The Dominion of Eternal Darkness has Arrived!
The Beast 666
12-08-2004, 21:08
I am the Beast 666, the physical incarnation of Evil. I invite all those who are tired of the mental weakness of the petty Christian world, and their slave ethics to join me in an alliance I call the Dominion of Eternal Darkness.
The Dominion's goal is to return the old daemons, such as myself, to their proper role as it used to be before the Christian worms through their pathetic godling destroyed the old Pagan world. We daemons used to rule supreme, before the maggot Paul and his cohort of babbling, utopian fanatics spread the Catholic propoganda of weakness and stupidity across the world.
I know that there are not many of us daemons around, but we still exist. It is high time the world accepts us as the gods we are, and spurn the house of lies called the Church. An equal pox on the stupid slave religions of Judaism and Islam, a bunch of mindless, weak fanatics with their pathetic, insipid ethics of weakness, mediocrity and enslavement.
I am not human, allthough i may appear as such. I share none of your sensibilities, and see most of you as simply cattle, mindless animals with no inherent value at all. However, there are some- a few-, who know that they are more and will join me in my crusade to return the world to the majesty, grandeur and strength of the old Pagan ways. Away with your Christ! Death to Muhammed, I spit in the grizzled beard of Allah! I smite the rotting skull of your decrepiet god Yahweh, a pathetic godling that enslaved a roving band of mindless illiterates by his chosen slave overseer, Moses! It is time for us to receive what is ours-the worship and adoration due the Gods!
The Dominion of Eternal Darkness will set free those enslaved by Papist lies, Islamic cretinism and Jewish stupid. I want only the cunning and strong, none of you spineless Christian, Jewish and Islamic worms! Together we shall build an Empire that will SURPASS the glory of Imperial Rome and the grandaur of Babylon!
His Lordship and God, The Beast 666
and his Consort, The Whore of Babylon
Shall I wipe you out now, or in five minutes time?
The Island of Rose
12-08-2004, 21:36
Official Statement from the Rosian Catholic Church:
Uh-huh... right, Catholics don't believe in Revelations, also, Rapture needs to occur first, and we're all still here, so, you are just an insane prophet, I'm sure the Military will deal with you, probably along with the rest of the New Roman Empire...
-Archbishop of the City of Rose and Primate of TIOR: Sergei Krezhvech
12-08-2004, 21:57
The God-Emperor is mildly curious as to your position regaurding other theologies not amoung or akin to those mentioned? Please reply promptly; combined, your retoric and lack of size are a nuke-magnet, and he suspects replying may be somewhat difficult after enduring nuclear bombardment.
But it was only one hydrogen bomb I fired at him... :mp5:
The Beast 666
12-08-2004, 22:51
The God-Emperor is mildly curious as to your position regaurding other theologies not amoung or akin to those mentioned? Please reply promptly; combined, your retoric and lack of size are a nuke-magnet, and he suspects replying may be somewhat difficult after enduring nuclear bombardment.
As long as you don't subscribe to the worm's theology, you are fine to The Beast 666. Nature intended for life to be difficult; all the charitable work by the worms encourage the promolgation oof weaklings, idiots, fools and morons. They are reducing the human race to pathetic fools, watering down the gene pool with people that quite frankly are unworthy of breathing air.
I have no problem with peo-ple who disagree with me. Only morons who support religions that sustain parasites and mindless scum. All three of them teach a namby-pamby religion of weakness and to cringe like a beaten slave.
If you want to nuke me, go ahead. Death means nothing to me; I will survive. I am the principle of Evil, your True Selves you try to hide behind your gossamer thin disguise of purity. Christianity, Judaism and Islam sentence the morons who beleive in it to a living death; if I die at least i die having lived, not a chastised fool eunech who lives the life of some guttersnipe. It is better to burn in atomic fire than to live in a world dominated by amoebas, worms and mindless insects.
I represent all that is real: Evil. Embrace what is true and feast on the flesh of life; abandonded your dusty tombs of a religion and enjoy the only heaven that exist Here and Now, not your pipe dream heaven of pacified, tranquilized eunechs playing stupid harps.
Look in the mirror: I am you staring back. Evil can never die, unless you plan on exterminating yourself as well. I wear a million faces and bear a billion names. You did not kill Evil when Hitler died; neither when Stalin died, Evil exists it grows, it feasts on you like a parasite you can never destroy.
So join me God-Emperor. Let us dream great dreams and leave the manure of their decaying world to these worms. Let them mew to their deaf and senile god. We will build a world suited for Gods, not worms, insects and mindless cows as they.
The Island of Rose
12-08-2004, 22:57
Official Statement from the Rosian Catholic Church:
The man is obviously insane, so why listen to him? None of the prophecies have been fufilled yet and he only wants attention, ah, how amusing...
-Archbishop of the City of Rose and Primate of TIOR: Sergei Krezhnech
Greater Valia
12-08-2004, 22:57
ooc: mwuahahahahaha.. deliciously evil rp, great idea too, ive always wanted to see a ii armageadon(sp?)
13-08-2004, 12:29
So join me God-Emperor. Let us dream great dreams and leave the manure of their decaying world to these worms. Let them mew to their deaf and senile god. We will build a world suited for Gods, not worms, insects and mindless cows as they.
We do not subscride to your belifes, and regaurdless, you have provided not but words to prove your intentions or capibilities either way.
So, no, atleast for the forseeible future.
13-08-2004, 15:24
The High Premier of the Commonwealth of Cadwallader refuses to acknowledge or recognise any communications directed from the Dominion of Eternal Darkness and refuses to engage in diplomatic relations with any nation claiming to exist under its banner.
Rather, the High Premier recommends an alliance be formed to remove the influence of such liars, cowards, ignoramuses, and thieves from the face of the earth, thus striking a quite literal blow for religious tolerance and freedom.
The Beast 666
18-08-2004, 00:59
Official Statement from the Rosian Catholic Church:
The man is obviously insane, so why listen to him? None of the prophecies have been fufilled yet and he only wants attention, ah, how amusing...
-Archbishop of the City of Rose and Primate of TIOR: Sergei Krezhnech
So speaks a ballless worm! Go crawl into your godling's dank hole of lies, eunech roach! WHy should I give a damn what a bunch of pedophile scum bags and ballless sissies have to say? Your Pope is nothing but a toothless child molester like the rest of you skirted sissies are!
The Blooded Lands
18-08-2004, 01:17
OOC: I really don't think evil in flesh would call people "sissies" but meh.
Messesage to Beast,
"You sicken me, vile beast! As the Speaker for the Great Goddess, whom has always been Lord, even unto her fallen first and second born (Jews and Christians), I spit at thee.
It is the likes of you whitch nearly destroyed the world in the Weaver War of time past. Your bile filled speech of "evil" is disgusting, people are not evil creatures, no matter how many times to say it. Evil can die, is it wounded and pierced with every good deed and kind gesture.
So rant all you want you Fallen One, for in the end the Goddess, the Great Lord, shall trimumpth!"
-Signed, Speaker for the Goddess, Helena
"Hmmm. Dominion of Eternal Darkness... That's intriguing. We're the Commonality of Everlasting Light.
"Wonder who'll still be here in a hundred years...
"My Guidance Officer wishes me to thank you for providing both of us with an interesting diversion from our duties for about, oh, seventeen seconds or so."
~ Junior Ambassador Izuri Dth'gar (Supervising Guidance Officer: 3rd Ambassador Neurat)
Red Tide2
18-08-2004, 02:14
Official Statement from Red Tide
This new religion is here by added too the banned list of religions(which includes all religions EXCEPT!:Christianity(and its "branches"(as I call them) Catholicism and Protestants)), Judiasm(hey they still believe in god), and Athiesm(let them do what they want... as long as it doesnt interfere with our interests))
18-08-2004, 02:48
In response to the claims of the Dominion of Eternal Darkness, The Church has released the following document:
OK, we all know that 666 is the Number of the Beast.
But did you know about these?
Approximate number of the Beast
Roman numeral of the Beast
Number of the High Precision Beast
Number of the Millibeast
/ 666
Beast Common Denominator
(-666) ^ (1/2)
Imaginary number of the Beast
6.66 e3
Floating point Beast
Binary of the Beast
6, uh... what was that number again?
Number of the Blonde Beast
American area code of the Beast
Post code of the Beast
The speed limit of the Beast
Retail price of the Beast
Price of the Beast plus 5% state sales tax
Price of the Beast plus 10% GST.
Price of the Beast with all accessories and replacement soul
GO-LO price of the Beast
Next week's GO-LO price of the Beast
Phillips 666
Gasoline of the Beast
Route 666
Way of the Beast
Oven temperature for roast Beast
Retirement plan of the Beast
666 mg
Recommended Minimum Daily Requirement of Beast
6.66 %
5 year CD interest rate at First Beast of Hell National Bank, $666 minimum deposit.
Beast's lawyer's billing rate
Lotus 6-6-6
Spreadsheet of the Beast
Word 6.66
Word Processor of the Beast
CPU of the Beast
The Number of the Beast on a Pentium
BMW of the Beast
DSM-666 (revised)
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the Beast
1232 Octal, Apt. 29A
Beast's hexed address
Next-door neighbor of the Beast
The semi-Christ
The Minister for External Affairs has released the Imperial Government's Official Reaction;
"I gotta tell ya, there's a lot of very strange people out there..."
To Beast 666:
The Evil Empire of Akaton fully supports your crusade against the weak and false religions of this world. We will spread the shadow of the Great Machine to every corner of Earth, until all is consumed in the holy fires of the Industrial Hell. The boundaries between the underworld and the mortal world have been disolved in our capital, and the creatures of darkness cross over at will. Demons and immortals walk side by side with pitiful human underlings in our evil land. If by some chance the misguided peoples of the world united against you, you are always welcome in Akaton if your nation is destroyed.
From: Lord Draconis,
Emperor of Akaton
OOC: It is useful to note that Lord Draconis is an immortal elf, and has personal experience with demons and other such evil beings. The vice president is a vampire named Count Yuri, and the whole government is controled by similar supernatural creatures.
The Beast 666
19-08-2004, 23:21
OOC: I really don't think evil in flesh would call people "sissies" but meh.
Messesage to Beast,
"You sicken me, vile beast! As the Speaker for the Great Goddess, whom has always been Lord, even unto her fallen first and second born (Jews and Christians), I spit at thee.
It is the likes of you whitch nearly destroyed the world in the Weaver War of time past. Your bile filled speech of "evil" is disgusting, people are not evil creatures, no matter how many times to say it. Evil can die, is it wounded and pierced with every good deed and kind gesture.
So rant all you want you Fallen One, for in the end the Goddess, the Great Lord, shall trimumpth!"
-Signed, Speaker for the Goddess, Helena
Goddess? Hardly. A Daemon, and a clever one at that.
Look, a Daemon is not necessarily "evil". Yahweh is a Daemon as is Allah. Daemons are extradimensional beiungs of pure, intelligent energy. They are alien, in the sense they are not human, but that is ALL they are. The only difference between you and us is we are fully capable of converting energy to matter and matter to energy. Thus we take physical forms. We can also influence human minds, and with receptive humans create a sense of numinoisity and awe. But the fact is, we live and we *CAN* die.
Hoaxes have beene perpetuated on the human race, to creat a core of worshippers. The energy of their devotion and faith sustain Daemons, and empower them. That was the reason Yahweh and Allah are such hard core monotheists. They wish to starve the rest of us Daemons, or make us seem "evil" by manipulating writers of scripture to describe us in devilish manners. However, since for us to feed it dosen't matter wether the devotion or beleif is of fear or love, foolish Yahweh and Allah did the opposite by making those who balked at the faiths worship us in twisted and distorted forms.
I've had a million names over the millenium. I have bene called Tiamat, Leviathan, Apothis, Dagon, Moloch and numerous other names lost to history. It's just that nopw I am considered "evil". Is it evil, really, when the wolve tears out the throat of a crippled deer to feed it's young? I know, with your emotional attachments, it is difficult to see clearly. But beyond what you term evil and good,their is a balancing principle that keeps this world in homeostasis. The evil you see or do not see is the result of your emotions, and the attachments they make. Make no mistake about it; "Evil" is as necessary to the preservation and evelution of the human race as is the "good".
BTW, Yahweh lied when he made you think you could not become as we. You can, and the truth is the seed of Daemonhood lies within yourself. All your religions that were created by your fertile minds (not the ones we created) are desinged to accelerate your physical, mental and yes, spiritual growth so that, someday, you too will evolve to the same stature as we. It is entirely possible, but this part of your evelution is dependent on *you*. Needless to say, we Daemons for the most part do not care wether you do or do not evolve. But it behooves you to actualize your potential and accept your place amongst us Immortals.
The Island of Rose
19-08-2004, 23:30
So speaks a ballless worm! Go crawl into your godling's dank hole of lies, eunech roach! WHy should I give a damn what a bunch of pedophile scum bags and ballless sissies have to say? Your Pope is nothing but a toothless child molester like the rest of you skirted sissies are!
Official Statement from the Island of Rose:
Get with the demon powers, than we can talk. And do you know, the next insult will probably give you nukes, and by God, we have lost of them... and actually, our people are nudists and are labled as one of the sexiest peoples of the world. Also, our Pope has never had a date in his life, so what do you know? Hell, if you really are Satan, name one of the loves of our Presidents.
-Minister of Foreign Affairs: Rosta Einvach
It is a shame that the religious nations of this world can not seperate their ancient beliefs from the modern truth. Just because demons have become involved in the mortal world, you assume they have goals like those in the false books of the Bible. Our national philosophy, Virtus y Malus et Aequalis (meaning good and evil are equal) perfectly describes why we support Beast666. This demon is merely following his political agenda like any good dictator. It is you, the religious believers of Earth, not him, that have turned demons into something evil.
As for Beast666's claims that the gods of all religions being demons, he is absolutely correct. The difference between an angel and a demon, or a god and a devil, are only based on a point of view. In Akaton, we have personal experience in this matter. In the Ministry of the Occult, we opened a portal between the mortal world and the spirit world. This realm was poppulated by a vast variety of beings, yet no benevolent god was to be found there. Therefore, the people of Akaton worship no god, though not due to disbelief in the supernatural.
Lord Draconis,
Emperor of Akaton
OOC: I really don't think evil in flesh would call people "sissies" but meh.
Messesage to Beast,
"You sicken me, vile beast! As the Speaker for the Great Goddess, whom has always been Lord, even unto her fallen first and second born (Jews and Christians), I spit at thee.
It is the likes of you whitch nearly destroyed the world in the Weaver War of time past. Your bile filled speech of "evil" is disgusting, people are not evil creatures, no matter how many times to say it. Evil can die, is it wounded and pierced with every good deed and kind gesture.
So rant all you want you Fallen One, for in the end the Goddess, the Great Lord, shall trimumpth!"
-Signed, Speaker for the Goddess, Helena
"Ooh 'eck, a goddess who has always been Lord. She a bit kinky, then, guv? Oh, sorry, miss. I 'ave a cold."
~ random taxi driver from Turath
The Horned Rat
20-08-2004, 02:34
Beast 666, you can expect the full(sometimes) support of Skaven Blight,as the Horned Rat employs demons, we feel someone like you should be allowed to prosper. But, while the my race gnaws the roots of the world, spreading the gifts of treachery and lies, you musn't go in the open and threaten your existence, even though you don't truly die, it is still annoying to find large numbers of followers. As they give the power of existebce, and the corporeal forms, it is better to hang on to them than lose them.....
The Beast 666
21-08-2004, 23:15
It is a shame that the religious nations of this world can not seperate their ancient beliefs from the modern truth. Just because demons have become involved in the mortal world, you assume they have goals like those in the false books of the Bible. Our national philosophy, Virtus y Malus et Aequalis (meaning good and evil are equal) perfectly describes why we support Beast666. This demon is merely following his political agenda like any good dictator. It is you, the religious believers of Earth, not him, that have turned demons into something evil.
As for Beast666's claims that the gods of all religions being demons, he is absolutely correct. The difference between an angel and a demon, or a god and a devil, are only based on a point of view. In Akaton, we have personal experience in this matter. In the Ministry of the Occult, we opened a portal between the mortal world and the spirit world. This realm was poppulated by a vast variety of beings, yet no benevolent god was to be found there. Therefore, the people of Akaton worship no god, though not due to disbelief in the supernatural.
Lord Draconis,
Emperor of Akaton
Exactly. The word "devil" and "demon" both evolved from the word "deva", which is simply to mean a preternatural creature. Look a Plotonius; he described "Daemons", which the X-tians later made into evil spirits.
The proper name is Daemon, spelled with an a; it is a creature perceived as not bring The One (the ultimate, transcendent Diety ), but being somewhere in between like a demi-god or a semi-deified hero from ancient Greece. As for the existence of The One, if It exists, I have not bene able to perceive it, though it would stand to reason since I am a contingent being, their must be a non-contingent being, perhaps higher and greater than me. Irregardless, it would seem The One doesen't get involved too much with our affairs, or It does, It is so subtle I don't sense It's prescense or activity.
The greatest error is to see things black and white; nature is an opaque grey, and it is only through your own mortal emotional filters you see it otherwise. People will live and people will die, and nations will rise up anly to follow into ruin. It is the Way of Things.
As i implied before, the only really important thing is that the principle that binds all of existence in it's dynamic tension is maintained. Life without death would mean a planet unable to sustain ANYBODY, but mass extinction is too far to the other extreme as well. We Daemons are servants, if you will, to a Higher Principle-the principle of dynamic tension, balance and harmony.
On one level, you are quiet correct: I am monstrous, cruel, an animal and vicious to boot. I don't deny this. But I don't do it for no reason. I have my part to play, just as you do, in maintaining the dynamic tension that sustains the universe. From a worm's veiwpoint, I must seem like the epitome of all that is filthy, bestial, depraved and sociopathic. I can totally understand that, and accept that people feel that way about me.
Conflict and crisis bring change; passivity and peace brings on stagnation. As I have said, it is entirely within you to evolve to a whole new level of being. But your lazy by nature, and you need a kick in the ass to make you go for the brass ring, to try with all your heart and to stop half-stepping and grab-assing through out your lives. Your finite natures and the terror of annihilation makes you try harder, to push harder and fly higher.
Let me tell you a story about a Zen student to illustrate my point;
"Once there was a Zen student who had bene meditating on a koan (riddle) for many, many months, He went to his Master and discussed his aggravation and frustration with being unable to make the intuitive leap necessary to figure out the koan.
The Master told him to try for six more months, and that if he did not figure it out he must leave the monastery. Well, the same thing happened; the student came back, more frustrated then ever, and saddened that he now had ot leave the monastery.
The Master then told him that he did not have to leave the monastery, but that he had three months to figure out the koan, or he would be required to commit suicide. What did you know, but the student, in a brilliant flash of insight, came to understand the koan, and thus his life was saved".
You see, like the student you only can reach your potential when the forces of the universe and The Powers That Be PUSH you to, If it wasn't for us, you'd be living in shit-filled caves, covered with mangy bearskins.