NationStates Jolt Archive

Sharina launches plans for its Space Program.

29-08-2004, 07:39
The Republic of Sharina is looking to begin a Space Program of its own. We are seeking to become a nation capable of space travel.

We have the following goals we would like to accomplish.

1. Develop space based industries to produce planet to space launch vehicles, their maintainence, and provide the infrastructure to begin our space program.

2. Design and launch satellites into orbit for communications and research. Build space stations for science research and a launching platform for interplanetary missions.

3. Send probes to Luna (moon), Mars, Venus, and Mercury.

4. Send long distance probes to Jupiter, Saturn, and both gas giants moons.

5. Send manned missions to Luna and Mars.

6. Establish a colony on Luna and Mars.

Goal 1 is termed as Phase I.
Goals 2 - 4 is termed as Phase II.
Goal 5 is termed as Phase III.
Goal 6 is termed as Phase IV.

Further interplanetary missions and such are going to be referred as Phase V and onwards, which are not planned to be developed or implemented for a couple of decades at least.

Thank you,
President Rand Veristek
29-08-2004, 08:24
The United Socialist States of Busselvania is also willing to help this program under the condition of frendship between our great nation!
30-08-2004, 03:06
Your offer of friendship is welcome, United Socialist States of Busselvania.

President Rand Veristek
30-08-2004, 03:51
Ab-shalom and greetings;

We trust the government of Sharina remembers those who aided with it's last great project. We offer limited use of our Sisu Arshu facility on the continent of Manium for your project, and we ask for a partnership in your venture.

Abu ben Venkmann, VSRA
Humble Servant of His Magnificence, the Sultan of Vastiva
Llano Estacado
30-08-2004, 04:42

To The Republic of Sharina:

The Republic of Llano Estacado would be happy to assist in any of the steps

required for the making of your space program. The Republic of Llano

Estacado specializes in information technology and the creation of computers

software, and hardware. We would be happy to make the control systems for

anything you need. We currently have technicians and engineers putting

together componets that might be used as:

Ground Control Computers
Automatic Spaceflight Computer
Spaceflight Mainframe
Cockpit Control Interface
Software to make it all work

We are willing to sell it relatively cheap too. We can discuss a deal later.
We just wanted to help.

Daleran Nimohtor
President of the Republic of Llano Estacado
30-08-2004, 05:30
Greetings, friend Vastiva.

In response to your message,

Ab-shalom and greetings;

We trust the government of Sharina remembers those who aided with it's last great project. We offer limited use of our Sisu Arshu facility on the continent of Manium for your project, and we ask for a partnership in your venture.

Abu ben Venkmann, VSRA
Humble Servant of His Magnificence, the Sultan of Vastiva

We remember your aid in our last project, and we will aid you in developing space based technologies. We will also share any discoveries we make during our steps in space.

Would this be agreeable?

Live well,
President Rand Veristek
30-08-2004, 07:11
Most certainly. We shall await your scientists at our colony.

Abu ben Venkmann, VSRA
Humble Servant of His Magnificence, the Sultan of Vastiva
31-08-2004, 04:06
Greetings, friend Vastiva.

We will be sending several dozen aerospace engineers, and several physicists, theoreticians, and businessmen to your colony. They will work with your scientists, and attempt to develop plans for industries that will support my space program, and its maintainence.

They will be arriving within a week, once the paperwork and passports go through.

I would like to show my appreciation of your willingness to assist our space program by donating 50 million to your space program.

Live well,
President Rand Veristek
Schultaria Prime
31-08-2004, 04:52


A message from the Nation of Schultaria Prime

The Nation of Schultaria Prime would like to congratulate you on your national efforts to peacefully explore the vast expanse that is the universe. Seeking to reinforce our friendly diplomatic relationships, please consider this message as an official offer of aid from the United Socialist States of Schultaria Prime. If any of our knowledge or technical expertise could prove to be of use to your space industries or research efforts, please feel free to contact us.

Since you already have a diplomatic party present for the rededication ceremonies at the Eldaimovey Advanced Research Laboratories, our nation will make sure to answer any pertinent questions they might have regarding our facilities and space research objectives.

With warm regards,

-Central Director Elliot Schultz

Communist Mississippi
31-08-2004, 05:05
Ooc: You on yahoo Sharina?

Ic: We will help fund this with 30 billion dollars if it helps. We would like some of the research that results. We are giving only 30 billion because we are a little strapped for cash.
31-08-2004, 07:19
Greetings, friend Vastiva.

We will be sending several dozen aerospace engineers, and several physicists, theoreticians, and businessmen to your colony. They will work with your scientists, and attempt to develop plans for industries that will support my space program, and its maintainence.

They will be arriving within a week, once the paperwork and passports go through.

I would like to show my appreciation of your willingness to assist our space program by donating 50 million to your space program.

Live well,
President Rand Veristek

Ab-shalom and greetings;

Under the provisions of the Joint Science and Research Act, there will be no paperwork, and your passport clearance will be expedited. We do wonder about the business types, but however you do things, you do them.

We do note you were previously informed about businesses on Vastivan soil, so we will gladly accept these joint ventures.

We also most gladly accept the donation, and will add it to the VSRA budget earmarked for this program. We will also send a listing (partial) of what is present, and directions taken.

We look forward to joint successes.

Abu ben Venkmann, VSRA
Humble Servant of His Magnificence, the Sultan of Vastiva
01-09-2004, 02:43
Greetings, friend Vastiva.

We appreciate your willingness to expedite passports and working together on the joint research endavour.

We are sending businessmen to study your space based industries and economy, and learn how to develop Sharina's own space industry and economy. They need to study viable economy supply & demand, type of factories to be built, what kind of material to mass produce, etc.

They aren't planning on setting up businesses on Vastivan soil if that is what you were referring to.

Hopefully this helps clarify things.

Live well and prosper,
President Rand Veristek
01-09-2004, 06:41
Ab-shalom and greetings;

We should be fair then, and inform you part of the purpose of there being a colony on Manium was to establish a space program; as that was the initial design - and because the Sultan owns outright 51% of all businesses - the corporations which exist upon Manium promote this venture foremost, drawing their greater profit from their other activities.

Our materials and why they are being produced will be discussed in TG.

Our Sultan also gave a generous grant of land to those who would work upon this project in any capacity; there is also the abundance of various flora and fauna not present in our native land, which has given Sisu Arshu an advantage of being a vacation spot as well as a colony. To immigrate now means to have some sort of skill advantageous to the project, proven to Colonel Shamshan, who is acting as governor of sorts.

This is some part of our advantage to the absolute benevolent monarchal system we live under.

Abu ben Venkmann, VSRA
Humble Servant of His Magnificence, the Sultan of Vastiva
05-09-2004, 07:45

cmon over Sharina, the water is just fine!