NationStates Jolt Archive

Imperial Energy Downgrades Oil Production

13-08-2004, 00:58
TURATH, THURSDAY - Imperial Energy announced minutes ago that it will be reducing its oil production levels by nearly 30% - cutting oil output to 1.7 million barrels per day, from 2.1million barrels per day. ImpEn Oil, a sweet, light oil produced by Imperial Energy, has already risen from Rlh8.23 to Rlh12.34 - it's highest level since the crisis caused to the Illuvauromeni oil industry when petroleum and diesel were outlawed in the old Empire of the Eternal Dawn.

Prices are expected to rise, but Illuvauromeni Commonality financial experts believe the impact will largely be felt by the economies of the major trading partners of the Commonality - or, at least those that still use hydrocarbon-based engines or have not yet made the switch to silicate plastics.

~ story converted to text from an INN Solar Financial1, posted on the INN Solar Financial Mesh/website

[OOC: Note: Rlh8.23 is equivalent to US$10.21; Rlh12.34 is equivalent to US$15.30. (US$1.24 equal to 1 Relhame]]
New Zambuda
13-08-2004, 01:28
May I enquire to the reason why you slashed output? Just wondering.

Your friend,
Sheik Hazam
Minsister of Reasources
14-08-2004, 00:50
May I enquire to the reason why you slashed output? Just wondering.

Your friend,
Sheik Hazam
Minsister of Reasources

"Imperial Energy stresses that there has been no downwards revision of the Illuvauromeni reserves, but feels that, as Imperial Energy oil products tend to be dramatically cheaper than many foreign oil products - as we do not supply to a native oil economy, we have less demand compared to supply - we must lower production levels to ensure long-term sustainability of current profit levels.

"Again: Imperial Energy stresses that there is and is no expected downward revision of the quantity of oil available for extraction in Illuvauromeni lands."

~ Sijur Dithru, Executive For External Relations, Imperial Energy Incorporated

* * *

Oil Price Wire

ImpEn Oil - Rlh12.42
ImpEn Crude - Rlh7.87

Source:- INN Solar Financial1

~ excerpted from the Nenyan Financial Daily (flexi) broadsheet / N.F.D. Mesh/website