Holy panooly
09-08-2004, 09:50
It sounds like necromancy and magic but modern science may be the key to bring the dead back to life. We have researched seemingly 'impossible' ideas before and we see no reason why we shouldn't try it. The principle of life is quite simple; a pounding heart and brains who function in a normal way and lungs. Food, water and vitamins are additions to let your body function well as a whole. But brains, lungs and your heart just need the food supplements in order to let them work.
With that mind, we created our genetroopers. Geneticly enhanced soldiers who underwent serious changes. Like all mammels on the planet they have a heart, lungs and brains. They don't have any painnerves but you don't need those in order to move around. They don't have any digestion organs. They don't need them because all food (liquid) is injected directly into the blood circulation. This saves time and space, two important things a soldier cannot waste.
Lets sum it all up; we have an organism with the 3 most important organs (heart, lungs & brains) a nerve system and blood traffic. Several genetroopers who accidently died were given a small heart-lung machine into their abdomen. Lightweight, easy to use and enough power to operate for a month. This was an important step forward but the dead didn't walk the earth again. We put sensors on the heart and brains to measure activity. While allive they were giving us information about blood pressure in the 3 vital organs. When dead it was zero as expected. We adjusted our heart-lung machine in the abdomen to start working the minute the organism dies.
Now, we have a dead organism with a pounding heart and working lungs but it still isn't alive. It was then when he fell back to cybernetics; robotic limbs. Our scientists cleared small pieces of flesh in the arms and legs to implement minature computers connected to the nerves. With the heart pounding it creates energy which is transformed into a small bit of electricity to power up the computer chips in both the arms and legs. The nerves work like ordinary cables but they can't handle high voltages. We had to tone down the voltage. With the proper electrical current and voltage we reproduced the small electric signals used to communicate with the brains.
Maintaining the bodytemperature wasn't a big problem. After the organism died, the body temperature didn't drop immeadiately. The blood went through all the body parts to keep them warm. Let's summarize it again:
- The organism is living but braindead after death.
- It's breathing: the blood traffic and nerve systems work the same way as living organisms.
If we managed to let the brains work again, we were done in brining the dead back to life. Your brains work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year. That is a fact. When you die, they stop working and every piece of knowledge you gathered, every skill you learned is lost when you die. Without brain activity there's no more 'power' to store all data. Unlike computers when their plug is pulled and reconnected they work again. This was a major problem to overcome.
Reanimation of the brain was the answer. With the heart pounding and the lungs providing oxygen it was like trying wake up a coma patient or to heal a braindead person. In one case the person in question woke up by himself but alas, he was a plant. The heart-lung machine was activated a tiny fraction of a second too late. With the thing adjusted again we killed another one of our genetroopers.
9:33:301 AM Specimen #53 dies
9:33.302 AM Specimen #53 reanimates by heart-lung machine
9:33.305 AM Specimen #53 regains full control over body; still unable to move
9:33.410 AM Specimen #53 remains unable to move; can talk, hear, feel and taste
With the brains working, we succeded in brining the dead back to life. Making specimen #53 able to move was done by a minor operation, the spinal core needed to get some more sensitive receivers for the electrical signals. How he can move, walk and talk like a normal human. With this development we achieved the impossible!
OOC: This may sound like futuretech or impossible at all but it isn't. I've read articles about this and talked to people in-the-know and they agree it's possible in the next 10 years. Call it future tech but in NS time goes faster. Not to mention with the proper government support (billions and billions each year) the research can be sped up.
EDIT: Read this to get more info on my genetroopers: http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=336913
With that mind, we created our genetroopers. Geneticly enhanced soldiers who underwent serious changes. Like all mammels on the planet they have a heart, lungs and brains. They don't have any painnerves but you don't need those in order to move around. They don't have any digestion organs. They don't need them because all food (liquid) is injected directly into the blood circulation. This saves time and space, two important things a soldier cannot waste.
Lets sum it all up; we have an organism with the 3 most important organs (heart, lungs & brains) a nerve system and blood traffic. Several genetroopers who accidently died were given a small heart-lung machine into their abdomen. Lightweight, easy to use and enough power to operate for a month. This was an important step forward but the dead didn't walk the earth again. We put sensors on the heart and brains to measure activity. While allive they were giving us information about blood pressure in the 3 vital organs. When dead it was zero as expected. We adjusted our heart-lung machine in the abdomen to start working the minute the organism dies.
Now, we have a dead organism with a pounding heart and working lungs but it still isn't alive. It was then when he fell back to cybernetics; robotic limbs. Our scientists cleared small pieces of flesh in the arms and legs to implement minature computers connected to the nerves. With the heart pounding it creates energy which is transformed into a small bit of electricity to power up the computer chips in both the arms and legs. The nerves work like ordinary cables but they can't handle high voltages. We had to tone down the voltage. With the proper electrical current and voltage we reproduced the small electric signals used to communicate with the brains.
Maintaining the bodytemperature wasn't a big problem. After the organism died, the body temperature didn't drop immeadiately. The blood went through all the body parts to keep them warm. Let's summarize it again:
- The organism is living but braindead after death.
- It's breathing: the blood traffic and nerve systems work the same way as living organisms.
If we managed to let the brains work again, we were done in brining the dead back to life. Your brains work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year. That is a fact. When you die, they stop working and every piece of knowledge you gathered, every skill you learned is lost when you die. Without brain activity there's no more 'power' to store all data. Unlike computers when their plug is pulled and reconnected they work again. This was a major problem to overcome.
Reanimation of the brain was the answer. With the heart pounding and the lungs providing oxygen it was like trying wake up a coma patient or to heal a braindead person. In one case the person in question woke up by himself but alas, he was a plant. The heart-lung machine was activated a tiny fraction of a second too late. With the thing adjusted again we killed another one of our genetroopers.
9:33:301 AM Specimen #53 dies
9:33.302 AM Specimen #53 reanimates by heart-lung machine
9:33.305 AM Specimen #53 regains full control over body; still unable to move
9:33.410 AM Specimen #53 remains unable to move; can talk, hear, feel and taste
With the brains working, we succeded in brining the dead back to life. Making specimen #53 able to move was done by a minor operation, the spinal core needed to get some more sensitive receivers for the electrical signals. How he can move, walk and talk like a normal human. With this development we achieved the impossible!
OOC: This may sound like futuretech or impossible at all but it isn't. I've read articles about this and talked to people in-the-know and they agree it's possible in the next 10 years. Call it future tech but in NS time goes faster. Not to mention with the proper government support (billions and billions each year) the research can be sped up.
EDIT: Read this to get more info on my genetroopers: http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=336913