The Proverbial Last Straw: Alberia Revisited
Generic empire
26-08-2004, 03:40
Leon crouched in the brush outside of the Generia city international airport. His eyes scanned the sky as his fingers moved along the Stinger missile launcher that rested at his side. He adjusted the uncomfortable black cloth that he had wrapped around his face, grumbling impatiently. As he swatted a mosquito, the sound of his objective cut through the air. A 747 commercial jetliner, packed to the brim with victims. A sitting duck.
The aircraft came into view, and Leon shot a look towards a second masked man who waited in the brush. He raised the missile launcher, and adjusted it, setting his sights on the fat flying hulk of steel. Leon exhaled deeply, and depressed the trigger, sending a rocket hurtling into the sky. Several seconds later, the descending plane was shredded as the missile ripped through the center of the passenger cabin. Flaming chunks of metal fell from the sky. The cockpit, still intact, slammed into the paved runway, kicking up sparks as it skid along the concrete. The wreckage careened straight into a group of service vehicles, setting their fuel alight, and sending a wall of fire in every direction.
Leon glanced back over his shoulder as he ran, ripping the black cloth from his face. He felt immense relief as he witnessed his handiwork. He had brought great glory to Alberia today.
GII News
The footage you are watching is a replay of today’s horrifying attack on a Generian commercial jetliner. The airliner was one of three that were blown out of the sky by Alberian separatist rebels. These attacks are apparently the result of building hostility towards occupational forces in the Generian province of Alberia. The occupation has been underway since late July, when the Imperial army was forced to move against secessionist forces in the rogue province. The Imperial government has yet to release a statement, but the response is expected to be harsh.
Emperor Alexei finished the last of the bottle of scotch before slamming it onto the desk. The bottle shattered, and the shards cut Alexei’s hands. His anger blocked the pain in his hand, and he ignored the blood that dripped onto the table. He raised his hands to the ceiling, as if beseeching the almighty. He was sure he had quashed the last of the rebels, but now this? It was unthinkable.
Alexei unclenched his fists, and breathed deeply. Rage would do no good now. Only action. He called for Chancellor Alexeevich, who waited outside the door. The Chancelor entered the room.
“Your grace?”
“Do it.”
Alexei’s voice dripped malice as he spoke these words. Chancellor Alexeevich turned silently and walked out of the room.
((OOC: Feel free to claim that your nation had passengers on one of the jetliners, and thus suffered casualties.))
Generic empire
26-08-2004, 03:45
New Kyoto City
26-08-2004, 03:52
New Kyoto mourns the deaths of businessman Ryo Shenmue and his family, who died in the crash of an A 747 at Generia city international airport. With the Empire's permission, New Kyoto will send investigators to assist in the search for the perpetrators of this heinous crime.
26-08-2004, 03:52
Ferratian Independant News Network report:
This afternoon a commercial jetliner was shot down by rebels in Generia. Early reports indicate that at least 6 members of the Ferratian Military were on one of the planes, headed to Generia on thier leave after finishing the latest wargames in the northern expanse.
Message to the Emperor of Generia from Minister of Ferratian International Relations:
As you may or may not know, six of the passengers on one of the flights shot down over your country today were members of the Ferratian Military on leave. Also, one of the other destroyed aircraft was carrying four of our special operatives traveling as citizens returning from an operation abroad. Generia was their last transfer before boarding a plane back to Ferratus. Due to these circumstances we would like to offer aid to your great empire to assist in the search for these terrorists. Should you so request, we can have two airborne divisions in country within 48 hours.
(OOC: where is your nation located and does it border any major waterbodies? Ferratus is located on a made up island off the western coast of africa.)
Generic empire
26-08-2004, 04:14
(OOC: where is your nation located and does it border any major waterbodies? Ferratus is located on a made up island off the western coast of africa.)
((OOC: Generia is technically made up of Bulgaria and Romania bordering the Black Sea, but I take liberties with geography. Alberia is in north-eastern Romania.))
The armored divisions rolled across the arctic deserts, kicking up dust behind them. The Imperial armies were moving. Imperial soldiers numbering upwards of 500,000 were being deployed to bolster the peacekeepers in Alberia.
The Emperor’s response had been sharp, as he had promised. A complete quarantine of the region was being put in place. Nothing would enter or leave without Imperial authorization. The Alberian discontent would be put to bed now.
General Vai Isadore peered from the hatch on the top of his armored personnel carrier. He drew his coat tightly around himself as he raised a cigarette to his lips. The freezing wasteland of the steppe stretched endlessly before his eyes, save for several grey lumps on the horizon, marking the location of the Alberian foothills. He tossed the cigarette to the side, and it was lost behind the speeding armored vehicle. He descended back into the APC, closing the hatch behind him.
“4 PM. We’ll be reaching the Alberian border in about 45 minutes.”
As he finished speaking, the vehicle hit a small ridge, sending the General flying towards the back of the vehicle.
“Be careful, dammit! Nothing but idiots on this whole fucking plain.”
“Sorry sir.”
The General grumbled, and pulled himself to his feet. This armored personnel carrier was different from the others. It had been tailored to suit the luxury desires of Imperial officials, while traversing dangerous territory. General Isadore had been clever enough, through a paper mixup, to procure one for himself. He sat down on the luxuriant, cushioned seat, and fondled the hilt of his sword. He would ride to battle in comfort on this mechanical steed, but when he got there his saber would sing for blood among the troops.
In the Black Sea, three Generian battle groups were gliding northward, bound from Port Belgrade. They would be the final measure to ensure complete isolation of Alberia. When the province was sealed off, the soldiers would be free to create their vacuum. The only thing that could fill that vacuum would be the blood of the Alberian traitors.
Official Imperial Statement
To: Governments of Ferratus and New Kyoto City
From: chancellor Feador Alexeevich
Generia weeps for your loss, and appreciates any help you have to offer. It is your right to avenge the deaths of your citizens. May the criminals perish under our swords.
Chancellor Feador Alexeevich
Appointed Chancellor of the Imperial Congress
26-08-2004, 04:27
The 94th and 137th Airborne Divisions, consisting of 1200 infantrymen each, are being readied as I am preparing this message. We estimate they will leave within a few hours and arrive over Alberia shortly thereafter. We have also ordered our 2nd Carrier Battle Group to proceed to the Mediterranean from their current patrol in the south Atlantic should additionaly military strength be neccessary.
OOC: I'll RP the troops arriving after i go get some food :)
26-08-2004, 05:18
PTV: Earlier today in the wise nation of Generia sepratist rebels shot down jet liners resulting in a cataclysmic loss of life. Prime Minister Marlock had this to say.
Marlock: It is sad to see such a progressive nation as Generia suffer such setbacks to their program. I believe this is the result of their lack of political equality and such setbacks will continue to accur. While I acknowledge that the leadership of Generia might find it arrogant of us Portuglans to be criticizing their policy I trust that their wise empire may entirely disagree with what I have to say but will defend to the death my right to say it. Our best wishes go to the families of those who have lost and we will be more than willing to assist in whichever ways Generia wishes.
26-08-2004, 05:39
"We're approaching the DZ," came the pilots voice, "ETA, 5 minutes."
Captain Edwads, commander of Alpha company, 2nd Parachute Infantry Regiment, 94th Airborne Division stood in the back of the lead C-17. He hooked a line from his parachute to a wire overhead. The rest of the men in the aircraft did the same. He stepped towards the rear ramp. The yellow light came on.
"Ready," said the jump master. Edwards double checked his gear. "Go Go Go!"
Edwards stepped forward off the rear ramp. His parachute opened as he fell into the black night below. The rest of Alpha company was close behind him. The entire 94th Airborne divsion, 1200 men, was jumping into central Alberia. Edwards hit the ground and performed a perfect PLF, "Alpha company, form up into your platoons and move out," Edwards said into his radio. He recieved affirmative replies from his NCOs and moved to join the nearest group of soldiers, "We're about a klick from the HQ 1PIR secured 30 minutes ago. We have to get there, coordinate with the 1st, and move out before daybreak," glancing at his watch he said, "We've got six hours."
At the field HQ, major Williams was on the radio with Generian Command, "We've set up at grid Delta-foxtrot one-four. Combat strength: 1200 men. As soon as the rest of the 94th arrives we'll set up a 500 meter perimiter and await your orders for coordination with Generian forces."
Generic empire
26-08-2004, 06:06
The armored divisions crested the Alberian foothills, coming to a sudden halt. The APCs opened up, and Imperial soldiers poured out, assembling into phalanxes. General Isadore stepped from his personal transport, and walked among the ranks surveying his men. He could see clearly that these were not green soldiers. They bore the scars of battle, and the grim expression of the jaded veteran. They had seen and spilled enough blood to quench any appetite, and these were just the regulars.
The Imperial Praetorians were a different matter entirely. These men were born with a knife in their hands and a uniform on their backs. They were the best. They could strive with Sentinel and God alike, and emerge victorious. Three full divisions of these killers had been deployed under Isadore’s command, and he intended to use them. Isadore spied the commander of the Praetorian’s haranguing his troops. He was pleased with the man’s ferocity.
“Captain, your men seem anxious.”
“They long to bleed this godforsaken wasteland.”
“Then let them. Send your forces into the heart of the province. Imperial soldiers are thin towards the capital, and our foes grow stronger because of it. Raid their villages, and disrupt supplies. Consider this an exercise.”
Captain Idek Mikhaivich acknowledged wordlessly, turning to his men. He called orders in a strange Slavic dialect, and his men responded, marching towards their transports. Overhead, Mi-24 helicopters streamed inwards, towards the capital of Alberia.
The Generian fleets arrived at their destination, two miles off of the Alberian coast. Admiral Gregor Breschnechev watched the horizon and the shadow of the Alberian coast from the deck of his flagship, the GIS Keith Richards.
“Disgusting backwater…”
“Admiral Breschnechev, sir. Word from the Citadel. Emperor Alexei wishes to commence.”
“Fine. Begin the landings.”
On the deck of the carrier, Generian GI-45s rocketed forth, slicing the air with a roar. Across the fleet, soldiers scrambled into their landing craft, the voices carrying across the freezing water.
26-08-2004, 06:24
On the outskirts of the Alberian capitol Lt. Smith led his platoon to the chainlink fence surrounding the city's main power generation plant.
"Peterson," he whispered and pointe to the fence. Sgt. Peterson crawled forward with wire cutters in hand. He cut a hole in the fence just big enough for a man to crawl through, "Alpha squad, stay here and cover our escape route," Lt. Smith ordered, "Bravo head to the security building. Charlie, to the administration building. Delta, come with me to the main control room." Smith looked at the men surrounding him. The elite of the elite of the Ferratian Army, they all had atleast eight years in the service and had been reccomended to this unit by no less than four previous COs, "Alright, move out."
"Sir," said Ensign O'brien, saluting Rear Admiral Fischer abord the FINS Tyr, Ferratus's newest Thor class assault carrier, "We've recieved orders to move into the black sea."
"Set a course, flank speed."
"Yes sir, we'll close enough to launch our aircraft into Alberia in just under two days."
"Send this message to Generian Command," said Lt. Smith,"'We have secured the power plant in the Alberian capitol. From here we can shut off power to most of the city. We await your orders.'"
New Kyoto City
26-08-2004, 06:40
"This is Liutenant Tanaka Tojihiro of *Crackle* Kyoto Strike Team calling General Isadore of Imperial Army. Have touched down, awaiting orders"
OOC: Deployed via air, I turn control of a 20-strong Ninja team to you. As Samurai, they carry a Katana and Tanto each, with a high-power crossbow. Trained in Ninjitsu, a Ninja knows 23 different ways of breaking a man's neck using only his eyebrows or buttocks. They're not going to stand up to anything in a firefight, but have been ardously trained NOT to yell when attacking someone any concentrate on stabbing them instead. Stealthlyness supreme.
Borman Empire
26-08-2004, 16:39
18 Borman citizens died on the plane. Now a convoy with 5,000 soldiers was heading towards Alberia.
"How much longer?"
"A couple of hours."
"Good. Tell them men to be ready for combat."
Generic empire
26-08-2004, 20:10
"Send this message to Generian Command," said Lt. Smith,"'We have secured the power plant in the Alberian capitol. From here we can shut off power to most of the city. We await your orders.'"
You have permission to terminate power to the city.
26-08-2004, 20:30
The Doom Citadel, Doomingsland
"Alberians? Didn't we burn their villages and salt their fields..."
"Apparently they're still at it, m'lord."
"I know how you feel, sir..."
"Oh, well, I guess they will have to be further punished. Have the garrison enter Alberia and cleanse the rebels."
"Yes, sir!"
Ft. Smith, 20 miless outside Generia City
The men at the base had quickly gotten word of the attacks, and were put on high alert. General Ross had recieved his orders to move out and assist the Generian forces.
19,000 men, 600 tanks, 1000 personel carriers, and 5000 other vehicles moved northward towards Alberia. Most of the men were veterans of the first Alberian Conflict, and were fairly familiar with the terrain they'd be fighting on...
Generic empire
26-08-2004, 20:37
The Doom Citadel, Doomingsland
"Alberians? Didn't we burn their villages and salt their fields..."
"Apparently they're still at it, m'lord."
"I know how you feel, sir..."
"Oh, well, I guess they will have to be further punished. Have the garrison enter Alberia and cleanse the rebels."
"Yes, sir!"
Ft. Smith, 20 miless outside Generia City
The men at the base had quickly gotten word of the attacks, and were put on high alert. General Ross had recieved his orders to move out and assist the Generian forces.
19,000 men, 600 tanks, 1000 personel carriers, and 5000 other vehicles moved northward towards Alberia. Most of the men were veterans of the first Alberian Conflict, and were fairly familiar with the terrain they'd be fighting on...
Imperial Communique
To: Doomingsland Military Command
From: Generian Imperial Intelligence
Your forces are welcome to spill blood for the empire, although we ask that you refrain from penetrating the center of Alberia, as we have several new weapons that we plan to test, and this seems a perfect opportunity.
Borman Empire
26-08-2004, 20:37
Borman soldiers rolled towards the power plant with ordes to reinforce the ferratian soldiers there and hold the power plant. A Bhalk-34 rolled into sight of the soldiers and aimed it's barrel at the power plant. The soldiers seemed confused, but when Borman soldiers came out of the Bhalk they looked happy. APCs, Bhalks, and Mi-24s started depositing Borman soldiers right at the power plant. Army engineers and volunteers scurried all over creating a perimiter. Sandbags, mines, and barbed wire were unloaded from several APCs. With the help of most soldiers there a large perimeter was creaqted with sandbags and barbed wire giving cover for soldiers and mines protecting the sandbags from charging enemies. One opening was left for military to come and go through. 5 T-90s covered that hole in the line.
Major Harper walked up to his friend Captain Armol.
"Tell them men I want 3,000 soldiers with sufficent weapons and ammo as well as APCs and Bhalks to transport them right outside of the sandbags in 30 minutes."
"Yes sir."
26-08-2004, 20:48
Imperial Communique
To: Doomingsland Military Command
From: Generian Imperial Intelligence
Your forces are welcome to spill blood for the empire, although we ask that you refrain from penetrating the center of Alberia, as we have several new weapons that we plan to test, and this seems a perfect opportunity.
To:Generian Imperial Intellegence
From:Doomingsland High Command
Very well, we look forward to witnessing the destructive power of your weapons. We too, have weapons to test.
ooc:Can you have your rebels try to ambush my forces, lets just say an armor column, with a bunch of T90s. The King Abrams hasn't been battle tested yet...
Borman Empire
26-08-2004, 20:48
Commander Joran stepped out of the perimeter. He was a military project and Bhalk had ordered he be tested here. He was equipped with a newly invented SACS(Stay-Alive-Combat-Suit) which were expensive. SACS were full combat suits that had sealed helmets with motion trackers, thermal vision, and night vission goggles. They had the ability to seal off outside air preventing airborne particles from entering and supplying the wearer with an equipped tank of oxygen that lasted 5 hours. It had a built in camoflauge system that temporarily went down when hit multile times. Lastly it provided a shield that temporarily went down after many hits to the suit, and provided areas for Joran's special weapons to be used. Joran was a good commander untill a grenade almost killed him. Medics were able to revive him but he had several abnormalities, so government scientists snatched him up. They changed him so he had several abnormal 'gifts' as they liked to say. On top of his hands three razor sharp spikes could jut out with lengths of 1 ft., 2 ft., and 3 ft. Chips inside his head and various parts of his body gave him improved strength and endurance as well as lighting fast reflexes and a photographic memory. He knew 15 ways to kill someone using one hand. He was Borman's super-soldier. As Harper barked orders Joran, called 'Viper' by his creators, snuck off into Alberia.
It costed Borman billions of dollars and lots of time. As well as all of the people who worked on him had to be sealed in a hidden chamber so as to never let theri secrets escape.
Borman Empire
26-08-2004, 21:08
26-08-2004, 21:41
"Roger that," said Lt. Smith into the radio, turning to one of his NCOs, "Cut the power."
Maj. Williams was standing in a small tent, facing the COs of each batalion of 1PIR, "Lt. Smith has successfuly shut down power to the capitol of Alberia," he said, "His team has left the power station but is remaining behind to paint the power plant for the F-14s that took off from the Tyr a short while ago. They will destroy the powerplant, then return here. By that time we will have cleared a path to the location at which we will rendevouz with the Generian forces. We will then remain with the Generian forces if our assistance is still require. If not we will return to Generia City where the C-17s are waiting and retun to Ferratus."
Two F-14s were flying through the night sky at over two times the speed of sound, "Target sighted," said the pilot of Blackjack 2.
"Roger that, two, engage on my mark," came the reply," "3...2...1...mark," two laser guided bombs detatched themselves from the F-14s wing pylons and drifted towards the target.
Borman Empire
26-08-2004, 21:58
Borman soldiers packed up all mines, sandbags, barbed wire and remaining soldiers and headed to rendevouz with generian as well as Ferratian soldiers while Harper and Armol sent the attack group off. The plant was to be destroyed and Borman soldiers being near it would not have been good.
Harper led 1,500 soldiers divided in 3 sub groups to make a large loop to rendevouz point heading northward. Armol took 1,500 on another loop to the rendevouz point heading southward.
Borman soldiers were long gone by the time Ferratian planes dropped bobms.
Viper had been told to avoid certain areas of Alberia becuase of weapon testing that would occur there. He went into one building and hundreds of masked men sat around waving weapons in the air. A leader spoke at a podium about beating back the weak Borman, Generian, Ferratian, and Doomingsland soldiers. Viper sealed off outside air contact and threw an APG2 grenade. He stood at the door and let his claws slide out. When rebels tried to flee he killed them. When all were dead and the time effectivness had run out he slid in his claws. Then he opened up outside air and ate a granola bar as he walked off.
Generic empire
26-08-2004, 22:02
At first they were little more than specks on the horizon, drawing neither eye nor attention. However, they began to grow, and with them came clouds of brown dust. After twenty minutes, what these were became apparent. There were twenty of them, mechanical giants dwarfing soldier, tank, and house. Towering at 50 feet, these were the new prototype GI-1 gargantuan armored personnel carriers. These land ships were among several new weapons that were to undergo field-testing today in the Alberia.
General Isadore smiled wildly as he watched the mammoths crawl across the steppe. They rolled right over low ridges and valleys alike. The rumble of the engines and treads moving across the Earth was deafening, and he felt a primordial sense of fear in his stout heart, as he lit a cigarette.
“Imagine what the Alberians will think…”
The beasts lumbered past his position, having been ordered by Isadore to penetrate towards the capital, relieving the peacekeepers there.
Borman Empire
26-08-2004, 22:18
Major Kalicimo had been given command of the force to take to the Genarian rendevouz and was almost there. He was manning the 50 cal. gun on top of a Bhalk. He was there to think, not to fight becuase he expected no resistance along the way.
"Sir. Our scopes have picked something up."
After seeing them Kalicimo said,
"Why didnt you get those on radar earlier? They can't be too far off."
"Sir. They just entered radar, you can see they are on the end right now. Those things must be massive if we can see them this far away."
"What is it?"
"I dont know. We dont have them and noone we know has them."
"Find out if anyone we know is testing it. Get on radio with the genarian general Isadore. And tell everyone code blue, prepare for incoming threat."
Viper was tempted to rape, thats what makes a real army. But without permission of Generia he didnt want to. Viper contacted the emperor and asked him to ask Aleexivich if Borman soldiers could rape the Alberian women. Soon after he finished talking he walked down a hallway to find a wounded peace-keeper lying on the ground. He deactivated his camoflauge and went up to him.
"I'm with Borman, what are you doing?"
"They said 'no.' There were too many."
The mans eyes grew wide and he started shrieking as if some predator was behind Viper. (OOC: Viper looks like a predator, from AVP, in a halo's mjolnir armor.) Viper spun aqround and saw noone. The man kept screaming so viper had to painlessly kill him, and he did. Viper activated his camoflauge and moved on.
Official Communique
This is Emperor Bhalk of Borman. Many soldiers are tempted to prove they are men and rape Alberian women, but this may be offensive to Genaria. So I am asking if Borman soldiers would be allowed to rape.
End of Communique
26-08-2004, 22:18
"Hooooly Sh**," said Sgt. Anderson as he took his binoculars away from his eyes, "Major! You'd better come look at this."
Lt. Smith and his troops heard the F-14s flyby, knowing that by the time the heard them they were already long gone, "Keep that laser on the target."
Two bombs struck their targets perfectly, lighting up the darkened city. The powerplant crubmled, "Tiger one to Blackjack one, that's a shack. Both weapons hit their tragets."
"This is Major Williams of the Ferratian 1st PIR, 94th Airborne to" he said into the radio, trying to find a word for the massive APCs moving towards them, " beheamoths. We are holding in the edge of the forest at your 11 o'clock. Doo you need further assisntace, or should we continue to Generia City. Please advise, Williams out."
Borman Empire
26-08-2004, 22:40
"They are a new generian APC. We may be able to procure some. Not those but others."
"Good, make sure we get some. and tell the men to stand down."
The GI-1 APC rolled pass the convoy of about 5,000 vehicles. The ground shook as soldiers gazed at the massive works of art rolling by. Kalicimo smiled as they came within site of the rendevouz.
Viper walked upto a general store. Before he could do anything some people threw a brick through the window. They went in adn knifed the owner. It was obvious that they weren't the only ones becuase his enhanced site saw more groups breaking into stores. He walked in and killed the three men. Then he looked under the counter and found two guns, he took them. Then he collected cigars, cigarettes, and money from the store and people then pocketed them. He left and went top help store owners combat the ruthless gangs looting the stores.
26-08-2004, 22:49
"This is Major Santiago of 1st Battalion 2PIR , we've linked up with Bormanian troops in grid Alpha-Charlie four-eight, we're in a small city on the borders of Alberia. There is a huge mob developing in the city center looting stores. We've been able to hold them off for a while, but there are thousands of them! We need the other battalions here ASAP!"
Generic empire
26-08-2004, 22:52
Seri, Alberian city, 20 miles southwest of the capital
The Generian patrol walked through the calm streets. They wore black ski masks, and heavy coats to keep out the chill air, among other things. The day was completely silent, save for the chirping of a few birds, and the occasional voice coming from inside a dwelling.
Corporal Marco Greghev paused in the street, his AKM slung over his shoulder. He pulled the mask up over his head, exhaling a cloud of steam. He rubbed his hands together, and reached into his pocket to remove a pack of cigarettes. He removed the last one, and raised it to his lips, followed by a rusty lighter. As he flicked the ignitor, the chatter of a machine gun ripped the air. Bullets shredded Greghev’s back, his blood being flown forward into the sand. The cigarette and lighter fell to the ground, to be crushed by the man’s corpse.
The other two soldiers whipped around, their weapon’s trained on the street. They saw a muzzle flash through a darkened window, and opened fire. Their bullets crashed through the glass, and buried themselves in the wall. The two Generian soldiers looked around wildly, fearfully. The roar of an engine reached their ears, and they turned around just in time to see a pickup truck with a machine gun mounted in the rear barreling around a corner to charge straight for them. The technical opened fire, and the Imperial soldiers did the same. One of the patrolmen was blown backwards, his face a tangled mess. The bullets of the other soldiers AKM smashed through the technical’s windshield. The driver took a bullet in the face, his blood staining the broken glass. The gunner’s fire sprayed wide as the vehicle spun wildly out of control, slamming into a nearby building. The Generian patrolman breathed a sigh of relief. As he lowered his gun, he turned around, only to see twenty Alberian’s, black cloths wrapped around their faces, guns trained on the soldier. The man swallowed heavily.
Borman Empire
26-08-2004, 22:59
Viper found Farratian soldiers and unknowingly to them helped combat the soldiers. The Borman soldiers that were there helped to fight off enimies who now were arming themselves with guns. Major Harper and Kalicimo turned around and headed to help combat the mop.
Some engineers had arrived and soldiers were setting up sandbags and concreting a hasty brick defensive wall to hold back the massive amounts of people.
Soldiers of both nations were ushered behind the sandbags as the gap was closed. They had been piled as straight as possible and with the heavy fire from the both nations the mop counted penetrate. They fell back and were seen looting al sorts of stores. Then they hit a military store and emerged with grenades.
"Oh shit."
"Brick wall almost done, it's hasty but it will hold 'em back for awhile. We'll leave a gap for soldiers to go through. Marines have begun to pile sandbags at the other side of the block. Once that's covered and we seal up store back doors we will have a secure perimeter."
"good. More work, less talk."
Viper was not in the perimeter but with the mob. He had found the grenades first and had picked up nearly 40, but there were too many for him to carry and eventyually the mo found them. As they prepared to launch an assault on the soldiers he when in and sealed a stores back door.
OOC: I got a map of what i think it looks like but i dont know how to attach it.
New Kyoto City
26-08-2004, 23:13
Rain fell heavily upon the runway at Generia city international airport as the three military transports landed. They were towed to a parking bay and their ramps opened. From their dark bellies marched a battalion of Samurai, fresh from the dojos of New Kyoto.
OOC: Thought I'd land some troops and get in on the action. They number 450 men (3 Rifle companies (300), 1 Support company (100), 1 HQ Company (50) under the command of Liutenant-Colonel Hajiri.
Standard issue equipment:
1xKyoto Arms Sh04 9mm Pistol
1xKyoto Arms Type 89 Assault Rifle
1xBody Armour (Flak Jacket)
1xGask Mask
1xMicrobead Radio
3xRifle Grenades
As Samurai they also carry a Katana (Samurai sword) and a Tanto (Short, stabbing sword) each.
Generic empire
26-08-2004, 23:14
Rain fell heavily upon the runway at Generia city international airport as the three military transports landed. They were towed to a parking bay and their ramps opened. From their dark bellies marched a battalion of Samurai, fresh from the dojos of New Kyoto.
OOC: Thought I'd land some troops and get in on the action.
Standard issue equipment:
1xKyoto Arms Sh04 9mm Pistol
1xKyoto Arms Type 89 Assault Rifle
1xBody Armour (Flak Jacket)
1xGask Mask
1xMicrobead Radio
3xRifle Grenades
As Samurai they also carry a Katana (Samurai sword) and a Tanto (Short, stabbing sword) each.
((OOC: Could Generia buy some katanas from you?))
26-08-2004, 23:18
Kalxons sounded on the FINS Taranis, Ferratus's first Taranis Class Destroyer, "General quarters, general quarters, all hands man your battle stations." Men rushed through the narrow cooridoors of the ship, manning their stations.
"Sir," said Commander Ramni to Captian Johnson, "We've detected multiple small vessels approaching rapidly. They appear to be smal motorboats."
"Send out a few of the Latis hydrofoils, see how the boats react."
"Yes Sir."
Captain Lewis of the FINS Edwards, a Latis class fast attack hydrofoil, raised his binoculars to his eyes.
"They're turning away from us," said Ensign Alani, "...They're headed for one of the cruisers!"
"Arm the harpoon rockets, we have eight, use them all, take out as many of those boats as you can!"
"Yes sir!"
Both Latis class ships launched all eight of their Harpoon missiles on the motorboats. All but two missed their small, fast targets. There were still nearly twenty boats headed for the Ferratian cruiser.
"Damn it," said Captain Lewis, "Why dont these ships have any guns."
"Well, sir, they werent meant for..."
"Yes, yes, I know," interrupted the captain, "I dont think anyone will be able to track those boats fast enough to destroy more than a few of them."
The boats sped towards the Ferratian frigate, sixteen were destroyed by fire from various other ships, but three found their target. They rammed into the side of one of the Ferratian Ticonderoga cruisers. The explosive laden motorboats tore gaping holes in the side of the cruiser. Men donned life jackets and prepared to abandon the ship.
New Kyoto City
26-08-2004, 23:20
OOC: Of course, though each officer requiring one will need to visit the swordsmith. Each sword is made only for the man who is to wield it. Typically, a Katana and Tanto as a pair might cost anything upwards of 300 USD. That's with a Daisho (Stand)
Borman Empire
26-08-2004, 23:44
Viper moved in and out of the buildings locking back doors and gathering what money, smokes, and supplies he could carry.
Engineers Were almost done building another brick wall on the back side of the block. The marines who wernt guarding were securing store back doors.
Borman Empire
27-08-2004, 00:11
The perimeter had been secured and the soldiers waited as the enemy stood behind and in buildings, watching them.
Borman Empire
27-08-2004, 01:14
The mob charged and grenades as well as a couple RPGs took out parts of the sandbag wall. Soldiers held off the mob as they retreated through the brick wall. Holes in the wall allowed soldiers to fire through at the charging mob. Private M. Jenkins when through but seemed to have bumped into something. Something pushed him aside ut he didnt stop to think about it. he charged behind the wall.
Viper tossed out grenade after grenade and used a large sword he had stolen to slay parts of the mob attempting to enter. When a grenade flew inbetween him and a soldier he had no choice but to pick it up and throw it back. After that he was the last in and when he got in engineers began melding on a sheet of metal. He deactivated his camoflauge and said,
"Relax, im on your side."
27-08-2004, 01:57
Alberian Border
Iron Troop, the spearhead of the 4th Armored division, drove through an apparently quiet road. There was a thin treeline on either side, both about 500 meters away. The lead tank platoon of 3 M1A5s drove down the road at 40 mph, but the silence was broken when a HEAT round flew from the treeline, and struck the lead tank on the side armor. The commanders looked through their periscopes, and spotted around ten tanks, T80Us. The round simply bounced right off the armor, obviously annoying the enemy tankers.
I wounder were the Alberians got a hold of those...oh well, won't matter in a few seconds...thought Lt. Franchi, commander of the tank that had been hit.
"Load steel!" he shouted to his loader over the comm.
"Steel up!" the loader, PFC Sanchez responded.
"Target aquired! Away!" shouted the gunner, Corporal Stevens as a round from the main gun, along with 2 others, traveled toward a T80 at mach 6.
"Load steel!" said Lt. Franchi as the whole process began again.
OOC:GE, you post as the Alberian tankers, that way we can have a nice little skirmish in which I get to test out my new tanks.
Generic empire
27-08-2004, 02:01
The Alberian tanks, T-80s, crested the dusty ridge, and began their drive towards the Doomingsland tanks. They fired, and fired again, but their rounds did nothing. Still, their charge continued. Technicals accompanied the armor, as did footsoldiers with black cloths obscuring their faces. They fired from rifles, and launched rocket propelled grenades at the Doomingsland tanks.
27-08-2004, 02:08
Sgt Ryan had been leading his squad around the outskirts of the city for almost an hour. He noted their location on the map and turned left onto a narrow alley. The sounds of the mob grew louder as they approached the city center. Coming out of the alley they saw the mob...facing away from them pushing down the street into the Bormanian forces.
Ryan motioned to two members of his squad carrying XM8s with attached grenade launchers to move up to an overturned car. The squad's heavy machine gunner set his M60 on what was left of a windowsill of a collapsed building. Ryan loaded a fragmentation grenade into his XM8s launcher. He nodded to his squad and three grenades were launched into the center of the crowd. The M60 tore through the mob.
"Fall back," Ryan yelled as some of the mob turned to face them. An RPG exploded against a building above the retreating squad.
27-08-2004, 02:18
Cpt. Paul "Hammer" Harris took his F/A-18 low over the treetops after picking up unidentified ground contacts ahead. As he approached a clearing in the trees he slowed enough to see what was going on below. A battle raged between what looked like Alberian and Doomingsland tanks. He pushed his throttle to full afterburner and started broadcasting on the general Generian radio channel, "This is Ferratian aircraft Lightning 1 to unidentified friendlies in grid Golf-Echo one-niner. Need any assistance with those tanks down there?"
Borman Empire
27-08-2004, 02:26
Viper put his hands on the wall and little poles shot out of his palm. He put his foot on the wall and poles shot out of the side and toe of the foot. He began climbing and activated his camo at the top. He jumped down and the little poles retracted as he landed on the bottom on his two legs. He opened fire with his AKM and started cutting down the ranks of the mob heading for Ferratian soldiers. Several grenades stopped the first ranks and he ran threw the mob shooting as he went untill he got to the ferratian soldiers.
"Ill cover you, fall back. You can go through an open store back door if you want to meet up with your other soldiers and our soldiers."
Borman Empire
27-08-2004, 15:44
The Ferratian soldiers ran through one of the store's back door. Viper was right behind and he sealed the door. An engineer was standing by and Viper nodded. The man proceeded to meld the door shut and then melded a sheet of metal on the doorway.
"Sgt. Ryan. I'm Sgt. Paluie. We can hold the mob off for a couple more hours, probably five. But reinforcements won't arrive for 10, or 6 hours if they're flowin in. What do you suggest we do?"
T3h 1337 Nation
27-08-2004, 15:47
1337 News!
Some very Un1337 people are oppressing their own people. They are called the Generic Empire. 1337 citizens everywhere are asking the 1337 Government to intervene, but we dont think we can win, and losing would be very un1337. You have to remember that our 1337ness comes first before oppression. Our 1337 Government has therefore condemned the action.
Borman Empire
27-08-2004, 15:52
Once Alberia, or now if you want, is taken we will destory you. DO not tempt us, you can't stand to our might.
T3h 1337 Nation
27-08-2004, 15:56
Dont be an idiot all I did was condemn you I didnt attack. ya think real nations attack each other just for condemnation? No.
PS. Im four times bigger than you Borman.
Borman Empire
27-08-2004, 16:00
OOC:It sounded like you were planning to attack. PLus didnt you hear me say 'we'. I have many allies.
Size doesnt matter. What matters is how you use the soldiers you have.
T3h 1337 Nation
27-08-2004, 16:02
Really? Me vs you is like France vs Latvia. Who's gonna win? Now as for planning an attack:
"1337 citizens everywhere are asking the 1337 Government to intervene, but we dont think we can win, and losing would be very un1337. You have to remember that our 1337ness comes first before oppression."
See. I actually say Im not going to attack. Bye.
Borman Empire
27-08-2004, 16:23
well as lokng as you dont attack or threaten to do so im fine with you.
Generic empire
27-08-2004, 17:22
Official Imperial Statement
To: The 1337 Nation High Command
From: Chancellor Feador Alexeevich
Emperor Alexei is put off by your impudence, and disgusted by the way you have treated one of Generia's staunchest allies. Your nation is to issue a formal apology, or face complete and total annihalation. Have a nice day.
Chancellor Feador Alexeevich
Appointed Chancellor of the Imperial Congress
27-08-2004, 17:28
OOC:You are not 1337! You are n00b!!!!!1111111
The King Abrams continued to fire, and faced frontwards toward the onrushing enemies. When the technicals got within sight, the tank commanders activated their remote .50 caliber gattling guns, and hosed down the light vehicles and infantry at a rate of 1000 rpm. Meanwhile, the ATS(advanced targetting system) began to kick in, identifying the enemy tank silhoetes, and showing exactly were to aim so that the round would connect with the ammunition storage.
Lt. Franchi heard the radio chatter, and responded.
"Roger, Lighting One, this is Iron One, you have clearance to light up that ridge. Over."
Borman Empire
27-08-2004, 17:44
OOC:THanks Generia
Viper got on a com with Major Kalicimo.
"Who is this."
"Commanding officer of the Borman/Ferratian encampment. Are you sure you won't be able to reach us in time?"
"We're at top speed son. We'll get there when we told you we'd get there."
"Is there anyone that may be able to help?"
"Doomingsland tanks were attacked by some Alberian tanks. They will easily win but I''m not sure where they are. They may be able to reach you in time."
"This is the commanding officer of a Borman/Ferratian encampment in grid Charlie-Niner-0. Calling Doominsland. Calling Doomingsland. We're under siege by a mob armed with grenades and guns. We'll only be able to hold out about 4 more hours and our reinforcements can only make it in 5 or 9. We have no tanks or heavy defensive weapons. Our defensive supplies are running low and ammo is almost gine. We're going to stage a raid to get more ammo and food, but those men may not come back. If you are in range please come to our aid. Your tank division could drive them off. Unless someone has a teleporter, your our only hope."
Viper put down the radio and loaded his gun.
"I want 10 men and a small wagon. I'm gona take 'em to get ammo."
27-08-2004, 17:57
OOC:THanks Generia
Viper got on a com with Major Kalicimo.
"Who is this."
"Commanding officer of the Borman/Ferratian encampment. Are you sure you won't be able to reach us in time?"
"We're at top speed son. We'll get there when we told you we'd get there."
"Is there anyone that may be able to help?"
"Doomingsland tanks were attacked by some Alberian tanks. They will easily win but I''m not sure where they are. They may be able to reach you in time."
"This is the commanding officer of a Borman/Ferratian encampment in grid Charlie-Niner-0. Calling Doominsland. Calling Doomingsland. We're under siege by a mob armed with grenades and guns. We'll only be able to hold out about 4 more hours and our reinforcements can only make it in 5 or 9. We have no tanks or heavy defensive weapons. Our defensive supplies are running low and ammo is almost gine. We're going to stage a raid to get more ammo and food, but those men may not come back. If you are in range please come to our aid. Your tank division could drive them off. Unless someone has a teleporter, your our only hope."
Viper put down the radio and loaded his gun.
"I want 10 men and a small wagon. I'm gona take 'em to get ammo."
Major Collins, the commander of Iron Troop, heard the distress call in the midst of the skirmish...
"Affirmative, ETA 3.5 hours, designate your positions so we don't level your buildings too."
27-08-2004, 17:59
OOC: For god's sake he's a new nation who condemned something. That is NOT an act of war. You did the same thing with that other newb, just leave him alone.
Generic empire
27-08-2004, 18:07
OOC: For god's sake he's a new nation who condemned something. That is NOT an act of war. You did the same thing with that other newb, just leave him alone.
((OOC: But it's just so easy... No, seriously though. The thing that ticked me off was not that he condemned me, but that he was talking too big for himself, that and the fact that he was threatening my ally. Also, I did not pick a fight with him, what I said was more of a warning not to mess around.))
27-08-2004, 18:08
OOC: Anyone can condemn anything. He didnt order you to stop, he didnt even order your 12,000,000 pop ally to stop. I think what he was very reasonable so just back off.
Generic empire
27-08-2004, 18:14
OOC: Anyone can condemn anything. He didnt order you to stop, he didnt even order your 12,000,000 pop ally to stop. I think what he was very reasonable so just back off.
((OOC: I'll leave him alone...for now, but if he tries anything, he's toast.))
27-08-2004, 18:16
((OOC: I'll leave him alone...for now, but if he tries anything, he's toast.))
Good. I am watching this situation with passive interest.
28-08-2004, 00:19
Cpt. Paul "Hammer" Harris, overhearing a radio transmission from Bormanian/Ferratian soldiers, activated his radio, "Lightning lead to Bormanian and Ferration ground units. If you can paint us a target in the city we can put ordinance on it within a few mintes."
Borman Empire
28-08-2004, 01:02
"How can we do that? All we have is a couple grenades, weapons, and a little bit of ammo. Our only hope is the Doomingsland tanks come and help. Or we find massive stores of ammo and Viper goes around killing everyone, but i doubt that will happen. If you've got a sugtgestion, please give it. For our lives."
Viper looked around the corner, noone was there. He looked across the street at the weapon store, he didn't see anyone.
"You men stay here."
Viper ran across the street with his cloaking device on. He looked in the store window. The glass had been shattered and he stepped on it as lightly as he could while it crunched under his feet. The front of the store had blood, rocks, and empty shells on it. He moved around throwing as much ammo and small weapons in the sack on his back as he couldget his hands on. When he entered the back room the first thing that caught his eyes were the rack upon racks of weapons and ammo. Then he saw a scream and looked to his right. A man was trying to pull off a woman's pants. Her shirt had already been ripped off and her face was red. Two militants kicked the body of what was probably her husband. Two other men stood in front of the whole scenario to stop anyone who tried to stop what was going on. He lowered the bag off his back and let his claws slide out. He walked up and gutted the two guards. As their lifless corpses fell the other men looked up. Suddenly the two heads of the men beating on the man fell off as the rapist grabbed his gun. He backed into a corner and shot randomly. A few shots from Viper's desert eagle stopped him.
"Your free. Get our of here."
Viper went back with everything he could carry and gave it to the soldiers.
"Take this back. I'll take the wagon."
Viper came back with a wagon full of weapons and ammo. The soldiers rejoiced, now they would have a chance of survival. But unfortunately they hadn't recieved enough to launch an attack. When viper went back to get moe he saw hundreds of people in the store.
"Take all you can hold and then guard this, somehow they got in."
Viper went back with empty hands.
28-08-2004, 01:25
Sgt Ryan fired a few shots from his XM8 then ducked back below the windowsill, "Damnit," he said, to noone in particular, "Isn't there anyone that can give us some fire support?"
"The ships are too far away to use their guns, and they dont want to risk sending in missiles and hitting friendlies," replied one of his squadmembers. "We don't have any armored support in-country, and the damn airforce didn't send their Warthogs," he continued, "and without a way to paint targets the navy flyboys cant tell the diference between us and them," he said, nodding towards the mob outside.
The Sergeant shook his head, raised up, and fired a grenade into the mob, "Where are all these people coming from..."
New Kyoto City
28-08-2004, 02:20
The four Type 90's roared over the grassy hills of Alberia, their diesel engines pumping smoke into the air.
"Doomingsland forces, this is Senior Captain Hattori of the New Kyoto Armed Forces, we heard you were in a bit of trouble over the comms and are closing on your position from the north-west"
"One, this is three. Unknown tank at two o'clock!"
"Roger three, closing"
"All, this is one, tank is hostile. Repeat, tank is hostile. Three, four 'ware left. Two, engage"
"This is four, Roger"
"Two, engaging"
"Target locked, sir" cried the gunner of tank two.
"Take the shot" instructed Captain Tideki, two's commander.
The Type 90 fired it's 120mm gun, the armour-piercing round striking through the T80U in it's rear tracks and busting it's engine. After a few seconds it's fuel ignited and the tank began to burn. Two of it's crew escaped but the gunner, who'd been knocked unconcious by the impact, died in the flames.
Tideki picked up the radio, "Target down, one"
Generic empire
28-08-2004, 17:38
Emperor Alexei sat in his Imperial throne room thinking, as Chancellor Alexeevich walked in. Alexei cut him off as he began to speak.
"Our allies seem to be having more trouble than necessary fighting these rebels. As it seems they have already had their fun, I suppose it is time we end this. Begin the final strike. Alberia will no longer trouble me."
"Yes, your grace."
Chancellor Alexeevich stepped out of the chamber, leaving Alexei to his thoughts once again.
On the Alberian border, the Imperial forces began to move. Tank columns a mile wide kicked up dust in the afternoon sun, while phalanxes of Imperial Praetorians marched in step.
On the Black Sea coat, the troop transports hit the beach, and hordes of Praetorians charged forward.
The various prongs of the Generian spear now took their separate directions, each driving toward the heart of Alberia. Everything in the way of the Empire would burn, each man slaughtered, each woman taken as a prize, each child enslaved. Such was the way of the Empire.
28-08-2004, 17:49
Emperor Alexei sat in his Imperial throne room thinking, as Chancellor Alexeevich walked in. Alexei cut him off as he began to speak.
"Our allies seem to be having more trouble than necessary fighting these rebels. As it seems they have already had their fun, I suppose it is time we end this. Begin the final strike. Alberia will no longer trouble me."
"Yes, your grace."
Chancellor Alexeevich stepped out of the chamber, leaving Alexei to his thoughts once again.
On the Alberian border, the Imperial forces began to move. Tank columns a mile wide kicked up dust in the afternoon sun, while phalanxes of Imperial Praetorians marched in step.
On the Black Sea coat, the troop transports hit the beach, and hordes of Praetorians charged forward.
The various prongs of the Generian spear now took their separate directions, each driving toward the heart of Alberia. Everything in the way of the Empire would burn, each man slaughtered, each woman taken as a prize, each child enslaved. Such was the way of the Empire.
OOC:When are you gonna continue to RP that tank skirmish, you can just say that they've been wiped out, only in a cool way, since there would be no way they could survive with three of my tanks in front, a bunch of Type 90s in back, and an F18 bombing them.
IC:While Alpha platoon was bogged down by the enemy armor, they had taken no casualties. Charlie and Whiskie platoons moved past them and rushed towards the besieged soldiers. Whiskie platoon was made up of 4 Bradleys with mounted light infantry, while charlie was made up of King Abrams.
Generic empire
28-08-2004, 17:55
OOC:When are you gonna continue to RP that tank skirmish, you can just say that they've been wiped out, only in a cool way, since there would be no way they could survive with three of my tanks in front, a bunch of Type 90s in back, and an F18 bombing them.
IC:While Alpha platoon was bogged down by the enemy armor, they had taken no casualties. Charlie and Whiskie platoons moved past them and rushed towards the besieged soldiers. Whiskie platoon was made up of 4 Bradleys with mounted light infantry, while charlie was made up of King Abrams.
The Alberian armor was being shredded by Doomingsland's superior equipment. In the skies, ordinance rained down from F-18s, cutting up anything that was unfortunate enough to be caught in the blast. The technicals stood no chance, and they had known so, but they also knew of a hidden purpose for the reckless charge. As the trucks pushed forward, shielding themselves with the wrecked carcasses of tanks, the men in the driver's seats activated small devices by way of a switch beneath the dashboards. The trucks darted back and forth, finally coming close enough to their enemies to make the ultimate sacrifice. The soldiers manning the guns leapt off the back, as the vehicles exploded in a cloud of flame and shrapnel.
28-08-2004, 18:02
The tanks still remained undamaged, and proceeded to crush the men who jumped off beneath their treads. Those lucky enough to get out of the way were shreded by .50 cal fire. The tanks then headed at breakneck speed to link up with friendly armor...
Generic empire
28-08-2004, 18:06
The tanks still remained undamaged, and proceeded to crush the men who jumped off beneath their treads. Those lucky enough to get out of the way were shreded by .50 cal fire. The tanks then headed at breakneck speed to link up with friendly armor...
((OOC: Then my post was unnecessary. Stupid tanks and airplanes. Always shredding my pickup trucks...))
The Imperial forces had cut through the land like a knife through butter (damn cliche). Railroads had been adapted to manage the large amount of prisoners pouring in from the front. They would become very useful as slaves after the end of the war. At the dawn of day two of the Imperial invasion, Generian forces waited on the edge of the capital. The perimeter was airtight. Noone could get in or out, allies or enemies. The Emperor had plans for this city.
28-08-2004, 22:24
Bravo and Whiskie platoons were now only 5 minutes away from the siege, with Alpha a half hour behind. The former began to come under fire...
"Bravo One, enemy infantry up ahead! All units, converge on the mob!" with that, the King Abrams opened up with their coaxial miniguns and .50 cal gattling guns, all of them firing randomly intothe mob. The infantry piled out of the Bradleys, and surged forward, their themral and motion trackng systems on their ACS suits detecting hidden infantry. Sgt. Fredrick was commander of one of the squads, and moved toward the freindly units under the cover of fire from the Abrams and Bradleys. The 8-man squad came under fire from a stationary DSHk around a corner.
"OICW up!" he yelled.
Corporal Winters, the man armed with the OICW popped his rifle around the corner, and fired an airburst round over the sandbag emplacement, killing the gunner. The squad advanced over, when a gunman appeared on a rooftop, and opened fire with an AKMS, wounding one of the men.
"Man down! Man down! Suppresing fire!"
The soldier was pulled to cover with their XM8s, while his squadmates put suppresing fire on the roof. Another airburst round was put on the roof, taking care of that problem. They continued into a market, when two enemies appeared behind a busted up car. Fireteams alpha and bravo took cover in seperate areas, one behind a car, the other behind a fountain. Asphalt and brick was flying up in chunks from the enemy fire, pinning alpha. Bravo quietly moved up on the flank, and killed both enemies. Finnaly a friendly came within view...
Borman Empire
28-08-2004, 22:46
Viper lowered his AKM. He waved forward and a large amount of soldiers came from behind and in buildings. Wounded were aplenty with these men, some were even being dragged on skateboards.
"You don't know how happy I am. Our reinforcements made a mistake. They'll be here in about 10 minutes. 5,000 soldiers and vehicles.
OOC:Generia, can i grab slaves too?
We're gonna start grabbing slaves. Generia has encircled the capital but we are pretty sure they left some peoples, so when we're done here we're going slave hunting. But the most important thing. Do you have extra Ammo?"
28-08-2004, 22:53
Fredrick handed him 3 preloaded AK mags he took off a corpse.
"If you need more, head over there," he said, pointing to a pile of dead Alberian gunmen, killed by the Doomingsland forces, "Some tough fighting...the Alberians are good fighters, but not good enough," he chuckled to himself, "I doubt there's gonna be many people left to take as slaves. When we hit the city, we left no one alive and nothing undamaged.
Borman Empire
28-08-2004, 23:01
"Danm, everyone knows Borman loves slaves. Well whatever. Ferratian soldiers, i take it you can get out, and next time we meet, i hope it's it peace. Borman soldiers, take whatever you want, when you got it all and fighting is done report back to where we almost faced doom."
Viper walked off putting the ammo in his pants. As he walked he pulled some off dead men. Soon he found a truck, not overturned and with keyes in it. It was probably the mob's but he didn't think. He began throwing weapons, ammo and any useful thing he could get his hands on in the back. He got in and drove off, stopping to get money, weapons, ammo, and smokes as he went.
"I love doomingsland,"
he said as he drove off looking for more loot.
Borman Empire
29-08-2004, 05:44
Kalicimo, Harper, and Ambrol met up inside of one of the cities closest to the capital. They each had captured a bunch of slaves and were happy at that. And they opened looted bottles of wine and champagne becuase Doomingsland had saved Viper and the other men. They joined the vehicles, storing their loot and getting ammo. Viper had so much stuff Kalicimko let him share his personal transport. Viper put in everything he looted along with two women saying "Finder's keepers, losers are dead."
"Viper, i hope i'll get to see you again. But anyway get in. Generia has surronded the cpital, noone gets in, noone gets out. Not even us, we have orders to find out what's going on. ANd if it's a light show, we've been ordered to watch."
A cheer went up from the men as they loaded into the Bhalks, jeeps, and APCs.
Generic empire
29-08-2004, 05:52
Official Imperial Statement
No Generian or Alberian citizens will be seized as slaves except by Imperial forces. Clear?
Borman Empire
29-08-2004, 05:53
Unloading slaves now.
30-08-2004, 02:59
"Danm, everyone knows Borman loves slaves. Well whatever. Ferratian soldiers, i take it you can get out, and next time we meet, i hope it's it peace. Borman soldiers, take whatever you want, when you got it all and fighting is done report back to where we almost faced doom."
Viper walked off putting the ammo in his pants. As he walked he pulled some off dead men. Soon he found a truck, not overturned and with keyes in it. It was probably the mob's but he didn't think. He began throwing weapons, ammo and any useful thing he could get his hands on in the back. He got in and drove off, stopping to get money, weapons, ammo, and smokes as he went.
"I love doomingsland,"
he said as he drove off looking for more loot.
OOC: Awww, I'm loved...
The sergent turned and walked away.
Almost faced doom? Well my friend, what you don't realize is you just did... he thought to himself, checking the magazine in his rifle.
"OK, kids, our work here is pretty much done. Lets saddle up and head home." he said to his squad as the Bradleys pulled up...
New Kyoto City
30-08-2004, 03:32
"Open fire!" yelled Liutenant Hojo, and his platoon began blasting away over the top of the Alberian position.
Hojo stood up, and drew his Katana, "Section one! On me! Two, Three! Covering fire!" then began making his way across the street on his stomach, the nine men behind him copying.
After a minute or so they reached the four-foot wall behind which hid their enemy.
"Section" whispered Hojo, "Fix bayonets. On my count, we go over. At that point you may fire at will, but not before". He glanced at the rest of his platoon, then activated his microbead radio, "Two, three. Cease fire" the shots stopped. "" the ten who had been crouching scrambled to their feet and vaulted the wall, knowing their best defence was surprise. "BANZAII!!!" bellowed Hojo, his Katana shining brightly above his head, before it whipped down, it's surgical blade almost cutting the air, and scoring a terrible slash across the face of a half-kneeling Alberian. The man screamed as he fell, his hands at his ruined eye dripping in blood. Hojo reversed his blade and gave a vicious stab, silencing his victim forever.
After a few brief seconds of combat, all of the enemy lay dead or wounded. One man burbled to himself constantly, and Liutenant Hojo ran him through with his already blooded katana. He wiped it off on the man's fatigues before sheathing it again. One of his men cradled a broken arm from the butt of a rifle, but none were dead.
"You" he said to one, "Give that man a hand with his equipment" before turning to see his other two sections had rejoined them, "Platoon! Leave them be, we push on"
OOC: Just a bit of random rp
Borman Empire
30-08-2004, 14:49
The back door of the Bhalk hit the ground.
"Want a ride? We're heading towards the capital to see what Generia is doin. Probably a light show, my guys want to see and we've been ordered to watch so... Anyway hop in if you want."
New Kyoto City
30-08-2004, 15:36
"My thanks, friend" said Liutenant Hojo, "Platoon! Mount up!"
OOC: I know thirty men seems a lot to put in an APC, but ten or so can fit inside, and the rest can ride on the top.
Borman Empire
30-08-2004, 16:24
OOC: I got more than one
125 Bhalk-32s(can fit eight men)
125 APCs(can fit 12 men)
IC: The convoy made it's way to the capital.
"How much longer?"
"Couple o' minutes."
Borman Empire
30-08-2004, 21:13
Viper cleaned his gun and pointed it out the back of the APC saying one word.
Generic empire
30-08-2004, 22:02
In the grey light, as the smoke drifted over the great steppe plain, all was silent. Through the haze and mist, the Imperial army crested a ridge, Individual forms appearing as shadows in a mass of smoke. Below them lay the Alberian valley, and the capital of Novayistra. Inside the city waited the last remaining members of the Alberian militia. Generian peacekeepers had withdrawn, making way for the main force to make its final death blow, the coup de gras for the Alberians.
Suddenly, the squeel of treads echoed over the plain, as a light snow began to fall. The footsteps of the Generian army were heavy, echoing about the air. These noises, creating a backdrop for the breaths being held by every soldier on that plain, provided the final death knell for the Alberian province.
The men marched slowly down the hillside, and across the great plain. The city rose up before the army, a great black shadow. As the walls drew closer, the mists began to swirl, and dissipate. Before the great city stood hundreds of shadowy figures, Alberians all. This was the last of the militia, a thorn in the side of Generia for decades, and here they were to the last man, waiting. They brandished weapons of every make and model, scavenged from the last corner of the world. They stood silent as death, as the Imperials approached. Suddenly, they let out a great cry, many drawing sabers. Still they remained standing fast, drawing a last gasp before charging headlong into the pit where they would all find death.
On the hour of 6 AM, a cold Sunday in March, the Alberians made their last charge. Suddenly, as if a great fire had been lit behind them, each man sprinted forward towards the Imperial army in unison, screaming the warcry of the Alberian cossacks. Bullets ripped about the Alberians, laying many onto the snow covered Earth, as they continued a reckless charge, sabers shining under a low orange sun. As the armies met, the crash resounded across the steppe, as sabers sung, drawing blood from each side. As the Alberians fell to the overwhelming might of the Imperial army, the situation seemed most dark for the province. At the final hour, as the limbs flew, and the souls took flight for heaven, the remaining rebels did a strangen thing, breaking into an old cossack drinking song as they did battle. It is said that some of the Imperial soldiers were so taken aback by the strange behavior, that they did not see the bombs strapped to the backs of the Alberians. As the soldiers detonated the explosives, Imperial soldiers went flying backwards into the ranks. The Alberians had managed to strike one last blow before their demise.
The Generian Imperial army was victorious on the steppe plains, having completely annihalated the Alberian militia. The city was taken without resistance, leaving the army time to rape and pillage as they saw fit. Prizes of gold and women were packed into trucks for transport back to Generia proper, as the trains rumbled along the tracks, packed with Alberian slaves. Thus was the fate of proud Alberia, destined to become a slave nation in a grand empire.
Borman Empire
30-08-2004, 22:11
Major Harper and captain Ambrol clapped at the battle. Then Kalicimo handed them papers. Pack it up, we're going home. Bhalk thinks the war in Busselvannia is almost over and doesn't see fit to deploy us there. But we should be ready for war. Harper pulled out a bottle of champagne from his loot along with three gold goblets. Each man grabbed one as he poured.
"Some of the Alberian best. I got plenty of cigars if you want."
In each tank and APC a celebration was had as they learned they were going home. Viper walked up to Hojo.
"A drink my friend," he handed him a glass full of champagne and took a deep swig of his own.
"Victory is ours, Alberia is done. We can drop you off anywhere in Alberia, but after that we're getting an airlift."