NationStates Jolt Archive

A New Beginning [Open, Future Tech RP]

10-08-2004, 09:00
It was twenty years since the Kristkai. Twenty years filled with labour beyond belief. Twenty years of living at the whims of madmen, who would see them killed for their warped pleasure. Twenty years of lamentation, trying to understand the minds of the Dark Eldar and the purpose of fate. What drove the Dark Eldar to commit acts of violation against their people? What drove the Dark Eldar to find pleasure in decadence and torment? What drove the Dark Eldar to wreak wanton havoc, randomly killing races for no apparent reason? The slaves mourned whenever one of their number would be marked to be sent to the various Haemonculi's around the city. They were lost before they died. The oppression, the havoc, the random mutialating, all counted in the long list of crimes against the millions of downtronden slaves that worked at the whims of their masters, often until death....

But one gang of slaves had managed to escape. By stealing one of the various sub-space shuttles used by prominant delegates in the city, they had bluffed their way into the outer zones of Commorargh's sub-space. After that, they had navigated themselves themselves through the cluster-bomb minefield, in the outer-zones and pretended to be a courier ship, sent to the wayward 5th Fleet. But as they went into warp-space, the Dark Eldar knew their plan....

I need somebody to pick up the gang of slaves...

I'm a ressurected December 2003 nation......
10-08-2004, 10:03
Strath Nal
10-08-2004, 10:20
Good luck, i reposted my 'new begining' role play for four days. Nobody even looked at it!
10-08-2004, 11:42
Lessr Tsurani
10-08-2004, 12:07
OOC I will join. Welcome back Commagrath. By the way, you can ask the mods to bring back your nation if you want, I have done it before. Just to let you know I don't know much about the Equitment the Imperials have. So I am just guessing here.

IC The transport Flew over the land, swiftly finding the area they had detected the Escaped slaves. They saw the camp and landed. The landing door opened and Brother De Shilo steped out. Grey Knights and Grey Knight Termonators moved out and set up a defencive area incase the Alian came at them.

"Move, onto the ship, we can worry about other things later." He yelled at them in a loud voice. "NOW!"
10-08-2004, 12:16
This is a ressurected nation!
Lessr Tsurani
10-08-2004, 12:23
OOC Sorry, are you going to reply to the thread?
10-08-2004, 12:35
The Alarms were raised. The Archite sent forth 8 Curiour ships, to find and seek out the slaves.....
Lessr Tsurani
10-08-2004, 13:17
OOC How many men do they hold each?

IC The Slaves ran onto the transport. They where ill norished and underfed and wore little or no clothing. De Shilo felt pity for them as they got onto the transports. More of the men where filling out and now they where joined by Imperial guard. The captin looked at the people.

"Why are we risking our necks to save them Brother De Shilo? Surly they are not worth that much, look, they even have the alian amoung them." He said in a gruff voice. "The normal men are ok, But the Alians I will not take. It a hersary."

"You will take who I tell you to take Captin." He said in a strong voice. "The Inquistors are changing their veiws slightly. Talking with alians is not punishable by death anymore, and there are a few who try to even allow them to become citizens. We could learn from them, espesialy the Eldar and the Tau. Now, send out a scouting party, and get the men ready. The Dark Eldar will not give these up easily." He then Turned and survayed the unit set up.
10-08-2004, 13:50
By the way, an Inquisitor or Grand Master would incinerate an alien immediatly....
Lessr Tsurani
10-08-2004, 14:22
OOC Yea, but there are some people who are saying that only the Inquistors can, and he wants info from them.
The Steel Legions
10-08-2004, 14:33
The Emperor Class battle ship "Hammer of Terra" rumbled through space, scanning the area, they are scanning because their have been reports of Dark Eldar Pirates in this area. The admiral sat on the bridge bored and unhappy with this assignment. Surely a great battleship such as this had better uses than to transport Imperial Guard through this area of space. But the captain said nothing as off to his left stood Constantine Hammerfaust, a Lord of Ordo Hereticus, and Colonel Dresk of the 201st Steel Legion, both were veterans of the third war for Armageddon. The captain hoped he could get through this sector without incident.
10-08-2004, 15:25
The Purple Nebula lay ahead. The ship had gone through and the Courier ships were following.....