Borman Empire
26-08-2004, 16:59
Y2K is a destructive virus that comes in two variants, waterborne, and airborne. When the virus enters a victim’s body the victim is doomed,(unless they're part of the 15% that become immune or carriers) a vaccine or cure is not possible. While a victim is infected they spread it to everyone they come in contact with. When it first enters a victim it only spreads and multiplies for the first week. Then the victim will receive a rash that covers most of his/her body. The next day wherever the rash was there will be red pimples that bleed when pop. The pimples itch like hell and pop when scratched. After 5 hours the person will uncontrollably start throwing up blood. They will keep throwing up blood until they die in a pool of their own blood.
26-08-2004, 17:07
Nice effort, I'll buy some when it's for sale......
Old Harry
26-08-2004, 17:09
good on you guys spread the disease and i'll see you soon.
26-08-2004, 17:14
Ill buy it.
Generic empire
26-08-2004, 17:17
Secret IC
Double VC Encryption
To: Borman High Command
From: Emperor Alexei
Generia is impressed with your work. If you desire, Generia would be most willing to open sales of Y2K on the International black market, for a commission of course. The profits of such a deal would be most excellent.
Chancellor Feador Alexeevich
26-08-2004, 17:20
Erm, this is kind of a GODMOD. Using the same theory our nation has developed a cure, and a small amount of vaccines. We will beegin producing and distrubuting these soon.
26-08-2004, 17:21
Why is it a Godmod? He has the technology.....
Generic empire
26-08-2004, 17:22
Erm, this is kind of a GODMOD. Using the same theory our nation has developed a cure, and a small amount of vaccines. We will beegin producing and distrubuting these soon.
((OOC: How would this be a godmod? It is perfectly plausible to have an incurable virus, say, if the virus mutates rapidly. The strains could be innumerable.))
((OOC: How would this be a godmod? It is perfectly plausible to have an incurable virus, say, if the virus mutates rapidly. The strains could be innumerable.))
Ooc. Well if it is kinda that virus, it would kill the makers too. Unstopable. IT WOULD KILL EVERYONE IF THERE ISN'T CURE FOR IT.
Right? Sorry for the caps, but didn't want to bold. :rolleyes:
Generic empire
26-08-2004, 17:27
Ooc. Well if it is kinda that virus, it would kill the makers too. Unstopable. IT WOULD KILL EVERYONE IF THERE ISN'T CURE FOR IT.
Right? Sorry for the caps, but didn't want to bold. :rolleyes:
((OOC: Then it is a world-killing weapon. That also is perfectly plausible. Just because it is extremely dangerous does not make it a godmod. It probably would not destroy the world just for lack of cure. Take Ebola for example. It is highly dangerous, and there have been outbreaks as far as Reston, VA, but it did not destroy the world.))
Borman Empire
26-08-2004, 17:31
OOC:YES, but then again most viruses are. It's a continent killer. But you could contain it by seting up a wall of snipers and kill everyone who tried to leave. Or other tactics could be used.
Emperor Bhalk is very willing to sell the virus but he will need time to decide on a price.
Genaria, TG with details. Bhalk is interested.
26-08-2004, 17:40
Ug. To say that it is unstoppable is possible accurate - take for instance Ebola or the syndrome known as Invasive Fasciitis - but that's nearly always a downside. For instance, the common cold virus actually requires quite some time to modify its outer protein layer, as does the influenza virus. Added to which most viruses aren't actually mutating viruses. Furthermore, you develop resistance to the common cold virions in the body after a certain period of time, depending on how strong your auto-immune system is, hence the fact you can beat a cold but not prevent it.
Edited: Saw what you said about airborne and waterborne. The waterborne variant I admit would likely be able to cause untontrollable bleeding from the lining of the gut, but the airborne one?
(N.B. All this is just off the top of my head, so if it's ludicrously out then apologies :))
26-08-2004, 17:44
I would presume through the mouth, but this could be injected. It could enter through the Vagina or Anus if waterborne, not sure.......
((OOC: Then it is a world-killing weapon. That also is perfectly plausible. Just because it is extremely dangerous does not make it a godmod. It probably would not destroy the world just for lack of cure. Take Ebola for example. It is highly dangerous, and there have been outbreaks as far as Reston, VA, but it did not destroy the world.))
Ooc. Let's take one of Stephen King book as a example. It had virus, killed 96,9% of people [Or something near that]. In whole world. This would be like it, but I'm pretty sure with smaller prosent. Anyway. It's unstopable, if there's no cure, and it would kill own people too. So it's REALLY BAD WEAPON.
And many viruses which are dangerous, has a cure, or it doesen't engage so many people, or they just get bit sick, but they'll survive. Thanks to self-protection [Whatever in English. :rolleyes: ].
"a vaccine or cure is not possible.", if I understood correctly, this virus would have kill 100% of the people.
Even I think that's not possible.
Generic empire
26-08-2004, 18:02
Ooc. Let's take one of Stephen King book as a example. It had virus, killed 96,9% of people [Or something near that]. In whole world. This would be like it, but I'm pretty sure with smaller prosent. Anyway. It's unstopable, if there's no cure, and it would kill own people too. So it's REALLY BAD WEAPON.
And many viruses which are dangerous, has a cure, or it doesen't engage so many people, or they just get bit sick, but they'll survive. Thanks to self-protection [Whatever in English. :rolleyes: ].
"a vaccine or cure is not possible.", if I understood correctly, this virus would have kill 100% of the people.
Even I think that's not possible.
((OOC: A quarantine is always a viable solution, and this tactic has helped to ensure that dangerous pathogens do not spread on many occasions.))
Borman Empire
26-08-2004, 18:09
Can undergo antigenetic shift to elude the bodies immune system
You can contain it easily if u have sufficent manpower and resources. Then again most viruses could kill the world if they weren't contained and they can be contained in the same way.
26-08-2004, 18:27
OOC: Ok, it's not a godmod.
IC: Jonothana condemns this very dangerous weaponised virus. It has the capabiliity to wipe out continents, and therefore Jonothana sees it as a serious provokation, and dangerously serious human rights abuses. Therefore we urge you to stop the manufacture of this or we will be forced to take action against you.
OOC: Ok, it's not a godmod.
Ooc. I can only agree. It's not godmod. But it's weapon what no one dare to use, UNLESS HE TAKE IT TO GODMOD.
Just an idiot would make an virus what is capable to kill all people. And maybe animals too?
Borman Empire
26-08-2004, 18:34
Plenty of people have weapons of mass destruction, weapons more powerful. Why not attack them? I am just trying to stay alive and well.
26-08-2004, 18:37
Radiological weapons have a limited range, chemicals a similar ones, and most viruses can be cured, but not this one. I am calling for NATO action. You really don't wanna get on the wrong side of them.
Plenty of people have weapons of mass destruction, weapons more powerful. Why not attack them? I am just trying to stay alive and well.
Yes, they have. Why don't they use them? Becose it would destroy everything. Earth would turn to a nuclear waste for really long time. No one would survive. Thats why they don't use them.
Same thing is with this. No one should use it.
If someone uses it against Nireva, I'll just ignore it, becose it would end everything.
Borman Empire
26-08-2004, 18:45
Bhalk is currently in deliberation to meet your demands
I wouldnt use it, only if i was forced to, plenty of pewople create pore powerful things with the intent to use them, Why are you picking on me?
Bhalk is currently in deliberation to meet your demands
I wouldnt use it, only if i was forced to, plenty of pewople create pore powerful things with the intent to use them, Why are you picking on me?
Ooc. I said it to everyone. Not to someone especially.
Borman Empire
26-08-2004, 18:50
OOC well that does make me feel better but i would only use it againt someone destroying me for no reason and someone destroying others for no reason, if i could quarantine it, otherwise it might leak into my country
Generic empire
26-08-2004, 20:07
Imperial Communique
Double VC Encryption
To: Borman High Command
From: Generian Imperial Intelligence
Generia urges Borman to ignore these imperialistic threats. If it is your nation's interest to manufacture this weapon, then you have every right to do so. Generia will provide military defense if necessary. Our distribution offer still stands.
26-08-2004, 20:19
I'm sooooo scared...
Generic empire
26-08-2004, 20:20
I'm sooooo scared...
((OOC: You should be. You have no idea who you're messing around with, do you?))
The Zoogie People
26-08-2004, 20:28
((OOC: You should be. You have no idea who you're messing around with, do you?))
Excuse me, but is that a threat? You had better hope it isn't...because we believe it's you that have no idea who you're messing around with.
I would like to state that I will be ignoring the virus's existence in every roleplay I participate in. Would you, for instance, kindly explain exactly how this virus works? How, exactly, does the virus induce pimples that 'itch like hell' and how, exactly, does it cause the victim to cough up and throw up blood until he/she dies? All you've done is explain the effects. Is it even remotely possible for such a virus to exist? I don't see one, so your claiming of a virus that can do this is pure fantasy until it actually shows up.
26-08-2004, 20:44
To:Borman Empire
From:Doomingsland Government
Greetings. We have become aware of the new virus you have created, and are very impressed. We would like to know if and when producton rights would become available.
The God Falltothzu
26-08-2004, 20:47
OOC: Isn't this virus like the same thing as in the movie "Cabin Fever". I mean its moddified a bit but seems to be just about the the same...maybe its just me....
Borman Empire
26-08-2004, 20:54
Is that the movie with the guy from 'boy meets world'?
Production rights will go on sale as well as the virus but the price has yet to be decided.
Borman Empire
26-08-2004, 21:01
Ive decided to sell the viruses for: 30 million.
Production rights: 1 billion (suitable to change over time)
The God Falltothzu
26-08-2004, 21:03
Im not sure, but its like 5 people go into a cabin in the woods, and like a guy with a virus, similiar to yours, dies in a lake where they get there water from, and they dont know and like drink the water. Then they get sick with the virus...
Borman Empire
26-08-2004, 21:06
Im not sure, but its like 5 people go into a cabin in the woods, and like a guy with a virus, similiar to yours, dies in a lake where they get there water from, and they dont know and like drink the water. Then they get sick with the virus...
Ive seen commercials but ive never seen the movie. I thought it was some monster nunting them. so no.
Borman Empire
26-08-2004, 22:31
If you would like to buy some you may.
Borman Empire
27-08-2004, 15:52
27-08-2004, 18:27
Ok I reliterate my claim that this is a GODMOD. Basically what you are saying is:
"I have a virus which kills everyone it infects" . Ebola had a mortality rrate of 85%, leaving the others as carriers. This virus would die out because everyone who had it would die and there wouod be no one to carry it.
a) How did you create this?
b) Do you have ANY KNOLEGE AT ALL of virus biology.
This just enforces my claim. I advise to reduce the mortality rate to 90% to have any hope at all of not being IGNORED.
Generic empire
27-08-2004, 18:30
Ok I reliterate my claim that this is a GODMOD. Basically what you are saying is:
"I have a virus which kills everyone it infects" . Ebola had a mortality rrate of 85%, leaving the others as carriers. This virus would die out because everyone who had it would die and there wouod be no one to carry it.
a) How did you create this?
b) Do you have ANY KNOLEGE AT ALL of virus biology.
This just enforces my claim. I advise to reduce the mortality rate to 90% to have any hope at all of not being IGNORED.
A 100% mortality rate would be useful in ensuring the size and duration of the outbreak. Again, you are being illogical.
27-08-2004, 18:42
1) No virus has a 100% mortality rate.
2) People would grow immune to it. Yes it would take a long time and kill most of the people in the world, but look at the common cold. When introduced to a new environment it killed everyone it met (Tazmania), it's only because Europeans got it twice, three times per year that the only effect it has on them is sniffels, runny nose, headaches etc (note that it was only because the Tazmanian population was so small that they didnt have the chance to grow immune, with NS nations this wont happen).
3) A virus is an INCREDIBLY complex thing. It's made of lots of swirling protein chains interlocking and spinning in very complex ways. This means three things:
a) They take a long time to build. I would consider ignoring this because you developed it in a single one paragraph post
b) They take a long time to mutate. Most of the mutations will die. It is only because there are so many viruses that they can mutate. It's visible evolution because viruses reproduce so much so quickly.
c) They are inherently unstable. They can only exist in certain conditions. Too hot, the protein changes swirl in a different way, jar and the thing falls apart. A virus is a series of complex molecules, this is almost physics rather than biology the scale is so small. This means that it can only exist in certain conditions and having it airborne and water borneis very difficult and would require two completely different viruses. They could be killed by changing temperature etc.
4) This weapon is useless as if deployed it would kill much of the world (think of the plague on a larger scale), it will kill a lot of people from a lot of nations not at all involved with whatever caused you to use it. This will get you nuked. This is actually more suicidal than nuclear MAD and it's also much, much, more irresponsible.
In conclusion, please destroy this now. It can only be bad for us all.
yah,all you guys saying that it would kill the makers?if you know your making a viruse that will kill you,YOU WERE A GODAMN SUIT AND YOU CONTAIN IT SO AS NOT TO DIE.THEY'RE FREAKING BIOLOGISTS<THEIR NOT IDIOTS.AWW,DAMN KEYBOARD,IT SHIFTS FRMO CAPS TO THE OTHERS EVERY other second.Anyway.Plus,when you use chemical weapons,you make sure they don't kill you.This virus could be easily contained,and eracticated (not like wipe it of the face of the earth,but like,not in the city anymore although many would be killed in the process and before the process started.)
P.S.The guys right,the waterborn proly could cause bleeding in the stomach,but prolly not the air born.It prablably could cause bleeding in the lungs and infect the blood though.
P.S.S.It COULD wipe out a continent if left uncontrolled,but as I said before,it could be controlled like most of the other real viruses.I just coming up with this as I go.I not an expert,either,so If I wrong don listen to me.Not want to sound AROGNNT>
The Alexian Empire has expressed an interest in buying a small quaintity of both the airborn and waterborne virus.
27-08-2004, 18:56
How exactly would you 'easily contain' it? He says it mutates and has a 100% mortality rate (ok that's godmod, but since you're defending it...) the virus would make it's way back to you, you can't stop these things. If they incubate for a week and someone gets on a plane to your country after two days, you know? How do you think SARS spread?
27-08-2004, 19:24
OOC: This sounds very GODMODdish to me. A virus with a 100% fatality rate would never happen. Even Ebola, one of the worst diseases out their, only has a moratlity rate of 85%. Plague has about 75% moratality rate. No virus in the world has a 100% mortality rate for one reason. Because the virus would die out and be very short. If a virus kills 100% of all the people it infects then it wouldn't be able to transmit. With Ebola the 15% that aren't killed are basically Ebola factories and distribution centers. They spread Ebola throughout the general populace. With a mortality rate of 100% such a system would be impossible especially with only a week long incubation period. That virus would die out very quickly without any hosts staying alive to transmit and make the virus. Take my work for it these viruses are GODMOD and if they were actually real would be incredibly isolated and would probably stop infecting people within 6 months due to a short incubation period and a 100% mortality rate.
A know a lot about viruses. Granted I am not a biologist but I know enough about viruses historical and modern that I can say that this virus is impossible in the modern world. I'll try to find a virologist on NS or a website talking about something like this to back this up even further.
27-08-2004, 21:32
1) No virus has a 100% mortality rate.
2) People would grow immune to it. Yes it would take a long time and kill most of the people in the world, but look at the common cold. When introduced to a new environment it killed everyone it met (Tazmania), it's only because Europeans got it twice, three times per year that the only effect it has on them is sniffels, runny nose, headaches etc (note that it was only because the Tazmanian population was so small that they didnt have the chance to grow immune, with NS nations this wont happen).
3) A virus is an INCREDIBLY complex thing. It's made of lots of swirling protein chains interlocking and spinning in very complex ways. This means three things:
a) They take a long time to build. I would consider ignoring this because you developed it in a single one paragraph post
b) They take a long time to mutate. Most of the mutations will die. It is only because there are so many viruses that they can mutate. It's visible evolution because viruses reproduce so much so quickly.
c) They are inherently unstable. They can only exist in certain conditions. Too hot, the protein changes swirl in a different way, jar and the thing falls apart. A virus is a series of complex molecules, this is almost physics rather than biology the scale is so small. This means that it can only exist in certain conditions and having it airborne and water borneis very difficult and would require two completely different viruses. They could be killed by changing temperature etc.
4) This weapon is useless as if deployed it would kill much of the world (think of the plague on a larger scale), it will kill a lot of people from a lot of nations not at all involved with whatever caused you to use it. This will get you nuked. This is actually more suicidal than nuclear MAD and it's also much, much, more irresponsible.
In conclusion, please destroy this now. It can only be bad for us all.
27-08-2004, 21:37
You are very much welcome.
Borman Empire
28-08-2004, 01:08
If i said it has 100% im sorry. Thats definetly possible but i dont think i can make that. I'll put the morality rate to 85%. 5% come cariiers and 10% are immune.
yah,sars spread that way,but with this you would just roud up everone infected(wearing suits of course,so as not to be infected yourself.)and kill them all,and burn their bodies,thus not letting it spread.Its simple.sure,people would die,but its an effective weapon,what can you do?
29-08-2004, 10:38
yah,sars spread that way,but with this you would just roud up everone infected(wearing suits of course,so as not to be infected yourself.)and kill them all,and burn their bodies,thus not letting it spread.Its simple.sure,people would die,but its an effective weapon,what can you do?
Right so you find everyone who has been infected. That includes the people who show no physical signs of being infected (carriers and those for whom the virus is in the incubating stage). Also you mass murder your own people? This will cause panic, people will flee, spreading it further. Im sorry but these things are not so easy to control, essepecially with people.
yes,you mass murder your own people.Its an effective weapon,effective weapons kill people,that happens.
I would buy some,but it seems we have yet to decided weather this viruse is real or not in the game,cuz alot of people don't agree with it.
29-08-2004, 16:54
So if you're going to do that why do you need a virus? I mean if you're going to kill all your people anyway (so even carriers and people who are immune and would otherwise have survived also die) how does that help? Also this isnt an effective weapon, it's a pointless weapon. It will infect (and kill) most of the world including the originating nation, which will get the originating nation nuked by most of the world. That is those nations that dont IGNORE it.
.........................................................................how much you wanna bet?
29-08-2004, 17:02
Right yes I'll bet some money, and then if I win you'll mail it to my house I guess. *shakes head*
29-08-2004, 22:15
Why don't we not ignore it and put the issue back to NATO with the revised mortality reate.
29-08-2004, 22:51
Uh, sorry to butt in here, but wouldn't the '100% mortality rate' make it MORE effective?
The virus could be used on enemy soldiers during war by dropping it from planes and choppers, and since it has no ability to spread since all those who get it die, it would be very well contained, with no chance of infecting friendly troops.
Of course, if 100% mortality rate is literally impossible, then just ignore this post.
29-08-2004, 22:58
You do have a point there. If the virus doesn't spread, its a good pinpoint wepon. However, it would still cause a large outbrake.
Borman Empire
29-08-2004, 23:23
Uh, sorry to butt in here, but wouldn't the '100% mortality rate' make it MORE effective?
The virus could be used on enemy soldiers during war by dropping it from planes and choppers, and since it has no ability to spread since all those who get it die, it would be very well contained, with no chance of infecting friendly troops.
Of course, if 100% mortality rate is literally impossible, then just ignore this post.
Its totally possible, but they kept bugging me so i lowered it. If they said i could put it to 100 i will.
Jonothona, that's the first time i havn't wanted to ignore you.
you have to admit that Jonathan has some damn good points though,man.
Jonathan,I was just kidding about the money.Don't get so annoyed.It was a friendly joke.....wait,you have a house?
Borman Empire
30-08-2004, 02:41
I will agree to that.
thats good.We can all be happy now.
Industrial Experiment
30-08-2004, 03:20
A virus with a 100% mortality rate, weeklong infection-incubation-sickness-death period, impossible to create a vaccine or cure...
Either risk being called a god-modding idiot or supply the DNA or RNA signiture NOW. I'm quite sure that such a virus isn't possible. Even if it was, it would die out too quickly to ever be effective.
EDIT: Oh, and I missed it. It's waterborne AND airborne? This whole thing IS impossible. Very few viruses can survive ultraviolet radiation, and those that can are rarely lethal.
thats why its called a game,myman.A game.For fun.
A virus with a 100% mortality rate, weeklong infection-incubation-sickness-death period, impossible to create a vaccine or cure...
Either risk being called a god-modding idiot or supply the DNA or RNA signiture NOW. I'm quite sure that such a virus isn't possible. Even if it was, it would die out too quickly to ever be effective.
EDIT: Oh, and I missed it. It's waterborne AND airborne? This whole thing IS impossible. Very few viruses can survive ultraviolet radiation, and those that can are rarely lethal.
What about using the 100% mortality virus to destroy invaders? Drop some virus bombs on beach-heads like D-Day and turn D-Day into a massacre for the invaders.
Industrial Experiment
30-08-2004, 04:45
What about using the 100% mortality virus to destroy invaders? Drop some virus bombs on beach-heads like D-Day and turn D-Day into a massacre for the invaders.
Still doesn't eliminate the fact that it's an impossible virus. Hell, even if it were possible, no modern-tech or even post-modern tech nation would be able to create it, let alone produce it in any large, and stable, quantities.
if you can make something,you can mass preduce it.Even if its mind booglingly complex,all you have to do once you got it down is the creation process x10000,there you have it,mass production.I not talking about the viruse in perticular here,I just saying everything can be mass produced.Espicially dental care products advertised by the most annoying theme songs on the planet.........uuuggghhhh..........
Ooh, epidemiology issue. Mind if I post something?
Once you start posting about infectious diseases with 100% fatality rates, I start laughing! Even pneumonic plague doesn't have a 100% fatality rate (it's "only" 95 - 98%). Even Ebola doesn't have a 100% fatality rate (a paltry 50 - 88%).
AIDS does, but it's different - it destroys the immune system, and eventually something else will come along and kill the patient. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, which is transmissible only through blood exchange and similar things, has a fatality rate of 100%, but it's a completely different kind of disorder (neurodegenerative prion disease).
No naturally-occurring virus has a 100% fatality rate. In theory, it should be possible to breed an artificial one that does, but it's never been done. People have suggested that you could do it with something like Ebola and smallpox, by making an RNA copy of part of the smallpox genome and splicing it into the Ebola RNA strand. However, it's never been done, because we don't have the kind of precision in our genetic technology that would be required. And even if we did, there's no guarantee that it would have the same effect in practice that it does on paper.
You might get an airborne virus that causes massive internal hemorrhaging and organ damage and leads to death in 100% of cases within 48 hours. On the other hand, you might get something that just sort of sits there in its test tube, reflects the fluorescent lights, and does absolutely nothing. You really don't know.
30-08-2004, 10:19
I would argue more, but right now I really can't be bothered. Ignored.
The Water Cooler
30-08-2004, 10:55
((OOC: You should be. You have no idea who you're messing around with, do you?))
((Mr. Burns: Ooooh, the Germans are after us. Ohhh - not the Germans. Now replace 'Germans' with whatever cause you represent.))
The HEWC applauds the success of the Borman Empire. We can only hope that our Biological Weapons program will be as successful as yours.
Furthermore we encourage the Borman empire not to be bullied by the vague threats of certain nations. The world shall not stand for such intimidation and fear mongering.
Borman Empire
30-08-2004, 14:37
((Mr. Burns: Ooooh, the Germans are after us. Ohhh - not the Germans. Now replace 'Germans' with whatever cause you represent.))
The HEWC applauds the success of the Borman Empire. We can only hope that our Biological Weapons program will be as successful as yours.
Furthermore we encourage the Borman empire not to be bullied by the vague threats of certain nations. The world shall not stand for such intimidation and fear mongering.
Thank you. And also Generic was defending me. But ill say thank you again. And read people, it aint 100%.
Ahhhhh!!!!!!!!it's Whitey!!!!!!!!!
Industrial Experiment
30-08-2004, 15:36
if you can make something,you can mass preduce it.Even if its mind booglingly complex,all you have to do once you got it down is the creation process x10000,there you have it,mass production.I not talking about the viruse in perticular here,I just saying everything can be mass produced.Espicially dental care products advertised by the most annoying theme songs on the planet.........uuuggghhhh..........
We can currently create anti-matter. We cannot mass-produce it. (In real life anyway)
Now. Let's just let this thread drop down? No one says anything about it?
so one gargutuan lab can only make a bit of anti matter at a time.Just build 10000 gurguantuan labs.And were talking Biological weapons.Not anti-matter.who cares about anti matter anyway?
30-08-2004, 18:19
you have to admit that Jonathan has some damn good points though,man.
Jonathan,I was just kidding about the money.Don't get so annoyed.It was a friendly joke.....wait,you have a house?
Hmm. Now thats spooky... How do you know my name?
Industrial Experiment
30-08-2004, 18:23
so one gargutuan lab can only make a bit of anti matter at a time.Just build 10000 gurguantuan labs.And were talking Biological weapons.Not anti-matter.who cares about anti matter anyway?
Do you have any idea how large the lab is that can create the anti-matter? It wouldn't be economically feasible to create 10,000 of them.
I know.But It is physically possible.Jonathon,well,I'm glad you brought that up.you see,it all started when I was a young boy back in Maoist China.................
The Vallian Plains
30-08-2004, 19:38
Hmm. Now you spelt my name wrong. Now did you just guess or is there something more sinister going on..
30-08-2004, 19:41
Ok sorry about that, Thats some sort of a puppet. It was me:D