NationStates Jolt Archive

Army Building 101

14-08-2004, 13:05

I am Dent Momentum, the overlord of ShuntCity, a relatively new nation, and we are already trying to design an impervious army. Not an easy feat, let me tell you, however, I will accept any contributions from any countries who are willing to aid us in our efforts for domination.

Any opposing forces will be destroyed.
14-08-2004, 13:09
Comminque to the nation of ShuntCity.


I am Dent Momentum, the overlord of ShuntCity, a relatively new nation, and we are already trying to design an impervious army. Not an easy feat, let me tell you, however, I will accept any contributions from any countries who are willing to aid us in our efforts for domination.

Any opposing forces will be destroyed.

The Republic of Sharina feels the need to question ShuntCity's attitude. Belligrence and warmongering as a newly founded nation?

Adding a threat, quote Any opposing forces will be destroyed. unquote is not the way to make friends. Do not expect any aid from Sharina if your nation decides to invade other nations.

Good day,
President Rand Veristek
14-08-2004, 13:14
He's only trying to make an army. You have an army dont you?
14-08-2004, 13:17
He's young yet. In time he'll realize that more often than not, diplomacy solves things.
14-08-2004, 13:18

I would be willing to help out new nations. But the way ShuntCity worded his request of help gives me some doubts. I did request aid to develop an army myself, but for defensive purposes only. I do not plan on building any army to conquer other nations any time soon.

Besides, I asked *nicely* rather than wording it like "for domination" and "Any opposing forces will be destroyed".
Ancient and Holy Terra
14-08-2004, 13:20
There is no "impervious army", per se. There are millions of variables that contribute to the effectiveness of a nation's armed forces.

Your army's capabilities often depend on the forces that constitute your opposition. For instance, an Armored Brigade will not be nearly as effective against a nation that focuses on air power; likewise, air power is useless if your airfields have been destroyed by a bomber strike or a naval bombardment.

Basically, balance is the key. A good mix of tanks, helicopters, fixed-wing aircraft, and naval vessels will enable you to respond to any threat. Additionally, it is essential that you have a well-trained support crew, as your forces are useless if they're not maintained properly. A properly trained ground crew can reload an aircraft very quickly, therefore doubling or tripling its effectiveness.
14-08-2004, 13:20
Dent Momentum would like to make something clear. It is not ShuntCity's intention to create enemies: in fact we are in search of good friends willing to aid should our country fall into trouble. It is up to you should you want to sit on the fence, but remember, we can be your greatest friend.
14-08-2004, 13:23
The Republic of Sharina reconsiders its previous position.

We are willing to provide the nation of ShuntCity with $50 million, with the stipulation that it may only be used to develop defenses, or defensive military.

President Rand Veristek
14-08-2004, 13:25
We will help you develop your military as well.
Ancient and Holy Terra
14-08-2004, 13:28
Due to ShuntCity having clarified their request, we are willing to provide limited military aid. The Republic of Ancient Terra will contribute the following to that nation:

60 M1A2 Abrams MBTs
40 Million Dollars for Military Purchases
14-08-2004, 13:30
Thank you to all the nations who are contributing to our cause. Should any of you fall into trouble, we will be there to help you, no matter what your concerns should be. You have our word.
14-08-2004, 13:51
Here,have a few hundred million.We really don't care much.

OOC: ;)
14-08-2004, 14:34
Feel free to purchase arms, jets or artillery at our Storefront.