NationStates Jolt Archive

From The Ashes...

Druidic Bards
08-08-2004, 04:06
Introduction - Protectorate of Druidic Bards


The Protectorate of Druidic Bards obtained its internationally recognized independence in 2004. After centuries of oppression under a tyranical dictator, the citizens rose up in rebellion. The rebellion was successful due mostly to luck. The majority of the nation's scientists were members of the rebellion, and helped win the war. The nation is currently in a state of war-weariness and rebuilding. Most government spending is currently being focused on rebuilding and research.


Location: Central Typoon Lagoon

Area (land): 50,000 sq. mi.
Area (water): 0 sq. mi.

Coastline: None

Climate: Extreme winters. Very mild summers.

Terrain: Mountainous terrain with several rivers and lakes throughout the nation. A select few valleys. Heavily forested.

Elevation extremes: lowest point: Sea Level
highest point: Bard's Point, 2,500 feet above sea level

Natural resources: oil, lumber, granite, limestone, copper, steel (many resources have become temporarily unaccessable due to post-war damage)

Environment-current issues: The nation is currently rebuilding from a long-fought and environmentally devastating war. Many of the moutainous areas are still fairly untouched.

Military: Currently consisting of .05% of the population. However, militia can be called up to defend the nation, but not to attack another nation.
Economy: Recovering. Avergae income is $5,000 per year. The government currently has an income tax rate of 27%. The government has very little spending money as a result of the recently won war. The majority of money is spent on social welfare, healthcare, and technology research.
Technology: Low end modern technology. Very little military equipment. Most technology being researched is for economical development (i.e. food technology, transportation).

OOC: Does this sound like a good start for my nation? I am attempting to be as realistic as possible. Let me know if anything above is unrealistic for such a new nation.
Druidic Bards
08-08-2004, 04:43
Anyone have any comments?
Druidic Bards
08-08-2004, 05:25

Raven corps
08-08-2004, 05:28
yes buy from weapons-tech incorp.(i owe him a few
Druidic Bards
08-08-2004, 05:31
Hmm...not sure how helpful that was...

Perhaps you should invest in some spectacles, because then you might have noticed that we are a war-torn nation not looking to expand our military right now. We have more pressing concerns, such as medical care for our surviving citizens.

OOC: Anyone have any real comments?
Raven corps
08-08-2004, 05:35
ok then how about some humanitiarian aid from us?
Druidic Bards
08-08-2004, 05:40
Humanitarian aid would be greatly appreciated. Anything to ease the suffering of my people is appreciated. We are coming along, but still have much rebuilding to do.
Raven corps
08-08-2004, 05:44
we would be more then happy to assist you in the reconstruction all you have to do is let us build our warhouses there. and we can rebuild everything plus more.
Raven corps
08-08-2004, 05:46
Just think hospitals, farms, medical and law enforcment teams. that would just great for you and your people.
Druidic Bards
08-08-2004, 05:48
We would be more than happy to open our borders to you. We look forward to your arrival.

If there is anything we can do to prepare for the construction of your warehouses, please let us know.
Raven corps
08-08-2004, 05:50
No dont worry about anything. we will do everything.
Druidic Bards
08-08-2004, 05:55
Once again we are humbled by your generosity.

We look forward to your arrival.
Raven corps
08-08-2004, 05:58
we will be arriving at your borders in 2 days we will be in Weapons-tech dropships. with full 20 hospital staff and supplies Soldiers for law enforcement, Food banks and rations for the populas, and our construction teams
Druidic Bards
08-08-2004, 06:02
We look forward to your arrival. The only functional airstrip is in our capital, Getirix. We will have personel there to greet you upon your arrival and help you work your way around the country.

I look forward to a strong relationship between our countries long into the future.
Raven corps
08-08-2004, 06:04
OOC: we are not a nation we are a Corporation.just for future posts
Druidic Bards
08-08-2004, 06:07
OOC: I apologize :) I am just happy to be RPing again. It has been too long.
Raven corps
08-08-2004, 06:08
OOC: no prob.
Druidic Bards
08-08-2004, 06:12

I have a quick question. Is there a set time progression for NS?

For example: Does a year take a year to pass...or is four weeks considered a year?

Sorry for being a nuisance, but I'm still trying to learn all of the rules.
Raven corps
08-08-2004, 06:14
it is open to what ever you want. it could be 2 days takes 2days or 2 days takes 2 mins.
Druidic Bards
08-08-2004, 06:17

I think this case should take more than two minutes. I don't want to move out of the war-torn state too quickly. I have plans that will take time to come to fruition.
Raven corps
08-08-2004, 06:18
Beth Gellert
08-08-2004, 07:08
The recovery from turmoil of the Druidic Bards has aroused in The Igovian Soviet Commonwealth of Beth Gellert a quite significant interest. Speaking at the Fort Brennus Regional Senate, Field Marshal comrade Brenni spearheaded a strong movement towards the establishment of ties, especially as may permit a view to encouraging revolutionary ideals in the emerging state. Interest has been especially strong in The Commonwealth's one and a half billion strong Welsh population, which was ancestrally split from its distant motherland before the conquest of Anglesey and the collapse of Druidic civilisation. This is despite the failur of even this ancient religion to persist in Beth Gellert in the face of aethistic Igovian Socialism, and is apparently born of a lingering sentimentality in the population.

Portmeirion (capital of the ISCBG) has sent to the post-war government a communiqué in the name of Commonwealth Chief Consul comrade Chivo and The Igovian Soviet Commonwealth. In this is carried an offer of consular exchange between the two peoples, and the offer of short term aid and long term development co-operation.
Druidic Bards
09-08-2004, 00:06
The leadership of the newly arisen government sits in counsil to consider the offer of aid from The Igovian Soviet Commonwealth of Beth Gellert.

The High Priest of Druidic Bards rises:

"Brothers, I believe this is a simple matter. How can we refuse aid?"

The entire counsil nodded in agreement.

"Well, that was easy enough. May all of our decisions be this easy."

A message is sent to Beth Gellert:

Our nation thanks you for your offer of aid. We will gladly accept any help that you may offer and hope that our nations can continue on a path of friendship.
Traveling Gipsy
09-08-2004, 05:07
We learned about your situation. The people of our country fill sympathetic to your situation. Today at the gathering of the leaders it was decided to assist in restoration of your country; but because we are a young nation, our ability to assist your is limited. So if you accept our help, we can send some talented engineers, scientists, and some medical personal. We also would like to participate in some of your researches in medical field.

National representative:
Vedun Doroga.
Beth Gellert
09-08-2004, 10:44
A huge Marathon transport aircraft was heaved into the skies of the Indian ocean, powered by four turbofans, following on behind a similar vehicle configured as a tanker. On board the conventional aircraft rode several minor consuls, some diplomatic gifts, and some significant weight of Igovian Socialist literature.
The purpose of the trip was to foster good will and to negotiate over such possibilities as having Druidic Bards educated in Beth Gellen universities, or BG professors lecturing in Druidic facilities, in the hopes of imparting the young state with the skills it would require to quickly become a self-sufficient part of the modern world, before the capitalists puppeteers made it a hapless third world recruit to their cheap labour pool.
If the educational exchange should create a generation of educated socialists in the Druidic state, then so be it!
Druidic Bards
09-08-2004, 15:58

We humbly accept any help you have free to provide.

We hope to continue a friendly relationship with you for many years to come.
Druidic Bards
09-08-2004, 16:01
Beth Gellert,

Our nation appreciates all of the help you are providing for us.

As for sending PDB citizens to Beth Gellert universities and allowing your professors into our schools, we are more than happy to allow this to happen. We believe that all veiwpoints should be explored by our citizens. Our revolution was partially for this very reason.

We only hope that once our nation is on its feet, you will allow us the same honor of sending professors to your nation and allowing students into our educational system.
09-08-2004, 16:04
OOC: Damn good start!

The Empire of Layarteb, in efforts to assist struggling nations we deem are worthy of being helped, has set aside $5B for your recovery efforts, to be put primarily in infrastructure. If accepted, the money could be wired within twenty-four hours.
Druidic Bards
09-08-2004, 16:19
OOC: Thanks. I wanted to have a realistic begining. It only makes sense that I wouldn't start fully organized.

IC: Your help would be greatly appreciated. The money would be set aside for developing education, hospitals, interstate travel, and development research.
Traveling Gipsy
10-08-2004, 04:50
Location: Capital of Protectorate of Druidic Bards

20 trucks arrive to outskirts of the city. Following the signal from the first car the column stops.
People starting to come out of the trucks and gather in the middle column.
- People of Traveling Gipsy you all know why we came here! – Said tribal leader Roman Kazak. (He was the first of the leaders to volunteer for this mission).
- Here are our objectives: First we have to contact with local government and find out where do they want us to place 10 trucks of food supplies that we brought with us.
Second we need to find out where our medical stuff should organise temporary hospital.
Third, the engineers need to see what kind of building materials are available, and what exactly has to be built.
And the scientists u need to contact with your colleges and see what kind of researches are currently have the highest priority and start studing the materials.
That is all for now. Thank you all for coming here. I hope our help would make a difference.
Druidic Bards
11-08-2004, 01:51
Scot Phennic, High Priest of the Interior exited his bunker to welcome the envoy heading into the capitol.

He stopped the first foreigner that he could reach and asked to be directed to the commander.

Scot walked up to the man he was directed to and extended his hand, "Hello friend. You help is much appreciated."

After a short chat, Scot laid out the details of how the recovery is being handled.

"As of right now we have instructed all population that is in need of medical care to move to temporary shelters in four locations around the capitol. All non-emergency medical care is being handled in individual cities. If you have your men follow Lt. Col. Jenkins ::points to the burly man with a silver eagle arm cross on his sleeve:: and he'll direct the food and medical supplies to these four locations.

"Your engineers should get with John Dundas in Research Building 13. The security guard will tell them the way once you arrive. He will be expecting them ::hands one of his personal guards a hastily scribbled note directing Dr. Dundas to grant these men full access to current research:: You will find a recent development quite interesting. We have developed a device which can control the mind of rats. This allows us to search rubble for survivors and any valuable resources that might be buried. Dr. Dundas can also help with materials and which vital buildings are still in progress.

"Now follow me. We shall celebrate your arrival with our world famous Druid Punch. I hope you can hold your liquor ::Scot laughed mightily and patted his new friend on the back::"
Traveling Gipsy
12-08-2004, 05:19
Location: One of the temporary shelters for emergency med-care.

Razum Lekav (head doctor) talking to one of the druid surgeons:” How is the situation?”
“We have a lot of injured, some of them need an immediate operation”- druid doctor.
“I see. We’ll get on it right a way if you show us where you want us to start.”

Location: building #13

Engineers and scientist meet with Dr. Dundas.
- Hello we are here to help with a research and reconstruction of the buildings. We heard that u have a device that allows you to control the mind of the rat. This is really interesting. We would like to study the materials for this research, if you don’t mind.

- There is another thing- said one of the scientists- before we came here two of my colleges were participating in the government project “first step”. One of the objectives was to increase regeneration of damaged tissues in humans. So far we only succeeded in that for a short period of time (one day to be exact). And it was tested on animals. We were authorized to share this information. And if you would agree to help us we would be able to have a regeneration drug in a week. Also if you would like to do a deeper research we might be able to extend action of the drug for a longer time period.