Uranium mines at risk
10-08-2004, 18:43
The 5-on-the-run members of the militant Liberalist wing Total Freedom, plus their now confirmed dirty bomb, are confirmed to be heading to the newly found LasProd mining site on Raven Mountain Pass. They are obviously desperate, since their are atleast 5000 troops of the Keimonian NDA and the Lasatanian Oversees voluntary force, plus 100 Keimonian Elite Rangers.
Liberalist, who support national indepence and increasing political freedoms, were shocked when the Keimonian goverment made a 20-year uranium mining contract with the Lasatanian corporation LasProd.
The terrorist cell with the bomb is now a Rogue cell, since Total Freedom declared it will not take any responsibility for the action the five desperate men might do.
The rogue cell is obviously headed for the Raven Mountain Pass, even more obviously to cause as much as destrution to the mining operations. Their dirty bomb might not cause a lot of collateral damage, but i would comtaminate the site for months.
Even though the large military activity in the area, Raven Mt. Pass is a large area, impossible to control in whole.
The R-cell has is probably travelling on-foot trough the lust forest of Northwest parts of Gemma Plateau. 3 of the 12 new fighters donated by the Lasatanian goverment has already been dispatched to patrol the area.
I assure you - They wont get far.
-TV speech by the President Keimo Zen, broadcasted in Keimonia 20 P.M
10-08-2004, 18:48
The Federation of Morathania would be willing to send 150 anti-terrorism experts from the Federation Guard. They are an elite armed forces that works outside of the rest of my armed forces. They have an army, air force and navy that are run by the Federation Guards directly through the government. They are some of the best anti-terrorism experts in the world. They will be sent in along with a Federation Guards Destroyer and two Frigates to assist in anti-terrorism operations. All we ask is for a trade agreement from your country and a small sum of money.
10-08-2004, 18:55
Thats a WHOLE a lot of firepower for just five men.
There are 20 Elite Rangers patrolling the site itself. Rangers may have substandard gear, but their training is excellent on anybody's standards.
5 lightly armed rednecks against 20 best soldiers this country has? That is IF they get past 4 helicopters and 3 fighters patrolling the area. And did i mention the 5000 soldiers patrolling the area, plus 80 other rangers scattered along the Pass?
I apperciate the offer, but its quite...exaggarated.
10-08-2004, 18:59
I don't know attacks have happened on more highly guarded targets in RL. You can never be too sure. Sometimes it takes 150 men to take out 5 desperate, extremist people who are ready to die for a cause.
10-08-2004, 19:05
You are right, and they DID somehow slip by the SULEF, off the cities into the wilderness.
But the rangers have also anti-terrorism training and they are perfectly capable of handling the situation. And a helicopter is patrolling within 5 km of the site. In the barren landscape of Raven Mt. Pass, the R-cell members would be seen from kilometers away.
But as i said, they did slip past the tight surveillance network in Tranquility City, and they did it again on Comorra. Gets me worried, but we can handle the situation ourselves.
10-08-2004, 19:07
Then why the hell did you post something on international incidents about it? You need help for something you post it on international incidents. I don't really care if your mines blow to kingdom come if you don't need help from other nations.
I hope you are right........ Well, Just to make sure that they don't det a dirt bomb which could cause fallout to come to my nation, I am sending in a team of covert ops professionals.
11-08-2004, 12:04
Then why the hell did you post something on international incidents about it? You need help for something you post it on international incidents. I don't really care if your mines blow to kingdom come if you don't need help from other nations.
That's the problem: they are not *my* mines.
And, the R-cell is still at large. The net has been tightened. They wont get far.
But i could be wrong, and it that case, hell is set loose.
11-08-2004, 12:25
****Diplomatic Communique from Lasatanian Foreign Ministry****
We write to express our alarm at recent events. In order to ensure the security of our operations in the region, we request permission for the deployment of the 801st Arkhangelsk Division, a mechanised division. We shall also require LasIntel agents to be permitted to travel to your country to gather intelligence on the rebels and their plans.
In addition to this, we have placed three squadrons of the Lasatanian Air Force's Long Range Aviation wing on 1-hour alert to conduct cruise missile attacks against rebel positions, should the need arise. As well as this deployment, we shall commence ELINT flights over your nation with immediate effect, in order to intercept any signals traffic between rebel groups.
The 801st Arkhangelsk Division shall be headed by Colonel Treskoyev, who shall act as liason officer with your military. The division shall remain subordinate to your military command, though within reason.
Should there be any questions or objections to this depoyment, please contact us urgently.
Komrade Molotov,
Lasatanian Foreign Minister.
11-08-2004, 12:33
OOC: Where in the world is your country situated??
Troen would like to offer 20 of our most elite fighting units being transported by 3 hind 35 attack choppers. We can not let terrorism spread and destroy vast resources
11-08-2004, 13:15
OOC: That might not be necessary since we're intending to deploy a 10,000 man armoured infantry division!
ooc: o-v-e-r-k-i-l-l...i can spell it can you?
11-08-2004, 13:22
OOC: Lol... but remember.. the VC managed to tie up god knows how many US army divisions... go figure! :)
11-08-2004, 15:13
OOC: I'll delete the previous post if u want, however I am willing to have some serious losses anyway...
11-08-2004, 16:01
The threat is over. All five men were shot to death 60km from the mining compound. They came across 6 rangers patrolling the area, they discharged their weapons. Rangers immetiadly returned fire, killing four men instantly. The fifth one died on the way to hospital. The Rangers remained unharmed.
The bomb was seized and dismantled. No more dirty bombs are believed to be in the possession of TF. However, SULEF has already arrested around 5000 members of TF all across the country, and more will follow.
11-08-2004, 17:19
OOC: Where in the world is your country situated??
Would it make look like a complete idiot if i said that i never though of that? :rolleyes:
/edit: just somewhere in central africa.
12-08-2004, 09:06
OOC: Not really... I had to create a new land mass for mine to exist!! Also, I'll keep my deployment at the original 2,000, so if you want to continue having terrorist attacks feel free... any future deployments will be small scale special forces (just 10,000 troops is nothing in an army of 1.25million!)