NationStates Jolt Archive

Diplomatic Relations Building Opens in Majesto

06-08-2004, 08:45
After years of planning and construction, the Most Supreme Dictator Daniel Flaherty and the Diplomatic Advisor, Victor Ambrose, cut the ribbon for the Diplomatic Relations Building. Located on the downtown Torcairn waterfront, only blocks away from the Government Office Buildings and footsteps away from the finest shopping and dining Majesto has to offer, the 32 story tower is in a prime location. Another upside is that the towers also hold the offices of the Diplomatic Relations Department. Ambassadors and heads of state can reach a top national official by simply getting on an elevator or dialing an extention.

The building itself was constructed to meet and exceed Majestoian building codes. The building supports were constucted using a concrete/steel/aluminium alloy and reinforced with a titanum composite. The glass face, along with interior walls and doors were coated with kevlar for maximum security and safety. Each individual embassy compound (which is soveirgn territory of the nation) consists of five floors and each compound is fireproofed.

Due to the high concentration of foreigners and Majestoian government staff, the DRB is one of the most sensitive locations in Majesto, running closely behind the Government Office Buildings and the Dictator's Residence. Building security is provided for by the Diplomatic Security Force, a special team of police officers hand picked from the various police departments of the nation. There is a bomb shelter built into the various sub basements of the building. They are capable of holding all members of the building for up to five days.

However, the Most Supreme Dictator has restricted access to the DRB to the nation's four closest allies. The nations in question, (Hamptonshire, Praetonia, Truitt, and AfrikaZKorps) will all be recieving correspondance from the Diplomatic Relations Department in this matter. However, if you have questions or comments regarding the DRB, you may address them to the Diplomatic Advisor, Victor Ambrose. (OOC: It's semi closed, you can't get an embassy, but you can talk about the building).

The Most Supreme Dictator personally thanks all of the nations that have expressed an interest in our new building:
06-08-2004, 09:04
Ab-shalom and greetings,

It is the desire of the Sultanate of Vastiva to open and maintain strong diplomatic and economic relations with all nations desirous of such.

We therefore offer an exchange of embassies and ambassadors, and a beginning of free trade between our nations.

If this meets with your approval, please communicate by any means.

Go in Peace,

Raahmid Javani
Grand Vizier,
Humble Servant of His Magnificence, the Sultan of Vastiva
06-08-2004, 10:08
The Praetonian Government would be honoured to take it's place in the Diplomatic Relations Building. Any chance to further relations with Majesto is leapt upon. General practise in opening embassies is to dispatch 50 soliders to guard said embassy, would this be acceptable?

Julius Maxus, MP
Foreign Secretary
06-08-2004, 19:07
Vastavia: I'm sorry, but I must respectfully decilnes your offer of an embassy exchange. Although we appreciate your gesture of good will, the Most Supreme Dictator does not wish to create new diplomatic ties, only to build on the existing ones. However, we Most Supreme Dictator personally thanks you for considering this great nation.

Praetonia: After reviewing your request with the Most Supreme Dictator, the Safety and Security Advisor, and the Governor of Torcairn, I cannot agree to the fifty soldiers. Torcairn is a large, cosmpolitan city of millions of people. In the interests of the well being of the peoeple of Torcairn, fifty soldiers in batte dress uniforms is not acceptable. We invite you to bring twenty five civilian security personnel and fifteen Praetonian soldiers who may dress in either civilan clothing or police style uniforms. Furthermore, any weapons that your security personnel bring - assault rifles, submachine guns, or handguns - must remain hidden from public view at all times unless an active threat exists. Again, I regret the inconvience, but the safety and well being of the Majestoian people is paramount in the eyes of the Most Supreme Dictator.

- Victor Ambrose, Diplomatic Advisor to the Most Supreme Dictator of Majesto
06-08-2004, 19:11
Our embassy guards only exist to guard Praetonian sovereign territory, ie. the embassy. As such they will not leave the embassy at any time armed, unless they have express permission from your government to do so (for example, to guard the ambassador during an excursion into the city). When they are outside they will keep their weapons concealed and/or wear police uniforms as you request.

Julius Maxus, MP
Foreign Secretary
06-08-2004, 22:31
Our embassy guards only exist to guard Praetonian sovereign territory, ie. the embassy. As such they will not leave the embassy at any time armed, unless they have express permission from your government to do so (for example, to guard the ambassador during an excursion into the city). When they are outside they will keep their weapons concealed and/or wear police uniforms as you request.

Julius Maxus, MP
Foreign Secretary
It gives me great pleasure to let you know that the Most Supreme Dictator has approved the creation of a Praetonian embassy in the Diplomatic Relations Building with the terms outlined above. You are free to send your ambassador and staff at the time of your choosing, with prior notification of course. Upon reaching Majestoian airspace, you will have clearance to land at Torcairn International where I will meet you. At that time, we will pose for some pictures and drive to the DRB under a police escort provided by the Torcairn Regional Police.

- Victor Ambrose, Diplomatic Advisor to the Most Supreme Dictator of Majesto
07-08-2004, 01:26
With great reluctance, we have decided to move our main embassy complex from our current location in Torcairn to your "Embassy Tower". Our current embassy complex will remain in use as a Consulate and Military Attache Center.

We assume that we will be allowed the same security measures that we were given at our original embassy site.
Baronness Judith Winthrop
Hamptonian Ambassador to the Great Autocracy of Majesto
07-08-2004, 03:12
[Offical Message form Presidente Matt to Dictator Daniel]
Dear Daniel,
It is glad to hear you have finished your construction project. Our own Classified Project is almost finished as well, as you may know [OOC: You better, I said it on AIM].
We would more than honored to take hold in your nation to form a diplomatic arm closer than our own current ties.
All payments will be made by the Commarchist Nation, and as a good gester, I will personally send 2 million TND to your Supremeness for anything you wish to do (although it is said that starting a Library gets you in a good history book).
Any specific requirements of any kind required?

Thank You,
Presidente Matthew Angelo of The Commarchist Nation of Truitt.
07-08-2004, 04:09
Ms. Winthrop: Before I can give you a definative answer, I'll need to review the current security procedures for your current embassy with the Most Supreme Dictator and the Safety and Security Advisor to see if they are feasible. I will be in contact with you shortly.

Presidente Angelo: The Most Supreme Dictator graceously accepts your kind donation of two million dollars. I am very happy to see that you are looking forward to better diplomatic relations between our two nations as much as I am. And thank you for reminding me. My office is currently faxing you a sheet of important information about embassy security and how you should arrive in Majesto. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact me. (OOC: Look at what I told Praetonia, since it's the same I can't be bothered to retype :p).

- Victor Ambrose, Diplomatic Advisor to the Most Supreme Dictator of Majesto
07-08-2004, 04:31
Enripta is interested in opening diplomatic channels with Majesto. We are interested in a diplomatic exchange.
07-08-2004, 04:45
That is great. Current "filling" should began in a few days. Any additional payments needed? (OOC: Plus, 2mil TND is actually 4mil USD. Just FYI ;)).

Our nations will both be brought together and even tighter than before.
07-08-2004, 05:49
Truitt: There are no additional payments needed. Actually, the first "payment" was not needed at all. The Most Supreme Dictator assumed it was a gift of good will from your nation. If you would like it refunded, I could see to it. Anyhow... I look forward to meeting your ambassador and staff in the near future. May peace and prosperity fall on your nation for years to come.

Enriptia: I must decline your offer of a diplomatic exchange. At the present time, the Most Supreme Dictator is not interested in opening new diplomatic ties, only building on the existing ones. I thank you for expressing interest in this great land and if the Dictator ever opens our boarder to embassies, we will be sure to contact you.

- Victor Ambrose, Diplomatic Advisor to the Most Supreme Dictator of Majesto
08-08-2004, 01:23
[OOC: I like the word payment over gift, it has more sylibals. Anyways, no need for refund, there is a big in his Bank Account, and well, he likes to throw it around.]
09-08-2004, 05:08
Ms. Winthrop:

After reviewing your embassy's security procedures and talking with embassy staff, you will be allowed the same security procedures as your old embassy.

However, the Majestoian Government is not offering or honoring full diplomatic immunity any longer. But in the interests of diplomacy, the ambassador and three staff members will be immune from prosecution when they are acting in their official capacity as members of the Hamptonian Government. However, immunity does not apply in cases of murder, manslaughter, assault, robbery or theft.

- Victor Ambrose, Diplomatic Advisor to the Most Supreme Dictator of Majesto
09-08-2004, 05:44
While we are glad that our security concerns are being addressed, the Foreign Ministry shall lodge a formal complaint regarding your suspension of full diplomatic immunity for our diplomatic staff. The Foreign Ministry will have to evaluate our option.

Until such a time as further action is taken, we will move our embassy into your "Tower".
Baronness Judith Winthrop
Hamptonian Ambassador to the Great Autocracy of Majesto
09-08-2004, 05:53
Barnonness: While I am disappointed that you are unhappy about our immunity guidelines, I am pleased to see that you will be moving into the Diplomatic Relations Building and strengthening the ties between our great nations. You should be recieving a fax containing some more important guidelines shortly. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. (OOC: Read what I told Praetonia and Truitt since it's all the same).

- Victor Ambrose, Diplomatic Advisor to the Most Supreme Dictator of Majesto