Finalizing Claims
The God Falltothzu
25-08-2004, 21:14
OOC: Ok I claimed some Earth II lands but never rped taking them, mostly because I am a very lazy man and thought it was unnessiary at the time, so I am doing it here and now.
The God Falltothzu
26-08-2004, 22:02
An announcement was relayed to the soldiers It read as followed, "We must continue our expansion, it will not end here." Soon after the order to move out was given to the 101st, 102nd, and 103rd Infantry Divisions. It was evident, that most of the men were surprised to be loading onto Harper's Ferries, inplace of there ussual C-17s. From Madagascar, the 101st and the 102nd Infantry Divisions headed southwest, while the 103rd Infantry Division headed due north. About two days into their trips, the soldier were finally informed of their targets. The 101st Infantry Division was headed towards the Crozet Islands. When one of the captains was showed it's location on a map, he was qouted saying, "That's where we're headed, to a spec of dust sittin on the map?" The soldiers in the 101st were more than happy to find out that the islands were uninhabited, and a few men were even caught remarking, "So whats this, a paid vacation on a desert island?" The men of the 102nd were told that they were inbounds to the Kerguelen Archipelago. Their feelings were much of the same as in the 101st. Little did they know what was instore for them. The men of the 103rd, though they were gettin stuck with the short end of the stick, when they found out they were heading up to Franz Josef Land, an archipelago(sp?) in the artic circle.
The men of the 102nd were the first to reach their destination. As they got closer to the the archipelago, It became evident that they had some serious miss conceptions. As they got closer, standing on the deck of the ship, became almost a death sentence, with average winds in the 150 k/h range and gusts up to 200 k/h, and a wave height of 12-15 meters. The boats were pushed to their max, when they were tasked with landing on an island deeply indented with fjords. The soldiers had there work cut out for them setting up a colony there, but there first priority was making shelter for themselves, so that they could survive.
OOC: much more still to come
The God Falltothzu
27-08-2004, 06:08
For the first few days on the Kerguelen Archipelago, the soldiers worked nearly 20 hour days, spending the rest of their time warming up onboard the ships. The job was getting done quicker than what was expected, mostly due to the fact that all most all of the soldiers concentrated on setting up camp in the larger central island, due to the fact, that most of the other islands were to small for work at this point in the operation. Finally, when the soldiers finished setting up the base camp, they began to prepare more of the main island for colonization.
Meanwhile, the men of the 101st, had their own problems to deal with. They got lucky in the sense that the winds were less severe, only going up to 100 km/h for 100 days out of the year, and a slightly warmer temperature, leading to the fact that the island has no glaciers on it. They did face, the constant raining, 300 days out of the year, and the fact that they were more spread out over many islands in the Crozet Archipelago. Within a few weaks, several base camps were completed on the uninhabited islands of the Crozet Archipelago. This Archipelago was now ready for colonization, bringing inhabitants to these empty islands.
Soon after the base camps were completed by the 101st and the 102nd Infantry Divisions, the men of the 103rd had finally arrived at the Franz Josef Land Archipelago. The weather was rough, but less severe than what the others had experienced in the south. Once again, the islands here were largely uninhabited. The major problem that the men faced here was the sheer number of islands. There were over 60 in number, and many of them needed to have base camps built on them. It took several weeks, for all the base camps to finally reach completion. The colonization process could finally begin.
Within a few weeks of word of the Archipelagos being completed, civilians were all ready being shipped off to enhance and enrichen the islands, of which they will make there homes.
About a month after that expansion, The God Falltothzu decided to make yet another push for expansion. This time, parts of the 105th Personnel Transit Wing, would ferry the men of the 50th-55th Infantry Divisions to Novaya Zemlya. There were a few hundred who took up residence, on the island, but the brute force of the soldiers, just simply overwhelmed and crushed them. After the resistance was wiped out, the construction of base camps began. Within a week, they were complete and ready for colonization. Now the soldiers thought they were on the next plane home, when they were told that they had one last stop, The New Siberian Islands, an archipelago to the west. The temperatures were much harsher here, but what little resistance there was, was almost nonexistant. There were more islands here and more base camps to be built, so it took a few weeks for it to be ready for colonization. At about the same time, most of these men were just arriving home, when ships, full of colonists, were already on there way to civilize these new colonies.
OOC: That finishes up all my claims for now
27-08-2004, 11:22
Doesn't someone already own Madagascar?
27-08-2004, 14:42
Yes, I own Madagascar. Me, the Republic of Cerebus and Wolderstan (SP??)
Sorry, but I'm still moving in at school and will repley to this attack in a little bit. Maybe a week if it takes that long to get internet.
27-08-2004, 18:39
So, TG and we can set up the fight for madagascar if you still want to try to take it.
The God Falltothzu
27-08-2004, 19:09
screw it, you can have it.
The God Falltothzu
08-09-2004, 06:21
Most thought that the expansions where over, and that they'd finally get some rest. The God Falltothzu had some other plans in mind. After finishig up in Kerguelean, the men of the 102nd, were told they had a lot of island hopping to do. Their first assighnment was to head over to Tristin de Cuana. This archipelago has around 5 islands in it. They were slightly relieved when they were told that the islands were uninhabited for the most part. "Just that many less we gots to shoot" said a soldier after his breifing.
They were then caught of guard, once again, when they were told that that was just the begining. After that, they would be heading to Heard Island, Amsterdam Island, St. Paul Island, Marion Island, St. Helena Island, and Bouvetoya. The conditions were the same for the most part, build base camps, eradicated what little resistnce there is, even though, most of the islands are uninhabitated. They were told, that they were not alone. Later in the island hopping, the 102nd and the 103rd would be joining them.
Before that, the 102nd and the 103rd, would be tasked with colonizing the frigid islands above Russia. Together, they would go from the Kuril Islands, to Severnya Zemlya, and Wrangel Island. After that, they would be sent south, to aid in the effort down there. There was a little bit more resistance up here, but nothing they shouldn't be able to handle.
These are said to be the last expansions for some time. These expansions are estimated to be completed within the year.
I know its a bit rushed, but I have a lot of stuff to finish NS wise and RL wise, before school starts so its the best your gonna get for know...