08-08-2004, 21:28
I, Prime Minister Reilla Fritz of Kryozerkia have hereby come to the conclusion that it is unwise for the region of ALSN to have any association with the evil that is Gatesville, even though we do not believe in the UN at all. We have ended all relations with them after they were unable to understand that we cannot control our regional delegate and that our delegate is permitted to vote as they see fit in the UN, since it is understood in the region that they have free vote.
We now present the decree issued by The Dragon Republic of Kutou-koku to Gatesville at an earlier time. This was posted to their forum, but we feel this should be publicised, so that our stance is known and that we can wholly guarantee our alliance to those that Gatesville wantonly and carelssly attacks.
We do not believe in the policies of Gatesville and we believe that if they do not like the workings of the UN, then they should just leave.
After relaying the situation over to our regional leader and founder, The Liberal Lizard Haven of Kryozerkia's leader Reilla Fritz, I, Empress Michiko of The Dragon Republic of Kutou-koku have hereby decided that we are going to shutdown the embassy here. Further, on Madam Fritz's order, all relations are hereby severed, because she she feels it will be a waste of time trying to reconcile the situation, since it seems our diplomacy attempts are falling on death ears.
Madam Fritz, who had also been metting with Kerlina Krandel, the new leader of The Pseudo-Marxist Anarchy of Farflorin, has explained that after much deliberation, it is wise to in fact support the UN proposal Bye-bye Gatesville. We were needless shocked by this, but after some pondering, we have come to agree with it.
I took up the issue with my advisors and they felt it was not only wise to stop representing ALSN here, but withdraw our nation's embassy entirely from the area, since it seems that there is no point in dealing with such madmen, who will not serve any purpose to any furture progressions.
This is not an indication that we seek war, but, if it comes to it, rest assured knowing that Kutou-koku does have the means to defend her borders and that any aggressions against this country are not taken favourably, especially if the attacks are launched by Gatesville. There are many who oppose its existance and will answer the call.
Therefore, the purpose of this is to say that all diplomatic lines are tied and we are closing our borders to all Gatesville travellers. The regional borders of ALSN are also closed to all Gatesville residents.
If any leaders need to make contact, you are to contact Madam Reilla Fritz of Kryozerkia.
Her Imperial Majesty
Empress Michiko
The Dragon Republic of Kutou-koku
"We export war and fear."
We now present the decree issued by The Dragon Republic of Kutou-koku to Gatesville at an earlier time. This was posted to their forum, but we feel this should be publicised, so that our stance is known and that we can wholly guarantee our alliance to those that Gatesville wantonly and carelssly attacks.
We do not believe in the policies of Gatesville and we believe that if they do not like the workings of the UN, then they should just leave.
After relaying the situation over to our regional leader and founder, The Liberal Lizard Haven of Kryozerkia's leader Reilla Fritz, I, Empress Michiko of The Dragon Republic of Kutou-koku have hereby decided that we are going to shutdown the embassy here. Further, on Madam Fritz's order, all relations are hereby severed, because she she feels it will be a waste of time trying to reconcile the situation, since it seems our diplomacy attempts are falling on death ears.
Madam Fritz, who had also been metting with Kerlina Krandel, the new leader of The Pseudo-Marxist Anarchy of Farflorin, has explained that after much deliberation, it is wise to in fact support the UN proposal Bye-bye Gatesville. We were needless shocked by this, but after some pondering, we have come to agree with it.
I took up the issue with my advisors and they felt it was not only wise to stop representing ALSN here, but withdraw our nation's embassy entirely from the area, since it seems that there is no point in dealing with such madmen, who will not serve any purpose to any furture progressions.
This is not an indication that we seek war, but, if it comes to it, rest assured knowing that Kutou-koku does have the means to defend her borders and that any aggressions against this country are not taken favourably, especially if the attacks are launched by Gatesville. There are many who oppose its existance and will answer the call.
Therefore, the purpose of this is to say that all diplomatic lines are tied and we are closing our borders to all Gatesville travellers. The regional borders of ALSN are also closed to all Gatesville residents.
If any leaders need to make contact, you are to contact Madam Reilla Fritz of Kryozerkia.
Her Imperial Majesty
Empress Michiko
The Dragon Republic of Kutou-koku
"We export war and fear."