NationStates Jolt Archive

Completion of a new International Airport

The Great Sixth Reich
13-08-2004, 02:22
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Minor Update: The camera system is complete, with 6,000 cameras at Hienkel City International Airport, and a grand total of 9,000 at all other airports.

Please read the secruity statement at the bottom.

The new and improved Hienkel City International Airport (German: Flughafen Hienkelstadt Maria Michael Johann Baptist Franz de Paula Joseph Kaspar Ignatius Nepomuk) in Hienkel City (German: Hienkelstadt), The Great Sixth Reich, opened yesterday after years of construction and billions of marks spent. The airport is designed to be the largest of the nation's airports. Facilities include twenty-six 6,000 meter runways, ARFF services exceeding index E, customs, cargo services, passanger services, tri-taxiways at all concourses and terminals (one taxiway for push-back, one taxiway for one-way traffic, and the other taxiway with the opposite one-way traffic), Terminal Airport Secruity, Military Secure Area, General and Private Aviation services, and one colossal green clear glass air-traffic control tower (which contains Hienkel City Control/Center split up into six frequencies, Hienkel City Tower 1-13, Hienkel City Ground 1-7, and Hienkel City Clearence Delivery 1-30), the largest in the world. The airport can handle all aircraft sizes and even supersonic flights. The airport is connected to rail (national) and streetcar (Hienkel City) service. One hundred-thrity available modern concourses are available, each one containing three monorail stations, retail space, and a large louge area and one-hundred-eighty gates. Terminals are also available with a similar layout, but only sixty gates. Airlines may make this airport their hub at no cost.

The Great Sixth Reich strives to provide a state-of-the-art air transportation system through its airports and its national airline Lufthansa.

Each concourse contains 180 gates, two S-Bahn stations, retail space, and a VIP lounge.

Terminals are desinged like the concourses, but only contain sixty gates.

Domestic service is available to Great Sixth Reichian cities.

Runways (all 6,000m x 60m, ILS CAT-3C, headings 090 and 270):

07 L / 25 R
07 C / 25 C
07 R / 25 L

08 L / 26 R
08 C / 26 C
08 R / 26 L

09 L / 27 R
09 C / 27 C
09 R / 27 L

10 L / 28 R
10 C / 28 C
10 R / 28 L

11 / 29 (military and GA only)

(OOC: I'll be posting an attached pilot information sheet some time in the future...)

Hienkel City International Airport (HCY)

Concourses (130) (5,000,000 USD each, which include naming rights):

Concourse 1: Lufthansa International Airlines
Concourse 2: Lufthansa International Airlines
Concourse 3: Lufthansa International Airlines
Concourse 4: Lufthansa International Airlines
Concourse 5: Lufthansa International Airlines
Concourse 6: Lufthansa International Airlines
Concourse 7: Lufthansa International Airlines
Concourse 8: Lufthansa International Airlines
Concourse 9: Lufthansa International Airlines
Concourse 10: Southwest Airlines(The Great Sixth Reich)
Concourse 11: VIP/Administration Concourse
Concourse 12*: Morathanian Airways International (Morathania)
Concourse 13**: Morathanian Airways International (Morathania)
Concourse 14***: Morathanian Airways International (Morathania)
Concourse 15***: Federation Airways (Morathania)
Concourse 16***: Jefferson Airways International (Morathania)
Concourse 17: JewAir (Jew Power Land)
Concourse 18: King Airlines (Alejandro Rey)
Concourse 19: Alex Airlines (Alejandro Rey)
Concourse 20**: Weyrik International Airlines (Weyr)
Concourse 21**: Weyrik International Airlines (Weyr)
Concourse 22***: Copa Airlines (Castillanos)
Concourse 23***: Copa Airlines (Castillanos)
Concourse 24**: Kheseen International (Inkana)
Concourse 25***: Emirate Executive Airlines (New Zambuda)
Concourse 26***: Emirate Executive Airlines (New Zambuda)
Concourse 27: Salbanian Airways (Salbania)
Concourse 28: Drow International Airlines (Drizzts Army)
Concourse 29**: Trans World Airlines (Northrop-Grumman)
Concourse 30**: Trans World Airlines (Northrop-Grumman)
Concourse 31**: Trans World Airlines (Northrop-Grumman)
Concourse 32**: Trans World Airlines (Northrop-Grumman)
Concourse 33**: Trans World Airlines (Northrop-Grumman)
Concourse 34**: Trans World Airlines (Northrop-Grumman)
Concourse 35**: Hamptonshire World Air (Hamptonshire)
Concourse 36**: Hamptonshire World Air (Hamptonshire)
Concourse 37**: Hamptonshire World Air (Hamptonshire)
Concourse 38*: Omni Air Ways (Hamptonshire)
Concourse 39**: Air Celtayoshi (Celtayoshi)
Concourse 40***: Imperial Air (Water Cooler Company)
Concourse 41***: Imperial Air (Water Cooler Company)
Concourse 42***: Space Airways (Space Union)
Concourse 43***: Space Airways (Space Union)
Concourse 44***: Power T Air (Tennesee Fans)
Concourse 45***: Power T Air (Tennesee Fans)
Concourse 46: MarimAir (Marimaia)
Concourse 47: MarimAir (Marimaia)
Concourse 48***: Webombu Airways (Webombu)
Concourse 49 (Sydney Concourse)***: Air Wirraway (Wirraway)
Concourse 50 (Darwin Concourse)*: Wirralines (Wirraway)
Concourse 51***: Air Wirraway (Wirraway)
Concourse 52: Scoylian Airlines (Sarzonia)
Concourse 53: Sarzonian Airways (Sarzonia)
Concourse 54: Sarzonian Airways (Sarzonia)
Concourse 55: Incorporated Airlines (Sarzonia)
Concourse 56: Incorporated Airlines (Sarzonia)
Concourse 57***: Layartebian Civilian Air Service (Layarteb)
Concourse 58: ImperiAir (The New Imperial Rome)
Concourse 59: AeroPacitalia (Pacitalia)
Concourse 60: AeroPacitalia (Pacitalia)
Concourse 61: Jurrik Inernational/Domestic Airways (Jurrik)
Concourse 62: Buben International Airlines (Buben)
Concourse 63: Independence Air (The Great Sixth Reich)
Concourse 64: Xenizen National Airways (Upper Xen)
Concourse 65: ViZionair (imported_ViZion)
Concourse 66: ViZionair (imported_ViZion)
Concourse 67: Virgin Pacific (Pacitalia)
Concourse 68: Mabulian Airlines (Mabulia)
Concourse 69: PISS AIR (Phoenix International Supersonic Airways) (The Phoenix Milita)
Concourse 70: Nutropinia Trans Continental Airlines (Nutropinia)
Concourse 71: Air Ax (Axario)
Concourse 72: Allied Airlines (Axario)
Concourse 73: Albino Airlines (Albinoism)
Concourse 74: Star Alliance
Concourse 75: Star Alliance HQ
Concourse 76: Flightopia Air (Flightopia)
Concourse 77: Flightopia Air (Flightopia)
Concourse 78***: ION Air (Ato-sara)
Concourse 79***: ION Air (Ato-sara)
Concourse 80**: Aero Kelsia (Kelse)
Concourse 81**: Aero Kelsia (Kelse)
Concourse 82:
Concourse 83:

Terminals (2,500,000 USD)

Terminal A*: Morathanian Airways International (Morathania)
Terminal B***: Morathanian Airways International (Morathania)
Terminal C***: Federation Airways (Morathania)
Terminal D***: Federation Airways (Morathania)
Terminal E***: Jefferson Airways International (Morathania)
Terminal F***: Air Vandalia-Manium (Morathania)
Terminal G***: Air Vandalia-Manium (Morathania)
Terminal H: King Airlines (Alejandro Rey)
Terminal I: Alex Airlines (Alejandro Rey)
Terminal J***: TACA Airlines (Castillanos)
Terminal K***: TACA Airlines (Castillanos)
Terminal L**: Uchidian International Airways (Uchido)
Terminal M**: Uchidian International Airways (Uchido)
Terminal N**: Hamptonshire World Air (Hamptonshire)
Terminal O**: Hamptonshire World Air (Hamptonshire)
Terminal P**: Hamptonshire World Air (Hamptonshire)
Terminal Q***: Imperial Air (Water Cooler Company)
Terminal R***: Imperial Air (Water Cooler Company)
Terminal S**: Ryuvius Internbational Airways (Akita-Ryuvius)
Terminal T**: Ryuvius Internbational Airways (Akita-Ryuvius)
Terminal U**: Ryuvius Internbational Airways (Akita-Ryuvius)
Terminal V***: Seglawi Airlines (Bedou)
Terminal W: MarimAir (Marimaia)
Terminal Y: MarimAir (Marimaia)
Terminal Z***: Air Wirraway (Wirraway)
Terminal AA***: Air Wirraway (Wirraway)
Terminal AB*: Wirralines (Wirraway)
Terminal AC*: Wirralines (Wirraway)
Terminal AD**: Jackdonia Airways
Terminal AE**: Sevarisian Overseas Airline Corporation
Terminal AF**: Sevarisian Overseas Airline Corporation
Terminal AG: Emirate Airlines
Terminal AH: Emirate Airlines
Terminal AI: Emirate Executive
Terminal AJ: Emirate Executive
Terminal AK: BuisAir
Terminal AL: BuisAir
Terminal AN**: Sarzonian Airways (Sarzonia)
Terminal AM**: Sarzonian Airways (Sarzonia)
Terminal AO: Incorporated Airlines (Sarzonia)
Terminal AP: Townshend Air (Sarzonia)
Terminal AR: Townshend Air (Sarzonia)
Terminal AS: Air Jordan (Tennesee Fans)
Terminal AT: Air Jordan (Tennesee Fans)
Terminal AU: Air Jordan (Tennesee Fans)
Terminal AW: FrigidAir (Frigidaqua)
Terminal AY: FrigidAir (Frigidaqua)
Terminal AZ: Administation Center
Terminal AAA: Secruity HQ/Logistics Center
Terminal AAB: Serb Air (Great Romeo)
Terminal AAC: Serb Air (Great Romeo)
Terminal AAD: Pegasus Airlines (Pegasus)
Terminal AAE: Pegasus Airlines (Pegasus)
Terminal AAF: PAI (Pentova)
Terminal AAG: Buben International Airlines (Buben)
Terminal AAH: Xenizen National Airways (Upper Xen)
Terminal AAI: Independece Air (The Great Sixth Reich)
Terminal AAJ**: Evil Woody Airlines (Evil Woody Thoughts)
Terminal AAK: Mabulian Airlines (Mabulia)
Terminal AAL: PaleMale Airlines and WhitePointerTransOceanicCharter Airlines (PaleMale)
Terminal AAM: Albino Airlines (Albinoism)
Terminal AAN**: Tannenmillian Commercial Airlines (Tannenmille)
Terminal AAO**:Tannenmillian Commercial Airlines (Tannenmille)
Terminal AAP: Tannenmille Isles Air (Protectorates of Tannenmille)
Terminal AAQ**: Air Dolomiti (Kelse)
Terminal AAR:
Terminal AAS:

Cargo Terminals (2,500,000 USD each)

Terminal 1: Lufthansa Cargo
Terminal 2: Lufthansa Cargo
Terminal 3: Lufthansa Cargo
Terminal 4**: Weyrik International Airlines, Transport Division
Terminal 5**: Weyrik International Airlines, Transport Division
Terminal 6***: Copa Cargo (Castillanos)
Terminal 7: TACA Cargo (Castillanos)
Terminal 8***: Emirate Express (New Zambuda)
Terminal 9***: Emirate Express (New Zambuda)
Terminal 10: Imperial Air (Water Cooler Company)
Terminal 11: Imperial Air (Water Cooler Company)
Terminal 12***: Seglawi Airlines (Bedou)
Terminal 13***: Knoxville-Farragut Freight (Tennesee Fans)
Terminal 14***: Knoxville-Farragut Freight (Tennesee Fans)
Terminal 15***: Knoxville-Farragut Freight (Tennesee Fans)
Terminal 16: MarimAir (Marimaia)
Terminal 17***: Air Wirraway CARGO (Wirraway)
Terminal 18**: Air Wirraway CARGO (Wirraway)
Terminal 19**: Air Wirraway CARGO (Wirraway)
Terminal 20**: Dereco Aircargo
Terminal 21**: Dereco Aircargo
Terminal 22: Scoylian Airlines
Terminal 23: Emirate Express
Terminal 24: Emirate Express
Terminal 25: AeroPacitalia (Pacitalia)
Terminal 26: FrigidExpress (Frigidaqua)
Terminal 27: JurrikShip (Jurrik)
Terminal 28: Xenizen National Airways (Upper Xen)
Terminal 29**: Evil Woody Airlines (Evil Woody Thoughts)
Terminal 30: PISS AIR (Phoenix International Supersonic Airways) (The Phoenix Milita)
Terminal 31: Flightopia Air (Flightopia)
Terminal 32: Flightopia Air (Flightopia)
Terminal 33: Nova Express (Viviani)
Terminal 34: Phoenix Armaments Transport (Phoenix Armaments)
Terminal 35:

Government/Military Secure Area Terminals (The Great Sixth Reich welcomes any military technology exchanges and other top-secret business. Just don't enter somebody else's terminal, or there will be serious problems. :)) Terminals are 1,000,000 USD each)

Terminal 1: The Great Sixth Reich Luftwaffe
Terminal 2: Uchido Specialty Airlines (Uchido)
Terminal 3: Crown Freight International (Hamptonshire)
Terminal 4: HEWC Government (Water Cooler Company)
Terminal 5: AR Military Special Frights (Akita-Ryuvius)
Terminal 6: JewAir (Jew Power Land)
Terminal 7: MarimAir (Marimaia)
Terminal 8: Jackdonia Special Operations (Jackdonia)
Terminal 9: Scoylian Royal Air Corp
Terminal 10: Serb Air (Great Romeo)
Terminal 11: Pelaus (Pelaus)
Terminal 12: Jonathana (Jonathana)
Terminal 13: FrigidAir (Frigidaqua)
Terminal 14: Jurrik Inernational/Domestic Airways (Jerrik)
Terminal 15: Tannenmillian State Air (Tannenmille)
Terminal 16: Tannenmillian State Air (Tannenmille)
Terminal 17: Tannenmille Isles Air (Protectorates of Tannenmille)
Terminal 18: Flightopian Speical Services (Flightopia)
Terminal 19: Phoenix Armaments Sensitive Department (Phoenix Armaments)
Terminal 20:

Enginneer/Logistics Hangers (1,000,000 USD each) 36 Available

Hanger 1: Lufthansa Technik
Hanger 2: Lufthansa Technik
Hanger 3: Lufthansa Technik
Hanger 4: Lufthansa Technik
Hanger 5: Lufthansa Technik
Hanger 6: Lufthansa Technik
Hanger 7: Weyrik International Airlines (Weyr)
Hanger 8: Weyrik International Airlines (Weyr)
Hanger 9: Copa Airlines (Castillanos)
Hanger 10: TACA Airlines (Castillanos)
Hanger 11: Kheseen International (Inkana)
Hanger 12: Imperial Air (Water Cooler Company)
Hanger 13: Imperial Air (Water Cooler Company)
Hanger 14: Seglawi Airlines (Bedou)
Hanger 15: Power T Air (Tennesee Fans)
Hanger 16: Knoxville-Farragut Freight (Tennesee Fans)
Hanger 17: MarimAir (Marimaia)
Hanger 18: Air Wirraway (Air Wirraway)
Hanger 19: Scoylian Airlines
Hanger 20: Serba Air (Great Romeo)
Hanger 21: Trans World Airlines (Northrop-Grumman)
Hanger 22: Trans World Airlines (Northrop-Grumman)
Hanger 23: Trans World Airlines (Northrop-Grumman)
Hanger 24: Layartebian Civilian Air Service (Layartebia)
Hanger 25: FrigidAir (Frigidaqua)
Hanger 26: JurrikShip (Jurrik)
Hanger 27: JurrikShip (Jurrik)
Hanger 28: JurrikShip (Jurrik)
Hanger 29: ViZionair (Imported_ViZion)
Hanger 30: Xenizen National Airways (Upper Xen)
Hanger 31: Evil Woody Airlines (Evil Woody Thoughts)
Hanger 32: PISS AIR (Phoenix International Supersonic Airways) (The Phoenix Milita)
Hanger 33: Flightopia Air (Flightopia)
Hanger 34: Flightopia Air (Flightopia)
Hanger 35: Flightopia Air (Flightopia)
Hamger 36: Flightopia Air (Flightopia)

Munich International Airport (MUC):

Second Largest Airport in The Great Sixth Reich!

Terminals: (2,000,000 USD)

Terminal A***: Air Wirraway (Wirraway)
Terminal B*: Wirralines (Wirraway)
Terminal C**: Sevarisian Overseas Airline Corporation
Terminal D**: Sevarisian Overseas Airline Corporation
Terminal E: Emirate Airlines
Terminal F: Emirate Airlines
Terminal G: Emirate Executive
Terminal H: Emirate Executive
Terminal I: BuisAir
Terminal J: BuisAir
Terminal K: Serb Air (Great Romeo)
Terminal L: FrigidAir (Frigidaqua)
Terminal N: Imperial Airways (imported_ViZion)
Terminal M**: Evil Woody Airlines (Evil Woody Thoughts)
Terminal O:
Terminal P:

Concourses: (4,000,000 USD)

Concourse 1: Lufthansa International
Concourse 2: Lufthansa International
Concourse 3: Lufthansa International
Concourse 4: Lufthansa International
Concourse 5: Lufthansa International
Concourse 6: Lufthansa International
Concourse 7: Lufthansa International
Concourse 8: Lufthansa International
Concourse 9: Lufthansa International
Concourse 10***: Air Wirraway (Wirraway)
Concourse 11***: Air Wirraway (Wirraway)
Concourse 12*: Wirralines (Wirraway)
Concourse 13*: Wirralines (Wirraway)
Concourse 14: Scoylian Airlines
Concourse 15: Trans World Airlines (Northrop-Grumman)
Concourse 16: Trans World Airlines (Northrop-Grumman)
Concourse 17: Trans World Airlines (Northrop-Grumman)
Concourse 18: Trans World Airlines (Northrop-Grumman)
Concourse 19: Trans World Airlines (Northrop-Grumman)
Concourse 20: Trans World Airlines (Northrop-Grumman)
Concourse 21: Trans World Airlines (Northrop-Grumman)
Concourse 22: Trans World Airlines (Northrop-Grumman)
Concourse 23: Imperial Airways (imported_ViZion)
Concourse 24: Nutropinia Trans Continental Airlines (Nutropinia)
Concourse 25: Nutropinia Trans Continental Airlines (Nutropinia)
Concourse 26: Star Alliance
Concourse 27:

Cargo Terminals: (2,000,000 USD)

Terminal 1: Lufthansa Cargo
Terminal 2: Lufthansa Cargo
Terminal 3: Lufthansa Cargo
Terminal 4**: Dereco Aircargo
Terminal 5**: Dereco Aircargo
Terminal 6: Emirate Express
Terminal 7: Emirate Express
Terminal 8**: Evil Woody Airlines (Evil Woody Thoughts)
Terminal 9:
Terminal 10:

Frankfrurt International Airport (FRA):

Terminals: (2,000,000 USD)

Terminal A**: Air Wirraway/Wirralines (Wirraway)
Terminal B***: Air Wirraway (Wirraway)
Terminal C*: Wirralines (Wirrway)
Terminal D**: Sevarisian Overseas Airline Corporation
Terminal E**: Sevarisian Overseas Airline Corporation
Terminal F: Emirate Airlines
Terminal G: Emirate Airlines
Terminal H: Emirate Executive
Terminal I: Emirate Executive
Terminal J: BuisAir
Terminal K: BuisAir
Terminal L: Serb Air (Great Romeo)
Terminal M**: Evil Woody Airlines (Evil Woody Thoughts)
Terminal N:
Terminal O:
Terminal P:

Concourses: (4,000,000 USD)

Concourse 1: Lufthansa International
Concourse 2: Lufthansa International
Concourse 3: Lufthansa International
Concourse 4: Lufthansa International
Concourse 5: Lufthansa International
Concourse 6: Lufthansa International
Concourse 7: Lufthansa Alliance
Concourse 8: Scoylian Airlines
Concourse 9: Trans World Airlines (Northrop-Grumman)
Concourse 10: Trans World Airlines (Northrop-Grumman)
Concourse 11: Trans World Airlines (Northrop-Grumman)
Concourse 12: Trans World Airlines (Northrop-Grumman)
Concourse 13: Trans World Airlines (Northrop-Grumman)
Concourse 14: Nutropinia Trans Continental Airlines (Nutropinia)
Concourse 15: Nutropinia Trans Continental Airlines (Nutropinia)
Concourse 16: Star Alliance
Concourse 17:

Cargo Terminals: (2,000,000 USD)

Terminal 1: Lufthansa Cargo
Terminal 2: Lufthansa Cargo
Terminal 3: Lufthansa Cargo
Terminal 4: Air Wirraway CARGO (Wirraway)
Terminal 5: Air Wirraway CARGO (Wirraway)
Terminal 6**: Dereco Aircargo
Terminal 7**: Dereco Aircargo
Terminal 8: Emirate Express
Terminal 9: Emirate Express
Terminal 10**: Evil Woody Airlines (Evil Woody Thoughts)
Terminal 11:
Terminal 12:

Berlin Tegal International Airport (TXL):

Terminals: (2,000,000 USD)

Terminal A***: Air Wirraway (Wirraway)
Terminal B***: Air Wirraway (Wirraway)
Terminal C*: Wirralines (Wirraway)
Terminal D*: Wirralines (Wirraway)
Terminal E**: Sevarisian Overseas Airline Corporation
Terminal F**: Sevarisian Overseas Airline Corporation
Terminal G: Emirate Airlines
Terminal H: Emirate Airlines
Terminal I: Emirate Executive
Terminal J: Emirate Executive
Terminal K: BuisAir
Terminal L: BuisAir
Terminal N: Serb Air (Great Romeo)
Terminal M: Sakurair (Upper Xen)
Terminal O: Sakurair (Upper Xen)
Terminal P**: Evil Woody Airlines (Evil Woody Thoughts)
Terminal Q: Kitafuji Airlines (Fujishima Corporation)
Terminal R:

Concourses: (4,000,000 USD)

Concourse 1: Lufthansa International
Concourse 2: Lufthansa International
Concourse 3: Lufthansa International
Concourse 4: Lufthansa International
Concourse 5: Lufthansa International
Concourse 6: Lufthansa International
Concourse 7: Lufthansa Alliance
Concourse 8***: Air Wirraway (Wirraway)
Concourse 9*: Wirralines (Wirraway)
Concourse 10: Scoylian Airlines
Concourse 11: Trans World Airlines (Northrop-Grumman)
Concourse 12: Trans World Airlines (Northrop-Grumman)
Concourse 13: Trans World Airlines (Northrop-Grumman)
Concourse 14: Nutropinia Trans Continental Airlines (Nutropinia)
Concourse 15: Nutropinia Trans Continental Airlines (Nutropinia)
Concourse 16: Star Alliance
Concourse 17:

Cargo Terminals: (2,000,000 USD)

Terminal 1: Lufthansa Cargo
Terminal 2: Lufthansa Cargo
Terminal 3: Lufthansa Cargo
Terminal 4: Lufthansa Cargo
Terminal 5: Air Wirraway CARGO (Wirraway)
Terminal 6: Air Wirraway CARGO (Wirraway)
Terminal 7: Air Wirraway CARGO (Wirraway)
Terminal 8**: Dereco Aircargo
Terminal 9**: Dereco Aircargo
Terminal 10: Emirate Express
Terminal 11: Emirate Express

Paradise City International Airport (PIC):

This airport is located on an island off of the Mainland.

Terminals: (2,000,000 USD)

Terminal A***: Air Wolf (Wolf America)
Terminal B***: Air Wirraway (Wirraway)
Terminal C*: Wirralines (Wirraway)
Terminal D***: Air Wolf (Wolf America)
Terminal E***: Air Wolf (Wolf America)
Terminal F***: Air Wolf (Wolf America)
Terminal G***: Air Wolf (Wolf America)
Terminal H***: Air Wolf (Wolf America)
Terminal I***: Air Wolf (Wolf America)
Terminal J***: Air Wolf (Wolf America)
Terminal K***: Air Wolf (Wolf America)
Terminal L: Air Wolf (Wolf America)
Terminal M: Air Wolf (Wolf America)
Terminal N: Generian New Regional Airlines (Genetic_Empire)
Terminal O: Emirate Airlines
Terminal P: Emirate Airlines
Terminal Q: Emirate Executive
Terminal R: Emirate Executive
Terminal S: BuisAir
Terminal T: BuisAir
Terminal U: Serb Air (Great Romeo)
Terminal V:

Concourses: (4,000,000 USD)

Concourse 1: Lufthansa International
Concourse 2: Lufthansa International
Concourse 3: Lufthansa International
Concourse 4: Lufthansa International
Concourse 5: Lufthansa International
Concourse 6: Lufthansa International
Concourse 7: Lufthansa Alliance
Concourse 8: Power T Air (Tennesee Fans)
Concourse 9: Power T Air (Tennesee Fans)
Concourse 10: Power T Air (Tennesee Fans)
Concourse 11: Power T Air (Tennesee Fans)
Concourse 12: Power T Air (Tennesee Fans)
Concourse 13**: Air Wirraway/Wirralines (Wirraway)
Concourse 14: Scoylian Airlines
Concourse 15: Trans World Airlines (Northrop-Grumman)
Concourse 16: Trans World Airlines (Northrop-Grumman)
Concourse 17: Air Jordan (Tennesee Fans)
Concourse 18: Nutropinia Trans Continental Airlines (Nutropinia)
Concourse 19: Nutropinia Trans Continental Airlines (Nutropinia)
Concourse 20: Nutropinia Trans Continental Airlines (Nutropinia)
Concourse 21: Star Alliance
Concourse 22:

Cargo Terminals: (2,000,000 USD)

Terminal 1: Lufthansa Cargo
Terminal 2: Lufthansa Cargo
Terminal 3: Lufthansa Cargo
Terminal 4: Emirate Express
Terminal 5: Emirate Express
Terminal 6:
Terminal 7:

Hanger 1: Lufthansa Technik
Hanger 2: Lufthansa Technik
Hanger 3: Lufthansa Technik
Hanger 4: Power T Air (Tennesee Fans)
Hanger 5: Power T Air (Tennesee Fans)
Hanger 6:

Warsaw International Airport (WAW):

Terminals: (2,000,000 USD)

Terminal A: Power T Air (Tennesee Fans)
Terminal B: Power T Air (Tennesee Fans)
Terminal C: Power T Air (Tennesee Fans)
Terminal D: Emirate Airlines
Terminal E: Emirate Airlines
Terminal F: Emirate Executive
Terminal G: Emirate Executive
Terminal H: BuisAir
Terminal I: BuisAir
Terminal J: Serb Air (Great Romeo)
Terminal K: Air Jordan (Tennesee Fans)
Terminal L: Air Jordan (Tennesee Fans)
Terminal M: Airolina Internacionali detuma Coolet (Coolet)
Terminal N:
Terminal O:

Concourses: (4,000,000 USD)

Concourse 1: Lufthansa International
Concourse 2: Lufthansa International
Concourse 3: Lufthansa International
Concourse 4: Lufthansa International
Concourse 5: Lufthansa International
Concourse 6: Lufthansa International
Concourse 7: Scoylian Airlines
Concourse 8: Trans World Airlines (Northrop-Grumman)
Concourse 9: Trans World Airlines (Northrop-Grumman)
Concourse 10: Trans World Airlines (Northrop-Grumman)
Concourse 11: Trans World Airlines (Northrop-Grumman)
Concourse 12: Trans World Airlines (Northrop-Grumman)
Concourse 13: Trans World Airlines (Northrop-Grumman)
Concourse 14: Trans World Airlines (Northrop-Grumman)
Concourse 15: Trans World Airlines (Northrop-Grumman)
Concourse 16: Nutropinia Trans Continental Airlines (Nutropinia)
Concourse 17: Nutropinia Trans Continental Airlines (Nutropinia)
Concourse 18: Star Alliance
Concourse 19:

Cargo Terminals: (2,000,000 USD)

Terminal 1: Lufthansa Cargo
Terminal 2: Lufthansa Cargo
Terminal 3: Lufthansa Cargo
Terminal 4: Emirate Express
Terminal 5: Emirate Express
Terminal 6:
Terminal 7:

Hanger 1: Lufthansa Technik
Hanger 2: Lufthansa Technik
Hanger 3: Lufthansa Technik
Hanger 4:
Hanger 5:
Hanger 6:

Malé International Airport (MLE):

Terminals: (2,000,000 USD)

Terminal A: Power T Air (Tennesee Fans)
Terminal B: Power T Air (Tennesee Fans)
Terminal C: Power T Air (Tennesee Fans)
Terminal D: Emirate Airlines
Terminal E: Emirate Airlines
Terminal F: Emirate Executive
Terminal G: Emirate Executive
Terminal H: BuisAir
Terminal I: BuisAir
Terminal J: Serb Air
Terminal K: Air Jordan (Tennesee Fans)
Terminal L: Air Jordan (Tennesee Fans)
Terminal M: Sakurair (Upper Xen)
Terminal N: Sakurair (Upper Xen)
Terminal O:

Concourses: (4,000,000 USD)

Concourse 1: Lufthansa International
Concourse 2: Lufthansa International
Concourse 3: Lufthansa International
Concourse 4: Lufthansa International
Concourse 5: Lufthansa International
Concourse 6: Lufthansa International
Concourse 7: Scoylian Airlines
Concourse 8: Trans World Airlines (Northrop-Grumman)
Concourse 9: Trans World Airlines (Northrop-Grumman)
Concourse 10: Trans World Airlines (Northrop-Grumman)
Concourse 11: Trans World Airlines (Northrop-Grumman)
Concourse 12: Trans World Airlines (Northrop-Grumman)
Concourse 13: Trans World Airlines (Northrop-Grumman)
Concourse 14: Trans World Airlines (Northrop-Grumman)
Concourse 15: Trans World Airlines (Northrop-Grumman)
Concourse 16: Nutropinia Trans Continental Airlines (Nutropinia)
Concourse 17: Nutropinia Trans Continental Airlines (Nutropinia)
Concourse 18: Star Alliance
Concourse 19:
Concourse 20:

Cargo Terminals: (2,000,000 USD)

Terminal 1: Lufthansa Cargo
Terminal 2: Lufthansa Cargo
Terminal 3: Lufthansa Cargo
Terminal 4: Emirate Express
Terminal 5: Emirate Express
Terminal 6: Sakurair (Upper Xen)
Terminal 7:

Hanger 1: Lufthansa Technik
Hanger 2: Lufthansa Technik
Hanger 3: Lufthansa Technik
Hanger 4: Sakurair (Upper Xen)
Hanger 5: Sakurair (Upper Xen)
Hanger 6:

Dili International Airport (DIL):

Terminals: (2,000,000 USD)

Terminal A: Power T Air (Tennesee Fans)
Terminal B: Power T Air (Tennesee Fans)
Terminal C: Power T Air (Tennesee Fans)
Terminal D: Emirate Airlines
Terminal E: Emirate Airlines
Terminal F: Emirate Executive
Terminal G: Emirate Executive
Terminal H: BuisAir
Terminal I: BuisAir
Terminal J: Serb Air
Terminal K: Air Jordan (Tennesee Fans)
Terminal L: Air Jordan (Tennesee Fans)
Terminal M: Air Jordan (Tennesee Fans)
Terminal N:
Terminal O:

Concourses: (4,000,000 USD)

Concourse 1: Lufthansa International
Concourse 2: Lufthansa International
Concourse 3: Lufthansa International
Concourse 4: Lufthansa International
Concourse 5: Lufthansa International
Concourse 6: Lufthansa International
Concourse 7: Scoylian Airlines
Concourse 8: Nutropinia Trans Continental Airlines (Nutropinia)
Concourse 9: Nutropinia Trans Continental Airlines (Nutropinia)
Concourse 10: Nutropinia Trans Continental Airlines (Nutropinia)
Concourse 11: Nutropinia Trans Continental Airlines (Nutropinia)
Concourse 12: Nutropinia Trans Continental Airlines (Nutropinia)
Concourse 13: Nutropinia Trans Continental Airlines (Nutropinia)
Concourse 14: Nutropinia Trans Continental Airlines (Nutropinia)
Concourse 15: Nutropinia Trans Continental Airlines (Nutropinia)
Concourse 16: Star Alliance
Concourse 17:

Cargo Terminals: (2,000,000 USD)

Terminal 1: Lufthansa Cargo
Terminal 2: Lufthansa Cargo
Terminal 3: Lufthansa Cargo
Terminal 4: Emirate Express
Terminal 5: Emirate Express
Terminal 6:
Terminal 7:

Hanger 1: Lufthansa Technik
Hanger 2: Lufthansa Technik
Hanger 3: Lufthansa Technik
Hanger 4: Serb Air (Great Romeo)
Hanger 5:
Hanger 6:

Midway Islands:

Ten Plane Stands ($15,000 each)

Plane Stand 1: Lufthansa
Plane Stand 2: Lufthansa
Plane Stand 3: Lufthansa
Plane Stand 4: Serb Air (Great Romeo)
Plane Stand 5: Southwest (The Great Sixth Reich)
Plane Stand 6: Nutropinia Trans Continental Airlines (Nutropinia)
Plane Stand 7: Star Alliance
Plane Stand 8:
Plane Stand 9:

Please state the Airline, the Country of Orgin, Your Purchase, and Flights when ordering.

*Indictates Domestic Flights Only
**Indicates International/Domestic Flights
***Indicates International Flights Only

Hubs to: Lufthansa, Weyrik International Airlines, Independece Air, FrigidAir, and SerbAir.

All airlines must agree to having their customs video taped anywhere in the terminal due to secruity concerns. Also, unlike most airports, we scan passangers at the borders of the airport, meaning all cars are stopped and searched. S-Bahn and train passangers are searched before they enter any station or boarding point, and are therefore not searched at the airport. All arriving passengers are also required to go through secruity.
13-08-2004, 02:25
A few Morthania airlines want to buy space at your airport

Morathanian Airways International
2 Concourses and 2 Terminals

Federation Airways
Concouse and 2 Terminals

Jefferson Airways International
Concourse and 1 Terminal

Air Vandalia-Manium
2 Terminals
Alejandro Rey
13-08-2004, 02:30
Two airlines King Airlines, and Alex Airlines would each like to buy one terminal and one concourse.
The Great Sixth Reich
13-08-2004, 02:35
13-08-2004, 02:38
Airline: Weyrik Int'l Airlines, Inc.
Country of Origin: Weyr
What will you be purchasing?: (2) Concourses, (2) logistics & engineering hangers [shared with Weyrik Int'l Transport Division]
What flights will you be operating?: International/Domestic flights

Airline: Weyrik Int'l Airlines, Transport Division
Country of Origin: Weyr
What will you be purchasing?: (2) Cargo Terminals, (2) logistics & engineering hangers [shared with Weyrik Int'l]
What flights will you be operating?: International/Domestic flights

Net sum: US$16,000,000
13-08-2004, 02:41
Morathania Airways International would like to buy an additional concourse and terminal for international flights. Thank you.
The Great Sixth Reich
13-08-2004, 02:48
13-08-2004, 02:53
Copa Airlines
2 Concourses / 1 Hanger

Copa Cargo
1 Cargo Terminal

TACA Airlines
2 Terminals / 1 Hanger

TACA Cargo
1 Cargo Terminal

--Money Wired--
The Great Sixth Reich
13-08-2004, 02:59
13-08-2004, 03:05
Airline: Kheseen International Airport
Country of Origin: Inkana
What will you be purchasing?: (1) Concourse, (1)Hangar
What flights will you be operating?: International/Domestic flights
New Zambuda
13-08-2004, 03:09
Emirate of New Zambuda
Emirate Airlines, Emirate Executive/Emirate Express
2 concourses 2 cargo terminals

Money wired

With regards,
Sheik Zoboo
CEO Emirate Airlines/Minister of Transportation
The Great Sixth Reich
13-08-2004, 03:12
Airline: Kheseen International Airport
That cannot be right. Do you mean Airlines?
The Great Sixth Reich
13-08-2004, 03:22
All orders confirmed.

New orders will be checked again tomarrow.
13-08-2004, 03:40
Airline: Uchidian International Airways
Country of Origin: Uchido
Purchase: Two Terminals
Flights: International/Domestic Flights

Airline: Uchido Specialty Airlines
Country of Origin: Uchido
Purchase: One Government/Military Secure Area Terminal
Flights: International/Domestic Flights

Money wired.
13-08-2004, 03:49
I have recieved information that Salbanian Airways wishes to buy 1 concourse at your facility. The money shall be be wired A.S.A.P.
Drizzts Army
13-08-2004, 04:36
Again, we wish to buy 1 Concourse to your airport for Drow International Airlines. Money shall be wired upon confirmation.
Trans World Airlines
13-08-2004, 06:51
Airline: Trans World Airlines
Country of Origin: Northrop-Grumman
Purchase: Six Concourses
Flights: International/Domestic Flights

Money will be wired upon confirmation

Trans World Airlines
"Today's TWA. Find out how good we really are."
A Division of the Northrop-Grumman Corporation
13-08-2004, 07:13
Airline: Hamptonshire World Air
Country of Origin: Hamptonshire
Purchase: Three Concourses
Flights: International/Domestic Flights

Airline: Omni Air Ways
Country of Origin: Hamptonshire
Purchase: One Concourse
Flights: Domestic Flights

Airline: Hamptonshire World Air
Country of Origin: Hamptonshire
Purchase: Three Terminals
Flights: International/Domestic Flights

Airline: Crown Freight International
Country of Origin: Hamptonshire
Purchase: One Government/Military Secure Area Terminal
Flights: International/Domestic Flights

Money automatically wired upon confirmation.
13-08-2004, 08:15
Airline: Air Celtayoshi
Country of Origin: Celtayoshi
Purchase: One concourse
Flights: International/Domestic Flights
The Water Cooler
13-08-2004, 09:59

Imperial Air (A Holy Empire of the Water Cooler Company) would like to place an order for the following:

Three x Concourses Capable of International Flight Only
(3 x 5,000,000 = 15,000,000)
Three x Terminals Capable of International Flight Only
(3 x 2,500,000 = 7,500,000)

We would also be interesting in ordering Enginneer/Logistics Hangers and Cargo Terminals as well, should they become available.

Furthermore, the HEWC Government would like to buy a Government/Military Secure Area Terminals for $1,000,000.

From Imperial Air: $22,500,000
From the HEWC Government: $1,000,000

Accounts will be payed upon receiving confirmation of the order.
13-08-2004, 16:06
For purchase:
3 Terminals, 1 Cargo Terminal

(Three Terminals)
Airlines: Ryuvius Internbational Airways
Country of Origin: Akita-Ryuvius
Purchase: Three Terminals
Flights: International/Domestic

(Cargo Terminal)
Airlines: AR Military Special Frights
Country of Origin; Akita-Ryuvius
Purchases: Special Cargo Terminal
Flights: Confidential, Cargo(All Domestic)
13-08-2004, 16:50
Bedou will purchase one Terminal for INternational traffic for Seglawi Airlines
One hanger
and one Cargo Terminal International.
Space Union
13-08-2004, 17:13
Greetings from Space Union,

Airline: Space Airways
Country of Origin: Space Union
Purchase: 2 Concorses
Flights: From Here to The Moonbase Region , and From here to Dhabi. We will extend this further once we get more space.

Total: $1,000,000,000 USD

Money will be sent upon confirmation
The Great Sixth Reich
13-08-2004, 17:55
All orders confirmed.
Jew Power Land
13-08-2004, 20:07
JewAir would like to purchase one Government/Military Secure Area Terminal. Thank You.
The Great Sixth Reich
14-08-2004, 00:37
Your order is confirmed.

Remember that flights from this airport can also fly to cities in Germany/The Great Sixth Reich.
The Great Sixth Reich
14-08-2004, 01:33
This is now the offical topic for purchasing space at The Great Sixth Reich's Airports.

Tennesee Fans
14-08-2004, 02:39
Power T air
Origin DOTF
2 Concourses
1 Hanger
Flights To Karnes,Farragut,Bearden,Halls,Fountain City,and Maryville-Alcoa

Knoxville-Farragut Freight
3 Concourses
1 Hanger
The Great Sixth Reich
14-08-2004, 04:23
14-08-2004, 15:12
The Marimaian state airline would like to purchase the following:

Airline: MarimAir
Country of Origin: Marimaia
Purchases: (Heinkel City) 2 Concourses, 2 Terminals, 1 Cargo Terminal, 1 Government/Military Secure Area Terminal, 1 Engineer/Logistics Hangar
Flights: International

The Ministry of Economic Affairs estimates the cost to be $19,500,000. The funds will be transferred to your relevant department upon confirmation of of our order.
Tennesee Fans
14-08-2004, 15:22
I would Like 5 Concourses At Paradise City
& 2 Hangers
The Great Sixth Reich
14-08-2004, 21:03
Confirmed Marimaia and Tennesee Fans.

Tennesee Fans, you do realize that you just purchased 900 gates at Paradise City International? I just hope that you provide service to lots of cities.
15-08-2004, 02:06
(OOC: i dont think he could considering that he just started his nation and probobly doesnt have over 50 Million people, i doubt his governemtn would be able to afford such a thing)
27-08-2004, 03:11
Airline: Webombu Airways
Country of Origin: Webombu
Purchase: 1 Terminal
Flights: International
Wolf America
27-08-2004, 03:35
Air Wolf will buy terminal a-k at Paradise City International Airport.(international)

***Money Wired***
27-08-2004, 03:43
Airlines: Air Wirraway, Wirralines, Air Wirraway CARGO
Country of Origin: Wirraway
To be Purchased:
-2 Concourses at Heinkel City airport, one for Air Wirraway to be named Sydney Concourse(international) and one for Wirralines, to be named Darwin Concourse(domestic)
-1 Cargo terminal at Heinkel City Airport for Air Wirraway CARGO(international)
-1 engineer terminal for Wirraway
-1 concourse in Berlin one for Wirralines(domestic) one for Air Wirraway(international)
-1 Cargo Terminal in Berlin for Air Wirraway CARGO
-1 Terminal at Frankfort for Wirralines and Air Wirraway (international and domestic)
-2 Terminals in Munich one for Wirralines(domestic) and Air Wirraway(international)
-1 Concourse in paradise city for Wirralines and Air Wirraway (intl and domestic)

------Money to be Wired on Confirmation------
The Great Sixth Reich
28-08-2004, 04:40
All orders confirmed...
Wolf America
28-08-2004, 05:11
All orders confirmed...

It is A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K terminals.
28-08-2004, 16:21
The Iron Concordiat of Wirraway

Due to a recent travel increase the Concordiat has found it neccesary to purchase an additional concourse Heinkel intl for Air Wirraway. Also we need 4 terminals split between Air Wirraway and Wirralines and an additional 2 Cargo terminals for Air Wirraway CARGO.

4 Concourses in Munich 2 for Air Wirraway and 2 for Wirralines (domestic and intl are the same as they are now in other terminals).

2 Terminals at Frankfort 1 for WirraLines one for Air Wirraway
2 cargo terminals at Frankfort for Air Wirraway CARGO

4 terminals at Berlin, split between Air Wirrway and Wirralines
2 cargo terminals at Berlin for Air Wirraway CARGO

2 Terminals at paradise city 1 for Air Wirraway one for Wirralines.

The Great Sixth Reich
29-08-2004, 23:59
Orders Confirmed.
The Great Sixth Reich
15-09-2004, 23:04
Imperial German nows controls Poland, the Maldives, and East Timor. Major Update!!!
The Great Sixth Reich
15-09-2004, 23:27
Airport Codes added.
15-09-2004, 23:31
Airline:Jackdonia Airways
What to Buy:
Military Terminal 8:Jackdonia Special Ops

Terminal BA:Jackdonia Airways.

Routes: International/Domestic and Emergancy Flights

3,500,000 USD

*money wired*

*check confirmed*
15-09-2004, 23:33
Sevarisian Overseas Airline Corporation (SOAC) wishes to buy two (2) passenger terminals at each of the following cities:

Hienkel City

Dereco Aircargo wishes to buy a cargo terminal at each of the following cities:
Hienkel City

We will operate both international and domestic flights.

Please let us know how much this amounts to- we will wire the money upon confirmation
The Great Sixth Reich
15-09-2004, 23:38
Jackdonia, Sevaris, and Generic empire: Confirmed.
Generic empire
15-09-2004, 23:38
G'N'R (Generian New Regional) Airlines wishes to purchase one terminal in Paradise City.
The Great Sixth Reich
15-09-2004, 23:51
LOL, I confirmed your order before you made it!
16-09-2004, 00:25
The Scoylian Airlines would like to purchase:

1 x Enginneer/Logistics Hangers - 1 mill
1 x Government/Military Secure Area Terminals - 1 mill (Scoylian Royal Air Corp)
1 x Cargo Terminals - 2.5 mill
1 x Concourse in every city (I believe their are eight) 5 million
44.5 million

-----Money Wired Upon Confirmation-----

Now I know that the concourse's vary but I have a lot of money to spend so I figured wth.
Generic empire
16-09-2004, 00:32
*Money Wired*

((OOC: Thanks for the amusing G'N'R reference. Paradise City kicks ass.))
The Great Sixth Reich
16-09-2004, 00:36
The Scoylian Airlines would like to purchase:

1 x Enginneer/Logistics Hangers - 1 mill
1 x Government/Military Secure Area Terminals - 1 mill (Scoylian Royal Air Corp)
1 x Cargo Terminals - 2.5 mill
1 x Concourse in every city (I believe their are eight) 5 million
44.5 million

-----Money Wired Upon Confirmation-----

Now I know that the concourse's vary but I have a lot of money to spend so I figured wth.

There are no terminal or concourse buildings on the Midway Islands. You can get a couple of plane stands if you want there. Otherwise, confirmed.
16-09-2004, 01:07
im a friend of mike's so will you please give me some free space at your airport i am from the peoples republic of rominique, should you choose not to give it for free though, i would be willing to buy into it at full price as ROMINIQUE AIR and please buy me some good planes thank you and go bush(fuck kerry)
The Great Sixth Reich
16-09-2004, 02:02
WAIT!!! It says that you hate Bush! ORDER REJECTED! :mp5:
Tennesee Fans
16-09-2004, 02:09
Power T air would like to Buy 3 Terminals In Warsaw&Dilli
New Zambuda
16-09-2004, 02:16
I would like to purchase 6 terminals at every airport.

Emirate Airlines- 2 terminals at every airport
Emirate Executive-2 terminals at every airport
BuisAir-2 terminals at every airport
Emirate Express-2 cargo terminals at every airport.

Money wired
The Great Sixth Reich
16-09-2004, 02:54
Tennesee Fans: Confirmed with the added gift of two terminals at Male International Airport.

New Zambuda: Sure, but do you want plane stands on Midway?
New Zambuda
16-09-2004, 03:02
Sure I wil take plane stands.
The Great Sixth Reich
16-09-2004, 03:28
How many?
The Great Sixth Reich
16-09-2004, 03:42
There's still space everywhere!

Post your orders overnight!
The Great Sixth Reich
16-09-2004, 17:16

Can anyone tell me who this Rominique is?
16-09-2004, 17:24
Sarzonian airline companies have asked to buy space at your airport:

Sarzonian Airways
2 Concourse and 4 Terminals

Incorporated Airlines
2 Concourses and 1 Terminal

Townshend Air
2 Terminals
The Great Sixth Reich
16-09-2004, 19:19
The Great Sixth Reich
16-09-2004, 20:44
The Great Sixth Reich
03-10-2004, 18:17
Bump and Update!
The Great Sixth Reich
15-10-2004, 01:18
Trans World Airlines
15-10-2004, 02:49
Airline: Trans World Airlines
Country of Origin: Northrop-Grumman
Hienkel City International Airport (HCY)
Three Enginneer/Logistics Hangers

Munich International Airport (MUC)
Eight Concourses

Frankfrurt International Airport (FRA)
Five Concourses

Berlin Tegal International Airport (TXL):
Three Concourses

Paradise City International Airport (PIC)
Two Concourses

Warsaw International Airport (WAW)
Eight Concourses

Malé International Airport (MLE)
Eight Concourses

Dili International Airport (DIL)
Eight Concourses

Flights: International/Domestic Flights

Money will be wired upon confirmation.


Trans World Airlines
"Today's TWA. Find Out How Good We Really Are."
A Division of the Northrop-Grumman Corporation
The Great Sixth Reich
15-10-2004, 02:57
The Great Sixth Reich
15-10-2004, 21:52
New annoucement: All airlines must agree to have cameras placed in there concourses and terminals.
The Great Sixth Reich
15-10-2004, 22:13
Another update.
The Great Sixth Reich
15-10-2004, 22:30
Bump! Buy space! Come on!
The Great Sixth Reich
15-10-2004, 22:53
The Great Sixth Reich
16-10-2004, 00:54
The Great Sixth Reich
16-10-2004, 03:27
The Great Sixth Reich
17-10-2004, 17:23
Great Romeo
18-10-2004, 20:39
Serb Air will start DC-10 flights today to all airports.
The Great Sixth Reich
21-10-2004, 02:00
Tennesee Fans
21-10-2004, 02:06
Air Jordan Wants To buy 2 Terminals at the same places Power T air did
The Great Sixth Reich
21-10-2004, 03:39
Aztec Lands
21-10-2004, 03:43
A question:

Are military aircraft allowed to stop at the airports to land, refuel, and leave without owning part of it?
The Great Sixth Reich
21-10-2004, 03:47
A question:

Are military aircraft allowed to stop at the airports to land, refuel, and leave without owning part of it?

The short answer is no. But I could go on and on about exceptions. Just own a military terminal their if you want to land. It's pretty cheap.
21-10-2004, 04:16
Entire Terminal M in Warsaw International Airport for your given price of US DOLLARS. "Airolina Internacionali detuma Coolet" Shall service the terminal...If all goes well? The national corporation was thinking of servicing 1 747, 3 727's and 4 737's for the terminal. I can deny them accordingly or tell them they can fit more planes in there. Thanks..

-~!!Commerce And Trade Department of Coolet!!~-
The Great Sixth Reich
21-10-2004, 20:30
I would highly suggest they service the terminal with more than that number of planes, but you can always add more. Confirmed.
The Great Sixth Reich
22-10-2004, 20:56
22-10-2004, 20:59
Please state the Airline, the Country of Orgin, Your Purchase, and Flights when ordering.

*Indictates Domestic Flights Only
**Indicates International/Domestic Flights
***Indicates International Flights Only

Hubs to: Lufthansa and Weyrik International Airlines

I would like to purchase Concourse 57 at Hienkel City International Airport (HCY) for the Layartebian Civilian Air Service. It will be from the Empire of Layarteb and will be $5M. Flights will be international, mostly to the Empire of Layarteb but some flights elsewhere and schedules are subject to variances. Perhaps this will open tourism between our countries.

Mostly you'll see Boeing style jets and possible Concordes (if they are allowed). Learjets are a factor yes.

Just realized that you are part of the RWC. Most sorry I did not recognize that earlier. Certainly it will promote tourism / trade.
The Great Sixth Reich
22-10-2004, 21:08
Learjets? In that case you'll have to wait one NS year (edit: day) before you can begin service (We need the time to move the normal gates out and some of the new, expandable gates in. Learjets are too low to use the normal gates.) Super-Sonic flights are allowed out of and into HCY. (Good choice, all other airports in my country do not allow them.) Your order is confirmed.
22-10-2004, 21:11
Excellent I will withhold Learjet service for one NS year than. It is what my diplomats and such fly on so for the time being they will fly on some of the more elaborate Boeing 747s, 767s, and 777s that we possess.

Actually, might I add one Enginneer/Logistics Hangers for $1M for repair and such of my aircraft?

BTW as an aside, the number 57 is our national number and in fact personally, it is my number, so to speak.
New Imperial Rome
22-10-2004, 21:17
The ImperiAir of New Imperial Rome would like to reserve a concourse from Hienkel City airport. We would fly there from Imperia City with B-747's

Davidus Angelus
CEO of ImperiAir

Paulus Ledomacus.
Minister of Foreign Trade
The Great Sixth Reich
22-10-2004, 21:19
Because the gates are motorized and seperate from the building itself, it should only take one NS day to move them out and the new ones in. Your hanger order is confirmed.
The Great Sixth Reich
22-10-2004, 21:20
The ImperiAir of New Imperial Rome would like to reserve a concourse from Hienkel City airport. We would fly there from Imperia City with B-747's

Davidus Angelus
CEO of ImperiAir

Paulus Ledomacus.
Minister of Foreign Trade

22-10-2004, 21:22
Because the gates are motorized and seperate from the building itself, it should only take one NS day to move them out and the new ones in. Your hanger order is confirmed.

HOOO-RAHHH works for me. Initial polls and surveys done on whether or not citizens would enjoy tourism to The Great Sixth Reich came back very optimistic.

PS. Don't you love how 10 RL minutes is like 2 NS weeks :)

Poll Results
Would you favor tourism to The Great Sixth Reich?
Yes - 75%
No - 22 %
Unsure - 3%

Would you go to The Great Sixth Reich if tourism opened more accessibly?
Yes - 94%
No - 2%
Unsure - 4%
The Great Sixth Reich
22-10-2004, 21:31
OOC: Yea, I love it. It's a pain if you owned an airport in real-life, it take ten whole years to build a large runway!

IC: We're very pleased to see positive tourism results toward's our country. They're most likely very happy about Hienkel City's (It's located about 100 miles south of Berlin on the Rhine River) main attractive, the Rhine River. It's now very clean due to strict water and air pollution standards, and rafting and tubing is allowed. Don't worry, there are no huge ships! :)
22-10-2004, 21:43
I may as well tell where Layarteb is then. If you look at the Northeastern US, we are Pennslyvania, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusettes, Maine, and in Canada, we control Labrador. I have made claims at Venezuela but nothing seems to be happening with Earth II anymore so whatever. But that's where we are (in the world).
The Great Sixth Reich
22-10-2004, 21:48
On Earth V, I have Germany, Poland, the Maldives, East Timor, and the Midway Islands.
23-10-2004, 02:09

I think I have a sizeable chunk of land here. It is most fortunate I am here, a good jump off stop to central / eastern Europe.
The Great Sixth Reich
23-10-2004, 03:00
I think I have a sizeable chunk of land here. It is most fortunate I am here, a good jump off stop to central / eastern Europe.

Southwest Airlines (our American counter-part of Lufthansa) has their East Coast hub in Albany, NY in Earth V...
23-10-2004, 03:27
AeroPacitalia would like to purchase the rights to Concourses 59 and 60 at Hienkel City International Airport.
The Great Sixth Reich
23-10-2004, 03:43
As long as you are aware that means you have 360 gates, confirmed.
23-10-2004, 04:20
Pelaus would like to buy millitary hanger #11. Please advise on how to wire the money. Money Wired
The Great Sixth Reich
23-10-2004, 04:22
Just say "Money Wired." That's it. Order confirmed.
23-10-2004, 04:27
Is there a monetary system in this game that we have to abide by? Or is it technicaly free but the money is pretend?
23-10-2004, 04:29
Also are there any other terminals availible at any airport. Pegasus Airlines would like to buy 2 terminals. Money Wired.
The Great Sixth Reich
23-10-2004, 04:44
Your budget is calucated by NSeconomy.Your's is here:
23-10-2004, 04:47
Money wired.

Yes, I understand, AeroPacitalia is an enormous airline.
As well, AP would like to purchase the rights to Cargo Terminal 25.

OOC: I'm impressed by the sheer SIZE of this airport. Well done.
The Great Sixth Reich
23-10-2004, 04:53
OOC: It's so big I had to have three seperate connecting taxiways around the gate areas so planes could pass without waiting for planes at gates to back up, and I even had to add underground taxiways to some of the runways! Air Traffic Control was the big problem, as only one person can talk at a time. So we had to set up a dedicated frequency for each runway, six dedicated ATIS weather information channels, sixty (yes, that's right) dedicated appoarch frequency's, and sixty departure frequency's, in addition to seperate ground frequency's for every terminal and concourse, and we also have seventy "Clearence Delievery" frequency's just to give IFR clearence!

IC: Pacitalia's order is confirmed.
New Imperial Rome
23-10-2004, 08:20

Money wired
23-10-2004, 15:21
OOC: I'm not sure if this is the right place to do it but....

IC: Good Evening, This is Yuri Gorgopov from the Pentovan Stock Brokerage. I am here to tell you that the nation of Psov bought one (1) share of your company (LUSW). This gave you a profit of $77 and me $10. Thanks for selling.
The Great Sixth Reich
23-10-2004, 18:20
Yes, you can post news here.
23-10-2004, 18:21
I am just wondering if you accepted the Pegasus Airlines Order for 2 terminals in any airport. Money Wired.
The Great Sixth Reich
23-10-2004, 18:29
At one airport? OK, two terminals at Hienkel City International Airport I'll give you.
23-10-2004, 20:06
As for Pacitalia, we have just grand-re-opened our two largest airports, TSR and NCT. See the topic I created for more info. (currently looking for the link)
The Great Sixth Reich
24-10-2004, 00:35
Bump! Come on, people shoud want to have space at one of the largest airports in the NS World!
24-10-2004, 00:44
I'm not getting many bites on the ol' apple either.
24-10-2004, 01:20
PAI would like to purchase Terminal AAF in HCY airport. This is $2,500,000 marks. Money wired on confirmation.
24-10-2004, 01:24
Southwest Airlines (our American counter-part of Lufthansa) has their East Coast hub in Albany, NY in Earth V...

LOL parellel universes.
The Great Sixth Reich
24-10-2004, 01:29
PAI would like to purchase Terminal AAF in HCY airport. This is $2,500,000 marks. Money wired on confirmation.

No it's not. Prices are in USD. Marks would be a much lower number. $2,500,000 USD. Otherwise, confirmed.
24-10-2004, 02:05
Airline: Jurrik Inernational/Domestic Airways
Country of Origin: Jurrik
Purchase: (1) Concourse, (1) military secure-zone.
Flights: International/Domestic Flights

Airline: JurrikShip
Country of Orgin: Jurrik
Purchase: (1) Terminal, (3) hangars
Flights: International/Domestic.

---Money Wired.---
The Great Sixth Reich
24-10-2004, 02:08
The Great Sixth Reich
24-10-2004, 02:11
Update! Underground refueling is now at every gate! No charge!
24-10-2004, 02:45
Minor correction:

Concourse 57***: Layartebian Civilian Air Service (Layartebia)
Concourse 57***: Layartebian Civilian Air Service (Layarteb)

Additionally, our main civlian air service may be changing its name pending new ownership comes November but don't quote me on that.
The Great Sixth Reich
24-10-2004, 02:51
The Great Sixth Reich
24-10-2004, 23:59
Bump! 6 months ETA on the two new concourses.
The Great Sixth Reich
26-10-2004, 00:44
Bump! Three month ETA on the new concourses!
26-10-2004, 04:30

The Great Sixth Reich
26-10-2004, 21:26
No problem.

One month ETA on the new concourses!
28-10-2004, 06:41
To:The Great Sixth Reich
From:The Empire of Buben
RE:Opening of Flights to your nation

At this time we wish to formally request space for,Buben International Airlines. With the recent openings of embassy's in both nations, we feel it would only be logical to start steps on opening greater relations with each other. The prospect of travel to the the Sixth Reich could only benefit both nations with econmic ties, and further benefits down the road. We will however leave the decision of space required to your better judgment.

We await your decision on the matter!
Ministry of Foriegn Affairs,
Minister,Brutus Canfally
The Great Sixth Reich
05-11-2004, 03:24
We will allow you to purchase either one concourse for 60% off, or one terminal for 50% off.
05-11-2004, 04:07
We will gladly pay 50% off of the concourse and full purchase price for one terminal!
Upper Xen
05-11-2004, 21:46
Xenizen National Airways would like to purchase Concourse 63, Terminal AAG, and Cargo Terminal 28 at Heinkel City International.

Total should come to USD$10,000,000. Money will be wired upon confirmation.
The Great Sixth Reich
07-11-2004, 20:04
Both orders are confirmed.
The Great Sixth Reich
07-11-2004, 20:05
Since this is my pride of all my topics I ever made, this deserves my 1,000th post.
Upper Xen
07-11-2004, 21:45
Both orders are confirmed.

Thank you. Here is the USD$10,000,000.
08-11-2004, 09:17
We have made arrangements for the transfer of funds into the proper account. We thank-you!
The Great Sixth Reich
09-11-2004, 03:33
09-11-2004, 03:39
ViZionair wishes to purchase concourses 65 and 66 at HCY, along with hanger 29.

We will wire upon confirmation.

Imperial Airways wishes to purchase 23 and terminal 8 at MUC.

They, too, will wire upon confirmation.

Both agree to the security measures.
The Great Sixth Reich
09-11-2004, 03:52
Imperial Airways wishes to purchase 23 and terminal 8 at MUC.

Concourse 23?

Assuming that is what you meant, order confirmed.
Upper Xen
09-11-2004, 03:53
Sakurair (Upper Xen) would like to purchase Terminals M and O at Berlin Tegal International and Terminals M and N at Malé International Airports, along with Cargo Terminal 6 and Cargo Hangars 4 and 5 at Malé International Airport.

Total cost should be US$14,000,000.

Money will be wired upon confirmation.
The Great Sixth Reich
09-11-2004, 03:56
Sakurair (Upper Xen) would like to purchase Terminals M and O at Berlin Tegal International and Terminals M and N at Malé International Airports, along with Cargo Terminal 6 and Cargo Hangars 4 and 5 at Malé International Airport.

Total cost should be US$14,000,000.

Money will be wired upon confirmation.
Upper Xen
09-11-2004, 03:57
Here is the money, TGSR. It is being

Total: US$14,000,000

The Great Sixth Reich
12-11-2004, 03:11
Thank You and welcome to the largest airport in NS!
The Great Sixth Reich
14-11-2004, 01:11
The Great Sixth Reich
14-11-2004, 20:28
The Great Sixth Reich
15-11-2004, 21:57
Upper Xen
15-11-2004, 22:26
Xenizen National Airways would like to purchase Logistics Hangar 30 at Heinkel City International for US$1,000,000.

Money will be wired upon confirmation.
The Great Sixth Reich
15-11-2004, 22:56
Xenizen National Airways would like to purchase Logistics Hangar 30 at Heinkel City International for US$1,000,000.

Money will be wired upon confirmation.

The Great Sixth Reich
20-11-2004, 04:18
20-11-2004, 04:20
Virgin Pacific, Pacitalia's second largest airline, will purchase Concourse 67 at Hienkel City International Airport.

Money already wired, we trust our ally.
The Great Sixth Reich
20-11-2004, 04:22
Virgin Pacific, Pacitalia's second largest airline, will purchase Concourse 67 at Hienkel City International Airport.

Money already wired, we trust our ally.

Evil Woody Thoughts
20-11-2004, 04:53
Evil Woody Airlines wishes to purchase the following space in Great Sixth Reich's airport system:

Terminal AAJ
Cargo Terminal 30
Maintenance Hanger 32

Terminal M
Cargo Terminal 9

Terminal N
Cargo Terminal 10

Terminal Q

Total: $16,000,000 USD

Evil Woody Airlines' country of origin is Evil Woody Thoughts, though it is also considered the national airline of Woody Industries. We request permission to operate international and domestic flights.

We agree unconditionally to your security terms. Money will be wired upon acceptance of this, er, request.

CEO Chris Woodard III
Evil Woody Airlines
The Great Sixth Reich
21-11-2004, 22:58
Confirmed and thank you for purchasing space here.
21-11-2004, 23:23
Concourse 70:

Mabulian Airlines
The Great Sixth Reich
21-11-2004, 23:24
Concourse 70:

Mabulian Airlines

21-11-2004, 23:25


Terminal AAL: Mabulian Airlines
Evil Woody Thoughts
21-11-2004, 23:27
Confirmed and thank you for purchasing space here.

Excellent. I have directed our CFO to wire the payment of $16,000,000 USD to your treasury.

CEO Chris Woodard III
Evil Woody Airlines
The Great Sixth Reich
21-11-2004, 23:53

Terminal AAL: Mabulian Airlines

The Phoenix Milita
22-11-2004, 03:37
I'd like Concourse 69: for PISS AIR (Phoenix International Supersonic Airways)
and Cargo Termina 30 and Hangar 32 all for PISS AIR (in hienkel city)
The Great Sixth Reich
25-11-2004, 03:16
The Great Sixth Reich
28-11-2004, 01:50
The Great Sixth Reich
28-11-2004, 16:04
The Great Sixth Reich
28-11-2004, 23:31
28-11-2004, 23:35
Nutropinian Trans-Continental Airlines would like to purchase all the Remaining Concourses in all airports and the one Plane stand left at Midway. If this is possible we will calculate the cost.
The Great Sixth Reich
28-11-2004, 23:36
Nutropinian Trans-Continental Airlines would like to purchase all the Remaining Concourses in all airports and the one Plane stand left at Midway. If this is possible we will calculate the cost.

Numbers please, as we build concourses and terminals on demand.
The Great Sixth Reich
01-12-2004, 02:51
01-12-2004, 05:15
Ok, One sec.
01-12-2004, 05:27
Heinkel City-Councourse 70-5 Million USD; Gov/Mil Terminal 5-1,000,000

Munich International-Concourses 14-15-8 Million USD

FRA-Concourses 14-15-8 Million USD

Berlin-Tegal-Concourses 14-15-8 Million USD

Paradise City-Concourses 18-20-12 Million USD

WAW-Concourses 16-17-8 Million USD

Male International-Concourses 16-17-8 Million USD

Dili International-Concourses 8-15-32 Million USD

Midway Islands-Plane Stand 6-? USD

Total 122 Million USD

All for Nutropinia Trans Continental Airlines
The Great Sixth Reich
02-12-2004, 01:24
Thank you.

I suggest you buy a little more at Hienkel City, it's our main city.

Note: You really did not have to add up the totals. I just care that the concourse is bought and part of the construction costs are paid for.
02-12-2004, 01:36
I only saw one concourse free at Heinkel otherwise I definetly would have bought more.
The Great Sixth Reich
02-12-2004, 02:01
I only saw one concourse free at Heinkel otherwise I definetly would have bought more.

But 130 are available, and you bought number 70...
The Great Sixth Reich
04-12-2004, 20:27
05-12-2004, 00:01
The ASA would like to purchase 2 concourses in HCY: Concourse 71 for Air Ax, and Concourse 72 for Allied Airlines. We also encourage Lufthansa to purchase space in New Scion International Airport.
Money wired on confirmation
The Great Sixth Reich
05-12-2004, 03:29
The Great Sixth Reich
13-12-2004, 01:43
17-12-2004, 22:53
Request terminal space for PaleMale airline consortium of our two main airlines: PaleMale Airlines and WhitePointerTransOceanicCharter Airlines at US $2,500,000. Is there still space available at your capital airport? If possible we would also like to open up some gates at Munich. We have alot of surfers who would utilize Munich as base for ski/snowboarding holidays while alternatively offering citizens of the Reich good valued holidays at our several adult oriented resort casino hotels.Also we have off-shore banking and a significant Germanic and Scandanavian diasporas. Direct air service from Augusta Admirals International (capital city) and Fairbanks Bismark International Skyport airports. We would also like to extend a cordial invitation to Lufthansa for reciprocal offer to open flights into Fairbanks and Augusta airports as we seek to better market our west pacific island holiday destination.
19-12-2004, 22:57
A Holy Empire of Albinoism airline company by the name of Albino Airlines would like to buy a concourse and a terminal.
The Great Sixth Reich
19-12-2004, 23:11
Request terminal space for PaleMale airline consortium of our two main airlines: PaleMale Airlines and WhitePointerTransOceanicCharter Airlines at US $2,500,000. Is there still space available at your capital airport? If possible we would also like to open up some gates at Munich. We have alot of surfers who would utilize Munich as base for ski/snowboarding holidays while alternatively offering citizens of the Reich good valued holidays at our several adult oriented resort casino hotels.Also we have off-shore banking and a significant Germanic and Scandanavian diasporas. Direct air service from Augusta Admirals International (capital city) and Fairbanks Bismark International Skyport airports. We would also like to extend a cordial invitation to Lufthansa for reciprocal offer to open flights into Fairbanks and Augusta airports as we seek to better market our west pacific island holiday destination.

Yes, there is still space at Munich.

If you offer free flights into Fairbanks and Augusta to Lufthansa, you'll also have to do the same to Independence Air, a smaller airline we own, or they will get angry.
The Great Sixth Reich
19-12-2004, 23:13
A Holy Empire of Albinoism airline company by the name of Albino Airlines would like to buy a concourse and a terminal.

The Great Sixth Reich
01-01-2005, 04:38
The Great Sixth Reich
04-01-2005, 05:57
The Great Sixth Reich
09-01-2005, 19:44
The Great Sixth Reich
11-01-2005, 02:41
The Great Sixth Reich
22-01-2005, 03:01
The Great Sixth Reich
01-05-2005, 01:28
Bump! (This thread is NOT dead)
The Great Sixth Reich
04-05-2005, 00:38
08-05-2005, 03:20
Airline: Tannenmillian Commercial Airlines
Country of Origin: Tannenmille
Purchase: Two Terminals
Flights: International/Domestic Flights

Airline: Tannenmillian State Air
Country of Origin: Tannenmille
Purchase: Two Government/Military Secure Area Terminals
Flights: International/Domestic Flights

Airline: Tannenmille Isles Air
Country of Origin: Protectorates of Tannenmille (paid for by Tannenmille)
Purchase: One Terminal and one Government/Military Secure Area Terminal
Flights: International Only

Money has been wired.
The Great Sixth Reich
08-05-2005, 03:26
Airline: Tannenmillian Commercial Airlines
Country of Origin: Tannenmille
Purchase: Two Terminals
Flights: International/Domestic Flights

Airline: Tannenmillian State Air
Country of Origin: Tannenmille
Purchase: Two Government/Military Secure Area Terminals
Flights: International/Domestic Flights

Airline: Tannenmille Isles Air
Country of Origin: Protectorates of Tannenmille (paid for by Tannenmille)
Purchase: One Terminal and one Government/Military Secure Area Terminal
Flights: International Only

Money has been wired.

The Great Sixth Reich
29-07-2005, 22:36
Fujishima Corporation
29-07-2005, 22:41
The Fujishima Corporation's Kitafuji Airlines would like to buy Terminal Q at Berlin Tegal International for USD$2,000,000. Payment will be wired upon confirmation.

Also, the aircraft companies of the Star Alliance are welcome to land in Banda Aceh anytime.

Tenmangu Fujishima
Public Relations Officer
Fujishima Corporation
The Great Sixth Reich
30-07-2005, 00:29
The Fujishima Corporation's Kitafuji Airlines would like to buy Terminal Q at Berlin Tegal International for USD$2,000,000. Payment will be wired upon confirmation.

Also, the aircraft companies of the Star Alliance are welcome to land in Banda Aceh anytime.

Tenmangu Fujishima
Public Relations Officer
Fujishima Corporation

Your order is confirmed. Thank you for your purchase.

Ottokar Luft,
Diktator des Flugwesens,
The Republican Monocracy of The Great Sixth Reich.
Fujishima Corporation
30-07-2005, 01:16
Your order is confirmed. Thank you for your purchase.

Ottokar Luft,
Diktator des Flugwesens,
The Republican Monocracy of The Great Sixth Reich.

Well, we thank you. Do you wish to invest in our operations in Sumatra?

Tenmangu Fujishima
Public Relations Officer
Fujishima Corporation
The Great Sixth Reich
01-08-2005, 02:31
Well, we thank you. Do you wish to invest in our operations in Sumatra?

Tenmangu Fujishima
Public Relations Officer
Fujishima Corporation

Yes. What is available?

Ottokar Luft,
Diktator des Flugwesens,
The Republican Monocracy of The Great Sixth Reich.
Fujishima Corporation
01-08-2005, 15:21
Yes. What is available?

Ottokar Luft,
Diktator des Flugwesens,
The Republican Monocracy of The Great Sixth Reich.

We again offer access for Lufthansa and other Star Alliance airlines into our newly renovated Banda Aceh airport and we offer retail space in Palembang, where we are building a new resort complex.

We also have petroleum drilling and refineries, as well as rice growing, and beef production plus spices, (OOC: Next part courtesy of the RL CIA Factbook on Indonesia) woods, tin, natural gas, nickel, timber, bauxite, copper, fertile soils, coal, gold, silver, and as a multinational, we offer medical supplies and raw materials as well.

Tenmangu Fujishima
Public Relations Officer
Fujishima Corporation
The Great Sixth Reich
02-08-2005, 01:41
We again offer access for Lufthansa and other Star Alliance airlines into our newly renovated Banda Aceh airport and we offer retail space in Palembang, where we are building a new resort complex.

We also have petroleum drilling and refineries, as well as rice growing, and beef production plus spices, (OOC: Next part courtesy of the RL CIA Factbook on Indonesia) woods, tin, natural gas, nickel, timber, bauxite, copper, fertile soils, coal, gold, silver, and as a multinational, we offer medical supplies and raw materials as well.

Tenmangu Fujishima
Public Relations Officer
Fujishima Corporation

Lufthansa and Lufthansa Cargo are interested in offering service to Banda Aceh airport, from Hienkel City International Airport, Munich International Airport, and Frankfurt International Airport on Airbus A380 aircraft.

Ottokar Luft,
Diktator des Flugwesens,
The Republican Monocracy of The Great Sixth Reich.
Fujishima Corporation
02-08-2005, 02:00
Lufthansa and Lufthansa Cargo are interested in offering service to Banda Aceh airport, from Hienkel City International Airport, Munich International Airport, and Frankfurt International Airport on Airbus A380 aircraft.

Ottokar Luft,
Diktator des Flugwesens,
The Republican Monocracy of The Great Sixth Reich.

Sounds like a plan. We'd be happy to have them come over.

Has your government you considered our material offers?

Tenmangu Fujishima
Public Relations Officer
Fujishima Corporation
The Great Sixth Reich
09-08-2005, 05:20
Sounds like a plan. We'd be happy to have them come over.

Has your government you considered our material offers?

Tenmangu Fujishima
Public Relations Officer
Fujishima Corporation

Yes. We believe we could use Lufthansa Cargo aircraft for material trade.

Ottokar Luft,
Diktator des Flugwesens,
The Republican Monocracy of The Great Sixth Reich.

OOC: Sorry for the long delay.
Fujishima Corporation
09-08-2005, 17:49
Yes. We believe we could use Lufthansa Cargo aircraft for material trade.

Ottokar Luft,
Diktator des Flugwesens,
The Republican Monocracy of The Great Sixth Reich.

OOC: Sorry for the long delay.

Very well. Lufthansa Cargo is welcome to pick up goods made or extracted by the Fujishima Corporation in Banda Aceh, as well as any other airfields that exist in our area. We have the infrastructure, we can deliver, rest assuredly.

Tenmangu Fujishima
Public Relations Officer
Fujishima Corporation
10-08-2005, 05:17
To: International Airport
From: Air Force of The Holy Empire of Asgarnieu
Subject: Landing Rights
I.D.: 55-896-140-963-741-864

We would like landing rights at your International Airport, in case of emergencey on Military Filghts, and for our Nation Airline, AirAsgarnieu. We would like a concourse, 2 hangars, and some cargo vehicles, the rest, we can provide. Thank You very much.

Money will be wired upon successful confirmation, whatever the cost, we will pay it. Thank You.


General Justin A. Herbert, Air Force of The Holy Empire of Asgarnieu
The Great Sixth Reich
12-08-2005, 20:57
To: International Airport
From: Air Force of The Holy Empire of Asgarnieu
Subject: Landing Rights
I.D.: 55-896-140-963-741-864

We would like landing rights at your International Airport, in case of emergencey on Military Filghts, and for our Nation Airline, AirAsgarnieu. We would like a concourse, 2 hangars, and some cargo vehicles, the rest, we can provide. Thank You very much.

Money will be wired upon successful confirmation, whatever the cost, we will pay it. Thank You.


General Justin A. Herbert, Air Force of The Holy Empire of Asgarnieu

Which one? :)
12-08-2005, 21:45

Airline: Flightopia Air
Country of Origin: Flightopia
Purchase: Two Concourses, Two cargo termainals, and one four Enginneer/Logistics Hangers.

Airline: Flightopian Speical Services
Country of Origin: Flightopia
Purchase: One Government/Military Secure Area

Flights: International/Domestic Flights
Payment: $14,500,000
12-08-2005, 23:24
Which one? :)

Any one, or preferrably 2 that you can spare.
The Great Sixth Reich
22-08-2005, 23:08
Any one, or preferrably 2 that you can spare.
Midway Atoll Airport and Hienkel City International, you now have military landing rights at.
The Great Sixth Reich
22-08-2005, 23:12

Airline: Flightopia Air
Country of Origin: Flightopia
Purchase: Two Concourses, Two cargo termainals, and one four Enginneer/Logistics Hangers.

Airline: Flightopian Speical Services
Country of Origin: Flightopia
Purchase: One Government/Military Secure Area

Flights: International/Domestic Flights
Payment: $14,500,000

22-08-2005, 23:35
Thank You. We will send in a C-17 Globemaster to deliver our supplies. Thanks Again.
09-10-2005, 23:10

Airline: ION air

Country: Ato-sara

Purchase: Two concourses with provisions for supersonic jetliners, one engineering and logistics hanger.

Flights: International only

11,000,000 USD
The Great Sixth Reich
14-10-2005, 00:27
The Great Sixth Reich
21-02-2006, 04:21
This still is active...
21-02-2006, 04:35
This still is active...

TG6R! You're still around?! Awesome :p
21-02-2006, 05:06
From: Board of Union Air Lines
To: Various Airports of TG6R

Union Air Lines (a Velkyan Carrier) would like to purchase both the last remaining Hienkel City International Airport concourse and terminal, as well as the remaining terminals of Munich's airport and it's remaining concourses. Payment will be wired once the deeds to the properties have been wired. It is a pleasure doing business with you.

-End Transmission-
The Great Sixth Reich
25-02-2006, 05:47
OOC: There's one problem with the order: All the terminals and concourses are not listed. We add them as people buy them. So it would be greatly appreciated if you would specify the exact amount of each you want.
The Great Sixth Reich
25-02-2006, 21:05
25-02-2006, 21:42

Airline: Aero Kelsia
Country of Origin: Kelse
Purchase: 2 Concourses
Flights: International/Domestic

Airline: Air Dolomiti
Country of Origin: Kelse
Purchase: 1 Terminal
Flights: International/Domestic

Payment Total: $12,500,000
The Great Sixth Reich
26-02-2006, 05:07

Airline: Aero Kelsia
Country of Origin: Kelse
Purchase: 2 Concourses
Flights: International/Domestic

Airline: Air Dolomiti
Country of Origin: Kelse
Purchase: 1 Terminal
Flights: International/Domestic

Payment Total: $12,500,000

Confirmed. Pleasure doing business with you.
The Great Sixth Reich
27-02-2006, 02:56
The Great Sixth Reich
28-04-2006, 21:24
OOC: There's always more space...
28-04-2006, 21:50
Nova Express, headquartered in the Borderlands of Viviani, would like to reserve an air cargo/freight terminal.

--Michael Powell, Viviani FAA High Commissioner
The Great Sixth Reich
07-05-2006, 18:02
The Great Sixth Reich
14-05-2006, 21:16
The next person to buy a concourse gets free Wienerschnitzel for a year. :)
Phoenix Armanents
14-05-2006, 21:29
Phoenix Armaments Transport would like to purchase a cargo terminal.

Phoenix Armaments Sensitive Department would like to purcahse a military terminal, to faciltate the exchange of military technology.
The Great Sixth Reich
14-05-2006, 23:17
Phoenix Armaments Transport would like to purchase a cargo terminal.

Phoenix Armaments Sensitive Department would like to purcahse a military terminal, to faciltate the exchange of military technology.
The Great Sixth Reich
07-06-2006, 02:57
OOC: This is still around. ;)
Military Command
11-09-2006, 00:48
The Government of United Federation of Military Command would like to buy the last Military/Government Terminal in HYC Airport. We are sending the required money to your Government now as we speak. Thank you very much for your time.
The Great Sixth Reich
24-09-2006, 04:37
The Government of United Federation of Military Command would like to buy the last Military/Government Terminal in HYC Airport. We are sending the required money to your Government now as we speak. Thank you very much for your time.
03-09-2007, 01:29
The new Okapikoria International Airport (Okapikorian: Okapikoria Inwerzaten Lutehaven)has been completed in the capital Grenwer City,Okapikoria,opened yesterday after years of construction and 2 trillion of dolcas (4 trillion dollars) spent. The airport is designed to be the largest of the nation's airports. Facilities include 28 8,000 meter runways, ARFF services exceeding index E, customs, cargo services, passenger services, quad-taxiways at all concourses and terminals (one taxiway for push-back, one-way traffic, and the other taxiway with the opposite one-way traffic), Terminal Airport Secruity, Military Secure Area, General and Private Aviation services, and one colossal green clear glass air-traffic control tower (which contains Grenwar City Control/Center split up into six frequencies, Grenwar City Tower 1-13, Grenwar City Ground 1-7, and Grenwar City Clearence Delivery 1-30), the largest in the world. The airport can handle all aircraft sizes and even supersonic flights. The airport is connected to rail (national) and streetcar (Grenwar City) service. One hundred-fourty available modern concourses are available, each one containing three monorail stations, retail space, and a large louge area and one-hundred-ninety gates. Terminals are also available with a similar layout, but only eighty gates. Airlines may make this airport their hub at no cost.

The Okapikorian strives to provide a state-of-the-art air transportation system through its airports and its national airline Okapikoria Airlines.

Each concourse contains 190 gates, two O-Schen stations, retail space, and a VIP lounge.

Terminals are desinged like the concourses, but only contain eighty gates.

Domestic service is available to Okapikorian cities. The airport is currently larger than the Heinkel City International Airport.
03-09-2007, 16:04
Grasalandik Airways wishes to purchase:

1 Terminals (2,500,000 USD) at Hienkel City International Airport (HCY)
1 Cargo Terminals (2,500,000 USD each) at Hienkel City International Airport (HCY)

Airline: Grasalandik Airways Inc.
Country of Origin: Grasaland
What will you be purchasing?: (1) Terminal, (1) logistics & engineering hangers [shared with Grasalandik Airways Inc, Transport Division ]
What flights will you be operating?: International/Domestic flights

Airline: Grasalandik Airways Inc, Transport Division
Country of Origin: Grasaland
What will you be purchasing?: (1) Cargo Terminals, (1) logistics & engineering hangers [shared with Grasalandik Airways Inc]
What flights will you be operating?: International/Domestic flights
The Great Sixth Reich
04-09-2007, 00:11
Grasalandik Airways wishes to purchase:

1 Terminals (2,500,000 USD) at Hienkel City International Airport (HCY)
1 Cargo Terminals (2,500,000 USD each) at Hienkel City International Airport (HCY)

Airline: Grasalandik Airways Inc.
Country of Origin: Grasaland
What will you be purchasing?: (1) Terminal, (1) logistics & engineering hangers [shared with Grasalandik Airways Inc, Transport Division ]
What flights will you be operating?: International/Domestic flights

Airline: Grasalandik Airways Inc, Transport Division
Country of Origin: Grasaland
What will you be purchasing?: (1) Cargo Terminals, (1) logistics & engineering hangers [shared with Grasalandik Airways Inc]
What flights will you be operating?: International/Domestic flights


This thread is now closed. Please wait for a new thread in the near future, complete with pictures.
The New True Cross
14-11-2007, 09:52
The Holy Empire of The New True Cross
Cross Air

Money wired

Cross Air CEO Donald Winchester

Hienkel City International Airport (HCY)
Terminal AAR:
Terminal AAS:
Cargo Terminal 35:
7,500,000 USD

Fort Boston International Airport and Airstation (