NationStates Jolt Archive! (Tech to be built!)

02-09-2004, 20:02
"We have Star Destroyers. We have ion cannons and turbolasers, and even gravity bombs. We have X-wings and TIE Avengers. But what we do not have, and have not yet created, is a warship specifically for Pokemon." Pokemon Master Alex Regalo reported to the Council behind closed doors. "or more specifically, a platform from which to fire Pokemon attacks upon enemies."

"We know that most Pokemon are naturally unable to breathe without air. But a few Pokemon: Unown, Porygon & Porygon 2, Magnemite and Magneton, Voltorb and Electrode, Skarmony, and Ghosts can survive in space. Their attacks are quite powerful indeed. Thunder can rupture shields like ion cannons, and also fry fighters. Hyperbeam can puncture durasteel (used to make AT-ATs and ship hulls) and slice through tanks like they were cheese. Explosion can knock down buildings and Shadow Ball can also help in attacking shields."

"So our objective is threefold:
1. To utilize the above-mentioned Pokemon for space battles and find ways of enhancing their abilities.
2. To utilize the powers of other Pokemon while in space. Though they cannot survive without air, we can find ways to unleash their powers upon unsuspecting enemies. Unfortunately, Water, Fire, Plant, Fighting, most Flying, and most Normal moves are near-completely useless, so we'll have to do with other attacks, like Electric and Ice. Again, we should find ways of enhancing their abilities.
3. And finally, we should design and build starships and/or spacesuits specifically for the transport and use of Pokemon abilities so that we can utilize their abilities to the best way possible."

"Honored Council, it is hoped that you will find it in your hearts to provide funding for the grand project that I am proposing to you. It will be necessary and vital to the security of our nation, and will also provide for extra armies should the need arise for ground combat. I thank you for your attention, Honored Council, and beg my leave."

With that, the top Pokemon Trainer in the nation bowed and left the Council chambers, cloak swishing behind him.

The Defense Secretary immediately Oked the project, and so did the Secretary of State. The Enviromental Minister shot it down, and the interior Secretary abstained. The Director of Central Intelligence Okayed the idea, and the 2 Jedi Masters reluctantly agreed. Only the Emperor and Vice Emperor was silent, mulling over the ramifications. On one hand, Greenpeace and Pokemon For Peace and related groups will scream bloody murder for obvious reasons. On the other hand, Trainers in the military constantly complained about the cramped spaces for large Pokemon like Gyarados and Snorlax and the fact that their stations onboard ships had to jury-rig Pokemon for combat, causing some trouble to the ship systems.

Case in Point:
Pikachu and other Electric types occasionally overloaded the power supply when they fired Thunderbolts at the enemy, because the power systems weren't designed to handle such massive increases in electrical power in such a short time.

"So what do you think, John?" Andrew Masaki asked. "Should we go for it?"

"I think we should. After all, you have a Raichu yourself, right?"

"Yes. He's doing fine, playing with Daniel. I think his mate is pregnant, too. So yes, we should go for it. Signal the media for a press conference, so that other nations may like to contribute."

"Alright, I'll do that."

With 7 for, one against and one abstaining, the Pokemon in Space project went under way, with an initial funding of 100 billion credits allocated for it. More money will pour in as time goes on, but for now, the money should suffice.

Ps. I don't want anyone to judge me because of the above. It's an idea i've had for a while, and I don't want blanket-ignores just because of an interesting idea. Even if it does involve Pokemon.
02-09-2004, 20:29
CWHNN News Alert!
"Greetings, ladies and gentlebeings. The Emperor has reportedly offered a press conference for a 'very important announcement', sources from the Office of the Imperial Council has reported. It is unknown at this time what the Council has decided at this time, but we should expect to hear from the Emperor anytime soon."

"Ah, here is the Emperor now!"

Holocamera then switches to the Imperial Press Room, where dozens of reporters from around the galaxy awaited the announcement. The 'Imperial March' played for a few beats, and the Emperor walked calmly into the room, as everyone stood up in respect, and then sat back down.

"People of the galaxy. The council have decided to seek ways to utilize our natural Pokemon species to live and work in space, the way some of our other animals do. I'm sure this will be controversial, but we do this in the best interests of the species and of the galaxy. I, the Emperor has personally endorsed the project, called simply, Pokemon in Space, and has already allocated funding for this great project. Now, are there any questions that you wish to ask?"

The reporters immediately shouted questions, and the Emperor scanned the sea of faces, human and alien, and pointed to one of the reporters...

10 questions and answers later, the Emperor ended the press conference and left the room, the reporters heading to their residences to send their news reports.
Jangle Jangle Ridge
02-09-2004, 20:30
OOC: 0.< ...What have you done with CoreWorlds? WHY, GOD, WHY?!?!?!?
02-09-2004, 20:33
OOC: Well, I was a fan of Pokemon until they followed up with the sh*tty Gold and Silver, so I second your idea.
02-09-2004, 20:34
OOC:WTF? POKE'MON? NOOOOOOOOOO, i thought i escaped their evil maniacal grips on my reality a while ago. Now their back, with their insane, false sense of happiness, and worst of all.........their GAYNESS!!

Ok, sorry about that, just had to share that with everyone.
02-09-2004, 20:37
OOC: Sorry, but I'm pretty serious, but it's still funny to see the looks on your faces. :D
02-09-2004, 20:37
OOC:WTF? POKE'MON? NOOOOOOOOOO, i thought i escaped their evil maniacal grips on my reality a while ago. Now their back, with their insane, false sense of happiness, and worst of all.........their GAYNESS!!

Ok, sorry about that, just had to share that with everyone.

You really didn't have to include that last part...
Jangle Jangle Ridge
02-09-2004, 20:37
You mean this one?

02-09-2004, 20:38
The Japanesse are re-invading!!!Kill your children to save them the horror!!!!I knew Aluishius was a spy.............damn that kid............
02-09-2004, 20:40
OOC: Ok, are there any sane RPers who wish to RP as reporters? :rolleyes:
02-09-2004, 20:46
Official Statement to the CoreWorlds from the Fortress world of Baal

In recent light you sending these "things" into space I must say a few things to you.

1. No pokemon or ships containing pokemon are to enter Baal space
2. Any pokemon or ships carrying pokemon caught in Baal space will be detained interrogated and possibly destroyed and/or executed
3.If a ship has to pass through Baal space then they will declare if they have pokemon or not. Any failing to do this and trying to sneak pokemon through our space will be fired upon with no warnings.

That is all.

Lord Commander Dante
Chaptermaster of the Blood Angels

OOC-BTW I use tech from Warhammer 40K and almost every ship in 40K with exception of light crusiers dwarfs just about any ship in SW, except maybe the Eclipse which is roughly the size of a Imperium Dreadnaught, and yes I do know this I used to be a huge SW fan.
Red Terror Cell
02-09-2004, 20:51
I quit that ages ago, you poor, poor person

I pity you
02-09-2004, 20:58
OOC: So? Why do you care? Reporters, anyone, please?

We shall take that into account, Sanguinis.

-State Department

But tech-wise, WH40K seem to be slightly weaker. We can take 'em out in space, but on the ground, we're owned.
02-09-2004, 21:06
"Euroslavia wishes to contribute to your honorable idea, and will give an additional $20 billion to your funds. We like your idea, and we wish to ask if you need additional help in this Space project, that our nation would be willing to work side by side with you, to complete it....say, a joint project."
02-09-2004, 21:11
"We thank you for your gift and is pleased to make it a joint (maybe even multination) offer, if you're willing."
02-09-2004, 21:20
"We thank you for your gift and is pleased to make it a joint (maybe even multination) offer, if you're willing."

"We will do our best to contribute to anything specific that you wish to put me in charge of. What exactly would you like for us to send?"
02-09-2004, 21:24
"Technicians, animal handlers, scientists, that sort of thing. Maybe someone on your side might have some insight as to how to unleash the attacks from ships."
02-09-2004, 21:27
"Technicians, animal handlers, scientists, that sort of thing. Maybe someone on your side might have some insight as to how to unleash the attacks from ships."

"We'll send over 1,000 technicians and 30 of our best trainers, along with approximately 100 scientists. If all of our people can get together in some sort of conference, maybe we can discuss exactly what we would need to do, to enhance the ability of a pokemon to attack from a ship, without harming it."
02-09-2004, 21:34
"We'll be waiting for them. Send them to Coredia Science Labs on our capital."
Starlight Angel
02-09-2004, 22:02
OOC: Skarmory can survive in space? Where'd you get that kooky notion?

A messenger from the Sacred Alliance of Starlight Angel arrives with a message.

"To our neighbor, Coreworlds. Though we think your idea of using Pokemon as starship weapons isn't a militarily practical one, we will loan you with one of our ships (a Victory Star Destroyer) for use in your experiments as a gesture of goodwill. Good luck with your experiments and have a nice day."
02-09-2004, 22:05
OOC: I'll post in a bit...I had everything written down, but NS is being stupid, and logged me out, so I lost everything.
02-09-2004, 22:05
OOC: Skarmory can survive in space? Where'd you get that kooky notion?

A messenger from the Sacred Alliance of Starlight Angel arrives with a message.

"To our neighbor, Coreworlds. Though we think your idea of using Pokemon as starship weapons isn't a militarily practical one, we will loan you with one of our ships (a Victory Star Destroyer) for use in your experiments as a gesture of goodwill. Good luck with your experiments and have a nice day."

OOC: it's a steel bird. Maybe it could survive, maybe not. We'll check with the experiments.

"We thank you for your gift, and will send something back once we figure it all out."
02-09-2004, 22:09
Jarridia is quite moved by this, and, once our economy is back up, will invest in this as well. It will be an undeniable force, certainly one to be reckoned with. Your really could harbor quite a bit of power by doing so, and could..inadvertenly avoid some wars altogether.

-President Jarrod Branam

OOC: I am serious too. I think this is a rather ingenious idea. I, myself, played pokemon a while back, so I believe that I could still contribute quite a bit. Imagine though, not many people could stand up to being shocked by lightning or frozen by could almost alter then entire climate of a planet.
02-09-2004, 22:16
OOC: True *remembers Mewtwo's attempt to destroy the Pokeworld*.
Jangle Jangle Ridge
02-09-2004, 22:20
OOC: Mewtwo is kind of cool. I remember him from when I used to play it, long long ago, for a little while after it came out. I stopped just a little after the movie.
02-09-2004, 22:51
OOC: Can't forget the 3 Legendary Birds and Luiga, not to mention Entei. Gosh, those were battles to remember.
Ruthless Slaughter
02-09-2004, 23:12
Deep in the Citadel, President R.L. watches the transpiring events. It's been a week since they've closed interstellar borders and mined them.

Damn, Pokemon? I thought they were just a myth that our ancestors saw them as evil and hunted them to extinction...

R.L.: Well, I'm glad the borders are closed, but I think I'll wire CoreWorlds a few $billion$ to help with this science project.

*presses button and sends money*

R.L.:The borders are closed, but thank God the banks are still open. Well, I hope they enjoy.
03-09-2004, 01:48
Money from Ruthless Slaughter were dropped into the Pokemon fund account, and a thank you note with a Pikapaw signature was sent back.
03-09-2004, 02:18
Wolf America
03-09-2004, 03:16
To: The Leader of Coreworlds
From: Lord JWolf ( ,Supreme Leader of the United States of Wolf America/the Colony of Wolf England/the USWA owned nation of Compy 386

The United States of Wolf America will fund this project 50 billion dollors. If you will give what is on this list.

100 Mightyena
100 Blazikens
100 Aggrons
100 Ninetales
100 Groudons
50 Swellows
50 Alakazams
50 Machamps
50 Armaldos
50 Absols
50 Metagrosses
25 Manectrics
25 Gyarados
25 Golems
25 Sharpedos
25 Zangooses
25 Sevipers
25 Raichus
15 Golducks
15 Rhydons
15 Salmences
5 Kyogres
1 Skarmony

03-09-2004, 03:26
We don't have any Legendaries (Kyogre & Groundon) in that number, just small families (if even that) and cannot remove them from their homes (or risk massive climate changes). And you must promise not to kill them. Only then will we ship them (in Pokeballs, no less).

Wolf America
03-09-2004, 03:33
We don't have any Legendaries (Kyogre & Groundon) in that number, just small families (if even that) and cannot remove them from their homes (or risk massive climate changes). And you must promise not to kill them. Only then will we ship them (in Pokeballs, no less).


We will not kill them.
Just send us pair of each Kyogre & grondon. So, they can reprodue.
So it is a deal.
The money has been wired to Pokemon fund.

-Supreme Leader of the United States of Wolf America/the Colony of Wolf England/the USWA owned nation of Compy 386
Lord JWolf (
03-09-2004, 03:36
Done. The Pokeballs are shipped in large crates and carefully placed on a freighter (Well, we don't exactly have the teleportation tech like in the show and games). The freighter soon points towards Wolf American territory and jumps into hyperspace. ETA is 2 days.
Wolf America
03-09-2004, 03:40
Done. The Pokeballs are shipped in large crates and carefully placed on a freighter (Well, we don't exactly have the teleportation tech like in the show and games). The freighter soon points towards Wolf American territory and jumps into hyperspace. ETA is 2 days.

Good. We will be waited for them.

-Supreme Leader of the United States of Wolf America/the Colony of Wolf England/the USWA owned nation of Compy 386
Lord JWolf (
03-09-2004, 03:44
OOC: Can't forget the 3 Legendary Birds and Luiga, not to mention Entei. Gosh, those were battles to remember.

Zapdos, Moltres, and Articuno!

wow, i need a life. I haven't even played the game in many years, and I still remember that, lol.
03-09-2004, 03:45
We will send you $75 billion and 50 scientists and 30 trainers on these conditions. You will not send any ships armed with enhanced pokemon attacks into our spaces. You will share any research with us that does not include weaponry(mainly controlled enviroments in space) and you will send us one pair of every pokemon you have.
03-09-2004, 03:46
OOC: Just as a side thing, I think it'd be cool if we had a Tournament on the side of the space project. It'd be interesting to RP.
Jangle Jangle Ridge
03-09-2004, 03:51
Zapdos, Moltres, and Articuno!

wow, i need a life. I haven't even played the game in many years, and I still remember that, lol.

Nah, the second movie was no good. I saw a rerun on it on Cartoon Network. I was amazed that Entei or whatever he's called was just an over-caring, uber-submissing, over-sized dog. With funny lightening thingies on his face. Mewtwo was cool because he destroyed an entire island in seconds when he was first born. Kind of like I did when I woke up in the lab-errr... Yeah, when I woke up for the first time in my CRIB and I uhh... eat a cookie and almost choked? Yeah, that's what I meant.
03-09-2004, 03:55
lol, the 2nd movie was a joke...I wish Ash would lose for once, and the Earth would be destroyed. Now THAT, I'd watch.
03-09-2004, 03:57
"Now, hold still, Pikachu. It's not going to hurt." A scientist said, trying to put on a form-fitting spacesuit with copper wires that connect to the cheek pouches. "Just need to put this on."

"Pika pi, pika! (No way, Jose!)" The yellow mouse squirmed out of the hands of the scientist and gave him a strong Thundershock.

"YAAAAAH!" The scientist screamed, and collapsed in a heap of electric burns. "Why me?"

"Hmph!" The electric mouse muttered, and walked away, into a lady scientist, Karen.

"Aww. Did the bad man hurt you, Pika-poo?" Karen cooed, and scratched beneath her chin. It was Karen who managed to coax the mouse into the suit, which seemed pretty comfortable after all. "See, Jacob? All it needs is a lady's touch, not a man's rough handling.

The stubborn man hmphed in jealousy and crossed his arms in irritation. "I could have gotten her in without your help."

Karen chuckled and waved him off. "Yeah, sure, I'd like to see you try. Now come on, Pikachu. Time for a little spacewalk!"

"Pika! (ok!)" The female mouse soon had fun floating around above the planet of Coredia, shocking dummy satellites with her Thunderbolt. A perfect start, but there's still a long way to go.
03-09-2004, 04:08
OOC: Just as a side thing, I think it'd be cool if we had a Tournament on the side of the space project. It'd be interesting to RP.

OOC: as a matter of fact, I had a tourney going a little while ago, but I got writer's block:
Pokemon Tournament, coming right up! (
03-09-2004, 04:10
lol, the 2nd movie was a joke...I wish Ash would lose for once, and the Earth would be destroyed. Now THAT, I'd watch.

OOC: Yeah. That would've been nice for a change, instead of the kid always winning against World-Destroying Challenges...
03-09-2004, 04:23
We will send you $75 billion and 50 scientists and 30 trainers on these conditions. You will not send any ships armed with enhanced pokemon attacks into our spaces. You will share any research with us that does not include weaponry(mainly controlled enviroments in space) and you will send us one pair of every pokemon you have.

Deal. *Pokemon are shipped, though some of the rare ones will have to be gotten via training.*

Secret IC:
"My, my, aren't we spreading Pokemon around the galaxy?" The Emperor noted the requests with interest while his Raichu slept on his lap.

"Yeah. Soon, they will be on every M-class planet that has young children, and we can control the universe!" An aide dramatically said, with a starry background. "Mwahahahahahaha!"

"Let kids play with 'em, yes. Control the universe, no." The Emperor said, lowering his eyes and looking at him like he's crazy, which he is. -_-'. "Go away."

The guards took the aide away to unknown places, and the Emperor sighed as sanity returned to his office. "Now let's see the latest shipyard reports..."
New Exodus
03-09-2004, 04:26
From the Commander of the New Exodus Colonies:

Our nation would be delighted to assist in this intriguing project, by providing access to our extensive ship-building facilities. We are willing to devote one-fourth of our construction capacity to this project free of charge, and will also send a number of our best designers to participate. Sadly, few of our citizens have encountered Pokemon, but what trainers we do possess are also on their way.
On a more personal note, what would the security procedures be for bringing my Charizard with me should I come to visit the Core Worlds?

In Friendship and Peace,
Michael Haase, Colonial Commander
03-09-2004, 04:30
in Order to help with the project, the Republic has dumped 10,000 pikachu's into space, in order to see how they react to hard vacumm. The results were not exactly as hoped.

-all was in jest-
03-09-2004, 04:36
From the Commander of the New Exodus Colonies:

Our nation would be delighted to assist in this intriguing project, by providing access to our extensive ship-building facilities. We are willing to devote one-fourth of our construction capacity to this project free of charge, and will also send a number of our best designers to participate. Sadly, few of our citizens have encountered Pokemon, but what trainers we do possess are also on their way.
On a more personal note, what would the security procedures be for bringing my Charizard with me should I come to visit the Core Worlds?

In Friendship and Peace,
Michael Haase, Colonial Commander

"Thank you very much. and on the Charizard, as long as it is well-trained, it shouldn't be a problem. Should it be a problem, our Water types should take it down without much trouble."

-Department of State.
03-09-2004, 15:52
Pokeballs continued to bump into each other as they were sent to various nations.
03-09-2004, 16:27
OOc-For some odd reason this RP interests me, I would like to get involved somehow, other than fighting with you I mean, or possibly fighting. But this idea seems pretty interesting. Plus I used to like pokemon and SW so I know what you're talking about most of the time. BTW, WH40K space tech is not the most advanced but I think they could take on SW simply be sheer size and number.

"Vincere aut mori!" :gundge:
03-09-2004, 21:33
"...and so we can try a neural interface with the Pokemon and computers. It's worked for us humans." Dr. Asako was lecturing his collegues.

"It might, but Pokemon brainwaves are different from human brainwaves. We don't know how it's going to work out. The computers may not work, or they may fry their brains. Something that we can't risk." One of his collegues pointed out.

"True, but I think we can start with the Pokemon who's brains are the strongest: the Psychics. Alakazam or Mewtwo, for example."

"Heh. Mewtwo never like machines. They hate confinement in them even more." Another scientist chuckled dryly. "Alakazam is a better choice."

"Very well. We'll use Alakazam. Go!" The good doctor unleashed a humanoid fox-like yellow Pokemon with a big, bushy moustache and two spoons in its hands. This is Alakazam, one of the most powerful non-Legendary Pokemon in the galaxy. "Now Alakazam, I would like you to put this on so we can see if it works."

The Dr. was holding up something like a helmet connected to a holocomputer. The Pokemon knew that this was an important step in space Pokemon history, so he decided to put it on.

"Now, try using a Psychic attack on the table over there." Dr. Asako pointed to a large, heavy table, that was bolted to the floor.

Alakazam nodded and concentrated, his eyes glowing a strange blue color. The holocomputer responded with the increasing brainwave activity and Alakazam found that it was a bit easier to use his powers! With less power than he would normally use, he broke the table free of the floor with a loud sound, and it rose into the air quickly. The scientists gaped in awe, as the table flew around a bit, then was set down back where it came from. The second experiment was done with success! Now to use other Pokemon of different types...
03-09-2004, 23:07
03-09-2004, 23:29
[OOC]: I'd just like to point out, i'd be willing to help test out how resistant various pokemon are to conventional weapons, starting with shotguns, and moving up till we get to anti-tank rifles, then maybe rail-mounted artillery. I'm sure a pikachu would survive these tests. And if it doesn't, then we have some nice, cheap, tasty food products.
How about sending us...say....40 pokemon?

(Yes, the above is a mere joke. This is an interesting concept, even if i'll probably vaporise any 'pokemon ships' that get anywhere near my planets. If this project is successful, i'd be willing to send REAL aid to help. Could be useful.....)
New Exodus
04-09-2004, 14:32
From the Commander of the New Exodus Colonies:

Excellent! I will be arriving soon, and will be accompanied by my primary Pokemon team, Her Majesty, Queen Stefini of Crystal Ireland, and one of my scientists. We have a number of intriguing ideas for using electric Pokemon for combat, as well as general spacesuit designs.
04-09-2004, 17:49
[OOC]: I'd just like to point out, i'd be willing to help test out how resistant various pokemon are to conventional weapons, starting with shotguns, and moving up till we get to anti-tank rifles, then maybe rail-mounted artillery. I'm sure a pikachu would survive these tests. And if it doesn't, then we have some nice, cheap, tasty food products.
How about sending us...say....40 pokemon?

(Yes, the above is a mere joke. This is an interesting concept, even if i'll probably vaporise any 'pokemon ships' that get anywhere near my planets. If this project is successful, i'd be willing to send REAL aid to help. Could be useful.....)

OOC: Heh. Try fighting a Pokemon who can use Quick Attack and Agility to keep you from aiming at it and then kill you with electricity. Plus, I know for a fact that Pikachu can naturally learn Reflect/Light Screen to block bullets, although rockets and shells would be harder.

Wow, I can't believe I can still remember just about everything about Pokemon.'...

New Exodus:
We will be pleased to accept you! The Emperor will roll out the red carpet for you as soon as you arrive.
04-09-2004, 21:07
[OOC]: I now have this image in my head of a Pikachu standing in a big, open, totally flat area, whistling innocently to pass the time, then it simply explodes in one direction, and from the opposite direction there's a man with an anti-tank rifle aimed at where the Pikachu once was with the word 'Victoly' floating above his head.

04-09-2004, 21:19
OOC: You think a Pikachu would just stand there looking stupid?
04-09-2004, 21:22
Official Goobergunchian Reponse

Any Pokemon in Goobergunchian airspace or territory will be shot on sight under previous policies of the Liberal Unitary Republic.

Garfield Qwerty Uiop
Chief Clerk, Spacedy Affairs Office
Goobergunchian Foreign Ministry

Many things concern the Goobergunchian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and so it is not suprising that only a minor bureaucrat caught this minor item in Goobergunchia's newspapers. However, in an alternate universe similar yet different from our own (due to a more hostile, conservative (Unity Party-led) government, and strengthened executive branch), they did notice.

"President Farvus," Foreign Minister Nundim said, "we've got a Pokemon report on our hands."

Lord Farvus sighed and pulled out pen and paper, writing as follows:

Executive Order 354055
Pursuant to the High Council's Presidential Sanctions Order, I, Lord President Farvus, do hereby authorize economic and diplomatic sanctions against any nation held to be harboring Pokemon, and do hereby designate the nation of CoreWorlds to be harboring Pokemon.

He then went to the High Council and requested a declaration of war, which was granted 56-44.

Thankfully, the above events could not happen in the real Goobergunchia - it requires 67 votes to go to war in the High Council, and the President cannot force sanctions without an Order of the High Council. Furthermore, Low Council freedom of information laws and continued Liberty Party control of government make it nearly impossible for such an action to succeed - Lord Goobergunch would never think of doing such a thing.

Except maybe for Pokemon.... ;)
04-09-2004, 21:26
OOC: LOL! I remember ya doing that on my last Pokemon thread! *can't stop laughing*
04-09-2004, 21:28
OOC: You think a Pikachu would just stand there looking stupid?

Yes. Yes I do. :p

Of course, if I managed to trick it into taking a few sedatives, then it would DEFINITELY just stand there not noticing the Anti-Tank rifle.

Right, now to imagine the results of a Rail mounted artillery cannon on it..........BWAHAHAH! SO FUNNY! XD

The image in my head is of a Pikachu (Yet again, just standing still) suddenly looking up with widening eyes as it hears a whistling noise, before it explodes.
04-09-2004, 21:41
OOC: *twitches at the thought* Evil! Begone evil pictures of my mind! Evil! *rants madly about*
04-09-2004, 22:02
As the mall colony zoomed around the moon in amazing speed, the President stared out the window of his office. "So, the people on Earth just won't stop. I tried to escape war by coming here. It is fortunate that our first action was to create a military for this asteroid." One of the shipa prepared to dock outside the main city. It was carrying another load of Liebermonkian citizens who would be moving into their pre-made homes. All was fully furnished for them before they even arrived. "If only they didnt know the troubles they would be moving into. It may be less than that of Earth. But they are under the notion that space is free of conflict. I guess we'll just have to make space a safer place. Prepare our fighters. I want them ready if we or one of our space allies are attacked by these Poke-nations. I dont like the thought of those evil powers in space. Also, send a spy plane, in cloaked mode of course, to keep a close eye on all actions by these nations. I want to know what they do while they are doing it."
The aide ran to his desk and began calling up the proper military leaders. Despite their lack of experience, they still had the skill to prepare for war. War is probably where it would leave. The evilness of Pokemon would either be destroyed completely, or at least contained to the few nations that support it.
Crazed Marines
04-09-2004, 22:51
From the Commander of the New Exodus Colonies:

Our nation would be delighted to assist in this intriguing project, by providing access to our extensive ship-building facilities. We are willing to devote one-fourth of our construction capacity to this project free of charge, and will also send a number of our best designers to participate. Sadly, few of our citizens have encountered Pokemon, but what trainers we do possess are also on their way.
On a more personal note, what would the security procedures be for bringing my Charizard with me should I come to visit the Core Worlds?

In Friendship and Peace,
Michael Haase, Colonial Commander
Michael, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot happened to you!
David M., President of Crazed Marines
04-09-2004, 23:02
**From:Major Thomas Green**

We would like to offer you a deal.

We are willing to send part of our second Lunar Orbital defence fleet to help guard your pokemon ships, as well as a large part of the military forces that work with that defence fleet, on the condition that any pokemon ships attempting to dock with one of our orbitals first tells us it is carrying pokemon, and also does not at ANY point release them to any non-residential area. That means no letting them near Arigultural and Military areas, as well as industrial areas plus any docks that do not contain pokemon ships.

We await your reply, and wish you good luck in this project.

**End of Message**

[OOC]: Quite simply, as long as yer responsible with your pokemon and the ships, we're willing to help you defend them from any nations wishing to attack them, or sabotage the project. As I said before, it would be interesting to have this kind of firepower on our side.
04-09-2004, 23:19
For all nations that don't wish to have Pokemon on their planets or ships:

We sell Super Repels for only 5 credits per can. This very powerful Pokemon repellent works on all Pokemon, no matter what kind it is. Just spray them whenever there is a possibilty of Pokemon coming to your nation and they will stay in the ship. It's long-lasting and biodegradeable, too.
04-09-2004, 23:23
[OOC]: Do you have any indication of how large an area a single can can cover? It would mean that you could safely land on my Orbitals without having to restrain your pokemon if I could spray the borders of my important Orbital sections with this.

Also, in a large, open area, with a VERY high ceiling, how would a flying pokemon be stopped without hurting it?
04-09-2004, 23:45
OOC: Well, in-game it was about 250 steps, so I'd translate it to about several square miles per can.
Flying Pokemon can be restrained with electricity easily. Just zap 'em with tazers, stun-shots (blaster weaponry) or an electric-type.
04-09-2004, 23:52
[OOC]: Ah, so as long as we set our Orbitals internal defences to only stun, we'll be fine. Handy.

Well, we would like to order 1000 cans of 'Super Repel', and would like to ask if we could buy production rights to any weaker versions of it for personal use for military personnel.

Once we have the cans, we would like to point out that pokemon ships will from now on be allowed to dock at any of our 40 or so orbitals around the Moon and Earth for repairs, rearming, training, etc., all for free, as well as being given armed protection at all times.
05-09-2004, 18:39
[OOC]: Ah, so as long as we set our Orbitals internal defences to only stun, we'll be fine. Handy.

Well, we would like to order 1000 cans of 'Super Repel', and would like to ask if we could buy production rights to any weaker versions of it for personal use for military personnel.

Once we have the cans, we would like to point out that pokemon ships will from now on be allowed to dock at any of our 40 or so orbitals around the Moon and Earth for repairs, rearming, training, etc., all for free, as well as being given armed protection at all times.
Repel Spray Co.:
Your order of 1000 Super Repels and production rights to regular Repel (several square feet) will be shipped as soon as you pay up. Thank you for your service and we hope to see you again.

Thank you for allowing our ships into your space.
05-09-2004, 21:34
{Mirrunese Pres. Xau Navin}
Are we on yet? [Yes!] Oh, sorry! Anyway, dispite our policies on pokemon, we will be willing to offer any tech you might need.
Oh, yes. If you truly care about Pokemon, declare war on Buechoria,
Glyxork, and Gawdly. Have a nice day!

ooc: Here is a link to information which you should declare war on them:
Evil! (

Have a nice day :D
05-09-2004, 21:39
Very well. To quote an old phrase my great-granpappy used to tell me:
*Money Wired*
05-09-2004, 22:10
The Super Repels are sent on a freighter, plus a deed with a recipe for Repel. They will reach Rincweed in a day.
New Exodus
06-09-2004, 00:19
"This is 'Skip the Light Fantastic' out of New Exodus. We are carrying her Majesty, Queen Stefini of Crystal Ireland, as well as Commander Michael Haase. Please direct us to our landing zone."

(Inside the ship)
A young blond woman in a shimmering white dress scratches the head of a Charizard, while a dark-haired young man in a black military uniform looks on. "He certainly seems to like you, dear," Michael says. Stefini smiles as she turns, "Of course, Charizards are still dragons, and I've plenty of experience with those." She glances at the five other Pokeballs on Michael's belt, "Why are you keeping your Pikachu in her ball? She loves space travel." Michael smirked, "She has a cold, and I didn't want her to sneeze and overload the shuttle's circuits."
Crazed Marines
06-09-2004, 04:29
OOC: mike, I don't believe that you're writing this.........but that's to be expected
IC: I wish to purchase the super repel formula. How much would this cost me?
06-09-2004, 21:28
{-Message From Pres. Xau Navin-}
Hello once again! We will suplly the engines and an alternete weapon system.
You know, turrets and stuff like that in case the pokemon fall asleep or something like that. My son, Aleks Navaha(We have a custom about names,
don't ask), will personly deliver the supllies himself, along with fellow Dimensioneers Fredrik Xeno and Nikol Gemma. Xeno is a genetic hybrid.
If this will cause any problems, please notify us as soon as possable.
Good day!
07-09-2004, 17:59
Message to Core Worlds

Personally I hate having to do this but, By Order of the God Emperor, ruler of Terra and all mankind I have been charged with guarding your ships against chaos forces that may try to take your pet pokemon things. The Battle barge "Dragon of Baal" will be sent with 2 companies aboard who will guard your ships to the last man. We do as the Emperor commands.

Vincere Et Mori

Lord Commander Dante
08-09-2004, 16:50
"This is 'Skip the Light Fantastic' out of New Exodus. We are carrying her Majesty, Queen Stefini of Crystal Ireland, as well as Commander Michael Haase. Please direct us to our landing zone."

(Inside the ship)
A young blond woman in a shimmering white dress scratches the head of a Charizard, while a dark-haired young man in a black military uniform looks on. "He certainly seems to like you, dear," Michael says. Stefini smiles as she turns, "Of course, Charizards are still dragons, and I've plenty of experience with those." She glances at the five other Pokeballs on Michael's belt, "Why are you keeping your Pikachu in her ball? She loves space travel." Michael smirked, "She has a cold, and I didn't want her to sneeze and overload the shuttle's circuits."

"You are cleared to Dock 369." The traffic controller said. "The Emperor will meet with your ship as soon as it lands.

Mirruin: We will not require additional weapons systems, since we have our own. It is foolish to have an all-Pokemon system, anyway.

Sanguinis: Uh, thank you. *Chaos demons? ...sounds like a new RP in the making!*

Crazed Marines: 25,000 credits for production rights.
Crazed Marines
08-09-2004, 22:15
Coreworlds: Money wired.
All: I guess I'll join in. I'll provide some genetic research for any Pokemon who can survive in space for extended periods of time...
*pressured by New*
New Exodus
09-09-2004, 00:10
The shuttle touched down to fanfare (I would assume the Imperial March, but just in case...) and dropped its hatch. Commander Haase and Queen Stefini walked out hand-in-hand, then turned to face the Emperor. "Your Highness," Michael bowed, while Stefini courtsied, "We are honored to be of assistance in this endeavor." The Charizard stomped down the ramp carrying a crate of equipment. Michael gestured to the crate, "We bring you our latest inventions."
Crazed Marines
09-09-2004, 00:21
This is Crazed Marines ship, the Iwo Jima, requesting permission to land. We would like to see some of the weapons we are creating as well as our old friends from New Exodus and Crystal Ireland. President Miles is on board with us.
09-09-2004, 00:24
Yup, The Imperial March ( was playing to the tune of the Emperor walking down the bright-red carpet with his Raichu (I love the rats!) trailing behind. He's fairly young, about thirty years old, but he's a Jedi and the descendant of Jedi.
His Majesty, the Emperor Andrew Masaki

Andrew bowed in respect to the Queen. "Your Majesty, Commander, a pleasure to meet you. So what do you have in those crates?"

As he asked, a black speeder-limo rolled up and security guards opened the door for the leaders.
09-09-2004, 00:25
This is Crazed Marines ship, the Iwo Jima, requesting permission to land. We would like to see some of the weapons we are creating as well as our old friends from New Exodus and Crystal Ireland. President Miles is on board with us.

"Permission Granted. Dock 370 is for you."
Crazed Marines
09-09-2004, 00:43
The Iwo Jima docks and unloads. Among the chaos of unloading, President Miles and three platoons of Marines with automatic weapons protecting him. They walk over to dock 369 to meet the Mike and Stef (they have history). Halfway to the dock, President Miles waves his guards away saying, "I'll be fine. I have my service with me." He opens up his coat to reveal a Glock model 22 in his shoulder rig.
"Hey Mike, Stef. How y'all doing?"
09-09-2004, 01:12
"And I assume you are the President of Crazed Marines?" Andrew asked, holding out his hand to shake. "You guys can call me Andrew, and I would like you to meet my Raichu, Jurai."

A "Rai!" noise came from below, and the President would notice:
09-09-2004, 01:18
A massive vessel coming in at least 23 kilometers long rumbled out of Immaterium and into real space. The giant vessel was very gothic in style looking more like a cathedral than a ship, it was blood red and bore the symbol of the Blood Angels upon it. It began transporting a message "To whom it may concern, we are the Dragon of Baal, I am brother captain maximillian of the 6th company, My men and the men of the 3rd company are here to be used as you see fit."
Crazed Marines
09-09-2004, 01:33
"Yes, I am the President of Crazed Marines. And I'm curious about your country's handgun laws...especially for diplomats."
*looks down*
"Hi Jurai. Do you like cheese?"
09-09-2004, 01:35
"Very well. Your marines may guard the science labs and space stations over there. We may not require aid, but it doesn't hurt to be prepared." A light pointed to the numerous stations orbiting the capital planet.
09-09-2004, 01:38
"Yes, I am the President of Crazed Marines. And I'm curious about your country's handgun laws...especially for diplomats."
*looks down*
"Hi Jurai. Do you like cheese?"

Andrew just smirked, and opened his cloak to reveal a lightsaber. "Not a problem. Our diplomat handgun laws are pretty lax, but we do recommend safeties on."

"(Cheese? Yeah, I like cheese. Cheddar's my favorite!)" Jurai said, but most people wouldn't understand the language.

"He says he likes cheddar best." Andrew translated.
Crazed Marines
09-09-2004, 01:44
*takes a chunk of chedder, that was wrapped, out of his pocket*
"Here you go. That was going to be my lunch on board, but I decided that there might be one of y'all here."
The President then gives the chese to the Raichu.
"I like to always carry. But don't worry, my safety is a fingerprint scanner by the mag. By the way, we have never been able to harness the power of the force in a blade. Could you show me how? I've been trying to build one for years, but always failed. They make great conversation pieces."
09-09-2004, 01:57
OOC: okay, that's just funny...but why waste the money and research building space gear for these creatures? Perhaps a better use would be to launch them with a railgun at enemy units? Okay, stinkyshoes, just check out what's in that "cave." *SLAM* Then the shocking begins, charging the electromagnets until sufficient energy has been stored. All ending with a powerful blast of bio-ammo toward the unsuspecting enemy. *BWAM*

OOC: btw, are there any specific requirements for posting to this forum? I'm a nationstates player, but this all seems space related, lucasarts and gamesworkshop-ish.
Crazed Marines
09-09-2004, 02:09
OOC: Its freeform. That's the beauty of it, you can post whatever type of attack you want with whatever you want to use, as long as you can explain it pretty well. I don't doubt that some players have tried that before.
09-09-2004, 02:12
As Jurai munched on his favorite cheese, savoring the taste, Andrew explained how to build lightsabers. "Well, first you have be born Force-sensitive. We could check your blood for midichlorians and such. Then you have to be trained. We train any age, but we find that age 10 and up are best, unlike the old Order. of course, we often find a number of younger orphans who are Force-sensitive, but the bulk of the students are teens or pre-teens. Older people are more set in their ways, and at 30, it's really hard for most people to 'unlearn what they learned' as the masters would say."
Crazed Marines
09-09-2004, 02:35
"Well, I've taken martial arts since I was ten, so I've had nineteen years to get in tune with my mind and body. Go ahead and test this blood."
The President rolls up sleve and slices his arm, blood oozing out. The President then collects it in a vial and caps the vial when its full. He then put some Quik Klot (acts like a bandage, clots the blood fast) and covers it with a strip of Duct Tape. He finally cleans off the knife and returns it to his pocket.
"Now what?"
09-09-2004, 02:48
"Well, I've taken martial arts since I was ten, so I've had nineteen years to get in tune with my mind and body. Go ahead and test this blood."
The President rolls up sleve and slices his arm, blood oozing out. The President then collects it in a vial and caps the vial when its full. He then put some Quik Klot (acts like a bandage, clots the blood fast) and covers it with a strip of Duct Tape. He finally cleans off the knife and returns it to his pocket.
"Now what?"

The Emperor whips out a blood scanner from his utility belt. He pours the blood into the scanner, which proceeds to print a ticker-tape paper out. "Just as I suspect. But I will need to make one more check to make sure. It won't hurt for a bit."
Crazed Marines
09-09-2004, 02:56
"Well shoot! No pain, no gain. I've been shot a few times before. Those bullets can be so annoying, especially when you get it out with your field knife."
The President begins to laugh hysterically.
09-09-2004, 03:03
The Emperor rolled his eyes and reached out with the Force, reaching for a particular spot in the President's brain...a spot in the back of the brain that deals with instinct, and the President will feel a funny tickling. Andrew found the spot, and prodded it slightly.

He was suddenly pushed back as the leader's brain instinctively put up mental shields against him. The President was, as he suspected, Force-sensitive.

"Yup. You're Force-sensitive all right." Andrew announced.
Crazed Marines
09-09-2004, 03:06
"So could that explain why I heal so quickly?"
The president then removes the duct tape to show the Quik Klot no longer on the body, but on the tape, and the wound completely healed.
09-09-2004, 03:14
"Yeah. Force-sensitives heal faster than normals, but not that fast!" The Emperor exclaimed in some surprise. "You're pretty strong in the Force. I could sense it once you arrived. Now, I think you will want to put aside some time for training with a Master. If you want to, that is. Of course, being a Jedi takes the highest commitment, the most serious mind. Are you willing to join the Order?"
Crazed Marines
09-09-2004, 03:17
"Why not? I've tried almost every other known form of martial training. See you Mike, Stef."
The President then calls his Marines to protect the labs, the New Exodus ship, the New Exodus and Crystal Ireland diplomats, and of course our own ship.
"All right, everything is in order. I'm ready to go."
The Water Cooler
09-09-2004, 03:19
((Pokemon - oh my.))

Pokemon - oh my.
Crazed Marines
09-09-2004, 03:25
OOC: Yeah, i know its lame, but 2 of my RL friends were in this and I got bored
09-09-2004, 03:25
"Why not? I've tried almost every other known form of martial training. See you Mike, Stef."
The President then calls his Marines to protect the labs, the New Exodus ship, the New Exodus and Crystal Ireland diplomats, and of course our own ship.
"All right, everything is in order. I'm ready to go."

"Ok. Can your Vice President or whoever is below you in rank run your country for at least 6 months (minimal). That's how long it takes for an apprentice to learn the basics of the Force, and use it to their advantage." Then Andrew smirked as his son Daniel basically flew into his arms. "Any descendants of yours are likely to be Force Sensitive, since it's usually a dominant trait."

"Hi mister!" Danny squeaked (he's 8). He made a crisp salute, looking serious.
Crazed Marines
09-09-2004, 03:31
ug...gtg for the night
09-09-2004, 03:35

I want who ever introduced Pokemon to NS and anyone who supports them to stop playing NS immediately. I hate you and I want you to die. Im only kidding...but god, why did you do it?!
09-09-2004, 03:35

I want who ever introduced Pokemon to NS and anyone who supports them to stop playing NS immediately. I hate you and I want you to die.

OOC: No. You'll have to kill me if you want me to die, and believe me, I'm not easy to kill. So: :p

Good night, CM.
Wolf America
09-09-2004, 04:16
Can the USWA buy some more pokemon from you?

If we can, here is the list.

200 Houndooms
100 Scythers
50 Aerodactyls
50 Arcanines
50 Onixs
50 Draonites
50 Meganiums
50 Feraligatrs
50 Tyranitars
25 Typhlosions
25 Venusaures
25 Charmeleons
25 Charizards
25 Blastoises
25 Nidoqueens
25 Nidokings
25 Meowthes
25 Persians
25 Primeapes
25 Hitmonlees
25 Hitmonchans
25 Vaporens
25 Jolteons
25 Flareons
25 Umbreons
25 Espeons
25 Kabutops
15 Crobats
15 Fearows
10 Gengars
10 Poliwraths
10 Pidgeies
10 Pidgeots
1 Noctowl

How much?

Plus is a Mewtwo for sale?

-Supreme Leader of the United States of Wolf America/Colony of Wolf England/USWA owned nation of Compy 386
Lord JWolf (
09-09-2004, 05:04
Why do you only want 1 Noctowl? Just get pairs of them to breed with and you can create your pokemon population anyway you want decreasing rarity by simply breeding more pokemon. That's what I did and now I got a very balanced pokemon enviroment.
09-09-2004, 08:10
A sudden signal is pulsed into various public communications channels everywhere.

Greetings everyone. Allow me to introduce myself.

A tanned broad humanoid wearing green-visored goggles and a white lab coat appears on screen.

I am Sharp-Fin, lead scientist from the Neo-Tritonian Ministry of Experimental Technologies. Your recent scientific endeavours have come to our attention. We must say we are impressed, however, we must also point out that there is always room for improvement.

The camera view pans right to a large cylindrical tank. A medium sized form floating in the glowing grey fluid.

We have mixed genetic materials between these so-called pukeymohn and various specimens of these aggressive xeno-morphs labelled collectively as Teerahnads.

The view tightens to focus in on the floating specimen. The close up reveals a multiple armed horror covered with a yellow, tiger-striped bony carapace, with a jagged spiked tail and a large vicious looking jaw filled with rows of dagger-like teeth.

Most specimens did not take the treatment. Among the failures were the Carnifex-Scyther hybrids; it seems the additional wings and arms caused an unstable mutation. Carnifexes simply were not meant to fly. The Termagant-Geodude hybrids...well, premature detonation is a problem. And oh well, the list is rather long. I suppose a summary of our accomplishments might be easier. Our current success story is that of the Gene-stealer-Pikachu hybrid. The hybrid is now capable of even greater bursts of speed with which to enter an assault coupled with an electric field aura of protection that can be discharged for an extra edge in combat. The tail seems to be confer some degree of protection from electro-magnetic energy as well. We have some test footage to showcase their battle efficiency. Take a look...

The screen fades to a wide angle view of a rocky battlefield. A lone squad of khorne-berserkers patrols the area. Suddenly from the corner of the screen, a writhing mass of limbs flashes across the screen in a blur of yellow. The chaos-marines don't know what hit them. Before they can react, a quarter of their squad has been torn limb from limb. The attack proceeds. Crackling electric fields shock troopers, immobilising them for the hybrids' razor-sharp claws and snapping jaws. The vision of carnage fades to black.

What a mess! Now that was seriously one-sided. In the end, out of 20 khornites, there were no survivors. Our squad of five hybrids only took one casualty.

The camera now zooms out to show an array of desks with Neo-Tritonian sales-models manning the commo-units. A comm-sig-serial scrolls across the bottom of the screen.

Quantities are limited, so act now!

Before he could finish saying quantities, the commos began chiming...a deafening roar of transactions drowning out Sharp-Fin's voice.
Wolf America
09-09-2004, 11:55
Why do you only want 1 Noctowl? Just get pairs of them to breed with and you can create your pokemon population anyway you want decreasing rarity by simply breeding more pokemon. That's what I did and now I got a very balanced pokemon enviroment.

I only want one because it is for Lord JWolf.
09-09-2004, 14:09
A sudden signal is pulsed into various public communications channels everywhere.

Greetings everyone. Allow me to introduce myself.

A tanned broad humanoid wearing green-visored goggles and a white lab coat appears on screen.

I am Sharp-Fin, lead scientist from the Neo-Tritonian Ministry of Experimental Technologies. Your recent scientific endeavours have come to our attention. We must say we are impressed, however, we must also point out that there is always room for improvement.

The camera view pans right to a large cylindrical tank. A medium sized form floating in the glowing grey fluid.

We have mixed genetic materials between these so-called pukeymohn and various specimens of these aggressive xeno-morphs labelled collectively as Teerahnads.

The view tightens to focus in on the floating specimen. The close up reveals a multiple armed horror covered with a yellow, tiger-striped bony carapace, with a jagged spiked tail and a large vicious looking jaw filled with rows of dagger-like teeth.

Most specimens did not take the treatment. Among the failures were the Carnifex-Scyther hybrids; it seems the additional wings and arms caused an unstable mutation. Carnifexes simply were not meant to fly. The Termagant-Geodude hybrids...well, premature detonation is a problem. And oh well, the list is rather long. I suppose a summary of our accomplishments might be easier. Our current success story is that of the Gene-stealer-Pikachu hybrid. The hybrid is now capable of even greater bursts of speed with which to enter an assault coupled with an electric field aura of protection that can be discharged for an extra edge in combat. The tail seems to be confer some degree of protection from electro-magnetic energy as well. We have some test footage to showcase their battle efficiency. Take a look...

The screen fades to a wide angle view of a rocky battlefield. A lone squad of khorne-berserkers patrols the area. Suddenly from the corner of the screen, a writhing mass of limbs flashes across the screen in a blur of yellow. The chaos-marines don't know what hit them. Before they can react, a quarter of their squad has been torn limb from limb. The attack proceeds. Crackling electric fields shock troopers, immobilising them for the hybrids' razor-sharp claws and snapping jaws. The vision of carnage fades to black.

What a mess! Now that was seriously one-sided. In the end, out of 20 khornites, there were no survivors. Our squad of five hybrids only took one casualty.

The camera now zooms out to show an array of desks with Neo-Tritonian sales-models manning the commo-units. A comm-sig-serial scrolls across the bottom of the screen.

Quantities are limited, so act now!

Before he could finish saying quantities, the commos began chiming...a deafening roar of transactions drowning out Sharp-Fin's voice.

Captain Maximillian watched the transmission in disgust, "Who is this fool? Why is he trying to breed Tyranids? Though I do not mind him killing the traitor marines, he is obvioulsy a mad man." Maximillian turned to his comm officer and told him to watch for any answer from CoreWorlds, he and his Warriors of the Adeptus Astartes did not travel so far to just sit in orbit.
09-09-2004, 17:41
Captain Maximillian watched the transmission in disgust, "Who is this fool? Why is he trying to breed Tyranids? Though I do not mind him killing the traitor marines, he is obvioulsy a mad man." Maximillian turned to his comm officer and told him to watch for any answer from CoreWorlds, he and his Warriors of the Adeptus Astartes did not travel so far to just sit in orbit.

"Tyranids?" The Emperor asked. "What are they?"

OOC: WH40K, eh? Going to be interesting...
09-09-2004, 17:45
I only want one because it is for Lord JWolf.

We can sell you the Pokemon for only 50,000 credits. and no, Mewtwo is not for sale.
Wolf America
09-09-2004, 18:11
We can sell you the Pokemon for only 50,000 credits. and no, Mewtwo is not for sale.

Wolf America
09-09-2004, 18:23
200 Houndooms - 10000000
100 Scythers - 5000000
50 Aerodactyls - 2500000
50 Arcanines - 2500000
50 Onixs - 2500000
50 Draonites - 2500000
50 Meganiums - 2500000
50 Feraligatrs - 2500000
50 Tyranitars - 2500000
25 Typhlosions - 1250000
25 Venusaures - 1250000
25 Charmeleons - 1250000
25 Charizards - 1250000
25 Blastoises - 1250000
25 Nidoqueens - 1250000
25 Nidokings - 1250000
25 Meowthes - 1250000
25 Persians - 1250000
25 Primeapes - 1250000
25 Hitmonlees - 1250000
25 Hitmonchans - 1250000
25 Vaporens - 1250000
25 Jolteons - 1250000
25 Flareons - 1250000
25 Umbreons - 1250000
25 Espeons - 1250000
25 Kabutops - 1250000
15 Crobats - 750000
15 Fearows - 750000
10 Gengars - 500000
10 Poliwraths - 500000
10 Pidgeies - 500000
10 Pidgeots - 500000
1 Noctowl - 50000

Total = $58,550,000

*****Money wired*****

-Supreme Leader of the United States of Wolf America/Colony of Wolf England/USWA owned nation of Compy 386
Lord JWolf (
Member of the Alliance of Naggaroth (AoN)
Member of the ISEC
Member of the United Federation of Planets (UFP)
Member of the United Space Federation (USF)
Member of the Ottoman Alliance
09-09-2004, 18:32
Pokemon trading co.: Whoo hoo! We're making a huge profit!

The new trading company sends a frieghter with the Pokemon to Wolf America. The freighter also has a couple of stowaways: a Caterpie and Rattata nest.
Wolf America
09-09-2004, 18:37
Pokemon trading co.: Whoo hoo! We're making a huge profit!

The new trading company sends a frieghter with the Pokemon to Wolf America. The freighter also has a couple of stowaways: a Caterpie and Rattata nest.

Yeah for us.
09-09-2004, 19:08
"Tyranids?" The Emperor asked. "What are they?"

OOC: WH40K, eh? Going to be interesting...

Maximillian turned to face the Emperor, towering over him, "The Tyranids are a insect like species that came from outside of our galaxies, they are mindless beasts who seek to do nothing but consume all they see. They travel about in massive hive fleets, some types of Tyranids can grow to be the size of star ships. They are dangerous and should be destroyed lest they consume us all."
Wolf America
09-09-2004, 19:17
500 Miltanks - 25000000
200 Stantlers - 10000000
100 Salamences - 5000000
100 Murkrows - 5000000
100 Granbulls - 5000000
10 Registeels - 500000
10 Regices - 500000
10 Regirocks - 500000
2 Rayquazas (a Male and a Female) - 100000
2 Latios (a Male and a Female) - 100000
2 Latias (a Male and a Female) - 100000
2 Raikous (a Male and a Female) - 100000
2 Enteis (a Male and a Female) - 100000
2 Suicunes (a Male and a Female) - 100000
2 Articonos (a Male and a Female) - 100000
2 Zapdos (a Male and a Female) - 100000
2 Moltres (a Male and a Female) - 100000

Total = $52,400,000

*****Money Wired*****

-Supreme Leader of the United States of Wolf America/Colony of Wolf England/USWA owned nation of Compy 386
Lord JWolf (
09-09-2004, 19:55
Maximillian turned to face the Emperor, towering over him, "The Tyranids are a insect like species that came from outside of our galaxies, they are mindless beasts who seek to do nothing but consume all they see. They travel about in massive hive fleets, some types of Tyranids can grow to be the size of star ships. They are dangerous and should be destroyed lest they consume us all."

"Very well. I will order a bombardment as soon as possible. Meanwhile, would you like some sake and Japanese meals? I'm feeling a bit hungry."

Wolf: Done, but the Legendaries will only be able to have one chick/cub per family.
The BlackWolf Order
09-09-2004, 19:56
...Pokemon? Y'know, I might just decide to help the shivans out here....:P
Wolf America
09-09-2004, 20:01
Wolf: Done, but the Legendaries will only be able to have one chick/cub per family.

The Legendaries are all going to be own by me. They will live on White Wolf estates.

-Supreme Leader of the United States of Wolf America/Colony of Wolf England/USWA owned nation of Compy 386
Lord JWolf (
Member of the Alliance of Naggaroth (AoN)
Member of the ISEC
Member of the United Federation of Planets (UFP)
Member of the United Space Federation (USF)
Member of the Ottoman Alliance
09-09-2004, 20:13
"Very well. I will order a bombardment as soon as possible. Meanwhile, would you like some sake and Japanese meals? I'm feeling a bit hungry."

Wolf: Done, but the Legendaries will only be able to have one chick/cub per family.

A simple bombardment will not due, they must be exterimnated completely and utterly. The only way to ensure such a thing is to attack the hive fleet. But I do not have the man power to do such a thing at the moment. If we could have someone get to the planet of Macragge to see Marenus Calgar, he is the expert on Tyranid fighting. If this fool scientist thinks he can contain them he is wrong, they will destroy him and then they will come for us. As for you offer, thank you but no. I do not drink and I have already eaten today.
09-09-2004, 20:19
A simple bombardment will not due, they must be exterimnated completely and utterly. The only way to ensure such a thing is to attack the hive fleet. But I do not have the man power to do such a thing at the moment. If we could have someone get to the planet of Macragge to see Marenus Calgar, he is the expert on Tyranid fighting. If this fool scientist thinks he can contain them he is wrong, they will destroy him and then they will come for us. As for you offer, thank you but no. I do not drink and I have already eaten today.

The Emperor smirked. "I'm talking about a capital ship that can melt the crust of the Earth in an hour. Plus my superlasers can crack a planet, though not completely destroy it the way a Death Star can."
09-09-2004, 21:09
Simply blasting the planet they are on will not stop them, they are a dark blight upon the universe, a infestation and they will not be stopped by a singe blast upon a planet. Believe me emperor, I have fought them on many occasions only to barely win against them, and we Astartes we are the best warriors in the entire Imperium.
New Exodus
09-09-2004, 22:31
Commander Haase, who had been silent until now, sighed deeply. "Why is it that wherever we go, there is always a deadly alien race out to destroy us. Well, your Highness, I suppose now would be as good a time as ever to show you what we brought." He pulled out a holo-emitter and set it to display a series of diagrams and schematics for a starship.

"This vessel, the prototype of which has been christened the 'Bernice,' is designed to make full use of Pokemon powers. The Zeus System, which our nation has developed, fires a stream of charged particles that allows a massive electric charge to leap between vessels. This model would use power from electric Pokemon to overload the systems of an enemy craft. Also, we have included portals from which Pokemon capable of Hyperbeam may fire. On the outer hull, boarding pods wait to be loaded with Pokemon. Once onboard the enemy ship, Sleep powder, stun spore, and other attacks could quickly incapacitate the crew.

We also have...

We have adapted and miniaturized the Zeus System for use by infantry, and have modified a suit of powered armor for use by Pikachus and Raichus.
09-09-2004, 23:01

On a lighter note, a special diplomatic party is on it's way to the CoreWorlds Pokemon Space Station (It IS a space staiton, isn't it?). Expect a....small group of ships. Do, although, expect many men with guns. Just for our own protection of course.
09-09-2004, 23:12
*KZZZT*Exiting Subv*KZZZT*ace in 5...4...*KZZT*1.....reverting to normal space now.....revert complete. Transmissions should clear up now."

Green smiled as he stood over his comms officer, working away to channel the various communications between the ships. Now that the Subvecto drive was deactivated, the communications could be transmitted more easily.
Over the years, Subvecto had advanced in leaps and bounds, first with the inclusion of the gravity well inhibitors which stopped the forming of the near-black holes that popped up after a large scale Subvecto jump, then the completion of the Universal beacon for far more accurate jumps than before, and finally the introduction of the Continuum Stabilizer, giving the ability to nearly eliminate all damage to the fabric of space usually caused by even the smallest of jumps.

Still, he thought, now wasn't the time to think about such technology. All that really mattered was that it worked.

He looked up from the comm area, towards the large viewscreen that took up most of the far wall of the bridge. On iit was shown the 20 ships that made up the rest of the fleet, mostly cargo ships for transporting troops and weapons, as well as food and medical supplies. Wether it would be of use to the CoreWorlds pokemon station would remain to be seen.

Green looked back to the Comms station.
"Right, send a hail to the station. Tell them this is Major Thomas Green in command of the second Lunar defense fleet, requesting permission for one of the smaller cargo ships to dock. Say, the Gladius. The thing is only 50 metres long, so it should fit inside any of their docks fine. Also, tell docking bay 5 to Prep the Not Invented Here, i'll need to be on the transport ship with Marenus if i'm going to be able to accompany him onto the station. And god help the prep crews if they so much as scratch the paint on the NIH, I painted that godamn shuttle by hand."
09-09-2004, 23:29
A familiar face appears on-screen.

Greetings good people! It has come to our attention that some of our potential customers think our products may be dangerous due to the nature of one of the parental lineages. However, let us reassure you, we have taken the best traits of each lineage and brought them together. The brutal fighting instinct of the gene-stealers has been matched with the trainability of the pooh-key-mahn. The result is a deadly-efficient biological weapon. The gene-stealer's abilities to cross-infect other species has been nullified as well. Do not be fooled, these are a far cry from the docile creatures of their puke-e-mon lineage, but at the same time, they are not the mindless killing machines of their Teer-ah-nad forebears. What we have is a fierce yet trainable hybrid, a cross that exploits the best traits of both genetic lines.

As an added precaution, we have installed plasma-charges in torso of each hybrid. These charges can be remotely detonated by the owner if there should ever be such a need...for example, clearing a path for a hasty retreat, or as a glorious final blow for a doomed force. Rest assured, our products are safe.

Fade out.

OOC: Think pit-bulls...big ugly alien pit-bulls.
10-09-2004, 02:03
Imperial Standard Doctrine #200: A creature or race that is deemed to be a threat to humanity and allied races must not be allowed to survive past their home planet, or if they do not have a home planet, must not be allowed to survive, period. The Kill or be Killed Doctrine, it is very frowned upon by the Jedi, but the military constantly argues that it's necessary.

Rinceweed: Very well, you may dock at hangar bay 3.

The station is 3 km long, and is fully capable of supporting a population of 10,000 humans and accompanying animals and Pokemon. On the outset, it's a long cigar-shaped station, but once you get close, you can see the trees through the transparisteel.

New Exodus:
"Very interesting." The Emperor said. "The warship may just be what we're looking for. Maybe if we mate them with our Carrack Strike Cruisers, we could build a powerful new class of warship. The power armor is interesting, too. Jurai, how would you like to try one on?"
New Exodus
10-09-2004, 02:10
Michael helped his Pikachu get out of the armor, and then returned her to a Pokeball. Meanwhile, Stefini walked over to the Emperor. She gave him her cutest puppy-dog eyes, pleading, "Your Highness, could I _please_ have a Vulpix?"
10-09-2004, 02:22
Michael helped his Pikachu get out of the armor, and then returned her to a Pokeball. Meanwhile, Stefini walked over to the Emperor. She gave him her cutest puppy-dog eyes, pleading, "Your Highness, could I _please_ have a Vulpix?"

The Emperor sweatdropped and chuckled nervously. "How can I resist that face? I'm sure there are Vulpix somewhere in the forest nearby."
New Exodus
10-09-2004, 02:34
"Yippee!" Stefini squealed and ran off in what she assumed was the general direction of the forest. Michael smiled and nodded to the Charizard, who sighed and stomped off after Stefini. "Anyway, my Lord, the armor is proof against most small arms, has full environmental seals making it impervious to chem- and bio-weapons, and can easily be equipped with a space maneuvering pack."
10-09-2004, 02:40
"Pretty much the goods that we're looking for. It's nice to have allies who care about Pokemon. You won't believe the hate mail that comes in every day." Andrew shook his head in disappointment.
New Exodus
10-09-2004, 02:55
"As I've said, Pokemon are rare in New Exodus, but I've seen a great many hate crimes carried out against innocent beings. Its one of the reasons we instituted the Samaritans, our aid organization. We wanted to join in this project because many Pokemon attacks are non-lethal, and we hope to have a bigger peace-keeping role in the future. Of course..." Michael shifted to allow the vibro-blade at his hip to be visible, "We are very open-minded when it comes to fighting."

Stefini came back into the room with a Vulpix in her arms. "She ran over to me as soon as I walked in to the woods, can I keep her?"
Crazed Marines
10-09-2004, 02:58
"I think Vice-President Beatty will be able to hold the nation for a while." President Miles says to the Emperor, "Mike, what did you do to my Tesla trooper design? I didn't want that to happen! All I was planning on doing was to place a Voltorb in a warhead of a torpedo which has implosion mirror (turns the explosion into near-nuclear tonnage). This would involve the possible death of the voltorb, but war is hell. After their shields are down, we thenbeam aboard squads of Marines and fire and electric Pokemon to kill thw whole crew and/or destroy the ship."
Crazed Marines
10-09-2004, 03:01
Michael shifted to allow the vibro-blade at his hip to be visible, minded when it comes to fighting."


Stefini came back into the room with a Vulpix in her arms. "She ran over to me as soon as I walked in to the woods, can I keep her?"

rotflmao! Sounds like that cat Stef was wanting to keep a few weeks ago.
Emperor-King Napoleon
10-09-2004, 03:02
ALL EMPERORS! Join me in the world of "The Alliance of Emperors"! Unite!
Wolf America
10-09-2004, 03:43
The United States of Wolf America will order more pokemons.

250 Swellows - 12500000
200 Sceptiles - 10000000
200 Linoones - 10000000
200 Banettes - 10000000
100 Shiftries - 5000000
100 Ninjasks - 5000000
100 Zangooses - 5000000
100 Donphans - 5000000
50 Wailords - 2500000
50 Poochyenas - 2500000
50 Torkoals - 2500000
50 Armaldos - 2500000
25 Hariyamas - 1250000
25 Sableyes - 1250000
2 Absols (a Male and a Female) - 100000
2 Grumpigs (a Male and a Female) - 100000
2 Nosepass (a Male and a Female) - 100000

Total = $75,300,000

*****Money Wired*****

-Supreme Leader of the United States of Wolf America/Colony of Wolf England/USWA owned nation of Compy 386
Lord JWolf (
Member of the Alliance of Naggaroth (AoN)
Member of the ISEC
Member of the United Federation of Planets (UFP)
Member of the United Space Federation (USF)
Member of the Ottoman Alliance
10-09-2004, 03:46
The United States of Wolf America will order more pokemons.

250 Swellows - 12500000
200 Sceptiles - 10000000
200 Linoones - 10000000
200 Banettes - 10000000
100 Shiftries - 5000000
100 Ninjasks - 5000000
100 Zangooses - 5000000
100 Donphans - 5000000
50 Wailords - 2500000
50 Poochyenas - 2500000
50 Torkoals - 2500000
50 Armaldos - 2500000
25 Hariyamas - 1250000
25 Sableyes - 1250000
2 Absols (a Male and a Female) - 100000
2 Grumpigs (a Male and a Female) - 100000
2 Nosepass (a Male and a Female) - 100000

Total = $75,300,000

*****Money Wired*****

-Supreme Leader of the United States of Wolf America/Colony of Wolf England/USWA owned nation of Compy 386
Lord JWolf (
Member of the Alliance of Naggaroth (AoN)
Member of the ISEC
Member of the United Federation of Planets (UFP)
Member of the United Space Federation (USF)
Member of the Ottoman Alliance

The freighter pilot breaks down and cries as yet more Pokemon are loaded up to go to Wolf America.
Wolf America
10-09-2004, 03:52
The freighter pilot breaks down and cries as yet more Pokemon are loaded up to go to Wolf America.

We will take care of the them.
10-09-2004, 03:55
Any Pokemon that comes into UltraFunk will be painfully executed. We have done tests and have found that pokemon are unfunky. Leave us out of this, and we will have no problems.
10-09-2004, 03:55
CoreWorlds, I would also like to purchase breeding pairs of of pokemon. As we are a newly formed country, we will only be able to purchase first evolution types. We will also require a large supply of repel. This should be enough so that, in time, we may set up a proper breeding program. :fluffle:

Thank you for your assistance.
10-09-2004, 03:56
It's the fact that you bought so many that made him cry, not the fact that they're leaving.
10-09-2004, 03:59
Any Pokemon that comes into UltraFunk will be painfully executed. We have done tests and have found that pokemon are unfunky. Leave us out of this, and we will have no problems.
hah, you'll be electrocuted, fried, frozen, washed away, hit with razor-sharped leaves and blown away for your insolence. Not to mention blasted to space dust.

CoreWorlds, I would also like to purchase breeding pairs of of pokemon. As we are a newly formed country, we will only be able to purchase first evolution types. We will also require a large supply of repel. This should be enough so that, in time, we may set up a proper breeding program.

Thank you for your assistance.

The total will come to 50,000 credits (half for the Pokemon (no Legendaries), half for the repel).
New Exodus
10-09-2004, 04:54
Michael turned to President Miles, "_Your_ Tesla Trooper design? I seem to recall being the one who developed the technology first."
10-09-2004, 05:00
OOC:25,000 credits for repel.. who would've have thought.

IC: The Pokemon Breeding team is currently laughing at coreworlds as they unwittingly gave Ageaol the things required to make the best, fearsome, ruthless killing machines in the world. The team breaks into tears when they recieve a photocopy of the peace announcement. They start laughing again when they are reassured they have created the best enviroment for pokemon. One even greater than the natural one on Earth.
10-09-2004, 06:37
The total will come to 50,000 credits (half for the Pokemon (no Legendaries), half for the repel).

For all nations that don't wish to have Pokemon on their planets or ships:

We sell Super Repels for only 5 credits per can. This very powerful Pokemon repellent works on all Pokemon, no matter what kind it is. Just spray them whenever there is a possibilty of Pokemon coming to your nation and they will stay in the ship. It's long-lasting and biodegradeable, too.

We do not require quite that much repel, only enough for an emergency. We are sending the credits now for payment as follows:
25,000 for the pokemon pairs
5,000 for the repel (1000 cans)
Wolf America
10-09-2004, 11:54
We do not require quite that much repel, only enough for an emergency. We are sending the credits now for payment as follows:
25,000 for the pokemon pairs
5,000 for the repel (1000 cans)

Pokemon cost 50,000 credits. So a pair would cost 100,000 credits.
10-09-2004, 15:11
We do not require quite that much repel, only enough for an emergency. We are sending the credits now for payment as follows:
25,000 for the pokemon pairs
5,000 for the repel (1000 cans)

Be sure you pay the other half for the Pokemon in a reasonable time.
10-09-2004, 15:37
Brother Captain Maximillian gave his men orders to patrol the stations and guard doorways and the space docks. The marines towered over almost everyone in the station. The deckplates shook when the marines walked, their ceramite power armor increasing their weight to probably 360lbs+. Brother Captain Maximillian was patrolling the forest area and was growing irritated with the pokemon following him around. He stood at the transparasteel windows staring out into space. these stars were unfamiliar to him except two. He was a tiny red one, Baal, his home and another bigger, silver star. Terra, the home of the Emperor and the Imperium. "One day I shall set foot upon holy Terra." muttered Maximillian in his native tounge of High Gothic. He continued on his patrol. His comm bead in his ear beeped at him. He stood listening to it for a few moments then spoke, "Very well Veteran Seargeant carry on." Maximillian turned and left the forest area looking for the Emperor. When he finally found him he spoke to him. "Sir my ship has just informed me that a few moments ago a pair of pirate raider vessels dropped out of hyperspace, we were able to drive them off with a few volleys from our lance batteries but there may be more on the way."
10-09-2004, 16:04
"Very well." The Emperor said, and notified an aide to alert the fleet. "Hmm it seems that my fleet also encountered a ship or too, but drove them off as well. They're on the alert for pirates now. I's time to test our new equipment, shall we say?"
10-09-2004, 16:13
"Very well." The Emperor said, and notified an aide to alert the fleet. "Hmm it seems that my fleet also encountered a ship or too, but drove them off as well. They're on the alert for pirates now. I's time to test our new equipment, shall we say?"

After pulling a pikachu off his cape and flinging it back into the forest enviroment Maximillian agreed. "I shall have my men increase their patrols and keep on the alert. They will make status reports every 4 hours."
New Exodus
10-09-2004, 16:17
Michael smiled at the news. "We have three squads' worth of the power armor, and the first ten ships should be arriving shortly, my Lord. We will need to gather some of your Pokemon as gunners though; we did not have enough of our own to staff the ships. It should be simple enough for them to learn what to do."

Stefini giggled gleefully as she played with the adorable Vulpix. "Stefini, what do we say to the Emperor?" "Thank you, your highness." "Good girl." Stefini glared at Michael. "Um," he chuckled nervously, "I was just kidding about that."
10-09-2004, 16:44
After pulling a pikachu off his cape and flinging it back into the forest enviroment Maximillian agreed. "I shall have my men increase their patrols and keep on the alert. They will make status reports every 4 hours."

"They seem to like you." little Daniel noticed and giggled.

Andrew chuckled. "Well, I have to agree, Danny, but run along now. Dad has to talk now."

"Ok!" The boy scampered off to play at the playground over there.

"Now, Jurai. Looks like we'll be testing out new equipment after all. You up to it?"

"(Yeah! Let's beat up them frickin' pirates!)"

O_o... "O...k..." The Emperor was floored by his Pokemon's language, but shook his head anyway. "Very well, we'll begin soon."
Crazed Marines
10-09-2004, 23:36
Michael turned to President Miles, "_Your_ Tesla Trooper design? I seem to recall being the one who developed the technology first."
"Yes, MY design. Remember, I gave you the basic concept back when we were both in High School. I also introduced you into the military tatics trainer known as C&C."
10-09-2004, 23:43
"Yes, MY design. Remember, I gave you the basic concept back when we were both in High School. I also introduced you into the military tatics trainer known as C&C."

"Heh, I thought that was just a game when I was a kid." Andrew said. "Now I realize that it helps make good tacticians. I still enjoy it now and again."

Jurai was jumping up and down, wanting to get into the suit. "(C'mon! Lemme at 'em! I'll give them the ol' one-two, then fry them so badly!)"

"hehehe! Alright. I suppose you have a suit in his size?" Andrew asked?
11-09-2004, 05:19
Be sure you pay the other half for the Pokemon in a reasonable time.

Of course, you have been paid in full.
11-09-2004, 05:33
We have discovered quite by accident that the pokemon have some unique reactions to some of our common native fruits. We have compiled a list of the fruits and their effects upon pokemon upon eating.

Chesto berries cure sleep.
Rawst berries cure burns.
Aspear berries cures being frozen.
Sitrus and Iapapa berries heal.
And the amazing Lum berries cure any status condition effecting them.

We are collecting fruit for immediate shipment to any who wish to trade for these amazing items. We feel that further botanical experiments are needed so that we may all explore pokemon potential to its fullest.

We are also experimenting with what we dubed a "berry blender" for creating pressed blocks of these fruit. We feel that with these "pokeblock", if the proper combinations can be found, may help increase pokemon ability even further. Any assistance in this project will be most welcome.
New Exodus
11-09-2004, 09:22
"Ah, but the Tesla trooper design in the trainer relies on antiquated and obsolete technology. This design is not actually Tesla Armor. It is simply power armor with a particle beam emitter, and simply channels the Pokemon's electricity. It does not generate it. Furthermore, the original design was far less efficient than my micro-fission cell powered armor, capable of increasing strength and speed for the user."

As Michael and David continue to argue over who designed what, several New Exodus technicians walk in carrying the armor in a variety of sizes. The lead technician bows before the Emperor and says, "My Lord, the ships have arrived, and are ready to be staffed with your Pokemon. These are all the armor that is currently available, and is likewise ready to be used."

(OOC: Coreworlds, feel free to RP the suits as you might imagine. The closest thing I can think of to them in the SW universe are the Dark Troopers, although maybe not that strong.)
Crazed Marines
11-09-2004, 17:20
"Ah, but the Tesla trooper design in the trainer relies on antiquated and obsolete technology. This design is not actually Tesla Armor. It is simply power armor with a particle beam emitter, and simply channels the Pokemon's electricity. It does not generate it. Furthermore, the original design was far less efficient than my micro-fission cell powered armor, capable of increasing strength and speed for the user."

"What do you mean? Mine had M/AM reactors! They are called Tesla Troopers because they use a big 'ol Tesla coil to shoot the electricity....Oh well, I gave it to you and the right to mod it...........So, have you thought about the 'Max' suits we use as well as our HALO series? They could work well."
Wolf America
11-09-2004, 22:44
The USWA would like to order more pokemon.

1,500 Miltanks - 75000000 (They have good milk.)
200 Swamperts - 10000000

Total = $85,000,000

***** money wired *****

Plus can a Jedi master train me in the way of a jedi?

-Supreme Leader of the United States of Wolf America/Colony of Wolf England/USWA owned nation of Compy 386
Lord JWolf (
Member of the Alliance of Naggaroth (AoN)
Member of the ISEC
Member of the United Federation of Planets (UFP)
Member of the United Space Federation (USF)
Member of the Ottoman Alliance
Member of the Pact of Steel Alliance (PSA)
12-09-2004, 00:10
The USWA would like to order more pokemon.

1,500 Miltanks - 75000000 (They have good milk.)
200 Swamperts - 10000000

Total = $85,000,000

***** money wired *****

Plus can a Jedi master train me in the way of a jedi?

-Supreme Leader of the United States of Wolf America/Colony of Wolf England/USWA owned nation of Compy 386
Lord JWolf (
Member of the Alliance of Naggaroth (AoN)
Member of the ISEC
Member of the United Federation of Planets (UFP)
Member of the United Space Federation (USF)
Member of the Ottoman Alliance
Member of the Pact of Steel Alliance (PSA)

Yes, your order is done *grumbles*, and it depends on your leader's age. The older you are, the harder it is to train because you have to unlearn what you learn or in regular terms, debunk your prejudices about psychic abilities and such.
Wolf America
12-09-2004, 00:19
Yes, your order is done *grumbles*, and it depends on your leader's age. The older you are, the harder it is to train because you have to unlearn what you learn or in regular terms, debunk your prejudices about psychic abilities and such.

He is 20 year old.
12-09-2004, 00:21
Done. Master Harry Butterfield will accompany the Pokemon on a passenger freighter with some other tourists.
Wolf America
12-09-2004, 00:30
Done. Master Harry Butterfield will accompany the Pokemon on a passenger freighter with some other tourists.

We are wait for your master to get here. Master Harry Butterfield will have one of the rooms in White Wolf Castle.

-Supreme Leader of the United States of Wolf America/Colony of Wolf England/USWA owned nation of Compy 386
Lord JWolf (
Member of the Alliance of Naggaroth (AoN)
Member of the ISEC
Member of the United Federation of Planets (UFP)
Member of the United Space Federation (USF)
Member of the Ottoman Alliance
Member of the Pact of Steel Alliance (PSA)
Wolf America
12-09-2004, 05:21
OOC: How long will it take for Lord JWolf to finish his training?
Crazed Marines
12-09-2004, 16:27
"Well, now that we have that straightened out, I guess I must go off to train." President Miles said to Mike and Stefini, "I guess I'll see you when we get back to our colonies...and when the Next Halo comes out, we should probably have a LAN party."
New Exodus
12-09-2004, 17:59
Goodbye, David. I wish I was going with you, but I'm sure you'll do fine. Just remember that you serve the "light side." Once you've become more attuned to the Force, I doubt you'll be quite so willing to kill more God's creatures." Michael smiled. "Which should mean more sales for my non-lethal weapons."
12-09-2004, 18:11
OOC: How long will it take for Lord JWolf to finish his training?

6 months to 2 years for late teen to adults. The longer the better. After 2 years you officially graduate from the academy. and with sufficient mastery of the Force (usually 3 years and/or a trial like defeat a crime ring or the darkness within you) you gain the rank of Jedi Knight. When you successfully train an apprentice to knighthood (your child/ren or 5+ years for training a 10-12 year old), or the Council decides you have fully mastered the Force, you gain the rank of Jedi Master.
12-09-2004, 18:14
Goodbye, David. I wish I was going with you, but I'm sure you'll do fine. Just remember that you serve the "light side." Once you've become more attuned to the Force, I doubt you'll be quite so willing to kill more God's creatures." Michael smiled. "Which should mean more sales for my non-lethal weapons."

"Bye now!" David said, waving.
Wolf America
12-09-2004, 18:17
6 months to 2 years for late teen to adults. The longer the better. After 2 years you officially graduate from the academy. and with sufficient mastery of the Force (usually 3 years and/or a trial like defeat a crime ring or the darkness within you) you gain the rank of Jedi Knight. When you successfully train an apprentice to knighthood (your child/ren or 5+ years for training a 10-12 year old), or the Council decides you have fully mastered the Force, you gain the rank of Jedi Master.

He will train for 2 years.
Crazed Marines
12-09-2004, 19:04
Goodbye, David. I wish I was going with you, but I'm sure you'll do fine. Just remember that you serve the "light side." Once you've become more attuned to the Force, I doubt you'll be quite so willing to kill more God's creatures." Michael smiled. "Which should mean more sales for my non-lethal weapons."
OOC: lol, me non-lethal, get outta here! I'm only willing to kill if that's what's required of the situation.
Wolf America
17-09-2004, 00:51
What type of Jedi is Lord JWolf? It been 4 NS years, now.

If Lord JWolf is a knight, can I train his godson as his apprentice?

His godson is 10 year old and named Erik Zachary Johnson.

Erik is the son of High Commander Hal Johnson and his wife.
17-09-2004, 01:20
Of course. Seeing as your man has sufficient training and hands-on missions, we confer upon him the level of Jedi Knight. It usually appropriate to wait a year after Knighthood before training an apprentice, though. (look at Obi-Wan trying to train Anakin to see why; inexperience can be deadly)

*Registers the boy with the Order after a test.*
Wolf America
17-09-2004, 01:26
Of course. Seeing as your man has sufficient training and hands-on missions, we confer upon him the level of Jedi Knight. It usually appropriate to wait a year after Knighthood before training an apprentice, though. (look at Obi-Wan trying to train Anakin to see why; inexperience can be deadly)

*Registers the boy with the Order after a test.*

We will send Erik with Master Harry Butterfield. So, he can enter the academy.

-Supreme Leader of the United States & Jedi Knight
Lord JWolf (
Member of the Alliance of Naggaroth (AoN)
Member of the ISEC
Member of the United Federation of Planets (UFP)
Member of the United Space Federation (USF)
Member of the Ottoman Alliance
Member of the Pact of Steel Alliance (PSA)
17-09-2004, 01:30
Thank you. We await them.
Wolf America
17-09-2004, 01:36
Thank you. We await them.

They will be there in a day or so. They are in WASF Timber Wolf , the High Commander's ship, will two 386SF Klingon Bird of Preys escorting them to your space.

-Supreme Leader of the United States
Lord JWolf (
Member of the Alliance of Naggaroth (AoN)
Member of the ISEC
Member of the United Federation of Planets (UFP)
Member of the United Space Federation (USF)
Member of the Ottoman Alliance
Member of the Pact of Steel Alliance (PSA)
17-09-2004, 01:39
Very well.
17-09-2004, 19:26
Maximillian and his men did not trust the jedi. No loyal servant of the Imperium ever trusts a psyker unless they are sanctioned or a marine librarian. Maximillian told his men to stay away from the jedi and to not listen to any of their teachings. the marines purposely avoid the jedi and refuse to speak to any of them except to make status reports.
Crazed Marines
17-09-2004, 22:16
"How has our President come along in his training?"
-Vice President Herd from Crazed Marines
17-09-2004, 22:24
"Oh, yes. He is about to take his Trials for Knighthood. If he succeeds, he will be knighted."
-Jedi Temple PR dept.
Crazed Marines
17-09-2004, 22:58
"We also would wonder the color of his light saber. We believe that he may have used the crystal he was given by a force-sensitive friend in Crystal Ireland. We were told that it would create gold and red beams that intertwined. We were also told that it would only work for lightsided people who were tormented by a dark side. The Crystal is also thought to be really effective against machines and other forms requiring electrical energy (absorbs plasma fire)."