NationStates Jolt Archive

PORTUGAL is not Spain

07-08-2004, 21:11
Livro Segundo


Na manhã seguinte, Carlos, que se erguera cedo, veio a pé do Ramalhete até á rua de S. Francisco, a casa de Madame Gomes. No patamar, onde morria em penumbra a luz distante da claraboia, uma velha de lenço na cabeça, encolhida n'um chalesinho preto, esperava, sentada melancolicamente ao canto do banco de palhinha. A porta aberta mostrava uma parede feia de corredor, forrada de papel amarello. Dentro um relogio ronceiro estava batendo dez horas.
- A senhora já tocou? perguntou Carlos, erguendo o chapéo.
A velha murmurou, d'entre a sombra do lenço que lhe cahia para os olhos, n'um tom cançado e doente:
- Já, sim, meu senhor. Já fizeram o favor de me fallar. O criado, o snr. Domingos, não tarda...
Carlos esperou, passeando lentamente no patamar. Do segundo andar vinha um barulho alegre de crianças brincando; por cima, o moço do Cruges esfregava a escada com estrondo, assobiando desesperadamente o fado. Um longo minuto arrastou-se, depois outro, infindavel. A velha, d'entre a negrura do lenço, deu um suspirosinho abatido. Lá ao fundo um canario rompera a cantar; e então Carlos, impaciente, puxou o cordão da campainha.
Um criado de suissas ruivas, correctamente abotoado n'um jaquetão de flanella, appareceu correndo, com uma travessa na mão, abafada n'um guardanapo; e ao vêr Carlos ficou tão atarantado, bambaleando á porta, que um pouco de molho de assado escorregou, cahiu sobre o soalho.
- Oh snr. D. Carlos Eduardo, faz favor d'entrar!... Ora esta! Tem a bondade d'esperar um instantinho, que eu abro já a sala... Tome lá, snr.ª Augusta, tome lá, olhe não entorne mais! A senhora diz que lá manda logo o vinho do Porto... Desculpe v. exc.ª, snr. D. Carlos... Por aqui, meu senhor...

Os Maias
Eça de Queirós
07-08-2004, 21:12

The blue is Portugal
07-08-2004, 21:18

The blue is Portugal

THE HISTORY OF PORTUGAL can be divided into seven broad periods. The first begins in the Paleolithic period and extends to the formation of Portugal as an independent monarchy. During this period, Lusitania, that portion of the western Iberian Peninsula known today as Portugal, experienced many waves of conquest and settlement by Iberos, Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans, Swabians, Visigoths, and Muslims. Of these successive waves of people, the Romans left the greatest imprint on present Portuguese society.

The second broad period of Portuguese history runs from the founding of the monarchy in 1128 until the disappearance of the House of Burgundy, Portugal's first dynasty, in 1383. During this period, the monarchy was established and expanded by reconquering territory from the Muslims and populating those lands with Christian settlers. Consolidation and economic development were furthered by policies designed to increase agricultural productivity.

The third period begins with the founding of the House of Avis, Portugal's second ruling dynasty. During this period, Portugal experienced a dynastic struggle that brought the House of Avis to the throne, a series of wars with Castile that threatened the independence of the new kingdom, a social revolution, a second dynastic struggle, and the assertion of royal supremacy over the nobility.

The fourth period begins in 1415 when the Portuguese seized Ceuta in Morocco, thus beginning Portugal's maritime expansion. During this period, Portugal explored the west coast of Africa, discovered and colonized Madeira and the Azores, opened the passage to India around Africa, built an empire in Asia, and colonized Brazil.

The fifth period, that of imperial decline, begins with the dynastic crisis of 1580, which saw the demise of the House of Avis. During this period, Portugal was part of the Iberian Union until 1640, when the monarchy was restored and a new dynasty, the House of Bragança, was established. This period includes the advent of absolutism in Portugal and ends with the Napoleonic invasions in the early 1800s.

The sixth, the period of constitutional monarchy, begins with the liberal revolution of 1820, which established in Portugal for the first time a written constitution. This period includes a civil war in which constitutionalists triumphed over absolutists, the winning of independence by Brazil, and the exploration of Portugal's African possessions. It ends with the collapse of rotativismo (see Glossary) in the early twentieth century.

The final period begins in 1910 with the downfall of the monarchy and the establishment of the First Republic. This period includes the corporative republic of António de Oliveira Salazar; the collapse of that regime on April 25, 1974; and the establishment of Portugal's present democratic regime, the Second Republic.
07-08-2004, 21:20
I'm quit.
I don't speak english like I want. I never want speak very well english indeed.
I like the game. It's very interesting... but I quit.

Good Bye.
07-08-2004, 21:52
what exactly was the point of this thread? And if you dont speak English well just type whatever you got to say in a translator. There are tons of free ones on the web
07-08-2004, 22:06
what exactly was the point of this thread? And if you dont speak English well just type whatever you got to say in a translator. There are tons of free ones on the web
This is the same guy as Ersilla/Catabaronia/Karzikistan. After Lorkhan attacked him for supporting terrorism against Lorkhan, he started posting Portuguese (?) translations of Dante's Inferno (?) and something else on that thread instead of continusing to RP and apparantly this one too before quitting. That's all I can tell from my POV.

(See the thread on page 2 of II for more info, you can tell which oneby the title about Karzikistan)
07-08-2004, 22:16
I think Palombia, some guy I just annihilated for supporting terrorists in GE, is his puppet too.
08-08-2004, 01:07
Ahh. But still, what was the point of that post?
08-08-2004, 01:29

I use that for my Spanish and Italian improvements (I am teaching myself).

It has Greek, Latin, and Portugese too, and more.
08-08-2004, 03:43
Ahh. But still, what was the point of that post?

Because the language of portuguese is not spanish. Is portuguese. Pelé speaks portuguese not spanish.
25-08-2005, 04:59
Viva Portugal!!!
Copiosa Scotia
25-08-2005, 05:08
Well. That was useful.