War will engulf everyone
08-08-2004, 16:30
Good day fellow like minded countries, I am avi ludvigsen, of the holy empire of Ludvigsen, We as a people are mostly jewish. We beseach other nation and christian nations to donate us arms and soldiers of god (I do understand the irony of hezballah as they are muslim) to defeat the muslims of our country who have waged civil war in the south of our beautiful country.
We are appealing people out there for endorsements so we can rally support in the UN to create law so we can dispose of this problem, Our beautiful country has been torn apart as soldiers patrol the streets and we are plagued by suicide bombers, attacking schools and universities people thus are so scared few ever leave there houses.
Help us in our hour of need. :mp5:
Easy green
08-08-2004, 16:44
Erm i think this could be a tad to political for me. in all honisty mate if you wanna go on about the stuff thats happenin between the jewish and muslim nations just say it.
ps i may join in.
sorry, something caught in my throat
08-08-2004, 16:52
I think that killing people in the name of Judaism / Christianity completely undermines the moral high-ground which you put yourself in by doing something for said faith. Did God not say "Thou shalt not kill", did Jesus not say "Turn the other cheek". Where did you lose your way???
08-08-2004, 16:53
To: The Holy Empire of Ludvigsen
From: The Holy Republic of Fodmodmadtol
We contact you not to arrange the donation of arms, soldiers, or other equipment. We contact you to give you advice. We would suggest that if your own people are so animate with view that differ from yours, your own people, that you respect that. We suggest that for once a country suck it up and grant something independence. Is it really that much trouble to lose a small section of your south? If your people are so aggresive with their views that come into direct conflict with your own, grant them freedom. Allow them to establish a sovereign nation. Since you would refuse to accept whatever they are fighting for, or else why would they be doing this, sever your bond with them completeley, and let them sever their bond with you.
A government exists to protect its people. Are these not your people as well?
-The Holy Replic of Fodmodmadtol
-Ministry of Common Sense
-Minister Trythink Ing Foronce
Avi ludvigsen, we are willing to trade arms and equipment. If you will agree to tolerate our religion Torsgism.
08-08-2004, 17:01
To: The Holy Empire of Ludvigsen
From: The Holy Republic of Fodmodmadtol
We contact you not to arrange the donation of arms, soldiers, or other equipment. We contact you to give you advice. We would suggest that if your own people are so animate with view that differ from yours, your own people, that you respect that. We suggest that for once a country suck it up and grant something independence. Is it really that much trouble to lose a small section of your south? If your people are so aggresive with their views that come into direct conflict with your own, grant them freedom. Allow them to establish a sovereign nation. Since you would refuse to accept whatever they are fighting for, or else why would they be doing this, sever your bond with them completeley, and let them sever their bond with you.
A government exists to protect its people. Are these not your people as well?
-The Holy Replic of Fodmodmadtol
-Ministry of Common Sense
-Minister Trythink Ing Foronce
That is good advice, on this thought, The holy Empire of Ludvigsen, will from this day forth severe all links with the south of ludvigsen, and under no circumstances offer aid, financial or humanitarian. From this moment forth all troops wil carefuly remove all property of the holy empire of ludvigsen from the south including All food, All money, All things of value which belong to ludvigsen, Any bank from the north who has outstanding loans to citizens of south ludvigsen, will if those afformentioned citizens cannot pay the outstanding part immeadiatley take the property in which the loan was used for, As our citizens are not allowed to have bank accounts in foreign countries neither can the souterners, and any money which they have will be donated to the poor of the south.
we thank The Holy Republic of Fodmodmadtol, for the inspirational advise.
08-08-2004, 17:05
To: The Holy Empire of Ludvigsen
From: The United Socialist States of Turkmenistan
We are a Muslim nation, and are sickened by the thought of what you are doing to the Southerners. If you do not offer them any aid then we will do so ourselves.
08-08-2004, 17:06
The Democratic Imperium will accept any Muslim refugees from your country as possible.
08-08-2004, 17:13
Thats really quite alright, they have made it quite clear to us though that they don not want us, be careful what you wish for it might just come true. They started bombing us, we were defending ourselves, we are religously tolerant but if a group starts a jihad what are we to do.
Easy green
08-08-2004, 17:17
dude shut your mouth im sick of all this shit between muslims and jews its stupid really. in all truth the jewish people started this by pissing the muslims about.
In light of this Easy green will offer aid to the muslim south. This will include defensive actions if the north trys to take anything not theirs or causes any harm to the people of the south.
but if a group starts a jihad what are we to do.
Not begin your own.
08-08-2004, 17:25
To: The Holy Empire of Ludvigsen
From: The Holy Republic of Fodmodmadtol
Whilst taking a small step foward, you shot yourself in the foot. We see this as appaling and disgracefull. We can not believe that you would restrict your own citisens rights so far as to deny them the existance of a simple bank account outside of the country. We also see a violation of common international policy by denying foriegners bank accounts within your own country.
I would like to point out that the property you removing is not yours unless you are a communist nation, which I believe you are not. I demand you return all property that your soldiers are looting at once.
The Republic demand you stop this idiocy and return all property to the south. We also refuse to accept the conditions you are applying to the south, and demand to cease all of your government activities within the Southern Nation.
Consider this a fair warning.
-The Holy Replic of Fodmodmadtol
-Ministry of Common Sense
-Minister Trythink Ing Foronce
-The Holy Replic of Fodmodmadtol
-Ministry of Defense
-Minister Imilion Sadreas Yishi
-The Holy Replic of Fodmodmadtol
-Ministry of International Affairs
-Minister Aspect Gregar Jucanti
South Ludvigsen
08-08-2004, 17:29
We thank the international community for their offers of assistance in the face of the Zionist aggression of our northern neighbours. Their only wish is to steal what is rightfully ours.
Our children are now starving in the streets because their food has been stolen by criminal elements. Let it be known that if these thefts do not cease immediatly, and all Zionist forces leave our lands then we shall forcibly evict them.
President Mohammed Khonei of the Holy Republic of South Ludvigsen
Easy green
08-08-2004, 17:38
The Armed united states of Easy Green is appauld to here fo these actions and the results of them.
As of now with the permission from South Ludvigsen we would like to possition troops on their borders to protect them from anymore "incursions" by the north. we also would like to ask Fodmodmadtol to join us in this operation. We willl also begin sending aid to the south asap
08-08-2004, 17:39
On careful consideration, of what has been said, all property that has been removed, will be put back, within 24hrs, humanitarian aid will be given to all south ludvigsen citizens, all bank accounts re instated, we do apologise.
We were just acting in retalliation of what the south has done to our children and I think if my minister of war takes less of the tora to heart "an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth", I see no reason as to why our two nations cannot run side by side.
We will offer the people of the south as much aid as they need in any form, and please forgive our actions, we do not take to our children being slaughtered by fundamentalists
Easy green
08-08-2004, 17:43
The people of easy green are glad to see you have seen sence. we would have hated to have been forced to shoot at your men. We wills till however plave troops on the border of your two nations to stem any further confict.
08-08-2004, 17:50
I would strongly advise you against doing so, you made your point we altered our course, its ok, my people will not accept foreign soldiers on our soill, you have no right in any way to do this, I will not be bullied into any decision.
Any attempt by your country to gaurd our borders will be met by armed resistance and I will not enter my people into a war and I do not wish to fight with you, but if you push me it will happen, never underestimate the totenkopf hussars.
Easy green
08-08-2004, 17:53
This is not ment to be seen a a threat to you we will not position ourselfs on your side of the border we will just be on the south side of the border.
We do not take kindly to threats like this but for once we shall over look this.
South Ludvigsen
08-08-2004, 17:56
With all due respect, I would prefer that an international agency take responsibility for returning our property, rather than your troops. I fear that your military would use the opportunity to commit further attrocities against our populace.
President Mohammed Khonei
To: Armed United States of Easy Green
From: President Mohammed Khonei
Subject: Military Aid
Thank you for your most kind offer of assistance. We would be most grateful for your assistance in protecting our people from our aggressive northern neighbour. Hopefully, our own armed forces will soon be capable of carrying guarding our borders, but until that time comes we will be need assistance from friendly nations such as yourself.
You need not worry about the bluster of the Zionists. They have cut us loose and so we are our own nation now, and we are free to allow our friends to enter our nation without the permission of the theiving cousins from the north.
08-08-2004, 18:08
An international agency, would be no problem for us, we have made full inventorys and can account for every thing.
Please accept our apologies and we hope you have fun in your new found country. We will accept any of your people to our universities or schools, we have a no religion policy in our public schools, but you will be permitted to wear your headresses, any of your citizens may return to their jobs in our country and you may cross our borders with ease. on the condition that no more terror attacks happen, within our country, in the name your freedom. If any do happen we shall act upon them.
08-08-2004, 18:10
No threat was intended but what you had said was quite threatening. Although if you can garuntee no more attacks from the south we will welcome you with open arms, and we shall call ourselves brothers.
This seems like its Sugar Glass, breaks with the slightest movement. First off I am going to the same as Easy Green and put Peace Keeping Forces on the borders. Second off, let another nation do the "Delivery" of goods, I know I can use my International Health and Humanitarian Aid (IHHA) to supply the means. I can also guard them, so that no atrocites occur against them. Just let someone else do the work.
The 92nd Peacekeeping Corp. has been place on the no-mans land border of your two nations, such as they are not violating any laws and as they are not regular soldiers, but peacekeepers you have no right to view them as a threat (or I'd hope you wouldn't view peacekeepers as a threat).
Easy green
08-08-2004, 18:20
A small fleet has left for the south and will arrive in 3 days.
3 carriers
15 destroyers
8 frigates
10 subs (5 of which contain 16 trident nuclear missiles)
20 albion support ships (300 men and 6 tanks in each one)
we will guard the border for an undisclosed amount of time.
08-08-2004, 18:34
To: Ludvigsen
From: Fodmodmadtol
Seeing as how troops from a number of different nations are currently patrolling your borders, we will not conduct military movements as of yet. We will however take charge of returning all properties which have been looted. The Agency that will conduct this pracitce will be our Trade Ministry. We would like to inform you, however, that you are now under watch. One wrong move and you can see to it that we will take actions against your nation.
Try not to make anymore idiotic decisions as you have.
-The Holy Replic of Fodmodmadtol-
-Ministry of Common Sense
-Minister Trythink Ing Foronce
-Ministry of Defense
-Minister Imilion Sadreas Yishi
-Ministry of International Affairs
-Minister Aspect Gregar Jucanti
-Ministry of Trade
-Minister Hesphastas Lilifer Incan
08-08-2004, 18:34
We agree with this statement, as long as these people are only peacekeepers. They can cross into our borders, that is no a problem.
The problem we have is with easy green, he may not have his forces anywhere near our border, any attempt to obstruct our merchant trade roots will be dealt with severly any attempt to obstruct our navy will also be dealt with severly. do njot obstruct our military in any way do not send troop near our border and this will be perfectly acceptable
South Ludvigsen
08-08-2004, 18:35
Now that we have our independance we have no reason to commit further acts of guerrilla warfare, and we would hope that you will respect our sovereignty.
Many young people in South Ludvigsen jump at the opportunity to travel northwards to gain a good education. The government, knowing the value of a well educated workforce tries to pay a small amount of the fees for each student.
Approximatly 100 students however, are slightly more lucky and get all of their fees secretly paid by the government, on the condition that they put their knowledge to good use after they graduate by coming to work for the government. They are mainly sent to study physics or aeronautics, though some are sent to study chemistry, biology or electronics.
08-08-2004, 18:40
CC: Ludvigsen, South Ludvigsen
From: Fodmodmadtol
We would like to make one final note, and we would like to make it clear. Forces along your borders installed by foriegn nations will be accepted by both of your Nations. It is not a matter of choice. If any actions are taken against these forces, you will be dealt with swiftly and accordingly. We would like to make this clear, and final.
-The Holy Republic of Fomodmadtol
-Ministry of Defence
-Minister Imilion Sadreas Yishi
08-08-2004, 18:41
We have our own personell on our borders, there are a peace corps contingent on no mans lans between north and south, and Easy Green has sent a naval expidition into the south, you may return goods as to the inventory, you may have troops in the south, or on no mans land. But under no curcumstances may you have any troops in our lands, this is not a threat, it is a fact, as a UN member I will not allow an illeagel occupation of our lands by a foreign power.
All we wanted was an end to terror attacks on our children and our places of learning, what would you do in that situation.
No troops of any nation will enter our country, you may have a peacekeeping non military force enter, for the inventory and the items, but no others.
South Ludvigsen
08-08-2004, 18:41
We have no reason to attack forces whose very presence is a deterrent to Zionist aggression.
08-08-2004, 18:46
Watch your mouth southie, We only intiated an attack because of your detirmination to butcher our children.
Easy green
08-08-2004, 19:03
Our mission is only to avert further conflic between your two nations. if either nation causes a proble they will be delt with. and attacks on our men will result in swift millitary action also.
ooc would anyone mind if my fllet was there now just to move things along?
West Cedarbrook
08-08-2004, 19:06
The Kramden of West Cedarbrook orders all of our citizens residing in or visiting these nations to leave within 48 hours:
Easy Green
South Ludvigsen
The Kramden orders all citizens of above natious to leave West Cedarbrook within 48 hours.
In view of likely hostile acts by Fodmodtol, Easy Green and Grenval, West Cedarbrook severs dipolmatic relations with those nations.
Ernest Klein,
Secretary for External Affairs
Kramden of West Cedarbrook
Anarchy 92
08-08-2004, 19:07
This sounds too much like the war in Israel.
Easy green
08-08-2004, 19:08
May we ask why you are takeing this action?
08-08-2004, 19:08
Do not obstruct our countries forces or enter our lands, you may not enter our territorial waters doing so will be an act of way.
08-08-2004, 19:09
To: All Nations involved in the 'Ludvigsen Division Conflict'
From: Fodmodmadtol
Conference time.
Seeng as how there are bumps to be smoothed over, it seems sensible we hold a conference, no?
Random hostile actions are being taken against us, and this is unacceptable. We only intervened to cease the violent actions taking place within in this nation. It would be beneficial if we hold a summit meeting somewhere about this whole, thing.
-The Holy Republic of Fodmodmadtol
08-08-2004, 19:10
Do not obstruct our countries forces or enter our lands, you may not enter our territorial waters doing so will be an act of war. We will not enter the south unless they attack us first, although when we originaly asked for support you supported us, so if there is a problem We shall allow you to find the aggressors and hand them over to our authorities.
08-08-2004, 19:11
Turkmeny requests permission from Ludvigsen to send cargo planes to South Ludvigsen to evacuate refugees and civilians. We want no part in your civil war, but any hostile action taken against Turkmen planes will be met with force.
08-08-2004, 19:12
This sounds useful I will enter into conferencing with you as moderator
08-08-2004, 19:14
We give you permission on the basis that you leave no military and the aircraft you use are non military, to do so will be seen as an act of war
08-08-2004, 19:15
Very well. Civilian cargo planes will be escorted to South Ludvigsen. The military escorts will turn back before entering South Ludvigsen airspace, and will meet up with the cargo planes again after they leave the No Fly Zone.
The first group will arrive this evening.
We emplore the Empire of Ludvigsen to take back it's southern part of it's Nation, by force if necessary. We are shocked to see a government with so much promise simply give in to demands of the 'undesireables' of it's Nation. Use your millitary might. Reclaim what is yours.
Should you require aid, Nazguul will aid you.
Lothar Rendulic
Reichsfuhrer Of The SS
08-08-2004, 19:18
Thank you for siding with me these other nations just want my land
08-08-2004, 19:20
CC:Ludvigsen, South Ludvigsen, Easy green, West Cedarbrook, Turetel
I request the presence of the leaders of your International Affairs Ministries to attend a conference over the 'Ludvigsen Division Conflict.' A date and location for this meeting should be agreed upon, and I implore all nations involved to cease all movements prior to this conference. That is all.
-The Minitry of the Holy Republic of Fodmodmadtol
08-08-2004, 19:23
On Second thoughts the resources in your state are to valuable to go without, we need those resources for our economy. So the holy Empire of Ludvigsen, has decided to allow the south return to the fold
Easy green
08-08-2004, 19:24
occ. can my fleet be here now its a simple question.
Ic: The forces of easy green are not here to take land from anyone we are only here to prevent hostilities between the north and the south until we deam the situation stable.
Any northen units enterin the south will be given 1 clear warning before we take action the same goes for the south.
Easy green
08-08-2004, 19:25
Easy green will sit down an negotiate when ever veryone else wishes to just let us know.
08-08-2004, 19:28
If we invade what will you bring to the party?
08-08-2004, 19:28
Official Statement from The Holy Republic of Fodmodmadtol
To the Media
At an earlier date, it was discovered that the nation of Ludvigsen had taken hostile actions against its own citisens. These actions were taken for differeing ideas which have yet to be disclosed by the Government of Ludvigsen. On contact of the Government of Ludvigsen, the Republic had suggested that if they were to be intolerant of their own citisens, that they allow them to cede and form their own Nation based on their beliefs, which come into direct conflict with Ludvigsen. The Soveriegn Nation of South Ludvigsen was formed after a brief scurmish. Upon the formation, the Government of Ludvigsen had begun to loot the Nation of all 'goods' that were said to be the property of Ludvigsen. This is incorrect as Ludvigsen is not commmunist and has a Powerhouse Private Sector. Upon discovering this the Republic had taken actions to restore the stolen property to the Citisens of Southern Ludvigsen. Other Nations had taken the advance to patrol the borders of the two Nations to keep peace, yet Ludvigsen had rejected this. In no way shape or form was to claim the land of Ludvigsen for our own Nations the priority.
We would like to make the following points clear.
-Ludvigsen was persecuting its own citisens for differing beliefs
-Suggested Ludvigsen give it's own people freedom if they were not acccepted
-Southern Ludvigsen ceded from Ludvigsen forming a soveriegn Nation
-Ludvigsen took hostile agressions against the South
-Nations in question intervened to keep peace
-Nations in question intervened to return stolen property
-Ludvigsen continues to make accusations against Nations in question
More to date will come.
Easy green
08-08-2004, 19:32
If the north were to invade the south we would take direct millitary action to restore the original borders.
If the situation does not improve soon we may be forces to send a new battle groupe to the south, this will only happen with the permission of the south.
08-08-2004, 19:34
Ooc: Do we dare set up another thread for zee Conference? And leave this for Military Actions and Messages like we've been leaving?
08-08-2004, 19:35
OOC: Hope you don't mind me accelerating the thread a few hours ...
Six Turkmeny cargo planes have touched down in the capital of South Ludvigsen. The crew of the planes desperately try to keep order as mobs and mobs of Muslims swarm the planes, their arms full of personal goods, trying to get out of the region.
Slowly, passengers with valid passports, visas, token personal goods, and a sum of money are allowed on, but hundreds are being turned back. A couple crew spot some Ludvigsen soldiers looting a house and, not realizing the trouble they could cause by acting, confront them and tell them to put the stuff back.
A scuffle breaks out leaving one of the crewmen with a broken jaw, as he is dragged back into the cargo plane by his fellow Turkmen. Two of the transports are full and are asking for clearance to lift off from the airstrip.
Generic empire
08-08-2004, 19:37
Good day fellow like minded countries, I am avi ludvigsen, of the holy empire of Ludvigsen, We as a people are mostly jewish. We beseach other nation and christian nations to donate us arms and soldiers of god (I do understand the irony of hezballah as they are muslim) to defeat the muslims of our country who have waged civil war in the south of our beautiful country.
We are appealing people out there for endorsements so we can rally support in the UN to create law so we can dispose of this problem, Our beautiful country has been torn apart as soldiers patrol the streets and we are plagued by suicide bombers, attacking schools and universities people thus are so scared few ever leave there houses.
Help us in our hour of need. :mp5:
Generia gives Ludvigsen our full support in dealing with rebellions and terrorists. If any degree of aid is required, ask and you shall recieve.
Easy green
08-08-2004, 19:40
set up a new topic mate just say what the title is.
Ic: Easy green forces see the comotion and begin to order the large amounts of people in lines. the soldiers who looted the house are taken back to the border and are told to leave the south.
Turkmeny would you like any assistance in moveing people.
08-08-2004, 19:41
We would be glad for any assistance Easy Green forces would be in loading the planes.
08-08-2004, 19:42
A simplified Press Release-
Ludvigsen was opressing the Muslim peoples of the Nation, and planning an act of mass genocide. The Muslim peoples retaliated as anyone would who was being all, opressed an such, and who were about to be wiped from existance. Would you like being wiped from existance?
08-08-2004, 19:44
Ooc: Conference post in progress.
Easy green
08-08-2004, 19:46
10 c-130j land at the airstrip in the south as easy green troops begin to sort people into the planes. medical teams check all of those comeing onto the planes for any sickness.
soon Turkmeny and easy green planes are flying into the airstrip every 5 minutes bring supplys in and civilians out.
Everlasting Peoples
08-08-2004, 19:51
Everlasting Peoples
08-08-2004, 19:52
is this all in your heads or are u actually doing this in the game?
08-08-2004, 19:55
It's all in YOUR head. *maniacal laughter*
Easy green
08-08-2004, 19:56
have you got a link to the conffernce yet?
08-08-2004, 19:56
Ottoman Khaif
08-08-2004, 19:59
Good day fellow like minded countries, I am avi ludvigsen, of the holy empire of Ludvigsen, We as a people are mostly jewish. We beseach other nation and christian nations to donate us arms and soldiers of god (I do understand the irony of hezballah as they are muslim) to defeat the muslims of our country who have waged civil war in the south of our beautiful country.
We are appealing people out there for endorsements so we can rally support in the UN to create law so we can dispose of this problem, Our beautiful country has been torn apart as soldiers patrol the streets and we are plagued by suicide bombers, attacking schools and universities people thus are so scared few ever leave there houses.
Help us in our hour of need. :mp5:
You are luckly that I am in total war at the moment!
08-08-2004, 20:02
Generia gives Ludvigsen our full support in dealing with rebellions and terrorists. If any degree of aid is required, ask and you shall recieve.
We will take back all property that other nations believe is the property of the south, when we were being bombed by the south where were those countries, we have ceased "looting", if accusations continue Ludvigsen will take on all foreign aggressors with a fiery fist. we have 320,000 Totenkopf hussars on call at all times and a reserve unit of paras 3200 men are also standing by, other nations have heard our call, this is a final demand to all foreign nations in the south, withdraw or see what gods choosen people can really do.
Easy green
08-08-2004, 20:05
Easy green can feild an army of over 1 million men if needs be please dont threaten us. until we see the situation is stable we will not leave
08-08-2004, 20:12
Turkmeny can field an army of only 100,000 or so at present, but we have an alliance with the nation of Tokarev, which can field an army of larger then one million (assuming they can overcome logistics difficulties, etc.).
08-08-2004, 20:12
where is the conference, allow us to put a rational point forward, if a ceasefire is needed, it is done and allow me to conference with you. I'm entitled that. Stop the propaganda against our nation you are publishing lies and we will not stand for that
Generic empire
08-08-2004, 20:14
Official Imperial Statement
To: All nations challenging Ludvigsen
Emperor Alexei has stated his full support, military and otherwise, for the nation of Ludvigsen. Generia hereby demands that all nations challenging Ludvigsen's right to suppress secessionist forces back down immediately, or war will become imminent. Generia will utilize the full extent of her military strength. You have exactly two hours to retract all threats and accusations against Ludvigsen.
Chancellor Feador Alexeevich
Appointed Chancellor of the Imperial Congress
08-08-2004, 20:15
Turkmeny will continue to send planes to take refugees from the South, regardless of whether there is conflict or not.
If we invade what will you bring to the party?
Whatever you need to get the job done.
Easy green
08-08-2004, 20:17
We shall not back down. we are not threatning anyone we are just here to stop the two nations getting at each other. we would only back down if the south wanted us to.
Generic empire
08-08-2004, 20:20
The south holds no authority here. Southern Ludvigsen is under the supreme control of the united land of Ludvigsen and her government. Northern Ludvigsen will bring her rogue province back into the fold.
Easy green
08-08-2004, 20:26
the south is a free nation it was given that status by the north. they said they wanted nothing more to do with it.
Due to the increased problems in the area a battle groupe has been dipatched to the south from the homeland.
08-08-2004, 20:29
I say we move this thread over to the "Ludvigsen will annex South" thread.
Easy green
08-08-2004, 20:30
South Ludvigsen
08-08-2004, 23:02
Turkmeny: If you don't mind, I will roleplay the actions of my citizens. You cannot claim they are seeking asylum. That decision lies with me. Kindly edit\delete your post in which you made those claims.
To: Mr Klein
From: Saddam Khaol, Minister for Foreign Relations
I really must protest at your expulsion of our citizens from your nation. We are not the aggressors in this conflict, we merely wish to retake the country that is rightfully ours. Since we have now achieved our goals with the consent of the Zionists (consent which now appears to have been withdrawn in the cruelest of ways), we seek only to live our lives in peace.
However, we will abide by your governments wishes and withdraw our citizens from your land.
08-08-2004, 23:27
OOC: I didn't realize you were actually a seperate account on NationStates, I thought Ludvigsen was roleplaying North and South. I apologize.
09-08-2004, 00:29
Ooc: I leave for an hour and miss how much?! -Scurries to get caught up-
West Cedarbrook
10-08-2004, 03:29
The Kramden of West Cedarbrook may consider sending an observer at the consular level to any conference.
We continue to express our strongest concern regarding this interference. In particular we view the actions to dismember Ludvigsen as a sign of hostile intentions toward West Cedarbrook.
It should be noted that our recent invitation to a summit with the Warsaw Pact is an indication of the gravity with which we view the infractions of actors such as Fodmodmadtol and Grenval.
Ernest Klein,
Secretary of External Affairs
Kramden of West Cedarbrook.