NationStates Jolt Archive

Invasion of Tecrojia

02-09-2004, 01:10
PRIME HALL; Vemosov, Rusiom

“We must do this with the swiftest of movement and the greatest element of surprise,” said Admiral Rumovf. He sipped some coffee from his mug and slowly lowered it to the table. The other high generals and admirals nodded their heads, in agreement. Rumovf flipped through a few sheets of paper, sitting in a document. He picked up several pictures and looked over them. “They are not prepared,” Rumovf said, still looking over the pictures, “They won’t know what hit them.”

“This is a fantastic idea!” exclaimed General Sutotski.

“It shall begin in the Tefoleen Plains,” said Rumovf, “Our troops will seize Vendrone and then troops will move over the northern lands and take Gusgov.”

“And what of the Navy?” asked General Neimog.

A long pause of silence filled the room. Everyone in the room looked to Rumovf, waiting for his reply. Rumovf sipped his coffee one more time and then gently tossed the photos to Neimog.

“Rivistagg and Honolbeng…”
02-09-2004, 01:11

It was a regular day in Tecrojia. The people were going about their daily routines. The usual busy cities to empty neighborhood streets. All was relatively quiet. One could see the children in schools playing and laughing. The teachers were in schools teaching their students. The working class moving about, trying to get their work done and meat deadlines. Some people on coffee breaks, while others on lunch breaks. Many on vacation and many hard pressed at work. Yes, it was the typical day in Tecrojia. It was the same kind of day in most other countries. But not in Rusiom… The people... slaughtered and decimated. Their cities... fired upon and burned to the ground. Their pride... shattered. The backbone of the nation had been broken and broken again. The Tecrojian army's might had punctured the safety net of Rusiom and made life a living hell. Many of the people were stuck into death camps. Many forced to work in mines and other facilities. Starvation and Depression swept the Rusomese like lighting. And torture only made it worse. The eyes of women were stitched open, as artillery opened fire on their restrained husbands and children. Children catapulted into the air for anti-air target practice. These people from Tecrojia were no soldiers. They were criminals. Every last one of them was a criminal. Then without warning, there was a sudden beam of light. A nation came to the aid of Rusiom. They fought the Tecrojians, but not at full force. Tecrojia, willing to fight to the last man, woman, and child, stood its ground and only terrorized Rusiom further. But it was all about to change. The Tecrojian military retreated back to Tecrojia, leaving Rusiom a broken wasteland. The crippled nation strived to pull itself back together. Years and years went by and still it had not come true. Bits and pieces of the dark years still plagued the land. The Rusomese held a grudge against Tecrojia. They no longer had the music of healthy school children laughter. No longer had the luxuries to sit down at a local café just for chitchat. No... These people were forced to work and work and work, until the day came where they could finally say, "We've done it, at last!" It's been three decades since the Rusomese had climbed out of their slump. And for anyone who's been keeping up with current events, you know Rusiom's been making some purchases here and there. So, what's the reason behind it?
02-09-2004, 01:12

It was a cold November night. All was quiet in the land of Andasnia. All were sleeping soundly and not a single hint of wrong was about. It was a perfect night, one might say. Around 1 O’clock footsteps could be heard in the snow. The steps became louder and sounded as if the number was growing. Gregorio Van Guardenn rose from his bed to see what the sound was. To his surprise, troops had been running through the town. Suddenly, a troop dropped down from Van Guardenn's roof in front of his window. He was holding onto a rope and staring right at Van Guardenn. The old man's eyes grew wide as the soldier opened fire on him. The whole town began to awaken. Lights flicked on all around. "OH VI DEMME!! OH VI DEMME!" yelled a woman in the street. The troops running through the town began to grab citizens left and right. Those taken were rounded up in selected houses and a farm. Those who resisted were killed on the spot. The small village of Vendrone had been seized in less than half an hour with only 12 casualties... all of them civilian.

Elsewhere, 2 Titan Behemoths rolled up to the city limit of Gusgov. 20 white FA-22K Tanks sat slightly behind the Titans, in a line. Artillery was mounted and infantrymen readied behind the lines of artillery and mechs. Several people woke from their slumber to see what the noise was. Spotlights were flashed upon the city, from the limit of the city. The people had no idea what was going on. One man was so reluctant to leave his house and walk out into the snow to have himself a better look. And as quickly as his eyes could open wide, the 22K's, the Titans, and the artillery all opened fire upon Gusgov. The loud shots and explosions woke nearly everyone within 5 miles. They woke and opened their windows only to see their beloved city shot to pieces. Ten G-262 Bombers flew overhead, dropping their payload. nearly 500 bombs had been dropped on the city from the ten bombers alone. The bombing raid had wakened nearly half of the city. Phones and people banging on doors did the rest. A great panic ran about Gusgov and there wasn't a single thing Tecrojia could do about it.

Meanwhile the new pride of Rusiom had begun its part in the invasion. The Royal Rusomese Navy (RRN) had mobilized to bide on the shores of Rivistagg and Honolbeng. When Admiral Rumovf had been given word that the attack in Gusgov had begun, he ordered the attack on Rivistagg while Admiral Vermoski gave the order to attack Holobeng. The ships of the RRN opened fire on Naval vessels without hesitation. Both fleets, from Rivistagg and Honolbeng, were caught off-guard. 20- F-14's from 3 different carriers, the Mofegrad, Neavov, and Grendovf (each Yorktown CVN models) flew over Rivistagg. The 60 fighters opened fire on any target found, which was basically anyone and any building of importance. Crewmen on the decks of the Ships were shot down. Bombs were dropped on the most vital areas of the ships. The Reigov, Shedoff, and Merkergrad (Arizona Battleships) opened fire upon Honolbeng, while 60 VTOL's and a single E-2C Hawkeye flew over the city, hammering what they could. Both Tecrojian fleets had been destroyed with little to no resistance. A Wasp II showed up at each of the cities, deploying 10 FA-22K Tanks, 50 Humvees with seven troops in each, 5 logistics trucks, 4 R-177's, and infantry. 2,200 infantrymen. Once again, Tecrojia was unable to fight back due to the surprise attack. The eastern borders of Tecrojia had been penetrated with no resistance. The Tecrojian/Rusomese War had begun.
02-09-2004, 01:28
Rivistagg and Honolbeng have fallen to the might of the Rusomese Navy, while Vendrone and Gusgov had fallen to the Army. The people were stirred into a frenzy. Not a single one knew what to do. By the time word to mobilize had reached the armed forces of Tecrojia, the Rusomese had burrowed 15 miles into the nation. Three large cities, two entire fleets, and the Tefoleen Plains had all been taken by the Rusomese, and it was only getting worse. Rusiom could basically land troops anywhere on the eastern coast at its disgression. The nearest fleet to Honolbeng and Rivistagg was over 150 miles away. There was no way they could reach the Rusomese in time to stop another landing. Every soldier who could be called into immediat battle had been prepped and sent out. Every mechanized unit was checked and deployed. Many people of Tecrojia had no idea of why this was happening. But many did. Those who were around three decades ago know. Rusiom's people wanted revenge. They wanted to show the Tecrojian's what it meant to become nothing in just a matter of weeks. For now, Tecrojia will have to hold its own and hope for the best.
02-09-2004, 01:54
"Vino das tis eshtiell?! Vino das tis eshtiell?! Vino cegimi ve jhet tis hamogaf?!" yelled Emperor Scheltzen, in fury. "Hati... zut me! DU! Du jhet me duna! Ji trutsga du te difigran Techudas! End vust hamagafes? Jes zeme Rusemos venagraget dur bejtes!"

The rest of the council, comprised of mostly generals and anyone above, were displeased. They knew they had disgraced their Emperor and Country. Tecrojia had the most formidable military ever devised in the region. Their land was the safest of all. But that all came crashing down when the east had fallen to the Rusomese.

"Du jacet jes Gudozeme ervi end pamfrosh jes Rusemos zitto vudor! Ji vel zut kangezat devotat!! Gevor!!!"

(How is this possible?! How is this possible?! How could we let this happen? Wait... not me! YOU! You let me down! I trusted you to defend Tecrojia! And what happens? The damn Rusomese penetrated your defenses! You take the goddamn army and smash the Rusomese into powder! I will not tolerate defeat!! Never!!!")

Ant it was done. Scheltzen's generals made their moves to hold what was left of the defense and drive the Rusomese out of Tecrojia.