RECLUCE region RP (Very closed, IC)
Kel Thoras
31-08-2004, 22:51
This is the RP thread for those in the region of RECLUCE, it is private and closed thus only those invited, or within the RECLUCE region may post. Please make sure you abide by the RP rules and if you are not certain of RP rules please check the boards, there are many threads on how to do it. Important points to consider. No God-Moding. Don't get too carried away and remember not to take things to personally, most importantly discuess what you are doing with the other players and make sure they are okay with things. Also, try not to be too powerful, and exceed the scope of your nation.
OOC chat to be conducted in brackets (like so) but please keep it as few as possible and try to keep it IC.
Actions can be posted in Italics and words of course in normal text.
The Holy Empire of Kel Thoras
The Rogue Nation of Dokuban
The Armed Republic of Nidnodistan
The Holy Empire of The Dwarven Peoples
The Republic of Jocihm
All posts following to be IC only, and closed to all but players.
The Dwarven Peoples
31-08-2004, 23:04
We, the Dwarven Peoples, thank you for your graciousness Holy God-Emperor of Kel Thoras. If you shall ever need us, please call upon us. We ask for only one request from your infinite kindness and graciousness; that we are allowed to run our country as we see fit without fear. Thank you once more, Holy God-Emperor of Kel Thoras. May you have many prosperous days before you and may your might bloom even farther.
Kel Thoras
31-08-2004, 23:08
The grand emperor of Kel Thoras sends his reply as follows
"I promise nothing."
May his great words wash over and sooth your minds!
The Dwarven Peoples
31-08-2004, 23:34
Dear neighbors Dokuban of the North,
A most calamitous thing has arisen; the nation of Kel Thoras. I plead of you to band together with us in a resistance against Kel Thoras. It will, of course, have to be in secret but we cannot just allow Kel Thoras and its horrid God-Emperor to do as they wish, unfettered. An alliance with you, our long-time partner, may be the only hope we have.
With respect,
The Dwarven Peoples
Dear nation of tiny little dwarf guys,
On behalf of the nation of Dokuban I would like to inform you that your nation is so darn cute, what with your little dwarf legs and funny beards and all.
Regarding Kel Thoras, we agree it would be wise to combine forces with you to protect our respective marijuana sources from its dictator's evil grasp.
The Nation of Dokuban
The Dwarven Peoples
31-08-2004, 23:52
Dear nation of tiny little dwarf guys,
On behalf of the nation of Dokuban I would like to inform you that your nation is so darn cute, what with your little dwarf legs and funny beards and all.
Regarding Kel Thoras, we agree it would be wise to combine forces with you to protect our respective marijuana sources from its dictator's evil grasp.
The Nation of Dokuban
Dear Dwarf-Friends,
As to the first point, we do not know how exactly to reply. Such a comment could be taken as an insult or a compliment. In rememberance though of our long-lasting friendship and the fact Kel Thoras is a deadly enemy, we thank you for such a compliment.
We urge you though, once more, to call us vertically challenged.
The protection of our freedom and, yes, marijuana resources must be retained. We are currently working on the development of an EMP bomb. Your aid on such a project is greatly desired. We can go about a cover of our nations jointly working on a source of fusion power. We thank you for our time. If you have any plans of action, we would dearly love to hear them.
In Respect,
The Dwarven Peoples
Dear tiny little dwarf guys,
We would like to take the opportunity to point out that under article 45, sub-section 8-beta of the newly created Dokubani-Dwarven treaty, Dokuban reserved the the right to call you both "tiny" and "little".
That aside, Dokuban is willing to offer military assistance towards this project, as well as scientific help. Given the current state of the economy, however, we regret to inform you that we are not in a position to offer vast amounts of monetary funds.
Your pal,
The Nation of Dokuban
The Dwarven Peoples
01-09-2004, 02:16
Dear tiny little dwarf guys,
We would like to take the opportunity to point out that under article 45, sub-section 8-beta of the newly created Dokubani-Dwarven treaty, Dokuban reserved the the right to call you both "tiny" and "little".
That aside, Dokuban is willing to offer military assistance towards this project, as well as scientific help. Given the current state of the economy, however, we regret to inform you that we are not in a position to offer vast amounts of monetary funds.
Your pal,
The Nation of Dokuban
Dear Dokuban, Allies to the North,
We must say that your negotiating team did catch us in daze when we were hit by their abilities. We can only frown, shake our heads, and know next time to not underestimate your powers of persuasion.
The Holy Empire of The Dwarven Peoples gladly accepts whatever you are willing to supply, knowing that you are giving your very finest to this cause. Because of such an act, we can only do the same.
Your allies,
The Dwarven Peoples
Dear nation of tiny little dwarf guys,
On behalf of the Dokubani nation, I would like to remind you that in the addendum to Article 24, Sub-section 2-Delta of the aforementioned treaty, you agreed to supply Dokuban with a substantial amount of sugary baked goods.
We look forward to receiving these in the post(please send 1st class), at which point we shall provide you with the promised military and scientific assistance.
Ta muchly,
The Rogue Nation of Dokuban
The Dwarven Peoples
01-09-2004, 19:23
Dear Nation of the Dokubani,
The Dwarven peoples surely groan under the burden of such an order. I fear that there will be a sweets shortage for months to come, but in the name of stopping your munchies and freedom, they shall be provided (worry not, not only are they first class but priority packages).
We await your end of the bargain, and we thank you once more for your assistance.
May your ale tap never run dry,
The Dwarven Peoples
Dear nation of tiny little dwarf guys,
Hurrah. The Dokubani nation would like to inform you that September 1st shall henceforth be known as National Doughnut Day in Dokuban, and is now an official national holiday.
Due to the holiday, we are forced to wait to provide you with the promised support, but rest assured that tomorrow our best scientists and a sizeable chunk of the Dokubani military shall be winging their way to you. In appreciation of your swiftness, they shall also be sent in priority packages.
Happy Doughnut Day!
The Rogue Nation of Dokuban
The Dwarven Peoples
01-09-2004, 19:35
Dear Nation of the Dokubani,
Words cannot express our suprise at this revelation. We do wish you a great Doughnut Day though and pray that we, the Dwarven Peoples, are remembered in the texts of such an annual celebration.
We ask you, though, to not package your military or scientists. Really, please, do -not- package them. We would prefer that you send them in normal jumbo jets.
Happy Doughnut Day!
The Dwarven Peoples
Dear nation of tiny little hairy dwarf guys,
Rest assured that the dwarven nation shall be remembered for their contribution to the well-being of Dokuban - we have arranged to have a moderately-sized(though proportional) statue of a dwarf holding an over-sized doughnut commissioned, which shall be put in pride-of-place in the central square of Dokuban's capital upon its completion.
Regarding your request about sending our military and scientists over in planes, our government does insist that to meet this requirement the Dwarven government must cover the difference in cost between a plane ticket and the cost of mailing a package. However, I can assure you our postal service is quite reliable.
May your doughnuts never go soggy,
-The Rogue Nation of Dokuban
The Dwarven Peoples
01-09-2004, 19:56
Dear Grass-Loving Dokubani,
We thank you for such a feat. We are sure such a monument will be both beautiful and show the greatness of each of our lands.
I'm afraid we must -insist- that we fly them over in plains, no matter the cost. While I'm sure your postal system is top-notch it could be most comfortable for them in the packages if they, say, had to visit the rest room. Or breathe.
May you always have milk with your doughnuts,
The Dwarven Peoples
Dear tiny little ale-drunken dwarf guys,
I must inform you that the patriotic military personnel and scientists of Dokuban are quite willing to go that extra mile in preserving our teetering economy by travelling via the postal system.
However, since your nation is paying for the plane fare, it appears to be a moot point.
We thank you for your generosity, and will be sure to give the head general a doughnut doggy-bag to be passed over to your government.
May your milk always be chocolatey,
-The Rogue Nation of Dokuban
The Dwarven Peoples
01-09-2004, 20:12
Dear Reefers of Dokuban,
I'm glad that they're so willing to help perserve the freedoms we so enjoy. We would prefer that they don't stink and arrive alive, though.
Your offer of doughnuts means the very most for us. The donut shortage has been hard on our nation because we have missed such a delicious treat. Make sure that your high-general knows that if we break into fisticuffs amongst ourselves that it's only a sign of what a wonderful gift that has been given to us.
May dark chocolate be in your donut filling,
The Dwarven Peoples
Dear hairy little smelly dwarf guys,
Thank you for the heads up. I will inform the high-general to intervene should any fighting break out, and to settle it with extreme force.
After all, we wouldn't want the doughnuts to be damaged in the melee, right?
May your chocolate milk forever come in pint glasses,
-The Rogue Nation of Dokuban
Kel Thoras
02-09-2004, 06:08
Due to the alarming trend of unknown messaging flying from nation to nation. The Holy God-Emperor of Kel Thoras, has ordered the immediate stationing of its military at Kel Thoras' borders, Along with this is seems that large, in fact one might say gigantic, construction has begun along the entire border of Kel Thoras. The massive industrial nation has kicked into overdrive, more and more of the national resources pouring into the factories and massive, wide scale construction has begun throughout the land and borders. The actual nature of these constructions and industry stock-piling will only become evident in time.
The Dwarven Peoples
02-09-2004, 19:45
Dear Dokubani,
Indeed it would be a shame. A greater fear than even crushed donuts has infiltrated my mind; the current construction project of Kel Thoras as reported to us by survelience. We must be quick about our plans. When the jets arrive, please send your finest with utmost haste.
We are afraid that Kel Thoras and its fanatical God-Emperor may be the first with the ability and willingness to strike.
With respect,
The Dwarven Peoples