Declaration of war upon the Nation of Crowtan (NOT AN RP)
Outer Heaven MK II
07-09-2004, 19:10
Crowtan, I Liquidus Snake, declare war upon your Nation. However, if you are smart enough, you'll surrender. I'm giving you a 24hr time limit to surrender, before I deploy my ships. Here are the terms of surrender:
Your Government does what Outer Heaven says, PERIOD.
You surrender your ships and space based weaponry to us.
You will allow us to move your planet into an empty system into Outer Heaven space.
You will be a muppet nation. (Or more preferably, a puppet nation!)
Advantages of surrender:
Your Nation will be well protected by our navy.
In the event of an 'Omega' scenario, you will be free to move with Outer Heaven into our parallel universe.
You will be able to claim more and more systems over a period of time (ones we've recently conquered).
Recent research in all fields will be given to you.
Over to you Crowtan, you're time starts...NOW!
look, hes just a small helpless nation. if you deploy your ships, i deploy my ships an airforce to take you and you nation out. i mean that. you will also have my allies on you aswell.
what are u'z talking about. There are no options in this game to attack ?
Outer Heaven MK II
07-09-2004, 19:46
Heh heh bring it, you June Nation you, but this is preplanned. This is more of an announcement. Crow just posts here, and then he's with me...forever...bwhahaha!
Look, this doesn't concern you anyway, go away, you're starting to tick me off.
Oh, and have a nice day ;)
07-09-2004, 19:47
what are u'z talking about. There are no options in this game to attack ?..........*sigh* thats because it's all RPED*silence* out. You explain it like a book.
New Sigmisund
07-09-2004, 20:03
ha, a dead leader issueing threats
Outer Heaven MK II
07-09-2004, 20:22
Dead? Elaborate please.
OOC: I'll not get involved due to the fact that I'm like over 2 billion more people than you. :D
Outer Heaven MK II
07-09-2004, 20:28
Very wise of you Neo-Wu.
New Sigmisund
07-09-2004, 20:36
dead as in lacking in life, deceased, pushing up the daisys, gone to join the choir invisible
Outer Heaven MK II
07-09-2004, 20:38
Then your wrong, I'm still up and around. And slaughtering countless Millions still.
New Sigmisund
07-09-2004, 20:39
no, being on a plannet as it was destroyed tends to kill a person
Outer Heaven MK II
07-09-2004, 20:51
Err...Liquidus has never set foot on a planet other than those in Outer Heaven Space.
New Sigmisund
07-09-2004, 20:56
wouldst thou like the link, you got your posteria positivly beaten by me in my guise of sigmis central control, third phase colonies and a few others, metal gear Robins and ohter such tripe were your chosen weapons of ineptatude
Outer Heaven MK II
07-09-2004, 20:58
Sure, but by the way, Liquidus does have clones (check the Genetic store front thingey).
New Sigmisund
07-09-2004, 21:01
k, sure he does, i will be TGing you a link to the institute of n00b studies, there we will be able to help you learn to rp correctly
Outer Heaven MK II
07-09-2004, 21:03
Jesus...I can RP. Just show me the link to the RP where I 'died'...
No thanx Liquid, i've changed my mind about this whole contract so i'm just gonna go to mafia inc who have kindly offered to protect me from attack (many thanks)
On second thoughts, i have spoken about this with Liquidus and have agreed to surrender, he promises alot of things i need.
Outer Heaven MK II
08-09-2004, 21:42
Good choice. Oh crap, the ...yes the . *presses red button*
Over Crowtan...
The skies light up as ICBM's and missiles explode before hitting Crowtan.
Back here...
Anyway, welcome to Outer Heaven!