NationStates Jolt Archive

Greece Starts Massive Military Mobilization

Nikolaos The Great
04-09-2004, 00:41
Greece has started a massive military mobilization. All citizens from the age of 18 are encouraged to sign up for the army. But during times of war all citizens from the age of 16 are forced to enter the army. Reason for the mobilization is classified and the only known info about this is that Greece safety is at risk.

Current Standings:

Active Manpower: 1,200,000
We hope to get an addiational 5 million manpower.

Active Airforce: 4,000 planes
More planes will be made.
We hope to get more air fighters.

Active Navy: 1,026 ships
More ships will be made.
We hope to get more sailors.
Borman Empire
04-09-2004, 00:50
Bhalk agrees as he knows a strong military is a strong empire
Fascist Confederacy
04-09-2004, 01:19
The Fascist Confederacy backs NTG's right to mobilize its military. Thus, five hundred, one ton barrels of Fascian Brandy have been shipped for the troops.
Nikolaos The Great
04-09-2004, 01:20
We refuse your offer. Our soldiers aren't in the army to drink! But to fight like warriors for Greece!
Nikolaos The Great
04-09-2004, 01:26
Various sign-up offices for the army in Greece have reported that they have gotten until now 1 million sign ups. Training for all soldiers have begun.
04-09-2004, 01:36
-Message from the office of President Jackson Thomas, CSM-

The Confederate States of Mestionian would like to offer her hand in friendship to the Greek people. Would a mutual defense treaty be out of the question? The CSM boasts and miltary of twenty-five million soldiers, sailors, and airmen. Additionally, the CSM has recently begun the stockpiling of nuclear weapons, as well as research into the feasibility of chemical weapons programs. The President awaits your response with great eagerness.
Nikolaos The Great
04-09-2004, 01:47
Money will be accepted but no soldiers and no WMDs.
04-09-2004, 01:51
The Confederate Congress proposes not mere gift-giving between nations, but a mutual alliance with our Greek friends. This treaty will commit the forces of Mestionian to aide the Greek Empire in any and all military conflict, and vice versa. A draft of the treaty will be written depending on your response.
Fascist Confederacy
04-09-2004, 01:53
"We take it to some insult you will not accept our gift. We understand you don't want an army of drunken hooligens, but even Germans and Soviets drank some while in battle. Kept them awake. Where I come from, it is a bad omen, not to mention an insult not to accept a drink from a well wishing person. But, none-the-less, we aren't going to force this good alchohol on you if you don't wish it. Never-the-less, good luck in whatever may come to pass." -- Reichsfuhrer Lecter
Nikolaos The Great
04-09-2004, 02:04
Trust me they wont fall asleep that easily where they will be fighting.
04-09-2004, 02:07
The Kingdom of Heiliger blesses Greece and may all of its battle be victorious for Greece.
04-09-2004, 02:20
Death to The Hellenistic Empire and Long live the Hatarian Republic!

OOC: aka, tag.
04-09-2004, 02:27
Death to The Hellenistic Empire and Long live the Hatarian Republic!

OOC: aka, tag.
Hmmm, did someone say something? Naaaah, must've been the wind. Either that, or the leprochuans are controling my mind, who knows.
04-09-2004, 02:30
Hmmm, did someone say something? Naaaah, must've been the wind. Either that, or the leprochuans are controling my mind, who knows.

I am not at liberty to say.............. B)
Nikolaos The Great
04-09-2004, 18:25
Message to all of Greece's broadcasts, radios, TVs, Ads billboards, etc...

Greece is at war with Euroslavia and possible with other NATO nations. 1.2 million are on active duty plus the other 2 million sign ups. All people from the age of 16 is forced to go to war. Please meet at your local military office to be drafted in. For Hellas!
Ottoman Khaif
04-09-2004, 18:29
ah great another grand balkan war.
04-09-2004, 18:40
Ah, a Balkan War, against members of the Balkans, which I guess would constitute as being my allies! (I am technically located in the Balkans, as are several of my other nations)(Also look at my location).

Please tell me why you are at war and what reason it is that NATO is attacking you?
Nikolaos The Great
04-09-2004, 19:01
OOC: Euroslavia is in NATO so the NATO members will bve supporting them. Also I really dont want to get into a war with NATO.

"This HENN reporting you live from Athens. As you can see behind me all the people stopped what they where doing and came out and started chanting "For Hellas!" Its really crazy out here. There are thousands of Greek flags being waved around. Looks like Euroslavia will have a hard time destroying Greece. As you can see even 80 year old women are taking picking up arms! Supplies are being given to everybody all over Greece. We encourage people in small towns to come to the major cities. This is all for now."

OOC2: Dont say its godmodding when i said 80 year old women are picking up arms because that really did happen during the Greek revolution for independence against the Ottoman Empire.
04-09-2004, 19:35
If you are counting 80 year old women in your army you are going to have serious troubles. And now I see why you are so desperate for no war. If you have the whole of NATO against you maybe you would reconsider the detention of Euroslavians.
Nikolaos The Great
04-09-2004, 19:37
First of all I am obviously not going to put 80 year old women to drive a tank I am just showing how deidcated the people are to defend Greece. Also I have no control over the Euroslavians GE captured.
04-09-2004, 19:54
Her Royal Majesty Highness Puppyness Queen Huney Bunny bunny bunny bun bun bun head watched despite her failing eyesight the unfolding events in the Balkans on her Television in her favourite residence in The Constitutional Monarchy of CavalierKCSpaniels, Blenheim Palace.

Seated at the head of the long table, she motioned with her paw to the Cavalier Spaniel Butler standing near the TV to turn it off, which he dutifully did.

*Silly humans and their silly wars." she murmered, her regal ears flapping slightly as she shook her head.

A knock on the double dining room doors and a nod of the head from Queen Huney signalled the entrance of another Cavalier Spaniel butler, complete with a tray full of food fit for a Canine Queen.

"Exquisite" - Queen Huney said quietly, smiling slightly.
04-09-2004, 20:34
Her Royal Majesty Highness Puppyness Queen Huney Bunny bunny bunny bun bun bun head watched despite her failing eyesight the unfolding events in the Balkans on her Television in her favourite residence in The Constitutional Monarchy of CavalierKCSpaniels, Blenheim Palace.

Seated at the head of the long table, she motioned with her paw to the Cavalier Spaniel Butler standing near the TV to turn it off, which he dutifully did.

*Silly humans and their silly wars." she murmered, her regal ears flapping slightly as she shook her head.

A knock on the double dining room doors and a nod of the head from Queen Huney signalled the entrance of another Cavalier Spaniel butler, complete with a tray full of food fit for a Canine Queen.

"Exquisite" - Queen Huney said quietly, smiling slightly.

OOC: what the hell is this?
Nikolaos The Great
04-09-2004, 20:36
Public Announcement from Nikolaos the Great

My fellow Greeks the danger is over. But there is one more threat that still lies. Its called IDF. They want to kill one of our great commanders, Kostas Karamalis. But we wont let them. I think they stopped there threats on invasion but we must still start alerted. For now I have garrisoned more troops on Crete.
Nikolaos The Great
04-09-2004, 20:36
OOC: what the hell is this?
OOC: I have no idea...
04-09-2004, 20:54
Her Royal Majesty Highness Puppyness Queen Huney Bunny bunny bunny bun bun bun head watched despite her failing eyesight the unfolding events in the Balkans on her Television in her favourite residence in The Constitutional Monarchy of CavalierKCSpaniels, Blenheim Palace.

Seated at the head of the long table, she motioned with her paw to the Cavalier Spaniel Butler standing near the TV to turn it off, which he dutifully did.

*Silly humans and their silly wars." she murmered, her regal ears flapping slightly as she shook her head.

A knock on the double dining room doors and a nod of the head from Queen Huney signalled the entrance of another Cavalier Spaniel butler, complete with a tray full of food fit for a Canine Queen.

"Exquisite" - Queen Huney said quietly, smiling slightly.

To Her Royal Majesty Highness Puppyness Queen Huney Bunny bunny bunny bun bun bun head:

"Your nation is awesome. We bow at your, awesomeness."

Empress Destra.
04-09-2004, 22:11
OOC: Now come one, IDF is not a threat if you don't try and pursue him, if the Balkans are/were attacked I would have or will assist you in their defence, but if you wish to attack IDF I will think of you as another imperial trying to get they're grubby hands on more land. I am sorry but attacking IDF should not even be thought of.
Nikolaos The Great
04-09-2004, 22:50
Only 200,000 civilians where accepted from the 1,2 million sign ups.
05-09-2004, 10:31
To Her Royal Majesty Highness Puppyness Queen Huney Bunny bunny bunny bun bun bun head:

"Your nation is awesome. We bow at your, awesomeness."

Empress Destra.

To Her Excellency Empress Destra of Euroslavia,

Thankyou for your most kind words concerning my nation being awesome and myself being awesome.

Perhaps we could establish diplomatic relations.

Take care,

Her Royal Majesty Highness Puppyness Queen Huney Bunny bunny bunny bun bun bun head of The Constitutional Monarchy of CavalierKCSpaniels