NationStates Jolt Archive

Encrypted RCRUS Transmission

Holy Fro
03-09-2004, 21:48
...encryption h55
running exmik.exe............

RCRUS lvl. 4 Security Clearence
Stat- Top Secret, en route

Brett, this is Mark. There's been another incident, this time in an office building in Dalton. We think there's five dead this time, but we also may have a survivor. I dont know the details, I'm on my way there. I know it's your off-shift now, but by the time I get to Dalton, you should be up. We'll go live from the scene when I get there. so, I'll be on in about an hour. Set up a com-link for 415 and I'll wire to it from the office building. Give Josh a heads up too, we may need him if we actually have a survivor.
alright. see ya at about 5.

La Habana
03-09-2004, 22:15
To: Leon Tokarev, La Habana President
From: Emilio Fuentes, S3 Senior Commander.

Suspicious message was intercepted by La Habana's S3 Force (State Security Service), supercomputers decrypted the message within 10 minutes. Senior security officials and data analysts attempting to establish meaning of this message. The precise location where the message originated from is yet unknown. Attempting to establish whether this incident mentioned in encrypted message poses any threat to the La Habana Government. Investigations are continuing into this message, and also we are continuing to try to establish what kind of incident this message refers to. S3 now at increased alert, ready to intercept any more encrypted messages from same source.
Holy Fro
03-09-2004, 22:15
...unencrypted email service

Hey we've got a situation. another one of those weird killings, looks like. Mark's on his way there now, but he says that there may be a survivor, so after you get this, head to the lab so we can send you direct data. Mark will be there around 5 so be ready before then.

03-09-2004, 22:16
OOC: Interesting...*tags*
Holy Fro
03-09-2004, 22:34
excerpts from The Dalton Daily pre-print

The third mass death in the last week was reported this morning by local officials. Names have not been released and The Daily does not yet know how many casualties there are. many citizens are already aware, and all the killings have been located in Brecha and Palnine, both small rural areas like Dalton. Experts agree that the...
...National Officials have roped off the area from the press and...
...some people in the region of Arc Rus are terrified... But the governmet urges the public to stay calm and ensures us that the problems may not even be related...

Holy Fro
03-09-2004, 23:00
encrypted channel....

Wire peirced.

Brett: (static) sorry about that. Can you hear me?

Mark: Yeah.

Brett: Ok I dont have visual, where are you.

Mark: Stepping out of the elevator. Can you hack the building's security cameras?

Brett: I've been trying for the last hour. I think they may be down.

(voice off mike)

Mark: Rapid Critical Response to Unusual Situations. ID 8412944003.

(voice off mike)


(electronic beep/ voice off mike)

Mark: Thank you.

Brett: You there yet?

Mark: Almost, give me a second.

Brett: I was at the last one of these things. Gruesome. one guy was decapitated. Blood all over the place. No innards, they couldnt find them anywhere. Most victims suffered from-

Mark: Stab wounds.

Brett: Your there.

Mark: Oh my-- who did this?

Brett: That's why your there.

Mark: Forced entry into the room via ventilation system. Five victims. Four male, one female. Injuries include slash marks all over body by a blade, possibly cerated knife. All the victims have been... gutted. Blood is on the walls and much of the furniture is upset. Obvious signs of a...brief struggle? it all must have happened so fast. There were several culprits here. There had to have been.

Brett: What makes you think so?

Mark: well, all the victims are in their chairs around the conference table. no one even had time to get up. No one person could have killed all of these people with a knife before they could even react.

Brett: hmm...

Mark: I want it on the record that I said that this should be reported to the UN.

Brett: You know what Nolan said. it stays in this region.

Mark: Yeah well Arc Ruz cant do everything by itself.

Brett: Mark, I believe our police force can handle a few killings.

Mark: havent seen this killing.

Brett: Mark, I'm pretty sure that HF government would realize that we need help IF we needed help.

Mark: yeah but-

Brett: Mark, you and I both are fresh out of training. We have to be honest with ourselves, we really dont know what a major event is. For all we know, this kind of stuff has been happening all along.

Mark: thats the scariest thing I've ever heard.

Brett: you done there?

Mark: I'll finish taking pictures and poke around a little bit more and then I'm heading over to the medical unit where they have that victim. They say he stabilized.

Brett: Ok, I'll get josh on the line in a little while. In the meantime I'm going to send this commlink data back to RCRUS

Mark: alright. Talk to you later.

Brett: later.


Holy Fro
04-09-2004, 04:44
Excerpt from medical document on survival subject

Name: "John Doe"
Sex: Male
Age: mid 30s
Height:5' 11"
Eye Color: Brown
Hair: Brown
Discription-- Almost all other features are indistinguishable due to severe external injuries to the upper body including the face.

Condition: Stabilized.
Subject is suffering from fractured R. femur, fractured R. humorous, fractured R. tibia... broken collar bone, various cranial impacts causing undiagnosed injury. Several exterior wounds include gashes along the chest, back and upper thighs...a deep approx. 2"x.5" puncture wound through the chest cavity... a large blood transfusion was required...The victim is suffering from shock and a severly injured nasal cavity... The subject is coherent but may be suffering from mild amniesia...

Holy Fro
04-09-2004, 04:48
Notification of Emergency Medical Transport

"John Doe 004" isbe transported via medevac to the St. James Hospital in Rebowe for immediate attention.

Field Examiner
Philip Mitchell

Holy Fro
04-09-2004, 06:39
The Emperor of the Holy Empire of Holy Fro humbly requests a favor from any nearby benevolent nations.

"We believe that there may be some terrorist or cultist activity in our region and are requesting the manning of our boundary's outposts by and benevolent nations who would offer their services, in an attempt to keep this unknown threat from spreading.

"Anyone willing to help will need to secure all main roads and prevent any exit of Arc Ruz for at least the next 24 hours. Any additional support that can be spared to help control our borders away from roads would be appreciated."
Holy Fro
04-09-2004, 06:46

perts working on finding0918734


ttempt to keep all radio transmissions of RCRU$ #@ta to % minimumj,..

rk and his team81065]
still unaware
101039jdkn nn actual IINtEnttt.&#@%00011010015

Keep up the good w

Holy Fro
04-09-2004, 14:09
The Emperor of the Holy Empire of Holy Fro humbly requests a favor from any nearby benevolent nations.

"We believe that there may be some terrorist or cultist activity in our region and are requesting the manning of our boundary's outposts by and benevolent nations who would offer their services, in an attempt to keep this unknown threat from spreading.

"Anyone willing to help will need to secure all main roads and prevent any exit of Arc Ruz for at least the next 24 hours. Any additional support that can be spared to help control our borders away from roads would be appreciated."
La Habana
04-09-2004, 20:01
To: Emperor of Holy Fro Empire
From: Emilio Fuentes, S3 Senior Commander.

La Habana shall send a squad of 100 S3 forces personnel to investigate these strange events. They will co-operate with local police and intelligence services in gathering information as to the nature of these barbaric killings. La Habana must stress that the personnel that are being sent are heavily armed with assault rifles, machine guns, pistols, and explosives. They wear full body armour which includes anti-stab vests and kevlar armour . These are some of the best trained men and women that S3 has, and if they percieve someone as a threat, they are ordered to shoot to kill.
Holy Fro
04-09-2004, 20:57
>>Government of La Habana
<<Emperor of HF, Councilor of Arc Ruz

Your offer is great and greatly appreciated. We are having trouble finding assistance in our time of strife. To make do with what we have, I am requesting that you station your men evenly at the four exiting highways of Arc Ruz: the North, North-West, East, and South East borders of our region. Halt any peoples attempting to cross the border and make it clear that Arc Ruz is in a temporary Quarentine. Hold any suspicious persons, within reason. We're trusting you.

PS> if or hopefully when any other nations answer our cry for assistance, we will attempt to more evenly distribute your combined troops at the four access roads.
04-09-2004, 21:35
OOC: where exactly are you located i just wonder so i can make a guess as to wehter we coudl actually deploy toops quickly enough.

>>Emperor of HF, Councilor of Arc Ruz
<< Gen. Jackson Alexander, acting commander Srtatcom (regional)

Your imperial majesty in reply to your request we would be delighted to provide aid in your current situation. We would ask what sort of force elvels you would be requiring we can have a rapid deployment force cosnsiting of anythign ranging from a couple of companies of military police all the way upto to brigade or divsional formations of light infantry.
we await your reply.

OOC: very cool Rp so far i really hope i don't ruin it.
Holy Fro
04-09-2004, 23:15
<<Emperor of HF, Councilor of Arc Ruz

Your generous offer is graciously accepted. We will require the deployment of a small number of troops on our access highways to the North-West, and North. La Habana, if you would please reassign your forces to be equally divided on our South, and South East roads. We're just trying to keep our borders secure and prevent this threat from escaping. Please do not contact the UN and bother them with matters such as this. We like to be thought of as a peaceful region and do not want rumors to spread to the outside world.
Holy Fro
04-09-2004, 23:26
Aaron McWilliams:

Report to RCRUS post in Rebowe within two hours. You are required to investigate a murder that appears to follow the recent trend of possible terrorist acts. You will get further directions upon reaching your destination.

This is a level 5 security mission. Only you and your team are to have any knowledge of your activities. Report in with Mark upon reaching Rebowe.

05-09-2004, 00:31

With a gentle kiss the massive shape of the Roc rotodyne touched down on the HF side of the border. The load whine of the tip jets dropped slightly as the rear doors opened and the squat shape of a Stoat APC rolled out followed squad of red capped MPs in full NBC battle dress who doubled out hauling spike strips, flares and crash barriers.
After a breif conversation with the local authority commander they spread the various obstacles over the already quiet road.
Within a few minutes the barricades and other equipment had been fully unloaded and with a roar the transport spun its rotors up to speed and lifted off into the night.

Across the entire north and north western sectors the scene was repeated as the troops of No 9 MP regiment took up thier postions to enforce the quarentine by blocking off the local highway network.

OOC: just in case you need to know, they are MPs and as such they are mostly equipped with SMGs and PDWs, a few at each barricade will ahve full rifles and at least 1 SAW hidden soemwhere, the APCs are light weight wheeled designs painted in standard crookfur camo patern with a big blue and yellow checkered strip down each side with polcie written in large lettering. a few ambulances are also deployed to maintain the quarentine illusion.
Holy Fro
05-09-2004, 01:12
Hard line tapped...
level 1 encryption
running peldat.exe....

Josh: Mark?

Mark: (creaking) (groan) what time is it?

Josh: It's 7:00

Mark: morning or evening?

Josh: Evening. how long have you been asleep?

Mark: Uh. I guess about three hours then.

Josh: Aaron's heading down to see you for briefing?

Mark: Briefing? Shoot. Let me check my phone...

Josh: It happened again.

Mark: I see. Heck. I'm suprised HQ didnt send someone down to wake me up in person.

Josh: Two deaths. Our survivor is missing.

Mark: (mumbles) Missing? Wha-where was the uh- the uh-

Josh: At the hospital.

Mark: No way!

Josh: Yeah, and Aaron's called Brett. he may be coming too

Mark: That'd be good.

Josh: I'm coming to this one too. I wont be there until tomorrow though. some stuff to finish up here.

Mark: hold on let me get dressed.

(static) (background noises)

Mark: ok.

Josh: Aaron will be there in about fifteen minutes. I'll bet Brett is with him.

Mark: alright, I'll call headquarters and get a briefing to pass on to them

Josh: ok talk to you later.

Mark: wait

Josh: yeah?

Mark: Why is it always us?

Josh: what do you mean?

Mark: No matter where we are or what we're doing we have to drop it and come running to these murders.

Josh: yeah- duh- it's our job.

Mark: yeah but it's five hundred other people's job too.

Josh: What do you mean?

Mark: I mean... I mean... I dunno. Nevermind. I'll see you tomorrow.

Josh: hasta manana.


Holy Fro
05-09-2004, 01:22
Friends who have helped us in our time of need, I must ask you to extend the time that you guard our borders to at least 48 hours. More time may be needed, but we hope that we shall have this problem solved within two days. Our best experts are hard at work on the case and are sure that they have it nearly solved. We will supply your men with food, shelter, and any other necessities if you so desire.

Thank you for your understanding.
05-09-2004, 02:08
>>Emperor of HF, Councilor of Arc Ruz
<<Colonel Geoffery Stewart, Co, No 9 MP regiment

Your majesty, extending our stay should not be a problem we will merely work it into the ongoing WMD event response exercise program.
We thank you for your kind offer of support but we feel that as part of our ongoign trainign we shall best serve you and our own nation by operating in a self sustaining fashion.

IC: as the first 24 hrs on location passes transport aircraft return and after under going decontanination processes the men are rotated out to rest areas (assume on board a nereby transport vessel).
Holy Fro
05-09-2004, 02:45
outgoing transmission from ARC RUS REGION to RCRUS HQ
downloading mlog.dat
Open? y



system will attempt to patch .dat file

Aaron: where where the victims found?

(voice off mike)

Mark: Thanks.

Brett: I wish we had at least some idea of what was happening

Aaron: How does no one ever see this happen?


Mark: Is this the room?


Brett: same injuries as the last. Lacerations on face and upper body, stab wound to the chest, probably piercing the heart, various broken-


Aaron: -kept here?

Mark: Yeah I was just here-...oh my gosh.

Brett: What is this stuff?

Aaron: It's all over the place!

Brett: oh my gosh.

Mark: its everywhere. on the walls, the ground, the ceiling. The bed is covered this slime.

Brett: This stuff's obviously organic.

Aaron: This is outside of my league.

Mark: It's beyond all of us. We need Josh here. Do you think we could run a mass spectromi-whatever and send in the results?

Brett: I dont know if that would help, but we can try.


Aaron: ...and the hospital staff just found it like this?

(voice off mike): yes,sir.

Aaron: thank you, you can go.

(door close)

Brett: oh my gosh.

Mark: Did you get a sample?

Brett: how would you describe this stuff?

Aaron: Looks like a slime mold breeded with some kudzu.

Mark: I dunno. An organic growth that appears to originate from the bed and tends to-

Brett: SHOOT!



Mark: I-


(heavy breathing)

Aaron: Evacuate the hospital...

Mark: The hospital? Evacuate the town!

Brett: I'm transmitting back to HQ. we need a


Mark: use the new encryption program...


La Habana
05-09-2004, 15:09
La Habana has sent an additional 900 S3 personnel to Holy Fro. La Habana percieves this phenomenon as extremely dangerous should it spread to other nations, and therefore it must be contained. The additional personnel have at their disposal approx. 50 T-90 Tanks, and 100 armoured cars, to intensify the patrol's along the border. A temporary Razor-wire fence has been constructed to prevent the escape of any suspicious persons, and temporary guard towers with machine guns and search lights have also been constructed along the border.
05-09-2004, 15:28
The Republic of Anime-Otakus views this as a serious threat to national and world security. As such, the Republic will be heightening security levels and deploy extra security personnel nation-wide. All bio-warfare laboratories have also been placed on full alert.

In addition, the Republic requests clearance for the Archangel-class Mobile Suit Carrier Dominion to enter Holy Fro's airspace to begin surveillance operations.

Dr. Takizawa Ryuichi
Minister of Defence
Technocratic Republic of Anime-Otakus
Holy Fro
06-09-2004, 06:27
No Comment
La Habana
06-09-2004, 17:02
#Message encrypted by 2048-Bit S3 A-Class encryption algorythm#

To: Emperor of Holy Fro Empire.
From: Leon Tokarev, President of La Habana.

Although La Habana does not suspect that the organism carrying out these attacks is an escaped biological weapon, it is a possibility that S3 has been prepared to deal with by any means necessary. According to La Habana standard procedure for Contagious Biological Hazards Containment (CBHC), we are obliged to send a Typhoon Nuclear Missile Attack Submarine within striking distance of the Holy Fro Empire (the sub is not located in Holy Fro Terratorial Waters). The Sub is armed with 20 Nuclear Missiles each with an 800 Kiloton High-Yield Nuclear Warhead, each capable of destroying a major city and a large area of the surrounding countryside. La Habana must stress that these weapons will only be used as a last resort, and with explicit and certified permission from the Emperor of Holy Fro, only when every other method of containment is futile, and only when the situation is grave. La Habana must also stress that this is only standard procedure for these extreme circumstances, and that this is in no way a declaration of war.
Holy Fro
06-09-2004, 17:38
There is no evidence supporting the belief that there has been biological weapons used in our country. Any rumors of such nonsense must be set aside as a panic public stirred up by the media. I also demand the removal of your nuclear submarine to a sector out of range of the region of Arc Ruz. I will not have a gun pointed at the head of the nations under my diction!
La Habana
06-09-2004, 20:07
La Habana has withdrew the Nuclear Missile Submarine from the area, as the Emperor requested. We ask for your kind permission to withdraw the 1'000 S3 personnel currently patroling the border, and instead send 8'000 La Habana Army personnel, equipped with 500 T90 Tanks, to further intensify patrols along the border. La Habana's Air force requests permission to send 50 Ka-52 Attack helicopters to patrol the border.
Holy Fro
06-09-2004, 22:12
Such a large force is unnessisary. Your only task is to keep Arc Ruz under quarintine and draw as little attention as possible. This WILL NOT become a serious ordeal.
Holy Fro
06-09-2004, 22:19
The Arc Ruz Star!

Aliens seen bribing national celebrity Dan Valle!

1,000 pound woman accused of murder by odor!

The Emperor's Secret Lover! (pictures inside!)

Rebowe farmer sees man-eating zombie in his fields!

National Poll- Woodchucks: to eat, or not to eat?

Serial killings linked to LaHabana and Cookfur!

Satan escapes from hell! (witnesses tell their story!)
06-09-2004, 23:50
Scene: a temporary hut biult along side a crookfur road block, 2 off duty NCO are fighting the boredom by reading a local newspaper they had "aquired" and enjoying a good cuppa.
"Here Dan look at this, the locals think we're actually a bunch of muderous looneys."

"Where on earth did they get that idea?"

"Dunno, but according to this artical they think soem sort of bunch of super soldiers from either us or the LaHabanains down south have been breakign into locked rooms and killing people."

"Bloody fools, i bet the reporter caught a re run of soem old CFBC show about the Ks (K section, special service sections, blackest of the dark black crookfur operatives ), ah well time to get noddied up and antagonise the locals".
Japanese States
07-09-2004, 02:48
In a dingy bar in Dalton 2 men were speak in Japanese staying in the shadows both seemed to be drinking.
{"so far we know jack about this, they sent us here and for what?"} one of the men sead
{"Shzumi carm down will you, anyway as soon as Rai gets here she should know more"}" the other man sead takeing a sip of his beer.
{"ya well she better, the murders wont be related but still they tell us to go why tho Masiki, why?"} Shzumi replyed, looking down and lighting a fag the light lit up his face for a brief moment. he was young around 20 or there abouts skin fair and it was hard not to notice he was japanese, he took a deep lug on his fag and breathed out. {"she best have something im telling you"} he sead as a ploom of smoked went over his head.

The door opened at the far end of the small bar, a woman no older then 25 walked in, long black hair, fair skin, pale eyes of one colour or another and wearing a plain top and a mini skirt. she was rather attractive, well she was really attractive but something in her eyes showed she was a sacluded person. She walked over to the 2 men, she to was japanese. {"well i dont know what to tell ya, all my sorces are dry none of them know anything apart from there were the murders one survior and then the hospital is Evaced."} she sead {"and anyway your stuff didnt come it got picked up by the Border patrols. oh and i have a feeling we might want to leave the town soon."} she smiled and sat down takeing a smoke of Shzumi and lighting up.
{"grate we dont have our stuff, we cant contact anyone cos of this dam what they call it...Quarentine. "} he snaped {"Quarentine what a grate thing to call this, not only do they cut themselves off but make the world think its something like a plague"}. Rai Slaped him across the back of the head {"your an twat you know that, the outside forces cant call it a blockaide as thats an act of war, where as if you call it a Quarentine its legal as long as you have reason"} she snaped at him {"god why was a given a twat for a partner"}
{"well i take it we take a look at that Hospital?"} Masiki asked finishing his beer, he looked round.
{"we got no choice i dont know how we would get in or how we could get near it but meh why not, if im going to die i might as well die young"} Rai replyed smileing, then giveing Shzumi a evil look {"and if you screw up i will kill you so help me god"}

OOC: the reason i put {} at the start and end of there speach is to show they are speaking Japanese, i hope you dont mind Holy Fro.

Secret IC:

{"well have we heared from them?"} Commander Akira asked
{"no sir, since the Quarentine has been in place we've had no contact. we know the delivery was intercepted but we dont think they know we sent it, it was only weapons and other tools and all the Data is in a Level 12 Encryption that will take them months to decrypt and all the papers were in code. its one thing knowing its Japanese its another when it sounds even more like garbige to them"} a Captain replyed {"should we send in the pick up team?"}
{"no the signal for that has not come, we wait....wait and see what unfolds"} Akira turned and walked out of the command center.
whats happened to them? why has Rai not made contact i know shes alive since her contacts have informed me. so why? what is she hideing? who is she protecting? what is she up to? Akira thought as he left.
Holy Fro
07-09-2004, 03:05
ooc: what the fro? well I'm sufficiently confused but ok. Anyway, Pressing on:
Holy Fro
07-09-2004, 03:07
Please do not take offence at the recent tabloids. the public is confused with the quarentine and looking for someone to blame
Holy Fro
07-09-2004, 03:16
Voice comm data intercepted
data on 0010010 strand intervals...

Brett, we've got a problem here. Whats up? If this isnt a terrorist act what is it? An accident? I dont think so. Me either. You heard what the sarge said. Yeah but what if he's wrong? What would that mean? I dont know. Mark, we've got to get our heads above this water, something's not right. yeah, somebody is double crossing sombody I just dont know who. How involved is the Emperor in this? He's well informed, but trying to keep down panic by denying everything. That's our emperor. yup. What are we doing tomorrow? We're riding down to Potsnolan. A farmer saw something in his fields. Ah. Fro. I'm assuming it wasnt a dead body or slime. Dont you read the tabloids? Oh yeah, forgot. (laughs) Looks like we'll have to find out when we get there. alrighty. we'll meet at the pillar at around 6 and ride from there. I call the blue cycle. Jerk. (laughs) adios. See ya.

Holy Fro
07-09-2004, 03:24
I dont mean to contradict you sir, but this may be getting a little out of hand. Do you understand what it means that one is loose?
Angry Rebels
07-09-2004, 04:06
Dear Emperor,
I know I am breaking the law by trying to have a say in the government but I am truly worried about what I have read and what the latest rumors are. What are these killings? and why do you not have government troops deployed to protect us - THE CITIZENS. What are the La Habania troops doing outide my town, and why do they have such large weaponry; is there a war going on? I am glad to know that there haven't been any killings here in the Armed Republic of Angry Rebels, but if there are killings, I demand to know the details.

Also, when I was out with my kids fishing yesterday, I heard a partial government (I think) transmission over my walkie-talkie. I heard someone saying something about a new weapon and that this does not need to get out into the public. Out of respect to our country I have not said anything about this, but I am afraid others down here in Angry Rebels have heard it, and they are starting to talk.

Angry Citizen
Holy Fro
07-09-2004, 15:51
...I will also not allow my authority to be questioned in this time of unstability. Especially not by anonomous writers too cowardly to even attatch a name to their accusations!...
Angry Rebels
07-09-2004, 17:26
Dear Emperor,
Once again I am truly sorry to have offended you, but in all fairness to my country, the country of Angry Rebels, I demand to know details. You better hope that I dont 'accidentally' intercept anymore government transmissions. Next time I don't think you will be so lucky as to have me not let the secret out.

In result of the recent happenings here in Angry Rebels and across Arc Ruz, I will add my name to the upcomming Presidential ballot here in Angry Rebels, so as to protect my fellow people from whoever or whatever is attacking this fine region. If I am elected, which you better hope that I don't, I WILL find out what is happening around here. And who knows, I might even see you face to face one day!

John William
Holy Fro
08-09-2004, 02:14
footnote on topsecret government file:

*RCRUS- Rapid Critical Response to Unusual Situations. Est. 2001. An organization designed by the government, yet higher than the government (taking authority over government), that uses modern bio-mechanical technology to physically and mentally augment it's agents. RCRUS is used in situations that would normally be too mentally or physically demanding for a normal human to successfully prevail in. RCRUS Agents operate in teams of four (4) and there is kept a constant four (4) teams active. Members of the RCRUS force are highly devoted (as they must completely leave behind their past life), very young (training often begins at age seventeen (17) ending at age nineteen (19) when they become active agents), very skilled in combat (most RCRUS agents are bio-mechanically altered to increase strength, speed, endurance, and durability), and very volatile (some mental alterations in training and augmentation occasionally make the Agents more emotional or violent). RCRUS has been a tremendous success and there have been no casualties.
08-09-2004, 12:15

Line secure...
Verifying password, voiceprint and verifax measures...



TO: The Emperor of Holy Fro
FROM: Takizawa Ryuichi, Minister of Defence, Technocratic Republic of Anime-Otakus

With regards to the Republic earlier offer of help, the Archangel-class Mobile Suit Carrier Dominion is currently holding station outside your borders in international airspace, awaiting permission to move in. Once permission is granted, the Dominion can begin quarantine operations as ordered by the relevant authorities within your country. However, we will use force to defend ourselves against any perceived threats if it is necessary.

La Habana
08-09-2004, 15:06
#Extract from the 'public opinion' page in the La Habana State Newspaper.#

To: The Newspaper Editor
From: Angry factory worker (name with-held)

I find it laughable that the majority of nations wishing to help Holy Fro want to use heavy handed (yet justified) techniques, yet 'his highness' the emperor refuses, because he says that the situation is not that serious. But surely if RCRUS agents are being used, then the situation must be classed as serious! The Emperor of Holy Fro stinks of hypocrisy and is a liar to both his people and the entire world. This case has 'cover-up' written all over it!
La Habana
08-09-2004, 15:47
Hello La Habana citizens, this is news reporter Clive Anderson on La Habana State News. The Editor of the defamatory tabloid newspaper 'The Arc Ruz Star', was found dead in the La Habana Hotel 'Tropicana Grande' in the early hours of the morning. He was found dead in his hotel room after a gunshot was heard by hotel staff. Police have yet to comment in any great depth on the death but have indicated that it looked like suicide, as the pistol used to kill him was in the editors hand, and the hotel room door was locked from the inside. It is believed that the editor had been on a short business trip.

Hotel guests and staff reported that he had seemed in a good mood the day before his death, and can't understand why he would commit suicide. A post mortem was carried out, and it has been established that he was killed by a single 9mm bullet, which entered at the upper part of the forehead and emerged from the lower rear cerebral hemisphere. A report has been submitted to the Justice Department, and early indications show that this incident will be judged to have been suicide.
Holy Fro
09-09-2004, 16:36
Permission granted to cross out borders and take up station at the North West highway access. Nation of Crookfur, if you would please reassign all troops in the North West access position to join your other forces at the North access, or you may, of course, withdraw any troops you feel are unnessisary. La Habana, we greatly appreciate your help, and ask that you would continue to maintain both the South and the South East at least until we can aquire some more help. Thank you all for you're cooperation.
Holy Fro
09-09-2004, 16:41
<a brief description of the area around the Potsnolan farmhouse is followed by handwritten commentary>

We found no evidence of terrorist activity at the site, nor any biological anomalies as we did in Rebowe. There were, however, signs of forced entry into a barn with what appears to be a hatchet, and a horse has turned up missing.

Final Conclusion:
Vandalism, Petty theft, likely juvinile prank.

Team Comments:
Our team was somewhat irritated to be sent to the sight of a teenage prank. After two years intense training and all the other junk you've put us through, at least give us something of value to do. We dont like wasting our time.

Angry Rebels
09-09-2004, 17:16
Excerpt from the front page of the Angry Rebel Times

"...Senator and Presidential hopeful John William was found dead this morning about 8:30 in his bedroom at his home in Angry Rebels. Preliminary reports label it a homecide..."
10-09-2004, 12:13
On board the Archangel-class Mobile Suit Carrier Dominion
Outside Holy Fro airspace

"Captain! Message from Holy Fro Control 241, we have been granted clearance to enter Holy Fro airspace!" exclaimed the Comms Operator from his console behind the captain's seat.

"Very well. Make flank speed, enter Holy Fro airspace. Inform them that we are entering two-zero miles southwest of transponder two-two-five, and request for our orders from the relevant authorities," replied Sang-weiNatarle Badgiruel.

"Roger, making flank speed," echoed the pilot, as he pushed forward on the throttles. Behind, the six HEPLAR drives of the Dominion fired, and propelled the ship forward.

"And...all hands to level 2 battlestations. Put two GINNs in our linear catapults and have them to prepare to launch followed by two SkyGraspers to secure our landing site."

ALL HANDS TO LEVEL TWO BATTLESTATIONS. ALL HANDS TO LEVEL TWO BATTLESTATIONS. The echo sounded throughout the ship, as technicians scurried around in the hangar as they positioned two humanoid-looking mechs, the AOGMF-1017 GINN, onto the plugs of the linear catapults...
10-09-2004, 18:55
OOC: sorry for the late reply. HHmmm mechs, better get the marbles out...

Crookfur govenrment press release:

As of 1115 hours, local time, this morning. The Crookfur quarentine contigenet beagn a draw operation, we are currently reducing our troop commitments by a third and redeploying all our forces from the Northwestern sector to cocnetrate solely on the northern sector of control. Those troops drawn down from front line duties will remain onbaord crookfur vessels in the vacinity.
La Habana
10-09-2004, 19:15
At a remote corner of south-east Holy Fro, two La Habana S3 personnel patrol the border...

Sargeant Rodriguez: "These mindless patrols are doing my head in! There isn't even anyone living within a dozen miles of this border, the nearest town is about 30 miles away! The chances of someone trying to cross the border here are virtually nil! The razor-wire fencing and watch towers are too much of a deterrent!"

Corporal Sanchez: "I heard a rumour that some of our guys have found damaged areas of razor-wire, they think that some kind of wire-cutters we're used."

Sargeant Rodriguez: "I heard that rumour too. whether there's any truth in it is another matter entirely!"

Corporal Sanchez: "Patrolling along the edge of this forest gives me the creeps, it feels as though something is watching you all the time..."

Sargeant Rodriguez: "(whispers) SHH! what's that beside the fence?!"

*A person is seen next to the razor-wire fence*

Corporal Sanchez: "(whispers) Do you think he's one of ours?"

Sargeant Rodriguez: "(whispers) no, it doesn't look like he's in S3 uniform! Whats that in his hand? *A knife-like metallic-looking object is seen in the person's hand* He's armed! take the safety off your AK47, Corporal Sanchez!

Corporal Sanchez: "(whispers) yes Sir!"

Sargeant Rodriguez: "OPEN FIRE!!!"

*Rodriguez and Sanchez open fire with their AK47's, mysterious figure flees into the depths of the forest, bullets hit the figure in the hand and arm, causing him to drop the metallic looking object. Figure disappears into the darkness*

Sargeant Rodriguez: "Sanchez! Fire a quick burst into the forest! And chuck a couple of grenades in just for good measure! We'll teach this guy not to mess with S3!!!!!

*Sanchez fires a burst of gunfire into the forest, then chucks a couple of grenades in. explosions are heard seconds later, and echo through the forest. Meanwhile, Rodriguez picks up the metallic-looking object*

Sargeant Rodriguez: "Look at this! it looks like wire-cutters! That guy must have been trying to escape!"

Corporal Sanchez: "I think the guy managed to get away Sir! But i bet the guy probably shit himself when he heard the grenades exploding!"

Sargeant Rodriguez: "Let's head back to base Corporal, i'll tell HQ to mount extra patrols in this area from now on!"
Holy Fro
10-09-2004, 22:33
Data on RCRUS encrypted channel
running oprt.exe


Hey Aaron,
I've gotten a call to report to McIntire in AR. That mudered presidential canidate, they want me to do the autopsy. Mark thinks that it's another one of those things. Do you know where he is by the way? No one's seen him for the last 24 hours. I think he's freelancing again. One of these days I'm going to put a bug on him and see where he goes. Anyway, Brett's still in Rebowe doing who-knows-what, so you're the only person anywhere nearby. I'm going to need transport out of AR by around 9 tonight. Preferably the Vector's if you can get um. Gotta love those babies :). So yeah, give me call and an answer.

Holy Fro
10-09-2004, 23:07
Brett stepped out of the theater and walked down the street towards the woods. There was a shortcut through them back to his hotel. "That was the worst movie I've ever seen," He thought. His cell phone rang.
"Mark! where you been? everyone's been looking all over for you...again."
"I had something I had to take care of. Any new news?"
"Dont go see 'Hero'. That movie was so bad it melted my face."
"Really? I thought that was supposed to be good."
"Well, the climax of the movie was a discussion on calligraphy."
"Special Effects?"
"Too 'artsy',"
Brett stepped off of the pavement and onto a small trail obscured by a bush.
"Well, gave it like 98% or ---thing like tha---"
"Your breaking up."
"Wh--- ne-- me when you ---all ---ack to th---el"
"I cant hear you. I'll call you from the hotel."
"--ats what I --aid!"
Brett hung up his phone and continued his walk. It was probably about 9:00 at night and the woods had an overall peaceful feeling. Away from the lights and the hubbub of the city, you could start to hear yourself think. He looked up through the trees. The lights of Rebowe still obscured the stars but at least the background noise of cars was gone.
He continued on in silence.
It was a good ten, fifteen minute walk, but was much easier than walking alongside the freeway all the way back to the-
a branch cracked in the woods to his left.
Brett pulled back the sleeve of his sweater revealing a device that was strapped to his wrist. It was about six inches long and had a small viewing screen as well as many small buttons. Brett punched one and immediately the world got brighter, almost as bright as day. The device, among other uses, controlled wirelessly an incredibly useful pair of contacts worn by the team. The contacts could increase or decrease the amount of light taken in by the eye, effectively lighting up a dark situation, and even switch to infrared, heat, and a few other visions.
Brett looked into the woods off to the left. Nothing moved. Another crack and a movement that seemed inmistakably intellegent. No mountain lion here. Brett wasnt frightened at all.
"Hey, come on out, or go away. You wont get any money out of me."
"Suit yourself." Brett said and turned back towards the path and continued walking.
Suddenly it burst out of the woods. A tremendous leap. Brett caught the motion out of the corner of his eye, ducked, and stepped to the side to avoid contact. The thing landed on the path behind him, clearly illuminated by Brett's augmented vision. Brett's heart stopped for a second. The creature only paused for a brief time, possibly only a thousandth of a second, but Brett caught it all.
It seemed to be human, or at least was human at one time. It's skull was fully visible and the dark pits of its eyes burned with dark malice. The beast's jaw seemed detatched from the skull and hung by muscular tissue from around it's face. The teeth seemed to have been normal at one point but had been increased somehow into carnivorous fangs. It's flesh was thinly wrapped about it almost like celephane and in many places looked ripped and tattered. Brett noticed that it's knees bent the wrong way and it had what appeared to be some sort of tail. There was something unusual about the forearms that Brett couldnt place.
It sprang again. Brett tried to dodge but it was too fast
too fast?
As Brett tumbled through the air in it's clutches the thought stuck in his head. He rolled off of his back and kicked, tossing the flailing beast into the woods. He took off down the path at a speed that would have baffelled an onlooker. He was scared out of his wits.
too fast?
too fast? How could it be too fast?
The mere thought that there was something that could out manuver him terrified him.
He reached the hotel safely in a matter of a few minutes, not even slightly out of breath, but with a pounding heart.
Japanese States
11-09-2004, 02:50
OOC: new i forgot about an RP


Offical Letter to embassy of Holy Fro

The President wants to ask if it is at all possible to send a small detachment of troops to your lands to help Sacure your borders. the JSEF (Japanese States Expeditionary Force) would send 2 Marine Regiments with full NBC suits and 1 Air Cav Regiments to help sacure the borders, this also brings us to ask if we may extract any JS Citizens that may be in your nation if you allow use to deploy any troops.

Minister of External Affairs
Akira Nakatomi


{"well the letter has been delivered and we still have no word from the team"} the captain reported.
{"mmmm....i just hope to hell they will let us deploy troops i wanted to send a full Divsion but Nakatomi thought that the Holy fro emperor might think we're invadeing or something if our angents have been captured"} Akira looked down {"look, get a black ops EVAC team ready, i want to get our team out i just dont want them messed up in civil matter"}
{"dont we need aproval form the Minister of Intel to use a Black ops?"} the captain asked
{"dont worrie"} Akira replyed

Holy Fro
Rai had left the others, it had been some time since she last saw them. They were ment to meet up in 2 hours at some Cafe in the town center but something worried her.
what the hell is going on she thought god dam it, i wish i could get more infomation if only i new one of the people who is investergateing the dam murders.
she started to walk to the cafe, it was late but the cafe would still be open. an hour later she was there, sitting outside she was drinking her Coffee looking out at the night life of the city. She sat wondering if this was related in anyway of what was going on in Japanese States, but the only way if it spread and she new that was impossible.
Holy Fro
11-09-2004, 02:56
ooc: Again, so confused. Um, I guess you have something in mind, but it looks as though it may contradict the planned storyline.
11-09-2004, 18:35
OOC: Holy Fro, I think I'm currently in the southwest of your country. I hope you don't mind this, but could you like, direct the Dominion to land someplace? Hope its okay...
Holy Fro
12-09-2004, 21:50
Dominion is cleared to land in Northwest quadrent of Arc Ruz, by the highway between the mountains and the ocean. You are permitted to cross Arc Ruz airspace but not over rural areas. thank you for your cooperation
The Emperor
13-09-2004, 12:38
On board the Dominion

A indicator suddenly flashed on the wide-screen panel in front of the bridge.

"Display," commanded Badgiruel.

A map flashed onto the screen, with a flashing green dot indicating the position of the Dominion and a flashing red dot indicating the landing zone.

The message from the emperor of Holy Fro was broadcast ship-wide.

"Ensign Neumann, proceed at full speed to our landing zone. As per the orders of the emperor of Holy Fro, skirt past all rural areas. Launch the GINNs and SkyGraspers, and get them to secure the landing zone prior to our arrival."

"Copy. En-route..."

In the hangar

There was a flurry of activity. Sensors blared, and sirens wailed, as the two GINNS were loaded onto the launch racks of the linear catapults.

APU powered up. All systems nominal, A computerized female voice reported. The technicians waved, and the final preparations were made for launch.

The pilots of the GINNs tapped a button on their helmets, and the visor immediately slid over, becoming transparent and almost invisible.

LAUNCHING IN 5...4...3...2...1...GO. With a sudden thrust of pwoer, the two humanoid-mecha were propelled out from the "legs" of the Dominion, and the sprang out and away as they made contact with Holy Fro atmosphere. Turning ont their autopilots, the vernier thrusters of the GINNs flared, and they blazed towards their destination, the fighter-like SkyGraspers following closely behind.
Holy Fro
14-09-2004, 02:48
Thursday, September 5, 2002
Mark Fulton 1986-2002
Age 16
Passed away last night at 8:55 p.m. in a tragic single automobile accident. He died instantly as his jeep careened off Carrieland Drive due to brake failure and collided with a telephone pole. Funeral will be Saturday, the 14 of September.
Japanese States
14-09-2004, 03:01
ooc: Again, so confused. Um, I guess you have something in mind, but it looks as though it may contradict the planned storyline.
OOC: i got nothing in mind, my people know nothing and thats how im going to keep it unless you want them to find something out. hopefully your goverment will allow the JSEF to send in troops or elce im going to use a black ops if thats ok, but i will TG you with details of such a op if need be.
Holy Fro
14-09-2004, 03:12
Line Spliced

recording 214500....
line dead.

--What do you mean it was too fast?
--Just what you think I mean.
--Can that happen?
--I dont think so.
--Like, you didnt see him coming?
--no, I saw him coming, I just couldnt react in time!
--so it's a him now?
--Listen to yourself though! What attacked you?
--Right, a living skeleton thing. Living skeleton things dont exist, Brett! This isnt some horror movie, it's real life!
--I'm just telling you the way I saw it!
--So it might have been an emaciated crack addict.
--I dont think so.
--well, whats the other conclusion? You were attacked in the woods by a zombie?
--No, no. I wouldnt ever call that thing a zombie...It was much too...real...too...intellegent.
--You say you saw it for less than five seconds, but in that time you were able to determine-
--...look, I know it doesnt make alot of sense, but I saw what I saw.
--well, then. Do we need to report it? dont know...
--well if you saw a man-eating zombie in the woods then-
--right sorry. But you have to admit that it's a little...
-- We'll wait. we'll see what happens, I guess. Maybe it was just a person...
--ok I'll see you later.
--another way...this is gonna

Holy Fro
14-09-2004, 03:32
I have decided to accept your generous offer to guard our borders. We will place you at the South-most exit if that is agreeable. La habana, I would appreciate your withdrawl from that region and strengthening of patrols in the South-East area. Thank you.

I have supplied a simple map to help elimintate any confusion.
La Habana
14-09-2004, 14:30
Request received. We shall redeploy our troops to the South-East immediately. We shall leave the Razor-wire fencing and guard towers intact in the South, so that they may be used by the Japanese States. The possible sighting of zombie-like creatures has caused La Habana to become increasingly concerned about the current situation. Therefore S3 are now armed with explosive-tipped bullets in their machine guns, assault rifles, and pistols, so as to provide greater stopping power. S3 have also been ordered to shoot these creatures on sight. Automatic Gatling Machine Gun turrets have also been sent for use along the border, to fill in any gaps in security, as shown in the attached image file. La Habana requests permission to dig a permanent mile-deep underground bunker in South Holy Fro. It will be used for the command of S3 forces, accommodation, weapons and ammunition storage. It shall also feature an underground lab, which could be used to analyze any of these creatures that are captured. The bunker will be given to the Holy Fro military, or dismantled, should we wish to withdraw our forces.
Holy Fro
15-09-2004, 00:57
Who said anything about zombies? This is a simple precausionary guard to eliminate the spread of a possible terrorist chain of stab killings! The last thing I need right now is you telling your men, or worse, my people, that there are zombies in the woods! This is the 21st century, sir. I would like to think that we are over the ideas of Grendels and Leviathons and Frankenstein's Monsters. If you would refrain from such ridiculous speech, I would greatly appreciate it.

ooc: To All: Stay alert of what you know, and what you know only by the Emperor's word. The Emperor doesnt tell you everything he knows, and there are many things the Emperor doesnt know about that you do. Play smart at the results of the game will be more interesting.
Holy Fro
15-09-2004, 01:05
Perrington High Security Prison

Name: Russell, W. Aaron
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 195
Age: 16
Hair: brown
Nationality: Caucasion
Crime: First-Degree Murder
Sentence: Capital Punishment, 9-7-02
Status: Awaiting Sentence, Deceased 9-7-02

Holy Fro
21-09-2004, 01:22
ooc: sorry guys, I've been really busy for the last week and havent had a moment's spare time. If anyone is still interested in this thread, say so and i'll continue. Otherwise I'll just let it die.
21-09-2004, 19:31
Well i've been rahter enjoying it, but take your time Rl comes first