war declared on The Island of Rose
06-08-2004, 04:39
we need their land so the space marriees and all space fores ar deployed to tior airspace
06-08-2004, 04:43
two cloacked liberator class nuclear missile crusiers arm their 'payload'
ooc: I've heard stories about you and I see you are as bad as they say you are
Communist Mississippi
06-08-2004, 04:47
ooc: I've heard stories about you and I see you are as bad as they say you are
I second that motion !
06-08-2004, 04:51
look the liberators are using a clean nuke ooc what u heard about me ic the first liberator fires 50 per cent of it's payload of demon class nuclear missile the demon class's warhead has a yeild of 7000 megatonnes. the liberators have 21 billion demon class nuclear missiles and 21 million phoenix class nukes
ooc: if your going to post here at least compose a legible sentence.
06-08-2004, 05:00
ooc: So, is that 21 billion nuclear missiles each, or 21 billion nuclear missiles total? You know, cuz it could make a difference.
06-08-2004, 05:02
2000 cloacked liberator class nuclear equiped missile cruisers are deployed to Marak
06-08-2004, 05:03
ooc: So, is that 21 billion nuclear missiles each, or 21 billion nuclear missiles total? You know, cuz it could make a difference.
21 bill of each class
06-08-2004, 05:05
in other words a load of nukes
06-08-2004, 05:08
I second that motion !
I third.
The Atheists Reality
06-08-2004, 05:11
I third.
The Order of Reptiles
06-08-2004, 05:12
And, while paper nukes fall from the sky, a hole in Time opens up. A Sathanas pops out, the captain scans the horizon, aims his twenty something beam cannons at Sephrioth, and BOOM! No more Sephrioth. And there was much rejoicing.
Tempting, no?
06-08-2004, 05:12
I thought he was deleted or banned or something.
06-08-2004, 05:13
tior stand down and surender or the main assault fleet arrives the libberotors are ordered to soften up tior
Generic empire
06-08-2004, 05:15
Tired of your n00bs getting wise and leaving people alone? From the makers of teflon shoelaces and microwavable leather comes Perma-n00b! Now you can enjoy the same n00bish qualities for three times the life of an average n00b. Guaranteed never to let you be!...
06-08-2004, 05:15
the order of reptiles ignored ooc Layarteb i had comp probs that affected my isp
06-08-2004, 05:19
the oder of reptile ignoredooc Layarteb i had comp probs that affected my isp
When you learn how to form complete sentences, spell correctly, use correct grammar, write correctly, speak correctly, attempt to RP correctly, or do anything remotely NEAR understandable in NS then people will take you seriously.
The Resi Corporation
06-08-2004, 05:25
And, while paper nukes fall from the sky, a hole in Time opens up. A Sathanas pops out, the captain scans the horizon, aims his twenty something beam cannons at Sephrioth, and BOOM! No more Sephrioth. And there was much rejoicing.
Tempting, no?
But NO! Before the Sathanas could blow Sephrioth away, a gi-normous demon burst from the ground under Sephrioth in a cloud of brimstone and hellfire. Rising up to its hight of one jillion-zillion feet tall, the demon opened its massive craw and stuffed the Santhanas inside. Swallowing, it turned to the ground underneath its feet, and with a loud and horrible voice screeched out the following words in a cloud of ash and fireballs:
"J00z ALL MY B1TCH3S NOW, S33?!"
With that, it knocked Sephrioth off the face of the Earth with a mighty swoop of a single magma-drenched arm.
Now THAT'S a good godmod! :p
Hmm, why does it seem like all the OMG n00bs have a problem with TIOR, he's a pretty cool guy.
The Order of Reptiles
06-08-2004, 05:44
With that, it knocked Sephrioth off the face of the Earth with a mighty swoop of a single magma-drenched arm.
Now THAT'S a good godmod! :p
*Snaps fingers* Ah, damn! Beaten to the punch again.
Yr Widdfa
06-08-2004, 07:00
The Grand Duke of Yr Widdfa points his remote conotrol BUEP (Blow Up Everything Phaser) at the enemy fleet and pushes fire. Everything blows up. Game over. Thank you for playing.
21 billion nukes? c'mon. There aren't 21 billion nukes on the planet! The more likely future would be one in which there is finally a nuclear war (U.S. vs China, maybe) WW3 kind of thing. WW4 would then be fought with sticks and rocks.
06-08-2004, 07:16
the demon class's warhead has a yeild of 7000 megatonnes.
the liberators have 21 billion demon class nuclear missiles
and 21 million phoenix class nukes
OMFG this is too funny!!!!!
Communist Mississippi
06-08-2004, 07:19
OMFG this is too funny!!!!!
I know!!
06-08-2004, 08:12
I know!!
It makes my night in the land of amusement.
06-08-2004, 08:15
He may think he's invincible, but I have 21,000,000,001 nuclear missiles.
06-08-2004, 08:15
He may think he's invincible, but I have 21,000,000,001 nuclear missiles.
Yeah me too.
06-08-2004, 08:16
Yeah me too.
Crap. Now I need another nuclear missile.
Generic empire
06-08-2004, 08:16
He may think he's invincible, but I have 21,000,000,001 nuclear missiles.
Seph can't do arithmetic. Seph, that means he has more missiles than you do.
06-08-2004, 08:18
Crap. Now I need another nuclear missile.
:: GASP ::
I will build 2 more!!!
:: stoopid mode off, please lets slaughter Seph now ::
I think I'd like to take part in the slaughtering, oh how i love to slaughter
06-08-2004, 08:24
What's the point of even bothering? We all know that he won't accept any kind of loss. He'll just fire 21 billion nuclear missiles at us.
Communist Louisiana
06-08-2004, 08:27
lets just all fire our billions of nukes and destroy all of the NS world!!!
damn noob
look the liberators are using a clean nuke ooc what u heard about me ic the first liberator fires 50 per cent of it's payload of demon class nuclear missile the demon class's warhead has a yeild of 7000 megatonnes. the liberators have 21 billion demon class nuclear missiles and 21 million phoenix class nukes
Alright, that's more then enough garbonzo beans.
Demon class - 7000 megatons each, firing 10.5 billion of them.
Total megatonnage - 73 500 000 000 000
Let's remember the equator is only 40,000 km, more or less.
With that firepower, you would cause 3rd degree burns at a distance of 8034472.8 km (200 times around the world). Air blast radius would be 361117 km (9 times around the world). The fireball you created would last 11505282.3 seconds, or about 3195 hours, or 133 days, or almost five months. The fireball would have a RADIUS of 214510 km (total diameter ten times the size of Earth).
In short, you have no idea what you are talking about. Do cease and desist attempting to play with the grown-ups and get back in your jammies, SuperGodmodPowerRangers will be on soon.
Do you have any conception of how much uranium alone would be needed to construct that many missiles? How much raw materials? And that's just the missiles themselves! How about how large anything holding "21 billion" missiles would have to be? You couldn't "cloke" - you'd blot out the sun!
Congratulations, you've shown yourself to be a cosmic jest, one which I have had a good belly-laugh at. Was it fun for you?
If you want to see what damage nuclear weapons do, might I suggest having a look at http://www.stardestroyer.net/Empire/Science/Nuke.html ? Considering your attempted attack would have obliterated not only the planet you were firing at but the fleet doing the firing - and bankrupted the government attempting to launch even one of these supermegagodmoddishenormocows... :headbang:
But, before resi corp could strike, a big, huge, invicable, powerful space cannon appeared out of nowhere, along with 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 other cannons of the same typoe. They fired and all enermys where atomised, including all the nukes. and the universe. And though everyone sent people to attack them they could not be destroyed and mkilled all the enermys.
06-08-2004, 14:54
the main fleet drops out of transwarp 10 vengance class planetkillers 50 transport ship and 44 liberator mk2s
Huzen Hagen
06-08-2004, 15:05
But NO! Before the Sathanas could blow Sephrioth away, a gi-normous demon burst from the ground under Sephrioth in a cloud of brimstone and hellfire. Rising up to its hight of one jillion-zillion feet tall, the demon opened its massive craw and stuffed the Santhanas inside. Swallowing, it turned to the ground underneath its feet, and with a loud and horrible voice screeched out the following words in a cloud of ash and fireballs:
"J00z ALL MY B1TCH3S NOW, S33?!"
With that, it knocked Sephrioth off the face of the Earth with a mighty swoop of a single magma-drenched arm.
Now THAT'S a good godmod! :p
06-08-2004, 15:14
[OOC: Is it any wonder I don't even acknowledge Sephrioth's existence?
I just fired my IGNORE cannons at Seph and his fleet and his missiles. Game over.
Now mods, this thread and his attempt at declaring war on me need to be given the lockdown.]
sephroth you suck at this. Just give it up soon every single person is going to ignore you.
nananananananananana Batman
nananananananananana Batman
A giant Badman eats Seprioth!
Communist Mississippi
06-08-2004, 16:15
I love how when people point on his obvious and blatant godmodding, he just doesn't even reply and just keeps godmodding!
06-08-2004, 16:17
I thought Seph was turned into a giant casino.
Holy panooly
06-08-2004, 16:18
why isnt he deleted?
The Zoogie People
06-08-2004, 17:01
Under normal circumstances, I would say something to the effect of, 'Aww, come on, he's just new to the game. You were new once, back off.' However...there are exceptions to everything...even you!
Anyways, Seph, if you wish to godmode, you've got to do it in class, like Resi.
That, and he's not exactly new. :)
The Grand Mesiter of the Cherubs descended from the heavens unto the filthy lands of Sephrioth to cleanse it of its evils. Verily did the wrath of the Zoogies encircle the nation and suffocate it; and Sephrioth was no more. And there was much rejoicing, for in its place did the Zoogie Master construct a titanic edifice, in which was placed a giant casino.
06-08-2004, 17:03
[OOC: the sad thing is, Sephrioth has been "playing" NS longer than I have. He definitely is not new to the game.]
The Parthians
06-08-2004, 17:07
OOC: Ignore sephiroth, he was annexed by Grenval and turned into a casino
You know, if everyone ignored him, he would stop posting.
Ic: A boy in Canan looked into the sky with his kalidoscope and saw that there were no ships with 21 billion nukes. They were giant balloons shooting poker chips, and cocktail waitresses.
East Coast Federation
06-08-2004, 17:11
I find this to be incredibliy funny.
The Resi Corporation
06-08-2004, 22:20
But, before resi corp could strike, a big, huge, invicable, powerful space cannon appeared out of nowhere, along with 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 other cannons of the same typoe. They fired and all enermys where atomised, including all the nukes. and the universe. And though everyone sent people to attack them they could not be destroyed and mkilled all the enermys.
Now, THATS, GODMOD((OOC: Ah, but I didn't strike. The demon did. ;)
Also, it's ironic that one of your typos looks like the word "typo".))
The Resi Corporation
06-08-2004, 22:25
But OH NO3z! T3H D3M0N IS T3H UB3R IMMUN3!!!!1!!11!one
T3H spel go3z back n hitz j00r wizord, n t3h demon usez him 2 maek SNOKON3S 4 J00 AL!!1!!111!!!11@!! :p
06-08-2004, 22:40
You know, if everyone ignored him, he would stop posting.
Ic: A boy in Canan looked into the sky with his kalidoscope and saw that there were no ships with 21 billion nukes. They were giant balloons shooting poker chips, and cocktail waitresses.
Probably not. TIOR hasn't responded, neither does anyone else he attacks, and still he posts.
06-08-2004, 23:06
4ftER teh dem0N PWn2 TEh 50RceRER, Th0U54ND2 0f ev1l 84d9ER2 c0ME 0UT 0F 4 R1Ft 1n 5p4CET1Me, 8r4nD15H1N9 5n4Ke2 4Nd mu5HR00m2! tHEy DeV0ur TEH dEM0N 1n 4 9RUe50ME Phe45t. 4FtErW4rd2, thEy turN T0 5EPHr10tH 4ND 8ruT4lLy MUrDER eVERY0nE tH3|23!!!! 0h N0e2!
OOC: Ignore sephiroth, he was annexed by Grenval and turned into a casino
It is true. But now he is owned by Generic Empire. Oh and for all those (Marak) who say they have heard stories, this is actually Seph at his best. Shining through aren't you baby.
I think now is an opportune moment to give you a brief marketing blurb on the Kazak Industries TTMDS. Now we know it does come at a considerably higher cost than our major compeditors, but our system is 100% effective.
Previously you may have thought that those competing systems with their 99.99% effectiveness at 1 quarter the cost were a better investment. However when you are attacked by some nutcase with 21 billion missles 99.99% just isn't gonna cut it, thats still 2 million missles that slip past the inferior systems marketed by our competitors. So buy now, and remember Kazak Industries TTMDS comes with a lifetime gaurantee.
The Resi Corporation
06-08-2004, 23:35
I think now is an opportune moment to give you a brief marketing blurb on the Kazak Industries TTMDS. Now we know it does come at a considerably higher cost than our major compeditors, but our system is 100% effective.
Previously you may have thought that those competing systems with their 99.99% effectiveness at 1 quarter the cost were a better investment. However when you are attacked by some nutcase with 21 billion missles 99.99% just isn't gonna cut it, thats still 2 million missles that slip past the inferior systems marketed by our competitors. So buy now, and remember Kazak Industries TTMDS comes with a lifetime gaurantee.
There's no way any SDI system can be 100% effective, you know that, right?
If its not ineffective due to the number of inbound targets, it could be ineffective due to unique technologies, such as AMF's old HOUND missiles.
The Island of Rose
08-08-2004, 22:03
Again? AGAIN?!
I will do something I have never done in my time inside these forums... wait for a few minutes.
08-08-2004, 22:08
OOC: Sephiroth, you really are a horrible RPer. I have seen some bad ones but you are the worst. You GODMOD right from the start. You can't spell. You can't type a legible sentence and you barely use punctuation and capitalization. While I'm a horrible speller and usually I wouldn't give a damn about grammer when your RPing a war at least make things understandable and buddy your basically GODMOD city. Jesus Christ your as bad as the stories say.
08-08-2004, 22:13
*taps Sephrioth on the shoulder*
Leave li'l Sergei alone, or else! *takes out huge-ass gun* Or else you're eatin' plasma!
*loads a three-in-one cell into the gun* say hello to the Uber-matic Supertastic Plasma Supersonic Laser-stun Mini-nuke Projectile Gun, now in a handheld model! These handhelds are limited edition, and if you want one for your very own, contact Kryozerkia today and they will supply you with this lovely toy! It also comes in a war-edition size, for all your enemy-blasting needs! The war-edition is not limited edition. It's versitile and easy to use!
It has three key features, the laser feature, the plasma feature and the all-purpose mini-nuke feature! They are all loadable and all come in three handy cartridges, which you can buy from us! Or, from other retail outlets, but, if you want our exclusive proprietary three-in-one carttridge, you just place a special order when you place your order for these!
It looks heavy, which it is, but thanks to progressions in Kryozerkian technology, we now have a helium feature, which makes you feel like you're operating this in an anti-gravity environment!
Now, I shall provide a demontration!
*pushes the blue trigger button and Seph gets plasmified*
Notice how the person is now covered in a very thick and annoying layer of sticky glowing plasma. If they don't get it off in ten seconds, they will begin to enter a stage of anguishing pain. They don't die, but, instead spend the rest of their life encased in this.
Monte Ozarka
09-08-2004, 00:20
OOC: LMAO! Oh god, has Sephiroth used a single punctuation mark?
Heh, the reason Sephiroth edited a thread was for misspelling...
The God Falltothzu
09-08-2004, 00:44
well we use r AirSuker4000 to suck all the air out of everywhere in the universe to kill everything, instantly.
Fascist Confederacy
09-08-2004, 00:45
The F.C. condem whatever the Hell Sephiroth is doing! Obviously they speak a different language than Fascians! :D