01-09-2004, 21:26
Abnormality2 is proceeded in it's first step towards world domination. It is using HippysAgainstWar as its first target they beleive that due to its ardent pacifisim it will be an extremly easy target.
Abnormality2 is huge, corporate nation renowned for its tough pro business approach the sheer amount of money they have obtained have given them a large edge in war. However, the armed forces are made mostly of the poor and working class. They are not very patriotic or loyal as the rich reep all the benifits of their county. http://www.nationstates.net/cgi-bin/index.cgi/target=display_nation/nation=abnormality2
HippysAgaistWar is medium sized nation and anti-business and pro education and enviroment but there is a large tax on the people. They enjoy there lives but they are not rich. They are fiercly patriotic of their lives and love there country but they are strickly opposed to war and have very little in the way of armed forces. http://www.nationstates.net/cgi-bin/index.cgi/target=display_nation/nation=hippysagainstwar
3Oth August 2004 5000hrs A small fishing boat reported three large friggats heading toward the coast but by the time the word was out A2's troops were all ready at the shores and dropping into HAW. A large band of rebel fighters and police have teamed up to protect there country. There have been large range of attacks on A2's troops which have lead to a number of casualtys on both sides. They are calling to the outside world for armed support and artillery.
Abnormality2 is huge, corporate nation renowned for its tough pro business approach the sheer amount of money they have obtained have given them a large edge in war. However, the armed forces are made mostly of the poor and working class. They are not very patriotic or loyal as the rich reep all the benifits of their county. http://www.nationstates.net/cgi-bin/index.cgi/target=display_nation/nation=abnormality2
HippysAgaistWar is medium sized nation and anti-business and pro education and enviroment but there is a large tax on the people. They enjoy there lives but they are not rich. They are fiercly patriotic of their lives and love there country but they are strickly opposed to war and have very little in the way of armed forces. http://www.nationstates.net/cgi-bin/index.cgi/target=display_nation/nation=hippysagainstwar
3Oth August 2004 5000hrs A small fishing boat reported three large friggats heading toward the coast but by the time the word was out A2's troops were all ready at the shores and dropping into HAW. A large band of rebel fighters and police have teamed up to protect there country. There have been large range of attacks on A2's troops which have lead to a number of casualtys on both sides. They are calling to the outside world for armed support and artillery.