Is it true that Communist Mississippi is deleted?
If it's true that CM is deleted, then I'd like to know the following.
1. What will happen to the Empire Loyalist alliance?
2. What happens to all the RP's he did?
3. What happens to the 50 million women he took from Hataria Mammalia?
4. What happens to my RP characters of Lara and her family? (CM took them to his land and we've been RP'ing what happens)
5. What about the other RP's with various people? I mean, what happens to the families, men, women, and children in the RP's? Marriages? Rapes? Etc.
If he really is gone, I claim all Communist Mississippi lands and citizens to ensure their continuance in reality. :p
SLAGlands gave the details on why. I think the solution is he never existed, so I don't know what would happen really.
07-09-2004, 13:57
I don't why (maybe my complaining about him on the mods section) but i'm glad someone finally put a stop to him.
it's something to do with him being a blatant racist in a past life (as FWS).
If Communist Mississippi is truly gone, then I shall annex his lands for the sake of ongoing RP's such as my ongoing RP as well as other people RP's with CM.
CM lands shall be called Sharina Mississippi from now onwards.
I will not be implementing his racism or such. His people will be indoctorinated into the Sharina way of life, using neural chips acquired from another RP.
Dunno if this would be good idea or such. I thought it'd be a nice way to tie up all ongoing RP's with CM. :confused:
07-09-2004, 14:43
If Communist Mississippi is truly gone, then I shall annex his lands for the sake of ongoing RP's such as my ongoing RP as well as other people RP's with CM.
CM lands shall be called Sharina Mississippi from now onwards.
I will not be implementing his racism or such. His people will be indoctorinated into the Sharina way of life, using neural chips acquired from another RP.
Dunno if this would be good idea or such. I thought it'd be a nice way to tie up all ongoing RP's with CM. :confused:
Just post a message on his RP's saying that he got deleted and that the RP will end. Or...
IC: A massive explosion was heard at the palace today. Sources later confirmed that the whole Fabus family and all other successors to them were killed. Not bad am I?
07-09-2004, 14:44
p.s he's surely gone. Unless it was a trick to raise our hopes and then crush them at the last second! Ah well i'm happy now that I think that he's gone:)
07-09-2004, 14:44
Killed? Kidnapped? Coup? We're hearing all sorts of stories. Sounds rife for exploitation ...
Communist Louisiana
07-09-2004, 14:47
Massive movements of troops begin to cross the Mississippi River, Pearl River to secure the fallen North American territories of Communist Mississippi.
TO: Sharina
You will NOT annex these lands. We do not know you at all, and we will not have a neighbor that has a possibility to start a conflict. Communist Louisiana and Communist Mississippi have many families who are related and we will not have a foreign nation controling them. Communist Louisiana will annex all territory controled in North America by Communist Mississippi.
We do not care about foreign held territories, as long as those citizens are allowed to return if they wish to. We will begin moving in troops into Mississippi, Tennesse, Ohio, and Illinoise to secure.
The thing is...
Are you aware of my RP with CM? The one with the Hataria Mammalia thing, with rapes and such?
I had originally planned for Lara and her kids to arrive at Sharina, then establish the Refugee Agency (Which would mandate rescuing all refugees and relocating them to Sharina).
Then CM "butted in" and took them to his nation. I wanted to cooperate and work on my RP'ing skills, and see where it went.
Now what will happen to my characters? Thats my main beef with this whole thing.
Also, if I am not to annex CM territory, then I lay claim to all the 50 million women and children "kidnapped" by CM from Hataria Mammalia.
Also, if not the USA territories, then I claim CM territory in Africa.
07-09-2004, 14:52
IC: A massive explosion was heard at the palace today. Sources later confirmed that the whole Fabus family and all other successors to them were killed. Not bad am I?
OOC: How does this work?
You are watching MNB News
"A number of groups are claiming responsibility for the bomb which tore through the Palace in Communist Mississippi today, killing or incapacitating the entire Fabus family.
At last count, no less than ten groups, including the Guild of Assassins, have claimed responsibility over the internet, yet these claims have yet to be substantiated.
With the CM government decapitated, the nations of Communist Louisiana and Sharina appear to be squaring up to divide the lands of CM.
Macisikani interests in the area should not be affected, and we'll bring more news as it comes in."
Communist Louisiana
07-09-2004, 14:52
Tell me what does that have to do with his territory in North America. Look, if you want to war over the territory, then I will. I can have more then 10 million troops cross over the border and liberate Jackson City. I think the Mississippian citizens would prefer Louisiana to take control then a foreign power doing so.
07-09-2004, 14:53
The thing is...
Are you aware of my RP with CM? The one with the Hataria Mammalia thing, with rapes and such?
I had originally planned for Lara and her kids to arrive at Sharina, then establish the Refugee Agency (Which would mandate rescuing all refugees and relocating them to Sharina).
Then CM "butted in" and took them to his nation. I wanted to cooperate and work on my RP'ing skills, and see where it went.
Now what will happen to my characters? Thats my main beef with this whole thing.
They got betrayed and shot on the way. Sorry to have to tell you!
Tell me what does that have to do with his territory in North America. Look, if you want to war over the territory, then I will. I can have more then 10 million troops cross over the border and liberate Jackson City. I think the Mississippian citizens would prefer Louisiana to take control then a foreign power doing so.
Well, I will give up my claim to all CM lands in the USA if you'll return the 50 million women and children that CM stole from Hataria Mammalia.
Communist Louisiana
07-09-2004, 14:55
Sharina, I would be more then happy to help you claim all territory owned by CM out of North America, AND I would allow all citizens who wish to leave CM the right to do so and I would even transport them out of Louisianaian budget.
Thanks, Louisana.
I only claimed the CM North American territory so that I could bring back the 50 million captives. Also, I kind of wanted Boston, my hometown. Nothing more than that.
I want to claim CM Egypt and CM Africa possessions for the sake of my RP with CM with my character of Lara.
I have no further ambitions regarding the former CM territory, people, resources, etc. other than these two things stated above.
07-09-2004, 15:04
Thanks, Louisana.
I only claimed the CM North American territory so that I could bring back the 50 million captives. Nothing more than that.
I want to claim CM Egypt and CM Africa possessions for the sake of my RP with CM with my character of Lara.
I have no further ambitions regarding the former CM territory, people, resources, etc. other than these two things stated above.
I told you Lara got shot! it's okay, you're in denial.
Also, I'm not sure where Sharina would be located.
I had 2 places in mind.
Southwestern USA and Western Mexico, and Baja Peninsula.
Eastern Africa (next to jungle, plains, and mountains)
Also, is there any way I could have Massachuetts, New Hamphsire, and Maine? Or at the very least, Boston, my RL hometown? Or is it in Communist New England territory?
I'm willing to work stuff out with ya. :)
Communist Louisiana
07-09-2004, 15:05
We see no harm in these wants and would be more then happy to help you achieve them.
Communist Louisiana
07-09-2004, 15:07
If I am not mistaken, Communist New England controls Maine down to Georgia.
Would you like to hammer stuff out in TG's? Or do a RP with it?
CM had extended me membership in the Empire Loyalist alliance, and we were on good terms. He even offered to help some of my custom weapons RP's.
Also, I would be interested in opening embassies, friendship and trade treaties with your nation. :)
If I am not mistaken, Communist New England controls Maine down to Georgia.
Okay. Pardon my limited awareness of the Communist USA. Sorry about that. :(
I had little knowledge of who owns what in the USA area. Also, IDF had Chicago if I'm not mistaken.
Decisive Action
07-09-2004, 15:11
From what he's said on the LOEL forum, he has contacted admin to plead his case, it will take a few weeks though. So his RPs are on hold until then.
07-09-2004, 15:13
From what he's said on the LOEL forum, he has contacted admin to plead his case, it will take a few weeks though. So his RPs are on hold until then.
dammit! it was a trick, i knew it was too good to be true!
From what he's said on the LOEL forum, he has contacted admin to plead his case, it will take a few weeks though. So his RPs are on hold until then.
I will be happy to return CM African possessions if CM returns.
07-09-2004, 15:16
I will be happy to return CM African possessions if CM returns.
I will not be happy if CM returns period!
Decisive Action
07-09-2004, 15:18
He has posted some stuff on the forum that his league uses.
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ComMiss Posted: Sep 7 2004, 04:45 AM
Group: Security Council
Posts: 13
Member No.: 6
Joined: 3-September 04
I was deleted based on the words of my enemies given to a communist mod (Slag)
I wonder why my enemies had nothing but lies and slanders to say against me. And I wonder why a communist mod would rush to delete me based on the words of my enemies when another mod had said my IP was clean!
ComMiss Posted: Sep 7 2004, 04:46 AM
Group: Security Council
Posts: 13
Member No.: 6
Joined: 3-September 04
Attention LOEL!
I have made my appeal to the Nation states admin. I am confident they shall reveal the truth, that I am not who my enemies claim I am. The truth shall be known!
Until the truth is known and I am resurrected (And I am somewhat confident I will be) I ask that all league members RP as though I am on a long vacation (this will take probably 2-4 weeks)
My nation is basically on a long vacation.
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ComMiss Posted: Sep 7 2004, 05:47 AM
Group: Security Council
Posts: 13
Member No.: 6
Joined: 3-September 04
I will be doing all of my RP work here, and people from NS that are my fans, can come here to see it. I ask all my RP buddies to bear with me in these trying times and RP with me here... We shall have our day!
I save all my RP files, fact books etc, to word documents, so I know right where we left off at. So fear not friends!
(if worse comes to worse, you all can post the RPs after I send them to you via word after we work on them)
I think the admin will resolve this in manner positive for me. But it will take many weeks.
07-09-2004, 15:21
That was already explained.
Myrth, being a forum mod didn't have access to the amount of evidence that Slag had being. Therefore Slag had a better overall picture and proof of the accused.
Decisive Action
07-09-2004, 15:24
That was already explained.
Myrth, being a forum mod didn't have access to the amount of evidence that Slag had being. Therefore Slag had a better overall picture and proof of the accused.
Chat logs are not sufficient evidence.
What I suspect, is that he did communicate with the people in question over MSN, but his MSN hotmail address was I believe ""
I imagine they painstakingly edited out each of his names, and probably put FWS addy (No idea what it is) where the log for the addy was.
I also suspect they probably edited some of what he said, to make their case stronger.
Sit down for 3-5 hours, you can forge up decent amounts of logs. Chat logs have never been accepted as evidence of anything before. It seems to me that one mod just had it out for him. But he has contacted admin and they shall have the final say.
07-09-2004, 16:26
You are not a mod. The mods will decide what to do and you'll have no influence over them. They said they have evidence and I believe them. The mods are neutral, it's their job!
Decisive Action
07-09-2004, 16:31
You are not a mod. The mods will decide what to do and you'll have no influence over them. They said they have evidence and I believe them. The mods are neutral, it's their job!
No man is neutral, justice is never blind. Bias creeps into everything, it is inevitable. Whether we want to admit it or not, whether we even realize it creeps in, the fact is that is always does. Objectivity like communism, works only in theory.
The idea of a jury of 12 deciding the fate of 1 is a great concept, provided the 12 don't have it out for the 1. If you're a black man, would you want a jury of 12 neo-nazis?
If you're a fascist, would you want a jury of 12 anarchists or communists?
Bias is present in everything we do, it's just a fact of life.
07-09-2004, 16:31
SLAG said that there was sufficient evidence other than the chat logs, and the whistle blower wouldn't lie. The chat logs were not fabricated, there was just a long process of sending them to people.
New Zambuda
07-09-2004, 16:32
We can RP this into something like the fall of the Soviet Union. Anyone want to?
07-09-2004, 16:32
I'm surprised the Mods haven't smacked this thread down with a warning that this topic is not to be discussed further.
Decisive Action
07-09-2004, 16:36
SLAG said that there was sufficient evidence other than the chat logs, and the whistle blower wouldn't lie. The chat logs were not fabricated, there was just a long process of sending them to people.
Well I am sure a RL communist would have no reason to lie against CM (A RL fascist)
I am also certain that the reason the process was long, is because it may take time to fabricate decent logs.
By the way, how do you know people wouldn't lie?
Lying is so common, many people don't even realize when they're doing it.
You sure are certain that your leftie pals wouldn't lie to get my rightie pals in trouble, eh?
Decisive Action
07-09-2004, 16:37
I'm surprised the Mods haven't smacked this thread down with a warning that this topic is not to be discussed further.
I am certain the issue is being hotly debated in the mod forum. I think that locking threads to silence debate is the ultimate evidence that of mod abuse and cover up and brushing things under the rug.
Debate and discussion are necessary in any free society.
07-09-2004, 16:39
I'd love to say that CM is a harmless little commie who has no enemies but I won't lie. He is hated by many and will be missed by few!
Decisive Action
07-09-2004, 16:39
SLAG said that there was sufficient evidence other than the chat logs, and the whistle blower wouldn't lie.
Okay, here is George W Bush.
"I have sufficient evidence Iraq is building nuclear weapons and already has chemical and biological weapons." (holds up a forged paper from the pentagon Israeli operative stating Iraq is trying to get get uranium from Niger) "Here is my evidence, the agent wouldn't lie. I also have other evidence, but you don't need to see it right now, just take my word for it and fall in line! We're marching to Iraq!"
Many months later, "Oh you remember how I said they had WMDs. I guess they didn't, oh well, my bad... But I sure am glad it isn't my children getting shot full of holes in Iraq."
Decisive Action
07-09-2004, 16:41
I'd love to say that CM is a harmless little commie who has no enemies but I won't lie. He is hated by many and will be missed by few!
I think he already covered who will miss him.
07-09-2004, 16:41
I am certain the issue is being hotly debated in the mod forum. I think that locking threads to silence debate is the ultimate evidence that of mod abuse and cover up and brushing things under the rug.
Debate and discussion are necessary in any free society.
The thread got locked. Discussion and debate are neccesary but some people ruin that right by swearing, insulting etc...
07-09-2004, 16:46
Slander, intrigue and lies eh? not bad at all, he is indeed a talented writer. He could apply for the position vacated by Alistair Campbell, official BSer to the president. But really, poor CM always being oppressed despite doing nothing wrong. CONSPIRACY CONSPIRACY:)
07-09-2004, 16:49
I am certain the issue is being hotly debated in the mod forum. I think that locking threads to silence debate is the ultimate evidence that of mod abuse and cover up and brushing things under the rug.
Debate and discussion are necessary in any free society.
You're forgetting one thing. This game isn't solely based in the United States. Even if it *were*, it's a PRIVATE forum run by one person (Max Barry) who is Australian. The rules about "freedom of expression" do not apply to private forums. Check the legal precedents. By posting here, you implicitly agree to all the rules. If one of them is that locking a thread means debate is to be silenced, that means debate's over and done with.
Decisive Action
07-09-2004, 16:51
You're forgetting one thing. This game isn't solely based in the United States. Even if it *were*, it's a PRIVATE forum run by one person (Max Barry) who is Australian. The rules about "freedom of expression" do not apply to private forums. Check the legal precedents. By posting here, you implicitly agree to all the rules. If one of them is that locking a thread means debate is to be silenced, that means debate's over and done with.
Well on the League forum, CM stated he contacted admin. I think that means it will soon be seen by them and as such is now in their hands.
Nikolaos The Great
07-09-2004, 16:58
From what I know LOEL haves control of all of CM's lands. Here is the proof:
Decisive Action
07-09-2004, 17:01
From what I know LOEL haves control of all of CM's lands. Here is the proof:
Nikolaos The Great
07-09-2004, 17:05
I guess that clears everything up. So nobady gets his lands. Except for the people he said that would get them.
Decisive Action
07-09-2004, 17:06
I guess that clears everything up. So nobady gets his lands.
Hardly nobody, 3 people were listed.
It said:
In the event of my deletion not being reversed, I hereby decree that.
The Burnsian Desert (TBD) shall inherit Mississippian Egypt and Western Sahara.
Kahta shall inherit Kentucky, Indiana, and Ohio.
Seryown shall inherit Mississippi, Fabus Island, and Tennessee
Nikolaos The Great
07-09-2004, 17:10
I know I forgot to add that part in my post so I edited it.
07-09-2004, 18:41
Hmm, we cannot help but call for a national day of celebration
07-09-2004, 19:07
Hmm, we cannot help but call for a national day of celebration
make it two!
Itinerate Tree Dweller
07-09-2004, 19:18
Massive movements of troops begin to cross the Mississippi River, Pearl River to secure the fallen North American territories of Communist Mississippi.
TO: Sharina
You will NOT annex these lands. We do not know you at all, and we will not have a neighbor that has a possibility to start a conflict. Communist Louisiana and Communist Mississippi have many families who are related and we will not have a foreign nation controling them. Communist Louisiana will annex all territory controled in North America by Communist Mississippi.
We do not care about foreign held territories, as long as those citizens are allowed to return if they wish to. We will begin moving in troops into Mississippi, Tennesse, Ohio, and Illinoise to secure.
Itinerate Tree Dweller
07-09-2004, 19:23
This is the wrong forum for this thread. If anything it should go in Moderation, or gameplay... even general would do.
Speculation does not help, nor does accusations. The situation is being handled by the MOD's and they will render a decision. The CM lands will be given out as he requested, there is no more discussion on that. As for his RP's they are on hold until a decision is made, so please don't post in them.
07-09-2004, 19:49
I'd love to say that CM is a harmless little commie who has no enemies but I won't lie. He is hated by many and will be missed by few!
He wasn't a commie, anyway. While his country was CALLED Communist Mississippi, it was not in fact a communist nation. Rather far from it, in fact.
07-09-2004, 20:02
He wasn't a commie, anyway. While his country was CALLED Communist Mississippi, it was not in fact a communist nation. Rather far from it, in fact.
you're right of course silly me.
He was a supremist nation! a Klan nation. a (need I continue?)
Industrial Experiment
07-09-2004, 20:33
Sanctaphrax, may I ask you a favor?
Could you please sit back for a second, perhaps get a glass of water, and let your irrational hate of CM bleed off somewhere else? I'm sure no one here wants to deal with your useless trolling, and you'd be doing us all a favor by going away for a bit.
Communist Louisiana
08-09-2004, 02:54
Just because CM wants his North American territory to go to Seryown doesnt mean I will allow it. I dont care about the other North American territories, but I will fight a war with Seryown if he claims Mississippi, Tennesse, and Fabus Island.
Decisive Action
08-09-2004, 04:44
All CM Lands hereby belong to Decisive Action.
The sudden population drop from CM to DA levels was caused by a massive IG virus outbreak, which the army put down. (I will be modifying my armed forces levels to allow for the drop from CM to DA levels)