NationStates Jolt Archive

Lasatania: A Guide

09-08-2004, 12:02

Lasatania is a large nation located on an long island due east of the Korean peninsula. Its population is a mixture of the Korean and Russian peoples, due in main to migration from both landmasses in the 16th century. A noteable movement of German people made its way to the island in the 17th century, seeking to escape persecution for their religious beliefs. Although they did not inhabit the island in large numbers, their wealth anbd position secured them high positions on the island. Prior to these popluation movements, the island was largely uninhabited, probably because of the presence of the Black Lasatanian Tapefly, which spreads a lethal sleeping disease specific to the island. However the discovery of the chemical carbofluropolymide in plants on the island, led to the synthesis of a remedy for the disease. Despite this, the island remained sparesly populated until 1916, when the Russian population began to increase as many sought to escape the nearing Revolution in their homeland.

This rapid increase in the islands population led to calls for the founding of a nation state and in 1919, the state was formed, calling itself after a rare flower found near the country's largest city, Korova. The founding of the nation was far from painless and pro-Korean and pro-Russian elements fought, both politically and in armed conflict, to assert control on the nation. The Russian elements prevailed, though their fervour for a Russian state was calmed by the forming of a Constitutional Council, which was led by more liberal politicians.

By 1925 the island had healed its internal divisions and was looking towards developing its infrastructure and industrial base in order to provide work and income for its burgeoning population. Progress was slow however and a large part of the population faced abject misery as those with assets asserted their dominance through exorbitant interest rates and poverty line wages.

In response to this, a Russian immigrant, Ilyich Yagarin, founded the People's Revolutionary Party of Lasatania in 1931. Basing its ideology on that espoused by Stalin, the Party aimed to bring about a Proletarian dictatorship. The Party's first conference was held in 1932 and Yagarin took the position of Party Chairman.

The Party slowly gained more numbers until August 23rd 1941, when spurred on by the Government's announcement it was to allow the US Navy to use it as a base during WWII, the Party declared war against the Government. What followed is now refered to as the War of Independence and led to the seizureof power by the Party in July 12th 1946.

Following the seizure of power, Yagarin immediately sought to introduce a new constitution and bring about a one-party state. To this end various security agencies were formed to ensure the population complied with the will of the Party.

Since that point in time, the whole country has undergone a re-education program, backed up by the party-controlled media. The nation sees itself as a Revolutionary Socialist paradise and considers capitalist nations to be sworn enemies. However, the Party leadership is more pragmatic in its approach to dealings with other nations and has exported various goods and even arms to nations that are considered enemies by the Party's ideology.

The following is a summary of main events since 1946:

1946 - 1952: Party consolidates power. Minor rebellions in outer provinces of country.

1956 - 1960: First Four Year Plan, industrial production rises by 400% in this time.

1962: Death of Yagarin. Party central committee appoints Koraslav Puteshkin as new Chairman.

1968 - 1972: Second Four Year Plan, industrial production rises by 250%.

1976: Death of Puteshkin. Kropotkin named Chairman.

1982 - 1986: Kropotkin initiates the Reign of Terror. In this time the party is purged of all reactionaries and ideological opponents. Additionally, invasion paranoia reaches new heights as the Party and its communication agencies broadcast footage showing an 'invasion fleet' massing near the nation's waters.

1992: Kroptokin dies and is replaced by Wahler. Wahler embarks on a programme of intensifying security measures and increases government monitoring of the nation's people.

Note: Given the closed nature of Lasatanian society it is very hard to construct a definitive history of the nation. The above are the main political events that have shaped the nation.

The seizure of power by the People's Revolutionary Army in 1994 led to further consolidation of the Party's grip on the nation. The seizure of power by the Army has also led to the nation expanding its military strength through the creation of a third naval fleet - The Revolutionary Fleet - as well as through the development of next generation bomber aircraft and helicopters.

Following the seizure of power, Chairman Wahler was assassinated by an outside power and he was replaced by General Morosov, Chief of Staff. In assuming the position of chairman, Morosov declared himself Marshal of the State. A new position above that of Party Chairman and a position which holds no accountability. Hence, Lasatania has become a true dictatorship.

The nation's recent intervention in international affairs, including the permanent deployment of troops and aircraft in Drabikstan, suggested that the nation was looking to garner itself a larger role in international affairs.

However, a civil war in 1998 led to the formation of the New State, which eschewed politics in favour of a totalitarian structure. Under the leadership of Governess Yetskora, the nation was able to recover from the previous political infighting and redevelop into a world power. The pinnacle of Yetskora's achievement was the founding of Greater Lasatania following the union of Lasatania and Ruro-Severia. With a combined population of 1.4bn, Greater Lasatania has begun to make inroads in international affairs.

The death of the Governess in 2004 has left a power vacuum yet to be filled and the history of Lasatania is once again a blank sheet on which much will be written.
09-08-2004, 16:35
Excellent reading.
The Island of Rose
09-08-2004, 16:45
Very nice indeed, I need to update my factbook also, add new ministers, add recent history, blah blah blah
10-08-2004, 09:45
National Statistics:


Full name: People's Democratic Republic of Lasatania

Population: 387 million (as of 7/04)

Official Languages: English (Russian, Korean, German as minority languages <2% used as first language)

Life expectancy: 65 years

Government: One Party State/Military Dictatorship

Ruling body: People's Revolutionary Party

Creed: Revolutionary Socialism (Trotskyite)

State religon: Aethiest

National Capital: Korova (pop: 25 million)

Government Budget Details

Income Tax Rate: 63%

Administration: $68,664,650,551.20 3%

Welfare: $0.00 0%

Health: $114,441,084,252.00 5%

Education: $160,217,517,952.80 7%

Religion & Spirituality: $0.00 0%

Defence: $572,205,421,260.00 25%

Law & Order: $1,029,969,758,268.00 45%

Commerce: $137,329,301,102.40 6%

Public Transport: $183,105,734,803.20 8%

The Environment: $0.00 0%

Social Equality: $0.00 0%

Economic Statistics

Exchange Rate: 1.6000 Kredits = $1

Major exports: Uranium and armaments

Gross Domestic Product: $4,071,365,152,062.81

GDP Per Capita: $10,520.32

Consumption: $1,764,888,345,000.00

Government Budget: $2,861,027,106,300.00

Government Expenditures: $2,288,821,685,040.00

Goverment Waste: $572,205,421,260.00

Exports: $529,487,196,522.81

Imports: $511,832,074,500.00

Trade Surplus: $17,655,122,022.81
10-08-2004, 10:17
Armed forces overview

The armed forces of Lasatania are divided into three main branches: The People's Navy, The People's Army and The Lasatanian Air Force, plus three minor branchs, LasIntel, the OVF and the PDF. Details of these are given below:

Chief of Staff: Marshal of the State Morosov

Commander Lasatanian Air Force, Marshal Prokayev

Commander Lasatanian Navy, Admiral Korskorsky

Commander People's Revolutionary Army, Marshal Protepkin

People's Revolutionary Army

Given the insular nature of the Lasatanian state, exact figures for the Army are virtually impossible to obtain. It is reckoned that it is comprised of around 1.2 million troops, divided into 8 armies of 150,000 troops. Around 2,000 troops are thought to be deployed in Drabikstan. Equipment levels are predicted to be as detailed:

Armour: 3500 tanks

AFV: 2500 APCS of various classes

Self propelled artillery: 4400 pieces

Towed Artillery: 3500 pieces

Rocket Artillery: 2600 pieces

Anti Aircraft Artillery : 11000 pieces

In the event of any hostilities the armed forces would be supported locally by the various state police agencies which include

StatPol - the state police, responsible for general crime

StatSecSer - state security service, responsible for 'internal' crime, effectively a paramilitary force.

Internal Security Agency - the secret police, widespread and pervasive in Lasatanian society.

Civilian defence forces are also a feature of the Lasatanian ministry. During the in-fighting following the revolution, the nation's capital, Korova, was turned into a warzone for the ten years that it took the party to consolidate power. Since that point in time it has been Party philosophy to give responsibility of local point defence to teams of civilian defence volunteers. Given the high level of loyalty evident among civilians to the regime, it is unsurprising that around ten percent of the total population could be considered to have received basic military training. Supplies for such civilian defence forces are kept under the strict control of building Kommisars.

In addition to the formation of civilian defence teams, the cities of Lasatania itself are modelled for urban defence and can be seen as one enormous tank trap.

The People's Revolutionary Army - Structure - up to Divisional Level

Total Army Size = 1,280,000

8 Armys of 160,000 troops

1 Army = 4 Corps of 40,000

Each Corp = 4 divisions of 10,000 Troops

1st Shock Army

1st Corp

1st Armoured Division
1st Infrantry Divn
1st Airborne Divn
1st Logistics Divn

2nd Corp

2nd Armoured Division
1st Red October Divn (Armoured Infantry)
101st Reconnaisance Divn
2nd Logistics Divn

3rd Corp

3rd Armoured Division
76th Revolutionary Volunteers (Infantry)
123rd Airborne Division (Elite)
3rd Logistics Divsion

2nd Shock Army

1st Corp
4th Armoured Division
99th Revolutionary Guards (Inf)
23rd Guards Divn (Mech Inf)
4th Logisitics Divn

2nd Corp
82nd Guards Tank Divn
People's Front Divn (Inf)
242nd Front Army (Elite)
5th Logistics Divn

3rd Corp

11th Panzerzestorer Divn (Armoured)
87th Airborne Divn
14th Infantry Divn
6th Logistics Corp

1st People's Army

1st Corp

3rd Infantry Divn
45th Mechanized Divn (Mech Inf)
55th Armoured Divn
7th Logistics Divn

2nd Corp

901st Red October Divn (Inf)
902nd Barrikady Divn (Inf)
1st Leningrad Divn (Armoured)
8th Logistics Divn

3rd Corp

65th Armoured Divn
33rd Motorised Infantry Divn (Mech Inf)
17th Airborne Divn
9th Logistics Divn

2nd People's Army

1st Corp

1st Marines Divn (Marines)
60th Red Hammer Divn (Armoured)
24th Expeditionary Divn (Mech Inf/Rapid Reaction)
10th Logistics Divn

2nd Corp

2nd Marines Divn
801st ArkhangelskDivn (Mech Inf)
52nd Red Flag Divn (armoured)
11th Logistics Divn

3rd Corp

57th Red Front Divn (Inf)
81st People's Volunteer Divn (Inf)
1st Kursk Divn (Armoured)
12th Logistics Divn

1st Red Army

1st Corp

1st Guards Divn (Mech Inf)
1st Guards Tank Divn
1st Guards Airborne Divn
13th Logistics Divn

2nd Corp

2nd Guards Divn (Mech Inf)
2nd Guards Tank Divn
2nd Guards Airborne Divn
14th Logistics Divn

3rd Corp

3rd Guards Divn (Mech Inf)
3rd Guards Tank Divn
3rd Guards Airborne Divn
15th Logistics Divn

2nd Red Army

1st Corp

4th Guards Divn (Mech Inf)
4th Guards Tank Divn
4th Guards Airborne Divn
16th Logistics Divn

2nd Corp

5th Guards Divn (Mech Inf)
5th Guards Tank Divn
5th Guards Airborne Divn
17th Logistics Divn

3rd Corp

6th Guards Divn (Mech Inf)
6th Guards Tank Divn
6th Guards Airborne Divn
18th Logistics Divn

1st Barrage Army

1st Corp

401st Artillery Divn
402nd Artillery Divn
403rd Artillery Divn
19th Logistics Divn

2nd Corp

404th Artillery Divn
405th Artillery Divn
406th Artillery Divn
20th Logistics Divn

3rd Corp

407th Artillery Divn
408th Artillery Divn
409th Artillery Divn
21st Logistics Divn

1st Air Defence Army

1st Corp

801st Air Defense Divn
802nd Air Defence Divn
803rd Air Defence Divn
22nd Logistics Divn

2nd Corp

804th Air Defense Divn
805th Air Defence Divn
806th Air Defence Divn
23rd Logistics Divn

3rd Corp

807th Air Defense Divn
808th Air Defence Divn
809th Air Defence Divn
24th Logistics Divn

People's Navy

The People's Navy is split into three fleets; the Home Defence Fleet, The Expeditionary Fleet and the Revolutionary Fleet.

In addition to the three fleets, the submarine fleet is currently being developed to operate in a range of roles, including fleet defence, coastal defence, SLCM and SLBM.

Expeditionary Fleet - 1 aircraft carrier, 3 destroyers, 3 cruisers, 26 frigates, 4 nuclear submarines (Akula class)

Revolutionary Fleet - 1 aircraft carrier, 3 destroyers, 3 cruisers, 26 frigates, 4 nuclear submarines (Akula class)

Home Defence Fleet - 3 destroyers, 3 cruisers, 26 frigates, 4 nuclear submarines (Akula class)

Submarine fleet:

(All codenames refer to Soviet models)


2xTyphoon (SLBM)
4x Delta IV (SLBM)

12 x Sierra II (SLCM/attack)
6 x Alfa (attack)
6 x Oscar II (SLCM/surface attack)

12xAkula (attack - counted in surface fleets)


12 x Kilo (coastal defence)

Lasatanian Air Force

1)PVO: (National Air Defence)

25 squadrons (12 planes per squadron)

3 x LAS-FX2 Foiler (Sukhoi S37 prototype)
2 x LAS-FX3 Firestorm (MiG 35)
7 x LAS-F7 Flashback (Su-15)
5 x MiG-29 Fulcrum
5 x Su-35 Super Flanker
3 x MiG-31 Foxhound

2) Frontal Aviation:

32 squadrons

10 x Su-22 Fitter
10 x MiG-23 Flogger
5 x Su-24 Fencer
5 x Su-25 Frogfoot
2 x Mig 25 Foxbat D (Recon)

3) Long Range Aviation:

33 squadrons


10 x LAS-B1 Bloodstain (Tu22M Backfire copy)
5 x Tu-160 Blackjack
5 x Tu-142 Bear H (ALCM platform)
3 x LAS-XB1 Blackbear
3 x Tu-16 Badger
3 x Mya-4 Bison
1 x Il-28 Beagle


3 x Tu95 Bear E (Recon)


5 x Tu-128 Fiddler (Long range patrol fighters)

4)Naval Air Wing

22 Squadrons

6 x LAS-F6 Fullback (Su27 copy - carrier-based)
5 x Tu-142 Bear F (Anti-sub)
1 x Tu-142 Bear J (Submarine comms)
2 x BE-42 Mermaid (coastal patrol)
5 x LAS-B1 Bloodstain
1 x Tu95 Bear E (Naval recon)
2 x Il-38 May (Anti-sub)

5) Air Transport Corps

35 Squadrons


10 x IL-76 Candid
5 x An-74 Coaler
5 x An-26 Clank
5 x An-12 Cub
2 x An-22 Cock
2 x An-70
1 x An-124 Condor

LasAir Craft

2 x Tu-154
2 x Tu-204
1 x Tu-114

6) Support wing

10 squadrons

3 x Il-78 Midas (Refuelling)
1x Tu22 Blinder (ELINT)
1 x An-50 Mainstay (AWACS)
2 x Tu-126 Moss (AWACS)
1 x L-39 (Trainer)
1 x MiG-19 (Trainer)
1 x Su-29 (Trainer)
1 x Tu-16 (Trainer)
3 x LAS-F1000 Fistfight (also used in COIN role if needed)

7)National Air Guard

10 Squadrons

2 x LAS-XF2 Foiler
1 x LAS-XF3 Firestorm
5 x LAS-F1 Freefall (MiG-21 Bis Copy)
2 x Su-22 Fitter

8) Helicopter Fleet (deployed by Army and Air Force)

60 squadrons


10 x LAS-AH1 'Harpy'
15 x Mi-24 'Hind'


3 x KA-27 'Havok A' (Carrier Borne)
3 x Mi-14 'Haze' (Land based ASW)


5 x Mi-26 'Halo'
20 x Mi-17 'Hip H'
4 x Mi-6 'Hook'
10 x Mi-8 'Hip'

The following forces are deployed in Drabikstan:

Long Range Aviation (all in squadrons):

1 x Tu-142 Bear H (ALCM platform)
1 x LAS-XB1 Blackbear
1 x LAS-B1 Bloodstain
1 x LAS-B2 Brightstar

Frontal Aviation:

1 x Su-25 Frogfoot
1 x Mig 25 Foxbat D (Recon - 3 aircraft from sqdn)

Air Transport Corp:

1 x IL-76 Candid


1 x LAS-XF2 Foiler
1 x MiG-31 Foxhound

Breakdown of Lasatanian nuclear forces

Delivery systems


2xTyphoon (SLBM)
4x Delta IV (SLBM)

Note: Only half of subs are deployed at once, missiles rotated for each tour.


Note: Not all aircraft of Long Range Aviation are used for nuclear missions; around 3 squadrons are on 24-hour standby for these

120 x FAS-B1 Bloodstain
60 x Tu-160 Blackjack
60 x Tu-142 Bear H
36 x Tu-22 Blinder
36 x Tu-16 Badger

Nuclear Weapons


20 x LAS-SS1 Slapstick (450kt warhead)


20 x R-39/SS-N-20 Sturgeon SLBM (10x100kt MIRV warhead)
(deployed on 1 sub, 1 sub in reserve)

Delta IV
32 x R-29RM/SS-N-23 Skiff SLBM (4x100kt MIRV warhead)
(deployed between 2 subs, 2 subs in reserve)

Air launched cruise missiles

30 x AS-19 KOALA ALCM (2x200kt warhead per missile)

Other Military Agencies

Overseas Volunteer Force

OVF/RRF Corps - 50,000 troops approx.

The OVF is essentially a front for Lasatania's overseas excursions. Units are formed on an ad-hoc basis and are renamed for this purpose. Aside from being a cover, a core of around 50,000 troops is retained in the OVF, specifically for use as a rapid reaction force - the OVF/RRF. The OVF/RRF is comprised of full-time soldiers who volunteer to spread the message of Revolutionary Socialism overseas. They are very much an elite unit on par with other elite forces around the world and are capable of holding their own against far larger numbers. Additionally, the OVF/RRF are the First In, First Out troops of the Lasatanian armed forces, both in the role of shock troops and also for activity behind enemy lines. Working in close co-operation with LasIntel, the OVF/RRF is also responsible for CoIntel and espionage during times of peace.


Classified. (Thought to number 10,000 staff members)

People's Defence Force

Ten percent of the Lasatanian population of adult age is trained for the defence of their building/factory/local area. Command of PDF units is undertaken by local Party Komissars. Equipment available to units is generally defensive and includes sub-machine guns, rifles, machine gun emplacements, molotov cocktails, grenades and anti-tank missiles. Full mobilisation rarely takes place and the PDF is only activated if a state of war is declared. PDF command in each town is responsible for the formation of defensive structures and minefields during a time of war. City air defences also fall under the remit of the PDF.
10-08-2004, 10:39

As a one party state, Lasatania is controlled through the various ministries. Overall, political control is held by the Marshal of the State, General Morosov. Beneath him is a 14 man politburo comprising the 10 main ministries and the Party Vice Chairman and the Commanders of the Armed Forces.

Composition of the Politburo:

Marshal of the State and Party Chairman - General Petr Morosov

Commander Lasatanian Air Force - Marshal Kovolich Prokayev

Commander Lasatanian Navy - Admiral Sergei Korskorsky

Commander People's Revolutionary Army - Marshal Andreas Protepkin

Chief Kommissar - Ernst Yelanet

Party Vice-Chairman - Igor Stayanavich

Foreign Minister - Propoyev Molotov

Finance Minister - Konrad Kruschev

Minister of the Interior - Nikolai Putkeskov

Social Minister - Lei Zeitong

Minister for LasProd - Anna Korovana

Communications Minister - Elena Yetskora

Minister of Education - Ilga Korlasayev

Minister for Health - Sergei Korslava

Minister for Central Planning - Anna Tulopet

Government Agencies

In addition to the security agencies detailed previously, the Party imposes its will on the people throught the following agencies:

LasProd - Responsible for every aspect of the state's industrial capacity, including employment, production targets, imports and exports and central planning and distribution of goods.

LasComm - State communications agency, responsible for every aspect of Internal media, from publishing and film, through to the state's Intranet.

Interlas - The state's mouthpiece. Responsible for all external news releases and media from the State. Also responsible for news and television with Lasatania itself.

Finally, the most important state agencies:

The Party High Commission (aka The Kommissars) - Responsible for the political indoctrination of the people and for ensuring their obedience. Kommissars are the most loyal of party members and they are everywhere. From worker's buildings and factories, through to military units and even the Party itself. They are much feared and only responsible to the Party.

StatPol - the state police, responsible for general crime

StatSecSer - state security service, responsible for 'internal' crime, effectively a paramilitary force.

Internal Security Agency - the secret police, widespread and pervasive in Lasatanian society. This agency cooperates fully with the Kommissars and is often seen as an offshoot of that agency.
18-08-2004, 13:56
Army Review of 17/8/2004

Percentage in military:0.7%

Amount in Military:2866150

Reserve Military:150850

Total Budget: $8404500000000.002 per Year

Military Budget: $2521350000000.0005 per Year

Budget per soldier: $835714.2857142859 per Year

1st Shock Army

1st Corp

1st Armoured Division (200 x LAS-T1)
1st Infrantry Divn
1st Airborne Divn
1st Logistics Divn

2nd Corp

2nd Armoured Division (200 x LAS-T1)
1st Red October Divn (Armoured Infantry) (BTRDx250/BTR90x100)
101st Reconnaisance Divn (200xBTR-80)
2nd Logistics Divn

3rd Corp

3rd Armoured Division (200 x LAS-T1)
76th Revolutionary Volunteers (Infantry)
123rd Airborne Division (Elite)
3rd Logistics Divsion

2nd Shock Army

1st Corp
4th Armoured Division (200 x LAS-T1)
99th Revolutionary Guards (Inf)
23rd Guards Divn (Mech Inf) (BTRDx250/BTR90x100)
4th Logisitics Divn

2nd Corp
82nd Guards Tank Divn (200 x LAS-T1)
People's Front Divn (Inf)
242nd Front Army (Elite)
5th Logistics Divn

3rd Corp

11th Panzerzestorer Divn (Armoured) (200 x LAS-T1)
87th Airborne Divn
14th Infantry Divn
6th Logistics Corp

1st People's Army

1st Corp

3rd Infantry Divn
45th Mechanized Divn (Mech Inf) (BTRDx250/BTR90x100)
55th Armoured Divn (200xT80)
7th Logistics Divn

2nd Corp

901st Red October Divn (Inf)
902nd Barrikady Divn (Inf)
1st Leningrad Divn (Armoured) (200 x LAS-T1)
8th Logistics Divn

3rd Corp

65th Armoured Divn (200 x T90)
33rd Motorised Infantry Divn (Mech Inf) (BTRDx250/BTR90x100)
17th Airborne Divn
9th Logistics Divn

2nd People's Army

1st Corp

1st Marines Divn (Marines) (200xPT76/200xMTLB)
60th Red Hammer Divn (Armoured) (200 x T80)
24th Expeditionary Divn Mech.Inf/RRF)(BTRDx250/BTR90x100)
10th Logistics Divn

2nd Corp

2nd Marines Divn (200xPT76/200xMTLB)
801st ArkhangelskDivn (Mech Inf) (BTRDx250/BTR90x100)
52nd Red Flag Divn (armoured) (200 x T90)
11th Logistics Divn

3rd Corp

57th Red Front Divn (Inf)
81st People's Volunteer Divn (Inf)
1st Kursk Divn (Armoured) (200xT80)
12th Logistics Divn

1st Red Army

1st Corp

1st Guards Divn (Mech Inf) (BTRDx250/BTR90x100))
1st Guards Tank Divn (200 x T72)
1st Guards Airborne Divn
13th Logistics Divn

2nd Corp

2nd Guards Divn (Mech Inf) (BTRDx250/BTR90x100)
2nd Guards Tank Divn (200 x T72)
2nd Guards Airborne Divn
14th Logistics Divn

3rd Corp

3rd Guards Divn (Mech Inf) (BTRDx250/BTR90x100)
3rd Guards Tank Divn (200 x T72)
3rd Guards Airborne Divn
15th Logistics Divn

2nd Red Army

1st Corp

4th Guards Divn (Mech Inf) (BTRDx250/BTR90x100)
4th Guards Tank Divn (200 x T80)
4th Guards Airborne Divn
16th Logistics Divn

2nd Corp

5th Guards Divn (Mech Inf) (BTRDx250/BTR90x100)
5th Guards Tank Divn (200 x LAS-T1)
5th Guards Airborne Divn
17th Logistics Divn

3rd Corp

6th Guards Divn (Mech Inf) (BTRDx250/BTR90x100)
6th Guards Tank Divn (200 x T80)
6th Guards Airborne Divn
18th Logistics Divn

1st Barrage Army

1st Corp

401st Artillery Divn (100xBM30/100x2S7 203mm spg/100x 2S5 152mm SPG/100 x M-55 152-mm)
402nd Artillery Divn (100xTOS-1 220mm /100x2S7 203mm spg/100x 2S5 152mm SPG/100 x M-55 152-mm)
403rd Artillery Divn (100xBM30/100x2S7 203mm spg/100x 2S5 152mm SPG/100 x M-55 152-mm)
19th Logistics Divn

2nd Corp

404th Artillery Divn (100xBM30/100x2S7 203mm spg/100x 2S5 152mm SPG/100 x M-55 152-mm)
405th Artillery Divn (100xTOS-1 220mm /100x2S7 203mm spg/100x 2S5 152mm SPG/100 x M-55 152-mm)
406th Artillery Divn (100xBM30/100x2S7 203mm spg/100x 2S5 152mm SPG/100 x M-55 152-mm)
20th Logistics Divn

3rd Corp

407th Artillery Divn (100xBM30/100x2S7 203mm spg/100x 2S5 152mm SPG/100 x M-55 152-mm)
408th Artillery Divn (100xTOS-1 220mm /100x2S7 203mm spg/100x 2S5 152mm SPG/100 x M-55 152-mm)
409th Artillery Divn (100xBM30/100x2S7 203mm spg/100x 2S5 152mm SPG/100 x M-55 152-mm)
21st Logistics Divn

1st Air Defence Army

1st Corp

801st Air Defense Divn (50xSA-19 GRISOM/50xSA-17 GRIZZLY/50xSA-15 GAUNTLET/50xSA-12A GLADIATOR/100xZSU-23-4)

802nd Air Defence Divn (50xSA-19 GRISOM/50xSA-17 GRIZZLY/50xSA-15 GAUNTLET/50xSA-12A GLADIATOR/100xZSU-23-4)

803rd Air Defence Divn (50xSA-19 GRISOM/50xSA-17 GRIZZLY/50xSA-15 GAUNTLET/50xSA-12A GLADIATOR/100xZSU-23-4)

22nd Logistics Divn

2nd Corp

804th Air Defense Divn (50xSA-19 GRISOM/50xSA-17 GRIZZLY/50xSA-15 GAUNTLET/50xSA-12A GLADIATOR/100xZSU-23-4)

805th Air Defence Divn (50xSA-19 GRISOM/50xSA-17 GRIZZLY/50xSA-15 GAUNTLET/50xSA-12A GLADIATOR/100xZSU-23-4)

806th Air Defence Divn (50xSA-19 GRISOM/50xSA-17 GRIZZLY/50xSA-15 GAUNTLET/50xSA-12A GLADIATOR/100xZSU-23-4)

23rd Logistics Divn

3rd Corp

807th Air Defense Divn (50xSA-19 GRISOM/50xSA-17 GRIZZLY/50xSA-15 GAUNTLET/50xSA-12A GLADIATOR/100xZSU-23-4)

808th Air Defence Divn (50xSA-19 GRISOM/50xSA-17 GRIZZLY/50xSA-15 GAUNTLET/50xSA-12A GLADIATOR/100xZSU-23-4)

809th Air Defence Divn (50xSA-19 GRISOM/50xSA-17 GRIZZLY/50xSA-15 GAUNTLET/50xSA-12A GLADIATOR/100xZSU-23-4)

24th Logistics Divn

Totals: MBT - 3600
APC - 4600
Amphib Tanks - 400
SAMS - 1800
AA Guns - 900
Missile Art - 900
SPGS - 1800
Towed Art - 900
Monte Ozarka
18-08-2004, 14:22

18-08-2004, 14:23
OOC: The second army post was mistake.. I was working stuff out for an RP and it got in the way.. so I'll axe it once I've finished with the figures..