NationStates Jolt Archive

The darkening - Gloom & lawlessness cloak the land

Holy panooly
02-09-2004, 14:40
After years of complete governmental chaos and a break down of the authorities it seemed if all laws in the Holy Panooly constitution suddenly ceased to work. Bands of pirates slaughtered crews on foreign ships, old wounds were torn open and new ones made. Calling it a civil war would be unfair but only the bravest souls dared to enter the jungles at day. Nobody would even think about going in at night. Old anthems were sung around bonfires while the unlucky victims of other tribes were implemented to tortue and sacrifice.

The decendants of the French and British colonists were fed up of each others presence on the Panooly continent and riots went back and forth, murder, death and hatred were common practice. Things cooled down after a few months and returned to normal. This was the first real sign of something which went wrong fast. After the first and second civil war - the second civil war was more of a localized conflict between the army and a group of rebels but it still got the civil war tag after the Führer was murdered in a mysterious way - nobody has seen such violence and hatred between the people living in the lands of Holy Panooly.

All the oppressed people in Holy Panooly freed themselves of the chains of oppression and genocide by the STASI and SS and a loud scream of revenge was heard from the former inmates and so called 'supporters' of the regime. A coup was planned, democracy was at hand but this never happened due to the countless conflicts in the lands of Holy Panooly and it sank away into a dark age of lawlessness, fear and witchcraft.

It remained that way for years. Until a new order rose from its ashes. Nobody knew who they were and what their intentions were but the few people in power were certain it was bad news for them.
A little bit of untold and unknown Panooly history comes now and I'll be damned if it won't come true...

304 BC, the Panooly Islands

The temple was magnificent. All the houses were painted with bright red colors made of blood, water and mud. Girls were dancing and the priests were reading from the holy scrolls to please the Gods. People were praying and praising the Lord, Toll-Uhm, who will return one day to take his childs of Ancient Panoolia to his palace in the Heavenly Mountains and there they shall rejoice with the purest humans possible. Racism was present there and so was fascism. Several ancient chants can be translated to 'One nation, one race'. Everything that was not from Ancient Panoolia was killed and fed to the dogs. The day came closer and closer. The Lord would come back. Pictures of Toll-Uhm are rare and the meaning of his name is also a mystery but the flag of Holy Panooly showed his face, or how it was seen by the mortals.

The ritual of inviting the Lord back to earth failed because there weren't enough human lives to sacrifice. The ancient tomes clearly said; thou must find the weakest of heart, those who are hated by thine enemies inside our lands and hates by yourself.
They clearly ment anybody from outside Ancient Panoolia. That could be anyone. A weak nation with weak people has the honour to serve the ancient Lord Toll-Uhm and to quell his lust for blood.

1923, Panooly City now Arcturus OOC:

Even though the major important finding of that year was the mysterious black box, nobody had the power nor the knowledge to use it. But inside the tomb other things were found which proved the Lord Toll-Uhm actually existed. In the year 1066 when William the Conquerer invaded the British Isles here in Ancient Panooly an attempt was made to bring back the Lord. Nobody knows if they succeded yes or no but soon after the discovery a strange cult came into existance. They remained silent and were never seen by anybody who didn't knew about them.

A certain American explorer called Paul Yeats made the radical theory of Toll-Uhm being the Satan himself. The similarities were stunning. Horns, the pentagram, 666, often refered to as 'The Beast', goat idols... People refused to believe a folk that lived for eons uncounted in the jungles and built colossal temples and had a level of knowledge of math, physics and chemistry of the early 19th century could be satan worshippers. But it was true. People from ancient times tried to bring Satan to earth.

Present day Holy Panooly

'Oh Master you are coming back soon! Allow me and my fellow collegues here show the land how mighty you are!'

A rumbling was heard from deep inside the shrine in the mountain. Something answered. The wind blew and beneath them the sea roared...

'No Master, I will never disappoint you. My soul is yours and in no time you will have millions of souls to harvest. Give me the strength and I shall gather followers Oh Mighty One! No god can stop us this time!'

A quake shook the ground, and the sound of thunder was heard. The answer was 'yes'

'Thank you Master I will show the lands of Holy Panooly true might!'


In the new capital city of Gerlach in Holy Panooly people were busy with their own lives but a certain stench of the unknown was in the air. Within the bowels of the city a new cult of a nameless race was growing in power and numbers. Minds of powerful political people were corrupted, the masses brainwashed and the spirit of an ancient cult was brought back to life.

The cult was growing and the senates mind was poisoned. Years ago they proudly introduced a more pacifistic policy which ment less war and more talking. The opposite was happening now. A small nation ready for the taking would be best. Their people would be sacrificed and nothing would stop us. Yes, the target was clear. Everyboy knew him and nobody would suspect it would be coming from our direction. War is coming.

In rigged elections a puppet rules was put into place. He immediately wrote a speech to let the world know he would not tolerate communism. It was mostly directed at an inferior place called Hadula. In the spraying of hatred he was accused of harboring terrorists, extreme left-wing radicals and spreading hate between peaceful nations.

To the cult it was obvious he would be the grand supplier of souls for the hungry Beast.
Holy panooly
02-09-2004, 15:22
OOC: Although I'm not completely leaving NS I can't check the forum every day for replies. I've wrote this to NS a little more interesting and a little less boring. Some of you maybe noticed but I've deleted a lot of old useless posts. That's because I want to start anew.
This story is open to everybody who wants to say something but make it longer than one sentence. What happens to my nation can be watched by many but is controlled by none in the first stages. When things become apparant then I'll say so when you can undertake something. The Black Hand Cult is a band of crusaders who fight for fascism and Satan. Their goal is to perform a ritual to bring back a powerful ancient artefact which is reputed to be made by Satan himself and it can crumble mountains and dry up oceans. This only myth, not reality. This is the last OOC message in this roleplay. I hate seeing threads cluttered up with OOC shit. TG me or start an OOC thread if you want to say something or want something verified.

PS: The colonies I possess are mine and stay mine. Handing over to Sirens of Titan was obviously a mistake from my side.

British Communists
02-09-2004, 15:38
So are you attacking Hadula? What reason is there for this, except more fascist imperialism.
Holy panooly
02-09-2004, 16:08
The prophecy says we need to find a common enemy. One your worst foe in Holy Panooly also hates. Communism is hated by everybody and the nation of Hadula is chosen. The priests of the cult have read it in the stars and the prophecies in the ancient brass tablets made by the precursors have said a people not worthy to live must pay the price. The position of the sun and stars are now in order and their destiny is on the table of sacrifice not the international stage.

Lord Scuta, High Priest of the Cult of the Black Hand, spokesperson of the Nameless Race.
03-09-2004, 00:42
[OOC: First invasion, this definately goes into Hadulan history. Until now, Hadula has never been invaded. Interesting, how did you chose me?]

Kawau rubbed his beard, looking at the message. He said little for two hours. He slowly breathed, looking to the Hadulan flag hung in his Hovel Office, and thought for a moment. He never expected anything as this. He constructed a dream, a dream of liberation for his people, and yet, now, he see's the world crash down around him. Grenval, the Austar Union, Katangara, Kordo, all these nations around him with the intent of attack. And now, this massive nation, something Hadula could never face with hope of survival. He looked at the letter again.

So, this is God's vengeance? I knew this day will come. No more, I will have no more.

He stood up and saluted the Hadulan flag. Turning around he stepped out of the balcony, and looked down from the Grand Hovel, down on the city of Mandoli. This requires action, and rebuilding. He nodded to himself and began to write a message to the East Marshall in New Portugal to cease fire on the proletarians, and to release the labor camps. Give them care and aid, burn the dead, and prepare for war.

He then gave his message to Kordo, the Grenvali, the Austar Union, and other nations that were set on deposing him. He sent them that he will cease al lcrimes against humanity, but wishes to stop the threat to his people, and will stand t obe witnessed by God as he stands to fight for his country. He begged in his letters, and promised to release the Triumverate, Consuls Damon, Tandon, and Riverra. He promised to reinstate them back in power, and have his position as Dominus be a figurehead and representative of the people, but he still wishes to lead his people through this crisis. He also begged for their aid in protecting Hadula from these invaders, he begged, as that is all he could do.

Finally, he sent his message to John Doolittle, his greatest enemy, and offered an alliance against Holy Panooly. He asked him to come to the Grand Hovel, he would be gratned right of passage.

After the messages were sent, Kawau sat, and closed his eyes.

God help us. All of us.
03-09-2004, 00:48
This is a most disquieting development. Perhaps the Black Hand would like to withdraw their previous remarks, lest they regret them when the time comes to act upon them?
03-09-2004, 00:50
Official Presidential Statement

From this point, total war has been declared upon the controlling government of Holy Panooly. This total war will be ended at the time that the former government is reestablished. Grenval will protect its ally Hadula, and its resources in that area, mainly being a military installation. Grenval calls upon all allies for support. Five million troops are being mobilized at this time.

President George
Ruler of Grenval

Pray now, for we shall rip your gods from the sky.
Holy panooly
03-09-2004, 10:34

Your pitiful attempt of stopping us are in vain. Our Lord has shown us the path to serenity and the ritual will be complete. We will wade through your blood and honour our Lord on a throne of skulls from your weak nation. He will rise again! This time nothing will stop us and our Holy Cause. Your allies will be cast aside, forgotten and dismembered. Then your religion will fall and our Lord will reign supreme.

Lord Scuta, High Priest of the Cult of the Black Hand, spokesperson of the Nameless Race.

Meanwhile deep below the city of Oberammergau the ritual was being prepared. The only thing that remained was the cursed blood of the victims.
Huzen Hagen
03-09-2004, 13:09
Slowly the darkness spread, consuming person after person, child after child. The nation of Huzen Hagen began to turn to the darkness. Killings began, all those that resisted were slain where they stood. The preists and nuns where massacared in their thousands and the streets turned to blood. Nothing could stop the tide of blackness that was sweeping over Huzen Hagen and soon it began to touch even the upper echleons of Huzeny society...
07-09-2004, 12:35
[OOC: How, Geiger-esque]

"It is time to stand and face the enemy. We all knew there would be a time when we would face great tragedy in our own nation, and the time is now. As the threat of invasion grows ever larger, we are calling for all able-bodied men and women in our nation to take up arms and defend our nation. The UTAF will not stand by and complacently watch as the forces of this menace ravage our land and peoples. We will fight them, and call to the world round for aid against the psychotic government that the 'new' Holy Panooly looms with over our land. We will not give in. We will prevail, or die."
- Consul Ruben Tandon, in a speech at the Kawau Military Base in Hilo, Masonic Party

"It is obvious. War is upon us, there is little to expect other than military action. No comment."
- Dominus Pele Kawau, Nativist Party

"This is Judgement Day, the work of Satan is upon us. It is time to pay heed to the revelations to the Lord Almighty and give your confessions of sin and hatred, for we will be delivered high into the halls that He created."
- Homeless Man on a street corner

"They say war is good for the economy."
- Misinformed Public

"I hope this blows over soon, I would very much not like to spend the whole war in a rather vulnerable prison."
- Consul Venice Damon, after being charged with treason and many war crimes, being held in an undisclosed location, Philantropist Party

"The Ministry of Truth is declaring martial law, establishing a temporary curfew, and our law enforcement personnel will now be bolstered by our military police forces. We must sacrifices some freedoms in order to protect Hadula as a whole from the Holy Panooly threat."
- Othello Felina, Secretary of Truth, Philantropist Party

[OOC: Oh, and I will have the statistics on my military done by Tuesday of next week, if that is fine with you we can officially begin the invasion then. Do you have any specific terms for the war that you would like to state or do you want to "wing it"?

Holy panooly
07-09-2004, 19:15
'My Lord Scuta, the preperations are done. Everything is in order and the only thing remaining is the blood of those who are unworthy of the name human. Our order needs to act fast if we want to see the Lord in all his might and glory returning to Holy Panooly.

Their churches will be painted with blood, the windows smashed and the statues torn down. I anticipate nothing will stop the crusaders path towards victory.'

Letter from Lazlo Toupull, member of the Order of the Dark Hand and CEO of Barrow & Spencer Shipbuilding

In the mines of Holy Panooly in the Heavenly Mountains a group of miners dug a massive pit and to their horror they heard some soft screams. They drilled away more rock and the screaming became louder and words were heard

"Exsisto pervigil vel senior mos reverto iterum"

Be ever watchful or the lord will return once more. The miners let go of everything they carried and ran to the elevator. The mine was closed soon after. They didn't know how but somehow they drilled past the gates of Hell itself. This was no coincidence.
08-09-2004, 03:16
ooc: rather creepy so far, let me take it in a different direction

"The president has made his first public statement since his illness, and his cousin temporarily assumed power to quote 'keep the peace to Jack Kordo's recovery.' The president assured the people that he would recover and he renewed his government's support to the former rebel regieme, saying quote:

'..the defeated rebels will face retribution, mark my words. Governments rarely appreciate others challenging their power, regardless of whether the opposition is right as in the case of Hadula. So, I hearby offer aslum to any and all former rebels and other oppressed people in Hadula. They will be welcomed with open arms in Kordo as our brothers-in-arms. And, if they wish, Kordo is even willing to help them found a new nation, or place them in power in Hadula. Kordo will also hearby maintain a small navel and army base on the coast of Hadula to make sure that the transition of power goes smoothly and that no violence occurs.'
08-09-2004, 03:24
ooc: rather creepy so far, let me take it in a different direction

"The president has made his first public statement since his illness, and his cousin temporarily assumed power to quote 'keep the peace to Jack Kordo's recovery.' The president assured the people that he would recover and he renewed his government's support to the former rebel regieme, saying quote:

'..the defeated rebels will face retribution, mark my words. Governments rarely appreciate others challenging their power, regardless of whether the opposition is right as in the case of Hadula. So, I hearby offer aslum to any and all former rebels and other oppressed people in Hadula. They will be welcomed with open arms in Kordo as our brothers-in-arms. And, if they wish, Kordo is even willing to help them found a new nation, or place them in power in Hadula. Kordo will also hearby maintain a small navel and army base on the coast of Hadula to make sure that the transition of power goes smoothly and that no violence occurs.'
"We will not accept your presence on our borders. All the rebels who did not participate in war crimes have been pardoned from counts of treason. Those who have commited atrocities will be tried in military court. The transition does not need Kordian aid, it is going steadily without your help."
- Master-Chief John Doolittle, Fabian Party

"I was born a man, I lived as a hero, and I die as a traitor."
- David Lani, former Colonel of the LJFA, his last words before execution for grievous war crimes against humanity

"Please, I am waiting for my execution."
- Consul Venice Damon, pending trial on treason, Philantropist Party
Holy panooly
09-09-2004, 11:25
Fire, flesh and steel
Drive the nails into wheel
Hang the traitors high
The end of christianity is nigh

Chants like these were spoken by some and unheard by many. Those who were involved in the cult were introduced to the arts of torture and the learnings of the ancient ones. The people not familiar with the order couldn't even see what was painted, written and said in the past. Image becomes reality. St John's prediction about the end of the world was laughed at in Holy Panooly, but the signs of the return of the Beast where there, visible to all who listen to the elements.

Steam was hissing out of drainpipes, acid rain burned down on forests and and it frightens me, the people on the many old biblical paintings started to cry blood.
11-09-2004, 03:00
ooc: sorry to suddenly pull out of this just as I got in but frankly its a little creppy for me and not much is happening. if anyone actually cares i am going to attempt to have a thread detailing among other things why I left. it will also deal with the soon-to-be problem of will kordo former acting-president. until then goodbye and good luck hadula!

ic: A special Kordo News Network Updated:
In a bizarre reversal of foreign policy today President Jack Kordo has ordered all Kordo forces out of Hadula territory and back into their home ports. In his speech the president gave no explanation as to the reason for this sudden switch in policy. We will keep you updated on that situation as more information becomes availible. In related news President Kordo ordered Will Kordo, his cousin and appearently former confidant under house arrest today for....
The Parthians
11-09-2004, 03:26
Official Response from The Shah-

"We find Grenval's declaration of war unacceptable. Holy Panooly is a staunch ally of Parthia and should Grenval choose to continue war with him, we will do three things:

1) Declare War on Grenval

2) Restart the hunting of Slaves

3) Begin executions of dissidents
-Shah Khosru III
Holy panooly
11-09-2004, 12:20
Official Presidential Statement

From this point, total war has been declared upon the controlling government of Holy Panooly. This total war will be ended at the time that the former government is reestablished. Grenval will protect its ally Hadula, and its resources in that area, mainly being a military installation. Grenval calls upon all allies for support. Five million troops are being mobilized at this time.

President George
Ruler of Grenval

Pray now, for we shall rip your gods from the sky.

Pray we won't feast upon your festering wounds when the Lord has returned. Your pitiful gods are powerless against the Lord. He gathered more followers and more mighty ones than you could ever dreamed of. You're wasting your time with those pathetic mortal president of yours while we have reached a new plain to rejoice in power and prestige with our Lord. The only Lord who will bring racial purity back to the lands of Holy Panooly, plagued by the vermin of your kind.
11-09-2004, 16:18
[OOC - Decision time!]
The Parthians
11-09-2004, 19:56
If Grenval attacks Holy Panooly, Parthian troops will be mobilized.