The Weyrean Civil War :: the IG Virus Outbreak
This is continued from the original The Weyrean Civil War (
Some of this RP, if not most, will be a character RP. Feel free to jump in, but ask if you're not certain about something...
As always, I request that your nation have an IC reason for entering this conflict. Also, remember that it takes time to move troops, and that you should ask the Weyrean gov't before doing anything like paradropping a division into the country.
Go read the previous RP...or writing sucks anyways...
In Act I, I introduced the protagonists. Marie and Jarom, magi'i of The Tower and last members of the institute for paranormal research, are tracking te strange events that involve the release of demons. They suspect that the man behind it is Dr. Sharkowitz, a famous researcher who tried to hold Wye hostage with his sound-activated portal that couild release shadows into the Kingdom.
At the same time, Constables Amanda and Lorn of the understaffed Southport City Watch are trying to hunt down a murderer who has killed several people, all of them young men or women in their late teens.
Meanwhile, the priesthood of the god Krim is plotting a devastating series of attacks upon Weyr.
The Krimuk Fighters were ready. When one lived for three or four hundred years, for that was the lifespan of an average Weyrean, one could make plans that would take decades to hatch. So it was this time. The weapons were ready, the people were in place. The first stage -- the Southport Declaration, was about to begin.
Act II
Who twists the rope that hangs from the gibbet?
~Glen Cook, Shadowline
13 Sun's Height
<Southport :: High Guard Southern District HQ>
The soldiers in the tower overlooking the north gate of the High Guard base looked nervously at the approaching sea of humanity. Something didn't feel right. People didn't just walk across the twenty meters of patchy grass and earth to the concrete and steel walls of a military base. They most certainly did not make such horrible sounds.
"This is Leiutenant Miranda Song of the High Guard. Do not advance any further, or we will be forced to open fire," the loudspeakers on the wall crackled. That only seemed to make the mob move faster.
"Holy," the sergeant in charge of the tower said, nearly dropping his binoulars.
"What? Oh, damn," his companion, muttered, taking up his own binoculars. He groped for the com mike with trembling hands. "Lieutenant, I think we got zombies."
"Don't be an asshat," Lieutenant Mara Jade retorted.
"Ser, look out the window," the private said shakily.
The lieutenant response came some moments later. "I see it, damn."
<Southport :: High Guard Southern District HQ, Central Bldg>
Colonel, you better come see this," lieutenant Mara Jade said, looking out the window.
"Damn, any ideas?" Colonel Erikun muttered. They were looking across the base yard at the advancing wall of humanity surging down the street towards the walls of the base.
"The watch towers can't get the crowd to stop. One hundred meters and they fire, we got no choice."
<Wye :: Council Hall>
"I believe we have no choice," Councilor Rosato of Roshitta City sighed. the cavernous Council Chamber was packed, although some Councilors were still on their 'net crystals, trying to find out whether their families were all right. "This is, in effect at attack upon Weyr. We do not know if it came from within, or from without, but this is a war. Unexpected, yes, but a war none-the-less. As such, I must move that we grant High King Alicia li'Wye emergency powers for the duration of this most tragic event."
<WN3: Weyr Net News Network, general transmission>
A talking head, shadowed so that no features are distinguishable, speaks in the corner, while footage of gruesome scenes where High Guard soldiers fire at masses of zombies run on the main screen.
"Southport, a city that has for centuries been torn by strife, is now silent. While it is yet unclear as to how or why, a massive dose of the IG Virus has been released over this city, with disastrous effects.
"Approximately twenty million persons are presumed dead, with millions more under threat of hordes of what can only be called zombies. The High Guard military base is now under siege, and citizen militia are attempting to hold the waterfront, which has been somehow spared of the gruesome fate of being turned undead.
"All transport to and from Southport has been frozen, including the airport and the seaport. Steamer train passengers have probably not contracted the IG virus due to the overpressure air conditioning installed in all steamer train cars. Partial seaport traffic is expected to partially resume later in the week, closely preceded by limited steamer service into the secured areas of Southport.
"The IG virus dissipates within thirty minutes of release, so there is no danger of continued spread of the virus, although transmission via contact with infected persons is common. A full list of symptoms will follow this report. However, the rapid incubation period of the IG virus has made certain that no unidentified carriers exist.
"High king Alicia li'Wye, who has been granted emergency powers by the High Council just hours ago, has dispatched elements of the High Guard Central Corps and Eastern Corps. The First and Second Expeditionary Corps are being mobilized even now, and will be transported by the Skyfleet to the outskirts of Southport, where they will set up a perimeter. All High Guard units have been placed on full alert, with a total mobilization already underway.
"In a statement issued by the Weyrean Center for Disease Control, citizens are urged to stay calm. Simple gas filters are capable of preventing contraction of the disease, and Weyreans are immunized against the vast majority of biological weaponry in use today.
"This is WN3, signing off."
12-08-2004, 03:46
OOC:As a previous ally to the Weyr Country, i'd like to help out.
General Hayama, 2200 hours, upon Receiving news about the situation in Weyr:
(OOC: i know that was corny but that was all i could think of now)
AR's Military would like to send:
35,000 Standard Army Troops, with sufficient weapons, ammo and supplies.
10,000 Marines, with sufficient weapons, ammo and supplies.
1,000 D/16-y Series Tanks, for support to the ground forces.
500 Apach Longbow attack Helicopters, Equipped with markerlight sensor missles(Special Forces teams can call in missle strikes from the helicopter by pinpointing targets with their marker lights, up to 5 miles away).
500 Zeus artillery systems, with suffient ammo and supplies, with 100 servicemen and escorts. Also capable of markerlight pinpointing.
200 Alpha, Bravo and Charlie Company Special Forces teams, with sufficient, weapons, ammo and supplies for up to 6 months(same with all above forces)equipped with markerlights.
500 Apollo missle launcher systems, with sufficient ammo and supplies for 6 months. Also capabal of markerlight pinpointing.
50,000 more Standard and Marine Troops in reserve, also with sufficient weapons, ammo, supplies and support units(i.e. tanks, helicopters, etc...)for 1 year.
Official statement to High King Alicia Li'Wye:
(A crackled image of General Hayama in Desert Camoflauge appears, C-135s with troops and armor being loaded aboard in the background, he is puffing on a stubby Cuban cigar)
President Isaac Yoyamma has asked me to give you this message:
(the screen flicks to a more defined image, a recording of the President speaking from his luxiorious office in Ryuvius City)
In response to recent conflcits within your great nation, amd considerable protests to take action on the matter, the Joint Cheifs have come to the conclusion to intervene and send support to Weyr.
In addition the forces being sent in, out brother nation of Uchido will contribute to the efforts in Weyr. Also 350 Biological research teams will be sent with troop escorts to study and help contain the outbrake.
Farewell for now.
(Transmission clicks off, returns to the screwed up image of general hayama)
Thats it for now. I will be in further contact with your military leaders later tommorow when the troops arrive.
(Transmission clicks off yet again)
Beta Aurigae VII
12-08-2004, 04:33
OOC: also as a former ally of Weyr i would like to eventually join in this RP. however i will not do anything until the situation escalates sufficiently more than it already has. i know Weyr's prolly tired of me RPing in their threads anyway, this is what the 3rd one i've tried to be in since the Gramal thing?
As long as you're prepared for bits of magick here and there, feel free to join in. The original thread has some good info, although it's waaay too long and drawn out. I doubt the situation will escalate -too- much. This is mainly a set up for Weyr's departure from Terra, which will happen around December RL, if I’m still alive by then...
It's August 14th, for those who are not familiar with the Elder Scrolls calendar.
I'll try to get a map of Southport up tomorrow (gotta reinstall scanner software).
14 Sun's Height
<Southport :: Inter-City (Highway) #6>
The line of refugees stretched for kilometers. Motor lorries moved jerkily onwards, surrounded by people on foot and on pack animals. In the blazing heat of the Weyrean day, tempers ran short. Not a few times High Guard soldiers had to separate people who drew their weapons at each other.
<Wye City :: Sky Marshall's Office>
Sky Marshall Gerard Storm could see the sun's rays creep along the many sky-piers that held Weyr's new skyfleet. His office was on the upper floors, with a clear view down the northern slopes of Mt. Weyr. This part of the Skyport was built a thousand meters above sea level, and the piers themselves jutted out into the sky.
Alicia sounded tired on the phone. Like him, like the rest of much of the Weyrean government, she had probably stayed up all night dealing with what was possible the worst attack in Weyrean history.
(Alicia): "How soon can you be there."
(Gerard): "Six hours. I got the crews assembled as soon as I saw the news. Fear's itching to go.
(Alicia): Good. Go there; provide any backup Erikun needs.
(Gerard): Alicia, do you expect Fear to glass the city.
(Alicia): If she has to. They're dead, Gerar; we can't save them. Still, I've told Gran to search for survivors after they establish a perimeter.
(Gerard): Thanks. I'll tell Fear.
(Alicia) Good luck, all of you.
Gerard put down the receiver, paused, then picked it up again and dialed the number of Captain Fear's office. The phone was only a bit slower than a 'net crystal, and it was harder to tap.
<Southport, Forward Perimeter Command>
"Spirits dammit," Major-General Markowitz muttered, looking at the force deployment map projection. "Tell them to get his arse into gear. I got forty thousand holding the main road, and ten million trying to eat their way out."
"General, they say he will be here only in a few hours, not sooner." the communications specialist said carefully. General Elton Gran already chewed him out a few minutes before.
"Then tell him to be here faster," Markowitz snapped.
Another Expeditionary Corps, the Second, was coming in to reinforce Markowitz's own First Expeditionary Corps, although in theory he was the supreme commander of all five Expeditionary Corps.
In the meanwhile, Colonel Logrimus Elfaran of the Eastern Corps was driving half of his forces from the Gramal-Weyr border and south towards Southport, through the brown grasslands of western Weyr. Colonel Mara Shen had sent half of her command surging south along refugee-clogged roads and backed-up steamer lines. Markowitz, however, feared they would not be in time to save Colonel Erikun and the remnants of the Southern Corps from annihilation.
<Southport :: High Guard Southern District HQ>
The machine and gatling guns fired and fired, their blue-white sub-etheric rounds stitching the slow-moving mass of undead time and again until the gunners had to adjust their sights to fire over the growing mass of corpses. In the growing day the soldiers waited for one, then more guns to click silent.
Thunderfist artillery fired as best they could, although the range was too near for their massive guns to be of much use. The Mark III tanks and the three hundred Stryker helos proved more effective, but even they could do little against the horde of millions. Either way, only a few Mark IIIs could be sent outside at any time. Most of the tanks remained inside, ready to fire when the outer defenses were overwhelmed.
The soldiers had nowhere to run. On two sides there was the city. On the third were the piers and boardwalk of the port. On the fourth side was the shoreline of the mouth of massive Wye River, whose other side was but an azure line against the perfect blue sky.
In his office Colonel Erikun, commander of the Southern Military District, put down the receiver. He opened the window of his fourth-floor office and shouted: "We'll have reinforcements in a few hours!" That announcement was greeted with a general, albeit tired cheer.
<Wye City, Tower of Kings>
To: President Isaac Yoyamma
From: High King Alicia li'Wye
Thank you for your assistance. This is the second time that you have sent us help. Hopefully, we will be able to repay you in some way over the coming years. For now, please accept the gratitude of this Kingdom.
<Wye City, High Guard Court>
To: General Hayama
From: General Elton Gran
According to our intelligence, there are still roughly eight to ten million hostiles in western Southport. Major-General Markowitz has established checkpoints to protect refugees, and a full perimeter is expected to be established by the end of the day with the arrival of elements of the Second Expeditionary, Western, and Central Corps. The Skyfleet 1st Sky Group is expected to arrive by 1700 hours local time. Colonel Erikun reports that he will need reinforcements before nightfall, which should be provided by the 1st Sky Group.
Consensus here suggests that you land at, and secure Southport Airport, which should contain the facilities necessary for further operations and deployments by your forces.
Disabling creatures affected by the IG virus is best done via massive head trauma -- like a shotgun round in the skull.
13-08-2004, 02:54
2 Sea-to-Ground support craft with 2 Escort cruisars have entered the bay where most of the action is going on. The 2 Sea-To-Ground ships will fire at targets indicated by the gaurds on the ground firing at them. The missles can be fired in 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, and 200 missile barrages. 1-10 are suggested, and usually 75% more accurate than 50+ barrages. The guards can call in missle strikes, artillery strikes from the zeuses and air strikes from the LongBow Apaches, using the secure channel 667.097-E.
14 Sun's Height
<Above Southport>
It was as big and black as a storm cloud, blotting out the sun for a moment as it drifted five thousand meters above the stricken city. The seven monstrous 600mm turrets pivoted to track potential ground targets, while smaller artillery guns scanned for threats. The sky-dreadnaught WSS Akira, trailed by the sky-carrier WSS Belthazar.
"Capt'n?" the engineer inquired, squinting against the high upper winds. He had no idea how or why Fear enjoyed being up here on the maintenance platform. The Akira was not designed to have people come outside, so the few maintenance platforms were the only way for a crewmember to see the exterior of a skyship while in flight. Still,
"General Markowitz on the line," Fear's azure com-crystal buzzed from her wrist.
"Be right down," Fear, captain of the greatest skyships in the Weyrean arsenal, responded, tapping her wrist pad. "I think turret 99A is buggy," she said, passing the engineer and disappearing into the oval hatch.
"Major-General Markowitz," Fear grinned, sitting in her chair at the bridge of the Sakura. The bridge was at the forward center of the Akira, right in front of the CIC.
"Fear," Markowitz nodded curtly on the projection. "You sure as hell took your sweet time. Where's the rest of the fleet?"
"Sabotaged," Fear said grimly. "Akira and Belthazar are the only ones that could make it." Markowitz cursed on the trideo projection. "So, what do you want us to do?"
"Colonel Erikun is getting slaughtered. I'll patch you to him."
The seven turrets, two-dozen broadside cannon, and a myriad of 120mm and 75mm guns aligned themselves in accordance with directions fed from the Akira central computer.
From the ground, it appeared as though a second sun exploded, for a second, in the sky.
<Southport :: KF Headquarters>
"The skyships were supposed to have been disabled," the patriarch of Krim said, his voice filled with wrath.
"They are but two skyships," one of the men at the conference table said.
"They are the biggest skyships in the fleet. Now, we must rush our plans, and hope that Krim is on our side," the patriarch responded. He looked somewhat sad.
<Southport :: High Guard Southern District HQ>
The Akira was pounding the zombie lines into organic pulp. The Belthazar was staying out of the conflict, for now.
"Colonel, we have ships coming into the harbor. Akita-Ryuvius ships, judging from the insignia," lieutenant Mara Jade commented. She adjusted the mike in her ear, listening. Com crystals were prone to hacking, so the High Guard still proffered encrypted radio transmissions. "They say they're here to provide fire support."
"Well then," Colonel Erikun chuckled. "Let's give them something to shoot at."
Channel = 667.097-E
Request fire support at the following co-ordinates...
<Above Southport>
The Akira's guns stopped firing, for a moment. With a slight whine of hydraulics, they pivoted three-dozen degrees and began immolating the zombies attacking the enclaves along the coast. The big guns were assigned targets farther from projected friendly positions -- an accuracy of 8 meters for the first few volleys made the risk of friendly casualties too great for the computer to try anything closer.
<Southport, Forward Perimeter Command>
"Tomorrow we begin retaking the city," Major-General Markowitz announced to the newly arrived elements of the Central and Eastern Corps. The Expeditionary Corps was flying in piece mental aboard its 'borrowed' skyships. One was landing on the hastily constructed tarmac even now.
14 Sun's Height, Midnight
<Southport :: City Watch Central Station>
"Gods, don't they ever sleep," Amanda murmured. The zombies were still clawing at the walls of the station.
"Don't think so," Lorn replied.
"Keep it down," someone whispered from the corner.
<15 Sun's Height>
<Wye City :: Fifth Tier>
The meeting was held in conference chamber normaly reserved for businesspersons. Today, fifteen people -- fourteen representatives of Weyr's most-powerful clans, and High King Alicia -- were gathered around the room's solid oak table. Sunlamps in wall sconces and chandeliers basked the room in a moderate, welcoming light.
"Look," Alicia said calmly. "I know none of the people here did it. You all, however, have connections, some of who might know something. Sqeeze them, shake them, do what you have to. Because we migth not be sitting here tomorrow if the ones responsible remain out there."
None of the big clans had any possibility of benefitting from the attack on Southport. Most of them had legitimate operations in Southport, operations whose loss was causng the clans countless billions in losses.
<Southport :: City Watch Central Station>
They had barricaded the entrance, and the small windows on the first and second floors. The overpressure air conditioning system had kept them safe from the virus, but it could do little against ithe virus's victims.
"Spirits," Amanda muttered, looking outside Lorn's fourth-story office.
"Yeah," Lorn nodded.
The zombies down below seemed to finally notice the pair in the wondow. The sight drove them mad, if undead could indeed go mad in the way of human-type beings. The warped bodes clawed at the aging brick and stucco, as though they could rip the building brick by brick. Lorn reflected that they probably could, if given enough time.
"Guys, report to the mess hall," the Captain's voice said through the com each of the two City Watch officers wore on their belts...
..."Here's the deal. We have these old sewer tunnels running beneath the building, and straight to the docks. From there, someone can get to the High gfuard base and get help," the Captain sauid, tracing the route with a long finger on the laminated map spread on one of the tables in the mess hall. "Any volunteers? It'll have to be three or four people at most -- more will just be a burden."
After an uncomfortable silence, someone spoke.
"I'll go," Lorn said. No point in starving to death.
"Might as well," Amanda said.
In the end, two more officers decided they would try the route.
<Above Southport :: WSS Belthazar>
The Valefor dipped slightly before lifting fully into the air, then dipped again. Another Valefor air superiority fighter was firing up its engines at the second catapult.
The fighters flew in pairs, tracing the land outside the city of Southport for possible undead who might have gotten out of the city.
15 Sun's Height
WN3: Weyr Net News Network
An announcement made by the Patriarch of the temple of the one-god Krim an hour ago has staggered a nation already reeling from a heinious attack upon its soil. I a two-hour speech, the patriarch has named the IG Virus released into Southport "an act blessed by Krim", and that more such attacks would follow until QWeyr is "rid of the bashpemies and perversions unto His works".
Numerous prominent cardinals in the Krim priesthood have denounced the patriarch, both for the elease of the IG Virus, and for attempting to split the Kingdom at this time.
More on this story as it develops.
<Wye City :: Tower of Kings>
Either the High King shall step down for a Time, to meet with Krim's Avatar on this Earth, or the power of a Thousand Suns shall be unleashed on the Festering heart of this once-great Kingdom. You know where to go.
<Southport :: Sewer Main 8>
The four passed in silence, each listening warily for any sound of the walking dead that now stalked the city. Sunlamp beams illuminated patches of molding wall and slippery catwalk, along with murky sewer water.
"How much farther?" one of the officers asked. His whisper sounded harsh and loud in the eerie pseudo-silence.
"Two meters, then there's a service entrance," Lorn replied quietly from the front of the short column.
To: the Benevolent Dictatorship of Iuthia
From: The Kingdom of Weyr, Diplomatic Service
Re: IG Virus outbreak
Approximately twenty-four (24) hours ago, the IG virus was released over Southport city, turning approximately fifteen million persons into undead. This attack has been folloed by the sabotage of the Weyrean skyfleet, and the release of shadow demons into Tripoint city. It is suspected that more large-scale attacks on Weyrean citizens and population centers will follow within the next few days. As such, the Kingdom of Weyr can no longer guarantee the safety of any diplomats or foreign citizens on our soil.
Consul-General J. W. Gibbs
To: The Kingdom of Weyr, Diplomatic Service
From: Iuthian Diplomatic Corps, Central Command, Iuthia Prima, Iuthia
Subject: Pulling Out
Dear Diplomats of Weyr,
We wish to inform you of the Iuthian withdrawal of our embassy within your nation during the period of this national crisis in order to secure our diplomats as you noted you could not secure our people during this time. We are hoping they are not affected by this virus and as such they will be subject to quarantine upon arrival, however we thank you for informing us of your security analysis.
We shall be watching the situation and improving our information on the happenings to judge how we may help with humanitarian aid within your nation to reduce casualities of this internal war... we would prefer to remain outside of this incident for the time being as we are outsiders and it's policy not to be invovled in civil war... but we will do what we can to help avoid plague and famine once it is safe to do so, at the very least from bio-weapon attacks.
Foriegn Minister Mike Lakely, Iuthian Diplomatic Corps.
To: Iuthian Diplomatic Corps, Central Command, Iuthia Prima, Iuthia
From: Weyrean Diplomatic Service, Council Hall
Re: Pulling Out
We understand the reasoning behind the withdrawal of Iuthian diplomatic staff at this time. To the extent of our knowledge, the IG Virus manifests itself within two hours of contageon, and becomes ineffective within thirty minutes of aerosol dissemination. As such, we highly douibt that your staff is carrying that particular threat.
Current analysis has concluded that this attack has been initiated by internal military forces, with high probability of parts of the krim Priesthood being involved at the upper levels.
Consul-General J. W. Gibbs
<BattleSpire, Western Desert Region>
The sun blazed onto the yellow-brown rock and sand of the flat wastes that stretched for kilometers in all directions. Not even the hardiest plants grew in this land. The silver-gray bulk of the BattleSpire towered above the land. Turrets and missile racks studded its two-kilometer-tall mass, up to the three-pointed pinacle.
The steamer hovered a meter above its invisible track, suspended half a foot aweay from the platform, disgorging the last of its passengers and baggage. Azure-uniformed alchemists and armed Huigh Guard patrolled the station, looking for signs of trouble.
The old PA system crackled and wheezed, clogged with fine dust and sand. "Attention passengers: the Spirebound steamer will be departing in ten minutes."
here was a general rush to the ipposite side of the wide steamer platform, where another, older train stood upon its two rails.
"What are they afraid of?" Magus Rena Lanford asked, watching the steamer move towards her and the BattleSpire from the confines of the Commander's office. She was not a full alchemist, her specialty was in the less-conventional arts, but Ren left her in charge nonetheless. So now she watched the new batch of hopeful colonists. "These colonists; I haven't seen so many people come through in years."
"Why don't you ask them," Alchemist Dorn suggested.
"Good idea," Rena nodded.
The BattleSpire's hostel's cafeteria, located beneath the BattleSpire, was nearly full. They would be leaving tommorrow -- they paid liberally for the usage of one of the BattleSpire's eight spacial portals, gaining passage to a new and uninhabited home on the other side of the world.
"Why now?" Rena inquired of the leader of the group, an aging man in his three-hundreds. He considered the young woman, withher short blue hair and piercing eyes, before replying.
"'t like what has been happening in this Kingdom," he said finally, choosing his words with care. "The teachings of Krim have been corrupted by seekers of power. We hope to begin anew, remembering the darknesses of the hearts of mortals, byt not being slaves to them."
"You mean the Virus?" Rena pressed.
"That," the leader nodded, "and more." He refused to say anything else on the issue, rather turning the conversation towards events closer to the BattleSpire. There were still demons and shadows, but new security measures took care of such things now. Everything else was going smoothly -- and who would try to take a fortress the size of the BattleSpire by force?
Southport burned, the flames so bright a man could have read a newspaper by them halfway upriver in the middle of night. Rebel fighters rushed from building to building, at times shelling advancing High Guard, at tmies being shelled in turn, whenever the Thunderfists could get a good lock. Valefor and Ifreet fighters spiraled above, providing firing co-ordinates for the Akira, dodging flak and SAMs.
19-08-2004, 16:37
"Roger that, coordinates locked. Beginning firing sequence." Said the coordinate technician at one of the many Akita-Ryuvian artillery encampments. All the guns were computer operated, and could be fired simultaniously at a target, or split between two or more targets.
The technician fliiped the safety cap above the firing switch.
"Firing in three," He said, glancing out of the door of the tent, looking down along the row of 6 guns.
"Two......One......Initiciating fire command."
The thunder of 6 175mm Zeus Cannons rolled throught the suurounding hills. He saw the other under-technicians he worked with cover their ears, and he did likewise. Another battery over the hill that lay behind them opened up also, with 12 guns this time.
A jeep pulled up.
A messenger technician hopped out, and gave a thin folder to the technician in the tent. It contained more coordinates to targets specified by the Weyrian troops on the ground, to confidential to brodcast over an open comm channel. He typed them in to the targeting computer, and initiated the firing sequence over again. He did this all day, until releived by a night shift at 2100 hours PM. He'd be back in the same place tommorow at 0800 hours AM.
A day in the life of a soldier.(Cue Hardcore Rock Music :D )
As a close ally of Akita Ryuvius, i will help with the war in your nation.
Uchido will send:
Head HQ with separate HQ's for different military emplacements
Military Intelligence and Engineers
20,000 infantry from the ARMY with 800 ARMY medics
7,000 Marines with 200 Marine Core medics
Paratroopers on immediate standby
800 M25-A5 Hulk's (heavy tank) and 200 M8-A3 Bradshaw's (light tank)
500 light armoured APC's and 200 heavy armoured APC's,300 M23 Medical APC
50 M9-A5 Dragon's (mobile ground missile launcher)
600 ATMPV's (hummers)
100 J-2 medium artillery Howitzers
Special Forces:150 Alpha unit,70 NAVY SHARKs via A-3 Series Warthog,Bravo unit on immediate standby
100 MH-60 Black Hawk's for medical and armed soldiers use
50 Nightstalker attack helicopter's
Naval Fleet: 1 Aircraft Carrier fully loaded,2 Battleships,4 Cruisers and 4 Destroyers (land to land missiles),2 Frigates, Transports.
Each part of the military personnel will be assessed with the quartermaster and all service and supplies (ammo).
There is no number of to how much transports will be needed to carry all of the military personnel. But there will be a lot.
Is there an airstrip that I can use as a base in Weyr?
I,General of the Military Ben Shutoo,will be placing General Deryl Zubaka(4 stars) in control of all Uchidian military personnel in Weyr.
What part of the nation should my military infiltrate first?
Beta Aurigae VII
20-08-2004, 17:30
To: Weyrian Government
From: Stanley Molotov, Governor General of Beta Aurigae VII
Subject: Aid
The nation of Beta Aurigae VII has decided to send 50,000 special forces to the nation of Weyr to assist in the retaking of the cities from the rebels. All personel sent to Weyr from Beta Aurigae VII will be under the control of the Weyrian military forces. We will also send monetary aid for the rebuilding process in the form of 100 Billion USD.
21-08-2004, 03:54
Until further notice, all groud personnel will be withdrawn from the area except for the 23rd Marine division (About 2,000) along with all the normal tanks, helicopter and Zeus Artillery systems. All airstrike, missle strike and artillery strike channels are open still.
21-08-2004, 03:57
OOC: Also Beta Aurigae, dont you think 50,000 is a little over doing it? Even with a nation of your size, the situation doesnt relly demand that many personnel. Its mostly a longrange war now, only Weyrian troops are fighting on the front, but they are callingi n airstrikes and such also. Just suggestion.
Beta Aurigae VII
21-08-2004, 04:27
OOC: better safe than sorry. i'd rather send too many than too little, you never know they may come in handy if Weyr has any suprise stuff coming up in the RP.
OOC info::
We'll have a few score thousand very well armed people shooting at High Guard/international forces in a series of surprise attacks. These will utilize sewers, buildings, etc. Most structures in Southport range from four to twelve stories, with a few thirty or forty story buildings on the riverside.
A comment about demons -- demons range in size from small, dog-sized shadows to lumbering fifty-meter beasties. Only shadow-demons can fly. Shooting demons physically does not work very well, although explosives have been found to be fairly effective against them. Larger-sized demons have less immunity to mundane projectiles than smaller ones. Whereas a small-sized shadow might shrug off one or two slugs in the head, a giant one would hurt if hit in the eye(s).
Sub-etheric shells are effective enough, although their effectiveness depends largely on where and how much you hit a demon. Sub-etheric shells can easily fit normal weapons, providing you find the proper size (Weyrean munitions use integer millimeter values -- 8mm, 5mm, 12mm)
My apologies for not consistently developing the stages. IC-ly, the Weyreans are only now beginning to feel the rebel strikes.
To: Incoming forces
From: Field Marshall Elton Gran
Our projections show that Southport Airfield remains undamaged, and contains the facilities to receive a large influx of troops and materiel. I suggest that it be a priority objective for your forces.
<Southport, northern outskirts>
It seemed impossible that anything would be alive after the shelling the city had incurred during the night. Yet most of the flames came from the storehouses and warehouses set on fire when wrong co-ordinates were given to artillery units stationed in the Southport High Guard Base.
Booted feet crunch broken glass. The store took a direct hit by two-ton artillery shells. Bodies littered the floor, amidst wreckage of display cases and electronics. They were probably the undead stalkers that walked Southport. Something did not feel right, one of the privates in the squad thought.
"There aren't enough..."
"What, private?"
"The bodies. This place got a direct hit, but the bodies..."
"What?" the sergeant kicked one of the bodies on the floor. "Oh, shi--"
High Guard armor was largely bulletproof; but the impact of submachine gun rounds at point blank range could still break bones.
High Guard soldiers advanced through the cratered streets, cratered by artillery fire from the night before. The city was quiet, only a few undead still stalked the streets.
The rebels took positions, sneaking through sewers and side streets. The underground tunnels were not well-patrolled; there were not enough Guards. Night would bring a store of surprises for them. Some of the men and women carried thick glass bottles, seemingly empty save for some gelatinous liquid.
<Southport, KF HQ>
The bombardment had caused some fine dust and sand to fall from the ceiling, but little else.
"Their allies are coming through here," one of the men gathered around a detailed map of the city stated, pointing to a large blank on the eastern side of Southport, labeled 'Airfield'.
"Well drive them out," another replied.
"Weyreans are coming nicely," a third said.
"Good," the man at the head finished the short conversation. He was the one left in charge. The patriarch had left the day before. With nightfall, he would spring the trap. The Akira was like a fly, but it, too, would go down in flames.
Beta Aurigae VII
21-08-2004, 23:46
OOC: can you get a map posted here so i know where i am going and stuff? i just wanna see the area im in so i can make the proper troops depoyments to certain areas.
21-08-2004, 23:51
In response to recent outcomes from conflicts with the rebels, additional forces have been sent to Weyr. This includes the 1st and 3rd tunnel fighting Special Forces units to help in the effort to root out rebels in the sewers(about 2,000 of them, deployed strategically to root out enemy positions).
More troops are being readied, and 500 more Zeus Artillery Systems are being flown in.
In the deep darkness of the night, Uchidian activity was high in the waters somewhere off the coast of Weyr. Twenty naval Transports loaded with supplies,troops,and vehicles moved torwards the coast of Southport, Weyr. On the Carrier USS Williamson, 3 C-185's (paratrooping plane) began for take off on a mission to drop 100 Alpha's (spec ops) over Southport Airfield to infiltrate the airfield and sieze it for Uchidian forces to move into Weyr.
The planes flew at 47000 feet to stay unknown and then dropped to an appropriate altitude for a sneaky but safe drop. The captain new it was going to be a tough mission and said into his mic which was an intercom to all 100 soldiers about to be dropped,"1 minute, and with God speed,make fast like we weren't even there. We gotta clear these lines so the other boys can get in here."
The Flight Deck captain said,"15 seconds."The captain walked over to the door, he was the first to touch the Weyr soil,and opened it. He waited for the green light to turn bing.....the captain jumped out and all other 35 soldiers in the plane followed him. This same sequence occured in the other 2 planes but didnt drop till the plane before was finished.
All 100 men landed safely,however,there were 3 injuries that were minor and taken care of. The soldiers met medium resistence and no casualties were taken. 2 men were injured from shotten glass that had pierced there skin.All hostile threats were eliminated and 8 hostiles were taken prisoner. Most of the hostiles were zomies. The Airfield was completely siezed, however, attemted raids by nearby zombie posts had failed.That continued throughout the night.
Day broke and there was no word from HQ. Messeges had been sent out but frequency was low. One messege had gotten through but no responce. There was silence for as far as you could see, until about 1300 hours.
There was a loud roar in the air far off but getting nearer. The ground began to shake, more,and more,and more. One of the lookouts on the far side of the Airfield called to the temporary HQ about the mystery far out. The captain in the tower looked through his binoculours and saw 4 C-5 Transport planes. He radioed back to the post and said it was some friends of ours.
When all 4 planes landed armoured vehicles rushed out like water from a geyser. That wouldnt be all of the planes(C-5 and C-17), plenty more would be making routine runs throughout the rest of the day, the night, and the whole next day. As well as airliners to provide the armed soldiers transports.
The naval transports would land on the shore and be met by a previously landed group of vehicles to be taken back to the Airfield.
The next day(2)
As the last group of transport planes finished unloading,all the soldiers on the Airfield were hurrying to get everything ready. They were setting up bunks, mess hall,control centers and meet rooms,shooting ranges,social areas, supply/storage,and medical rooms.They also finished preparing all vehicles and air units for emergencies or missions. The exact number of personnel were set to be present at the base.
A fairly large convoy left for the near shore to get the remaining personnel to the base. They reached the base safely and parked all vehicles. The soldiers were updated and right where they needed to be.
the next morning(day 3) 0600 hours
BOOM BOOM BOOM ,2 artillery batteries of 10 155mm howitzers each both on the outer reaches of the Airfield premesis blasted away enemy positions in Downtown Southport. The coordinates were given to the Uchido military HQ by Weyrian military leaders."Next position,number two,"the lieutenant yelled to all the mapping coordinaters of battery emplacement one. He then radioed that same message to the lieutenant of battery two. The firing stopped for about 2 minutes. "Initiate firing sequence one,"yelled the lieutenant. The firing commander through his hand down and it started all over again.
I'll post mopre tomorrow. It's very, very AM here....and I got class tomorrow.....
Anyhoo....remember that this RP takes place in fluid time, not NS time; so it's been only three days or so since the whole shtum has started...
This RP takes place simultaneously with the "Last High King" RP, which is going on in the other RP forums. As to magick, you're going to be fighting demons, which are fairly resistant to normal weapons, so be ready.
17 Sun's Height
<0200hours, High Guard Southern District HQ, Southport>
".....Third company, second division, requesting immediate assistance...."
".......Sixth company, fifth division, we're pinned down......"
"......occupied abandoned warehouse; awaiting orders..."
The comm. lines began to clog at midnight. Shots were exchanged; reports of strange creatures abounded.
Things began to click into place for Colonel Erickun as he watched the force dispositions move across a trideo map projection in the headqarters. The blasts of artillery could be heard coming from outside. They had two missing companies; supposedly with technical problems preventing contact with central. Yet the engagements were just at those points where the old companies were supposed to have been. Enemies were sighted behind the High Guard lines.
Reports of light artillery and anti-tank weaponry moving towards the Southport Airfield came through.
<WSS Akira
Missiles streaked towards the dark bulk of the massive skyship, their jets like small stars in the night. Automated systems deployed, autocannons lit the sky. The targets were too near to use interceptors; the system was not expecting an attack.
Air raid, no drill, the skyship's omnipresent crystal comm. system blared.
The first impact was like a second sun, another followed. The kilometer-long skyships shuddered; reactive armor blew off, blast space fulled with smoke and rocket fuel. Commander Fear raced into the CIC.
"Two impacts, source :: unknown," the night watch looked up.
ICBM launch detected. came another report.
"Damn it," Fear muttered.
A telephone call had been made to the Airfield from Weyrian military leaders having to do with reports of light artillery and anti-tank moving towards the Airfield with the approximate coordinates considering there movements. However, they were to shoot at a moving target without knowing the speed of the vehicles. At the time the Uchidian shelling had stopped for a while. A phone call immediatley after the Weyr call was made to the artillery batteries telling them to prepare for another shelling raid. A light ATMPV rushed out the cordunates and any other important information. In the mean time, another battery of the 10 Howitzers was being rushed to the outskirts to put more fire on the hostiles.
"New coordinates,MAPPER!!!"yelled Captain Shooker with a big Cuban cigar in his mouth. He handed the copies of coordinates to the mapping commander and he ran them out to all the mapping coordinaters for each station. "Get 'em ready! Faster,faster,faster!!! We need to take these guys out or we'll be the ones being shot at. Were shooting at moving tarh-gets so we'll have to change positions every 1-2 maybe 3 shots depending on the speed of the vehicles." One of the batteries was going to still shell parts of Downtown Southport to keep them from getting away from known coordinates. "Commence firing sequence one,"the captain said to the firing commandeer. He through down his hand and the firing started all over again right down the line if howitzers.BOOM BOOM BOOM All you could hear was the loud noise of the huge cannons firing 155mm shells.
Suddenly the hostile convoy was taking major hits to the back because of the constant movement of the vehicles. The firing would stop then come right back nailing howitzers and tanks, leaving them in flames or rubble. The front never got hit so they just kept riding never changing speeds. However the second artillery battery never fired uppon the convoy and was waiting to surprise attack the front. The artillery guns nailed tall buildings and some of the few sky-scrapers. The debree from the buildings would crush parts of the convoy. Leaders of the convoy didn't no where or by whom they were being fired upon. The second battery started firing and the front was going down like dominos mainly because it was mostly armoured jeeps and supply trucks. Many of the vehicles tried to fall back, while some succeeded, most did not because they were trapped in the thin city streets between flaming howitzers and tanks. A convoy leader saw that the direction of the street was facing the way to the Airfiled and ordered that all remaining artillery fire over the hills about 1/2 a mile. Uchidian artillery still blasted away vehicles of the convoy.
Suddenly, back at the convoy, explosions were all around the batteries. One of the enemy shells clipped a howizer and took it out. Two gone, then three,four. The batteries started to speed up there rate of fire knowing that the convoy was pinned down stopped. One of the artillery battery shells hit a building wired from head to toe with explosives. It made a massive explosion that was made right next to the convoy and crushed the remaining vehicles. However, the batteries still fired for a good 15 minutes after not knowing the convoy's status. The convoy was completely annialated with a surprise attack.
Over on the runway, four Black Hawks took off to check the convoy's status. One helicopter was a gunship and the other three were loaded with 10 Alpha each.
When they got there the dust had cleared and few remains of the convoy were visible due to the pile up of rubble on top of them. All 30 Alpha fast roped-down to the destroyed convoy and would be picked up later after inspection of the remains. There were a couple of zombies and rebels that were still trying to find a way out but were shot because they were all an immediate threat. There was no mercy, the soldiers checked nearby buildings and dug up some rubble until there rondievous with the choppers later in the day. They could only hope that more hostiles didn't come for inspections, or revenge.
Beta Aurigae VII
23-08-2004, 18:24
IC:The Beta Aurigae Fleet came into range of the Uchido fleet and radioed ahead that they had 50,000 special forces to transport to the airbase. Fleet Admiral James MacCloud stood on the bridge awaiting clearance from the Uchido fleet.
"Ready the troops for transport Commander," said the Admiral.
"Right away sir," came the reply.
OOC: My fleet has 2 Nexus class aircraft carriers, 3 Region Class Battlecruisers, 100 Furitve class helicopter transports, and enough troop transports for the 50,000 Special Forces and equipment.
My ancient scanner's being an ass, so I'm going to provide a rough description of the area. Big head-ache all day, so no decent writing for now...
Southport is a large city on the mouth of the River Wye (duh). Most of the city, and all of the combat zone, is on the eastern size of the river. An extensive network of tunnels -- sewers, utility, and subway -- run beneath the city.
From east the river, on the tip of the coast, is the High Guard Southern District Headquarters, with several thousand tanks, artillery pieces, and APCs. By Weyrean standards they are already outdated, but for all practical purposes they're as good as anything currently in the field. The base is protected by a eternastone wall, and a hundred meters of cleared space. A Logistics Corps has been assigned with clearing the corpses.
Heading east along the ocean shoreline, we come upon the Port district. The area contains major shipping offices, piers, container yards, and a few oil depots. The swath of port zone is three kilometers deep and forty kilometers long.
North from the base, along the river coastline, we come onto the Merchant District. The four bridges (Ocean Bridge, New bridge, Old Bridge, King's Bridge, starting from the southernmost) and two tunnels (South Tunnel and North Tunnel) are anchored here. This area consists of high-rise office buildings, department stores, and a few expensive apartment buildings. Most of the zone has escaped destruction by the IG Virus, and is now held by armed citizens backed by soldiers from the High Guard Base.
Northeast from the base is the Old City. Many of the structires here are twelve to twenty stories tall, and have been built over fifty years ago. Older buildings also abound. This area has been hard-hit by the Ig Virus, although some survivors have been reported holed up against both rebels, zombies, and High Guard soldiers.
Heading east from the Old City district, we come into Lower East Side, Middlebury, and Upper East Side, going from south to north respectively. This area borders the Southport Airfield, and probably contains large concentrations of rebel forces.
East of these three dustricts is the Southport Airfield, where most of the non-Weyrean allied forces are located. The airfield still contains a number of large airliners, and significant reserves of fuel.
Directly north of the Old City is the Fruit Loop district. Weyrean forces are bogged down here coming from the north. The area has been home to many violent actions in the past.
North of Fruit Loop is Northedge, which is fairly secure under High Guard control.
Several kilometers from the coast are several narrow, rocky islands that shield Southport from ocean winds and waves. These are well-marked by buoys, and are not considered a threat to shipping. The area between the islands, and between the islands and the shoreline, is more than enough to permit even modern supertankers to safely pass.
It was fifty meters tall, and half as wide. The creature was a dark shadow against the night sky, moving between buildings. Food...need food...any food...there...little creatures...
Four would be enough, the Lieutenant of the rebel forces reasoned. The good doctor was busy in his insulated room, sucking shadows from oblivion and into this world. The Lieutenant shuddered -- he heard the sounds coming from the doctor's keyboard. He hoped he'd never have to hear such things again.
<Southport, near Forward District Command>
The four tanks fired blindly, hitting the shape, but doing it no harm. In the gathering dawn, the shape could be discerned as a black gelatinous blob, moving purposefully towards the base.
"Full reverse!" the company captain shouted, ducking back into the turret of his tank. The six Mark III's shot back at forty miles an hour, still firing. "Where the frig did they come from!"
"Oh...shi--" A tendril speared the forward tank, tossed it a hundred meters into the air, slammed it into a nearby building.
Six small shadows, quick as lightning, streaked at the infantry retreating with the tanks. Melee ensued, azure bayonets flashed in the growing morning.
<WSS Akira>
"Ser, we're getting firing co-ordinates!"
"Intercepting in four...."
The Weyrean ABM shield was onearly twenty years old. UAI-ABM misiles streaked skywards from dedicated positions. Most would not reach their targets. Interceptor missiles cells onboard the Akira flared to life, disgorging their contents. The Akira was fully automated; its missiles programed on AMB interception vectors, the main computer switched to the incoming artillery co-ordinates, locked the 24-inch guns, and fired.
Glowing shells streaked at the demonic monstrocities moving towards the Airfield and Uchido positions. 120mm tank guns were of little effect, but multi-ton shells fired from four kilometers up were not. Two went down, wailing.
The Weyrean forces reeled under the shadow onslaught.
1800 hours
The Alpha soldiers had met very light resistance including a couple patrols and one or two technicals (truck w/ a heavy gun mounted),only one man was wounded and was being carried on a stretcher. At the destruction site, there were no signs of survivors. Few bodies were found.
All 30 men moved from building to building finding cover trying not to be seen in the hostile area of Middlebury. One squad lead, the other two followed on opposite sides of the street. There objective now was to get to the extract point.
Once there they called in for the extract and popped out smoke to give the choppers there position. It was getting dark quickly. They could hear the roar of deamons in the distance, they were in extremely hostile area. "Eagle one this is Romeo 1, do you read,I repeat, do you read?"said the captain.
"This is Eagle one, were comin in hot, ETA,1 minute,"said the pilot.
"You got the smoke?"said the captain.
"Roger that,red smoke,"said the captain.
"Thats us,get ready!He yelled to his squad. Gold team with me. Yellow and red follow your squad leader," said the master sargeant.
The choppers set down in the park and the deck captain came out and greeted the sargeant,"Great to see you."
"Even better to see you,"said the sargeant. Lets get outa here, reports say that a platoon or two is moving torwards here to check out ground zero. They both hopped into the chopper after the other men were already on and began for take off. "Lets get this chopper airborne!"yelled the sargeant.
All of the Black Hawks were just airborne when suddenly.............................
a 40 foot Demon hopped from behind one of the trees and took down one of the choppers tearing it to part and an RPG took down another. The two other helicopters spinned to face the crashes. The gunship shot hundreds of rounds at the Demon with a minigun and an M30-E pulse(M60) doing a very small amount of damage. The other chopper took out the RPG as well as other ground positions.
"Black Hawk down, i repeat,Black Hawk down. Two of 'em. Middlebury in the north east side of the park. There is a huge monster. Send in immediate reinforcements. NOW!" said a young sargeant losing his emotions and acting a bit crazy. The deck assistant/gunman took the sargeant's radio off and tried to calm him down.
"We must go back to the base. We dont know if there are more and we'd be risking the danger of even more soldiers,"said the deck assistant/gunman. The sargeant sat and cried for the lives of many of his fellow soldiers. At the time, nothing could be done....................
Beta Aurigae VII
24-08-2004, 15:19
"Sir we still have no clearance from the Uchido fleet, no response either nothing."
"Very well, land the troops anyway, move the fleet in towards shore then launch the boats and helicopters."
"Yes sir."
"Sir we still have no clearance from the Uchido fleet, no response either nothing."
"Very well, land the troops anyway, move the fleet in towards shore then launch the boats and helicopters."
"Yes sir."
"Your fleet has been cleared. Move on as planned," said the radio man aboard the Carrier.
Beta Aurigae VII
24-08-2004, 21:41
The troops, tanks, and artillery had finally been unloaded and was moved into Sourthport Airfield. The entire operation took just over 19 hours. When all troops were unloaded, 600 men were sent off to find key points in the airfield where it was venerable to attack and then they were to set up defenses at those points. The special forces leader, Colonel Nolan Sanderson, walked over to the Uchido command area to see just where they stood in this conflict. After a few minutes of looking at the map the Colonel saw that so far there had been little sucess getting any large distance from the airport.
"Do the Weyrian leaders know where the rebel base of operations is," asked the Colonel.
OOC: Uchido, that question was directed at your commanding officer in the airport command area.
"I am not sure if the Weyrean leaders know where the rebel base of operations is. I can ask and get a responce as soon as possible," said Brigadier General Jones, the current commander of Uchidian forces at Southport Airfield.
To Weyrean Leaders: From- Genral Zubaka of Uchido
Is there a Rebel base of Operations? Where is it? Info about the base?
Thank you.
To: Genral Zubaka of Uchido
From: Major-General Markowitz
Re: Rebel base
Colonel Erickun suspects that the rebels use the underground tunnels network beneath the city both for movement and for headquarters. The Southern Corps has reportedly engaged large contigents of rebel forces in sewer and subway tunnels. Please be advised that the tunnel system also runs beneath the Airfield, and that the rebels may infiltrate your positions via those routes. A detailed schematic of the system is included.
Conversation over secure directional microwave, between Field Marshall Elton Gran, Colonel Erickun (Southern Corps), and Major-General Markowitz(Expeditionary Corps)
(Gran): You're bogged down.
(Markowitz): Marshall, we hope to resume offensive tomorrow.
(Gran): Don't bullshit me, general. Your forces are stuck.
(Erickun): General, we will take the old city tomorrow, even if I have to personally lead the charge.
(Gran): Colonel, your valor is commendable, but this last week shows you have consistently underestimated the enemy.
(Erickun): Marshall, we have countered the rebels at every turn for the last twelve hours.
(Gran): General.
(Markowitz): Yes, ser?
(Gran): I am going to use the Sixth Contingency.
(Erickun): Ser, we're fully capable of destroying the rebels in five days.
(Gran): We must destroy this rebellion before it grows. Put pressure on the rebels, and wait for the alchemists.
(Erickun): Marshall---
(Gran): Don't argue with me, Colonel.
Markowitz scanned the relief map for a long time. They had most of the northern city and the riverside secured. Erickun had his forces pushing into the Old City from the southwest. He set the orders, contacted the two skyships above.
"Carpet the city center?" Fear inquired dubiously. "General, you are aware that there are still civilians down there, as well as special forces?"
"Commander, I am fully aware. Gran is sending in alchemists."
There was a pause on the line. "Is he insane?"
"So, either way we will raze this place to the ground. What time?"
"0900, incendiary."
"Got it."
To: All Allied Forces
From: Major-general MArkowitz
Re: Operations
An aerial incendiary bombardment of central Southport will commence tomorrow at 0900 hours local time. Please advise your forces to stay clear of the central city districts, particularly the Old City and the Fruit Loop.
OOC:What city would be a comparible size to Southport?
To: Weyr Armed Forces Leaders
From: General Deryl Zubaka
I have two downed helicopters in Middlebury. I dont have a number of casualties but they are both pinned down. I am sending in two teams of NAVY SHARKs and two SHARK sniper teams to hold a perimeter for a convoy to bring out the wounded. No more choppers are to fly within 200 meters of Middlebury airspace. Any advice for my men if they come accross a Demon and how to destroy one of them period? Are my men safe?
2200 hours
In the darkness of the night two SHARK teams of eight each and two SHARK sniper teams of two each exited the Airfield premesis in ATMPV's on a mission to secure the crash sites. A convoy at the base consisting of two heavy and two light armoured APC's and two Medical APC's were on immediate alert for the extract of the teams and the wounded soldiers, if any.
The vehicles stopped and let out the teams 150 meters away from the park. They were on foot from there to keep stealth. The teams moved quickly and silently to the crashes before they filled up with rebels and zombies. The two teams stopped at the edge of the park to get a look at what they were really dealing with. And for the snipers to get into position in the trees and pick off the front line of patroling enemies. "CP, in position," the sniper said. The captain looked into the binoculars and evaluated the situation. Soldiers in the choppers shot at hostiles while the hostiles shot back.
"CP, this is HQ, do you read?" said the radio man.
"Roger that,"said the captain.
"Many hostiles moving onto your position. ETA, 8 minutes,"said the radio man. The captain peered into his binoculars.
He said,"Gold team take the near chopper to the right. Red team on me. Zee,Flea, got the zippo?"
"Roger," said the sniper.
"Take em out." bing went the silenced snipers as they took out all hostiles as an immediate threat."Zee look for other hostiles, Flea waoth our backs."
"Roger." BANG BANG BANG the teams shot down charging enemies. The on site medics took care of the wounded the best they could at the time. The large number of enemies was now less than 2 minutes away. One of the SHARKs was already down and another had just got hit.The front line of the massive charge was just beginning to come. There were too many for the soldiers to hold off. They called on for artillery support with the precise coordinates. BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM the artilery cannons fired in the distance mowing down hostile lines and giving the soldiers some ease.
Captain,"HQ this is romeo 6-4, send in the evac.. Were set to go. The artillery is holding them off."
HQ,"Do you have a secure perimeter?"
"We have a perimeter but were under heavy fire, were being pushed back. Need immediate evac, NOW!! Waa Wait. The firing has stopped. they stopped coming. Hold the perimeter. Hold the choppers.
"Im sending the convoy now. Hold tight and hold your perimeter."
The convoy had already left the base for a rally point but was radioed in telling them to head for the crash for extract. "Zee, Flea, you see anything?"said the captain.
"Nothing, I think they stopped. It could have been the front line."
"Alright, keep your eyes pealed and tell me if you see anything."
It was dead silent, not a peep. The snipers reported the convoy in the distance."The convoy is on its way. get ready to get outa here," said the captain.
"RPG!!!!"yelled one of the soldiers.
"Here they come!!Hold the line!!"yelled the captain.The rocket hit the base of the chopper resulting in no injuries. The zombies came rushing out of no where. "Injured first, go go. Give em some cover!!" The artillery fire sped up and blasted away the enemy lines. The APC fired there guns and mowed down the lines also."Alright, Gold team fall back to the convoy. Red team cover. NOW!."A huge line of fire came from the team and took out anyting in sight. the snipers picked off anything they saw as well as enemy snipers on the roof tops. "Watch the roof tops,"said the captain. The last team hopped into the convoy while losing one man. "Zee, Flea, fall out. In in!"The snipers hoppped down and got in the vehicles. The convoy headed back to the base while firing at on-coming enemies.
When the convoy got to the base everyone rushed to it to get the wounded and take care of the soldiers. The artillery ran practically the whole night to stop enemies from getting closer to the Airfield. The soldiers were tired and beat. There would be no more action till morning. There were a total of 15 dead and 8 wounded.
Beta Aurigae VII
25-08-2004, 17:27
"Sir, the Uchido forces are back with their men from the helicopters and they are followed closely by enemy's."
"I want Alpha company to move in and cover them and I want snipers there, there and there," said the Colonel pointing to area's around the ariport. "I'm calling in helicopters from the carriers."
"Yes sir."
The Colonel reached for his radio and called into it, "This is Colonel Sanderson, I want 10 Reapers out here on the double."
Alpha company moved through the now open gate of the airfield and advanced on the incoming enemy forces.
"When the Uchido's get through I want the gate closed," shouted the captain of Alpha company to the gate operators.
When the Uchido forces were about 50 meters away, the captain gave the orderf or his forces to make a gap for the Uchido's to get through. When they were through the gap was closed and the battle was under way.
"Meyers, Sanders each of you take a third of the company and flank them on either side," yelled the Captain over the sound of gunfire.
As large portions of the company broke off from the main group the fire of the remaining third increased to keep the rebels occupied. The assault rifles chattered away moving down the rebels, but its wasn't enough to prevent the casualties, they had lost 6 men since the separation and more were falling every minute. Finally the other two thirds of the company fell on the rebels from the side and took the majority of them by suprise. The snipers were also getting into the act as they picked off rebels by the dozens. More men were falling though. The rebels were down to there last 20 or 30 men, recognizing defeat they turned and ran back into the city as their men in the nearby buildings opened up on the rest on the company to cover their comrades escape. The firing suddenly ceased and the company moved back into the airport, the casualties were 10 dead and 4 wounded.
OOC:to Weyr, are the rebels using the ports to ship weapons and ammo fo some sort. Are they using the port at all?
Two of the three artillery batteries re-opened fire on the eastern side of Middlebury to push the retreating rebels as far in city as they could. The 155mm cannons tore apart the buildings and clogged the streets with rubble. The cannons fired for an hour and a half then stopped. The Airfield was quiet. The Allied leaders were cooking up a plan to put more pressure on the enemies.
OOC: The total land space and shape is around that of Long Island, including Brooklyn, Queens, Nassau, and Suffolk counties.
Think urban area comparable to WWII Berlin or Stalingrad, except very hot and very humid.
The original population of Southport totaled at over thirty million. You have around 200,000 rebels in the city, who have been actively fighting other factions for years, which is why the High Guard was there in the first place. Roughly 700,000 civilians are still within city limits, and either cannot or will not evacuate -- that's why the rest of the brass hasproblems with simply demolishing the city. Artillery strikes thus far have been limited to concentrated fire against known rebel positions.
I blew up the port within the first few days of the conflict. The rebels have been stockpiling weaponry for years -- there is no law against owning weapons of any type in Weyr.
To: General Deryl Zubaka
From: Major-General Markowitz
Most damage will be concentrated west of Middlebury.
I suggest using either high-explosive or sub-etheric munitions on demons. Setting them on fire does wonders, so napalm works. I have two divisions of mechanized infantry coming down, they will be assigned to your command, and will be carrying several tonns of munitions. If you need air cover, contact the WSS Balthazar on secure channel 487.201.
Can you mount an effective attack through Lower East Side and Upper East Side districts at 1200 hours?
When are you launching the air attack? I think it might effect when I launch the invasion. Do you mind if I let Beta Aurigae VII use you mechanized infantry?
We have a plan worked out so this invasion is under control.
We will commence bombardment with all our assets at roughly 0900 hours, unless a better time is suggested.
We plan to attack on the ground at 1400 hours. Either you or Beta Aurigae can handle the mechanized infantry (87th division and 88th Division, Eastern Corps).
26-08-2004, 16:35
From:General Hayama
To: General Zubaka
The tunnel fighting special forces that have been sent in will be deployed under your command. You may use them in your attack on Southport.
More to come.
The artillery and skyship crews were in position by eight hundred hours. The systems were entirely computerized, so their presence was formality more than necessity. The supercomputer onboard the Akira coordinated the entire affair perfectly. All the men and women of the Skyfleet and the High guard had to do was watch the autoloaders and bring up more munitions.
Four thousand artillery pieces, the full complement of two Corps, exploded along the northern flank at 0900 hours. Nine hundred boomed out of the base along the coast. Dozens of thirty-inch naval guns discharged aboard the Akira. With computerized precision, shells landed on time, blasting through upper building floors before exploding. The wall of shells started on a half-circle on the western side of the city, and moved west, minute after minute.
Fifteen minutes. A lull.
The shells resumed, whistling as they hit. the screams and low whistles of small howitzers on the ground and monster thirty-inch artillery four kilometers above.
The last shell landed at precisely 1400 hours local time, two hours after noon. The computer had planned it perfectly. The magazines of artillery shells had been almost fully depleted. More could, and would, arrive by steamer train.
Soldiers surged through sewers, wading in knee-deep refuse; through subways. Rebels tossed phosphor flares to blind lowlight, High Guard in hazmat threw smoke grenades, then rushed with bayonet and sword. The assault was precisely timed on the Weyrean side. Above and below, from north and south, two hundred thousand soldiers Weyrean rushed into the fray.
Mark II tanks groaned over rubble-strewn streets and plazas, firing point-blank into enemy positions. High Guard in black carbon nanomail armor skirted between blocks of fallen masonry, blasting through still-standing building walls and floors.
The Rebel had warning of the assault -- spies on both sides wondered at the sudden move. Trenches were dug in the night, traps were run, preparations were made for the assault. Rebels popped from foxholes behind advancing High Guard, firing point blank before being cut down. Anti-tank guns hidden beneath the rubble
Major-General Markowitz watched his forces advance real-time on trideo relief maps. The plan was to advance to the limits of the Fruit Loop, and halfway into the Old City, drawing a noose around the rebels. The plan had to work. At least the big demons were dead, the sub-etheric shells made sure of that. Only a few small shadows still remained, and they feared the daylight.
Only someone like Field Marshall Gran could have chosen to deploy alchemists on a whim, Maakowitz thought. Neverille would block the Marshall every step of the way, but the Sixth Contingency gave Gran the ability to call up the most destructive force in Weyr. Alchemists were used once in recorded history, and never again. The Great Western Wasteland was the result of that one battle.
Beta Aurigae VII
27-08-2004, 01:52
OOC: Uchido you can have the Upper East side. I'm taking the lower east side and we can converge on the Old City to completely surround the rebels. i'll take the 87th Mech division and leave the 88th for you. I brought tanks and stuff with me along with the special forces.
IC: At 1400 hours the Colonel gave the order to move out and the entire Beta Aurigae force execpt for about 1,000 tanks, infantry and helicopters, moved toward the lower east side to begin the purging of the rebels from that part of the city. Before entering the East Side they split into three groups, Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie, and moved to three different entry points that were decided on the night before, and given to the troops about 30 minutes before depoyment into the city.
"This is Colonel Sanderson, all groups advance through the city and meet at the desegnated area before moving on."
That being said the groups set off into the city weapons ready for just about anything....
OOC: more on the way
27-08-2004, 01:55
They lived, breathed, loved, ate and did everything in the dark. They were the tunnel special forces. Trained specifically for low-light situations, they are well trained in nightfighting and underground special missions. The select few "Elite" tunnel fighters were now fitted with prototype experimentary Glands in their eyes to make seeing in the dark almost like daytime. The operations are simple, its like inserting a contact lens permanently into someones eye. They are also expensive, which means only a few(about 100) have them, and only about 50 are combat ready. The rest are test subjects or are retired. This is the first time the military has used them in a real world situation, so they are expecting good results.
The tunnel fighters A.K.A. the "T.U.C.T."(like tucked but TUCT, means Tunnel and Underground Combat Tactics) were swiftly deployed from BlackHawks over 5 sewer entrances(10 man teams) in central Sounthport.
The attacks underground will continue until midnight tonight, and more 5 pointed perimeters will be made in other specified areas.
OOC: 1100 hours, the shelling's still hapening. Ouchies.
Beta Aurigae VII
27-08-2004, 02:07
OOC: sorry bout that i meant 1400 but i pressed the wrong button on the number pad. i will fix it right away
1400 hours
350 M25-A5 Hulk's,100 light armored APC's,100 heavy armored APC's,and 175 ATMPV's moved toward the Upper East side not knowing what to expect. All the APC's and ATMPV's were fully loaded with ARMY infantry. Spec Ops would fast rope to the tops of buildings to clear them out then extract on the roof and move to another building. The vehicles would split up evenly to cover every road in the burrow. Reports had said that resistance would be light in the city limits but as they got farther into the city resistance would become heavier. The Marines would be sent in after the front line had gotten farther into the city. The Marines would be transported via Bradshaw,APC,ATMPV ,and Black Hawk with 400 Marines. More would be sent in later.
The tanks rolled through the streets making the whole city shake. The different groups would stop at different points to let out a certain number of troops then move to the next point until the burrow was taken.
The tanks kept moving and moving tearing apart everything in their path. Noting could stop them................
OOC: Sorry if this is somewhat crappy. It's my first real war RP... I think I covered everything: Weyrean advance and losses, Rebel response to uchido and Aurigae advance on the eastern side. Pic of a Weyrean assault helo attached.
Weyrean casualties by the end of this post, for the number crunchers:
9,900 dead, 41,000 wounded, 86 tanks disabled, 233 other vehicles disabled, 31 helos disabled, 4 fighters shot down.
The difference between permacrete and normal concrete was that it was permanent. Direct artillery shells and tank munitions made good holes in it, but completely bringing down permacrete walls was another matter. The furnishings were gone, so the defenders could not be smocked out of still-standing shells and structures. Sewer mains and side streets connected buildings, to form flanking fire emplacements that took Weyrean soldiers hours to blast into submission.
[OOC: For Weyrean attack only. Rebels do the same thing for Uchido and Aurigae forces, but I have no idea how effective they are.]
When helos were called in by High Guard, they encountered heavy fire from ancient flak guns that moments before decimated mobile infantry. Tanks, their support pinned down, could only advance at the risk of being flanked and set on fire by molotovs. The rebel has used the night to good purpose, stashing light field guns in sewers and tunnels, in cellars and basements. Now, they were brought to bear.
Uchido forces inserting via the few remaining rooftops were fired at by rebels holed up on the lower stories.
Enemy fighters scampred up blasted stairs and walkways, in buildings whose roof was the sky, to engage Weyrean, Aurigae and Uchido ground troops with frag grenades and short bursts of fire, before scampering by sewer and side alley to their next positions. Their job was to hold off the advance, while others prepared trenches and gun nests farthern in. Oil fires funneled on the eastern side, blown eastward by friendly desert wind.
Block by block, High Guard fsoldiers lanked enemy positions, were flanked in turn. Artillery fire boomed over the city, co-ordinated with fighters from the Balthazar, shelling rebel redoubts and emplacements. Often, the buuildings were already empty, their occupants in pther positions.
Weyrean casualties ran high. Mark III tanks exploded when RPGs hit them at once, blinding and burning both rebels and friendlies for two dozen meters.
Dusk came, fires raged as resupplied Weyrean artillery emplacements on the north side of the city shot incendiaries deep behind the rebel lines. A few small demon shadows came out to hunt, only a few returned by morning.
The Uchido HQ had requested 75 Flat Bed trucks to transport troops as well as 50 soldiers of the elite Bravo unit to clear up the sewers from what AR's tunnel soldiers had already done. The requested items were flown in immediately as well as more supplies and ammo.
The front line of Marines had already been inserted but 2000 more were on the way as well as 6000 more ARMY infantry. 50 more heavy tanks, 300 more light APC's, 200 more heavy APC's and 200 more ATMPV's. The soldiers were dropped of at different positions to secure the area. The Flat Bed trucks were on routes 24/7 to keep transporting troops into the city and wounded troops to the base. Bravo unit was dropped of at 5 different man-holes in 10 man teams but would all eventually split up to 5 man teams to cover more ground. Three more artillery batteries were added that fired deep behind enemy lines.
The ground forces had run into a problem. There was an extensive road block that was keeping the soldiers and vehicles from moving farther inner-city. The road block ran from the city limit of Upper East Side to about half way into Middlebury. The only way was to go around which would take too long with the amount of troops, or, go through it. They called in for Nightstalkers to blow gaps in the road block wide enough so that a heavy armored tank could fit through it. The Nightstalkers said that they spotted enemies and light tanks roaming the streets and that it would not be as easy to take this side of the burrow.
Black Hawks flew over the large line of vehicles and troops waiting to get through the road block. The helicopters landed on the roof tops and let out their load of men. The Uchido forces were moving closer to one of the rebel strongholds and were in for a big surprise....................
Beta Aurigae VII
28-08-2004, 16:38
OOC: casualties for this post are 250 dead, 300 wounded, 30 tanks lost.
IC:Alpha group was moving along with ease so far through the city, they had encountered very little resistance.
"There doesn't seem to be much here does there," said one soldier near the front after the first 3 hours of moving from empty building to empty building.
"This is too easy, you'd." The soldier's last sentence was cut short by a bullet passing through his skull.
"Man down," someone yelled, followed by "Grenade!" as Alpha group dove for cover in the surrounding buildings and rubble in the street. The grenade exploded killing the few that couldn't get to cover fast enough.
"Return fire," yelled Sanderson from his position behind a small wall.
The assault rifles chattered away and some of the soldiers used grenade launchers to eliminate the grenadier on the roof of a nearby building. More grenades rained down on Alpha group as the rebel force surged forward and appeared in doorways and windows ahead of the Beta Aurigae forces. Aurigaeian snipers positioned on nearby roofs were picking off targets left and right.
"Get into the buildings and force them to fight close quarters. Red force and I will cover you," said Sanderson as he motioned for Red Force to advance from cover and distract the rebels. Sanderson himself moved from behind the wall and opened up on a group of rebels that came out of nearby manhole to try and flank his forces. They were killed within seconds. The rebels had the force of numbers but the Aurigaeians had technology on their side. Their weapons and training were far superiors to the rebels. They were slowly gaining ground...
The setting sun basked the metropolis of Wye in pale pink hues. Lights of groundcars and of buildings began to light up the darkening sky. N. H. Neverille, Grand Alchemist of The Tower, watched the city outside his office window, from the two-hundredth floor of the spire that was The Tower at Wye...
The eastern defenses of the Old City and the Fruit Loop districts were anchored by a series of large apartment buildings that had micaculously escaped demolition. They rose out of the rubble, spectral in the dust that still permeated Southport's air. In the center of that nearly-straight line was Maxim Park, where heavy machine gun and mortar nests were sheltered behind playground equipment and old tombstones. The computer that had co-ordinated the morning's bombardment had decided the zone did not constitute a threat. The park, running three kilometers along the defesive line and being a kilometer deep, remained untouched for now.
The rebels watched the Uchido and Aurigae forces in action. They plastered the rooftops of buildings with claymores. (yes, it can take down a helo)
Sewers and tunnels ran beneath Southport. The tunnels were old, some of them part of Old Southport. Everything was linked. A squad might advance, only to have the ceiling cave in from charges set in the tunnel above, or have the floor give way from charges set in the floors below. Commercial motion sensors would activate automated machine guns that covered long stretches of straight tunnel. What the rebels sometimes lacked in training and equipment, they made up for in resourcefullness and years of experience in skirmishing with other factions and High Guard forces.
On the north side ran a cemetary that had not escaped punishment. Graves were unearthed, forming shallow holes that soldiers shared with former occupants as they skirted from one place of safety to another.
The Weyrean advance from the north and southwest stalled at nightfall. Troops that had arrived during the day were thrown in before midnight, taking pressure off High Guard soldiers that had been fighting since midday.
30-08-2004, 03:55
(OOC: this is just a test to see if my posts still work. Recently ive posted some rather large posts here but they havent showed up....)
OOC: hmmm...strange......
OOC: moving on....sorry for the bad popst, I'll detail it later...... Casualties for this post: 43,000 High Guard, 228 tanks, 421 armored vehicles, 62 helos, 83 alchemists, 122 magi'i, 97,000 rebels, 532,000 civilians (either from collapsed buildings along the riverside, or those who refused to leave their homes even after the IG/Rebel stuff)
An eerie quiet settled along the Weyrean-rebel lines. Troops pulled back, withdrawing halfway to where they had started the previous morning. The rebels on those fronts bunkered woen, expecting another artillery barrage....
He was the Flame Alchemist. The first one, the only alchemist to carry that title as more than a label. There seemed to be a lull in the fighting. A sense of dread prmeated the air.....
Blue flame exploded at the tip of the Old City. Permacrete and steel vaporized as the fire surged northeast, into the heart of Southport, through every opening both above and beneath the ground.
Houses anchoring the north rebel defenses shuddered. The district of ruined apartments rose, to fall two meters below the waterline. Water surged into the wedge, where anything standing had fallen from the controlled quake, whose aftershocks shook, though did not truly damage, buildings as far away as Southport Airfield.
Armored troop carriers surged into the artificial, inunduated bowl from the north, alchemists who had not taken part in the preliminary assaults riding on their hulls. Few of the dazed rebels tried to put up a fight; most threw down their weapons after firing a few shots.
Mushroom clouds charred redoubts where stubborn rebel forces continued to fight on. Alchemist reactions flared azure, bringing down walls, clearing paths for heavy tanks and carriers. The entire Weyrean war machine was brought to bear. Magi'i in emerald robes sped ahead of the main forces, to wreak havok behind retreating rebel lines, such as they were.
01-09-2004, 01:49
With alchemists, were allied forgien forces even needed in the first place?
And since pretty much all rebel forces have been obliterated, are we still needed here?
OOC: Heh. Ultimately, it depends on how you view 'necessary'. I could have demolished the rebels on my own, since the Weyrean military is designed to be deployed in a matter of days to any point in the Kingdom. On the other hand, the casualties would have been much greater since the High Guard would have been stretched thin while more forces were being sent from up north. Anyhoo, everyone who sent help now officilly have the promise that Weyr will be fully involved in any defensive war they get into.
The plot was set over a month ago. It would have taken four days longer for Weyrean forces to destroy the city, and it would have required two hundred thousand more troops (which the allied forces have more or less provided)....I actually did not expect this level of interest and participation, since the initial Civil War threads got no attention.....Although the effectiveness of alchemists is dubious.....It still takes two days to crack the last rebel strongholds, such as they are.
The rough casualty list for the end of the war::
Total "true" alchemists in Weyr: 43,030
Total alchemists participating: 7,100
Alchemists killed during battle: 320
Alchemists killed from flux over the next 30 years: 4,200
Alchemists confined to asylums: 6,870
Ultimately, it took up two weeks, and cost a whole lot of lives to destroy the third largest city in the Kingdom....
Total civilian dead: 646,850
Total Rebel dead: 176,086
Total High Guard dead: 76,875
Net effects of CV::
Weyrean citizens killed 27,168,030
I'll post the 'aftermath' stuff tomorrow evening.....if no-one else posts.
01-09-2004, 20:10
Well since its over im gonna withdraw some troops. Theres this new nation that was attacked and the own is an idiot and he cant decide whether or not he wants us to help him, because he says "Oh my nations under attack, and we need help because my nations leader is a psychotic ditatorship and my people are dying". So what do i think? Your Nation is under attack from another "Mystery Nation" and from Genocide? That is sad. You just started yesterday. :headbang: F****** WAIT A WHILE FOR YOU START SOMETHIGN UPP!!!!!
Ok. Im done ranting now. you didnt have to read that.
The Major stepped out of the ATMPV and looked atop one of the buildings. A whole squad on one of the rooftops was taken out by a claymore. He ordered for a squad to check the status of the downed squad on the rooftop. The Uchidain forces were taking a fair amount of casualties and there were stationary hospitals in the street level floors of buildings. A single tank shot could create a road block for a whole avenue. The major radioed in to HQ,"This is Major Hill, requesting reinforcements immediatley. Need air-support to take out enemy armour, there doing some damage. What is the status on the underground and Captain Wooler?"
Radio HQ,"Wooler is pinned down in South Central, we need you to make a path to get them out of there. That place is the wild west, so be on your toes. We've lost contact with the undergroun but are expecting sattelite re-hook up in about and hour."
"South Central, you gotta be shittin' me. That's over 5 clicks away from our present position. Were only 2 from the rebel stronghold. Send in McKnights reserve column. He can clear them out, then make his way towards the stronghold. We cant afford to lose this position. But i do need reinforcements, more infantry and APC's!!!"
"I'll see what i can do, status in 10 minutes."
Major,"Roger that!! Come on, move move move. Seargent!! Take your men and secure that corner, NOW!!. Come on, keep it moving." BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM went the artillery. The sound rumbled the ground and air. Then there was silence..................the ground began to shake and it was hard to keep your balance. Five super sonic fighter jets soared across the sky followed by a line of attack helicopters for as far as you could see. "Thats our signal. Lets go,lets go. Move, MOVE!!! This is Hill to all units, move forward 800 meters then take a right. Shoot and kill any enemy that threatens that path." From a birds eye view you could see non stop activity moving through 5 avenues.
The convoys reached the point and turned. An officer peered out of the top of his ATMPV and looked through his binoculars. He saw a tank facing them with lots of movement behind it. He reported it to the Major who gave the position to the choppers. The appeared over head and took the tank as well as more tanks around it. Swarms of rebel troops bursted out from behind the tanks lines and moved torward the stopped Uchido convoy. Uchido tanks opened fire and took out chunks of troops. Infantry men hopped out of there vehicles and found positions in the streets and as well opened up firec picking off the rebels. The helicopters said that the jets had spotted and opened fire on the stronghold which was not heavily defended. It lie straight ahead and to the left. Rebel troops poured out of buildings and sewers. The major called in coordinates for artillery support. It saved the ground forces half the time to kill most of the rebels.
The rebels fired RPG's that came up short and Uchido snipers picked them off as well as other rebel troops. The convoy moved forward slowly to reach the stronghold. Parts of the convoy stayed at points to provide cover.
When the convoy reached the strong hold moments later they came across light enemy resistence. It was mainly few of the rebels firing guns out of the pillboxes. The doors were locked shut so they were forced to put C4 charges on the doors. Once the doors were blown off, Alpha went in first followed by regular infantry. The resistance was fairly light consisting of left behind rebels who were either shot or taken prisoner. The major radioed in the taking of the strong hold and checked up on Woolers men. They had been cleared out by McKnights men and were clearing out the remains of there objective.
HQ radioed in and told all field officers to exfiltrate the wounded and that a new shift of fresh troops would be brought in to take over.
All but three Bravo unit surived. The Marines were sent into Middlebury to clear out any remaining rebels. They were illy equiped and suffered more then projected.
Status of invasion:
2,221 men dead
138 vehicles destroyed
3 air units destroyed
The Marines were reinforced and two days after taking the Upper East Side, all of the Old City was under Allied control. Within 5 days, almost half of the Uchido troops would withdraw from Weyr. The invasion was a complete success, however, many casualties were taken. Uchido military leaders sat, and waited..................
OOC: Is anyhting else going to happen here????
Nope. We leveled a city and killed several million people in addtition to the two dozen killed by rebels.....If I wasn't so lazy, I would have posted the decisionmaking that sends Weyr into space.......
Uchido is withdrawing all Uchidian military personnel form the nation of Weyr.
Beta Aurigae VII
21-09-2004, 23:20
All troops have been withdrawn from the nation of Weyr. Good luck in space.