NationStates Jolt Archive

Murder.... In the name of pleasure....

16-08-2004, 05:50
"Hurry up you worthless bastards...", growled one of the soldiers prodding a man who was stepping out of the truck.

In the basement chambers of Deathhooks, hundreds of people had been imprisoned, for any reason, or no reason at all. It was something every citizen feared. Every now and then, someone would just randomly dissapear, never to be seen again. At least, not by the average person.

With large cuffs around their feet, a line of people fearfully drudged through the mud, soiling their feet and clothes. They knew something dreadful was going to happen to them, but not a mind could comprehend the horrors which awaited them.

One man, was a priest in a small village. Under his breathe, he muttered a small prayer to the Lord above. It would be the last prayer of his life, and yet it would be basically useless, as a soldier noticed and punched him in the side of the head, breaking his nose. Blood tricked down his face, and people around him pretended not to notice, fearful that they may gain attention for themselves.

It was a long walk through the chambers, before finally the endless hallways of terror opened out to some form of arena. Looking around, the group of men, perhaps numbering twenty or so, walked to the center of the arena. They were uncuffed, and released to walk around, but the doors were closed and locked.

All of a sudden, a harsh screaching noise filled the arena, forcing the people to fall to the ground holding their ears in pain, bursting their ears and forced many into the eternal silence. On the ground, they were forced to breath the smell of death which seemed to be emitted by the blood-stained surface.

Just as quickly as it started, the noise stopped, and the men stood to their feet again, wondering exactly what was happening. Without warning, objects started to fall from the roof, and landed all around them. The men inspected, and realised they were some form of weapon. Unknowing what to do, they picked up the weapons, and examined them closely.

Finally, a voice boomed from above, filling every sphere of space with its terror;

"You have all been chosen by Lord Sierus to participate in the games. You ought to be proud, your master is watching. You each have a mission. Kill the other people, without being killed yourself, and you will join your Lord afterward, as his guest of honor.... Do yourselves, and your master proud..."

The men looked around in fear, unknowing of what to do. Finally, one snapped, raising his sword over another. Instantly, the group broke out into fighting, so fierce, it would kill a normal man to just watch. These men were fueled not by excitement, but by pure terror. Terror from the others, terror from the surroundings, and terror from the general circumstance.

One by one, the people fell, usually dismembered and soaked in blood one way or the other. The fight lasted only for several minutes, before one man alone was left standing. Soaked in the blood of others, he lifed his sword high, showing the world its now blunt and reddy tips. He stood proud of victory, and waited for his prize.

For several minutes he stood there, then as he had been waiting, a large form entered the arena. Throwing down his sword, he spoke to the form, "And my reward Sierus?"

"You will have your reward...", muttered Sierus. Now fueled with excitement, the Overlord pulled out his sword.

In terror, the man stood there, completely frozen. As he stood there, the sword plunged into his body, slicing through his insides with ease. The man looked up into the Lord's eyes, and saw only evil. With that, he coughed, blood spewing everywhere, and died.

A laughter filled the arena, as Sierus was fond of drinking, and bathing in the blood of warriors...

OOC: Basically, your government would have only heard rumours of such events, and if they had heard the rumours, they would be compeltley unconfirmed as to whether they are true or false. So dont go coming in and declaring war because I break international law or what have you....
16-08-2004, 06:02
BUMP: Ugh, what kinda forum puts your posts at the bottom as soon as you post it O.o *shakes fist at other hordes of people posting just seconds after him*
16-08-2004, 06:03
Consul Ruben Tandon was busy with the summit plans when he received a phone call. Hesitating, he picked it up and answered.

"This is Consul Tandon speaking. Who is this?"

"Consul, there has been some troubling news."

"What is it Comrade Doolittle?"

"We have heard underground information in a nearby nation that is commiting underground atrocities. We have procured a small amount of evidence from the black market, but the LJFA does not have enough evidence to suggest open war. Even then, we do not have an effective military, so I propose that you send a small number of the LJFA into this country to investigae these reports."

"Very well comrade... Your proposal has been accepted. Please return with what information you need. Do not get discovered or involved, this is investigation and intelligence gathering only. I want no casualties, none whatsoever."

The Consul then hung up on the phone and tapped the pen on the desk. Whatever the world was coming to, he knew that the Architect was on his side. He made a silent prayer to himself and began to fill out more paperwork. The beauty of bureacracy.
16-08-2004, 07:20
"Madame President, we have some disturbing information for you"
President Susan looked up from her work at the soldier who stood before her.
"What is it soldier?" she asked, slightly annoyed.
The soldier dropped a report onto her desk, saluted and left the office, closing the door behind him.
Susan sighed and pressed the button for her intercom. "Dont let anyone in until i say so, Joshua" she said to her secretary, then clicked the intercomm off.
"Let's see what we have here...."


Our international contacts report rumours of bloodsports in one of the popular countries for our citizens to visit. it seems several of our people have disappeared off the streets. i am requesting permission to investigate.


Susan rubbed her chin. The report needed not be signed, she knew which agent had submitted it instantly by the familiar wording. Silently she opened one of her draws and removed her mobile phone. she sent a simple sms to the agent. "Sure, Darling. hope you have a good time."


Katangarian Airlines flight 342 touched down in Spencertopia at 3pm, and amongst the passengers who disembarked was a tall man, lightly built and agile as he carried his baggage down to the customs check in.
"Name." asked the officer on duty as he reached for the man's passport.
"Bob. Bob Smith."
the customs officer looked at him like he was a loon, before checking the proffered passport and approving his entry.
"Have a good stay in Spencertopia, Mr Smith."
The Katangarian chuckled something in his native language, a mesh of german and russian, and proceeded into the country, on a mission to find out what had happened to his missing countrymen.
16-08-2004, 08:23
[tag] for tomorrow, maybe.
16-08-2004, 08:26
OOC:Yuck.Oh,and TAG
16-08-2004, 08:30
Lord Vader: Luke, (weird sound), I am your father!
Luke: NOOOOOO! :fluffle:
Weebl the Pie Lover
16-08-2004, 08:52
OOC: um wut?

Weebl looked up at the man who rushed inside his office.
immediately, guards rushed in and knocked the man to the ground.
"wahts this?" weebl said.
his advisor, bob, said "we cuaght this imposter, sir. he says he has a message for you. should we kill him?"
"no, thank you bob"
The guards brought the man infront of Weebl.
"what iss it you want, outsider?"

"my good sir, i was recently visiting one of my favorite vacation spots when i heard rumors of atrocities"

"wut kind of atrocities, sir?"

"there is a sort of underground organization, it captures people and..."


The man leaned in to Whisper to Weebl.

"they use them as 'athleetes'(sp?) in some kind of bloodsport.

A suprised and saddend look flashed across Weebls face.

"Bob, come here"

"yes sir?"

"We need to do something. send a message out immediately. I want ALL members at the meeting."

"yes sir, consider it done"
The Island of Rose
16-08-2004, 11:11
Holy panooly
16-08-2004, 11:22
OOC: Austar Union, the fact AMF started with his halls, pits, corridors and wardrobes of death doesn't mean it makes you cool when you virtually copy it. Make up your own policy instead of following AMF like a horde of blind, mindless sheep. I don't have a grudge against AMF but the people who follow him like apathic lobotomy patients is just plain sad.

IC: From the desk of our Führer...

Rape, torture and slavery? Those are the tools of a weak leader who craves attention in the international stage
17-08-2004, 02:12
OOC: Austar Union, the fact AMF started with his halls, pits, corridors and wardrobes of death doesn't mean it makes you cool when you virtually copy it. Make up your own policy instead of following AMF like a horde of blind, mindless sheep. I don't have a grudge against AMF but the people who follow him like apathic lobotomy patients is just plain sad.

IC: From the desk of our Führer...

Rape, torture and slavery? Those are the tools of a weak leader who craves attention in the international stage

OOC: Whatever Holy Panooly. Im not copying Automagfreek. Actually, I wanted to make a nation like this for some time. Anyhow, as time go's on, you will realise that Spencertopia is a much different nation. So piss off and quit giving me grief, its not nessasary, and I wish you wouldnt have a smart-ass comment about everything I do.
17-08-2004, 03:41
Dreadfire let loose a fiery chuckle upon hearing news of this "Deathhooks". Word had spread of the activities that took place there, and it brought a smile to the annoyed face of The Destroyer.

~From the desk of Lord Damien the Destroyer, Supreme Warlord of the Excessively Armed Empire of Automagfreek~

To whom it may concern from Spencertopia,

Word has reached my ears about this 'Deathhooks' chamber of yours, and I must say I have not enjoyed such a good laugh in a long time.

If you want to experience real pain and everlasting terror, take a trip to the real deal....The Halls of the Dead. We don't do pussy shit down the dank corridors of the Halls, we're the real deal. 'Puritania's and 'Tomb's of the Mutiliated' indeed....there are such unspeakable horrors down in those Halls that it would make craven dogs like you cry and plead for death before the end was near.....

...indeed, this 'Deathhooks' of yours seems more like a child's playground than an institution of pain and decay. Remind me to set up day care facilities there, free of charge.
---Damien the Destroyer---
-Supreme Warlord of AMF-
Co-Founder of N.A.T.O
17-08-2004, 05:17
"The Inferiors on that Rock are supposedly at it again."

Axis turned his head from the action at the arena, smiling. "Pardon?"

X1 sat down, chuckling. "I said the Apes of Earth have formed another nation tormenting people."

"Pity..." Axis sighed. "It's one thing to torment inferior beings, like a Mekantan torturing a human," he gestured down to the arena, "but for a human to torture a human?"

"Shall we send someone to investigate?"

"Hmm... Wait to see if investigation will break The Pact. Or find some way to bypass it, I don't care." Axis just waved off his second in command, who laughed.

"Right, I'll leave you to the games. What's the score?"

"Xyris has gone through three, while Malc is on her fifth."
