IGNORE on Sarian Free-states
01-09-2004, 22:42
Here is the thread in question: http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=6925685&posted=1#post6925685
I am putting Sarian Free-states on my ignore list. Why? He was a complete dumba$$.
First he made an offensive against my forces, but the target of his attack was in HIS territory, as can be clearly seen by looking on a map.
I asked him to correct this error, and he did.
He made his second offensive, describing nothing but the number of divisions taking place in the attack, which is NOT very specific. He also made a huge tactical error, sending his armored divisions to fight my infantry without its own infantry support, and I heavily outnumbered him. I counterattacked with my infantry, which would destroy his armored divisions. I used my air supremacy to pin down his infantry which were coming to the front.
He blatantly ignores this counterattack and accused ME of ignoring HIM. Then, when I cornered him, he claimed he posted very specific troop numbers, which is bullsh*t, and described his air defenses in great detail, which is also bullsh*t. He described air defenses on the Kurile Islands, but NOT on the front lines in Korea. He then insulted me and dropped out of the RP, which started a chain reaction which pretty much caused the whole RP to collapse.
While I admit that I was rather unclear at some points in the RP, as Hudecia will attest, Saria was a flamebaiting moron, who somehow claimed he could field an army as large as mine when I am nearly 1.7 billion and he is somewhere around 40 million.
He then claimed I couldn't bring my armies to bear against him because I was "garrisoning all of Korea." While I did say this, I gave specifics as to the number of troops garrisoning the country (or at least large parts of it, I never did say I was garrisoning the entire country), I also gave specifics as to the number of troops on the front lines. He ignores this and claims I was using my front line troops to garrison the country.
In conclusion, he is a dumba$$.
As a side-note, I am reprimanding both Sino and Xiaguo for continuously ignoring many of my posts in the RP, then making up some bullsh*t accusations of godmodding at the end (they claimed I 'suddenly' brought up armies of millions in a few hours, when over the course of a week RL time I mobilized 4 million troops, all of which I specifically mentioned had been preparing for the invasion for quite a while). I consider them good RPers, as I have seen their works in other RPs, but they were very irritating players in this one.
01-09-2004, 22:45
OOC: This may not be exceptable with the MODs. People usually get in trouble if they post an IGNORE for another country or call on other nations to IGNORE a certain nation.
OOC: Your arguments might have had more validity if you hadn't used the language which you did.
Please, do not post things when you are pissed off.
02-09-2004, 00:00
While you do make a point about those you are ignoring, you could have very well done without the harsh language, which has robbed you of some if not a substantial amount of your credibility.
Emotions tend to get in the way of diplomatic relations.
The Sarian Free-States
02-09-2004, 00:59
As a reply to him.. I say, First of all, he misreads or ignores things altogether.
(not only did i post troop numbers, i posted complete descriptions of all army corps.)
I am NOT around 40 million, more like 250 million. Which is more then enought to field the army i did (all in all around 2 million men) and have a very nice military background if any of you would care to look at my country.
Furthermore, he invaded Korea and somehow managed to ignore most of his enemies.. construct massive fortifications.. Ahh yes and i believe some of his tactics was uhmm ooh yes!
"OOC: You will be given territories in Korea, but first I am negotiating which parts of Korea will be ours and which will be enemy. If negotiations break down I am activating my reserves in Korea, so I will have 5.4 million men.
Presently, Tokarev forces control ALL of Korea, the ENTIRE peninsula. I said this QUITE explicity a few pages back when I beat the Xiaguan troops out, and Saria has not forced its way onto Korean soil yet. The map I showed above was simply the land concessions I would grant if the war would end. I spelled that out quite explicity."
Oh yes! and somehow.. Tokarev forces must have gotten their hands on teleporting devices because SOMEHOW he can garrison the entire chinese border and my attack would of had the weght of all his forces countering it.. All without leaving the borders! Fun isnt it.
Now, the division (military forces ect.) alogations are true, i only gave the very detailed descriptions in an earlier post and ommited to repeat it, then again i believed anyone would of figured all my divisions had the numbers i had described earlier.. making it simple mathematics done in 5 seconds on a calculator to figure out my numbers...
Now, the armored forces, now, this was of course, like german tactics in ww2, the blitzkrieg yes ? Good, now, pre-ww2 USSR studied extensively german tactics and fielded an army very armor oriented who would try to recreat blitzkrieg tactics.. Anywho..
Finally! I was one of the last ones to drop out of the rp... To review my statements about that, read pages 17 and 18..
Anyways, the whole RP is filled with numerous tidbits of funny news and tactics used by Tokarev! Perhaps my last past was a tad on the offensive side, but if you bother reading throught the rp... I believe you'll easily agree with me and many other who've labeled Tokarev a godmodder.
Thank you, thats all, voila, fini.. Tokarev is one of those individuals that gives a bad name to rpers everywhere..
I don't think that this really merits a thread of its own, but oh well, it's not killing anybody.
What I found most funny was the Turkmeny/Tokarev implication that the Korean people wouldn't really bother resisting the Japanese occupation, because they didn't last time, much. I mean, if we put aside the fact that they...did, it'd still be worth considering that the two Koreas between them could make a gigantic mess of the Tokarev invasion force. All these millions of men... but how many of them still have as many limbs as they started out with before picking a fight with the half million plus men and women of the fairly modern ROKA and the million of the KPA? Beyond that, the army of occupation experiencing relatively little trouble? Somebody's never heard the popular song Ten Million Human Bombs For Kim Il-Sung, then!
Did anyone think to attack the gigantic and militarily crippling logistics operation required to start all these huge static defences being built up by Japanese forces in Korea, or did Tokarev just assume that the Koreans would do it for them from the pre-fabricated static defences they made earlier and hid under Paektusan?
Rubbish war, no point starting new threads to curse at people and ignore them over it. Now, lets all go back to recognising the Choson People's Republic as the true masters of the peninsual and hoping that we don't get on Hotan's bad side.
OOC: All hail the intellect and wisdom of Hotan~~ *mock bow*
Cherry Ridge
02-09-2004, 02:45
ooc-Turkmeny you claim that you are 1.7 billion, however i check you natins page and you are olny 103 million.
02-09-2004, 02:55
Ignoring someone in the relevant thread is one thing, but starting a new thread solely for expounding on the subject seems tantamount to harrassment, if you ask me.
02-09-2004, 02:56
Check my signature, please.
I was not calling for other people to ignore Saria, I was simply posting this thread so he knows that because of his foolishness on my RP, I am thus forth ignoring him.
I don't care what other people think of this, I was simply posting this so he was aware that he has lost all validity in my eyes and I am ignoring him due to his deliberate deceit and slanderous accusations against me, which contributed to the end of my RP (admittedly it was not going so well, but it was the first RP I have started on my own since November).
As for the language, the language is not bad, I called him a "dumba$$" twice in anger, then was civil for the rest of the message, so don't try and pull a "holier then thou" sort of thing. The rest of the message is civil and perfectly valid, so you can't simply dismiss my claims because of that.
Dra-Pol, as for your accusations, I OFFERED to let the enemy play a Korean resistance, but they didn't. The onus falls on them, not me. As for the static fortifications, I specifically stated they were PREPARING to be built by JAPANESE laborers. If you cared to pay attention to my posts instead of dismissing them due to a couple of curses, that is your fault and not mine.
Saria, please stop spreading your slander, I do not want this to turn into an argument. This thread is simply to tell you that I am ignoring you, and giving a reason why. I am going to drop the subject now, as the RP is done with and complaining won't bring it back, and I hope you do the same. Good day.
Mods: I am NOT calling for an ignore on Saria, and I am not sure why people got that idea. As I said, I just want Saria to know I am ignoring him, and the reasons why. Thank you.
02-09-2004, 02:57
Nimzonia: The thread is 17 pages long and he said he was finished with the RP, I had no guarantee that he would read this if it was on that thread. I feel he should know that I am ignoring him, and why, in case we had a run-in in the future. This is not harassment, and I am quite puzzled as how it can be analyzed as such.
Tokarev, you wiped out the entire Korean army without so much as a peep. And the only reason you allowed us to RP any resistance was because I made some noise about it near the end when you claimed to have taken the entire peninsula.
Seems to me you weren't out there for the RP,... just the land grab.
02-09-2004, 03:03
I wiped out the Korean army in a surprise attack, then a determined push with superior forces. However, I specifically told Xiaguo he could RP the remnants of the Korean army. I admit I was a bit premature in the defeat of the Koreans, but I wanted a war with other nations, and not NPCs.
As for the resistance, I just didn't think of it. Why must you keep bringing it up? I didn't think of the idea of a resistance, and when you showed me that it would make sense, I conceded the point. Bringing it up is pointless.
Cherry Ridge
02-09-2004, 03:04
ooc- SO turkmeny, why did you claim to by 1.7 billion when you are only 103 million?
(I think you missed the initial point of myohIcan'tbearsednevermindcarryon... [waves hand dismissively and goes to look at some cheap vodka]
02-09-2004, 03:07
Cherry Ridge: I told you, read my signature. My real nation is "Tokarev", and the RP is called "Tokarev Invades Korea." Please pay attention if you are going to make accusations, these are the same problems that I have with Saria.
EDIT: Sorry, Dra-Pol, I have nothing against you. I think you are a great RPer, I just don't appreciate having accusations leveled at me which can be proven false by simply having read the thread. While it really doesn't apply to you, Saria should know better.
Now, I have drawn this out long enough, I am dropping this, and I ask that no one else post here, as there are no more arguments to cover.
EDIT2: I just double checked and earlier I got Saria's population wrong. His real population is 250 million, but that is hardly relevant. Just correcting my error so no one tries to use it as a crux for more accusations.
The Sarian Free-States
02-09-2004, 03:20
-You- dont like arguments levelled at you ? YOU STARTED A THREAD ABOUT ME! And as far as your arguments go, anyone who reads the thread will know your in the wrong, no ammount of PR on your part can change that. And i'm going to keep it goig as long as i have to since you keep on insulting me, and "being treated unfairly because you read the thread wrong" is the entire point!!!! All your "problems" with me, were your fault! God..
:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Leave me the freak alone ya dingbat :gundge:
02-09-2004, 03:32
I am not pestering you. You specifically said you were going to ignore the Korea RP thread, and I decided I was going to ignore you, and you have a right to know. This wasn't an argument thread, this was an FYI thread. I am dropping it, and if you can't drop it then that is your problem and not mine.