"Mekanta" Attacks Germanishe Zustante (Or however you spell it.)
-Normandeicht Star System
Like the Shivans who attacked the system before, the Mekantan vessels emerged into the system suddenly. This time, there was no warning. And unlike the Shivans, these ships weren't here to play around.
The fleet folded in outside the system defensive parimeter, the Apocalypse class Commandships opening the assault with blasts from their Singularity Distortion Cannons at the unsuspecting UFGZ vessels. The other ships surged forward, blasting at anything that moved with Reflex and Spacial Distortion Cannons.
They focused, however, on the Monolith. Blasting it with considerable firepower by any standards. Several Imperator class Commandships launched wave after wave of Reflex Torpedoes at the planet Normandeicht.
And before the UFGZ forces could move to attack thier invaders, the Mekantan fleet folded away...
... Back to thier new master.
General Nyoseh of Neo-Mekanta laughed. It would only be a matter of time now...
Central Facehuggeria
26-08-2004, 02:14
So it's finally happened huh? *Tag*
Shadow Tech
26-08-2004, 02:17
26-08-2004, 03:04
26-08-2004, 03:53
Use the friggin subscribe option, it's ther so threads don't get clogged with tag posts. But since I'm already posting - TAG -
It's tradition.
Germanische Zustande
26-08-2004, 07:02
ooc: Mekanta, you know, you just destroyed the monument that we spent months on? The UFGZ is gonna be one helova boilin' over pot after this...
Secondly, with Folding, there are always tell-tale signs in the STC. We would detect the gravitational distortions. In that time, protocol would dictate that the planetary shields be raised. That and, with Normandeicht being a military base, and the UFGZ at war, the system would be at high alert. So, granted, severe damage was done to the Monotlith and some installations, but you just watch.
"They what?!"
The Chanceller stopped dead in the center of the corridor. "A Mekantan Fleet attacked Normandeicht?" He shook his head, suddenly throbbing from a massive headache.
"Yes sir," his domestic advisor began. "The Monolith was broken in to nine major pieces and thousands of smaller ones. The Shipyards are reporting major damage to 63% of the facility. Starbase 8 is reporting minor damage to the primary and secondary hulls, and at last count 31% of the System Ships were destroyed in the attack. Preliminary reports put the death toll in the four-digit thousands."
The Chanceller snorted out a few expletives. "Damn. Are you sure it was Mekanta? The great Juumo-Germanic War was started because of a misunderstanding. I want a full review of the entire attack. Report to me anything suspicious."
With that the Chanceller marched off.
Why do you think I focused a lot of fire on the Monolith. ^_^
The attack wasn't to cause damage, aside from the monument. It was just to provoke you to attack Mekanta. Sneaky Neo-Mekantan bastards. I swear, if I didn't play them to and already have something evil planned...
Germanische Zustande
26-08-2004, 07:09
And, it's Germanische Zustande. BTW, this same kind of thing happened to us before, se we are going to meticulously review the attack, and we may find something fishy...
Not really. There's nothing to link Neo-Mekanta to the attacks.
Hell, the only way to tell Mekanta and Neo-Mekanta apart are ship designs and colors (solved by capturing a Mekantan ship), and the fact that the Neo-Mekantans speak in an Omnivoice when they communicate (and there was no communication).
The ships were even temporarily removed from the Unification so the between-ship chatter was identical to a Mekantan attack. (Which is kinda pointless, since all the communication is done of Triad Point and thus can't be intercepted.)
So aside from behavior, which points even further towards Mekanta (Neo-Mekanta attacks things of strategic value. Mekanta goes for the psychological attacks.) there's nothing "fishy" to be found. ^_^
Germanische Zustande
26-08-2004, 07:17
Drat you....
Kinda forced you into a corner, didn't I?
Germanische Zustande
26-08-2004, 07:30
ooc: You know, this is a perfect time for the UFGZ to realize that it is overextended, and cannot fight another war... Maybe I should get AON help when I do attack you...
And, we will not be intimidated. Repairs will begin to the Monolith Immediately. Also, how did you get the coordinates to Normandeicht?
26-08-2004, 07:30
ooc: Did you provide any tells, Mekanta?
ESUS was involved in that battle.
Mekanta was planning on sending ships. So to send ships, they need the location. And the Shivan attack on Normandeicht was before Neo-Mekanta broke of from Mekanta, taking all the information Mekanta had amassed with them.
Add in Neo-Mekantan spies in Mekanta, and thus in ESUS, and events. or Neo-Mekanta rather, continue(s) to transpire against peace.
(EDIT: Actually, on closer examination, Mekanta did send ships. They just never defolded. Which means I have a small battlegroup still, technically, en route until some deus ex machina event knocks them out of spacefold in time to explode... Yes, explode. Thier Reflex Furnaces can only hold out under a Spacefold for so long. Which means it'll be like a bunch of reflex missiles defolding, conviniently, right next to the Monolith to blow up. *sigh*)
Germanische Zustande
26-08-2004, 07:48
Just remember, you have no idea of the location of other Federated Star Systems.
Just remember, you have no idea of the location of other Federated Star Systems.
OOC: ya but once you know where one place is the others are not normaly that far away and if they are the the person who picked the system needs there head cheaked (i dont mean you lol the IC people who picked it) for simple reasons, surpplys trade money and long traval means more fuel used (depending on your fuel (eg Fussion Reactors, zero point reactors etc) oh ya why i posted
26-08-2004, 08:40
Just remember, you have no idea of the location of other Federated Star Systems.
Until he interogates or mind rapes someone who knows, or captures navigational data.
Sentient Nanites
26-08-2004, 09:10
Tagzorz! :)
Until he interogates or mind rapes someone who knows, or captures navigational data.
Mekanta has learned a lot about the Human mind, and has become quite proficient at simply extracting any information they want.
alright, well, lets see how this unfolds, any ideas as to when a real war will take place?
Germanische Zustande
26-08-2004, 20:58
Mekanta, you did not post that you sent vessels. So don't even think about detonating those ships when we attack you. I will not accept that, nor pay any attention, as you never said anything about a fleet in the Normandeicht thread.
Germanische Zustande
26-08-2004, 21:06
ooc: Vi2o, I think it would be a very good idea for you to check your TGs...
ha...ok, I hope you dont, or I might need a signiture change. I didnt see that TG earlier. forget it.
Germanische Zustande
26-08-2004, 21:26
Pardon? That was a little hard to understand...
Pardon? That was a little hard to understand...Ok:
If you take offencive action towards the ESUS, I will be forced to drop out of the USF, as one member has already done. Perhapse you should tell me ahead of time (now) if you are really doing this just to save myself the time of finding out.
http://esus.illspirit.co.uk/memberofesus.gif (http://esus.illspirit.co.uk/forums/index.php)
Germanische Zustande
26-08-2004, 22:37
That member didn't drop out. He's just sittin this out. I really have no idea what'll happen from here on out. I honestly can't say.
GZ, I am truly sorry if I choose to drop out. I practically love this alliance you got here, but I cannot completely sit this out as the other member has. You understand my reasond, and I understand yours. I hope that peace, or even an alliance will be made between the ESUS and you. I have made many allies here, and do not wish to lose any of them. I hope you guys can work this out.
Germanische Zustande
26-08-2004, 22:59
I understand. I am truly sorry. After the war you can re-join, if you wish. I think that there will be no turning back.
Alright, then. You may hear of my resignation soon, or you may not.
OOC: you going to attack him back then GZ? or are you just going to sit there twidling your thumbs? oh and Mekanta the Lucifer is ready this is going to be (if a war happens) the perfect place to test out the test bed of new techs,
Germanische Zustande
27-08-2004, 00:49
I have.