NationStates Jolt Archive

Bringing the dead back to life?

Holy panooly
09-08-2004, 09:50
It sounds like necromancy and magic but modern science may be the key to bring the dead back to life. We have researched seemingly 'impossible' ideas before and we see no reason why we shouldn't try it. The principle of life is quite simple; a pounding heart and brains who function in a normal way and lungs. Food, water and vitamins are additions to let your body function well as a whole. But brains, lungs and your heart just need the food supplements in order to let them work.

With that mind, we created our genetroopers. Geneticly enhanced soldiers who underwent serious changes. Like all mammels on the planet they have a heart, lungs and brains. They don't have any painnerves but you don't need those in order to move around. They don't have any digestion organs. They don't need them because all food (liquid) is injected directly into the blood circulation. This saves time and space, two important things a soldier cannot waste.

Lets sum it all up; we have an organism with the 3 most important organs (heart, lungs & brains) a nerve system and blood traffic. Several genetroopers who accidently died were given a small heart-lung machine into their abdomen. Lightweight, easy to use and enough power to operate for a month. This was an important step forward but the dead didn't walk the earth again. We put sensors on the heart and brains to measure activity. While allive they were giving us information about blood pressure in the 3 vital organs. When dead it was zero as expected. We adjusted our heart-lung machine in the abdomen to start working the minute the organism dies.

Now, we have a dead organism with a pounding heart and working lungs but it still isn't alive. It was then when he fell back to cybernetics; robotic limbs. Our scientists cleared small pieces of flesh in the arms and legs to implement minature computers connected to the nerves. With the heart pounding it creates energy which is transformed into a small bit of electricity to power up the computer chips in both the arms and legs. The nerves work like ordinary cables but they can't handle high voltages. We had to tone down the voltage. With the proper electrical current and voltage we reproduced the small electric signals used to communicate with the brains.

Maintaining the bodytemperature wasn't a big problem. After the organism died, the body temperature didn't drop immeadiately. The blood went through all the body parts to keep them warm. Let's summarize it again:

- The organism is living but braindead after death.
- It's breathing: the blood traffic and nerve systems work the same way as living organisms.

If we managed to let the brains work again, we were done in brining the dead back to life. Your brains work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year. That is a fact. When you die, they stop working and every piece of knowledge you gathered, every skill you learned is lost when you die. Without brain activity there's no more 'power' to store all data. Unlike computers when their plug is pulled and reconnected they work again. This was a major problem to overcome.

Reanimation of the brain was the answer. With the heart pounding and the lungs providing oxygen it was like trying wake up a coma patient or to heal a braindead person. In one case the person in question woke up by himself but alas, he was a plant. The heart-lung machine was activated a tiny fraction of a second too late. With the thing adjusted again we killed another one of our genetroopers.

9:33:301 AM Specimen #53 dies
9:33.302 AM Specimen #53 reanimates by heart-lung machine
9:33.305 AM Specimen #53 regains full control over body; still unable to move
9:33.410 AM Specimen #53 remains unable to move; can talk, hear, feel and taste

With the brains working, we succeded in brining the dead back to life. Making specimen #53 able to move was done by a minor operation, the spinal core needed to get some more sensitive receivers for the electrical signals. How he can move, walk and talk like a normal human. With this development we achieved the impossible!

OOC: This may sound like futuretech or impossible at all but it isn't. I've read articles about this and talked to people in-the-know and they agree it's possible in the next 10 years. Call it future tech but in NS time goes faster. Not to mention with the proper government support (billions and billions each year) the research can be sped up.

EDIT: Read this to get more info on my genetroopers:
09-08-2004, 10:32
OOC: Possible, but raises difficult ethical questions.
Holy panooly
09-08-2004, 10:45
OOC: Possible, but raises difficult ethical questions.

True, but ethical questions usually come from the church. I dont believe in a God or something so I dont have any objections to this kind of research which is why I wrote it.
09-08-2004, 11:13
We have made similar experiments in here. Our main goal however was to increase living time of one, trough genetic manipulations. However we have also experimented with the dead, so far we have been unsuccesful. Our biologists would be more than clad to assist you.

By the way, we have always been very intrested in the "alternate" research of any sort. We believe that there is an future in those things. For example we have had paranormal research labs since 1800s.
Holy panooly
09-08-2004, 11:27
Thanks for the offer but our own biologists are the only persons who are allowed to work on this project.
09-08-2004, 11:47
Concerning the genetroopers lack of pain nerves (which I will pick on because I'm unqualified to think about the realism of any other part):

Wouldn't it be more conductive to have a vague sense of pain just to notify you? A genetrooper could, without nerves, lean against a scalding oven and not notice.
Holy panooly
09-08-2004, 12:10
They're still in the experimental fase. We'll think about it.
09-08-2004, 12:17
Ethics is NOT governed only by the church. Science without any ethical considerations can lead to disaster.

Ask yourself: Are the Genetroopers living beings?

You claim they have brains, and a nervouse system and therefore i presume they also have memory and the capacity of thought/reason.

Thus i say to you that you are creating life forms which by your denial of ethical considerations are denying basic human rights. A creature should not be born to War!

The people of Homelandia deplor your research.

Minister of Foreign Affairs
Xao Li
Holy panooly
09-08-2004, 12:29
We laugh at the words you wrote. There's nothing holy or sacred about human life. We are here because of evolution and we hold the right to alter it.
09-08-2004, 12:40
All life is of worth!

Your disregard for ANY considerations for and of life are evident in your rebutal.

Your use of the words Sacred and Holy are interesting to us as they are obviously considerations your are specifically struggling with, as we have made no religious or spiritual claims in our ethical condemnation of your resaerch.

We, the Liberation of Life Movement, based in Homelandia are taking this cause to heart, as you are obviously a deranged Frankenstein!

Life deserves freedom!

Director of Public Relations
For the Liberation of Life Movement
Rebecca Goodwin
Holy panooly
09-08-2004, 12:54
Genetic experiments aren't even born but grown in lab. What can possibly be sacred about such life? We have always shown great interest in improving life and reach a higher plane of consciousness.
09-08-2004, 13:17
Dear Frankenstein, how lost are you on the path to scientific understanding of life?!
Your constant referal to sacremental language along with rebutal of religious ideology is a paradox! Choose one or the other or mix them but do not cling to what you reject like a weaning child yearning for the absent mothers breast.

You claim to strive for a "...higher plane of consciousness." and yet you regard the life you create as specimens...built for war..."...grown in a lab."

you claim there is nothing sacred about such a life...and claim the ethical considerations to be ..."from the church."

And yet you still deny any consideration for the life based upon it's own merits as a thinking feeling rational being.

Evolution may well be manipulated by our actions as scientists, but this power does not absolve us from ethical considerations. Science without ethics can easily become a tool of great your research into unfeeling vat born soldiers indicates.

Woe to the world if science be unleashed in such an unethical manner.

Shame to use such potential for life saving technology on the field of war for imperialistic hedgemony.

Join us in Homelandia, in the Region of A Green And PLeasant Land, and turn this devestating warmachine to a lifebringing marvel!!

Professor Vin Mao Tsu
Department of Humanities
University Of Homelandia
09-08-2004, 13:20
We aplaud your progress and wish you the best of luck continueing it. We however also wonder if we could send over an obserrver to look at these "gene tropers" to help our reletvly new science department get along
Russian Forces
09-08-2004, 13:22
As a nation that believes in the usefulness of a citizen, we see that as long as these genetic experiments are useful and for the benefit of the greater good of society and of his nation, then the experiments should proceed. However Russian Forces abandoned this idea of genetic enhanced soldiers/creatures because of the danger of it and the greivances it makes among the people. We suggest our comrades of Holy Panooly to try not create abominations for the use of military for it is as dangerous as a weapon of mass destruction.
Holy panooly
09-08-2004, 13:25
I'm honored that you call me Frankenstein. While it may sound like I'm contradicting myself, it's not. Usually protests come from the church (which is banned now). Since we do not believe in a bible but in science and technology we can reach a new era where there's no place for failure and weakness. We are creating a pure and perfect army, void of errors. Science is the answer to everything.

We have the power to control life AND death. Isn't that something which is reserved to God only? Then we must be God's equals on earth. Too bad we don't believe in this hocus-pocus otherwise we might declare ourselves the new Gods of the modern age.
09-08-2004, 13:32
We regularly use artificially born "humans" in our human experiments. Well, are we immoral madmen ? In the judeo-christian moralistic sense maybe, but we believe in Torsgism and torsgism fully supports our research. Afterall Torsgism is based on the idea that one day united we shall rise to level of gods. What would be a god that doesn't know the secrets of life and death ?
Holy panooly
09-08-2004, 13:35
We fully agree with you Torsg. Only a God who doesn't want to give up power keeps these things a secret. We have found the knowledge hidden in science. We have unlocked the secrey.
09-08-2004, 13:40
((OOC LOL ;P))

Minor riots break out at newstands in Homelandia as papers across the small island state are burnt. Protesters are outraged at claims of godhood in the science community of The Liberal Fascist Axis of Holy panooly.

Shouts of Anti Fascist slogans rang out across the capital as a mob of university students marched through the city demanding the government oppose geneitc modification of human beings built for war and increase funding to universities.

Minister for foreign affairs, Xao Li, denied any political connections between the government of Homelandia and the Liberal Fascist Axis of Holy panooly.

Minister for Scince Lao Xi denies Homelandia is diverting funds into genetic research for war troops, and further deplors the science of geneticially modified humans grown for war.

While condemnation for vat born soldiers grows in many of Homelandia's provinces, university students and researchers are intrigued by the developements The Liberal Fascist Axis of Holy panooly scientists have achieved in regenerative procedures.
Holy panooly
09-08-2004, 13:42
We fully respect Homelandia's opinions. Holy Panooly has always looked over the horizon when it comes to strange science. We will only use these undead soldiers as a last resort, not in a common war.

No further comments about our project at this time.
09-08-2004, 13:50
After days of unrest the small island state of Homelandia is once more at peace.

Squads of street sweepers comb the capital clearing broken glass and littered posters from the streets.

The government issued statements reasuring the populace that an undead army was NOT being manufactured neither here nor abroad, and maintained its moral stance that all sentient human life has equal worth in the comunity, wether born or grown in a vat, which the government again denied Homelandia having any vat growing facilities.

Rumours of zombies walking the streets continue to grow in Homelandia's outer regions.
Holy panooly
09-08-2004, 13:54
Zombies walking the streets? That's what happens when technology like this comes in the wrong hands. Only the governent can decide about this project wether it continues or stops. This is also the case in our genetroopers.
09-08-2004, 14:05
By the way Homelandia what do you think of our research, is it wrong ? About 90% of our people support it. It is supposed to improve humans, not to create warmachines for our nation. Yes, the improved human would be a super soldier too, but we would treat it with same respect as our other citizens. They would be naturally born too, though first ones had to be artificially inseminated. We are looking to improve all of our people.
09-08-2004, 14:20
Would you be willing to possibly sell this technology? We are interested in using it for civilian use. We wouldn't make copies of your gene-troopers, for we don't believe in using them for war.
Holy panooly
09-08-2004, 14:26
Would you be willing to possibly sell this technology? We are interested in using it for civilian use. We wouldn't make copies of your gene-troopers, for we don't believe in using them for war.

We will not sell it.
Central Facehuggeria
09-08-2004, 14:34
I use a freekishly similar tech, but then again, mine is future tech. :P

Eh, I *suppose* I could make it modern tech, but that would mean I'd have to interact with all those modern tech n00bs who cry "OMG GUDMOD!!!!" whenever something they don't like pops up.

So no. You're probably going to remain the only one with a tech like this in the modern technological bracket. :)
09-08-2004, 14:37
This technology has many potential benifits to humanity. We at the Ethical Research Foundation are both interested and concerned with the developement of this technology.

At this time we can neither support nor decry this research as we are still engaged in our own research as to the possitive applications that are possible.

At present the use of genetically modified humans for combat purposes is regarded as anathama to our people, our government and our research institutes.

The Dominion of Homelandia remains open yet sceptical of this research.

Minister for Foreign Affairs
Xao Li
09-08-2004, 14:44
HP, why do you need to bring the dead back.
Holy panooly
09-08-2004, 14:53
@ Central Facehuggeria: I think I wrote this thread well enough to point out that this isn't godmodding. When I go to war with somebody and then I'll present this, then I couldn't agree more about godmodding.

@ Brydog: It makes are troops more effective and death isn't the end anymore. They can go on. There are still a few minor problems to overcome though but I'm working on that.

IC: Homelandia, normal humans need a digestive system to survive and aren't made for injection food supplements. Plus, rotting goes faster without the enhanced cel structure of the genetroopers.
The Island of Rose
09-08-2004, 15:49
We applaud this scientific breakthrough, though, it is morally in every single way, wrong. But, what can ya do. Have fun with your undead super soldiers.
-President Sergei Ilyanov of the Island of Rose

OOC// Nice >> << >> <<
Holy panooly
09-08-2004, 16:09
How can it be morally wrong? Give me one good reason why.
The Island of Rose
09-08-2004, 16:15
How can it be morally wrong? Give me one good reason why.

Since you all are athiests, we can't make up a reason. I'm not going to Bible beat you, so have fun.
Holy panooly
09-08-2004, 17:05
Oh we will. Not that I care about any bible blah blah
09-08-2004, 23:17
OOC: You may not need a digestive system, but you still need a means of excreting and filtering waste, so you'll need a liver and kidneys at the very least as well as some mechanism to remove waste....