And the Pot Begins to Boil....
Dracun imperium
07-09-2004, 21:49
OOC:This is gonna be the beggning of a massive civil war rp. Much bigger then the one that put Dracun into isolation. There is gonna be atleast 4 Different Factions. They are as follows
Demacratic Faction
Current Goverment
Dictatorship-type faction
Blue Clan (Will be revealed later why a clan in the imperium will become a faction)
This only the beggning.
IC: Commander of the War Department Stewie Gilligan Griffin sat while two generals sat before him.
"Minister Griffin what you are proposing" he stopped and whispered "if we are caught they can give us the death penalty!"
"I know that but it is time for change...Karnos is too soft. He uses the military at only the last resort. We need someone who can use the Military when it is needed. You two can become part of my Goverment if we suceed"
"That's a big if. People are very loyal to Karnos more then any other emperor in the past century only Malek had more support" General Makata said trying to talk reason into the War Minister
"That's only the people and the A.R.C. see more then half the military believes we need a new leader. Someone stronger someone who can lead the Imperium to great heights as a world Super Power. Our name shall soon be spoken in fear!"
"How are we gonna do this" one general asked
"General Zhalar i already have that dealt with" a giant grin grew on his face.
"Watch the News" he laughed darkly "Soon you will see what I have in store soon you will see why we will not even have to fire a shot."
At a secret Democratic Rally in the outskirts of Farm city Hundreds if not thousands of Democracy supporterts waved pickets and signs and chanted that the goverment should be changed. Their leader Krosva Manstara, Grand Son of Clan Chancellor Manstara the first democratic leader of Dracun was here rallying the people for a cause
"My People too long we have suffered under the rule of a so called Republic-Empire. Where the republic part only exists to quell any uprising. For too long Democracy has been denied! Today I bring great news the only way to bring about Democracy is too fight for it! So now we will arm ourselves and fight for Democracy!"
The patrons cheered finaly democracy would be restored to Dracun.
In the village of Akitona the villiagers had gathered. The Senator for the Blue clan who is also the Clan Master (Jon Misopa) has ordered that the Blue Clan militia be orginized (30,000 Blue clansmen) They were now being armed with ancient A-10s and Barren rollout tanks. They flew miserable D-43s. But they weres still a force to be reckoned with. The reason still uknown and the mobilization secret
A pot had been made and it was already begining to boil...
Dracun imperium
07-09-2004, 22:10
A few Days Later
Empeor Karnos slept soundly in his room. The silence was soon destroyed as two of Karnos's servant appeared creaking the door open. In their hands they carriered two knives (1 knife per servant) They crept slowly through the door when the window crashed as two "would be-assasins" slammed to the gound Karnos was awake instantly seeing the servant and two other covered in ski-masks. He instantly ran for the door. Not paying attention the Servant let the emperor get out. The two other assasins just looked around trying to find him. Then it hit them all "He's gone!" they all said and they ran out the door to find him.
Karnos lay in the closet next to his room. He saw them past and luckily he packed a Dracun hunting rifle in here. He poped out slowly and took aim Firing he caught one in the ass. A loud whelp soon followed if half the palace wasn't up by now they were after that. The three turned around and instantly began firing back. Karnos ducked back into room as gun fire shot by.
"Smart move shoot in a hundred or so guarded men palace" he whispered if it wasn't a life or death situation he would have laughed. He stuck the gun and took a shot and heared a scream as probaly on of them went down. Suddenly he felt something around his neck and it pulled tightly. He heared gunfire in the distance...the Guards had arrived but what was this around him...he turned around to see his own war Minister Stewie Griffin holding a rope around Karno's neck. Karnos sturggled but it was over in a matter of minutes. Then as the guards began looking for the emperor The War minister slipped into the secret passage way he had used to slip in and put the emperor to enternal sleep
Borman Empire
07-09-2004, 22:31
Bhalk rubbed his lady friend as the servant told the report.
"So who's side are we on?"
"Since the old government is kindof our enemy we're for anyone who isn't the old government."
"Good now leave." HE said as the woman took off her bra.
Dracun imperium
07-09-2004, 23:40
Breaking News!
Emperor Karnos our beloved leader has been assinateted(sp) by Unkown assasins. He was strangled to death as he fought of the assasins but he was taken by an ukown assasin who managed to escape. Funeral is expected to be held in a few days all Members of the International community are welcomed to attend. An emergency election has been called by the Clan council. The following people are nominated. Lady of Diplomacy Haile Elkins....War Minister Stuart Griffin...
"Shut if off" Stewie commanded
"As I told you gentlemen I have everything under control."
General Zhalar spoke "So as long as you win the Election-"
"I WILL win the election!" he said slamming his hand down on the desk.
"I'm sorry Minister but there is Always the Chance you will loose"
"If I loose I will rally the army...and I will take over the country myself! Dismissed Generals" he said waving his hand
Krosva Held a meeting in his private estate. 8 Democratic extremists sat with him.
"You will enter Water Fall city then you will go into the Clan Council Chamber on a tour guide. But you will get...lost. There you will plant 4 bombs. After you finish the tour. You will use the detanator and the Chamber will go boom" Krosva smiled darkly
"That is a good plan but won't security be more thorugh since the assination?" One of them asked
"Yes but they won't expect a terrorist attack...especialy in the Place where order is kept currently until a new leader is elected. This will be our first attack. You will be provided with enough money to buy a house there...make the bombs...then plant them. Dismissed" the 8 extremeist stood up and left the estate.
Senator/Clan Master Misopa Stood in Akitona goverment hall. He watched as thousands of blue clansmen marched in a somewhat crisp march.
"Captain Melvar are our troops ready for battle?"
"Not realy sir they would be slaughtered agaisnt the Dracun Military"
"Heh there won't be a military soon eough...Dismissed"
"As you command Clan Master" the captain bowed and let the Clan Master to himself
Liberated America
07-09-2004, 23:51
OOC: I'm in. Im good with being assigned a faction since i dont care.
Dracun imperium
07-09-2004, 23:57
ooc: well what kind of goverment are you?
Dracun imperium
08-09-2004, 01:59
Breaking News
" After a day of emergency voting the winner is....Haile Elkins now Empress of the Imperium"
"SHUT the damm thing off now!" Stewie yelled throwing stuff at the T.V. His entire plan had been ruined and now he would have to go in the public and openly declare war against the current goverment. It is shame too he rather took liking to Hailie and had hope to make her his empress.
Zhalar and Makata entered the room with anger clear in their faces
"You lost the election! now our plans have become null" they said in union
"Calm down gentlemen Soon I will rally the Generals. We will win this and we will end up on top!"
"You had better Griffin or we will reveal you assisnated Karnos"
"Yes, yes whatever get out of here!" he commanded and the two generals left.
The 8 extremists walked the tour. One by one though they disapeared. Planting their bombs and quickly joining the tour again. Everything was going perfectly. Until of course the alarm sounded and guards ran toward the tour group "We are dead any way hit the detonators!" The leader screamed
They pulled out their detonators and pressed the button of death. A few seconds later the Chamber of the Clan Council exploded.
Clan Master Misopa smiled in his private apartment a few blocks away from the Clan council building. Yes everything was working perfectly and none of them knew it. None of them knew that he would come out on top. Not just Him the entire Blue Clan will recieve the respect it finaly deserves. At this he smield a crooked and menacing smile....
Fire squads were quick to report to the Massive explosion, estimates were close to 300 wounded or dead. Probably more. Military ATTs(Armoured Troop transports) were there in a few minutes after securing the position. Screams of agony and pain were heard all the way to the Imperial Palace where Empress Hailie Elkins looked out the window of her new room "What is going on" she wondered "What is going to happen" .....
Dracun imperium
08-09-2004, 02:23
(One more post and the prolouge is finished then all nations are welcomed to join)
War Minister Stewie Griffin now had over 63 generals in front of him at Ultra Base. Everything had been secured. Stewie had told the Empress he was orginizing the generals in case this was a foregin attack she had reluctatly agreed.
"Greeting Gentlemen as you know the Dipmotic lady was elected. To me I think this will effectivley end our useage. None of us want that no?"
Choruses of No's and nods sprang foward like music to the Minister's ears
"Good because after today the Empress won't be Empress. I will declare martial law and sieze Imperial palace. Then I will kill of the current empresses family and her and declare me adn 2 other generals the tribunal which will lead the Imperium from here on out."
Worried looks and fear soon were on the generals's faces.
"Do not fear but of course if any of you tell the Empress my last act will to execute everyone of you for treason..."
The fearfull expressions were soon wiped off their faces
"Good because after we seize imperial palace you will assault your designated city. Which will be given to you by General Zhalar." he said pointing over to the General
Reluctant Yes sir's were followed
"Good, now proceed to Zhalar for your assigning"
The generals got up and walked over to Zhalar. They all knew what was going to happen. Another civil war...another strife and if the quick plan failed.....thousands will pobably die. But to Stewie that didn't matter as long as he ruled Dracun nothing would matter nothing at all.
Krosva now was now in front of his country estate with thousands of armed Militiants.
He began "Today we make our move and today Democracy shall rule!"
Cheers went up in an uproar
"Now board your Tanks and together we shall ride to Water Fall city and claim it as our own!"
The militiants ran to their assigned tanks trying to squeeze in on the sides of the tank as it moved foward. Now it was war and now Democracy shall be restored.
Borman Empire
08-09-2004, 02:38
OOC: Which side most represents the old governement? DOes one side endorse slavery? Does one side endorse genocide? Which side dislike Borman the most? Sorry for all the questions, im not sure who to join
Dracun imperium
08-09-2004, 14:27
ooc its perfectly fine
The old goverment is Empress Hailie who still controls the special ops and probaly a few hundred thousand infantry
The tribunal(the war minister) will realy not care about slavery
Democratic Revolution is probaly agaisnt slavery
and the blue clan motives are unkown
IC:The 25th of July was a cold and dark day. Rain clouds and storm clouds filled the sky. Like a deep forebodingness. Empress Hailie knew today something was going to happen she just knew it.
"Patan'as" she called for her former assistant now her Grand Advisor
"Yes your Highness?"
"Has security been improved since the bombing?"
"Much your highness we placed hundreds of A.R.C. trooper in this area alone"
"Good...and the Imperium Guard?"
"Are regulary patrolling the area"
"Good thankyou Patan'as"
"My pleasure your highness"
"Wait Patan'as..."
"How many were killed in the bombing?"
A somber mood filled the room
"Close to 350, 200 wounded"
"Thankyou Patan'as" she said not meaning it at all
Suddenly she saw something out the window. Tanks...Imperial Class tanks were pulling up quickly and helicopter flew around the palace
she ran into the room
"Your highness we must get you to saftey!" the advisor grabbed her hand and took off with the empress. Before Hailie knew what was happening 8 Imperial guard had surrounded her and they were making there way to the botrom of the palace. Where a small subway station would take them to saftey.
"What's going on?" The empress screamed
"All across Dracun cities are being invaded the Clan militia has been called but only half the clans have responded. I think someone betrayed us" Patan'as said trying to explain
"Who?" The empress asked
"The war minister...he is the only one who had such loyalty from the military"
"Very true"
Suddenly gun fire was heard. The Imperial guard took out advanced rifles and actual lances which vibrated so quickly that it often cause major wounds at a single stab. Imperial Guard were converging all over the place. A few went down but the others stayed alive. Slashing and shooting the enemy. It was as if everything was going in slow motion... She saw Dracun fighting Dracun and tears fell down her face
"What have we become" Suddenly she was grabbed by an imperial guardsmen and they continued on their way to the subway station. They arrived and took off for saftey.
Thousands of the Waterfall city garrisoned troops were now fighting off thousands of fellow soilders from taking the city. Air support had been called in but only a few dozens fighter,helicopters, and bombers arrived. This was occuring across Dracun and now.... Dracun had become a hell hole in which no one can escape.....
Dracun imperium
08-09-2004, 16:57
Fighting in Waterfall City was disturbing. People screamed in shock,pain,and fear. Soilders were dying no, people were dying. Human beings were dying. People stood inside their homes as explosions rocked the city. Many praised god that the Empress had been evacuated while others envied her. The Imperial guard were still defending the Palace. But the War minister didn't care as long as he got the city he didn't care how many people he lost. He flew in a civilian painted helicopter so he couldn't get attacked. He loved it. But suddenly he saw something in the distance...tanks...barren rollout tanks and troops on them
"What the F***!" He screamed
"Sir were getting reports another force has come into the city and are assaulting both sides.
"Dammit who the hell would attack?!" he said very angry
"Reports that were dismissed said democratic ralleys were intesifying and reports also state it may have been democratic people who attacked the chamber" His cheif intellgence officer reported
" in more reinforcements we must win this"
They circled around the city....
Dracun imperium
08-09-2004, 19:00
Dracun imperium
08-09-2004, 21:22
The Empress had been brought to a secret underground bunker kown only to the royal family and the imperial guard. The empress was being breifed by the military officials who had still stayed loyal to the Imperium.
"So your saying there are 3 factions in Dracun right now?" The empress asked
"Yes the democratic, The Minister's, and of course us"Supreme Commander Vyres
"This is bad realy goes the fight in waterfall city?"
"Bad, there are lots of people dead"
"I can't believe many people are dead"
"I know Empress but we will end this as soon as possible"
"I hope so I praise god that we do..."
Fightnign war fierce deaths were happening everywhere. It was horrible. The imperial guard was down to maybe 40 men though the garrison probably
has taken the less losses. The Democratic forces were almost gone which was expected. Only the Minister's and Dracun Goverment forces were fighting realy.
(This is an open rp)
08-09-2004, 21:31
I'll side with the dictator faction.
Borman Empire
08-09-2004, 21:35
What do you mean dictator faction. If you mean the war minister then i'm with you.
08-09-2004, 21:41
ya thats what I mean Borman, it says dictator faction at the top of the page, but ya the secretary of war is who I'm behind.
Dracun imperium
08-09-2004, 23:16
ooc: can you guys make offical responses?
08-09-2004, 23:24
The Iron Concordiat of Wirraway wishes to extend its support War Minister Stewie Griffin. We currently have the newly formed 5th Assault group of 750,000 men awaiting for the order to sail to your defense. We hope that our support will help you to claim your rightful position as leader of the Dracun Imperium.
Bernard Albus
Secretary of State
Dracun imperium
08-09-2004, 23:27
ooc: is that 750,000 men army inclue air personel etc cause if it dont it gonna take you like 5 rl week to get all of them over there
08-09-2004, 23:42
OOC: I just stated the number of troops, its implied that there will be about 850,000 to 900,000 support guys, but I will enumerate the other forces which I neglected to do before.
The Concordiat will send,
1 Yorktown Class Carrier
2 Nimitz Class Carriers
4 Aegis Cruisers
2 Iowa Class battleships
4 Wasp II amphibious assault carriers
7 Arleigh Burke destroyers
7 Kidd class Destroyers
3 Seawolf Class SSNs
8 Oilers
40 RO/RO high-speed logistics ships
15 Infantry Divisions
5 Mechanized Infantry Divisions
15 Armored Divisions
8960 M1-A2 Abrams
(OOC: I'm just posting MBT unless you want me to numberwank)
Carrierborne Aircraft
-95 JSF
-48 F-14D
72 F/A-18E Super Hornets
-8 E-2C Sentry
-8 AE-6B Prowlers
-16 S-3C Viking
-200 assorted helos
OOC: Is this specific enough?
Borman Empire
08-09-2004, 23:42
Official Communique
TO:Steiwe Griffin
From: Borman
We wish to lend you our aid, however our soldiers are dployed in other places. A conflict is almost resolved and when it is we will have 2,000,000 soldiers ready to be deployed to various areas.
End transmission
Borman Empire
08-09-2004, 23:50
We are droping Bhalk-34s into the war minister's captured space for their use.
Dracun imperium
09-09-2004, 00:24
To Borman Empire and to Wirriway
That many troops are not nessecary but we will apreciate any help...but the number of troops you are suggesting probaly won't fully arrive until the war is over which will hopefuly be soon but troops are not needed...onyl airplanes and tanks the goverment still controls those Please send help
Head of the Tribunal
Stewie Griffin
Dracun imperium
09-09-2004, 00:37
The helicopter carrying the War minister or Tribunal Leader was flying around the battlezone there was only a little bit of fuel left.
"Sir we must order a retreat there is no way we can win this!" His intellegence officer suggested
"You may be right but we still have-"
"Sir we lost 6,000 men in a small estimate! out of 10,000 that invaded the garrison are dominating all over Dracun we must order a retreat in all cities and fall back to the military bases...wait im recieving a report"
"What is it"
"Sir all the military bases...they've been blockaded there is no hope all the soilders there have surrendered"
"Sir I think your plan...failed"
"My plan will never fail!"
"Sir you have gone nuts you are sacrificing inocent men!"
"I dont care!"
"Sir I will have to end this for you then War minister"
"Don't you dare-"
The intellegence officer pulled out a small pistol and shot the War minister once in the head
"I'm sorry sir but you can't send innocent men to their death... Pilot bring up a communication"
"Ye..s" he said frightened
The intellegence didn't know but he had just saved countless lives..although there was still the other two tribunal members left
09-09-2004, 00:42
The Assault group has been re-routed to Mozambique. The Concordiat will air drop its 1st and 2nd airborne divisions, 100 Scorpion light tanks, and 200 Stingray light tanks, and 300 Stryker IFV's into war minister's territory upon confirmation.
Borman Empire
09-09-2004, 00:50
Bhalk-34s are tanks.
Dracun imperium
09-09-2004, 00:57
ooc: the war minister had been killed the generals will surrender in this post the coup is over it failed and now you will see why the blue clan was a a possible faction
IC: Breaking News
After a massive short lived war thousand have died in battle. The attempted Coup by War Minister Stewie failed. All current Generals in the Dracun army are being investigated. The two Generals that were expected to help lead Stewie have been sentenced to death for Treason....
"Shut it off!" The clan master of the blue clan demanded
"Yes sir" said as servant shut it off
"My initial plan failed but I still have other those two bumbiling bafoons messed it up...what a shame"
"Sir have no fear your next plan will work most defientely"
"It had better or I give up..."
That ends another brutal chapter in the Dracun History
The total death count is up to 10,000
The number of possible treason charges Up to 1,938
The Empress has yet to make a statement
Borman Empire
09-09-2004, 03:38
Awwwww. There goes my party. All of our supplies have been withdrawn. We have yet to choose a new side as we do not know the motives of the blue clan
Borman Empire
11-09-2004, 18:37