NationStates Jolt Archive

History RP(Very Closed)

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Imperial Articas
17-08-2004, 00:46
Ok, the long awaited thread is up. Please, everyone that signed up, wait for Atarkhos to post the maps. It will be alot easier if it's the second post. Once he does, I will start and we will be underway.

Here is the timeline for the rp:
Month 1: The Classic Age (4000 B.C.-1 A.D.)
Month 2: The Dark Ages (1 A.D.- 1400 A.D.)
Month 3: The Age of Discovery and Enlightenment (1400-1800)
Month 4: The Industrial Age (1800-1950)
Month 5: The Modern Age (1950-2100)

17-08-2004, 03:24
The Island of Rose
17-08-2004, 03:40
I'm going to be Torturing American Gators until you start this...

17-08-2004, 07:25
What the heck! I'll start anyway! Are we starting in prehistoric or classical times?
17-08-2004, 09:08

Hehe, im in this to

Imperial Articas
18-08-2004, 01:06
We start in prehistoric.

IC: On an island, a large cave sat in the middle of it. Inside sat 3 people, 2 male, 1 female. They sat around staring at each other and once in awhile would jump around like a chimp. :p
18-08-2004, 01:46

-600 B.C.W. (Before the City of Wassa)

In the frozen tundra of the North, a small tribe of incorrectly named "cavemen" were setting up a camp for shelter and the collection of hunted prey. There were few, no more than three dozen, members of the young human race. A snowstorm was coming from the west. They had to act fast, before they were trapped in one of the devastating blizzards of the North.

The tribe was following a large herd of mastodonts, who were continueing heading east on the large Northern continent looking for trees with leaves. This tribe of humans had been hunting this particular herd for about five months now almost. They were completely dependent on the blessings of the mastodont prey. The fur provided clothing and even shelter, if intact. The durable bones of the beast had numerous uses, such as a blunt weapon (although rarely), poles in some cases for a tent-like structure in combination with a fur, they were sometimes used as decorations to designate the elder hunters, and certain bones could be used for tools.

This tribe had an elder of 36 years of age. This particular elder is the first in a line that will stretch some 7,500 generations to the modern era. The elder was simply the oldest surviving hunter who had won the respect of his kinsmen. He has lead dozens of successful hunts against the massive beasts. He claims kinship with a grey-haired mastodont who has thus far eluded death from other hunters. Elder Kog, as he was called, was to lead the hunt against this beast in a battle to the death. Only one would survive, and Elder Kog (always Elder Kog, never simply Kog) had seen almost a half dozen hunters in their prime fall victim to the Elder Mastodont's aggressiveness.

The tribe had finished setting up camp, all the tribesmen had gone to sleep, with the exception of a nightly watchman who looked out for predators, who were numerous. Massive predatory birds would swoop down and pick up stradlers who didn't keep up the nomads, and saber-toothed tigers would leap from the darkness and take down even the most versatile hunter. They were too far North for those particular predators, but there were still others just as deadly.

Elder Kog watched the many gods in the sky, and he fell asleep knowing he was in their protection.


These nomadic hunters are what will become the dominant Wassan culture.
An early farming-based society exists along the coastal region, they will become the Rutasians.
A Pre-Comlumbian Mesoamerican-esque culture exists in the mountainous west, they are hunter-gatherers who will become the Pellucidaran society.
A fourth distinct, and highly important, culture will pop up later in the Classical period, branching off from the Wassans.
18-08-2004, 02:09
Turkeys Are Good.
18-08-2004, 02:18

~600 B.C.W.

A 'Rutasian' 'village.' That description is the best way to describe what it is. It is not Rutasian, as there is no city of Rutas, or a distinct culture that warrants that adjective. It is the first sign of life in what would be known as the future Kingdom of Rutas several centuries later. It wasn't a village, either. No one lived there longer than a few days, it was simply a convenient meeting place for the Elders of the primitive tribes living along the coast of eastern and southern Fortestan. The Elders were meeting to discuss the abandonment of a nomadic lifestyle in favor of a settled-down existence growing food instead of hunting it.

The Elders wore furs from the prey they had recently taken down. There weren't many Elders, as many lived too far away, others had died along with their entire tribe, and many didn';t want anything to do with the other tribes. A fire was raging. They spoke a very primitive language, it seemed like a combination of barks, growls, and grunts, although it was more sophisticated than that. The Elders were sceptacle of farming, due to their ignorance and impatience, although one believed it was a blessing from their ocean gods whom they revered.

A bit about the Rutasian, if you can call it that, culture: They devote their entire life to pleasing their gods, who they believe reside in the ocean. They will never lead their tribes far from the coast, not wanting to anger the omnipotent sea-dwellers. The best word to describe the Rutasians is nomadic-fishermen (Hyphens make it one word), although they did hunt big game every now and then. Farming is difficult to impose upon these people, as they believe fishing pleases their gods (...or something) and there isn't enough farmland to support most of the tribes.

Elder Mog, the advocate of farming, spoke up. This is a loose translation: "The Gods have blessed us again, They wants us to lead a safer life of farming where we can spend more time praying and worshipping Them. We can grow and thrive if we cease this lifestyle of wandering, we have found our destiny." The other elders knew they would not be able to stop farming from spreading if it did work and was successful, but they didn't want to settle down and not have enough food when the Great Sea froze over (winter) and they had no food.

The Elders grumbled and there wasn't a lot of variety in their decisions (It was for or against farming, no in between) so they departed and went to the small sleeping huts that were built by their father's father and had lasted their entire lives. This bickering would go on for a few days, until they finally went back to their respective tribes.


Tell me if you spot any inconsistencies in either of my posts, please. :D
18-08-2004, 02:39
OOC:I don't feel like waiting 900 years to post, so I'll just settle my people.

300 A.D.

A vast armada of Roman ships arrives at a seemingly new continent, they have no idea were they are. From what it looked like, it was a penninsula. They landed on the northern end. Firstly, they searched for a defendable postion to settle, and found one with ease. The land they had arrived in consisted mainly of volcanic ash, and active volcanos. Some believed they had set foot in the underworld. They found a large piece of land surrounded by a river of lava flowing from a nearby volcano. There they constructed their first settlement. The commander of the expidition and two others set off to explore the nearest volcano...
Imperial Articas
18-08-2004, 06:05
OOC:I don't feel like waiting 900 years to post, so I'll just settle my people.

300 A.D.

A vast armada of Roman ships arrives at a seemingly new continent, they have no idea were they are. From what it looked like, it was a penninsula. They landed on the northern end. Firstly, they searched for a defendable postion to settle, and found one with ease. The land they had arrived in consisted mainly of volcanic ash, and active volcanos. Some believed they had set foot in the underworld. They found a large piece of land surrounded by a river of lava flowing from a nearby volcano. There they constructed their first settlement. The commander of the expidition and two others set off to explore the nearest volcano...

OOC: Doom, don't skip ahead. That's what happened last time. Stay with the timeline that we made in the other thread please. O ya, I should probable add that to my original post.

IC: The cavemen had grown in numbers. They now had 56 of them. After 2 years of watching certain animals(wolfs) they decided that these were smart creatures and they started hunting deer and the like also. They had moved out of the cave and set up a small village of deerskin huts along the boarder of the great water. In the winter they would abandon the village and go back to the cave where it was warmer. They weren't very advanced but had ways of hunting. They threw rocks with great accuracy, attacked with giant blunt objects like sticks.
18-08-2004, 09:02
The Cavemen started to dance around. Was it primeval instinct? Or just madness? They had found a home, the land of Cimoray or good-land. They had about 100 people, all nomadic, changing homes every season or rethe. The elephants on the island were not hunted, the shamans said that they were sacred and the animal of the gods. They lived off the abundant vegetation and numerous berry plants. They believed themselves to be the chosen of the gods. They were taken from Huto or the heavens and chosen to tend the land and make it bountiful for the gods to live in. Someday they would live with the gods, and each day would be as long and pleasurable as a age or Ginzatul on Earth. They started to construct their homes, hoping to live somewhere permanently.....
18-08-2004, 09:08
-600 B.C.W :

A group of 10 Warriors, theyre wifes and children stroll allong a lake...
They come across a point from where they can see where the animals are, and set up theyre camp.
The women start to plant all sorts of fruit, vegetables and grains, while the men go see if the animals can be hunted, or even put into a corral, cause they dont wanna hunt the almighty God.
The children play, and grow up, and so it goes on!


Wheres that map!
Imperial Articas
18-08-2004, 09:09
-600 B.C.W :

A group of 10 Warriers, theyre wifes and children stroll allong a lake...
They come across a point from where they can see where the animals are, and set up they camp.


Wheres that map!

O sorry.
18-08-2004, 09:17
OOC: Im not in that map, get me a small piece of land near a lake please.
18-08-2004, 09:25
Time passes on, don't you think? The Gods favour looks down upon us and we have found the most bountiful of lands. For we are of the Eldalie, chosen to make the Jathil beautiful and as a home for the gods to dwell in. We will shape this world and make it as the heavens were and fill it with the light of the gods. We were chosen for this task, and we will complete it.
18-08-2004, 09:30
The Tribe now consisted of 50 Warriors with theyre wifes and children.
They had put all reindeer and animals in a corral, where they were safely watched and taken care for.
When winter came, the Warriors stored the meat, fruits, vegetables and grains into special tents made for that kind of storaging and gave the animals a safe and warm home.
When, during the winter, an animal had attacked the storage, the Wisemen of the tribe decided that there should be permanent defence over our camp.

So the tribe build a town.

In the long, long winter, the wisemen together with the warriors thaught long and hard over everything.
When once again summer and spring came, the warriors chopped down a tree and made a cano.
So there came a new item on the menu, fish.
18-08-2004, 10:25
Can we advance to the classical ages? Prehistoric is boring :rolleyes:
18-08-2004, 15:25
Can we advance to the classical ages? Prehistoric is boring :rolleyes:
Yeah, seriously, I can't even post until then.
Universalist Totality
18-08-2004, 18:17
I seriously reccommend we wait before starting this thing. My humble concerns:
1) I would still like to see the map changed to the specifications I have outlined.
2) Could we please start with a universal dating system? 600 B.C., 400 A.D, we should all be starting at the specified date, 4000 B.C., and work from there.
3) Would it be possible for us to please take turns!. You post your, and then wait for everyone else to take their turn before posting again. If this is going to turn into one of those threads where there's two people that write ten posts for every post by another player, then that will cause total chaos.

Your thoughts?
Imperial Articas
18-08-2004, 19:57
I can't change the map, thats Atarkhos job.

IC: The people had grown in size and technologie. They now had a permanent village down by the beachead and were great hunters. They had developped ways to make stone masons and bricks for the're houses. They had adopted the wolf as their animal for it tought them so much. How to hunt, trap, and swim. The people also managed to mine bronze and copper from the ground and made weapons with them. They had also built small canoes that could go on the water and allow them to fish.

OOC:Go ahead and have your start now Doom, my people advanced slowly in this time.
18-08-2004, 20:07
The centurion and his two aids made their way toward a nearby volcano, and walked to the foot of it. There was some sort of doorway leading into the mountain...

"What do you suppose that is, m'lord?"

"Not sure, lets check it out." the centurion, Maximus Helldawg, responded in latin.

They moved into the firey mountain. The centurion returned alone a day later, saying the others had been slain by demons. He brought with him a new sword, it was curved, and apparently glowed black. It was made of a metal none of them had encountered. He was also wearing new black armor, witch he claimed was indistructable. The most curious object he had with him was a golden skull, which later became the symbol of this new city, which he aptly named Doom...

A day later, another group traveled outside the volcanic area and found an area with fertile soil. They established another settlement, New Rome, which had the purpose of providing food to Doom.
Imperial Articas
18-08-2004, 20:12
The village prospered as it was on a highly fertile spot. The winters that caused the people so much trouble in the past turned out to be 2 little snowstorms during the season. The people had found ways to turn silk, and coton and other materials into clothes, carpets, flags, etc.... The village had 1547 people in it and they finally named it Artica.
18-08-2004, 20:23
After a year of constructing the villages, the newly proclaimed Emporer Maximus ordered a massive citidel be built within the city of Doom. It was projected it would take 50 years to complete the evil looking structure, but soon it was discovered that the journey through the volcano gave the Emporer unnatural strength and longevity, so he himself did the most manual labor.
Imperial Articas
18-08-2004, 20:43
The Articans lived in peace and prosperity. They had even developped ways to train wolfs. They had come up with some gods to. They believed in the pagans(roman gods) and had built a temple within the city. They had constructed bigger sea going vessels. A senate was formed 7 people. They governed the city and the people. They had 7 galleys constructed. The senate proclaimed that 7 soldiers go onto a galley and sail nonstop until they reach the sun which is across the sea. The galley set sail and just kept going.
18-08-2004, 20:48
Military service was cumpulsory for all men and boys between the ages 8-60, and training was on par with the ancient Spartans. Women had cumpulsory weapons training aswell. The most important thing the emporer did was indoctrinate the people into a concept of never surrender. All swords were based on the sword that the emporer brought from the mountain, now named Mt. Doom, as the design was very effective.
Imperial Articas
18-08-2004, 21:34
The galley kept going until a storm hit and it sunk. :p That was awesome.
Port Voxman
18-08-2004, 22:05
finally the nomadic tribe that called it self the Voxians have settled in a small land that tocuhes the great ocean. our brave scouts ran out to explore the land more, and have set up a second town nearby. from this town archers, and a large amout of clubmen / rock throwers are trained. back in port voxman the people gather berries,wood,stone, etc. construction of a crude wood wall has also began.

in other news, Adam Voxi has discovered a bright, and very hot thing that you can make by rubbing two dry pieces of wood together. he called it Fire, after his wife, who was killed by some wolves. dont worry, the wolves have been killed.

the voxians are learning about things quickly. they have a small fishing operation going that consits of rapidly spearing the water. so far 000001 fish have been caught.

finally, bashing your head into the wall is now the most favorite way to blow off steam. :headbang:
Port Voxman
18-08-2004, 22:09
today is a termendous day of aachievment for port voxman! there are now walls surronding both settlements, and our war rafts have been improved to a galley! rock throwers are now decommisoned and replaced with archers, and the sword has been created. now all cavemen have been outfitted with a leather/stone armour, and are being taught how to use the sword. the first galley set sail a little after sunrise, but a fish rammed into it and the ship was sunk. but luckily the fish is ok!

we now have an army of a total of 150 people, and a navy of 71 people! and the lobster is now the local deity.

The Island of Rose
18-08-2004, 22:19
OOC: I need settlers to settle me, remember I was a Colony.

And Port, you were invited?
Imperial Articas
19-08-2004, 03:32
The Articans had created a larger fleet of galleys and fishing boats. The first army of Artica was created also. It consisted of 100 swordsmen. The men were equiped with 1 foot long bronze swords and a wooden shield. They also sent out settlers to establish more settlements. They now had 5 villiages in total, Artica, White River, Blue Lake, Fire Mountain and Bronze Hills. Each had a garrison of 3 swordsmen and 2 rock throwers. The village of Artica however was where the rest of the army and the fleet was stationed. 10 Settlers and 5 swordsmen boarded one of the galleys and set sail. This time instead of finding nothing and then sinking, they found an island. After 1 month(in our date system) they had explored the island and found it to be mostly rose fields. A village was then set up on the island. Back at home, the total population of all the 5 villages(not including the one on the new island) was 7389. The economie was mostly copper mines, bronze mines, gold mines, farms and hunting and fishing. Every year, the trained wolfs alone would bring in more than 56 deer, boar and other animals each. Wolfs also helped out on the farms because they could keep the wildlife away. The Articans proclaimed wolfs the gifts of the gods to their great people. Another gift was the horse which was very usefull on the farms and for transporting goods. The people had no clue how to ride them yet tho. The farms produced fruits and vegetables, chicken, cattle, ox and wool from sheep.
19-08-2004, 11:00
The village wich now contained over 200 warriors, theyre wifes and children kept expanding, the men had build temples for the almighty turtle.
The wisemen were replaced by a King, wich the people got to choose everytime he died.

When another winter came, and the fishing and hunting season came to its end, the warriors helped theyre women harvesting the grains, vegetables and fruits.

When time came, the Kingdom now called Camewot, expanded with another village.

The warriors were now highly trained, and on a patrol they found out how to make fire....
19-08-2004, 11:16
They had now settled beside the sea. Being enamoured of it, they built not a village, but a city. A golden city, that beckoned to all that saw it. Annuminas they called it, the city of everlasting light. Commorargh had no army, just a Navy. Although this Navy started to map the coasts around the island, they took up a flag. The flag of Commorargh, the kingdom of light. The two trees started to grow, each one giving off light. A golden tree and a silver tree.
19-08-2004, 11:22

My nation will probaly be the most beautiful in the world. And the biggest and best navy. We have no army though.
19-08-2004, 11:23
The city is'nt that big. Yet :p
19-08-2004, 15:21
The army of Doom, also called the Doom Legion, set off on an expidtion of conquest to annihilate the barbarian tribes in the region. Scouts had previously went both north and south, and found mountains in both areas (lets just say this is were my border is), and the emporer decided their goal would be to conquer everything up to those mountains.

An army 500 strong, armed with the special curved swords, now called Doom Swords, and javelins, marched northwards, burning and killing everything in their path. At their head was none other than Emporer Helldawg himself, he being the greatest warrior in the land. Here's what a typical barbarian purging would look like-

The legion would form rank, and march on the barbarians in formation. When they got within range, they would hurl their javelins at random targets, draw steel, and charge into the fray. The Emporer would run ahead of everyone, taking the most heads. He himself would slay thier chieftain in glorious combat, and set his head upon a pike. The same was done with the rest of the enemy warriors. A rider would take the heads back to the massive citadel, now called the Doom Citadel, and people would decorate the walls of the great hall with the heads.

It took almost a year of burning and killing to conquer the north, afterwords it was settled, and the city of Micacul was founded there.

Afterwords, the army marched back in triumph to the dark city, and were welcomed as the victorious. A different army of 500 was then sent southward, and found it mostly uninhabited, and founded the city of Jopiticus.
Universalist Totality
19-08-2004, 16:40
Seeing as how I'm just being ignored, I'm resigning from this "RP". Have fun with your quasi-realistic game of first grade makebelieve, I have to go do some real roleplaying now.
19-08-2004, 16:46
Oh well, its not as if we have to delete you from the map since you weren't on in the first place.
Universalist Totality
19-08-2004, 18:41
Ya, actually I am. As Sarmatia. Duh.
Imperial Articas
20-08-2004, 23:29
OOC:Hey guys I won't post as often because I have a virus so I don't have much access to a computer. But I will still post as often as I can.

IC: The main island and colony were advancing well. There were now 3 villages in the colony which was now named The Island of Rose and back at Artica the army, as well as population grew. Each village in Artica was now a town and had at least a population of 345 927 people(including the garrison). The army, which was now called the legion, had many new recruits. There were more than 60 000 troops. The technologie also advanced. The galleys(having sails not slaves) were made bigger and out of better wood. The swords were now made out of iron, as well as helmets, cuirasses, bracers, and greeves. They had also discovered how to make bows, axes, spears, javelins, and onagers. The republic advanced as well. They now had a new way to govern. The senate was elected by the people and then the senate would elect an emperor. The conditions of being emperor were that you had to off spent at least 2 years as a senator and you could not officially do anything without the permission of the senate. The first elected emperor was named Nerevar Almalexi. The Imperial Palace was then constructed in the center of the city of Artica and was made of large stone masons, marble, silver and gold. Trade between the two islands was good but with Artica getting most of the profit since the other island was a colonie. The people also knew how to ride the horses now.

OOC:For informational purposes cause I'm going to send out ships to meet with Doomingsland cause he's close to me, I will now say the strengh of my legions.

IC: The Legion

1rst Legion
3000 legionaires
500 spearmen
500 axemen
1000 archers
156 cavalry
52 onagers

2nd Legion
2567 legionaires
600 spearmen
100 axemen
3046 archer
536 cavalry
26 onagers

3rd Legion
4895 legionaires
225 spearmen
52 axemen
563 archers
264 cavalry
35 onagers

4th Legion
2748 legionaires
462 spearmen
1534 axemen
408 archers
365 cavalry
22 onagers

The rest of the men that aren't accounted for in the legions(I have more than 60 000) are in the garrisons at each town, or village.


1 26 inch iron sword
1 10 inch dagger
1 shield(all shields are like roman shields)
3 javelins

1 spear(wooden shaft 1.5 meters, iron head 7inches)
1 10 inch dagger
1 shield

1 iron battle axe
1 10 inch dagger
1 shield

1 30 inch wooden bow
300 wooden arrows with iron tip and feather flecthing
1 10 inch dagger

1 spear
1 26 inch iron sword
5 javelins
1 10 inch dagger

Iron, and bronze for regulars
Iron, silver, and bronze for officers
Iron, gold, and bronze for commanders, leaders, generals, etc..
20-08-2004, 23:39
The army of Doom was now almost 90,000 strong, each man armed with standard Roman equiptment, but more improved. The soldiers had plate armor vests, and wore chain mail underneath. The armor was painted black, to amke them look better, and their swords were the ones based on the emporer's sword. There was also a large force of archers. By now, the Doom Citadel was finished, and the cities were all walled. One of the coastal fortresses saw something in the distance...

"Sir, what do you think it is?"

"Looks like a ship. Ride to the citadel and request reinforcements!"

"Yes, sir!"

An hour later, there was an encampment of 10,000 awaiting the landing of the Articans.
The Island of Rose
20-08-2004, 23:42
OOC:Hey guys I won't post as often because I have a virus so I don't have much access to a computer. But I will still post as often as I can.

IC: The main island and colony were advancing well. There were now 3 villages in the colony which was now named The Island of Rose and back at Artica the army, as well as population grew. Each village in Artica was now a town and had at least a population of 345 927 people(including the garrison). The army, which was now called the legion, had many new recruits. There were more than 60 000 troops. The technologie also advanced. The galleys(having sails not slaves) were made bigger and out of better wood. The swords were now made out of iron, as well as helmets, cuirasses, bracers, and greeves. They had also discovered how to make bows, axes, spears, javelins, and onagers. The republic advanced as well. They now had a new way to govern. The senate was elected by the people and then the senate would elect an emperor. The conditions of being emperor were that you had to off spent at least 2 years as a senator and you could not officially do anything without the permission of the senate. The first elected emperor was named Nerevar Almalexi. The Imperial Palace was then constructed in the center of the city of Artica and was made of large stone masons, marble, silver and gold. Trade between the two islands was good but with Artica getting most of the profit since the other island was a colonie. The people also knew how to ride the horses now.

The Rosians were a strange people. Something about the roses made them this way. One man in particular, his name was Quintillius. He was one of few rebels. He was a farmworker, but he secretly despised the Government. He did not want foreign soldiers in what, as he seen it, a Rosian's village. But, he had to work anyway... ah... to fields he went.

"Damn Articans... think they rule the world... one day we will rise..." He continued to plow the field, meanwhile, his son applied for the Legion, he wanted to be a normal Legionnare.

His son, Remus, was at recruiting center, he loved the Artican Empire. He was enthusiastic. He wanted to be a Legionnare, and work his way up to Centurion. He walked up to the recruiting officer...

OOC: I RP the colonists, you RP the Artican Legion. Basically, I have the son go up to the rank of General, than he leads a rebellion, freeing TIOR, blah blah blah... well?
Nova Cartago
21-08-2004, 06:28
OOC: Sorry about not being here for the first week, I was away on camp. Anyway I'm back now so here we go...

Nova Cartago...

A small band of travelling nomads living near Doomingsland travelled further than usual in their search for food during an especially hard winter. They discovered the entrance into a vast and lush valley. In this valley snow covered the landscape, but it was warmer than outside, sheltered from wind and weather.

They entered through a long canyon dotted with ancient stone carvings unlike any they had seen before. Inside they discovered a vast plain, in the distance lay a small mountain. After week of travelling, eating the gazelles which roamed the plain, they reached the mountain. The gazelles were easy pickings as they were tired by the increasingly long winters. The mountain itself was not tall, especially compared to the great peaks to the south, but on top stood a golden statue of a giant scale. A great village surrounded the statue but noone was present. They entered the largest house and found a lone old man covered in exotic furs. He opened his eyes and the nomads smelt burning incense. The elder spoke some words that sounded incomprehensible to the nomads. It was later discovered that he had said, "You are not one of The People/Us?".

Thus was the discovery of the people of Nova Cartago, during the time of the Doomed (I assume that's the adjective?)-Artican War. With the discovery of other people, the Novans' horizons suddenly broaded with the prospects of trade with other peoples. Their complicated stone age tools were quickly replaced by bronze tools of a much simpler nature, but better for their purpose. The Novans quickly adapted to the changes, forming a rudimentary army, one for each of their major "population centers". Being partially nomadic they had resting areas that the elderly and the women and children stayed in for half the year. Two along each coast and one of the southerly mountain range. One final "population center" was a meeting place for the elders and wise men of each of the other population centers. A single elder stayed to guard the sacred scale against animals.

With the discovery of other peoples, an outer village was erected around the sacred inner city to protect the Holy Golden Scale. Each tribe sent their greatest warrior and bedecked him with the tribe's armour, an iron (scavenged from meteorites) breastplate encrusted with jewels (the Novans had a small trove of jewels from time immemorial) that could deflect the strongest stab of a sword of swing of an elephant's tusk. In addition a small number of hunters (around 10-20) similarly armed with bronze jeweled armour supported the 5 great warriors in the defence of the Holy City. This would form the foundation of the Holy City of Equality in later centuries, with its Army of Holy Egality.

It is believed the sudden shock of meeting other, more advanced peoples (the Novans had perfected their current technologies whilst others had sped along to bronze then iron) had forced the Novans into a cultural quadrany and the became the first hippies, advocating Equality for All (Especially slower races (like Us))
Imperial Articas
24-08-2004, 00:55
The Rosians were a strange people. Something about the roses made them this way. One man in particular, his name was Quintillius. He was one of few rebels. He was a farmworker, but he secretly despised the Government. He did not want foreign soldiers in what, as he seen it, a Rosian's village. But, he had to work anyway... ah... to fields he went.

"Damn Articans... think they rule the world... one day we will rise..." He continued to plow the field, meanwhile, his son applied for the Legion, he wanted to be a normal Legionnare.

His son, Remus, was at recruiting center, he loved the Artican Empire. He was enthusiastic. He wanted to be a Legionnare, and work his way up to Centurion. He walked up to the recruiting officer...

OOC: I RP the colonists, you RP the Artican Legion. Basically, I have the son go up to the rank of General, than he leads a rebellion, freeing TIOR, blah blah blah... well?

OOC: That sounds good.

IC:The Artican galleys pulled up to the shores of the newly discovered land to find troops waiting for them. These men did not look like barbaric tribesmen but rather more civilized peoples like them. There were 50 galleys in total which had carried the 3rd legion and supplies to these new lands. The commanding general of the legion, General Tumbler, rode over to the strangers in black armor. He was followed by all 30 of his officers who all rode on just as magnificent horses as he had. Their golden armor shone in the sunlight as they rode up. About 2 meters away from the front ranks of the foreigners they stopped and Tumbler asked in a friendly but commanding voice, "Who's in charge here?"

Back at the empire

The Imperial City of Artica had grown immensly. The population had exeeded 5 million people. The entire island was now full of lush cities. Each city garrison had a minimum of 20 000 troops. The legions stayed at their homes when of duty and at one of the 25 legion forts that were set up strategically around the island. There were now 25 more legions added to the army. Emperor Nerevar ruled the empire well and was well loved by his people, altho the people on the second island of the empire, The Island of Rose, had a bit of a grudge against him but still loved him. The emperor never married and had no children, thus producing no heir to the imperial throne. The general of the 8th Legion noticed this and also noticed that the emperor was growing older. Along with commanding the 8th Legion he also was in charge of Fort Moonmoth, which housed his legion, along with the 2nd, 4th and 6th legions. Every single man in each legion would follow him to hell and back if he commanded it. With the 3rd legion away it was a prime time to strike against the emperor.

OOC:In a couple of days my first civil war will start, that's when you can rise up against me Island of Rose.
The Island of Rose
24-08-2004, 01:25
OOC: Useless post...

The colonists were just going along in their farm, until suddenly, a strange man appeared. He had a large bead, oh screw it he looked like Che Gueverra...

"My fellow Rosians!"

The farmers gasped, they were Articans, not Rosians. Who the hell was this man?! And why does he look like Che Gueverra?! And why do I keep asking questions!? Eh, let's continue...

"My fellow Rosians, we have been oppressed for too long, they overtax us and they opress us by having these Legions in our Island. It is time we rise up and overthrow them!"

The farmers groaned, another radical... bleh, some men joined him though, about ten, and then they went off to the woods...

OOC: Can you do something very bad to the Colonists so we can rise up? And yes I am setting the mood...
Imperial Articas
24-08-2004, 01:28
OOC: Useless post...

The colonists were just going along in their farm, until suddenly, a strange man appeared. He had a large bead, oh screw it he looked like Che Gueverra...

"My fellow Rosians!"

The farmers gasped, they were Articans, not Rosians. Who the hell was this man?! And why does he look like Che Gueverra?! And why do I keep asking questions!? Eh, let's continue...

"My fellow Rosians, we have been oppressed for too long, they overtax us and they opress us by having these Legions in our Island. It is time we rise up and overthrow them!"

The farmers groaned, another radical... bleh, some men joined him though, about ten, and then they went off to the woods...

OOC: Can you do something very bad to the Colonists so we can rise up? And yes I am setting the mood...

OOC: Ok, I will come up with something a bit before my civil war starts. I will like have some of the rebel troops pillage one of your towns that supports the empire. O and by the way, I fixed the virus on my computer so I will post lots again.
Imperial Articas
24-08-2004, 03:27
Nova Cartago
24-08-2004, 11:47
The Novans talked with their trading partners in Doomingsland. They also talked with traders from distant lands over the sea... a mysterious place full of roses and a place with a hereditary chieftain. Strange ideas indeed... and strangest of all was the idea of warfare. Hiterto the Novans had never considered man fighting man. They had a small army to fend off the larger beasts that roamed the lands. They gathered their knowledge and prepared for the onslaught that they knew would come.

The Novans began their quick ascent into the Bronze and Iron Ages, lead by their trading partners from the neighbouring opressed Doomingsland villages. With time their small Holy Army of Equality grew from a measly bunch of armoured hunters to a well trained army.

It consisted of a core of hardcore battle veterans, who wore symbolic jewelled meteorite armour. They wielded long swords which had a longer reach than most other swords and were used mostly for hacking (although jabbing worked well also). There were about 150 of this core army, used for the defence of the Head Village, as the sacred village was now known.

The remainder of the army was split into two groups. The hunters, now adorned with bronze armour and mostly ranged weapons (typically the longbow), but also with long swords, were used for defence. The smaller half were better trained and were used mostly as a deterring defensive force, but were also an offensive army. They wielded thick iron armour, padded with leather (for the cushy feel) for better camoflage. They also carried heavy shields. They were best suited for a slow offense against a non-motile enemy, such as a fortified position.

Meanwhile rumours of brutal, terrifying atrocities being committed in nearby Doomingsland. People being Oppressed!. This was a shock to the placid Novans who advocated Equality to all, above all. Meanwhile rumours fluttered in from the coast of an army of Articans moving towards Doomingsland.
24-08-2004, 15:28
OOC: That sounds good.

IC:The Artican galleys pulled up to the shores of the newly discovered land to find troops waiting for them. These men did not look like barbaric tribesmen but rather more civilized peoples like them. There were 50 galleys in total which had carried the 3rd legion and supplies to these new lands. The commanding general of the legion, General Tumbler, rode over to the strangers in black armor. He was followed by all 30 of his officers who all rode on just as magnificent horses as he had. Their golden armor shone in the sunlight as they rode up. About 2 meters away from the front ranks of the foreigners they stopped and Tumbler asked in a friendly but commanding voice, "Who's in charge here?"

Back at the empire

The Imperial City of Artica had grown immensly. The population had exeeded 5 million people. The entire island was now full of lush cities. Each city garrison had a minimum of 20 000 troops. The legions stayed at their homes when of duty and at one of the 25 legion forts that were set up strategically around the island. There were now 25 more legions added to the army. Emperor Nerevar ruled the empire well and was well loved by his people, altho the people on the second island of the empire, The Island of Rose, had a bit of a grudge against him but still loved him. The emperor never married and had no children, thus producing no heir to the imperial throne. The general of the 8th Legion noticed this and also noticed that the emperor was growing older. Along with commanding the 8th Legion he also was in charge of Fort Moonmoth, which housed his legion, along with the 2nd, 4th and 6th legions. Every single man in each legion would follow him to hell and back if he commanded it. With the 3rd legion away it was a prime time to strike against the emperor.

OOC:In a couple of days my first civil war will start, that's when you can rise up against me Island of Rose.

"I am incharge." said the emporer's son, Maximus Helldawg II, "you are tresspassing on Imperial soil, state your purpose."
Meanwhile, on the southern border, an Imperial legion was about to conquer more land...

"My brothers! The time of glory is at hand! We must crush the cowards in the south in the name of God! Death to those who oppose us!"

This was followed by immense cheering from the men. From every conquest, every soldier would recieve an acre of land to settle on after he retired, so the men were not only fighting for the Empire, but for themselves and their families.

The horn blew, and a swarm of 30,000 Doom Legionaires poured across the Nova Cartagan border. All of the men had been trained in the art of warfare since the age of six, and most were veterans of the quelling of the northern barbarians.
Imperial Articas
24-08-2004, 20:41
Doomingsland Coast

The Legion got into a checkerboard formation, preparing for any attack from the foreign army. Tumbler then replied "I apologise for tresspasing, we come with peacefull intentions. I am General Tumbler of the 3rd Legion of the Artican Empire. Our great leader, Emperor Nerevar Almalexi, has sent us on a scouting mission to learn more about this planet." He then wispered something into the ear of one of his officers, Commander Atler, who then rode of in the direction of the troops. He shouted something and the men began moving into a marching formation. Atler then rode back to Tumbler and nodded. "We wish to be taken to your leader. Im sure we can learn much about each other and start a great friendship between our two peoples."

At the Empire

General Vivic, of the 8th Legion and commander of Fort Moonmoth, assembled his troops. They gathered under the keep of the fortress and looked up at their leader. "Friends! Hear me! For 67 years the emperor ruled over these lands. For 67 years he ruled well! But as you all know, he has no heir, meaning that the imperial throne would be open to any lunatic. We must not allow our great empire to be destroyed by a would-be ruler. We must march on the capitol and take the throne! Not for ourselfs, but for our country. As soldiers it is our duty, nay, our priviledge to protect our country! And we must protect it now by making sure the best possible suscessor to the throne be named. I am that suscessor! Tonight we march! For Imperial Artica!" chears were heard all through the fort. Within the next hour, all the fortress emptied. More than 24 000 troops marched through the gates of the fortress and headed for the capitol. After 10 hours of marching they arrived at the city gates. The gaurds asked the general "Why are you here?" He replied with such reassurance that the guards believed him, "The emperor requested that the garrisons at Fort Moonmoth report for inspection." "Very well, proceed." The huge iron gates opened and in walked the army. It marched straight to the Imperial Palace and 500 legionnaires marched inside, along with General Vivec and all the other officers. The preatorian guard saluted them as they walked to the throne room. When they entered the room they shut the large marble doors behind them and locked them. "What is going on here!?" demanded Emperor Nerevar as he sat in his throne with several young women beside him. General Vivec walked up to him, picked him up and threw him to 3 of his men. The other legionnaires slew the guards. Vivec then sat on the throne and 5 of his guards stayed in the room with him while all the others escorted Nerevar to the palace dungeons. The preatorian guard looked in horror as they saw their beloved leader being dragged away but they could do nothing or risk his life. They secretly sent out a messanger while the other legions of Vivec captured the capitol. The messanger rode to each fort and told them to march towards the capitol to recapture it and save the emperor. Ships were also sent out to The Island of Rose to recall their legions.
Imperial Articas
24-08-2004, 20:49
OOC: TIOR, I'm gonna rp your guys for one time only, cause it will support the thing I do to make you guys rise up against the empire k?

IC: The sad news had arrived at The Island of Rose. The Legions were boarding their galleys ready to leave when a riot of people against the empire broke out in a nearby town. One of the legions that wasn't on a ship left to quell it. When they arrived at the town it was totally out of control. After 6 hours the legion had killed everybody who didn't cease their rioting(a total of 246) and burned down most of the village. The legion then left back to the galleys. When the galleys left for Artica, the small garrisons left in each town became a bit nervous of the people of Rose.
24-08-2004, 20:52
"Very well. You shall be the Emporer's honored guests. Come, it is 5 hours ride from here."

The men rode off to the city of Doom. When they arrived, they crossed over a drawbridge above a river of lava. The city itself had a truley evil look to it, further enhanced by the presence of the Doom Citadel, which was a towering, black monolith with spires sticking out in various places. The citadel was built into a rock formation in the center of the city. They then crossed another drawbrigde, which was suspended above a spiked chasm, riddled with the corpses of those who tried to invade. When they entered into the structure, they found it to be dark, gloomy and sinister. They climbed up a seemingly unending spiral staircase, and into a massive hall, decorated with the skulls of slain enemies. The emporer sat upon a great throne. He wore the black armor taken from the Gates of Doom, and his sword, Ironwind, sat on his lap.

He had recieved word of the travelers' coming, and wasn't surprised.

"Welcome. You will be considered honored guests in my hall. Whom do you serve?"
Imperial Articas
24-08-2004, 21:00
"We serve the emperor of Artica, Emperor Nerevar Almalexi. And the honour is all ours to be in your presence." replied the General.
24-08-2004, 21:03
"Hmmm, I don't recall ever hearing of him. Perhaps an alliance may be in order?"
Imperial Articas
24-08-2004, 21:05
"We may get to that, but for the mean time we should exchange maps and information about our countries to better understand each other. It is amazing tho that your people can speak english."
The Island of Rose
24-08-2004, 21:06
OOC: TIOR, I'm gonna rp your guys for one time only, cause it will support the thing I do to make you guys rise up against the empire k?

IC: The sad news had arrived at The Island of Rose. The Legions were boarding their galleys ready to leave when a riot of people against the empire broke out in a nearby town. One of the legions that wasn't on a ship left to quell it. When they arrived at the town it was totally out of control. After 6 hours the legion had killed everybody who didn't cease their rioting(a total of 246) and burned down most of the village. The legion then left back to the galleys. When the galleys left for Artica, the small garrisons left in each town became a bit nervous of the people of Rose.

Meanwhile in a random Village:

"Don't you see?!" Said one man. It was a small Village, less then 20 People in total, the Town Guard remained of course, they were the most loyal to the Empire, but the events that happened... tested that loyalty.

"Don't you see?! Do you want to be part of an Empire like?! They kill their own leader and now they leave us alone!"

A man from the crowd shouted. "Fool, don't talk like that, they'll come back and kill you!"

The speaker spit on the ground. "No! For too long we have been scared of a stupid Emporer, I say we rise!" A women shouted back. "How will we feed ourselves!" The man responded. "Our farms will provide our food! Come, join me!"

The villagers, blehed, the went back to their houses, though they did have mixed feelings... only a spark would set it off...

OOC: Do one more bad thing, and think REALLY evil.
24-08-2004, 21:07
"Of course, we will provide this with you immediatly. Missionaries taught us this language many centuries ago."
Imperial Articas
24-08-2004, 21:16
At Doom Citadel

"Thank you, we will have our maps and other writen texts brough up immeadiatly." he nodded to one of his officers who went down to retreive the items. "After reading throught your records and viewing your maps for awhile we may begin discussions of alliance. Is there a room that me and my men would be assured food, drink and quiet? If it isn't to much trouble of course."

Island of Rose

In the small village, one of the guards overheard the people talking. He then sent out a scout to the commander of the garrison in TIOR who was station in the main city. The commander then sent out his orders. When the people of TIOR woke the next day they could smell salt and fire. They looked outside to see all the crops and farms burning and spraid with salt, all the livestock taken to the garrisons and all the civilian grainaries emptied with all the food taken to the garrisons. Plus, in each city, the daughters(only the ones age 16 to 25) of every family were taken and given to the guards for their personal use.

OOC:Evil enough for you?
Imperial Articas
24-08-2004, 21:21
OOC: And just to clerify, I left 500 legionnaires guarding my galleys at your coast Doom. And Only my officers are in the throne room.
24-08-2004, 21:24
Imperial Articas, could you send an expedition to my shores? Please!
The Island of Rose
24-08-2004, 21:29
Island of Rose
In the small village, one of the guards overheard the people talking. He then sent out a scout to the commander of the garrison in TIOR who was station in the main city. The commander then sent out his orders. When the people of TIOR woke the next day they could smell salt and fire. They looked outside to see all the crops and farms burning and spraid with salt, all the livestock taken to the garrisons and all the civilian grainaries emptied with all the food taken to the garrisons. Plus, in each city, the daughters(only the ones age 16 to 25) of every family were taken and given to the guards for their personal use.

OOC:Evil enough for you?

OOC: Thank you :)

"They stole your daughters! They burned your crops! They are demons! We should rebel!"

The 15 people cheered, agreeing with the young man... they picked up their swords and marched.

* * *

Word spread throughout the Villages and towns, they were... screw it they were pissed. Men, women, even children, they all rose to arms, picking up swords, spears, horses, shields helmets. It was a militia. Even the Town Guards rebelled. They all marched... towards the City of Rose... and possibly towards their death... bleh...

* * *

Inside the City of Rose, there were riots, they burned houses, walls, anything that represented the Empire. They stabbed any Loyalist they found, they started stabbing anybody with an Artican Uniform... yup... rebellion...

OOC: In total marching...
1,000 Fighters, with mismatched weapons and armor...
325 Horsepeople, with mismatched weapons and armor...
I hope that's realistic, and the riot is legal I hope ;)

I made it realistic, these are Villagers, and there is only one
Imperial Articas
24-08-2004, 21:56
Imperial Articas, could you send an expedition to my shores? Please!

I'll send people over after my civil war is done.
Imperial Articas
24-08-2004, 22:15
OOC: Thank you :)

"They stole your daughters! They burned your crops! They are demons! We should rebel!"

The 15 people cheered, agreeing with the young man... they picked up their swords and marched.

* * *

Word spread throughout the Villages and towns, they were... screw it they were pissed. Men, women, even children, they all rose to arms, picking up swords, spears, horses, shields helmets. It was a militia. Even the Town Guards rebelled. They all marched... towards the City of Rose... and possibly towards their death... bleh...

* * *

Inside the City of Rose, there were riots, they burned houses, walls, anything that represented the Empire. They stabbed any Loyalist they found, they started stabbing anybody with an Artican Uniform... yup... rebellion...

OOC: In total marching...
1,000 Fighters, with mismatched weapons and armor...
325 Horsepeople, with mismatched weapons and armor...
I hope that's realistic, and the riot is legal I hope ;)

I made it realistic, these are Villagers, and there is only one

The remaining 146 artican troops barracaded themselves in the capitol building in the city. The archers rained clouds of arrows on the rioters and the legionnaires battled the rebels outside in the courtyard.

In Artica

Vivec was sitting on the throne when the senate burst into the room. "What the hell do you think you are doing General?!" they demanded. "General? I am the new emperor, and you will show me respect!" "We will do nothing of the sort! You know the laws of this country, the emperor must be named by the senate and had to have been a senator for more than 2 years. We order you to release emperor Nerevar from the prisons and step down from that throne at once!" "I am doing what is best for our country! If you can't see that then you are against us! Guards!" 5 guards came and escorted the senate out of the palace.

5 Miles away from the City of Artica

General Marcus Kellerman of the 10th Legion was selected to lead the strike on the capitol. Every legion in the empire was assembled behind him. More than 200 000 troops. He was a senator also so he knew that General Vivec could not command him. He gave the signal and they continued marching. At the city, the troops of General Vivec patrolled the masive stone walls of the city. Suddenly the moonlight could not be seen as airrows filled the sky. The onagers also fired at the walls. The siege had begun. The walls were made to withstand the siege weapons so they had little use but they could still be used. A people inside the city knew what was going on and they knew that unless the gates opened, the army would not breach the walls and free the city. General Kellerman knew this also. While the soldiers were busy firing arrows at Kellermans army, a brave citizen ran over to the gates controls, killed the unsuspecting guards and opened the gates. An arrow then caught him in the back and as he fell to the ground he had a smile on his face for he could see the army move through the gates. Kellerman was the first one to enter the city. The army moved through slowly for they were fighting a force that was equal in training to their own. After 5 hours, the remaining troops of Vivec retreated to the Palace. Vivec knew what was going on and was upset that he had to get out of bed. He put on his golden armor over his white linen tunic and went down to the main hall to await the inevitable charge of his enemy. When the troops broke through Kellerman was in front of them as usual. They ran towards the 300 remaining soldiers, including Vivec. That final battle in the hall lasted for 2 hours when finally Vivec was the last of his men standing. Kellerman then charged him and severed his head.
The Island of Rose
24-08-2004, 22:28
The remaining 146 artican troops barracaded themselves in the capitol building in the city. The archers rained clouds of arrows on the rioters and the legionnaires battled the rebels outside in the courtyard.

20 Rioters died from the hail of arrows, but the continued anyway. Now they got wooden planks of wood or hard leather or metal disks as shields. They tore down a tree within the City, they rolled towards the barricaded doors. The log banged the door, but didn't break it of course. Some men then started to carry the log, trying to break down the door.

* * *

The Rebels lost 25 already, but they continued to fight. A shout was heard. "Kill the bastards!" which they tried to do. The Horse Fighters charged towards the rank, they held spears or longswords, they tried to kill any Legionnare, of course they'd win eventually... meanwhile some five Rebels made their way towards the port...

OOC: So any chance the "Emporer" will find out?
Imperial Articas
24-08-2004, 22:47
OOC: So any chance the "Emporer" will find out?

OOC:Emperor Nerevar is going to die in prison and after that happens Artica will plumet to a sort of Dark Ages until somebody else is crowned.
25-08-2004, 00:34
*I've never looked into my countrys history before so I will kinda be pulling this outa my hat (or my ear, depending on teh mood i'm in) as we go along*

The small village of Sirivul was a happy little town, with a population of about 250 people. Not much bad ever happened, excluding , of course, the great sheep escape a few years back. A simple system of government had come to be in the little town: One leader was chosen by popular vote and the people could demand a re-vote at any time. The Economy consisted of mainly the barter/trade system. The crime rate was just about 0, so there was no police or military within the town. Hanging from a flagpole next to the townhall was a banner of yellow, with a black silhoete (Not sure how you spell that one) of a Sivian Hawk, swooping down from the sky.

*Feel free to do something with my civilazation Commarough, just ask first*
25-08-2004, 01:25
At Doom Citadel

"Thank you, we will have our maps and other writen texts brough up immeadiatly." he nodded to one of his officers who went down to retreive the items. "After reading throught your records and viewing your maps for awhile we may begin discussions of alliance. Is there a room that me and my men would be assured food, drink and quiet? If it isn't to much trouble of course."

Island of Rose

In the small village, one of the guards overheard the people talking. He then sent out a scout to the commander of the garrison in TIOR who was station in the main city. The commander then sent out his orders. When the people of TIOR woke the next day they could smell salt and fire. They looked outside to see all the crops and farms burning and spraid with salt, all the livestock taken to the garrisons and all the civilian grainaries emptied with all the food taken to the garrisons. Plus, in each city, the daughters(only the ones age 16 to 25) of every family were taken and given to the guards for their personal use.

OOC:Evil enough for you?
"Of course. Show them to their chambers."

A servant apeared out of no where, and bade the Articans to follow him. They were lead to a large room were there was food and beds.
Imperial Articas
25-08-2004, 01:41
After 24 hours of eating, sleeping and reading, the men went back to the throne room. Tumbler then spoke, "We have agreed that you are a worthy civilization. Let us discuss and alliance."

Back at Artica

General Kellerman and 5 of his officers went down to the dungeon to get emperor Nerevar. When they arrived at his cell they noticed that he was dead. Because he was 84 he died of the cold, lack of nutrition in the dungeon and he had been beaten by the guards. The annoucement of the death of the empire was spread throughout the island. Each town started rebelling and each legion split and formed its own government. In the city of Artica, General Kellermans legion stayed and protected the senate and kept the peace in the city, making it the one city still under control from the empire. For a week all the cities battled each other trying to become the dominent of the island. Word had come in of the revolution in TIOR and how the garrisons were all killed. The empire had fallen apart. The senate realized that they needed a ruler. Due to his bravery in the battle to retake the city and for his outstanding military record, they elected General Marcus Kellerman as the new emperor. The next day he was crowned in the traditional way. 3 hours after his coronation, his legion was marching out of the city gates. He would retake every city and revive his empire.


All the artican troops were killed. The island was now under the control of the people.
Imperial Articas
25-08-2004, 02:19
It took only another week from the coronation of the emperor to the time that Imperial Artica was back under control by the empire. Emperor Kellerman didn't have to engage in one battle but instead used words, for he was as skilled a diplomat as he was a warrior. With the island back under his control, it started to rebuild, the legions return to duty and an invasion force being prepared to retake the Island of Rose.
25-08-2004, 14:13
After 24 hours of eating, sleeping and reading, the men went back to the throne room. Tumbler then spoke, "We have agreed that you are a worthy civilization. Let us discuss and alliance."

Back at Artica

General Kellerman and 5 of his officers went down to the dungeon to get emperor Nerevar. When they arrived at his cell they noticed that he was dead. Because he was 84 he died of the cold, lack of nutrition in the dungeon and he had been beaten by the guards. The annoucement of the death of the empire was spread throughout the island. Each town started rebelling and each legion split and formed its own government. In the city of Artica, General Kellermans legion stayed and protected the senate and kept the peace in the city, making it the one city still under control from the empire. For a week all the cities battled each other trying to become the dominent of the island. Word had come in of the revolution in TIOR and how the garrisons were all killed. The empire had fallen apart. The senate realized that they needed a ruler. Due to his bravery in the battle to retake the city and for his outstanding military record, they elected General Marcus Kellerman as the new emperor. The next day he was crowned in the traditional way. 3 hours after his coronation, his legion was marching out of the city gates. He would retake every city and revive his empire.


All the artican troops were killed. The island was now under the control of the people.

"Very well, we too have come to the same conclusion after reviewing your records," Emporer Helldawg responded. A soldier came from no were, and streched a scroll over the table, it was written on in Latin. "This shall be a blood pact," he said drawing his knife. He extended his hand over the scroll, and slit his palm. The wound healed up instantly.

"Your turn."
25-08-2004, 16:08
B ouncing U nderwater M onkeys P ouncing
25-08-2004, 16:14
OOC: Someone please make contact with my people
25-08-2004, 16:20
OOC: Someone please make contact with my people
OOC:I would try to make contact if I could find you on the map...
Imperial Articas
25-08-2004, 20:08
Tumbler read over the pact and then drew his dagger. After he cut his palm and let the blood hit the scroll he took out a piece of cloth to wrap around the wound. Just then a man enters the throne room. Tumbler sees that he is Artican and by the looks of it he ran all the way here from the docks. "What is it private?" he asked. "Civil *wheeze* war in the *cough* empire." "Good god. Please excuse me but we must be leaving, it is of the utmost importance." The men left the village at a fast gallop. "When did you find out about this?" asked Tumbler to the soldier. "A galley arrived 3 hours ago." When they got to the beach they boarded the ships and set sail back to the empire.

At the Empire

The land was rebuilt to it's former glory for there hadn't been much destroyed during the civil war, altho lot's of lives were lost. Emperor Kellerman was still not content however. There was still the matter of TIOR overthrowing the government and rumors of strange lands crept in from the seas. A fleet of 6 galleys was to sail in search of these new lands and an even larger fleet of 10 galleys was to sail for TIOR with 5000 legionnaires. The legionnaires were now also equiped with pilum which they threw before the final charge and it proved a successful strategy in the civil war.

2 months later

Tumbler and his troops arrive at the docks in the Imperial City. The Emperor is there to great him for they are old friends. Kellerman explains what had happend while they ate in the grand chambers of the palace. The 6 ships bound to explore had found a new island. It was a small island and by the looks of it had two civilizations living on it. They landed on one side of the island and read one of the banners. It said "Commorargh". The 3000 troops disenbarked from the galleys and went into the town.

The galleys that were sent to TIOR had arrived. They disembarked from their galleys and marched to the former provincial capitol.
25-08-2004, 20:16
"Hmmm, what do you think was their hurry?" the emporer asked one of his men.

"Something about a civil war..."

"Thats nice... how goes the southern invasion?"

"Its just begun, we expect the south to fall in under a week, their army numbers only about 150, and they use mainly the same equiptment and tactics as us. They should be no problem. What shall we do with those who survive?"

"I've been thinking. We offer them a peacefull salution, as they aren't barbarians. They surrender all of their land, and we allow their population to live in the valley of their capital."

"Wouldn't they be overcrowded in a matter of years?"

"I've also come with a salution to that. Willing parents may send their children north to be raised like a Doomingslander. We have nothing to lose, they have everything to gain."

"A great idea, my lord!" said the man, obviously impressed.

"Of course its a great idea, why do you think they made me emporer?!"
25-08-2004, 20:16
Can your galleys arrive here?
The Island of Rose
25-08-2004, 20:28
The galleys that were sent to TIOR had arrived. They disembarked from their galleys and marched to the former provincial capitol.

OOC: Oh come on... you didn't even let me RP defense... I wanted a sea battle damn it, and I don't think 10 Gallies can hold that many men...
Imperial Articas
25-08-2004, 20:57
Can your galleys arrive here?

Ok, that's were my galleys landed.
Imperial Articas
25-08-2004, 21:01
OOC: Oh come on... you didn't even let me RP defense... I wanted a sea battle damn it, and I don't think 10 Gallies can hold that many men...

OOC: Ok we will have a sea battle. And yes my galleys can. We don't use slaves to row them, we have sails and they are as big as galleons. But don't have the same armament as galleons do. And considering you just took the island, wouldn't you only have fishing ships? I could be wrong tho.
The Island of Rose
25-08-2004, 21:17
OOC: Ok we will have a sea battle. And yes my galleys can. We don't use slaves to row them, we have sails and they are as big as galleons. But don't have the same armament as galleons do. And considering you just took the island, wouldn't you only have fishing ships? I could be wrong tho.

OOC: There's still any leftover ships, plus lots can happen in two months, correct me if I'm wrong.

The Rosians enacted a draft, and thanks to this draft there were now 5,000 Men and 500 Horses in the Legion, sorry, the only Legion. So yes it was a small force. Their navy was also small, ten small scout ships and 1 large Galley. All operated by sail of course, much cheaper. By now it was just a City-State, with about 1 Million occupents, the Rosians loved to... you know... anyway, the Legion was positioned around the Rosian River cutting through the City. It was up to them to defend it now...

There was a report of Artican ships coming in, 5 Scout Ships were sent, but why not the entire "Navy"? Well you'll just have to find out..

OOC: Each scout ship in armed with one Ballista on the front and 100 Men... this is okay of course right?
Imperial Articas
25-08-2004, 21:22
OOC: There's still any leftover ships, plus lots can happen in two months, correct me if I'm wrong.

The Rosians enacted a draft, and thanks to this draft there were now 5,000 Men and 500 Horses in the Legion, sorry, the only Legion. So yes it was a small force. Their navy was also small, ten small scout ships and 1 large Galley. All operated by sail of course, much cheaper. By now it was just a City-State, with about 1 Million occupents, the Rosians loved to... you know... anyway, the Legion was positioned around the Rosian River cutting through the City. It was up to them to defend it now...

There was a report of Artican ships coming in, 5 Scout Ships were sent, but why not the entire "Navy"? Well you'll just have to find out..

OOC: Each scout ship in armed with one Ballista on the front and 100 Men... this is okay of course right?


IC: The Artican ships saw the incoming scout ships. "Fire!" yelled the captains of each vessel. The sky was then filled with flaming arrows that hit the scout ships with deadly accuracy. The galleys then swung around to reveil their side to the enemy ships but also show their secret weapon. The captains gave the order, and the men unleashed the greek fire on the enemy ships.(Please tell me you know what that is. If you do then you know that you scout ships would all burn and sink before they would reach my galleys.) The flaming arrows plus the greek fire would ensure the defeat of the enemy ships.
The Island of Rose
25-08-2004, 21:33

IC: The Artican ships saw the incoming scout ships. "Fire!" yelled the captains of each vessel. The sky was then filled with flaming arrows that hit the scout ships with deadly accuracy. The galleys then swung around to reveil their side to the enemy ships but also show their secret weapon. The captains gave the order, and the men unleashed the greek fire on the enemy ships.(Please tell me you know what that is. If you do then you know that you scout ships would all burn and sink before they would reach my galleys.) The flaming arrows plus the greek fire would ensure the defeat of the enemy ships.

OOC: Damn fire that can't go out...

Two Scout ships immediately sank, the other two begin firing their Balistas to the enemy sails, though they were on fire... the rest of the "Navy" approached from behind, firing their balistas, the Galley, had more of course, around five... bah stop them at sea, for at land they will march to victory...

Meanwhile at the coast, coastal "batteries" aka Ballistas were readied, they were not heavily defended, but at the same time not so lightly defended. They fired towards the enemy ship, actually, aiming at their sails also, they would not lose so easily, and if by some crazy reason some make it, bah they could fight it off...

OOC: Tell me if I godmodded, also how many men are in each galley?
Imperial Articas
25-08-2004, 21:47
OOC: Damn fire that can't go out...

Two Scout ships immediately sank, the other two begin firing their Balistas to the enemy sails, though they were on fire... the rest of the "Navy" approached from behind, firing their balistas, the Galley, had more of course, around five... bah stop them at sea, for at land they will march to victory...

Meanwhile at the coast, coastal "batteries" aka Ballistas were readied, they were not heavily defended, but at the same time not so lightly defended. They fired towards the enemy ship, actually, aiming at their sails also, they would not lose so easily, and if by some crazy reason some make it, bah they could fight it off...

OOC: Tell me if I godmodded, also how many men are in each galley?

OOC:There are 500 legionnaires on each ship.

IC: With the opposing navy preatty much destroyed or trapped in the fire, the galleys headed for the coast. 2 galleys sunk from the ballista fire but the men swam to shore for Articans are great swimmers. The ships landed and the men pilled out, charging the ballistas while the galleys fired more greek fire on the enemy ships that were still there.

OOC:For a good rp battle, how bout I win lots and pratically take back the entire island but then you start winning? Kinda like in the american revolution.
The Island of Rose
25-08-2004, 21:59
OOC:There are 500 legionnaires on each ship.

IC: With the opposing navy preatty much destroyed or trapped in the fire, the galleys headed for the coast. 2 galleys sunk from the ballista fire but the men swam to shore for Articans are great swimmers. The ships landed and the men pilled out, charging the ballistas while the galleys fired more greek fire on the enemy ships that were still there.

OOC:For a good rp battle, how bout I win lots and pratically take back the entire island but then you start winning? Kinda like in the american revolution.

OOC: All those arrows are flying and you only lost two? Also, no thanks, I'd rather just humiliate you now and develop myself. I plan to die in Ancient Times anyway because of a Virus, gotta be clean for the Mideviel Times, that's when I was settled... again. So is that okay?
Imperial Articas
25-08-2004, 22:13
OOC: All those arrows are flying and you only lost two? Also, no thanks, I'd rather just humiliate you now and develop myself. I plan to die in Ancient Times anyway because of a Virus, gotta be clean for the Mideviel Times, that's when I was settled... again. So is that okay?

OOC: Sure. And you said you were only targeting my sails so I though only the odd one or two would hit anywhere else and make the ship sink.

IC:The legionnaires charged the ballistas but where taking heavy casualties. They got into the tortoise formation and started marching up to them. They managed to make it to the ballistas. They broke the formation and started going after the ballista operators.

Total Infatry casualties: 1645
Total Ships Lost: 4
The Island of Rose
25-08-2004, 22:25
OOC: Sure. And you said you were only targeting my sails so I though only the odd one or two would hit anywhere else and make the ship sink.

IC:The legionnaires charged the ballistas but where taking heavy casualties. They got into the tortoise formation and started marching up to them. They managed to make it to the ballistas. They broke the formation and started going after the ballista operators.

Total Infatry casualties: 1645
Total Ships Lost: 4

OOC: Thank you :)

The Rosians stopped some ships from landing, but damn it, they couldn't prevent the landing. The operators stood their ground of course, though all they had was a small bronze shield and short sword to defend themselves. The real Legionnares started marching, though not the Entire Legion, just 1,000 men, armred in Hoplite armor. The rest were raining flaming arrows upon them from the wall of the City.

Meanwhile, horsemen, armed with composite bows, started firing upon the enemy, trying to down them with speed.

Losses: 1,045 Men=6 Ships

OOC: Does it seem Godmoddish?
Imperial Articas
25-08-2004, 22:31
Seeing the relief army charging towards them, the commander of the Artican legion is forced to call all his men into the orb formation to protect from the archers and to give a great defense when the infantry hits them. Their archers shot out of the middle while the others prepared their swords and spears.

OOC: Sorry Here are losses

Infantry: 3421
Ships: still 4
The Island of Rose
25-08-2004, 22:40
Seeing the relief army charging towards them, the commander of the Artican legion is forced to call all his men into the orb formation to protect from the archers and to give a great defense when the infantry hits them. Their archers shot out of the middle while the others prepared their swords and spears.

OOC: Although you think it's the relief army, and uh post your losses.

Archers on the wall died either by falling over or suicide... suicide? Eh... the archers continued to down on them, while the horsemen aimed for anybody that wasn't exactly looking. The "relief" forces readied their spears and got into standard Phalanx formation. They marched, pointing their spears...

Meanwhile an ornager was being built from the inside, this would be used to launch random things...

The gate opened, but then closed fast, who got out? A large midget with a giant axe... a dwarf. He then began to charge towards the Imperials...

Losses=1245=6 Ships
OOC: Bah I couldn't help it ;)
Imperial Articas
25-08-2004, 22:47
The gate opened, but then closed fast, who got out? A large midget with a giant axe... a dwarf. He then began to charge towards the Imperials...

Losses=1245=6 Ships
OOC: Bah I couldn't help it ;)

Midget with a giant axe? :confused: :eek: Whats wrong with u? lol
The Island of Rose
25-08-2004, 22:50
Midget with a giant axe? :confused: :eek: Whats wrong with u? lol

OOC: It's that Dwarf from the LoTR :p
Imperial Articas
25-08-2004, 22:57
OOC: It's that Dwarf from the LoTR :p

Lol, but seriously why would you put that? lol it makes no sense :D :p
The Island of Rose
25-08-2004, 23:01
Lol, but seriously why would you put that? lol it makes no sense :D :p

OOC: I do not know why, just post IC pleaes :p
25-08-2004, 23:42
OOC:................. Very, ehm, interesting.............. Did teh axe wielding midget put you up to this????
The Island of Rose
26-08-2004, 00:06
OOC:................. Very, ehm, interesting.............. Did teh axe wielding midget put you up to this????

OOC: Shh...
Imperial Articas
26-08-2004, 01:51
OOC: I do not know why, just post IC pleaes :p

OOC: ok fine

IC: The legionnaires were completly surrounded. But they would not give up. Knowing that they would die no matter what, they broke formation and charged into the Rosians.

OOC:This is were the rest of my men die so please say that I take out lots of your men so they die honourable.
The Island of Rose
26-08-2004, 01:59
OOC: ok fine

IC: The legionnaires were completly surrounded. But they would not give up. Knowing that they would die no matter what, they broke formation and charged into the Rosians.

OOC:This is were the rest of my men die so please say that I take out lots of your men so they die honourable.

OOC: Only 1,000 Hoplites and 100 Horses with thousands of archers on the wall are gettin ya. The Hoplites would die and so would the Horsemen, but most of the Archers would remain intack I think...

The Hoplites charged, keeping in formation, their big fat shiny spears glistened against the sun. The pounced! Using their spears they tried to penetrate the Artican line. Meanwhile, thosands of archers rained hell upon the Legionnares, they would win, but at a high cost. The Horsemen meanwhile still aimed their bows towards the Legionnares, the remaining ships fired their ballistas at the ranks of Legionnares, they were stuck, and screwed. And that midget? Bleh he's kicking ass somewhere in there....

Losses: 2,645 Soldiers

OOC: So you post dieing? And is this okay?
Imperial Articas
26-08-2004, 02:06
OOC: Only 1,000 Hoplites and 100 Horses with thousands of archers on the wall are gettin ya. The Hoplites would die and so would the Horsemen, but most of the Archers would remain intack I think...

The Hoplites charged, keeping in formation, their big fat shiny spears glistened against the sun. The pounced! Using their spears they tried to penetrate the Artican line. Meanwhile, thosands of archers rained hell upon the Legionnares, they would win, but at a high cost. The Horsemen meanwhile still aimed their bows towards the Legionnares, the remaining ships fired their ballistas at the ranks of Legionnares, they were stuck, and screwed. And that midget? Bleh he's kicking ass somewhere in there....

Losses: 2,645 Soldiers

OOC: So you post dieing? And is this okay?

It's an alright number.

IC:The legionnaires charged into the hoplites. They were outnumbered greatly and still taking losses from the archers. They took out lots of the troops but were finally overrun and killed. The ships noticing that the infantry had failed and started sailing away.
The Island of Rose
26-08-2004, 02:20
It's an alright number.

IC:The legionnaires charged into the hoplites. They were outnumbered greatly and still taking losses from the archers. They took out lots of the troops but were finally overrun and killed. The ships noticing that the infantry had failed and started sailing away.

All the hoplites were dead, the horsemen were dead, yes... even that midget was dead. The rest of the Hoplite Force that barricaded themselves inside were still alive, though alot of the archers died. Those that did remain aimed their arrows for the sails of the fleeing ships, the remaining Navy also aimed for their sails. Oh it was a costly battle but they finally had freedom... and it wouldn't be the last Revolution either...

Losses: 4,296 Soldiers 100 Horsemen

Now there was the task of running the Government, running the Army, oy vey... they decided on a Republican System. There would be 300 Senators from the City of Rose, they would elect two Preconsouls. One for Interior Matters and one for Military Matters. This would be a good balance... but they also wanted to make an impact...

Three Months Later:

A new Armed Forces was established, a real Navy was built, now they had adiquate defense, of course they really didn't control the Island, they were a City State, with Forts throughout the Island, which would later become the famous cities of Roska, Red, and Ilyanovastein.

Armed Forces:
50,000 Soldiers Divided into:

30,000 Hoplites
10,000 Support Staff
5,000 Horsemen
5,000 Archers

100 Ships Divided into:

70 Scout Ships
30 Galleys

Now they had to wait.... for anything....

OOC: You don't mind the time change right?
Imperial Articas
26-08-2004, 02:47
OOC:Nope not at all.

IC: The fleeing ships managed to get away but were badly damaged. They returned to their ports.

3 months later

3 galleys head for the Rosian coast. 2 of them had 100 legionnaires, 40 archers, 50 spearman, 2 onagers and 20 cavalry units. The 3rd galley had the same amount of forces but also had 30 civilians. They were diplomats. 1 month before they had sent a similar number of ships and men to Doomingsland to build an embassy. Now the empire would try to open up relations with the people of TIOR. Also an embassy was made in Commorargh which would act as the embassy for both nations of the small island.

The empire had been flurishing since the civil war and the TIOR revolution. There were now 89 legions all containing around 6000 units. The navy had
10 000 galleys, and 500 scout ships(smaller galleys). The economy had grown emensly and the nations coffers were overflowing. The gold, marble, iron, copper, bronze, silver and diamond mines of the island brough in immense wealth and surplus was often traded to allies. The farms were very large and brought in lots of food, but nobody was fat. The clothes of the people were made of linen, coton, wool and silk. The cities grew past their boundaries and houses, homesteads, and farms were common sites outside of the city walls. The emperor and senate could no longer control the emense population by itself. The island was split into provinces with its own government. Each city had a mayor and 23 cousilors and boardmembers, each province had 1 senator and 56 cousilors and boardmembers, and the main government consisted of the emperor, the original 7 senators and each provincial senator to speak for his province. This newly developped style of government proved successful in many ways. Trade was common with all the allies of the empire and there were more than 200 trade ships coming into each cities ports every hour. Law and order was enforced by a court that was set up in each town and a preatorian guard in each city. Each city had 100 preatorian guards and the city of Artica had 500. The emperor was going to marry the next month and invitations were extended to the leaders of their allies(including TIOR if they accept my diplomats), the entire senate, the most distinguished generals and commanders and the emperors closest friends and the family of each the bride and groom. It would be held at the Imperial Palace. ;) ;) *nudge**nudge*
The Island of Rose
26-08-2004, 03:01
OOC: Oh I'll come, and I'll cause some s*** too, maybe ;)

Five Scout Ships were sent towards the arriving diplomats, they pointed their Ballistas, but didn't fire. Meanwhile, on the lead ship, the Captain climbed the sail. He held on by some sort of grabbing device? He shouted towards the ships.

"Hey you! Yes you! You Articans with your Imperial tendencies! What the hell do you want now?! Answer, speak up!"

Meanwhile in the City of Rose:

A giant Palace was in the center of the City. It's where the Senate debated and where the Preconsouls lived. They were brothers, they helped organize the rebellion and the Army. The Preconsoul Interium, was named Barrius Calvus, the Preconsoul Militirius, Quintillius Calvus. They were twins, they both knew only of Revolution... now they were leaders of a small nation, but they were free. Now they had a conversation.

Quintillius: Did you hear? The Articans want relations now, that's the rumor, I sent ships to confirm it.

Barrius: Oh this is nice, now they want to trade, I say nay...

Quintillius: Now brother, we should see what they are offering us... maybe it's for our good.

Barrius: Have you forgotten your ideals?!

Quintillius: My ideals is to make the City of Rose prosper, now will you agree to talk to them?

Barrius: Fine fine... damn it...

They both left the room, now it was left for the Articans to respond...
Imperial Articas
26-08-2004, 03:06
"We have come to talk. Please take us to your leaders and let's keep this as civil as possible." said one of the diplomats. The ships then headed for the nearest dock and disembarked.
The Island of Rose
26-08-2004, 03:13
"We have come to talk. Please take us to your leaders and let's keep this as civil as possible." said one of the diplomats. The ships then headed for the nearest dock and disembarked.

The Scout Ships headed back to port, they sent a messanger, he was a fast runner damn it... Barrius and Quintillius boarded a Chariot, it was a two seater, not counting the Driver. Following the Chariot was 10 Horsemen, riding them was a Hoplite in Sparten-like Armor, with a red cape covering their back and front armor. They disembarked, the Preconsouls were in front, walking up to the Diplomats. Barrius spoke.

"What the hell do you want from the Rosians?! Haven't you taken enough?!"

Quintillius sighed, the bodyguards, armed with a short sword, rolled their eyes. Quintillius chuckled. "You're quite melodramatic." Barrius nudged Quintillius. "It's for effect, good eh?" Quintillius chuckled. "Yes very, come Diplomats follow us, your Legionnares will have to stay behind the walls... and not cause trouble."
Imperial Articas
26-08-2004, 03:16
"We will not be alone with your guards anywhere! We request that at least 10 legionnaires be aloud to escort us."
The Island of Rose
26-08-2004, 03:19
"We will not be alone with your guards anywhere! We request that at least 10 legionnaires be aloud to escort us."

Barrius chuckled, then laughed. "Just because we slaughtered 50,000 Legionnares doesn't mean we'll do it again."

The guards and Quintillius laughed heartily, oy Rosians aren't good diplomats ya know... so this is where that gene comes from.

"Fine fine, come. Ten guards will be allowed the rest will stay behind... and ummm run when you see a tomato."
Imperial Articas
26-08-2004, 03:22
Barrius chuckled, then laughed. "Just because we slaughtered 50,000 Legionnares doesn't mean we'll do it again."

The guards and Quintillius laughed heartily, oy Rosians aren't good diplomats ya know... so this is where that gene comes from.

"Fine fine, come. Ten guards will be allowed the rest will stay behind... and ummm run when you see a tomato."

OOC:I changed it from 50 000 legionnaires to 5000, it was an accident, I put an extra zero by accident.

IC:Very well, let us go to your discussion chambers."
The Island of Rose
26-08-2004, 03:28
OOC:I changed it from 50 000 legionnaires to 5000, it was an accident, I put an extra zero by accident.

IC:Very well, let us go to your discussion chambers."

OOC: Oh... darn >_>

They escorted them to the Rose Palace as it was called. Of course, along the way, the Diplomats were pelted with tomatoes, I told you they had to run. The Soldiers of course took the hits for them, they had nothing to lose you know... anyway they arrived at the Palace, then after taking some halls they arrived at a large room, it was a large room... with a table some food, blah blah blah...

Barrius and Quintillius sat themselves, with the five Soldiers protecting them and the other five guarding the doors. Barrius cleared his throat.

"Get to the point, what do you want?"
Imperial Articas
26-08-2004, 03:32
"Although you have commited several crimes against the empire, we feel that it would be better if we came to a truce. That way we have trade, peace and can concentrate our militarys in other places. It benifits us both."
The Island of Rose
26-08-2004, 03:36
"Although you have commited several crimes against the empire, we feel that it would be better if we came to a truce. That way we have trade, peace and can concentrate our militarys in other places. It benifits us both."

Barrius and Quintillius looked at each other then the Diplomats. They spoke at the same time.


Barrius shaked his head. "Wait, here's what I want. You get off our asses, we get off your asses. But what do you want that we have? Isn't your Empire doing good?"
Imperial Articas
26-08-2004, 03:41
Barrius and Quintillius looked at each other then the Diplomats. They spoke at the same time.


Barrius shaked his head. "Wait, here's what I want. You get off our asses, we get off your asses. But what do you want that we have? Isn't your Empire doing good?"

"Our glorious empire is doing better than good, much better. We want nothing from you but the assurance that you will not attack us. We will not attack you. We also feel that if we opened up trade we could have better relations. You might be interested in some iron, bronze? Since your island is mostly fields thus making few places to extract such material. Or would you prefer something like fine fines, silk or spices?"
The Island of Rose
26-08-2004, 03:45
"Our glorious empire is doing better than good, much better. We want nothing from you but the assurance that you will not attack us. We will not attack you. We also feel that if we opened up trade we could have better relations. You might be interested in some iron, bronze? Since your island is mostly fields thus making few places to extract such material. Or would you prefer something like fine fines, silk or spices?"

Quintillius whispered to Barrius's ear. "We need that iron, how else will we supply our men?" Barrius nodded.

"We will not attack you, we're not stupid enough. We want the metals, we also want that you leave us be in peace. We are just starting." Barrius said.

Quintillius sighed. "Of course, the Rosians will get mad, thus starting some sort of riot. I really don't need a riot right now..."
Imperial Articas
26-08-2004, 03:47
"We realize that your people do not much care for us anymore. We are willing to pay each citizen in your island 100 ubers each(each uber is one gold coin). That should make a riot less likely."
The Island of Rose
26-08-2004, 03:57
"We realize that your people do not much care for us anymore. We are willing to pay each citizen in your island 100 ubers each(each uber is one gold coin). That should make a riot less likely."

Barrius sighed.

"Rosians are not that shallow. You'll need to humiliate yourselves. What about dancing in the nude while we poke and laugh? That's the only way to prevent a riot, trust me, I don't want you to do this."
Imperial Articas
26-08-2004, 04:00
"We will not degrade urselves. If there is a riot it is not our problem. Do you want the metals or not?"
26-08-2004, 13:25
The Commorarghian people welcome the Articans. The Articans were amazed by the size of the city, the glittering diamond staircases. The rooms of gold. The fleet that dwarfed all others [I have no army]. It must reckon in the 50,000's. The establishment of an embassy was impossible, but the Commorarghian's gave the Articans huge resources of gold that filled up their entire fleet.

I hope to become a big trading power. If other nations send lots of linen [short supply] then I could give you gold.....
26-08-2004, 13:26
OOC: I have asked for a place on the map for 10 times now, if youre not getting me a spot Im leaving.
The Island of Rose
26-08-2004, 21:56
"We will not degrade urselves. If there is a riot it is not our problem. Do you want the metals or not?"

Barrius and Quintillius exchange varius whispers. Barrius then spoke.

"Okay, I'll say you degraded yourselves in private. Yes we want the metals, and in return we won't attack you. Now if you excuse me, I have an orgy to get to..."

Barrius left, leaving Quintillius alone in the room.

"Right, so, deal?"
Imperial Articas
26-08-2004, 22:45
OOC: I have asked for a place on the map for 10 times now, if youre not getting me a spot Im leaving.

I'm sorry Camewot but Atarkhos is the only one who can change the map, you will have to ask him through a tg.
Imperial Articas
26-08-2004, 22:47
Barrius and Quintillius exchange varius whispers. Barrius then spoke.

"Okay, I'll say you degraded yourselves in private. Yes we want the metals, and in return we won't attack you. Now if you excuse me, I have an orgy to get to..."

Barrius left, leaving Quintillius alone in the room.

"Right, so, deal?"

"No deal, iron for the reassurance that you will not attack us?! Are you mad? Just because we have turned our forces away from your puny little island doesn't mean we fear you! It appears the only deal we can make is that we will agree to not attack each other, that is it. Accept this deal or we have no further business to discuss." said one of the ambassadors with anger.
The Island of Rose
26-08-2004, 22:50
"No deal, iron for the reassurance that you will not attack us?! Are you mad? Just because we have turned our forces away from your puny little island doesn't mean we fear you! It appears the only deal we can make is that we will agree to not attack each other, that is it. Accept this deal or we have no further business to discuss." said one of the ambassadors with anger.

Quintillius rolled his eyes.

"You said it yourself, no attack from us and we get iron. Geez calm down. And you think we're bad diplomats. What about crops for iron?"
Imperial Articas
26-08-2004, 23:01
Quintillius rolled his eyes.

"You said it yourself, no attack from us and we get iron. Geez calm down. And you think we're bad diplomats. What about crops for iron?"

"We have enough crops. And we didn't say iron for no attack. We said we could trade iron for something."
The Island of Rose
26-08-2004, 23:09
"We have enough crops. And we didn't say iron for no attack. We said we could trade iron for something."

Quintillius shakes his head.

"I'm hard of hearing then... let's see. We have sluts, crops... more sluts. Umm... we have this thing called the centerfold. Yeah... um... eh... we have arrows! Lots of arrows! Umm... that's it..."
Imperial Articas
26-08-2004, 23:14
Quintillius shakes his head.

"I'm hard of hearing then... let's see. We have sluts, crops... more sluts. Umm... we have this thing called the centerfold. Yeah... um... eh... we have arrows! Lots of arrows! Umm... that's it..."

"Send over 30 000 sluts and we will give you 100 kg of iron. Our troops need encouragement. ;) "
The Island of Rose
26-08-2004, 23:21
"Send over 30 000 sluts and we will give you 100 kg of iron. Our troops need encouragement. ;) "

OOC: Heh, maybe I should infect them ;)


Quintillius snapped his fingers, two women ran to the Diplomats, being all flirty and stuff...

"Want a preview?"
Imperial Articas
27-08-2004, 00:17
OOC: Heh, maybe I should infect them ;)


Quintillius snapped his fingers, two women ran to the Diplomats, being all flirty and stuff...

"Want a preview?"

"No thanks, we have wifes. They are just for the soldiers who are single. Well, now that we have a trade set up, I think we should install an embassy in your capitol. We will provide the building materials and everything."
The Island of Rose
27-08-2004, 00:26
"No thanks, we have wifes. They are just for the soldiers who are single. Well, now that we have a trade set up, I think we should install an embassy in your capitol. We will provide the building materials and everything."

Quintillius tilted his head.

"And? Me, my wife, and her thirty-five friends sleep with me every night... bleh. We do have this new plant called Cannibus. Apparently you feel more relaxed if you chew it... and it's great at the orgies."

OOC: AKa weeeeed
Imperial Articas
27-08-2004, 03:33
Quintillius tilted his head.

"And? Me, my wife, and her thirty-five friends sleep with me every night... bleh. We do have this new plant called Cannibus. Apparently you feel more relaxed if you chew it... and it's great at the orgies."

OOC: AKa weeeeed

"No thanks, we know of this plant and know what it does. Drugs are banned in the empire. Now, can we set up an embassy or not?"
The Island of Rose
27-08-2004, 03:38
"No thanks, we know of this plant and know what it does. Drugs are banned in the empire. Now, can we set up an embassy or not?"

Quintillius nodded.

"Do as you wish. Just try not to be pelted by tomatoes. And um, if you are pelted, my men will protect you people."

Barrius entered, now he was wearing a woman's dress and had a wig on.

"My that was exciting! That's the best o- oh... our guests are still here. Um..."

Barrius ran upstairs, humiliated. Quintillius spoke.

"Have fun. Here."

He hand them a paper with a stamp on it.

"It's something we give to foreigners. It allows them to trade with the populace. Have fun."

Quintillius walked away, leaving the guards in the same room.
Imperial Articas
27-08-2004, 06:09
"Thank you, we will start construction immeadiatly. The fort will be outside your capitol and will act as our embassy. Goodbye for now. O and one more thing" he hands the man a letter with golden letters on it, "It's and invitation to the emperors wedding. He hopes you can attend." then the Articans left to start building the fort.
Nova Cartago
27-08-2004, 10:25
OOC: Jesus you guys post fast. I return after one day and you've filled two pages...

IC: The Novans prepared for war. The Doomingsland forces, all 3000 (I think 30000 is a bit too much eh? Considering I'd only have around 1000 troops myself...) Their main forces split into 3 even groups of roughly 400 soldiers each. The first went to defend the Holy City. The second went to defend the civilians in the mountain passes. The last went to set up a front line at the entrance the the Novan valley. This is a narrow entrance, easily susceptible to archers. Most of the main force was trained in archery, with around 100 of them highly proficient with a longbow. The other 200 either used shortbows or blockaded the pass with their large iron shields which they bolted to the canyon walls. With the covering fire and favourable conditions, the defending army expected to reasonably defend against a trained army 5 times their size for a month. Any longer and casualties would mount too high for a reasonable defence and they would have to fall back to the backward defences at the Holy City.

Their offensively trained cavalry troops (roughly 200total) were transferred to the fronts as guerilla forces to harass the enemy from the flanks (as they approached the valley entrance) and from behind (once they actually entered the canyon). They would hide within deep caverns in the mountain walls and come out at critical points in the battle and demoralize the army as they swooped in like the wind of death.

The elite troops, around 100 in total, also split into two groups. One joined the blockading force as longbowmen and swordsmen. The remainder stayed in the Holy City as defence.

Total defence at front line
400 main troops (150 longbowmen, 50 shortbows, 200 swordsmen/pikemen)
200 cavalry (100 to the left 100 the right)
75 elite troops- 25 swordsmen with the cavalry, 40 swordsmen with the blockading force and 10 longbowmen.
=675 troops total.

More troops were being drafted and trained to replace troops defending in the mountain passes and relieve the elite troops guarding the city. These would reach the front lines in 2 months time. Supplies of food and weaponry are plentiful at all important locations due to the richness of the Novan Valley.
27-08-2004, 17:50
OOC:OK, how about 10,000? I DO have a huge army...

The commander, Centurion Gaius, AKA "Dread Hammer", had recieved word of the emporer's plan, and dispatched a rider to meet with the Novan leaders. The man was a measly private, they didn't want to risk an officer, but he was a good negotiator. The army marched behind him to the valley, and formed a solid wall of shields and spears at the entrance. The soldier bravely rode toward the city, waving a flag of truce, and demanded to be taken to the Novan leaders...
Imperial Articas
27-08-2004, 20:43
Ships arrived at all the allies of the empire with the invites.(OOC: I'm bored and hoping that TIOR will cause some shit that will make it interesting so please come.)
The Island of Rose
27-08-2004, 22:49
Ships arrived at all the allies of the empire with the invites.(OOC: I'm bored and hoping that TIOR will cause some shit that will make it interesting so please come.)

OOC: Is that all I'm good for now? :p by the way, Ancient Battles were fought with 5,000 Soldiers at MOST. So think about it.

Quintillius looked at the letter.

"I'll send a Sergeant... right. So you heard? Novans are going to war."

Barrius sighed.

"Really now? Well there is a way we can better relations. Send ten galleys to say hello to the Novans. Make sure you send 1,000 men, divided into 700 Hoplites, 200 Archers, and 100 Horsemen. Now I have an orgy to get to."

Quintilius thwaps Barrius's head.

"That's my job! Though I do agree with you, fine send them out!"

And with that 10 Galleys, in total containing 1,000 Soldiers, headed out towards Nova Cartago. They would unexpectedly help the Articans and Doomish People. But they wouldn't know that at first, they need to have some fun first ya know...

700 Hoplites
200 Archers
100 Horsemen
10 Galleys

OOC: Happy?
Imperial Articas
27-08-2004, 23:19
OOC: by the way, Ancient Battles were fought with 5,000 Soldiers at MOST. So think about it.

OOC: Ancient battlew were fought with more than just 5000 soldiers. One roman legion had 6000 troops each, and sometimes they would send 2 or 3 legions to fight. That's way more than 5000 in just one side. The enemy probable had the same amounts of men, depending on the enemy that is.

IC:The 56th Legion was stationed at the embassy/fort in Doomingsland and had sent out scouts often to watch each side prepare to fight. The men had witnessed the warriors of Doomingsland before and knew they were a force to be reckoned with. The commander of the legion, Henry Tudor, assembled 2000 legionnaires, archers, spearmen, axemen and horsemen. That force also had 5 onagers. This force was to march to the Dooingsland troops before they reached the enemy. They would assist the invasion and would act as a relief army incase too many Doomingsland soldiers fell. They marched with increadible speed, which is one of the things that made the legions of Artica famous, to the allied soldiers. This force was commanded by Lt. Dunmer.
The Island of Rose
27-08-2004, 23:25
OOC: Ancient battlew were fought with more than just 5000 soldiers. One roman legion had 6000 troops each, and sometimes they would send 2 or 3 legions to fight. That's way more than 5000 in just one side. The enemy probable had the same amounts of men, depending on the enemy that is.

IC:The 56th Legion was stationed at the embassy/fort in Doomingsland and had sent out scouts often to watch each side prepare to fight. The men had witnessed the warriors of Doomingsland before and knew they were a force to be reckoned with. The commander of the legion, Henry Tudor, assembled 2000 legionnaires, archers, spearmen, axemen and horsemen. That force also had 5 onagers. This force was to march to the Dooingsland troops before they reached the enemy. They would assist the invasion and would act as a relief army incase too many Doomingsland soldiers fell. They marched with increadible speed, which is one of the things that made the legions of Artica famous, to the allied soldiers. This force was commanded by Lt. Dunmer.

OOC: But I talk of the Greek Period :p

The galley arrived at Nova Cartago. They spotted the Artican ships. Well well well, what to do, what to do? A man got on the tower and started to shout.

"Need any help ya Arties?!"
Nova Cartago
28-08-2004, 02:04
OOC: So we're in Roman Times now? I thought you meant Ancient Egyptian/Greek Times...

And I'm a bit confused about what's happening with Artica and Rose atm. Did the Articans send a diplomatic vessel to me? We haven't officially met yet, and did Rose send a ship to Nova Cartago to talk to me or to talk to the Articans?


Commander Ieoffreius Ianus of the Elite Guard, descendant of the original Warrior Defender of the Holy City, crouched behind a rock and observed the Doomingsland forces. A single man rode forth towards the cliffs. He motioned for his longbowman to move forward to protect him if necessary. He knew this would be a historic occasion between both races and he thought it best if he himself conducted the negotiations for the Novans. He stood up, clambered down the cliff and strode forth, armed only with a simple unconcealed dagger and an elegant jewelled and golden armour that was obviously only for decoration.

He knew only rudimentary words in the language of the Doomed, gleamed from merchants who traded with the outlying towns. "Greetings. I am Commander Ieoffreius Ianus of the Novan Elite Guard of the Holy City of Cartago. We wish to know why 10000 men in armament encroach upon our humble valley. We have no room for so many aggressive men. But perhaps we could accept a smaller, less armed contingent of maybe 500 officials to talk with."
Imperial Articas
28-08-2004, 03:44
OOC: But I talk of the Greek Period :p

The galley arrived at Nova Cartago. They spotted the Artican ships. Well well well, what to do, what to do? A man got on the tower and started to shout.

"Need any help ya Arties?!"

"We would prefer if you didn't call us "Arties" thank you. We are on our way to meet up with Doomingsland troops. This is not your concern but if you wish to die then follow us. We may have had our differences in the past but we will still fight beside you."
The Island of Rose
28-08-2004, 03:48
"We would prefer if you didn't call us "Arties" thank you. We are on our way to meet up with Doomingsland troops. This is not your concern but if you wish to die then follow us. We may have had our differences in the past but we will still fight beside you."

OOC: Pssh, your people are so boring :p

The looker looked around.

"Die?! We came to win! By the way, my wife is good right?!"

The man was obviously talking about his wife. She must've been one of those special 30,000 that were sent. Meh, Rosians are horny...
Imperial Articas
28-08-2004, 07:39
OOC: Pssh, your people are so boring :p

The looker looked around.

"Die?! We came to win! By the way, my wife is good right?!"

The man was obviously talking about his wife. She must've been one of those special 30,000 that were sent. Meh, Rosians are horny...

OOC:My people aren't boring, they just have dignity, respect and honour.

IC:"I wouldn't know sir, I have a wife, as do all officers. Plus the troops stationed in Doomingsland don't even know what your talking about. We haven't recieved word from Artica yet, the next messanger is due next month. Now hurry up and follow us."

1 hour later

The Artican troops arrived at were the Doomingsland troops were stationed. Lt. Dunmer walked over to the commander of the troops. "We are here to lend a hand."
Nova Cartago
28-08-2004, 09:02
OOC: Oh crap. The three largest nations are just about to for an alliance against me, the smallest and least militaristic of all the nations.

IC: The Commander of the Cavalry, Senior Hunter Ionus Sephrenius, in the absense of the Commander of the Elite Guard dispatched scouts out to confirm reports of mysterious crafts sighted on the ocean to the west of the Novan Valley. Upon the return of the scouts and the verification that these were indeed strangers Sephrenius immediately set out at the head of a column of cavalry to greet them. With force if necessary, but hopefully they could forestall any aggressive actions. But it did not look good for the vastly outnumbered Novans.

Meanwhile: At the Holy City
Eldest Shaman Gôrak convened a meeting of the 3 shamans. After a long conference they decided to abandon the mountain fortress where the civilians were hiding. "We have decided that the fate of Nova Cartago lies in the Holy City and the defence of the Holy City. How can we live in mountains like goats, deprived of our City. We just defend it with our lives."

The majority of the civilians packed their meagre belongings and made the slow pilgrimage to the Holy City where they would stay within the Golden Walls. None had ever entered the Holy City before, times must be changing for the Elders to be so lax. Others ran to the forests and fields where they would be safe, hidden by their better knowledge of the terrain. 100 of the troops stationed at the moutain fortress would accompany them to the City where they would relieve the Elite Guard. Only 50 men would remain to guard those civilians who would not leave the fortress. A skeleton crew, barely adequate to watch all the passes. The remaining 250 marched towards the front line.

With the announcement of the elders, the cavalry set off towards the front line. The Elite Guard prepared to leave once the first of the reinforcements arrived. In the meantime they prepared many deadly traps for their enemies. If the enemy broke through the front line then they would not have an easy time capturing the Holy City of Nova Cartago.

By this time, Sephrenius had reached the Rosian and the Artican fleets. With his small honour guard of 50 cavalry he removed his armour in a global symbolic gesture of peace (or so he hoped... who knows what strange thoughts these alien races have). "Greetings Oh people from another land. We are the Novans, we beseech you to have pity upon us, a great force lies to our north and threatens our peace-loving way of life. Will you please help us find peace?"
28-08-2004, 17:43
OOC:OK, here's the deal, Nova, your guys can accept my terms, and you can continue this RP, or I can kill every last man woman and child in your population.


The Articans and Rosians were greeted by Centurion Gauis.

"Greetings, my ally. We would be honored to fight beside you, who are these strangers you bring with you." he said, eyeing the Rosians.


The rider reached the mountain fortress, and was greeted by two confused guards, apparently woundering why they had not been killed.

"I come in peace, take me to your leader!" the rider commanded them.

At the front

The small band of Novan soldiers could be seen out in the distance. The various cohorts began to form rank, and marched forward, their spears like a forest, the clanking of their armor could be heard throughout the valley. The men on the flanks formed a solid wall with their shields, and were prepared for any kind of attack. An elite cavalry unit of 500 prepared to surge forward, and shock the enemy units...
28-08-2004, 18:10
OOC: So we're in Roman Times now? I thought you meant Ancient Egyptian/Greek Times...

And I'm a bit confused about what's happening with Artica and Rose atm. Did the Articans send a diplomatic vessel to me? We haven't officially met yet, and did Rose send a ship to Nova Cartago to talk to me or to talk to the Articans?


Commander Ieoffreius Ianus of the Elite Guard, descendant of the original Warrior Defender of the Holy City, crouched behind a rock and observed the Doomingsland forces. A single man rode forth towards the cliffs. He motioned for his longbowman to move forward to protect him if necessary. He knew this would be a historic occasion between both races and he thought it best if he himself conducted the negotiations for the Novans. He stood up, clambered down the cliff and strode forth, armed only with a simple unconcealed dagger and an elegant jewelled and golden armour that was obviously only for decoration.

He knew only rudimentary words in the language of the Doomed, gleamed from merchants who traded with the outlying towns. "Greetings. I am Commander Ieoffreius Ianus of the Novan Elite Guard of the Holy City of Cartago. We wish to know why 10000 men in armament encroach upon our humble valley. We have no room for so many aggressive men. But perhaps we could accept a smaller, less armed contingent of maybe 500 officials to talk with."
OOC:Sry, didn't see that post.

IC:"I am an official emmisary form the empire, and I have come to offer you terms of your survival," said the soldier, handing him a scroll with the terms neatly printed in Novan. At the end were the most ominous words:Failure to comply will result in total extermination of the Novan people...
The Island of Rose
28-08-2004, 18:30
The Articans and Rosians were greeted by Centurion Gauis.

"Greetings, my ally. We would be honored to fight beside you, who are these strangers you bring with you." he said, eyeing the Rosians.

OOC: Nothing against ya Cartago, I need to heal relations with Artica ;)

The Commander standing there, eyed Gaius the same way, but it was more of a fun way. He then walked up to him and hugged him.

"Greetings! My name is Julis Maximus! Right... so what's the plan?"

By this time, Sephrenius had reached the Rosian and the Artican fleets. With his small honour guard of 50 cavalry he removed his armour in a global symbolic gesture of peace (or so he hoped... who knows what strange thoughts these alien races have). "Greetings Oh people from another land. We are the Novans, we beseech you to have pity upon us, a great force lies to our north and threatens our peace-loving way of life. Will you please help us find peace?"

A man from the fleet climbed the sail tower. He looked at the Calvary and sighed. Geez, these people think we're warmongerers. Ah well, time to respond...

"We are the Rosians! We want peace too! Just listen to the Doominglandien Government! It's not worth it! Don't fight, they'll have mercy!"

Though he didn't know if he was telling the truth or lieing...
Imperial Articas
28-08-2004, 21:40
At the Artican Fleet

"Hello, I'm sorry but I have no clue what your talking about. I was just sent here to give an invitation to Emperor Helldawg."

OOC:My force that is gonna attack you came from my embassy in Doomingsland.


At the Army

"These are the Rosians, they were a colony of the empire but when we had our civil war they challenged us and won their independence. We will be on your back in case your ranks start to fall. Have you sent out riders to negotiate?"

At the Empire

Things were being prepared for the wedding. As was custom, the emperor would march around the entire empire. He had been putting it off because he had to regain order in the empire, and then there was the incident with the Rosians. He could not put it off any longer. He departed from the Imperial City with a cohort of 100 legionaires, who all rode on magnificent horses.
28-08-2004, 21:47
"Yes, we've dispatched a lone rider with terms of surrender. We do intend to keep our part of the bargain. If my rider does not arrive soon, I will assume the worst, and exterminate their entire population, and claim the land for Doomingsland. You both are welcome to establish ports at the end of the penninsula when this is ended."
The Island of Rose
28-08-2004, 21:58
City of Rose:

A Scout Ships left the Port, but this time it was unarmed. It contained a Diplomat and 5 Hoplites. The Destination? Imperial Artica. Yes, they were coming to the wedding. Oy... Rosians are not Diplomats, but at most, he had to make it out alive. Bleh... at least there was free food? Or was there.... God I hope there is.

* * *

Julis looked around. He looked at the men marching, he then looked at the fleet. He hasn't even sent the order to land yet, but it won't be needed, I'm sure. Bleh.

"Ah rape and pillaging. The epitome of a battle..." He said. "Bleh..."
Imperial Articas
28-08-2004, 21:59
"Right." Lt. Dunmer then said to his troops, "Get into the checkerboard formation. Have your shields up and your swords ready. Archers, have your arrows ready to be released on my command. Have the onagers ready to fire. Cavalry, be ready to charge."
28-08-2004, 22:09
The winds of news had ways of manipulating, changing certain events. So it was when the 25,000 strong fleet of Commorarghian naval frigates set out for distant lands, they were blown by the winds of fate towards Nova Cartago.
Imperial Articas
28-08-2004, 22:13
City of Rose:

A Scout Ships left the Port, but this time it was unarmed. It contained a Diplomat and 5 Hoplites. The Destination? Imperial Artica. Yes, they were coming to the wedding. Oy... Rosians are not Diplomats, but at most, he had to make it out alive. Bleh... at least there was free food? Or was there.... God I hope there is.

* * *

Julis looked around. He looked at the men marching, he then looked at the fleet. He hasn't even sent the order to land yet, but it won't be needed, I'm sure. Bleh.

"Ah rape and pillaging. The epitome of a battle..." He said. "Bleh..."

Before he left, Emperor Marcus Kellerman had left orders for all guests to be given comfortable quarters in the Imperial Palace to await his return and the wedding.
The Island of Rose
28-08-2004, 22:21
The fleet started landing the troops, and pretty soon, joined up with the coalition. Bleh... nothing else to add now.

* * *

The Scout Ship arrived at the Port, the ship lowered it's plank. Out came a Diplomat with 5 Guards. All armed with Short Swords, though they were in nice looking armor. The Diplomat looked around.


OOC: Writer's block :headbang:
Imperial Articas
28-08-2004, 22:24
The fleet started landing the troops, and pretty soon, joined up with the coalition. Bleh... nothing else to add now.

* * *

The Scout Ship arrived at the Port, the ship lowered it's plank. Out came a Diplomat with 5 Guards. All armed with Short Swords, though they were in nice looking armor. The Diplomat looked around.


OOC: Writer's block :headbang:

3 Preatorian guards awaited the Rosians. "Hello, Welcome to Artica. Follow us to your quaters." On their way to the palace, they explained the absence of the emperor.
The Island of Rose
28-08-2004, 22:36
3 Preatorian guards awaited the Rosians. "Hello, Welcome to Artica. Follow us to your quaters." On their way to the palace, they explained the absence of the emperor.

The Diplomat looked at the Palace and nodded.

"Pretty big. So where are the brothels?"

One of Hoplites looked around also, he nodded also. He also spoke. Yay!

"Where's my wife?"
28-08-2004, 22:38
The winds of news had ways of manipulating, changing certain events. So it was when the 25,000 strong fleet of Commorarghian naval frigates set out for distant lands, they were blown by the winds of fate towards Nova Cartago.
OOC:Wait, who's side you gonna be on?
Imperial Articas
28-08-2004, 22:47
The Diplomat looked at the Palace and nodded.

"Pretty big. So where are the brothels?"

One of Hoplites looked around also, he nodded also. He also spoke. Yay!

"Where's my wife?"

OOC:Remember how you said a disease whipes you out and then you are re-settled? Just pretend you don't know this yet, it will be more interesting.

IC:"O, you mean the sluts we bought from your country, they are currently at one of our legion forts....on the other side of the island. Please, follow me to your quarters." They led the Rosians to their rooms. The diplomat was shone to a large marble door. The preatorian opened it to reviel a large room. The room had a 2 floors. On the first floor, there was a maple table and 4 chairs, a leather sofa, a large heated pool in the corner that looked like a miniature pond(because it has plants around it and rocks and stuff) but it was actually the bath. There was also large carpets on the floor. On the second floor, there was a king size bed with a fur blanket, a large mirror that hung from the wall, and 2 paintings of landscape. "This is were you will stay." said one of the preatorians to the diplomat, "Your hoplites can stay in the servants quarters. They are located in a separate building across from the palace. Im sure they will be comfortable there."(The rooms there look similar to the one the diplomat is staying in but only has one floor and the bath is just a pool of heated water, no fancy stuff around it. And the bed is a double in each room.) O and in the diplomats room, on the second floor there is glass doors that lead out to a blacony(the room is on the 3rd floor of the palace.) that looks over the imperial gardens.
Imperial Articas
28-08-2004, 22:56
At the fort, the Rosians were actually there. But they weren't there for giving pleasure to the troops. The wisemen of the empire were experimenting on them, creating a disease that would whipe out all rosians.
The Island of Rose
29-08-2004, 00:00
At the fort, the Rosians were actually there. But they weren't there for giving pleasure to the troops. The wisemen of the empire were experimenting on them, creating a disease that would whipe out all rosians.

OOC: Thanks man, I needed a BS reason to die :P And sorry for the BS post

The Hoplites left the Diplomat alone. The Diplomat sat down in one of the wooden chairs and began to rest...
Imperial Articas
29-08-2004, 01:26
OOC: Thanks man, I needed a BS reason to die :P And sorry for the BS post

The Hoplites left the Diplomat alone. The Diplomat sat down in one of the wooden chairs and began to rest...

OOC:No problem, it gives me a chance to get even and it gives you your reason to die.
Imperial Articas
29-08-2004, 03:19
At Doomingsland

The army was ready to strike. The only thing now was to await the scout that Doomingsland had sent to negotiate. Rumors were also heard that ships were sailing into Nova Cartago. Lt. Dunmer realized that it might take awhile so he let the archers relinquish their arrows back into their holder things(I can't remember what their called). He also let the legionaires to holster their swords. The spearman were also able to rest. But all the men still stayed in formation.
29-08-2004, 09:44
The 25,000 strong Fleet arrived at Nova Cartago, and the troops disembarked. The leader of the forces, Vice-Admiral Chemalon stood on the podium, speaking to the populace.

"Peoples of Nova Cartago! Our friends! We have no army, you will be crushed. But, if you come with us, we can lead you to the uttermost west of the Earth, then we can find you land, away from these imperialists!
29-08-2004, 09:48
You would know of my fleet now....
Imperial Articas
29-08-2004, 09:56
The 25,000 strong Fleet arrived at Nova Cartago, and the troops disembarked. The leader of the forces, Vice-Admiral Chemalon stood on the podium, speaking to the populace.

"Peoples of Nova Cartago! Our friends! We have no army, you will be crushed. But, if you come with us, we can lead you to the uttermost west of the Earth, then we can find you land, away from these imperialists!

OOC:Nice style.
29-08-2004, 10:02
A small cohort of 20 ships sailed for the land known as Doomingsland, hoping to convince them to stop their attack.....
Imperial Articas
29-08-2004, 21:03
A small cohort of 20 ships sailed for the land known as Doomingsland, hoping to convince them to stop their attack.....

I wouldn't do that if I were you, your ships might be taken if they land.
30-08-2004, 02:49
I wouldn't do that if I were you, your ships might be taken if they land.
OOC:Ships? What ships? *kicks away burned piece of drift wood*

At the Front

"Sir, an unkown armada has assembled, and are speaking to the Novans! They appear to have no land force, but look as if they are attempting to help them flee!"

"Archers ready!"

The long line of archers knocked their arrows, and lit the rags tied to the end, so that whatever they hit would burn.

"Fire on my mark!"

Now they would wait to see if the insolent Novans would attempt escape...
Nova Cartago
30-08-2004, 08:46
OOC: You haven't actually told me the terms of surrender. And I think total annihilation is a bit harsh. Besides I have a lovely cave system that is totally impregnable. And I'm sure my army will kill at least half of yours if you try and capture me.

IC: The Novan General, Commander Ianus approached the lone rider with the terms of surrender.

"Greetings, my friend, although I am afraid I am using the term very lightly. We have our own terms of surrender. We will cease all further grazing to the north of your borders. You must withdraw the majority of your troops 100km from our mutual border, which we will establish at this long escarpment. You will be allowed a token force of 500 men at the entrance to our valley.

Because there is no entrance to our valley, except via this singular narrow and treacherous pass, there is a severe bottleneck to enter our valley. You may have vastly superior numbers, but I assure you we will kill at least half of your army if you attempt to seize our valley. And it is not plain sailing once you get past this front line, our cavalry are the best horse archers in the world. We will harass you the entire way to our capital, which has walls 500 meters high. Even if you desecrate our Holy Citadel, we can retreat to the vast cave systems and dense forests at the base of the escarpment that surrounds our valley. You cannot possibly find all of your hiding places there. And if you attempt to find them our bowmen will cut you to pieces.

You may be victorious in the end, but even with the help of the other two nations it will be at the cost of your entire army. Can your nation really afford to lose 10,000 of its men. I suggest we make a peace agreement. You can win, but do you really want to?

To the Commoraghans:
We most humbly thank you for your help, but we Novans do not believe in cowardice. We would not burden you with our entire race. We would be interested in trading for flammable substances which we lack in our valley. With these substances we could forge iron and even better metals ourselves. We have plentiful supplies of iron and copper ores, as well as jewels (which we mostly use as a second layer of armour due to their incredible hardness).

OOC: I assume that since we're in the Classical Age we still need men to farm etc. Your population cannot really exceed 20,000 on such a small peninsula.. Hence since most of your men are in the army you will have severe logistical problems supplying food to your army once you win the war. And bringing that incredibly expensive weaponry back home once your army is almost completely dead.
30-08-2004, 10:19
"But, we have uninhabited islands, huge, as big as this peninsula!" He shouted. "If you came, you would not be assailed again!"

The Fleet turned around to face the Doomingland warriors, the mariners holding up bows above their heads, ready to shoot.....

Come on Nova Cartago, you will get massacred, you can have your revenge later.....
Imperial Articas
30-08-2004, 19:56
Seeing the Doomingsland archers prepare to fire, Lt. Dunmer gave the order. The Artican archers made ready their arrows and awaited the command.
31-08-2004, 00:57
OOC: You haven't actually told me the terms of surrender. And I think total annihilation is a bit harsh. Besides I have a lovely cave system that is totally impregnable. And I'm sure my army will kill at least half of yours if you try and capture me.

IC: The Novan General, Commander Ianus approached the lone rider with the terms of surrender.

"Greetings, my friend, although I am afraid I am using the term very lightly. We have our own terms of surrender. We will cease all further grazing to the north of your borders. You must withdraw the majority of your troops 100km from our mutual border, which we will establish at this long escarpment. You will be allowed a token force of 500 men at the entrance to our valley.

Because there is no entrance to our valley, except via this singular narrow and treacherous pass, there is a severe bottleneck to enter our valley. You may have vastly superior numbers, but I assure you we will kill at least half of your army if you attempt to seize our valley. And it is not plain sailing once you get past this front line, our cavalry are the best horse archers in the world. We will harass you the entire way to our capital, which has walls 500 meters high. Even if you desecrate our Holy Citadel, we can retreat to the vast cave systems and dense forests at the base of the escarpment that surrounds our valley. You cannot possibly find all of your hiding places there. And if you attempt to find them our bowmen will cut you to pieces.

You may be victorious in the end, but even with the help of the other two nations it will be at the cost of your entire army. Can your nation really afford to lose 10,000 of its men. I suggest we make a peace agreement. You can win, but do you really want to?

To the Commoraghans:
We most humbly thank you for your help, but we Novans do not believe in cowardice. We would not burden you with our entire race. We would be interested in trading for flammable substances which we lack in our valley. With these substances we could forge iron and even better metals ourselves. We have plentiful supplies of iron and copper ores, as well as jewels (which we mostly use as a second layer of armour due to their incredible hardness).

OOC: I assume that since we're in the Classical Age we still need men to farm etc. Your population cannot really exceed 20,000 on such a small peninsula.. Hence since most of your men are in the army you will have severe logistical problems supplying food to your army once you win the war. And bringing that incredibly expensive weaponry back home once your army is almost completely dead.
OOC:Look at Articas population, besides, when I first landed, I had about 20,000 people, and if I needed more land, I'd just move north, there's no one there. Plus the logistics were no where near as complicated then as it is now, there's no oil needed, no electricity, no ammunition, only food, and we could get that easily enough by pillaging. My border is pretty close by, and I have tons of villages that send out heavily armed caravans with food very frequently. Trust me, my guys will definately wipe you off the face of the planet, I out number you ten to one, and my guys are better equiped and better trained. Plus they don't really feel much in the way of remorse...

"Hmmm, I must deliver your terms to my leader. I bid you farewell, possibly for good." said the man as he left the room, and rode off back to the massive army.

At the front

"Sir, the ships look as if they are preparing to fire."

"Hmm, that would be bad for us, have the Articans dispatch a group to convince them to leave," just as he said that, the rider came into viewafter crossing over enemy lines, waving a red flag, "Wow, I can't believe they would be so stubborn as to refuse our most generous offer...COMMENCE FIRING!" with that, 2000 archers let loose a hail of fire arrows down on the vasly outnumbered enemy...

OOC:Go escape on the ships if yo want to continue the RP, otherwise I'll simply annihilate your population, no matter what the cost.
Imperial Articas
31-08-2004, 01:34
OOC:Look at Articas population, besides, when I first landed, I had about 20,000 people, and if I needed more land, I'd just move north, there's no one there. Plus the logistics were no where near as complicated then as it is now, there's no oil needed, no electricity, no ammunition, only food, and we could get that easily enough by pillaging. My border is pretty close by, and I have tons of villages that send out heavily armed caravans with food very frequently. Trust me, my guys will definately wipe you off the face of the planet, I out number you ten to one, and my guys are better equiped and better trained. Plus they don't really feel much in the way of remorse...

"Hmmm, I must deliver your terms to my leader. I bid you farewell, possibly for good." said the man as he left the room, and rode off back to the massive army.

At the front

"Sir, the ships look as if they are preparing to fire."

"Hmm, that would be bad for us, have the Articans dispatch a group to convince them to leave," just as he said that, the rider came into viewafter crossing over enemy lines, waving a red flag, "Wow, I can't believe they would be so stubborn as to refuse our most generous offer...COMMENCE FIRING!" with that, 2000 archers let loose a hail of fire arrows down on the vasly outnumbered enemy...

OOC:Go escape on the ships if yo want to continue the RP, otherwise I'll simply annihilate your population, no matter what the cost.

OOC:My people screw alot so that explains my large population. Plus we have lots of farms and livestock and stuff.

IC:"Lt. The Dark Army wants us to send out people to talk to the ships."
"Very well, send out 5 scout cavalry. Tell them to deliver this message "Go home or be destroyed, we cannot hold back the hordes of the Black Army." Also tell them to assure them that diplomatic relations between our two countrys will not be affected by this."
"Yes, sir!"

Lt. Dunmer then rode off to the leader of the Doomingsland legion. "You really should reconsider. Whipping an entire race of this planet for nothing. You and I both know that there are more land north of your country that would be of better value. Why don't you turn away and leave these people alone for awhile? Besides, don't you think it would bring more honour to your empire if you were to crush them once they are at least able to defend themselves?"

OOC:Plus I'm trying to keep as many people as possible in this rp. The more people there are the better.
31-08-2004, 01:41
OOC:Hmmm, Dark/Black Army... I like the sound of that, hehehe.

"Actualy, I plan on indefinatley trapping them in their caves to rot, while not actualy annihilating them. It would cost less men for me, and would give us control of the entire penninsula. I am following orders directly from the emporer, and everyone agrees: control of the penninsula is imperative. We mean no harm to the men aboard the ships, as we have no quarrel with them. Hell, we didn't even know they existed until about 2 hours ago..." said Centurion Guaes to the Artican.
Imperial Articas
31-08-2004, 01:43
OOC:Hmmm, Dark/Black Army... I like the sound of that, hehehe.

"Actualy, I plan on indefinatley trapping them in their caves to rot, while not actualy annihilating them. It would cost less men for me, and would give us control of the entire penninsula. I am following orders directly from the emporer, and everyone agrees: control of the penninsula is imperative. We mean no harm to the men aboard the ships, as we have no quarrel with them. Hell, we didn't even know they existed until about 2 hours ago..." said Centurion Guaes to the Artican.

OOC:I thought you would like that.

IC:"Very well, but when you do push them into their caves, before you leave them to rot, try to make them a new deal. Perhaps to save their people they will agree to become a colony of Doomingsland."
The Island of Rose
31-08-2004, 02:04
OOC:I thought you would like that.

IC:"Very well, but when you do push them into their caves, before you leave them to rot, try to make them a new deal. Perhaps to save their people they will agree to become a colony of Doomingsland."
Commander Julius yawned. "As long as nobody's, I see no harm in that."

OOC: Ah okay Artica, when is the Mideviel RPing starting?
Imperial Articas
31-08-2004, 02:14
Commander Julius yawned. "As long as nobody's, I see no harm in that."

OOC: Ah okay Artica, when is the Mideviel RPing starting?

OOC:In one week you can start having midevil weapons and technologies.
The Island of Rose
31-08-2004, 02:19
OOC:In one week you can start having midevil weapons and technologies.

OOC: I need a break from this RP anyway, Artica, mind RPing my destruction? Pleeeeeese?
Imperial Articas
31-08-2004, 02:45
OOC: I need a break from this RP anyway, Artica, mind RPing my destruction? Pleeeeeese?

OOC: Sure

IC:The emperor returned from his trip, got married and the TIOR ambassadors went back to their home. What they didn't know tho was that injected into their blood was the virus. When they got home, it started spreading. After 2 days everyone in TIOR was infected and dieing. It would take only 5 hours for the entire population to be whiped out.
The Island of Rose
31-08-2004, 02:52
Every Rosian is dead, damn horny bastards.

OOC: Hooray! Mideviel's gonna be lots o fun. Lots of Dukes and Duchesses in my period. But remember, every country needs to settle me, not just one. I want Diversity!
Imperial Articas
31-08-2004, 03:14
Every Rosian is dead, damn horny bastards.

OOC: Hooray! Mideviel's gonna be lots o fun. Lots of Dukes and Duchesses in my period. But remember, every country needs to settle me, not just one. I want Diversity!

OOC:See now I don't think every country will settle you. If Doomingsland does he wont take kindly to you separating and will crush you.
The Island of Rose
31-08-2004, 03:17
OOC:See now I don't think every country will settle you. If Doomingsland does he wont take kindly to you separating and will crush you.
OOC: Bleh, I become free in time anyway, it says so in my factbook, I'm not gonna be a Colony by the time the Industrial Age is here, just lettin ya know ;)
Imperial Articas
01-09-2004, 03:53
The archers at the Doomingsland, Nova Cartago boarder released their flaming arrows at the Novans. The infantry stayed ready in case they were needed.
Nova Cartago
01-09-2004, 11:28
OOC: Ok since it looks like we're going to fight I'm going to lay down all the terrain etc in preparation for my destruction.

I have made a few basic maps of the area. It should be fairly straightforward. The URL is

The escarpment is "unassailable". It is about 750m high (therefore I doubt you can hit us with arrows) at the front line and is basically a cliff. It is possible to sneak in around the sides of the valley, but its still basically a cliff. You have to abandon all wagons and horses etc to climb the cliff. You can probably carry weapons, but only minimal food. Once you get up the cliff you'll have to get down again and march for around a day to reach the Holy City (assuming you can still force march, probably around 2-3 days since you're fatigued).

The front line is basically two stout barricades that block the narrow entrance into the valley. Construction of a thick (2m thick) stone wall is taking place. It should be completed in 2 real time days.

As you enter the valley you will begin to be pelted by a series of ballistas and other assorted projectiles. Most of these will be normal explosives, but flaming catapults and flaming arrows are utilised at some of the larger towers located at the very entrance of the canyon and around the barricades and stone wall. My soldiers got up onto the escarpment via a series of very narrow ledges which are nearly invisible and only the most experienced of my own scouts can find them, even with maps. If you somehow get up onto these ledges it will be 1vs1 melee combat, but my archers will probably shoot you as you slowly climb across the ledge towards us.

You can fit 5 swordsmen into the canyon if they use wide strokes. I can fit 10 soldiers side by side since they use pikes and swords designed for stabbing which require less room to wield. The pikemen are arrayed in front of the first barricade. The swordsmen have heavy shields which lock together to avoid a forced entrance.

Nova Cartago
01-09-2004, 12:46

To Commoraugh: "Again Commaraugh we thank you for your generosity. We will send our old people, wives and youngest children with you, with your most profound thanks. But the Novans will not abandon our Holy City and we will not back down from a fight. We may be grossly outnumbered but the bottleneck in the canyon will allow us to fight until we drop dead of fatigue. The Novans are a very hardy race. The canyon will fill up with dead Doomingsland troops before we become tired."

To Doomingsland et al: "We will accept a simple cease-fire treaty, with no strings attached. We will not accept subjugation and we will not cede land or resources to you. If a treaty is made we will accept your current borders, and allow you the use of all land outside the valley, with the exception of the land around the bay area. This is your last chance. If you enter our valley you will most assuredly wipe yourselves out on our swords."
Imperial Articas
01-09-2004, 20:28
OOC:With all the arrow fire from me and Doomingsland, I would think all your troops that were left at the area of our troops are dead.

IC:"Sir, our scouts reported in. They have the entrace sealed. It would be crazy to attack."

Lt. Dunmer sat there for a minute. "Tell the Doomingsland commanders we will be back."

The order was given and the Articans started marching back to their embassy.

OOC: O and your map doesn't work.
Imperial Articas
01-09-2004, 20:35
10 hours later

100 Artican galleys sped towards the back side of Nova Cartago. Lt. Dunmer knew that all the Novan troops were occupied at the front with Doomingsland so they could slip in easily from the back. With some luck they could march right into the Holy City and capture it before anyone knew what was going on.
02-09-2004, 00:16
The commander looked at the valley.

Hmmm, looks tough to take. Well, lets see how they like this...

10 catapults and 6 balistas had been set up, and were prepared to fire.

"Fire on my mark!" he shouted, waching the arrows fly back and forth accross the skies.


The catapults had been loaded with Greek fire, and would incinerate whatever it hit, they quickly began to reload...
Nova Cartago
02-09-2004, 11:22
OOC: Didn't I just say it was suicide to climb the cliffs... You can't bring any siege weapons with you to assault my city, its suicide, a hundred men could hold my city against a thousand men. Just letting you know...

Try this link... I think geocities has been going down the drain since I last used it

IC: "Commander, they're loading their catapults. They also seem to have flammable projectiles."

"Don't worry scout, we're 3/4 of a kilometer high. They can't possibly hit us, and if they can I doubt they'll be very accurate. If they try to shoot our barricades and wall with the catapults they have to enter the valley. And I believe catapults quite easily hehehe. LOAD OUR CATAPULTS."

Meanwhile the civilians slipped away onto the Commaraugh ships, bound for another land, far from the troubles of their homeland.
02-09-2004, 23:25
OOC:That link doesn't work either... put up a link that works so I can have a clear picture of what's happening, I'm kinda confused.
The Island of Rose
02-09-2004, 23:38
((OOC: Artica, TG me when mideviel era starts please :) ))
Nova Cartago
03-09-2004, 09:51
Copy the link to the address bar. Stupid angelfire.

IC: The Novan's training force continued to train in the fields near the Holy City. One day they would be good enough to fight on the front line and fight real enemies. But their company commander assured them that day would be soon. Until then they would keep training in the hope that they would keep doing drills and practising scenarios. And building more catapults for the front
03-09-2004, 13:47
OOC:The map's a little confusing, but I get the idea.

"Sir, the catapults don''t have the range to-"

"I noticed, but you know what they say, the bigger they are, the harder they fall. Target at the middle were we can hit, enough hits from a rock catapult will bring the whole cliff down."

"Yes sir!"

The catapults reloaded with rocks, and the balistas were loaded with chain shot spears.


The catapults and balistas were cocked on that order.


The catapults and balistas opened fire on the side of the cliff, mainly targetting the same area. The ballistas fired last, and the massive spears cut into the side. There were several hundred men tugging each chain, in hopes of pulling down the cliff face, and causing it to collapse in on it self.

Meanwhile, another 5000 men and 50 catapults were dispatched...

OOC:Now we can fight in an open battle.
Nova Cartago
04-09-2004, 08:31
OOC: You can't be serious about an extra 5000 troops. What is your population? Btw, if you're too lazy to read the whole of this post its just me continuing to fire arrows and catapult rocks into your army. Then a cliff comes down, killing 20 soldiers and one catapult. My forces retreat further into the cliff where they have less aim (which doesn't really matter). The cliff is 1km long before you reach the first barricade so you can keep trying to knock it down... fat lot of good it'll do =D

A lowly private near the edge of the cliff sniggered. "Ha ha those incompetents can't hit us up here. Let's send over another volley of arrows." Those archer near him cocked their arrows and let fly. Another ten Doomingsland warriors died. That's the problem with having so many troops. You can have the worst archers in the world, but they'll probably still hit someone when they shoot into that many people. Of course the problem with attacking that many people is of course that it takes a while to kill em all.

So in an attempt to speed things up the archer lined up and let loose another volley. Another 10 warriors fell, maybe another 5 injured. Not that many considering the enemy had 10,000 warriors.

So the archers lined up again and let loose another volley. Another 10 dead, another 5 injured? Oh well... another volley. The archers let loose volley after volley in the safety of their height. They ignored the thumping of the catapults beneath them. The catapults too kept firing. One catapult landed right in the middle of a bunch of horses and killed half of them. The others fled and ran down a company of soldiers.

The day progressed. More volleys were fired. More catapults launched on both sides. The Novan fire archers had difficulty keeping their flaming arrows alight, until someone had the bright idea of stealing the Doomingsland Greek Fire formula. They had some success setting fire to the troops at the base of the cliffs. Those troops were attaching ropes to the cliffs, probably trying to climb up. Oh well they're dead now. Meanwhile the catapults kept coming.

The archers let loose another volley. The Doomingsland catapults fired one more time. Suddenly a part of the cliff came crashing down. In the melee 20 archers were lost as the cliff fell down. A catapult was also lost, another severely damaged as its mooring ropes were snapped. But casualties fron the break were not restricted to the Novans. Many unlucky Doomingsland forces near the cliff itself were crushed by falling rocks. Dust covered the land and blew across the plains. It would be an unpleasant night tonight with the dust clogging everything up.

"Fall back troops. They're trying to destroy the cliff." The archers let loose one last volley, grabbed what arrows and supplies they could before retreating further back along the escarpment. Most of the catapults were mobile, constructed further back along the cliffs then moved to the front. They were moved further back where they could shoot, albeit with less accuracy. Not that it mattered, they had a pretty good target. Those which were moored down were abandoned and would be collected in the dark when the firing stopped.

The two large towers, giant behemoths of stone continued firing. Built right into the bedrock it would be damned hard to shake those towers. And so high up it would be impossible to hit the tower itself. The catapults on those towers collected the rubble from the collapsed cliff and launched it. Small rocks hurt a hell of a lot when it falls that far.
04-09-2004, 14:59
OOC:How would you steal the formula to Greek Fire? No one even knows it today, its a big secret. And don't you think I would have kept my troops a little further back from the cliff to prevent them from being squished. The ropes were being attached with balistas, and that means they wouldn't be at the base of the cliff. And I have a pop of like 200,000. I have an army of about 50,000, and pretty much everyone else is a farmer or some other helpful thing. The way my society works, is that the men are soldiers up to the age of 45, they then retire and become farmers until they are unable to work. The women, on the other hand, are farmers their whole lives, or scientists.

A total of 300 troops had been killed from the volleys of arrows and rocks.

"Sir, we have brought the cliff down!"

"I can see that. TORTISE!"

The army got into a great formation, the front row put up a wall of shields, and everyone else put them above their heads, making them nearly impervious to arrows.

When darkenss fell, and the firing stopped, and group of 500 men, all armed with Greek Fire charges ran to the base of the cliff, and began to climb up, and place the charges in a distict pattern. Catapults had perviously aquired targets there, and would be able to hit without a problem. The charges were set off, weakening the rock, the the catapults fired. They were targetting so that when the cliff colapsed, a massive ramp would be formed so the army could march up....
04-09-2004, 18:34
The Commorarghian ships sailed away, except for those staying to fight. The Knightly order; The Order of the Burning Lance stayed. There they stood, as the 500 Knights stood aroung Grand Master Inzalas. He raised his sword above the air, the Knights doing the same, the sound of 500 gold swords slashing the air.

"Arise riders of Commorargh! You are the chosen! You are the greatest warriors to live! Together we will cleave these heathen scum in twain, Killing them all! We may die. We may be forgotten, doomed to die in a foreign land. But we will fight, and the legend of us will be heard throughout the world!"

"Riders of Commorargh! Do you want to live forever!?"

The sound of armour made hearing impossible, but he knew their answer.


The horns sounded, a clear, loud blast that heralded the awakening of Commorargh.

The Knights charged down the high hill, into death and glory...

Doomingland, can we agree that they kill some of your men, heroically, but get weighed down in combat and killed in glourious battle?
05-09-2004, 00:42
The Commorarghian ships sailed away, except for those staying to fight. The Knightly order; The Order of the Burning Lance stayed. There they stood, as the 500 Knights stood aroung Grand Master Inzalas. He raised his sword above the air, the Knights doing the same, the sound of 500 gold swords slashing the air.

"Arise riders of Commorargh! You are the chosen! You are the greatest warriors to live! Together we will cleave these heathen scum in twain, Killing them all! We may die. We may be forgotten, doomed to die in a foreign land. But we will fight, and the legend of us will be heard throughout the world!"

"Riders of Commorargh! Do you want to live forever!?"

The sound of armour made hearing impossible, but he knew their answer.


The horns sounded, a clear, loud blast that heralded the awakening of Commorargh.

The Knights charged down the high hill, into death and glory...

Doomingland, can we agree that they kill some of your men, heroically, but get weighed down in combat and killed in glourious battle?
OOC:Yeah, obviously your gonna kill a bunch of my guys, but your guys are gonna be slaughtered, and their heads piked, ect. Plus this will be the first demonstration of my men's brutality and sheer power in open battle.

"SIR, CAVALRY CHARGE!" shouted the centurion's aid.

"What? Stand fast! Archers knock and fire!"

A wall of shields was formed, and the archers hastily brought up their bows.


The archers released a huge volley of arrows at the onrushing cavalry, and spears were raised. The cavarly broke the first line, killing 497, and wounding 300, but the second held fast, and the doomed cavalry was swarmed with thousands of bloodthirsty swordsmen and spearmen, all of them eager to take a trophy...
Nova Cartago
05-09-2004, 08:03
OOC: I don't think Greek fire can melt rocks or explode. It could weaken the rocks I guess but not by much. If have you have 15,000 guys here, what are the rest of your army, all 35,000 of them doing?

The tortoise formation annoyed the archers. Stuck up here on the cliffs was half their army and it was immobilised by the formation. Of course when the privates complained to Commander Ceoffreius, he laughed in his usual manner and said, "Those shields are damned heavy. They can keep hiding underneath there. By the time they reach our barricade their arms will be so tired they'll be twice as easy to kill. In the meantime we can preserve our arrows.

In the meantime improve your accuracy, we're 750m up, we can shoot up to a kilometer away, more if you're a practised archer. They can't walk everywhere in large bunches. It'll slow down their death rate, but we can pick it up again when they decide to actually move into the valley. I want a few of you to practice slinging as well. All these small pebbles can be used as very good projectiles. They're also less affected by wind. I guess their catapults are doing us some good hehe.

Also I want some of you to climb down that cliff and place torches there. We can set up a night patrol to make sure none of them try to get up the cliff.
05-09-2004, 13:34
OOC:You know all of their shields are resting on one another, and they're not moving around, so they'll be perfectly fine when they move. The idea I had for the Greek Fire was to heat up the rock so that it would loosen it, and be destroyed easier by the catapults. The rest of my army is doing many things, gaurding my borders, drilling, guarding cities, ect.

"Conitnue firing..."

The catapults still fired, the crews switching off to avoid exhuastion. The commander estimated the cliff would fall within another 3 barrages. By know, the reinforcements had arrived, and began to set up the new catapults.
Nova Cartago
06-09-2004, 10:30
OOC: I have exams this friday, all the way to next week. So we can either have a short break in our war or we can finish it off quickly. If you want to finish it off quickly pull off any stunts you still have up your sleeve then we can go straight to the barricade. I personally would prefer to just wait till I get back. That way people like Articas and Rose can rp their diplomacy. Must be getting pretty boring for the two of em.

Night Attack
A few days of waiting up on the cliff bored the Novan Generals. Nothing to do but plan plan plan. So plan they did. And tonight it would all come to fruition.

The Novans, a hunter-gatherer society may not have as big an army as the Doomingsland nation, but goddammn they were much more skilled in many arts. Their normal soldiers could probably match what Elite Guard the Doomingsland had in one on one battle almost evenly. And the Novan Elite Guard was even better than the normal soldiers. And fighting was not even their forte. Their forte was stealth and hunting. So naturally they put this to good use.

As night began twenty Elite Novans slipped into the camp disguised as soldiers, or simply relying on their stealth. They each carried a few rats to hide in the enemies food supplies. Some carried pouches of poison. Others carried spores, which ingested would cause severe diahorrea, spreading it to other soldiers. That's the problem with having a huge army camped in one place for any period of time. Hunger and disease set in easily and kill almost as many men as actual fighting.

Each Elite Guard also carried a ten minute long wick. They attached these to supplies of Greek Fire the Doomingsland forces carried. When the wick reached the Greek Fire it would explode and kill anyone nearby and probably set fire to most of the tents in a ten meter radius. And considering these supplies were probably near catapults for easy access a few of them would be destroyed too.

Others of the Elite Guard carried jars of Greek Fire even closer to the catapults and set them to explode underneath them causing maximum damage. Others set fire to stocks of arrows. Others removed swords from sheaths and hid them so soldiers who ran to defend themselves would find themselves weaponless.

All of the Elite Guard carried poison rings. A small prick, barely felt by the enemy soldier, would kill him swiftly within ten minutes. Some of the Elite Guard had orders to sneak into Command Tents and kill everyone there. Half-asleep and expecting to be guarded by their (relatively) imcompetent guards they would be easy prey to the Elite Guards who were well-practised in stealth, being hunters.

Other Elite Guard set about to cause chaos for the attack to come. They snuck around killing watchmen and soldiers alone (some attempting to relieve themselves in the bushes). They created small fires and left them to smoulder. They would slowly set fire to the tents and by the time they noticed the Elite would be long gone. Meanwhile in all the chaos, disguised as soldiers they shouted cries of panic and dismay, all the while surreptitiously killing enemies with their poison rings.

Finally the crescendo of the attack came. The slingers launched large rocks from their slings. The archers launched arrows, both flaming and piercing. The strongest hurled down bottles of Greek Fire to cause as many fires as possible. What little grass remained would help spread the fires and cause even more chaos. The catapults hurled both large rocks and smaller rocks, as well as some jars of Greek Fire.

The Elite Guard threw sand onto the campfires closest to the canyon entrance. The soldiers, lacking night vision due to staring into the fires were quickly killed by the Novan cavalry charging from the canyon. The patrolling guardsmen were no help. They had been ambushed by the first wave of the Elite Guard long ago.

The Novans only sent around 60 horsemen into the fray. But they had many spare horses, many untameable. They captured many wild animals: leopards, wolves, deer (the males have antlers which are very dangerous), hunting dogs, lions and other wild beasts and drove them before their cavalry. They mounted mannikans on their spare horses creating a semblance of a large enemy force. These killed a few Doomingsland forces, but their effect on morale was unimaginable. Seeing a lion stalk into your camp is very unnerving, especially when followed by what seemed to be a small army of cavalry headed straight for you.

Two ballistas also attacked the Doomingsland camp. One was armed with a normal bolt that could hit ten people (if they lined up nicely) before even beginning to slow down. Another shot twenty thin metal javelins straight into the enemy. These helped cause even more chaos in the enemy camps.

The horsemen split into three groups, one group going straight forward. Another went left, the last went right. They attacked three different spots and killed many soldiers before they could even begin to grab their weapons. At the center of each of these cavalry groups was the pride of the Novan Army. Recently captured elephants, trained in the art of combat. They were armoured with thick metal sheets, 2mm thick. Under these plates of metal were thick raw leatherhide strips to prevent soldiers stabbing swords between metal plates. Practically invincible. Behind the cavalry followed 5 cavalry archers. They threw flaming brands into tents and shot fleeing soldiers. They hoarded the soldiers into easily massacred groups. All semblance of disclipline fled the outer camps.

The inner camps eventually got a group together and attacked the cavalry. Those troops who attempted the tortoise formation were quickly encircled and crushed by the swift cavalry. Those who didn't had to dodge arrows from the cliff, cavalry archers and longbowmen who had followed the cavalry. All the while they had to fight Novan cavalry, some of the best mounted warriors in the world. Although very skilled, the cavalry were eventually outnumbered by decently armed soldiers. The retreat was sounded and the archers and cavalry retreated. Since formation is impossible when trying to chase a retreating enemy quickly (especially under these chaotic conditions), soldiers who attempted to follow them were killed by the cavalry archers. The elephants stayed behind and were snowed under by Doomingsland forces. They killed many soldiers with a single swing of its spiked trunk. The soldiers were hard-pressed to kill the elephant, due to its incredible armour. Only when the soldier on the top of the elephant was shot by an arrow was it possible for the elephant to be steered into a corner and killed.

The Elite Guard within the camp continued to spread confusion and panic as they faked screams and created fires, all the while poisoning soldiers. They pointed soldiers in the wrong direction and they unleashed (I dunno the right word) horses, setting them free to trample anyone in their way. When they were finally discovered they fought to the death, each killing at least twenty Doomingsland soldiers before dieing.

The battle reached a head when the Doomingsland forces eventually reached the entrance to the valley, only to have it blocked by twenty pikemen. The cavalry could still be heard retreating back to the barricade 1 kilometer down the canyon. The Doomingsland forces could never catch up. But they would definately kill these pikemen. The pikemen blocked the canyon well, having trained in such tactics since the beginning of the war. Arrows rained down from both sides of the canyon, slowing the Doomingsland offense. The Doomingsland forces were just gaining an advantage when the last war elephant attacked them from behind, scattering their formations and allowing the Novan pikemen to regroup and regain their defences. In the end of course the pikemen and the elephant were all killed. As were all the Elite Guard who entered the camp (if you want to take prisoners feel free).

The attack was both a tremendous success and a terrible waste of resources. Many hundreds of Doomingsland troops died on that night, perhaps up to a thousand. Not to mention those who would die of food poisoning, disease and hunger later on in the war. And during all the chaos, with the watchmen either dead or drawn towards the fighting, some more Elite Guard crept out into Doomingsland territory to burn crops and villages and to destroy bridges and prevent further food reaching the troops already here.

OOC: Ok can you tell me what your terrain is like so I can RP my forces running into your nation, burning stuff and hiding using their incredible hunting abilities. (Yes I know you have patrols but clearly I'm not going to follow the roads and its very hard to sweep an entire country for a few people. Most of em are probably pretending to be peasants or something)
Nova Cartago
06-09-2004, 11:48
Casualties: (During that night attack)
20 Elite Guard sent: 20 dead
Many wild animals sent, including 100 horses (with fully armoured puppets)
All of these animals killed, escaped or captured
60 cavalry sent: 10 dead
15 horse archers: 3 dead
50 archers (on the ground): none dead- they were far back and shot anyone who approached
2 ballistas: Abandoned and set on fire
3 elephants sent: All dead

Leaders: About 20 medium rank officers dead (captains, corporals and such)
About 5 high ranking officers dead (majors, colonels... no generals)
Catapults etc: About 30 destroyed, 10 severely damaged (must be repaired)
Greek Fire: About 20 stores destroyed. Roughly 10,000 L.
Soldiers: 500 dead of poisoning, 300 dead from Greek Fire explosions, 1000-1500 dead from fighting.
06-09-2004, 16:14
OOC:As if I wouldn't have had people on patrol, I'd have guys watching for such things to happen. Anyways, my terrian:

Along my border with you-Mountains, hard, rocky, jagged mountains, and heavily defended, and honeycombed with tunnels.

If your guys somehow can get by that-Scorched earth, volcanic ash:the bad lands. Also with many outposts.

If your men can get by the mountains, then avoid starving in the badlands-Farming area, green, lush, heavily guarded.

If you manage to get through that-The capital, spitting image of hell, active volcanos, hot air, almost poisonous to a foriegner, city is surrounded by a river of lava.

I'd also appreciate it if you don't call out my losses, seeing as its godmodding, but the ones you called were fair, except I would have killed tons of your guys.


After the raid, rather than damaging their will to fight, it only made them stronger and more brutal. The catapults were quickly repaired, and after one more bombardment, the side of the cliff came crashing to the earth, forming a massive ramp that goes to the top. The remaining 13,000 men swarmed up the hill, the 500-strong cavalry leading the charge, and rushing the enemy catapults, an attacking the crews. The other men advanced in tortise formation, deflecting enemy arrows, occasionaly getting squished by a catapult. When they reached the top, they swarmed the enemy archers.

Nova Cartago
07-09-2004, 10:12
OOC: Sorry didn't realise it was godmodding. BTW I doubt you could get cavalry up the ramp, it would probably be incredibly rocky.

IC: The archers put up a valiant fight. There were only a few Novans equipped with swords up on the plateau where they were supposedly safe. As soon as the cliffs started coming down they rallied to the ballista towers which could be defended by the few pikemen who were stationed up the top. Some rolled boulders at the masses of troops running up the mountain. Others frantically grabbed what they could and took it to the towers. In a desperate attempt to cause an avalanche and kill a substantial amount of troops they even attempted blowing all their battle-horns at once whilst the catapults and ballistas fired.

The earlier collapses had already vacated much of the lower cliff section. Only around 300 archers remained there. All were slaughtered after a great battle and the ballista towers were burned to the ground. The great cauldrons of burning oil and other such weapons thankfully were not captured by the Doomingsland Army, unless they would bother to collect it from the burning bodies of their dead.

Behind the lower section of the was a much smaller cliff. But it would be the more daunting thanks to the fact they could not bring catapults up the cliff.The problem was the Novan archers could now be shot at by normal arrows.
07-09-2004, 17:16
The riders continued on, the sun illuminating there armour. They had lost around about two hundred and fifty men, but Inzalas did not care, he rode on into glory....

Remeber that the impetus of the cavalry charge would have killed A LOT of men. Not only the fact that they are elite troops....
09-09-2004, 01:42
The riders continued on, the sun illuminating there armour. They had lost around about two hundred and fifty men, but Inzalas did not care, he rode on into glory....

Remeber that the impetus of the cavalry charge would have killed A LOT of men. Not only the fact that they are elite troops....
OOC:Yeah, and so are mine. Post later.
09-09-2004, 02:04
OOC: Sorry didn't realise it was godmodding. BTW I doubt you could get cavalry up the ramp, it would probably be incredibly rocky.

IC: The archers put up a valiant fight. There were only a few Novans equipped with swords up on the plateau where they were supposedly safe. As soon as the cliffs started coming down they rallied to the ballista towers which could be defended by the few pikemen who were stationed up the top. Some rolled boulders at the masses of troops running up the mountain. Others frantically grabbed what they could and took it to the towers. In a desperate attempt to cause an avalanche and kill a substantial amount of troops they even attempted blowing all their battle-horns at once whilst the catapults and ballistas fired.

The earlier collapses had already vacated much of the lower cliff section. Only around 300 archers remained there. All were slaughtered after a great battle and the ballista towers were burned to the ground. The great cauldrons of burning oil and other such weapons thankfully were not captured by the Doomingsland Army, unless they would bother to collect it from the burning bodies of their dead.

Behind the lower section of the was a much smaller cliff. But it would be the more daunting thanks to the fact they could not bring catapults up the cliff.The problem was the Novan archers could now be shot at by normal arrows.

The brutality of the men quickly became aparent. Soldiers would stand over the charred corpses of the slain Novan soldiers, and cut the heads off as trophies. But they would have an even more sinister use...

Novans who were wounded but still living were dragged around the men, and beaten up, and spat on, until a merciful soldier would come up and decapitate him, taking the head as a trophy. Meanwhile, the archers opened fire on the remaining Novans, as the catapults were taken apart, and carried up piece by piece...

As for the cavalry-

The men had quickly surrounded the onrushing cavalry, and began to tighten the noose. There would be up to ten men attacking a single horse. If the succeeded in dismounting him without killing him, they would knock him out so they can be tortured later. The centurion was alone, and saw a lone horse coming toward him(lets say its your leader). He dove out of the way, and cut the legs off, sending the rider flying. Now it was time to duel....
Nova Cartago
09-09-2004, 11:17
OOC: Sorry I've got exams. Won't be posting for a while.

The Novan catapults decided to try out a new technique. Or rather a technique they shamelessly looted from the Doomingsland forces. Their catapults aimed at the already weakened cliff and the debris from the last avalanche... well it turned into a second avalanche. Most of the Doomingsland forces still on the cliff died, although a few escaped by hanging onto the cliffside where Novan archers picked them off at will. Although it was fun to watch them hang pitifully for a while.

Meanwhile the first of the recruits were sent to the front line, along with some supplies. Foremost of which was several strips of woven leather, painstakingly collected from snakes and lizards and crocodiles in the Novan valley and woven into 5 200m by 20m bags filled with hay. They hung these off the edge of the cliff, now only 500m above the ground level (including the rocky part directly underneath which is about 100m-200m high in some parts). These strips of cloth would not weaken the blows from the catapults by much but would spread the damage over a larger area so they could not collapse the cliff quite as easily as before.

OOC: Anyway have fun whilst I'm gone. Don't kill off too many of my troops.
10-09-2004, 00:07
3 catapults and a balista had been carried up, piece by piece, before the cliff went down. Along with that, were 200 barrels of Greek Fire. The catapults opened fire with Greek Fire, quickly incinerating the hay cloth, not only that, but spreading the fire upwards, and incinerating anyone above. Afterwords, the catapults began firing stone, along with 2000 archers firing fire arrows up at the enemy...
Nova Cartago
10-09-2004, 10:49
I assume snake skin isn't flammable. And the hay is stuck inside the snake skin. Oh well... I'll try again later.

As soon as the leather caught fire the Novans removed all but 50 archers and 2 catapults (plus men to man it) from the new front section of the wall. The rest of the Novan archers moved back to another cliff which was unlikely to fall when the new front section fell to the Doomingsland catapults. Meanwhile they started working on a thicker snakeskin bag that was airtight so the hay within could not catch fire.
10-09-2004, 22:24
The cliff finaly collapsed, and the men poured up the ramp, killing all in their path. The catapults were quickly wheeled up after the men, and seet up for another barrage. When more of the bags were dropped over the cliff, the catapults fired more Greek Fire, this time doing less damage. The men had another ingenious idea:Why not make use of the balista to spill the hay out?

The ballista fired its massive spear, putting a huge hole, and the catapults fired again, causing the bag to burn from the inside. The same was repeated to the other bags, and the catapults once again began their barrage...

OOC:How many cliffs do you have? Its starting to get repetitive.
Imperial Articas
11-09-2004, 00:46
OOC: Time to play catch up :p


The Artican galleys finally arrived at the shore. They unloaded and the ships started heading back to the port in Doomingsland. There were 3000 troops in total. Lt. Dunmer gave the order and under the cover of darkness, they marched with great stealth and speed. They arrived at the back mountain that overlooked the Holy City of Nova Cartago by the time the sun was starting to come up. They hid in the mountain and did not light any fires or make lots of noise or movement. Lt. Dunmer sat on a rock and overlooked the city with 2 of his officers. The enemy had no clue that they were there. He realized that getting the onagers down from the mountain would be tough, just as it was getting it up, but they would get it nonetheless. It slowly turned to night again and the troops got ready. They went down quietly and undetected. They set up the onagers in positions to assualt the walls and the men split into groups. 4 groups formed seperate tortoise formations and another groups of the best trained men started preparing for there part. The archers readied themselves. Lt. Dunmer drew his sword. With a motion of his hand, the onagers started firing against the walls, and a storm of arrows followed.

OOC: I plan to breach your walls and get in, but then I will inevitable lose.


Back At the Empire

Lots had happend in the empire. The economy was booming, coffers were full, the military was the largest in the known land by far and the emperor was still ruling. The emperor had had a child who he named David. His wife, sadly, had died of an illness. Technologie was advancing well and new armour and weapons were developed. The pike was slowly replacing the spear, broadswords were becoming more comon in the infantry and longbows were proving better than the previous bows. The articans also developed the mace, bigger ships which they called Galleons and some ships that were made for the sole perpose of military use which they called a frigate. New plate armor, mail armor, and plate mail armor were also created and proved effective because the new armor covered the entire body. The iron shields were beginning to be replaced with ones made of stronger metals and sometimes silver. All of these things were in short supply however for they were very knew. A new powerfull siege weapon was also being developed which could outrange any previous model. It was called a Trebuchet. Currently there was only one of them made and it was positioned inside the Imperial City of Artica for defense. The knew equipment would not be shipped out to any colonies or embassies until the main island was outfitted and a large enough fleet of the new ships.

Scouts were sent out to the Island of Rose and reported that everyone had died and the virus was gone. The emperor sent out word for other nations to join the Articans in re-colonising the island.
11-09-2004, 19:39
Technologial advances in the dark empire were amazing. Chainmail became standard issue, as was a plate armor vest. Iron shields were also common place, but the basic shield designs were the same. Longbows were commonly used, and crossbows were also used as defencive weapons in fortifications. The swords remained the same, however, as it was still the most advanced design. The army was now basicly a heavily upgraded Roman Legion.
The Island of Rose
11-09-2004, 19:46
((OOC: Now I'm being settled. I have alot of RPs so tell telegram me when the towns are made and stuff, thank you))
Imperial Articas
11-09-2004, 23:08
OOC:No problem TIOR

IC: Settlers were sent back to the Island of Rose and set up a small villiage. It had a small market, a small garrison barracks(holds 25 troops), a town center, and 16 houses.

Nova Cartago

The onagers payload was hitting the great walls of the Holy City with deadly accuracy and would have them down in a matter of hours. The archers still sprayed their arrows onto the defenders while the special unit went around the city where they weren't noticed and started digging under the wall.


The military was up and running with the new equipment. The navy had 36 galleons, 45 frigates and 23 scout ships. The legion(only the one stationed on the main island) had a total of 500 000 infantry, 400 000 missile units and 325 seige units(onagers, trebuchets, rams, scorpians, ballistas). The infantry was outfitted with steel broadswords, longswords, shortswords, daggers and shields for the main part. The axemen had steel battle axes and war axes, a dagger and a shield(round, not the same as the main infantrys). The spearmen were now pikemen(carried steel pikes instead of spears) and also carried a short sword. The archers had large wooden longbows with a range of 200 yards, 300 steel tipped arrows with the finest flecthing, and a short sword. The cavalry all had full steel armor and large shields(midevil knight shields), a steel broadsword, longsword or lance and a steel dagger. All the officers had their armor made of silver, or gold, depending on their rank. They mostly carried gold(not just gold, mixed with silver to be stronger) broadsword, a silver shortsword, golden shield and rode on a horse.
11-09-2004, 23:19
OOC:An army 500,000 strong? Wow, my army must be gigantic then.

As the population had grown, so had the army. It was now 400,000 strong, all of them pretty much the best trained standerd infantry in existance. The Doom Legion was now an elite unit 10,000 strong, and did nothing but train for battle, and kill random things for fun. They were the elite of the elite, making them the best trained soldiers in the world. The rest were the regularly highly trained soldiers. The officers pretty much carried the same equiptment, and looked the same as the regular soldiers. The only thing that set them apart, was a strip of silver on top of their helmets.

The standard issue of the soldiers was as follows-

Curved Sword
Iron Sheild
Plate Armor Vest
Helmet(Roman style, along with just about everything else unless otherwise specified)

Curved Sword
Small Circular Sheild
Leather Armor Vest

The navy on the otherhand, was downright puny. It consisted of 20 Galleys, and 5 Galleons, and these were mainly for amphibious ops.
Imperial Articas
12-09-2004, 04:33
OOC:An army 500,000 strong? Wow, my army must be gigantic then.

OOC: Remember Doom, Artica was founded way before Doomingsland was, in this rp and on nationstates. But I will include later on this thread a giant war explaining how I got destroyed by the mods. And that's just the troops stationed on the main part of my empire, A.K.A the main island. And were all your troops attacking Nova Cartago killed?
12-09-2004, 14:27
OOC: Remember Doom, Artica was founded way before Doomingsland was, in this rp and on nationstates. But I will include later on this thread a giant war explaining how I got destroyed by the mods. And that's just the troops stationed on the main part of my empire, A.K.A the main island. And were all your troops attacking Nova Cartago killed?
OOC:Nope, no were near all, I'm about to purge him from existance, I only lost around 3-5 thousand.
12-09-2004, 16:11
OOC: I'm posting changes in my society, etc.

The city had swelled to 25k people. A small military had been formed to protect against wild animals.

Military Stats:

250 people

Weapons and Wargear:

A small vest of leather
A bow, with 25 arrows
A one-handed curved sword (Comparable to a scimitar)
Imperial Articas
12-09-2004, 18:42
OOC:Nope, no were near all, I'm about to purge him from existance, I only lost around 3-5 thousand.

OOC: O ok, well when you break through the mountain passes, I'm already attacking their city.
Imperial Articas
12-09-2004, 21:59
OOC: I'm posting changes in my society, etc.

The city had swelled to 25k people. A small military had been formed to protect against wild animals.

Military Stats:

250 people

Weapons and Wargear:

A small vest of leather
A bow, with 25 arrows
A one-handed curved sword (Comparable to a scimitar)

OOC:Were have you been Scimar?
13-09-2004, 02:47
OOC: Revolution going on in the reigon forum, and somebody just carbombed my embassy.
Imperial Articas
17-09-2004, 00:22
OOC: Revolution going on in the reigon forum, and somebody just carbombed my embassy.

OIC, well good luck with that and welcome back to the rp.
Nova Cartago
17-09-2004, 09:03
OOC: Howdy I'm back. You can't suddenly just jump to an army of 400,000 from 50,000 total. Cause I could argue the same thing. I may have a more tribal nature, but with a valley my size I could easily sustain a population of 300,000 and due to my more tribal nature, I could feasibly have a much larger percentage of my population in the army. So why don't we just leave the numbers as they are.

Just to put things into perspective.

IC: The Novans were now having some supply problems. They had segmented their cliff into 5 sections in front of the large field the Doomingsland Legion had camped upon. The Doomingsland forces had torn down segments of the cliff and daily the cliff crept backwards by a few paces.

The scientists went overdrive in their inventing.

To prevent the slaughter that had happened when the Doomingsland forces had collapsed a ramp up to the top of the cliff, the Novans constructed complicated spring system that would hopefully cause the boulders to fall downwards and block the entrance to the canyon. It would make the cliff a tiny bit easier to collapse, but hopefully it would be high enough so the Doomingsland forces couldn't hit it with their catapults.

They modified the catapult-proof blanket to make it actually catapult proof. Instead of one singular large sheet, they had little pockets of water, protected by fireproofed leather. If one bag of water burst it would not burst the others. Hopefully the thick leather would take several direct hits before bursting. Another advantage was that it couldn't catch fire... unlike last time.

They also made a modified catapult that fired almost directly upwards and could target individual areas more easily. By firing upwards it extended its range, power and accuracy, but it was far more susceptible to strong wind conditions higher up.

They made modified catapult projectiles.
A bunch of poisoned spikeballs could be fired en masse into the land. With 3 spikes (4 for rocky areas) one spike was sure to stick up. The spikes were long and thick, with serrated edges to prevent them from being pulled out easily. It could pierce thick leather if the unfortunate soldier who stepped on it was running or marching.
17-09-2004, 21:09
OOC:THat's happening in Medevil Doomingsland, so I'm pretty much RPing with you ancient tech, and evcerything else Middle Ages tech, kinda confusing.

When they saw the new blanket drop down, they tried the same tactic as last time, but only damaged a portion of it. The archers began to fire at the bags, and several burst, while others simply leaked. They had managed to destroy a decent portion of the bag within 12 hours, enough for the men to collapse the cliff. When that occured, they parted like the red sea when the bolders rolled down the hill, and fell down into the canyon. They immediatly swarmed upwards,hoping to catch them off guard. Unfortunately, the samll spiked catapult balls began to take out rush soldiers, and those who fell were trampled upon by their comrades. A total of 300 men were killed in this way, but they still made it up the hill, and began to sluaghter once again, now very frustrated. They would show no mercy this time...
Nova Cartago
18-09-2004, 07:21
OOC: So we're into the Medieval times now are we? Ok my troops will catch up on the times. Does anyone know the differences between the two? The only one I can think of is that the Romans are gone and we're now all Christian or Muslim. The technlogy is roughly the same, we won't be reaching gunpowder for a while. I guess we move onto castles.

IC: The Novan scientists were thinking fast, they had to or their entire race would be annihilated by those fast-breeding barbarians over the other side of the cliff. They created a much more efficient way of making leather from cows and from other animals within the valley. They learned to tame and breed elephant herds for even tougher leather. They made another 20 of those bags (double thickness leather) and placed them one over the other. This would mitigate the effect of the catapults and hopefully it would take a month to break down each wall. Only 4 remained.

They invented tougher bricks by making a liquid and solidifying it. They called this concrete. They concentrated on building even bigger walls on the back walls and where their existing barricades were. These were massive constructions that were each five to ten meters thick. The wall that barracaded the entrance to the valley was 20 meters thick and 40 meters high. The gate was only two meters tall and 1 meter wide and made of solid steel- 1 meter thick. One at the canyon side of the wall, one at the valley side, so even if invaders got past the first gate they were trapped within the wall itself and could be attacked from above easily where cauldrons of boiling oil awaited any who entered.

Above each wall, on the top of the canyon wall they constructed two huge towers. Each had a foundation embedded down 20m into the bedrock. The tower itself was 20 meters above the top of the canyon top. On the top of this tower archers could shoot without fear of the cliff collapsing under them- even if it did the towers would still stand indestructible... at least for a while.

Along the top of the wall, between those two towers were crellenations. Since the walls were some 20m wide, they placed small catapults on the walls. Those could collapse the canyon walls and crush any troops seeking to enter.

OOC: Btw this isn't what you're up against now. There's 4 more cliffs before you reach this.
Nova Cartago
18-09-2004, 13:14
The contingent of Elite Guard hiding behind enemy lines had not been idle. They had hidden in the cave systems in the mountainous area behind the main Doomingsland camp site for a month now. The Doomingsland forces did not know they were here so extensive searches were not being carried out so they could probably hide for a very long time. They occasionally snuck into the camp from behind to steal food and water, but generally they just caught it for themselves.

They scouted the area, recording the size and location of all the main roads leading to the area. They also located all the major drinking sources in the area. After they were certain they knew where everything was they sent one of their soldiers back to the valley to report.

The next night they snuck down to the water supplies and poisoned them all, each with half a gallon of toxin. A few went into the camp, stole some food and water, then poisoned what remained and started a small fire before sneaking away into the night. Any guards around the water sources were less than observant due to the large guard around the canyon entrance ever since the night attack. It was natural for any soldier, no matter how highly trained to be more lax when they knew much better troops were guarded up front.

To prevent water (and more food) being transported to the camp site they went to each road and destroyed it. In narrow wooded areas they blockaded the road with trees. If it went over a canyon they burned the bridges. Since there was no way around the mountains they mostly just destroyed the narrow passes through the mountains that constituted the supply route. They dug small pitholes in roads so wagons could not pass. In these and many other ways they ensured no wagons could get to the main camp site from Doomingsland. They also attacked and burned to the ground the small dock that serviced the area. I assume that due to your minimal navy it wasn't that heavily guarded. 50 elite guard and 20 horses died in this assault.

OOC: Summary: You already have a fair bit of poisoned food from my last night attack so I assume there are a few food shortages - it would take a few days at least to take wagons through a mountainous area and through the badlands you mentioned. So I'm just adding to tha food shortage, and also adding a severe water shortage. Soldiers especially need a lot of water, and its much harder to transport than food.
Just for your information I have an aquifer inside my actual valley and I transport it to my troops via a complicated pulley system at the back of the cliff (aka behind my walls etc)
I have 200 troops armed with heavy armour although they are also carrying various disguises including Doomingsland armour (both elite and normal). They carry about ten days worth of food and water and can hunt for more, since my origins are in a hunter-gatherer society rather than a well-developed city society. They are in around ten different caves, which they made sure were not easily seen and which were not connected to any large cave system.
18-09-2004, 15:08
OOC:Prepare to be mortified at what my men do when they have food shortages...

Over 400 men had died from poisoning, and there was now a food shortage. It was a textbook situation for Gaius, and now he was about to execute one of the more evil contingencies of the Doom Legion...

He had ordered that the corpses of the fallen enemy soldiers be gathered up. Next, he ordered that they be skinned, and the meat cut off and cooked. Finnaly, he left the still bloody skeletons in the rear as a psycological weapon against the Elite Guard. They had resorted to canabalism.

But, they still continued to bombard, eager to swarm up the hill, and masacre as many of the enemy as possible. Also, reinforcements were on the way in the form of 3000 Doom Legionares, and 900 Elite Cavalry.
OOC:It only takes a day to get through the badlands and mountains for someone who has lived there, and they have a huge escort. They also have a compliment of bridging teams, and engineers, so they can not only bridge up the passes, but can also lay traps, such as Buramese Tiger pits. And for the record, it should be easy for my men to tell your disguised men, as they are extremely paranoid, and have orders to kill people not in the right place. They also ask complicated questions that only one of mine would know, and mine have very pale skin and red eyes, so they could tell them apart.
18-09-2004, 15:20
Inzalas walked out of the ruin of his horse.

"You will die!" He pointed towards the Doomingsland leader....
18-09-2004, 15:24
Inzalas walked out of the ruin of his horse.

"You will die!" He pointed towards the Doomingsland leader....
OOC:Oh, yeah, forgot about that.

Gaius looked at Inzalas and :upyours:, he then began circling around with the enemy. Soldiers had surrounded the fighters, and were watching eagerly.

"Prepare to be sent to the hell your mother came from, you puny heretic." he then roared in anger, and charged at his enemy...
18-09-2004, 15:25
What will be the outcome of the fight? Draw?
18-09-2004, 15:26
What will be the outcome of the fight? Draw?
OOC:Well, this is taking place before I went up the cliff, and he's still alive after, and there's no way my guy would allow your's to live. Actualy, I planned on sending the heads of your men to your emporer in boxes as an insult. Or I could take your's alive, and torure him in the dungeon beneath the Doom Citadel(didn't have a chance to torture anyone yet)
18-09-2004, 15:28
It takes about 2 years to get to my island. They kill each other?
18-09-2004, 15:31
It takes about 2 years to get to my island. They kill each other?
OOC:No, if you read the post, I said that he's alive when he goes up the hill, and this takes place before then. Oh, well, I'll just pike all there heads, and shoot them at the Novans as psycological warfare... and the commander will probably keep your guy's head as a trophy. Didn't you say you had diplomats en route to my country to try and prevent the massacre of the Novans? I could give the heads to them.
18-09-2004, 15:32
They turned around. The Navy is gone. You can kill him, but I want some serious maiming on account of your guy....
18-09-2004, 15:37
They turned around. The Navy is gone. You can kill him, but I want some serious maiming on account of your guy....
OOC:Of cource, he'll lose an eye, and a finger or two, and be cut up real bad to make him look more evil.

The enemy slashed at the centurion, catching him in the face, and slashing across, causing an eye to burst. He then clashed with swords, but his enemy caught him off guard once again, and cut off three fingers. They continued to duel, and by now, the centurion was a bloody mess, were as the enemy was unharmed. Finnaly he becaome infuriated, and charged at his oponent, swinging his massive scimitar, and nearly breaking the blade of his enemy. This surprised his oponent, and caught him offguard. He then dealt the death blow, and decapitated him. He held his head high, and roared in victory. He now had a worthy trophy, and would make sure his enemy was honored in death.
Imperial Articas
19-09-2004, 03:31
OOC: Hey Nova Cartago, please respond to my siege of your city.
Nova Cartago
19-09-2004, 08:37
OOC: How did you get those onagers up the cliff? Even if you did take it to pieces the arm itself would be some ten meters long. On the bright side you didn't bring a giant army along

I have recruits practising war games on the fields around the city. They number 6000 soldiers. They are fairly well-trained, just inexperienced. Furthermore I have a contingent of soldiers 1-2 days march away who were preparing to launch an attack against the dehydrated Doomingsland legion. These are the best of the new recruits, numbering some 2000 troops with full support groups. The Holy City is also the place where new weapons are being tested so there are some 200 catapults in varying stages of completion scattered around the city. Fifty are fully working prototypes of the latest design.

The marching contingent has 2000 fully-trained recruits as well as 500 Elite Guard. They are fully supported by several auxiliary units. The first is a siege division. They have catapults which are designed to work against enemy troops rather than buildings. They fire smaller rocks at higher speed and a lower angle, often with those poisoned spikeballs. They have small ballistas that fire long javelins at torso-height. These ballistas can be moved fairly quickly compared to siege ballistas. They are generally used to break up formations as they can hit straight through shields, or at least break the arm of the ones carrying the shields.
A new innovation was a mobile catapult elephant. Mounted on the back of a giant armoured bull elephant (male- and very high on testosterone) was a small catapult.
They had a small division of anti-catapult cavalry who rode very fast horses and wore light leather armour that would stop most projectiles. Equipped with long metal "whips" which would lash out against anyone in its way they could quickly run straight into enemy catapult positions, set fire to them and escape.
They also had a division of lightly armoured wolf-riders. It was a strange concept- to tame a wolf and ride it. These wolves wer large after years of feasting on Novan herds. They had an advantage over horse as horses were naturally afraid of wolves, especially if not trained especially with wolves. They could bite at horse's throats and at enemy soldiers. The difficulty was that it was harder to stay on a wolf, but the Novans had been practising.

The city itself is a normal city, an ovaloid shape about 50km across. It is located on a small hill, with very steep rugged rocky terrain behind so an army can only feasibly attack from the front. In the center of this city is the actual Holy City, a square about 5km in size. The outer city walls are only about 20 meters tall and 2 meters thick. Behind this is a maze of walls that extends for about 1 kilometer. my troops can walk along this walk and shoot your troops as they walk about. There is a direct entrance from the outer wall into the city, but this is guarded by the gate wall. The gate wall is 30 meters tall and 5 meters thick, guarded by two towers which support about 100 archers and 2 anti-ground catapults. Past the gate wall is the 1km flat road towards the city. This is surrounded on both sides by a wall from which my archers can shoot anyone attempting to enter. On the other side of that wall is the maze.

Once you get into the city, either via the maze or through the gate wall, it is a pretty much normal city, various buildings no more than 3 storeys high. Each building usually has windows through which archers can shoot. The streets (except the main boulevards) are fairly narrow allowing only about 5 people through at a time. This close-combat style of fighting is the forte of the Novans given that we'e bee practising it in our entrance-canyon for quite a while. In the center of the city is the Holy City where the army, provisions and other important administration thingos are located. Its walls are all 40 meters tall and 10 meters thick. Towers 100 meters tall protect it from any invasion. There is a 20 meter flat space between the nearest building and the Holy City Wall.

Recruits: 6000 total
3000 archers - armed with longbows and anti-projectile leather. Short
swords and multiple-arrow-shooting bows for closer combat
1000 cavalry - mostly heavily armoured. About 1/4 are lightly armoured race
horses to attack enemy archer positions and harass lone infantry.
2000 infantry - mostly pikemen with full-body shields. Fight in formation.
- The strongest are equipped with long swords and smaller
shields with a more flexible fighting style
200 Elite Guard Trainers

Marching Contingent
2000 recruits
1000 archers
250 cavalry
750 infantry
500 Elite Guard
1000 Normal Cavalry
750 Wolf Riders
500 Anti-catapult cavalry (10 50-man units)
15 war-elephants
5 Mounted catapults
20 anti-ground catapults (each defended by about 50 of each type of recruit)
20 mobile ballistas
Nova Cartago
19-09-2004, 09:52
OOC: scimar must be getting bored. And Doomingsland you've still got water problems, although I just loved your solution for the food shortages... innovative...

And it would definately take over a day to travel through a mountain range... no matter what size it was. It would take a day by car over ashphalt roads to go from one side of the Dividing Range to the other side, and the Dividing Range is a pretty small mountain range as far as mountains go.

IC: The Novans watched the Commoraugh forces with delight. There were others like them who fought the evil that lurked over the other hill. Perhaps there would be others who were likewise good. At the dead of night they sent a small ambassadorial party over to Commoraugh's small military force to invite them into their valley. They sent another party over the sea to see what seashores existed and what other peaceful nations they could find. They of course happened upon Scimar almost immediately. It was almost as if someone was writing an RP rather than it actually happening.

The Elite Guard behind enemy lines laid low. The Doomingsland troops were paranoid folks. They'd better stick to plain ole' hiding rather than attempting disguises.
19-09-2004, 14:39
OOC: scimar must be getting bored. And Doomingsland you've still got water problems, although I just loved your solution for the food shortages... innovative...

And it would definately take over a day to travel through a mountain range... no matter what size it was. It would take a day by car over ashphalt roads to go from one side of the Dividing Range to the other side, and the Dividing Range is a pretty small mountain range as far as mountains go.

IC: The Novans watched the Commoraugh forces with delight. There were others like them who fought the evil that lurked over the other hill. Perhaps there would be others who were likewise good. At the dead of night they sent a small ambassadorial party over to Commoraugh's small military force to invite them into their valley. They sent another party over the sea to see what seashores existed and what other peaceful nations they could find. They of course happened upon Scimar almost immediately. It was almost as if someone was writing an RP rather than it actually happening.

The Elite Guard behind enemy lines laid low. The Doomingsland troops were paranoid folks. They'd better stick to plain ole' hiding rather than attempting disguises.
OOC:ROFL! But didn't you read? All of Comoraugh's troops have been annihilated.

The men were getting very thirsty, and decided to solve their problems by hunting down animals, and drinking their blood (how's that for inovative?). The men were as good hunters as tey were warriors, as hunting was part of their basic training. They killed several hundred squirell, deer, and other various creatures, cut them open, and drank deeply...
19-09-2004, 18:15
A young man was up in the guard tower, on the lookout for beasts. He was sitting boredly watching the ocean (Not a very good lookout, eh?) when he saw something. At first he thought it was the fins of a group of somesort of monsterous whale and was about to ring the alarm bell when he realised they where the sails of somesort of ship. He looked carefully and saw men walking around onboard the ship, someone up on the mast was looking at the village and looked like he was shouting something, a lookout, the man figured. He said "Well, look at that." and slid down the ladder and quickly ran the 50 feet to the milita headquarters and reported.
19-09-2004, 18:20
OIC, well good luck with that and welcome back to the rp.

Whats a OIC, a Out-In-Character post? ;)
Nova Cartago
20-09-2004, 04:45
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic but OIC means Oh I see.
BTW I thought only a large part of Commoraugh's army died cause his leader was still alive... Oh well... I guess I sent the ambassador's to Commoraugh's homeland instead

At Scimar:
Captain Iulius, leader of the Scimarian ambassadorial contingent mounted his horse and regally disembarked from his ship. Following him were ten more cavalry and thirty unmounted horses.
"People of Scimar, we greet you. We come in peace, as a sign of this peace we bring you a gift- forty thoroughbred horses. We wish to establish good relations between us, relations between our nearest neighbour sort of soured when he amassed an army of 20,000 and attacked us."

At Commoraugh:
Major Ionus approached the Commoraugh city... more like a castle by the looks of it.
"People of Commoraugh, we greet you. We observed your great battle and thank you for the help you have shown our people. As condolences for your loss, we have brought forty thoroughbred horses as a gift, along with documents outlining many of our latest technological breakthroughs. So far we have nothing major- only a few improvements on existing technologies, but it gives a giant edge over the enemy."

At the Novan Capital:
At dawn the sun broke over the city the guards noticed sillhouettes on the top of the cliff to the south. A small black line was crawling across the plain towards them. The guard alerted the command... surely it couldn't be an army stupid enough to climb over the cliff to attack them. Even if they could amass an army large enough then somehow get it over they'd be lacking supplies- not to mention the heavy iron weaponry and fatigued as well.

The command sounded a Code Green Alert. The soldiers were to line up in two hours time. Enough to sleep in a bit and have a bit of brekkie. The Elite Guard and the most promising recruits were suited up and ready to fight, half an hour after the warning. They marched out the main gate and stood watching as the first columns of Articans marched towards them. When enough Articans were in the right position the long-range catapults fired. They only fired small rocks but they concentrated their fire on a single position. The pit trap broke under the weight of the army and the assault from the catapults.

The Novans had dug several wide arcs in front of their city about an hours march from the city. Each ditch was 20 meters wide and 5 meters deep. It had taken almost 500 manhours to dig. Over the ditch they placed stout logs and covered it with hay and a thin layer of dirt and planted fast growing grass over it. Practically invisible to an invading army. If they did bother to find the ditches their assault would be slowed to a crawl, enough time to alert the Front Line. Messengers had been sent to both the front and to the assault force that had recently left as soon as the army had been seen.

They must have gotten at least 500 men in that first ditch collapse. Now they would sit and watch as the Articans reached the second ditch and fell in. Either that or sit and wait for the reinforcements to arrive whilst the Articans slowl made their way across the plain.
Imperial Articas
25-09-2004, 22:16
At Nova Cartago

The Articans noticed the Novans exit their gates. The archers started concentrating their fire on the troops that came out. 573 men fell into the first pit and 5 into the second. Articans weren't stupid so they knew there were traps around everywhere now. Lt. Dunmer ordered the onagers to fire on the enemys siege weapons. The troops regrouped and formed a large wall of shields and stayed stationary, making sure that no arrows, rocks or other debris would penetrate and kill their comrades. The elite soldiers were still un-noticed and continued along with their work. An hour later they managed to dig under the massive wall. Since it was night they had an advantage for articans are extremely good assasins(and other things like that). They moved around quietly without being noticed and made their way to the gates of the city. They slit the throats of the gate guards and opened them. The waiting troops saw the gates open and broke formation. They ran like a horde instead of an organised army and all of them avoided the traps on the ground. They clashed with the Novans that were outside the gates while the elites attacked from the back. After the quick skermish the troops ran inside the gates and reformed instintly. They started marching in a block formation with the archers in the middle. Lt. Dunmer who was also in the middle of the formation knew that any minute the rest of the enemy troops would arrive shortly.

At the Artican fortress/embassy in Doomingsland

A guard watched out over the great sea from the tower. He saw 50 ships appear but they were too far away to make out the flag. When they got closer the guard realised that they were artican. The ships arrived at the port and disembarked. 500 new troops had come to help defend the embassy and from the other ships, which were supplies ships, the new weaponary that was being used back at the empire was being unloaded.

At Artica

The emperor had died from old age(he was 87) and the empress had died 5 years earlier. Their son, who was now 17, was named emperor. His name was David but rarely used it anymore. He was simply known as Emperor Kellerman like his father.

At the Island of Rose

The new colony had used up all the valuable ressources of the island(lumber) and was un-important to the empire anymore. The new emperor proclaimed that the new colony would become it's own country again. Of course the Rosians were happy with this but also afraid because the garrison was heading back to the mainland.
26-09-2004, 02:58
The massive military convoy that stretched on for five miles, guarded by 5,000 men, neared the legion. Among the convoy were 30 newly built trebuchets, constructed using a design so generously donated by their Artican allies. The various crevaces formed by the Novan raiders had only delayed the convoy a short time, the engineers bridging them up in a matter of hours rather than days, and the massive convoy of death continued on its merry way toward the dark army, who had by now gotten to the final cliff...
Nova Cartago
26-09-2004, 03:27
How did you dig under my walls in just a few hours? And unless you dug right in front of the gate you would be stuck in a maze of walls from which it would be damned hard to find oyur way out. And how do 5000 rampaging soldiers avoid all the pitfalls I dug... at least some of them would die.

The reinforcements arrived shortly after noon. The fresh Novan troops formed a tight formation in front of the secondary wall to stop further breaching. They also watered the ground behind their walls to drown anyone stupid enough to tunnel under. As the Articans rushed in through the front gate the anti-siege cavalry units rushed to attack the now (relatively) undefended onagers. The reinforcements formed a semi-circle around the gate and the remaining gate guards on top of the wall killed the Elite Articans and began to pelt arrows down upon the Articans. The reinforcements eventually forced all the Articans into the long corridor between the Main Gate Wall and the secondary City Gate Wall.

Thus the existing forces and the reinforcements created a hammer and anvil. Anti-infantry catapults on both sides of this road /corridor battered at the tightly packed Articans from the safety of the walls on either side of the road. The city defenders formed a line and slowly pushed forward from the front whilst the war elephants attacked from behind. When the War Elephants had pushed the Articans far back enough the heavy metal gates slammed shut and the chains to open them were cut. The Novans had a contingency plan for if an enemy breached their outer walls. The defenders retreated back into the main part of the city and the reinforcements remained outside the city. The Articans were trapped in between, in the city, but not where they could do significant damage. However with their onagers and longbowmen on the walls on both sides of the road from the Main Gate to the City Gate the Novans could do large amounts of damage to the Artican force without any risk.

The Novan Lieutenant in charge of the City Defence Force got up in front of the Articans and announced the terms of their surrender. "Soldiers of Imperial Articas. We have done you no harm. Why have you invaded us. We will give you one chance to surrender. If you chose to surrender now you will be safely returned to your homeland... without your weapons of course. We will feed you well and give you warm clothes. If you do not surrender now, we will butcher you to the last man. And we will not allow you the courtesy of fighting us when we kill you- we will simply shoot you from our high walls. Without your siege weapons, which we have now destroyed, you have no chance of escape. You have half an hour to decide."

With that the Novan Lieutenant turned around and ordered the guard to be doubled.

At the Front Line
The Novans redoubled their efforts. The Doomingsland troops were just about to reach the last wall. Unlike the previous walls this wall was fully reinforced with concrete and was defended by two giant towers sporting the largest catapults in the whole Novan army. The remaining thousand archers hid themselves in the impromptu crellenations they built around the cliff, safe from catapult fire. They shot new armour piercing arrows and also threw long heavy javelins that would either shatter the shield or the arm of the person carrying it.
Nova Cartago
26-09-2004, 04:02
The Novan Elite forces were not idle. They had dug a very long pit along one of the roads then covered it with dirt, the same technique they had used in the capital. Since none of the Articans had yet escaped the convoy leading towards the did not know of this. They had built a few basic pitfalls earlier in the track, simple uncovered pits. But this one was well-disguised and did not break as soon as the first person stepped on it.\

It was covered by a gangplank of thin planks of wood, which all rested upon one thick tree that stretched along the road underneath the gangplanks. The gangplanks were covered with dirt so it looked like the road. When the convoy was overhead the ELite hiding underneath would smash set fire to that keystone branch and the entire section of gangplank would break and the convey would fall into the pit. THe bottom of the pit was naturally covered with spikes.

There were 5 100m segments along the main road, seperated by about 200 meters of pitless road. When the first of the convoy stepped onto the last segment (aka the one closest to the front line and furthest from the Doomingsland capital) the Elite in the first pit cut the tree and it collapsed. Hearing this the other Elites also cut their trees and they also collapsed. The Elites in each pit would die, but so would at least 200 troops in each segment, destroying the wagons of supplies, weapons and most importantly the new trebuchets. Around one hundred Elites hiding in the bushes also attacked and destroyed any remaining trebuchets. They were all killed by the remaining Doomingsland legionnaires. But the food and the water and the trebuchets were all destroyed, along with one fifth of the reinforcements
Imperial Articas
26-09-2004, 04:38
Lt. Dunmer looked up at the Novan as he said the terms. He then spit on the ground and quickly yelled "534 534" The Articans then formed a massive wall of shields that only opened shortly for the archers to fire out. Dunmer then yelled "234 234" and then the troops broke formation. The archers went for cover and continued firing their arrows at the men on the walls. The infantry charged in a straight line towards the Novans on the ground, Lt. Dunmer was infront of them. They cut into there enemys like a hot knife throught butter. The Articans held out for 3 hours before all archers were killed, and only Lt. Dunmer and another elite infantry man were left alive in the group of fighting Novans. They stayed close to the enemy so the arrows shot at them hit the Novans instead of them. They continued to slaughter the Novan soldiers for 10 more minutes until the elite infantry man was slewn and Lt. Dunmer knocked down. He quickly got back up and grabbed his sword and a nearby shield and charged his enemy again. After another 2 minutes he lost his shield. He sliced the head off one Novan and stabbed another but then an arrow caught him in his chest. Bewildered and not fully knowing what was happening the continued to hack away at the Novans when 3 more arrows hit him. He dropped to his knees and killed any man who came near him when a final arrow hit him in the throat. The Artican force had been stopped.
26-09-2004, 14:19
Casualties-600 legionares, 50 supply carts, 12 trebuchets.

After seeing all of the pit falls, the legionares knew what was coming, and tossed greek fire canisters into nearby bushes, hoping to incinerate anything that hid within. Their were still enough supplies to last the army a week(without having to feast on the flesh of fallen Novans), and only a third of the trebuchets had been destroyed. They had managed to keep the majority of the supplies further back in the convoy to avoid just this type of situation. Once again, they commenced bridging ops, and were over in twelve hours. After another two hours, they linked up with the main force, and the trebuchets began to open fire beyond the range of the enemy archers and catapults.
Imperial Articas
26-09-2004, 18:51
Just an update, I have researched ways to make my shields and swords and stuff better with stronger metals.
26-09-2004, 23:40
Verim Seir walked down the Port street to where the Novan ships had been docked. He walked to te head of the boats and asked him " This all sounds great but, We don't wish to get involoved in any fights or anything. This closest neighbor of yours won't trouble us for being allies of your people, would he?
Nova Cartago
27-09-2004, 14:40
With the Artican force defeated the Novan force at the city was free to aid the front line.

The reinforcements, who were scheduled to attack the Doomingsland camp before they were recalled, were sent back to the front. The Civic Defence Force was split in half after the effectiveness of the Gate Passage Trap was shown. The other half was sent to guard the escarpment now that it had been shown that it could be climbed. This time there would be a warning far in advance if another Artican force crept up from behind. The recruits, having proven their worth, were sent to the front along with the reinforcements.

These troops carried with them enough supplies to last the Novans to last for fifty more days. In addition to normal supplies they brought a wealth of weaponry. They brought 200 more conventional catapults, 100 more spikeball catapults and 500 new prototypes of catapults. One of the new catapult types was one that fired large stones straight up and down, tripling the range of the catapults on the ground, since it was at the top of the cliff and the Doomingsland catapults were not. They also had syncronised flaming catapults, which in effect could fire a flaming wall in front of prusuing enemy troops. There were also anti-infantry ballistas and catapults designed to work against enemy soldiers rather than against buildingsas usual. They could inflict massive damage and break any formation so the Novan cavalry could make mincemeat out of them. Also prominentamongst these new catapults were catapults that could lift even bigger weights into the air then scatter them over a wide area causing severe widespread damage. The longbowmen on the top of the cliff were now equipped with armour-piercing arrows. Only hard (and heavy) steel armour could deflect it. To fight heavily armoured opponents the cavalry were armed with 2 heavy balls on a chain which would catch around an enemies legs, forcing them to the ground, so the cavalry could simply trample them. In addition to longbowmen a small force of javeliners was created. They had very heavy ends so when thrown they could pierce even very hard armour or shields, or at least break the arm/rib of anyone carrying the shield/wearing the armour.

With these new reinforcements at the front the Novans stepped up their defence. As soon as the Doomingsland legion moved its trebuchets forward in the morning to attack the cliff, the Novans began firing their extra-high angle trebuchets. The first trebuchets began hitting the Doomingsland trebuchets after half an hour. The trebuchets were too bulky to move quicky and after an hour the last of them were annihilated. That would stop the Doomingsland forces from damaging their cliff any more. They could attack at night but its sorta hard to do stuff without lights. In fact they'd probably end up killing as many of their own people as actually hitting the cliff. Meanwhile they dropped down another water-blanket thingo, this time with vey thick leather (and since they were shooting upwards it would be much harder to burst) and two plys thick.
27-09-2004, 19:37
OOC:Stop posting my losses or I'll start ignoring you, that's godmodding. And how does shooting the rock straight up increase range? That would make the range even shorter. Shooting up like that is only gonna work well with gunpowder weapons. And how can your catapults see me without being on the edge of the cliff? Oh, well, you screwed up...

The soldiers rolled over laughing as the boulders landed far in front of them, not doing any damage. The trebuchets opened fire, hitting the bottom of the cliff, which would cause it to break even harder, and collapse in on itself. The men were fully prepared, and would use new tactics this day. The huge stones continued to hit, bursting the pockets on the water shields. Finnaly, the whole face of the cliff came down, leaving a clear rode for the men.

"Kill them all!"

The legionares ran to the foot of the ramp, making it look like they would swarm up like usaul, but this was not the case. Instead, 1000 elite cavlary went by them to run right through their guantlet of catapults, and engage the enemy cavalry. The infantry followed close by, swarming up the hill, and parting like the red sea when a boulder came by. Archers also came in with the front line troops, and when they got in range, fired fire arrows at the enemy catapults. A total of 6,000 men had been killed before they reached the top and went to work on massacreing the Novan troops, leaving 9,000 to finish the job.
27-09-2004, 19:57
Actually, if teh stones are massive and perfectly round and there is little wind and you fire straight vertical, you would land a rock smack dab on the launcher, so that would not be very smart.

Sidenote: This may be incorect, as I am no phicisist. (Sp?) so if not, sorry for the intrusion.
Nova Cartago
28-09-2004, 02:13
Ok just to clear up a few things. Sorry about announcing that you lost all your catapults, but I have triple your range so your trebuchets can't exactly pack up and move out of the way. Besides your trebuchets wouldn't be firing right at the base of the cliff, they'd be a bit further back otherwise they wouldn't be able to hit anything. Even if they were at the base i could just drop rocks on you.

And you yourself are godmodding a bit... you've just waltzed up to the top of the cliff and killed all of the soldiers there four times now.

I mean you've simply announced the destruction of 4 of my cliffs not to mention somehow miracuously creating a ramp when I specifically said that I had a giant spring that would cause the rocks to fall sideways rather than forwards and hence block the canyon entrance rather than create a ramp.

Also my catapults don't fire straight up and striaght down, they fire at a much higher angle than is possible with normal catapults and hence it gives them longer range since they are some 700 meters higher than your catapults.
28-09-2004, 02:16
OOC:That still doesn't explain how shooting upwards triples your range. Answer that question, please. They didn't have the technology back then to be able to create a high velocity weapon like that. And I meant the trebuchets were firing their stones AT the base, not from the base.

EDIT AGAIN-Oh, yeah, your springs wouldn't help if I'm shooting the base of the cliff, as the sheer weight would inevitably cause it to fall forward, no spring would be able to stop it.