Anyone interested of playing hostage rescue RP? (Invitation/OOC)
28-08-2004, 20:58
Anyone around there interested of playing realistic as possible hostage rescue RP? I´d be playing as Gamemaster, and not for winning. Anyone interested would play as rescuers.
-All critical decisions are discussed with TG, and I´ll describe them then
in writing as situation unfolds. Should player be rquired to make new
decisions, I´ll TG player with possible options.
-I am not playing this to "win" against player, so this is more of a story,
though I must play certain parts with random possibility of failure. So
terrorists are not perfect, and neither are your counter-terrorist teams.
-All tech must be excisting, and no future/fantasy tech.
28-08-2004, 21:01
Yes I'll join in.
Roman Republic
28-08-2004, 21:03
I'll join(If it is non-lethal)
28-08-2004, 21:17
Who knows? It depends how you wish to resolve the situation. Negitiate or go in guns blazing.
Roman Republic
28-08-2004, 21:23
Man that a hard decision, I will go with the guns
28-08-2004, 21:26
I'll use the Imperial Police. Some are armed, some arent, and they aren't 'army' per se, but quite highly trained in such things.
28-08-2004, 21:28
Roman Republic, I meant when situation develops. This is not the RP yet. :)
Praetonia is chosen for first RP, but I´ll keep you in mind when there is more to be played.
Roman Republic
28-08-2004, 21:30
Roman Republic, I meant when situation develops. This is not the RP yet. :)
Praetonia is chosen for first RP, but I´ll keep you in mind when there is more to be played.
Okay, I send in 50 Delta Force Ospreys
28-08-2004, 21:31
I'd be willing to lend a team, sounds like a realy good RP in the making :)
28-08-2004, 21:32
I think a combined force would be cool, but it's your decision.
Roman Republic
28-08-2004, 21:35
I will lead the teams or you can elect one
I will join, I can send some ASS
28-08-2004, 21:38
I'll send a team, but wouldn't it be cooler if we all contributed just one operative to the team, kinda like in Rainbow 6.
Roman Republic
28-08-2004, 21:42
ll send a team, but wouldn't it be cooler if we all contributed just one operative to the team, kinda like in Rainbow 6.
We can have one operative from every nation and combine them into one or when a in a CQB, the whole building becomes cramped if we don't combine teams
28-08-2004, 21:45
Sounds good, I'll provide one officer if the Gamemaster agrees.
Roman Republic
28-08-2004, 21:46
What does everyone think
28-08-2004, 21:47
My team will be a 10 man squad of the Imperial Police. Four of the men are armed with XM8s, four are armed with OICWs and two are armed with a IPO-45 12.7mm Sniper. Every man has an electrifiable stun batton (can be used as normal or can have the stun feature enabled), a tazer gun and a bullet proof riot shield. Each man also has 2 tear gas grenades and 2 stun grenades. They also carry door blasting charges, picklocks, skeleton keys etc.
Roman Republic
28-08-2004, 21:49
I'll remove my 49 Ospreys and have only 1
28-08-2004, 21:50
Well, it would be a little crowded if we all sent in entire teams, so lets just send one operative each, and give that individual guy all the coolest gear.
Roman Republic
28-08-2004, 21:51
Well, it would be a little crowded if we all sent in entire teams, so lets just send one operative each, and give that individual guy all the coolest gear.
That what I am talking about. If you all agree I'll provide the transport
28-08-2004, 21:53
Ok, I'll provide just one of my guys listed above with an XM8. He is called Maximus Terpus, and is a Corporal in the best Imperial Police unit in Praetonia.
Roman Republic
28-08-2004, 21:56
I'll send in Major Lenin(Commander of the Delta Force) Equipment: Land Warrior(Gun:M4)
28-08-2004, 21:58
Thats all great guys, but shoudn't we wait for the GM to give us the go ahead before we start planning things? Just a little thought. :)
28-08-2004, 22:00
I will send Lt. Shephard, the leader of my elite counter terrorist unit, the Reapers, he's armed with a suppresed XM8 compact with an attached XM320 grenade launcher, a SOCOM .45, a tazer, a shock baton, an OPSAT, has level IV kevlar, a mask, helmet, goggles, thermal vision, pretty much all the stuff they've got in Rainbow Six.
Roman Republic
28-08-2004, 22:02
I will send Lt. Shephard, the leader of my elite counter terrorist unit, the Reapers, he's armed with a suppresed XM8 compact with an attached XM320 grenade launcher, a SOCOM .45, a tazer, a shock baton, an OPSAT, has level IV kevlar, a mask, helmet, goggles, thermal vision, pretty much all the stuff they've got in Rainbow Six.
Pretty Strong
28-08-2004, 22:06
Damn I forgot stuff. YEs the XM8 has a grenade launcher, which can fire either HE or CS. He carries a 0.50cal desert eagle sidearm (the XM8 with scope and laser designator, the DE with laser designator). He is whering strong kevlar armour and a kevlar helmet with in-build mic and headphones, as well as a drop down combat display.
28-08-2004, 22:08
Relax guys, if you want to make combined, R6-type team, that´s ok by me. Though there might be bit confusion. You can make plans if you want, since it is always good to have plans ready.
Here is the RP-thread. I´m off to sleep, and will post more on sunday.
So you see, it will be airplane rescue. ;)
28-08-2004, 22:09
Oh yeah, the XM8 has side-stacked magazines for quick reload, the nade launcher can launch HE, sticky shockers, ring airfoil rounds, CS, sticky camera, distraction camera...(yes, I've played both Splinter Cell and Rainbow 6)
Roman Republic
28-08-2004, 22:12
Oh yeah, the XM8 has side-stacked magazines for quick reload, the nade launcher can launch HE, sticky shockers, ring airfoil rounds, CS, sticky camera, distraction camera...(yes, I've played both Splinter Cell and Rainbow 6)
OCC: Splinter Cell rules
29-08-2004, 06:46
Since there are so many participants, I´ll keep this thread as ooc:/behind the scenes question board, since TG´ing around would be too clumsy to handle.
The Island of Rose
29-08-2004, 06:57
Damn can I still join?
29-08-2004, 07:51
Ok, the plane is about to touch down in Praetonia, if you go to see the RP-thread. After it´s there, thing will start rolling. Praetonias police forces can handle the perimeter duties, and need not to be in much detail. But assault team can be made in R6 style.
Here are some jobs, which you can spread among players:
-Team leader. Of course there is some democracy in RP, but someone
still needs to be the boss. He is the one who holds the string together.
-Snipers. Ones givng firesupport during the assault, and observing the plane
before it. This in addition to Praetonias generic police snipers.
-Negotiator. One who´s dealing with terrorists before assault (if it becomes
necessary) Trying to free hostages, and through them gather information
about their numbers etc. Remember, anything that has happened so far
is not known to you IC.
-Medical Team. Needed for long duration siege, to maintain comfortable
stay of CT-team, and in case of assault, to deal with possible casualities.
-Media. Not everyone need to be CT-member. If you like, you can
play international media team, covering the hijacking.
-Assault team. Self-evident.
-Anything you can come up. If it´s nothing ridicilous. I hope we all are in
this for fun and good story, and not for urge to "win" against eachother.
Nothing more boring than "Oh, we have perfect soldiers, trained from
primeal larva stage to be complete soldiers. They just waltz in, shoot the
bad guys, and leave for the coke." :)
@Island of Rose. Sure, join in. Sorry for the Martial Arts screw up. I was attacked by some very poor RP´ers, who backed down after they found out how much they had swallowed. Though Freudotopias attack showed certain promise.... So, until I hear from him, Duckistan is at state of war.
I also noticed, that I had taken too much in the competition that I could chew. I´ll need to refine the competition system, and I think in future, it will fought as professional fights, and not as gigantic amateur competition.
I'll play the media if you want. I'll post on the thread now.
29-08-2004, 08:44
Time to start playing out your characters. Plane has landed to Praetonia. Nothing major happening yet.
As told before, I´m moving behind the scenes stuff here, to avoid confusion in TG´ing around.
29-08-2004, 09:33
********* I just typed a post and when I posted it replied with that I wasn't logged in and ate my fecking message! :mad: Now I'm pissed and I have to go kill some inocent little kids that have already been anoying me the entire day.
29-08-2004, 10:01
Same thing happened to me, when I replied to Island of Rose. Luckily I had copypasted the message. :)
The Island of Rose
29-08-2004, 10:03
I posted a fancy ass post, and I have no reply :rolleye:
29-08-2004, 10:11
Relax Rose, not everyone is up already. :) I need to get response from other players too, so I can draw out how situation develops.
The Island of Rose
29-08-2004, 10:13
I want to shoot things damn it!
:mp5: :mp5: :mp5: :mp5: :mp5: :mp5:
29-08-2004, 11:40
Then get your guy airport asap. :) Things are rolling there. Looks great so far.
Old Harry
29-08-2004, 11:49
The troops i'm limited to are soul-devouring daemons for me so I suppose i'm no good for your narrow-minded anti-ridiculous malarky.
29-08-2004, 11:59
The troops i'm limited to are soul-devouring daemons for me so I suppose i'm no good for your narrow-minded anti-ridiculous malarky.
Would you be so kind, and remove your useless post. If you have trouble with my rules, I don´t need you whining here about them.
29-08-2004, 16:18
I want to shoot things damn it!
:mp5: :mp5: :mp5: :mp5: :mp5: :mp5:
*Puts up few cardboard targets for Rose* Here you go. ;)
Roman Republic
04-09-2004, 20:58
That was some good hostage rescue.
05-09-2004, 19:44
Well, it went well, enjoyed the roleplaying. But managing too many players is difficult. If I´ll do it again, it will be with one player only. Thank you for anyone involved.