19-07-2005, 19:49
ok, now that you're done beating a dead horse, what are your other plans?
Do something to invade them.
I'll be volunteering with two other countries...
Crazed Marines
20-07-2005, 17:12
then you'll have to wait in a very long line
20-07-2005, 17:35
The Delegation from Clownshoesia would like to take this moment and say that the French Language has been banned inside Clownshoesian borders.
The reason for this is that the Clownshoesian language is very closely related to French, however it has been discovered that even the simplist French phrase or sentence is often translated into an insult in Clownshoesian.
An example of this would be;
In French: "Hello sir, how are you doing today?"
In Clownshoesian, this translates as: "I want to pluck out your mothers eyeball and screw her in the skull."
Naturally, in order to prevent this type of confusion, the French language as a whole was banned.
OOC: I'd like to take this moment and parrot what others have already stated in this thread.
To all my French friends, the anti-french post was made in character, and shouldn't be taken personally. I am a U.S. citizen who has visited France before. Your country is beautiful and I enjoyed my visit. Please don't take anything in this thread seriously.
20-07-2005, 22:20
"I'll admit that we do have a few people with more money than brains, but they are they exceptions, not the rule. You're bound to have a few nuts with a population of close to 300 million. You act as if your French genes are superior to everyone else. You're nothing more than a blueblood who can't take it that your country is past its prime because you became weak. FOR PETE'S SAKE, WE SAVED YOU FROM ROMMEL AND HITLER! Our people are smart, you are just exposed to the dumb ones because you think the Democrats are so great, so you hang around them. Just so you know, I took French one and two to learn your language, meet your people and understand your culture. I did all three and you know what, you have proven to me that the French can not be trusted farther than they can be thrown. I'm sorry to all you other French people, but you shall regain my trust on a personal level. This guy, however, has ruined it for y'all. Sorry about this.
When I join the Marines, I will visit France to go see Normandy and Bastogne and Antwerp and Cologne. I have some good friends who were in WW2 and saved your asses. The least you can do is to show respect. You have diminished your military to the point where I could take over all of France with a lighter and a dozen bottle rockets. Do yourself a favor, get smart, and fast. Because if you don't, a sucker-punch is going to come your way and make you cry for the USA again."
Hello my dear Crazed Marines. It's very beautiful that you says.
The Allied soldiers must be honored all time.
But you forget something. Who did save you during the Independance War of USA? The French!
What are you high the french did not come till the battle of yorktown which was near the end of the war.
And dont anyone disrespect any veterens any time for allied or Axis nations,i say both because they fought for what the belived in and that is respectable
(except the men involved in the holocaust THEY SUCK)
i am from quebec and are surrouned by the french i have nothin against most of them.
but i hate the french and quebec goverments (the french is obvious,but the qubec goverment has some very racist laws)
and i hate the seperatisets(basically the quebec version on nazis who hate english and ethnic groups,like me i am greek.)
and a thank you to the men and woman who faught and are still fighting to keep us save and secure in these troubleing times.
04-08-2005, 20:50
Lord Wacko of Texarkania, in a statement released to the media, said that:
"Our efforts to deport the French and reclaim for Texarkania the land, businesses, etc. that they had been using to suck on our economic tit were going well. By all estimates, some 548,000 French wussies, including over 5,000 mimes, had been rounded up and deported to various nations, including back to France. Also, over $30 Billion has been added to the coffers of Texarkania by way of the purchase and re-sale of French owned Businesses and property. We are quite pleased with the progress of "Operation Pansy-Ass" as we have come to call it. Hopefully, within the next year we will be able to report the complete erradication of the French from within our borders. We wish to also extend our thanks to the citizens of Texarkania who have aided law enforcement officials in locating and rounding up the French and cleaning the vermin from our nation."