New Empire
08-08-2004, 17:56
New Empire Class SuperCarrier
The New Empire class supercarrier, of Deep Angel Shipyards, is a catamaran design, with two large hulls. The outer hulls are about 1,200 feet long, and together are 420 feet wide. They have two layers for aircraft storage and deployment, the flight deck, and the hangar deck. The flight deck has 8 EM catapults, and 8 elevators. The hangar deck has two large doors extending to a lower flight deck that is often used for subfighter deployment with it's large cranes. The inner section of the belowdecks can be used for subfighter operations as well. The port hull is home to a stealthy designed 'island' superstructure. In front of and behind it are the VLS tubes and other weapons. The ship, in total, can use up to 180 combat aircraft. It weighs over 300,400 tons. In addition to a double hull, reinforced keel, and a reinforced titanium frame, 100-225mm of steel is laid, depending on the area of the ship. It has an array of modern damage control systems (NBC, pressure control, many bulkheads, so on, so forth), and additional armor to important systems or facilities throughout the vessel.
Powerplant & Propulsion
Each hull is home to two Guenther PB5C Pebble Bed Reactors, rated at 200 MW each. These power 12 Deep Angel Shipyards 'Neptune' MHD assisted Waterjets, six on each hull. In addition, there are 2 smaller MHDWJ systems forward for enhanced turning. The maximum speed of the New Empire is about 35 knots in good water conditions.
While the primary weapon of the carrier is it's air wing, the New Empire carries quite a lot of weapons. Given the 'four layered battlefield' the UCSNE operates in (Subsurface, Surface, Atmosphere, Orbit), the New Empire can handle threats from any of those layers.
48 Tube VLS
Forward of the 'island' is a 20 tube Vertical Launch System. The VLS is for engaging very long range threats, such as ballistic missiles and satellites. However, on occasion, long range multirole weapons like the 'Wolverine' are mounted. The usual loadout is 24 'Icarus' Exoatmospheric interceptors, 24 RIM-95D Pheonix Slayer Long Range SAMs (2 in each tube, 12 tubes), and 12 Wolverine Cruise Missiles.
Defensive Surface to Air Missile System
5 MkXXVI 'Pepperbox' DSAMS are mounted on each side of the ship. These were used to replace the RAM System used before the first refit, when they were replaced and fired SAM versions of the AIM-108 Coffin Nail missiles. Now, however, they have been changed to launch the new Spearhawk missiles. Each MkXXVI has 10 missiles, with 30 more in internal magazines.
4 MkXXIII ASROC systems are mounted on the vessel, one on each 'corner'. Each unit has 3 tubes, 660mm in diameter. Instead of making systems with multiple tube diameters, the MkXXIII ASROC solved this problem when it was introduced on the 'Honor' class frigate. A variety of torpedo can be launched, even the new long range DSEMP torpedo that is in service with the Poseidon. Smaller torpedos are mounted inside sabots for deployment. Usually, 56 torpedo are carried.
Metal Storm CIWS
8 MkV MSCIWS (Missy-Whiz, as the crews call it) are mounted on the carrier, one on each of bow, four on the port and starboard, two aft). Replacing the 20mm AARPG systems, the MCIWS consits of Metalstorm 30mm 36 Barrel guns. The weapons will be capable of variable ROF, from 60 RPM to a theoretical 1 Million (Unlikely to be used, as the reloading system cannot keep up with it, nor would the ships' supply.) RPM. The has two sections of 18 barrels, each with their own mix of rounds. For example, HE Fragmenting rounds for destroying missiles, and KE Armor piercers for dealing with aircraft.
Two MkIX Adaptable High-Speed Undersea Munitions (AHSUM) guns are mounted on each hull. The streamlined turret coverings can extend to reveal a 30mm Supercavitating KinetiKill round firing automatic gun. The sonar-directed and LIDAR directed AHSUM system is hoped to be the underwater equivalent of the U.S. Navy's Phalanx weapons system, destroying incoming torpedo, especially 'straight shooter' SuCav weapons like the Shkval.
There are 5 HELLADS (High Energy Liquid Laser Area Defense System) on the vessel, one on each bow, two on port and starboard, and one aft. The HELLADS, adapted from the much smaller weapons used on heavy fighters, is a 2 MW system that draws power from the vessel's reactors. The laser has a 150 mile range in good weather conditions, and usually works off of IR or radar guidance. HELLADS is usually used as an anti missile system, and the mounting of the weapon is designed so that they can engage 'sea skimmer' missiles.
Sensors, systems and Countermeasures
The New Empire has access to a wide variety of sensor systems. A SAN/SPS-56E Air Search Radar with a 300 mile range is used for the detection of enemy aircraft, and has Taiwanese NPI programming. SAN/SPS-70 Long Range Surveillance Radar, with a 500 mile range, is used for early target detection and engagement. A L/ALS-18 LIDAR system is mounted, with a 150 mile range. In addition, the MCIWS and LIDAR systems have access to their own modified SAPG-91 Radar systems, the way the Phalanx has it's own radar.
SAN/SQS-68 Sonar integrated with a MkXIII ASW Identification and Integration computer for ASW capability. There are four L/SQS-13 Naval LIDAR systems mounted on the underside of the New Empire to work with the ASHUM guns.
A SAN/WLR-3 provdies a 50% efficiency/range increase over the old American AN/WLR-1 in Over the Horizon Cued Detection, Classification, and Targeting.
A MkXXXIX Combat Intelligence/NAI has been installed on the ship. The MkXXXIX is a multi computer system to ensure it's functioning during combat. With the integration of the SSDS, Fire Control, Sensors, and Damage Control, as well as powerplant, propulsion, and aircraft operations, the XXXIX can run almost every aspect of the ship should someone performing those jobs be incapacitated. The XXXIX can integrate with the rest of the fleet's XXXIX via WARNET. However, the ship must be authorized at certain levels before controlling things like propulsion, powerplant shutdowns/startups, or offensive weapons use.
A SAN/SLQ-45 EW System is used, to provide EA/ES jamming against radars (Usually terminal guidance). This is integrated with a Pallas Athena system for RCS reduction, and even greater jamming capability (See Pallas Athena Writeup for more). The system also has access to over a dozen decoy launchers for various spectrums of sensors.
The MkX Dinosyus 'Praire/Masker' is used for dealing with torpedo and 'jamming' sonar, along with several 'Cicida' decoy pods.
OOC: This is mainly a comment/criticism thread, but if I get enough response and it's not a godmod, I may sell it.
The New Empire class supercarrier, of Deep Angel Shipyards, is a catamaran design, with two large hulls. The outer hulls are about 1,200 feet long, and together are 420 feet wide. They have two layers for aircraft storage and deployment, the flight deck, and the hangar deck. The flight deck has 8 EM catapults, and 8 elevators. The hangar deck has two large doors extending to a lower flight deck that is often used for subfighter deployment with it's large cranes. The inner section of the belowdecks can be used for subfighter operations as well. The port hull is home to a stealthy designed 'island' superstructure. In front of and behind it are the VLS tubes and other weapons. The ship, in total, can use up to 180 combat aircraft. It weighs over 300,400 tons. In addition to a double hull, reinforced keel, and a reinforced titanium frame, 100-225mm of steel is laid, depending on the area of the ship. It has an array of modern damage control systems (NBC, pressure control, many bulkheads, so on, so forth), and additional armor to important systems or facilities throughout the vessel.
Powerplant & Propulsion
Each hull is home to two Guenther PB5C Pebble Bed Reactors, rated at 200 MW each. These power 12 Deep Angel Shipyards 'Neptune' MHD assisted Waterjets, six on each hull. In addition, there are 2 smaller MHDWJ systems forward for enhanced turning. The maximum speed of the New Empire is about 35 knots in good water conditions.
While the primary weapon of the carrier is it's air wing, the New Empire carries quite a lot of weapons. Given the 'four layered battlefield' the UCSNE operates in (Subsurface, Surface, Atmosphere, Orbit), the New Empire can handle threats from any of those layers.
48 Tube VLS
Forward of the 'island' is a 20 tube Vertical Launch System. The VLS is for engaging very long range threats, such as ballistic missiles and satellites. However, on occasion, long range multirole weapons like the 'Wolverine' are mounted. The usual loadout is 24 'Icarus' Exoatmospheric interceptors, 24 RIM-95D Pheonix Slayer Long Range SAMs (2 in each tube, 12 tubes), and 12 Wolverine Cruise Missiles.
Defensive Surface to Air Missile System
5 MkXXVI 'Pepperbox' DSAMS are mounted on each side of the ship. These were used to replace the RAM System used before the first refit, when they were replaced and fired SAM versions of the AIM-108 Coffin Nail missiles. Now, however, they have been changed to launch the new Spearhawk missiles. Each MkXXVI has 10 missiles, with 30 more in internal magazines.
4 MkXXIII ASROC systems are mounted on the vessel, one on each 'corner'. Each unit has 3 tubes, 660mm in diameter. Instead of making systems with multiple tube diameters, the MkXXIII ASROC solved this problem when it was introduced on the 'Honor' class frigate. A variety of torpedo can be launched, even the new long range DSEMP torpedo that is in service with the Poseidon. Smaller torpedos are mounted inside sabots for deployment. Usually, 56 torpedo are carried.
Metal Storm CIWS
8 MkV MSCIWS (Missy-Whiz, as the crews call it) are mounted on the carrier, one on each of bow, four on the port and starboard, two aft). Replacing the 20mm AARPG systems, the MCIWS consits of Metalstorm 30mm 36 Barrel guns. The weapons will be capable of variable ROF, from 60 RPM to a theoretical 1 Million (Unlikely to be used, as the reloading system cannot keep up with it, nor would the ships' supply.) RPM. The has two sections of 18 barrels, each with their own mix of rounds. For example, HE Fragmenting rounds for destroying missiles, and KE Armor piercers for dealing with aircraft.
Two MkIX Adaptable High-Speed Undersea Munitions (AHSUM) guns are mounted on each hull. The streamlined turret coverings can extend to reveal a 30mm Supercavitating KinetiKill round firing automatic gun. The sonar-directed and LIDAR directed AHSUM system is hoped to be the underwater equivalent of the U.S. Navy's Phalanx weapons system, destroying incoming torpedo, especially 'straight shooter' SuCav weapons like the Shkval.
There are 5 HELLADS (High Energy Liquid Laser Area Defense System) on the vessel, one on each bow, two on port and starboard, and one aft. The HELLADS, adapted from the much smaller weapons used on heavy fighters, is a 2 MW system that draws power from the vessel's reactors. The laser has a 150 mile range in good weather conditions, and usually works off of IR or radar guidance. HELLADS is usually used as an anti missile system, and the mounting of the weapon is designed so that they can engage 'sea skimmer' missiles.
Sensors, systems and Countermeasures
The New Empire has access to a wide variety of sensor systems. A SAN/SPS-56E Air Search Radar with a 300 mile range is used for the detection of enemy aircraft, and has Taiwanese NPI programming. SAN/SPS-70 Long Range Surveillance Radar, with a 500 mile range, is used for early target detection and engagement. A L/ALS-18 LIDAR system is mounted, with a 150 mile range. In addition, the MCIWS and LIDAR systems have access to their own modified SAPG-91 Radar systems, the way the Phalanx has it's own radar.
SAN/SQS-68 Sonar integrated with a MkXIII ASW Identification and Integration computer for ASW capability. There are four L/SQS-13 Naval LIDAR systems mounted on the underside of the New Empire to work with the ASHUM guns.
A SAN/WLR-3 provdies a 50% efficiency/range increase over the old American AN/WLR-1 in Over the Horizon Cued Detection, Classification, and Targeting.
A MkXXXIX Combat Intelligence/NAI has been installed on the ship. The MkXXXIX is a multi computer system to ensure it's functioning during combat. With the integration of the SSDS, Fire Control, Sensors, and Damage Control, as well as powerplant, propulsion, and aircraft operations, the XXXIX can run almost every aspect of the ship should someone performing those jobs be incapacitated. The XXXIX can integrate with the rest of the fleet's XXXIX via WARNET. However, the ship must be authorized at certain levels before controlling things like propulsion, powerplant shutdowns/startups, or offensive weapons use.
A SAN/SLQ-45 EW System is used, to provide EA/ES jamming against radars (Usually terminal guidance). This is integrated with a Pallas Athena system for RCS reduction, and even greater jamming capability (See Pallas Athena Writeup for more). The system also has access to over a dozen decoy launchers for various spectrums of sensors.
The MkX Dinosyus 'Praire/Masker' is used for dealing with torpedo and 'jamming' sonar, along with several 'Cicida' decoy pods.
OOC: This is mainly a comment/criticism thread, but if I get enough response and it's not a godmod, I may sell it.