Punic RP ((Classical Tech.))
Lessr Tsurani
14-08-2004, 08:54
OOC Ok, This is an Idea I had. This is the period where The Romans have just conquered modern Italy. The People are Split into different families that try to stay the most powerful. So, Instead of controling the nations, you must control a faimly from a nation of the time. The Titals are
Roman familys have legionars that are loyal to them, they are told what to do by the Senate.
European Clans have a Clan cheif and are Involved in clan wars, they are usually very small nations.
Carthaginians are Like the Romans but They hire Mercenarys instead of haveing a trained army.
Greeks each control one city and must get other cities, if they are attacked from the outsdie they will unite.
Egypt is in a feadul system with the player either in the desert as nomads or in command of a town as a noble.
The Parthians are mostly nomads and cavalry archers.
Seluduics Are An Empire, much like the Perians, they have Elaphents.
Please state what lands you control when you make it, and make them realistic. Please.
Lessr Tsurani
14-08-2004, 09:46
The Island of Rose
14-08-2004, 09:49
OOC: Who'd be in control of the Senate? Me want to be Roman!
Lessr Tsurani
14-08-2004, 10:33
The Senate would be controled by all romans, becauce the familys all had at least one senotor in there. So, It would go down to vote on all roman people. Now, I will say my Family to give you an idea of what you want.
Family name: Scipti
Family head: Amulis Scipti Sellic
City Under control: Tarentum
Family Advantage: Cavalry, trade with greeks.
Enemies: Barrius
The Island of Rose
14-08-2004, 10:41
OOC: This good?
Family Name: Barrius
Family Head: Quintus Barrius Calvus
City Under Control: Naples?
Family Advantage: Naval
Enemies: none
Lessr Tsurani
14-08-2004, 10:45
OOC Yes, just to let you know the area of naples is not yours, just the city itself. You could start if you want. By the way, Enemys is ment to be there for when you make some. You edit that and so people can know what is happening. One of the disadvantages of being roman is that you can not use your legions to attack your own people, you may only attack different people.
The Island of Rose
14-08-2004, 10:48
OOC: Let me see you post to get an idea on what you mean, yes I've done character RPs before, I think I'm a little famous cuz of them :D
Lessr Tsurani
14-08-2004, 11:03
OOC Hmm, No It is not Single Charicter Roleplaying, We are not Emporers, we are like Nobles, but different. But anyway, I will show you what I mean.
IC Amulis sat in the veiw stands of the Senate, watching the procedings. He smiled as his cousin stood in front of them, Finsihing the idea.
He said in a loud clear voice. "The Carthiginian Empire has stood as a menace for The Empire for years. We must do something, I therefore would like to put the idea of Peace and trade on the table. I will leave the idea to you, so you may talk about the problem." He then bowed and left the stand and came and sat next to Amulis.
"Well cousin" He said as he did, "That went well, if this works, it should put a strain on the Juliis, they have been recurting Legions to fight the Carthiginians, if this works they would have wasted all those finaces." He smiled
"Yes cousin, I think I should adopt your son, he is just as good as you, and he would make a fine heir to the family head." He then also smiled. [/i]"But if this goes through, I would give anything to see Juliis's face."[/i]
A fat Senator came to the stand. "Vote on the matter presented. He said in a soft voice that seemed to carryacross the crowd.
The Island of Rose
14-08-2004, 11:12
Barrius scoffed, slamming his fist against the marble in front of him.
"How dare you call yourself a Roman?! You want peace with those savages?!" He started pointing his finger at the Senator. "How dare you, they are a threat to the Republic, and even if we did have peace, they'd betray it."
He went into the center of the room, gesturing him towards the Senators.
"If you want to preserve your Republic, strike now, don't listen to that pacifist!"
He sat down back in his seat, talking to his son. "Damn sissies..." He whispered to his son, his son, Romulus, named after the founder of Rome, nodded in agreement.
OOC: I think you have your first enemy, oh and, I hope that was good.
Lessr Tsurani
14-08-2004, 11:58
Amulis Looked at the man hard, he then smiled.
"Do you mind if I take the stand your grace?" He asked, his vice daring the man to say no.
"Of corse you can Scipii, we do want the idea of someone outside the senate now and then. Just don't be to long." He said in that calm soft voice of his.
"Thank you He stood and went over to the center of the room and looked at them all with a hard stare.
"Now, I would like to point something out. People here are thinking that we can win this war with the powers of the Legions, that is a mistake. The Carthaginians have the most powerful ships in the known world. None can match their navy. Now, there is no way to win this war unless we have acess to the African continet, and I don't think that the Carthiginans are going to let us land. Even if we won again and again on land, we would not win in the sea. But If we trade, we will not only gain money from it, we will also be able to steal their ship designs. So, in truth, we are fighting them, they are raceing into our ports to give us not only things to trade, but a fleet as well. Thank you for listening to me." He went back to his seat next to his cousin and sat down.
The Island of Rose
14-08-2004, 12:07
Barrius rolls his eyes, standing up but remaining in his spot.
"But they also get money, they are also benifitting, and my ships are as powerful as any Carthanigian piece of s***.
He chuckles.
"Plus I never said we had to land in North Africa, we can take to Gual and their colonies which I believe is less defended, but if you want to do it your pacifist way it's okay, but heed my words, the Carthaginians will strike whenever it suits them, peace of no peace."
He then sat down, chuckling to himself again.
Lessr Tsurani
14-08-2004, 12:25
Amulis stood, and looked at Barrius with a hard look.
"You ships may be better, but they are no where near as many. Mark my words my friends, if we go to war with Carthage we will Lose. The Empire is not powerful enough, they can hire entire nations if they need to." He smiled. "But you could always try, I am sure rome would be remembered in the Carthaginain records as the only peope that put up a fight in there history." He then sat.
Lessr Tsurani
14-08-2004, 13:43
OOC THis is good, but we need people who will play as some other nation, or more families
Lessr Tsurani
14-08-2004, 15:14
The Island of Rose
15-08-2004, 07:08
Barrius rolled his eyes.
"Fine, let's make a bet here and now. If they attack I'll give you my wife, if we attack first, you give me your wife, is that fine?"
His son Romulus whispered to him. "What are you doing?" Barrius replied. "This is a matter of pride, stay out of this."
His voice went back to normal. "Do you agree?"
Lessr Tsurani
15-08-2004, 07:46
OOC Rose, Lets see if we can convince New Rome to do it. Also, what tech level is the new Roman Empire?
IC Amulis laughed. "You should do your homeowrk my friend. I have no wife, she died when she gave birth to my daughter. And I will not bet her." He then looked at them all. "But who am I to speak, I am just a fasmily head, and I only trade with greeks who have a very big connection with the Carthiginians. They have had their generals work for them before, and we would be crushed. Let us go towards Scialy first, because the Carthage threat is not real there. Once we have no enamies at home, we would go aginst such a powerful enemy." He then sat.
"What are you doing? His cousin wispered. "Juliis will now be able to use his legions. The whole plan is ruined." His voice was urgent.
"Relax, his legions are even better served sitting outside the walls of Syricuse for then next 12 years. He has to pay more for them, and he will be the head of the armies. The Juliies will be bunkrupt soon. He smirked as he thought the rest of the plan over.
The Island of Rose
15-08-2004, 08:04
Barrius rolled his eyes, standing up once again.
"Oh so that's why you don't want to attack them, you just want to benifit yourself and not Mother Rome. Well, that's just my crazy accusation."
He chuckled a bit, looking at Amulis.
"But I do agree we should take Sicily, we'll be able to attain more control of the Mediterrinian, but that's just my crazy idea."
He sat down, fixing his toga a bit.
Lessr Tsurani
15-08-2004, 08:08
OOC Rose, You would not have heard him say anything discimanating, so please edit that post.
The Island of Rose
15-08-2004, 08:12
OOC Rose, You would not have heard him say anything discimanating, so please edit that post.
OOC: Well, he did say he didn't want to attack Carthage because he wanted money, isn't that discriminating :confused:
Lessr Tsurani
15-08-2004, 09:23
OOC Good point, ok, I will post back.
IC Amulis ignored the comment made about him being greedy. The Head man stood. "All for attacking Sicily. Say I." He said in that neutral tone of his. This came back with a large yell. "Very well, The Legions will be sent. Who shall we send? There must be someone who has a large enough force." He looked around.
"I belive that Juliis should attack, he, with only a few others, could easily take the Isle." Said one person on the other end of the room. This took Amulis by suprise, but he quickly regained his compose. He stood as well.
"I will send my legions, and I will lead them. My family Have a very good number of Generals, and I would be happy to lead the army to victory. He smiled at that, no one would stop him from taking command, he had proven himself with the southern Italian states as an able general.
The Island of Rose
15-08-2004, 09:32
Barrius stood up, looking all important and stuff.
"Nay, I believe Julis should lead the attack, I believe he's well suited for this. But, if it makes you happy you both could lead, I also will lead my navy against Sicily, but I'm I won't be needed.
He sits back down.
"Obviously, I still believe Julis should lead, you know what, in fact let's pick Julis!"
He then started chanting "Julis! Julis! Julis!"
Lessr Tsurani
15-08-2004, 09:40
Amulis looked at Barrius with naked Hatred. He then started to think rapidly. Juliis no fool when it came to war. He was a very bad adminostrator though. Juliis would not sacrifice legions unless they needed to be sacrifced, but then he could always put The Scipii units in dangours situations. He started to chew his nails. He was so worried he did not notice that the Senate had already voted for Juliis. The Meeting was then finished for the day, and he walked out of the room next to his cousin.
"Well, that could have gone better." His cousin muttered. [i]"I knew therewas something wrong with your plan. Now where commited to the battle, and we will be helpless to Juliis.[i] He sighed then went to his quarters.
OOC We should meet outside the senate, just an idea.
The Island of Rose
15-08-2004, 09:48
Amulis looked at Barrius with naked Hatred. He then started to think rapidly. Juliis no fool when it came to war. He was a very bad adminostrator though. Juliis would not sacrifice legions unless they needed to be sacrifced, but then he could always put The Scipii units in dangours situations. He started to chew his nails. He was so worried he did not notice that the Senate had already voted for Juliis. The Meeting was then finished for the day, and he walked out of the room next to his cousin.
"Well, that could have gone better." His cousin muttered. [i]"I knew therewas something wrong with your plan. Now where commited to the battle, and we will be helpless to Juliis.[i] He sighed then went to his quarters.
OOC We should meet outside the senate, just an idea.
Barrius and his son Romulus were in the Forum, celebrating.
"Ha ha! We got them now! With Julis leading the Legions we'll have the Carthaginians dead!"
His son Romulus rolled his eyes.
"Yes, but now you have an enemy in the Senate" Barrius chuckled. "Eh, if it's part of Jupiter's plan for me to die, so be it. Come, let's have some food."
Barrius and Romulus started walking around the Forum.
OOC: They're at the Forum, meet em there :)
Lessr Tsurani
15-08-2004, 10:01
OOC Okey dokey.
IC Amulis walked towards the forum. He was not yet ready to go back to his house. On his way down he was thinking. He was going to war, and under the command of the very person he was trying to get rid of. He sighed. He wasjust happy his army was made to destroy supply lines and fight on the open feild instead of seiges. He at least would not have to sitand wait for nine years. When he entered the Forum he Noticed Barrius. A sudden thought came to him as he watched the man. He walked over to him.
"Nice work in the senate today." He said in a matter of fact tone. "I do have to wonder why you did not allow me to lead the armies. I have experiance. I was the one who lead the attack on the southern Italian cities. So what maded you choose Juliis? His tone was conversational, and most would not notice the ploy behind it all.
The Island of Rose
15-08-2004, 10:06
OOC Okey dokey.
IC Amulis walked towards the forum. He was not yet ready to go back to his house. On his way down he was thinking. He was going to war, and under the command of the very person he was trying to get rid of. He sighed. He wasjust happy his army was made to destroy supply lines and fight on the open feild instead of seiges. He at least would not have to sitand wait for nine years. When he entered the Forum he Noticed Barrius. A sudden thought came to him as he watched the man. He walked over to him.
"Nice work in the senate today." He said in a matter of fact tone. "I do have to wonder why you did not allow me to lead the armies. I have experiance. I was the one who lead the attack on the southern Italian cities. So what maded you choose Juliis? His tone was conversational, and most would not notice the ploy behind it all.
Barrius chuckled, clearing his throat a few... times.
"I believe that Julis can do a better a job, but he also has more Legions I believe, maybe if you had more Legions I would've supported you."
He yawned a bit.
"But that's me. My theory is, the more men you have the more power, and Julis had more men. So if you excuse me I will be off to get some food, good day."
He started walking away with his son Romulus.
Lessr Tsurani
15-08-2004, 10:11
Amulis sighed. He was going to have to do something about that man. Amulis was a good mind as well as a good warrior. He did suffer from sea sickness however. He sighed, this was going to be bad. Juliis was a genius when it came to tactics on the battle feild, but he could not orginise Logistics under the best of condions. Amulis sighed, he would have to keep the peace with Barrius if this was going to work.
"Bloody god damn senate, you had to complicate matters didn't you." He sighed and went to his house in the city.
OOC I have to go. I will post again later.
Nova Hope
15-08-2004, 11:02
Well with Rome just having taken control of Italy and the Punic wars not starting yet I think I’d like to take the Celts. As the largest tribe in Europe they were the biggest obstacle to the Romans. Now I assume you don’t plan on giving me the entire Celtic Empire so what would be fair?
Depending on the answer I might pick something else.
The Island of Rose
15-08-2004, 11:07
OOC: Great, TELL YOUR FRIENDS!!!!1111111111111!!!!!!SHIFT+1
Nova Hope
15-08-2004, 11:56
2nd choice, as I assume you won’t give me most of Europe under the celtic banner, is another Roman family. (I’m not really big on Roman families so mine is made up as is his influence but I will be realistic)
Family name: Tirado
Family Head: Octavius Lucius Cicero Tirado
City controlled/influenced: Caere
Family advantage: Archery, manufacturing
Enemies: Working on it
I should hope that my two family advantages can stack ie the manufacture of Composite bows or crossbows. Caere was a big pottery town so I figured I’d kind of have to take manufacturing.
The Island of Rose
15-08-2004, 12:03
2nd choice, as I assume you won’t give me most of Europe under the celtic banner, is another Roman family. (I’m not really big on Roman families so mine is made up as is his influence but I will be realistic)
Family name: Tirado
Family Head: Octavius Lucius Cicero Tirado
City controlled/influenced: Caere
Family advantage: Archery, manufacturing
Enemies: Working on it
I should hope that my two family advantages can stack ie the manufacture of Composite bows or crossbows. Caere was a big pottery town so I figured I’d kind of have to take manufacturing.
OOC: If you want to talk to Barrius in the Forum go ahead :D
Nova Hope
15-08-2004, 12:25
I'll wait to see if he minds me being here first. *shrug* its only polite.
Lessr Tsurani
15-08-2004, 13:01
OOC I have no problem with you being here. And you may be a Celtic clan cheif, but at this time there was no one Celtic Nation but tribes. I would give you one city and a large amount of land around that. It would be bigger then a roman family. One of your advantages is that you can attack rome if you want and force other tribes to follow you. Ok, Choose.
The Island of Rose
15-08-2004, 13:07
OOC: Please post man, you said you were gonna post more?
Nova Hope
15-08-2004, 13:48
I’ll take the Roman family I guess. Otherwise I’ll be on my own in the RP for quite awhile.
Where can I get my hands on a population list for the era? Or can you (are you going to) dictate the population (and subsequent legion sizes) of the Roman cities and their enemies.
Octavius Lucius Cicero Tirado Strode through the forum. He had abstained from the senate vote earlier and wasn’t quite sure what to make of it. Having a vested interest in trade with Carthage he’d also had his eye on Sicily for some time now. After all one could not pay soldiers in pots, no the plebeians and legions want grain. Grain and denarius. Octavius shook his head again still trying to mull over the senate’s decision and how he could best profit from it. I could speak with Juliis and perhaps he could invade from the more fortified east while I invaded from the weaker south and secured the grain fields for myself. Bah I would’ve done better to have voted yes and curried favor with him. Wait there’s Barrius, perhaps he can help me. Walking towards Barrius with a smile and open arms he embraced his fellow senator and kissed him on either cheek, as was the roman way.
“Barrius my good man. *smack* Its good to see you *smack* and this must be your son.” Reaching to Romulus he grasped his arm tightly and shook heartily.
“I should hope you do your namesake proud, this republic needs more men like that.” He smiled again at his own compliments before continuing.
“I would like to speak to you of Sicily. I understand you’ll be supporting Juliis in the assault, so you must need to speak with him to co-ordinate plans. I was hoping that I might suggest something.” Waiting to gage his reaction Octavius spoke carefully.
“I thought perhaps Juliis might invade from the East and drive the Carthaginians. Meanwhile I could surround Syracuse with troops and await his arrival to join my siege. It would give me time to build the necessary siege apparatus and with your navy we could strangle Syracuse to death, perhaps Juliis could be spared the loss of too many lives with all three of us supporting the attack.”
The Island of Rose
15-08-2004, 13:56
Barrius chuckled.
"Well I suppose that could work, I strangle them while you and Julis attack. I won't be seeing much on land anyway."
Romulus rolled his eyes, nudging his arm.
"Oh but father, don't you want to protect Mother Rome?" Barrius rolled his eyes also. "Yes I do, from the safety of my own boats."
They both laughed, patting each other on the back.
"But seriously, of course I will support you, personally, I supported Julis just to piss off the Senator, but don't tell him that..." Romulus rolled his eyes. "Looking to get killed?" Barrius chuckled. "Over my dead body!"
Romulus laughed.
"Come on Father, we need to eat, now Barrius rolled his eyes. "Patience Romulus. Of course we'll help you, care to join us?"
OOC: Tell your friends :D
Nova Hope
15-08-2004, 14:15
“I would love to join you good sir!” Walking with Barrius to the eatery Octavius tried to explain himself more.
“The way I see it, Juliis has a more formidable army then you or I, so he can break the defenses on the eastern coast. Your navy would be more than sufficient to dispatch the local patrol ships and keep the supply ships out, while I landed in the south to cut off their food supply and keep their forces distracted while Juliis ravaged the east. Coming down the coast your navy could keep him well supplied. Once at Syracuse he could begin the siege while I supported him. With the siege I would’ve built there it should be easy, and if we can get some of those new ballistae installed on your ships they will be easily overcome.”
OOC: I'm done untill later. I need breakfast ciao!
Lessr Tsurani
15-08-2004, 14:23
OOC Amulis is not a senator, he is just a family head. Sorry about the confusion.
IC Amulis was walking towards the gate when he thought about it and turned. He decided to go to the forum again. He turned about and walked swiftly back. He went past the place where Barrius and Octavius stood talking. He stood near them listening to their conversation. When they where finashed he walked swiftly away. He held his rage in cheak as he did. How DARE they do this. He started looking for Juliis and found him holding a skin of wine. He took a swig. He was already far into the drink even at the early hour. He smiled, he knew what he could do now.
"Congragalations my friend. I can not belive you managed to get command of the armies. He said in a tone that showed fake friendlines.
"Say, have you Chosen a second in command yet? I am free. THink about it. Scipii, Amulis Scipii." He smiled. He now knew one more weakness of Juliis, the man liked wine. All he would have to do is have a few skins of Greek red and he would be in command of the armies.
Nova Hope
15-08-2004, 14:26
OOC Amulis is not a senator, he is just a family head. Sorry about the confusion.
IC Amulis was walking towards the gate when he thought about it and turned. He decided to go to the forum again. He turned about and walked swiftly back. He went past the place where Barrius and Octavius stood talking. He stood near them listening to their conversation. When they where finashed he walked swiftly away. He held his rage in cheak as he did. How DARE they do this. He started looking for Juliis and found him holding a skin of wine. He took a swig. He was already far into the drink even at the early hour. He smiled, he knew what he could do now.
"Congragalations my friend. I can not belive you managed to get command of the armies. He said in a tone that showed fake friendlines.
"Say, have you Chosen a second in command yet? I am free. THink about it. Scipii, Amulis Scipii." He smiled. He now knew one more weakness of Juliis, the man liked wine. All he would have to do is have a few skins of Greek red and he would be in command of the armies.
OOC: I realize that you don't know IC but you do realize that my plan will leave Juliis weaker than ever.
The Island of Rose
15-08-2004, 14:30
Barrius and Octavius walked to eatery, passing Julis, he heard Amulis suggest to Julis about being second in command, indirectly of course. He looked over at Julis.
"Congratulations on being the Commander! I'm telling you, if you want a second in command, you can always pick Octavius, he has many men, plus a vast manufacturing base, and great archers, you really can't go wrong."
He chuckled to himself.
"Of course, you'll get to decide right? Or you can always pick young Romulus, he's eager for a fight."
Romulus rolled his eyes, Barrius walking towards Julis.
"And lay off the wine hm?"
OOC: My plan is to basically keep you two in check ;)
Is this Rome in 100 B.C. or something?
I'm not sure what faction to take over myself. But I've been thinking of playing a nation that could have interesting consquences.
For example, I wonder what would happen if I played the Incas, and had them develop very differently than in real life? They build large ships to travel to Africa (IIRC, it has been suggested that the Egyptians traveled to South America). My Incas would play and act differently than in real life history.
Or if not, I'd like to play China.
I'd love to see a different world history than the one we have today.
The Island of Rose
15-08-2004, 15:46
Is this Rome in 100 B.C. or something?
I'm not sure what faction to take over myself. But I've been thinking of playing a nation that could have interesting consquences.
For example, I wonder what would happen if I played the Incas, and had them develop very differently than in real life? They build large ships to travel to Africa (IIRC, it has been suggested that the Egyptians traveled to South America). My Incas would play and act differently than in real life history.
Or if not, I'd like to play China.
I'd love to see a different world history than the one we have today.
That ruins the taste of it, Classical History is the best History IMO.
Also, if you want to join, pick a side.
Plus, this is Rome... I don't remember what year but I remember the era :D
I wasn't referring to modern Inca or modern China.
I was thinking of taking the role of the Inca or Chinese in the Classical time period. Then either...
As the Inca: Sail to Africa, set colonies there, then meet up with the Romans when they invade North Africa.
As the Chinese: Expand towards the Mid-East, taking over India. Then meet up with the Romans as they take over Persia and the Mid-East.
Something like that would be interesting, yes?
The Island of Rose
15-08-2004, 16:14
I wasn't referring to modern Inca or modern China.
I was thinking of taking the role of the Inca or Chinese in the Classical time period. Then either...
As the Inca: Sail to Africa, set colonies there, then meet up with the Romans when they invade North Africa.
As the Chinese: Expand towards the Mid-East, taking over India. Then meet up with the Romans as they take over Persia and the Mid-East.
Something like that would be interesting, yes?
OOC: It would, but Inca would make more sense. The Punic Wars didn't take in the Middle East :)
Also, this is not my choice, it's up to Lesser Tsurani. But in my opinion it'd be eh.
Nova Hope
15-08-2004, 23:45
Ooc: Keep moi in check? Do you not trust me *devilish grin*
Lessr Tsurani
16-08-2004, 10:25
OOC No, Please choose one of the nations I stated. Remember, Rome is not even got Sicily yet, and we have lords, not empires.
Then I'd like to try to alter world history by playing as the Egyptians. Expand south, into the jungles and stuff. :p
I hate having to conform to history. It isn't fun, because you'd know the exact outcomes. If on the other hand, you were able to do things differently, then it would be a far more exciting and interesting RP.
Any of you guys play Civilization 1, 2, or 3? Or Civilization: Call to Power?
Any of you watch the Sliders TV show? Stargate SG-1? These kinds of games and TV shows show all the endless possibilities history could have taken for civilizations.
Hella fun to watch and play.
Lessr Tsurani
16-08-2004, 10:44
OOC Ok, But please be an egyption lord, and NOT an Egyption king. We are ment to be playing a game that is mostly potlitical, it is more fun that way.
IC Amulis had had enough, He looked at Barrius with a hard look.
"You will quite down my friend, I have had enough of you. YOU may think I am doing this to get a better political postion, but someone must worry about the logistics. I can work out supply trains better then anyone else because I have done it before. So stay out of it and let me work on getting food to our armies."
I'm not that good at extended politic-playing, so I dunno how well I can RP in here. Any suggestions for me?
I'd like to choose to be an Lord of either Giza (these pretty pyramids!) or Alexandria (Nice sea city, and with good fertile river delta).
I'll try my best, but I'll need help and feedback.
Lessr Tsurani
16-08-2004, 10:48
OOC No problem, we will help you. Just to be nice I will play anyone you want as your enemy. Just tell me what he/she/they is/are
The Island of Rose
16-08-2004, 10:50
OOC Ok, But please be an egyption lord, and NOT an Egyption king. We are ment to be playing a game that is mostly potlitical, it is more fun that way.
IC Amulis had had enough, He looked at Barrius with a hard look.
"You will quite down my friend, I have had enough of you. YOU may think I am doing this to get a better political postion, but someone must worry about the logistics. I can work out supply trains better then anyone else because I have done it before. So stay out of it and let me work on getting food to our armies."
Barrius was taking aback by this.
"Oh excuse me than. I was hoping to have you in my Navy, since probably we'll be supplying the men. I don't want you taken away. Besides if I wanted power I would've recommended myself. But I don't, I have enough."
He chuckled to himself and thought, I also want to keep you in line...
OOC: I gotta go in a few hours, I'll probably won't be able to respond fast, but please post anyway.
OOC: I don't know any good Egyptian names. Also, I'm not sure what label I'd have for my strength. I'd like it to be something like "Good at civil and economy building"
I don't have any enemies at the moment, I think. I'm not sure which city to pick, Gaza or Alexandria, so I'll just put a / between the names.
Here we go...
Lord Ramses V (not Pharaoh yet, at least)
City: Gaza / Alexandria
Strength: Civil and Economy
Enemies: None.
This ok?
Lessr Tsurani
16-08-2004, 12:01
OOC Choose Alexandra, then we can have trade. It is absolutly fine by the way, just use a greek or roman name, this was after the time greeks conquered them, so it stands to reason they would have them.
Nova Hope
16-08-2004, 18:23
OOC: This might help you with the names http://www.behindthename.com/random.html unfortunately there’s no Egyptian though.
Walking with Barrius towards the Eatery Octavius’ plans were suddenly obfuscated by the bickering of the two Romans. Looking down at Juliis, who’d suddenly lost interest in the conversation to return to his wine, Octavius decided he needed to smooth things out or his goal would be lost. Greeting Amulis with the same warm handshake and kiss on the cheek that he’d greeted Barrius with he spoke quietly into the ear of his fellow Roman, making sure no one else was in earshot.
“This will be a good thing for you, please don’t make anything definite until you talk to me.” Then in the other ear he spoke again.
“At least hear me out in private, I’m going to retire to my Villa outside the city after dinner, speak with me there on this matter.” Standing back he announced,
“Come Barrius I thought we were to eat!” Turning to walk towards the eatery he continued, hoping Barrius would continue without further exchange.
Lessr Tsurani
17-08-2004, 06:59
Amulis hid his suprise well, then sighed. He decided to listen to the new one, so eft the forum. He was not planning to eat at the forums, prefereing to go to his own hose to cook. He left the area and went to his house.
"This better be worth it." He muttered to himself.
My Lord is now Lord of Alexandria. I'll try using Ramses V (Ramses is an Egyptian name, and I changed the number so not to copy Ramses I - III who were actual Pharaohs. If IV and V were Pharaohs I'll change the name to Imhotep)
Lessr Tsurani
21-08-2004, 03:49
The Island of Rose
21-08-2004, 03:53
Barrius growled to himself. He needed to keep Julis safe somehow, some way. These damn Senators were too power hungry he thought. He shook it off, following Octavious.
"Come let us eat!"
Lessr Tsurani
21-08-2004, 03:58
((Hey Rose, I have a new RP. Called Fantasy RP. HAve a look.))
Amulis sat down on a elaborate chair in his town house and sighed. He needed food, so he told the servent to get him some lunch.
What am I going to do? He thought to himself. One man has systimaticly destroied everything I have worked for. well, nothing for it, best call up the legions, and get that greek City that I have to hand over some hoplights as well. A sudden thought came to him that struck him as funny, I wonder if opolights have light armour and hop when they go to battle. He started to laugh in place.
A man walked through an elegant stone archway. The archway opened up into a large room, with fancy tapestries with symbols on the walls, a sandstone fountain in the center of the room, a moat surrounding the room fed with water from the fountain, and a large throne at the opposite end of the room. The smooth sandstone walls displayed multiple lines of hieroglyphics and inscribed symbols. Pillars supporting the roof were inlaid with metallic bands inscribed with detailed images. Four large open roofs, set at each cardinal direction, lights up the throne room with natural sunlight..
Another man was sitting at the throne, and he raised a hand. He made a beckoning gesture, and the first man navigated through the massive chamber. Upon approaching the throne, the man bowed down towards the seated man.
The seated man spoke.
"Rise, messenger. What news do you bring?"
"My lord, Imhotep IV, the expedition sent up the Nile River has returned safely. They speak of wonders beyond imagining. Lush jungles, sparkling lakes, mountains with crowns of white, deposits of golden metal, gemstones of dazzling beauty, and many more!"
Imhotep arched an eyebrow.
"I command you to send several more expeditions, and in the meantime, assemble a colonization and military force to secure this region of wonders."
"It shall be done, my divine lord!"
The messenger quickly retraced his steps out of Imhotep's throne room.
Imhotep smiled.
Perfect. I will be able to amass enough prestige and power to become a Pharoah thanks to this land of wonders!