Conflict in Eropid
Nano soft
06-08-2004, 03:55
From: Nano Soft
The Nano Soft Government is demand that the Colony of Caelta that is under Kahta control be put under Nano Soft control. If Kahta fails to do so this is result in major military actions and force to take Caelta.
End telegram
Six Carrier Battle groups are now leaving Nano Soft ports now and will be heading for the Nano Soft Colony in Eropid. Along with them is 1.2 Million troops and 12,000 Tiger II tanks, 6,000 BMP-4's. There are also large amounts of Aircraft being moved there as well.
Thirty two Heaven Devil Satelites are being positioned over Caelta.
Attican Empire
06-08-2004, 07:54
If you think you can take on Kahta, Attica, and Polavakia, go ahead.
And, of course, any blatant future-tech will be ignored immediately.
Nano soft
06-08-2004, 20:51
You have already offered five trillion dollars to Kahta but he has refused.
All Nano Soft troops should be arriving by the end of this RL day. At the moment troops are enforceing the Cebat border with Caelta. Along with that will be large amounts of Artillery and MLRS's placed near the border. All Cebat residents within 60 miles of Caelta are being moved back.
A Squad of EU-06's have been put to the task of shoting down every single satelite that pass's over Cebat except for Nano Soft satelites.
ooc: I don't plan on useing future tech. The most future tech that I will probaly use is a Heaven Hell Satelite and a Rail gun destroyer. But I would like to know what year are you three in about?
Attican Empire
06-08-2004, 22:18
OOC: WTF is a heaven hell sattelite?
The Resi Corporation
06-08-2004, 22:32
If you think you can take on Kahta, Attica, and Polavakia, go ahead.
And, of course, any blatant future-tech will be ignored immediately.
((OOC: What's wrong with future tech? >:P ))
A tag by any other name...
06-08-2004, 22:35
OOC: Anyone mind if I pose in?
Kahta will not give in to threats like this. Currently there is a Skull and Bones dictator who was able to use a coup and send President MacDonald into Communist Mississippi. While President MacDonald would go to the bargaining table, Hannity would go to the table with the nuclear weapon launch commands.
The Resi Corporation
06-08-2004, 22:41
Kahta will not give in to threats like this. Currently there is a Skull and Bones dictator who was able to use a coup and send President MacDonald into Communist Mississippi. While President MacDonald would go to the bargaining table, Hannity would go to the table with the nuclear weapon launch commands.
((OOC: Oh HELL no. Not only is that fairly bad RP for something as major as a nuclear launch, nukes just screw up good RPs in general. Don't nuke, or we will label you an agressor on Corporate Islands territories and be forced to intervene on Nanosoft's behalf. And of course, if you agress on a future tech nation, they can use future tech to defend themselves.
Basically, it will go as follows: you+ortillary=PWN3D. Please consider this.))
((OOC: Oh HELL no. Not only is that fairly bad RP for something as major as a nuclear launch, nukes just screw up good RPs in general. Don't nuke, or we will label you an agressor on Corporate Islands territories and be forced to intervene on Nanosoft's behalf. And of course, if you agress on a future tech nation, they can use future tech to defend themselves.
Basically, it will go as follows: you+ortillary=PWN3D. Please consider this.))
OOC: This man is a madman. Read what else I have been RPing lately.
Ahh yes, and I ignore future tech.
OOC: I dont have time for 2 RP's. I'll wrap up the civil war and counter-coup ASAP.
The Resi Corporation
06-08-2004, 22:47
Ahh yes, and I ignore future tech.
((OOC: Too bad. You launch at the islands, you will be attacking multiple nations with radiation. Ours will be one of them. Our nation is future tech.
You will be attacking a future tech nation. If you attack a future tech nation, it can attack you back WITH FUTURE TECH. I don't care if your guy's crazy, you should consider OOCly the ramifacations of this before you go off and have him do something like that.))
EDIT: A fitting post to end in "666" (this was my 9,666th post). :p
((OOC: Too bad. You launch at the islands, you will be attacking multiple nations with radiation. Ours will be one of them. Our nation is future tech.
You will be attacking a future tech nation. If you attack a future tech nation, it can attack you back WITH FUTURE TECH. I don't care if your guy's crazy, you should consider OOCly the ramifacations of this before you go off and have him do something like that.))
EDIT: A fitting post to end in "666" (this was my 9,666th post). :p
I am not the aggressor. He threatend military force, 6 RL days ago. He moved his forces into the area. NOT ME.
The Resi Corporation
06-08-2004, 23:26
I am not the aggressor. He threatend military force, 6 RL days ago. He moved his forces into the area. NOT ME.
It doesn't matter if he aggresses you, you'd be agressing me.
Soviet Trasa
06-08-2004, 23:37
The Trasian Government has decreed that it shall support Kahta in it's defence, we are moving 1.9 million TSD Troopers and we are sending several Artillery Bombardier units to the area also (stuff like Motor and other types of artilley)
We shall NOT Stand by and watch a massecre of this colony of Kahta take place, if he tries to move in then we will respond by driving them back to their own territory.
That is all.
Signed: Grand Inquisiter Jorrus, Founder of the TSD.
06-08-2004, 23:45
Triancia has decided to remain nuetral in this conflict at this time, and aid neither party, humanitarian aid being the exception.
However, Triancia is greatly alarmed at the massive militarization of space that Nano-soft seems to be intent on bring about, and such weapons as these Heaven Devil SATs look to wreck destruction upon population centers.
The government of Triancia /strongly suggests/ that Nano-soft refrain from engaging civilian spacecraft, and for both parties to look to international laws and human rights throughout this conflict.
On Behalf of the People of Triancia,
President Roger Stanton
Attican Empire
07-08-2004, 00:06
It doesn't matter if he aggresses you, you'd be agressing me.
And if you agress simply because he defends himself against a pseudo-futuretech nation, and you agress WITH futuretech, you will be put on a region-wide ignore.
It doesn't matter if he aggresses you, you'd be agressing me.
If you bring future tech into this I will ignore you utilizing the ignore feature on the forums.
The Trasian Government has decreed that it shall support Kahta in it's defence, we are moving 1.9 million TSD Troopers and we are sending several Artillery Bombardier units to the area also (stuff like Motor and other types of artilley)
We shall NOT Stand by and watch a massecre of this colony of Kahta take place, if he tries to move in then we will respond by driving them back to their own territory.
That is all.
Signed: Grand Inquisiter Jorrus, Founder of the TSD.
Thank you. Your forces will be positioned in Caelta.
Nano soft
07-08-2004, 03:02
OOC: WTF is a heaven hell sattelite?
It is a sattelite which has 12 large spear like objects. When it is given a target to hit it postions it self over the target and drops one of its weapons. The weapon falls out and heads towards the target guiding it self to the target and using gravity to pull itself there. I don't put nukes or anything like that for warheads only weapons like bunker busters or a warhead the size of a Tomahawk's. And if this was future then a plasma bomb.
All Naval ships in the area have begun a blockade of Caelta. No aircraft nor ship will enter Caelta.
Task Force Hell:
1 LCC-19 Blue Ridge
4 CV-63 Kitty Hawk
4 CVN-65 Enterprise
4 CVN-68 Nimitz
52 CG-47 Ticonderoga
64 DDG-51 Arleigh Burke
48 DD-963 Spruance
64 FFG-7 Oliver Hazard Perry
32 SSN-688 Los Angeles
76 SSN-21 Seawolf
96 SSBN-726 Ohio
To the North of Caelta about 1,100 Miles away will be a Battle Group of 48 DDX-638's.
Border Defenses:
About 28,000 400-mm Artillery guns and 16,000 18 tubed stationary MLRS's have all been ordered into Cebat and are being placed near the Caelta border. Also heavy Anti-Air defenses and Anti-Missile defenses are also being put up near the Caelta border and heavy patrols on the boarder have begun.
With the current blockade up this will prevent most forces that are already not in the country from getting in.
ooc: Resi glad to see you. You are welcome to join in if you wish.
Nano soft
07-08-2004, 03:30
Operation Blue Moon, West Cebat Missile Silo's
"Sir Comand gave us the go!" "Roger that begin the firing stage" "Yes sir" Each of the men go and sit in the blue chairs, about 8 feet from each other, and inserted and key into a key hole "On 3! 1... 2... 3!" both of the men turned there keys and a alarm went off. "All cordinates are plugged in. "Firing in 10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1" The missile in the silo blasted away.
All over Cebat missile silos fired there large missiles. Tho this seems like a attack it infact is actually a defense. 1,000 missiles fired where actually IFF mines. The missiles would drops the mines in the Waters East and South of Caelta. Each missile holds 24 IFF mines which are dropped from the missile into the water and if the missile is shot down most likely some of the mines would still fall out. The missiles have been programed to fly over Caelta at a height much to high for Anti-Missile fire and then once the come near water the lower down to a very low height.
ULF codes are changed every day. To fire that many missiles it will take six hours NS time.
In about one hour RL another 1,000 of the same missiles will be launched.
President MacDonald was outraged. He started to go over lists, and there was not much he would be able to do for the time being. Stationed in Caelta was just a small defense force of one army and a minimal amount of planes. He knew his forces could hold out for a while and he also knew the terrain was favorable for defensive combat, as it was similar to Northern New England.
The Resi Corporation
07-08-2004, 03:32
The Trasian Government has decreed that it shall support Kahta in it's defence, we are moving 1.9 million TSD Troopers and we are sending several Artillery Bombardier units to the area also (stuff like Motor and other types of artilley)
We shall NOT Stand by and watch a massecre of this colony of Kahta take place, if he tries to move in then we will respond by driving them back to their own territory.
That is all.
Signed: Grand Inquisiter Jorrus, Founder of the TSD.((OOC: Dude, no.
We were talking OOC. BOTH OF US were talking OOC.
Get a clue.))
Attican Empire
07-08-2004, 03:33
OOC: Wouldn't they burn up in the atmosphere?
As a cargo ship moved thru the Caeltan straits, the captain sat in his chair. He was aware that a blockade was occuring, but he was also aware of the inferiority of their navy as compared to their own. Besides, he wasn't going to Caelta, only going near it.
As the ship continued moving, one of the crew saw something glistening in the water, but ignored it.
The ship kept moving, going ever closer to a minefield.
The Resi Corporation
07-08-2004, 03:35
And if you agress simply because he defends himself against a pseudo-futuretech nation, and you agress WITH futuretech, you will be put on a region-wide ignore.
((OOC: Nukes generally aren't a good way to defend yourself, unless you're playing Starcraft. I'm not claiming that him defending himself against Nano is attacking me, I'm claiming that him nuking the crap out of the island directly next to mine is attacking me. Surely you can understand this.))
If you bring future tech into this I will ignore you utilizing the ignore feature on the forums.
((OOC: Nifty. I don't care. I'd be better off not having to listen to your depraved misinformed rantings.))
Attican Empire
07-08-2004, 03:37
OOC: You cannot use defense against a nation to imply an attack against your nation, especially when you are a futuretech nation.
The Resi Corporation
07-08-2004, 03:39
OOC: You cannot use defense against a nation to imply an attack against your nation, especially when you are a futuretech nation.
((OOC: I wasn't. Open your eyes.
Actually, let me spell it out for you.
Katha nuke Nano. Nano next to Resi. Resi get hurt by bad nuke too.
Normally I wouldn't patronize you, but you've had more than enough time to firgure out what I've been saying in about four posts now by yourself.
Jesus, get a clue...))
Attican Empire
07-08-2004, 03:40
OOC: Which is what i said... you are using an attack on a neighbooring nation to justify "defending" yourself. Even though, technically, futuretech nations are, in general, ignored by present tech, so If I nuke him, you don't even exist for -MY- nukes to hit.
((OOC: Nifty. I don't care. I'd be better off not having to listen to your depraved misinformed rantings.))
OOC: Ok, you are now IGNORED.
Nano soft
07-08-2004, 03:42
OOC: Wouldn't they burn up in the atmosphere?
ooc: Why would it burn up? ICBM's don't burn up. My 11km long Capital Class Destroyer doesn't burn up. And it drops the mines ate a low height.
As ships where about to go into postion moving down from the north and destroyer picked up many many small objects on SONAR and alerted the other ships. But it was to late for on Cruiser that had already gone in. One of the IFF mines placed in that area came towards it and the men tried to shot it with there side arms and 50 calibers but it didn't work. The mine tore open a huge hole in the front of the ship and men had already left that area and locked it done. The ship was damage but it would live to fight another day.
Ships in Cebat near the Capitol have begun to lay IFF mines in Cebat waters and the waters near it.
The Resi Corporation
07-08-2004, 03:43
OOC: Which is what i said... you are using an attack on a neighbooring nation to justify "defending" yourself. Even though, technically, futuretech nations are, in general, ignored by present tech, so If I nuke him, you don't even exist for -MY- nukes to hit.
((OOC: But don't you see? His clear disregard for the effects of nukes would be harming my nation, too, as the radiation would be hurting me. He would be attacking me, because I'd be in the same area of effect as Nano for the nuke. This is how politics in the real world works, my friend. Ever wonder why we didn't nuke Vietnam?))
Attican Empire
07-08-2004, 03:44
OOC: Your 11km cruiser is not real, either. An ICBM is designed to be able to reenter the atmosphere... it never reaches orbital altitude either.
Attican Empire
07-08-2004, 03:45
((OOC: But don't you see? His clear disregard for the effects of nukes would be harming my nation, too, as the radiation would be hurting me. He would be attacking me, because I'd be in the same area of effect as Nano for the nuke. This is how politics in the real world works, my friend. Ever wonder why we didn't nuke Vietnam?))
But, since your nation technically does not EXIST to us, none of our weapons effect you.
The Resi Corporation
07-08-2004, 03:48
But, since your nation technically does not EXIST to us, none of our weapons effect you.
((OOC: Yes, but because my nation exists to me, as do your nations, then it WILL effect me.))
Nano soft
07-08-2004, 03:49
((OOC: I wasn't. Open your eyes.
Actually, let me spell it out for you.
Katha nuke Nano. Nano next to Resi. Resi get hurt by bad nuke too.
Normally I wouldn't patronize you, but you've had more than enough time to firgure out what I've been saying in about four posts now by yourself.
Jesus, get a clue...))
ooc: I dont think that would happen. If they fire a ICBM hundreds of S-800's will be on it within minutes. If they send a bomber ummm.... Coastal Guns or FMP fighters will get it.
Attican my missile does not nearly go as high as a ICBM just enogh for it is out of range of Anti-missile weapons! Where are you getting that it goes to the moon and comes back?
Ok EVERY ONE STFU! This is a thread meant for the Conflict in Eropid. If you want to join in the join in and stop argueing. If you want to argue do it on AIM or make another thread!
Also Resi I need your sn for AIM. Mine is: Lt Smerk
So IM me.
All of the Transport aircraft in Kahta, numbering about 10,000 various aircraft have begun ferrying men, supplies, and equipment to Caelta. Escorting them are 3,000 F-22's.
Attican Empire
07-08-2004, 03:52
An ICBM doesnt enter orbital altitude... sattelites do... if you launch a "needle" from your sattelite, it gets a LOT more velocity than an ICBM...
also, there is no known system that is 100% effective against an ICBM.
From: The President of Cebat
To: All Nations involved in this conflict
The President of Cebat asks all nations involved in this conflict to please not hurt any Cebatian civilians. As you know, Cebat is a disarmed nation that is being temporarily controled by Nano Soft. And we do not want our citizens or major infrastructure to be damaged by this war, because its not our war, its your war and we ask that you kindly keep it to yourselves. Thank you.
OOC: This is pretty much a tag, that asks you not to er-... hurt me... thanks.
Attican Empire
07-08-2004, 03:54
As the ASS (haha very funny.) Madelaine moved towards the minefield,and then into it, a number of heavy rocks in the ship.
"Captain, we have breaches on all decks!"
"What happened?"
"My best guess, mines!"
"Get to the lifeboats!"
After a 5 minute carnage, out of the 2000 people who were on the transport/cargo ship, only 450 survived.
Soviet Trasa
07-08-2004, 04:03
Kahta, i place control of my troops in your hands, remember their Elite Soldiers, most of them are veterns from other wars.
Also i am sending you 400,000 more TSD Troopers, their main armaments are M16's, so use them carfully.
the second group arrives in 3 NS days.
Nano soft
07-08-2004, 04:09
After recent arguement within the Nano Soft High Command it has been decided that more ships is needed for Task Force Hell.
Rein Forcements are being sent.
Recent numbers of Task Force Hell:
1 LCC-19 Blue Ridge
12 CV-63 Kitty Hawk
8 CVN-65 Enterprise
12 CVN-68 Nimitz
72 CG-47 Ticonderoga
86 DDG-51 Arleigh Burke
62 DD-963 Spruance
82 FFG-7 Oliver Hazard Perry
48 SSN-688 Los Angeles
84 SSN-21 Seawolf
112 SSBN-726 Ohio
From: The President of Cebat
To: All Nations involved in this conflict
The President of Cebat asks all nations involved in this conflict to please not hurt any Cebatian civilians. As you know, Cebat is a disarmed nation that is being temporarily controled by Nano Soft. And we do not want our citizens or major infrastructure to be damaged by this war, because its not our war, its your war and we ask that you kindly keep it to yourselves. Thank you.
OOC: This is pretty much a tag, that asks you not to er-... hurt me... thanks.
Secret IC to your country: Please try to disrupt Nano Soft and we will ensure your liberation.
Attican Empire
07-08-2004, 04:15
As the news of this atrocity spreads thruout the Empire, anti-Nanosoft sentiments rise all thru the country. People cry for the Kaiser to declare war.
It is reported that the Ganzkaiser and the Kleinerkaiser have called for a special meeting of the royalty and the ministers to discuss current events.
Kahta, i place control of my troops in your hands, remember their Elite Soldiers, most of them are veterns from other wars.
Also i am sending you 400,000 more TSD Troopers, their main armaments are M16's, so use them carfully.
the second group arrives in 3 NS days.
Thank you.
Nano soft
07-08-2004, 04:21
After two waves of IFF missiles have been fired it has been ordered for three more waves to be fired. That will bring the number of IFF mines to the West and South of Caelta waters to about 120,000 IFF mines working on a UFL.
Attican Empire
07-08-2004, 04:23
From: Ganzkaiser Otto Petinski XIV
To: Nanosoft
We demand you remove the mines from international trade waters at once.
Nano soft
07-08-2004, 04:30
To: Attican
From: Nano Soft, Vennor
That is not possible at the time. But we can give you you the codes to only the IFF mines in international waters.
Kahta has reportedly begun studying as to whether nuclear weapons would be good for clearing mines...
Attican Empire
07-08-2004, 04:38
Yes, please give us the IFF codes.
Nano soft
07-08-2004, 04:40
Kahta has reportedly begun studying as to whether nuclear weapons would be good for clearing mines...
They would but mostly probaly only the mines in the blast radius. You will also probally waste all the water in your region with nuclearer waste and will will kill all marine life.
Nano soft
07-08-2004, 15:46
Operation Hunter
"Sir! Its Command!" a officer walks towards the Commanding Officer "Yes?" said the Officer "Operation Hunter is Go! I repeat Operation Hunter is Go!" "Roger that" The Officer hangs up the phone and walks towards the alarm. He throws the switch down a red alarm goes off. "All personal to the Battle Stations! Fire at your targets once you are ready!"
28,000 400-mm Artillery guns set up all along with Caelta border where given orders to fire along with the 18,000 12-tube stationary MLRS's.
The fire would go on for 9 Hours and 30 Minutes RL time. This Artillery Bombardment would hit every target of the type below that was within 250 Kilometers of the border of Caelta.
Anti-Missile Turrets
RADAR stations
Major Troop encampments
Major Armor encampments
Ammo Depots
Fuel Depots
North of Caeta, 800 Miles away
"Sir Command has given us the Go to fire upon our targets." "Good. WO begin firing" "Yes sir!"
The 48 DDX ships began to blast off there rail guns at targets in Caelta. These ships fired up to 16 rounds a minute and they would fire non stop for one NS hour. Then they would reload, taking them 1 hour NS, and then they would begin firing again non stop for another hour. And this cycle of reloading then firing would continue on for 9 Hours and 30 Minutes RL.
These DDX would shot up targets all over Caelta.
Communication Towers and Centers
Anti-Missile Turrets
RADAR stations
Fuel Depots
Ammo Depots
Task Force Hell
After the Task Force got word they where to launch there attack they did not hesitate to arm there Missiles are fire. Only 48 Ohio's surfaced and got ready to fire. They locked onto there targets in Caelta and fired 24 Trident II missiles. There targets where strictly Dock's in Caelta.
Another wave of missiles came as well from the same 12 Ohio's. They locked onto docks on the East Coast and North Coast Khata. They fired 936 Trident II's missiles at Large Naval Docks.
Nano soft
07-08-2004, 15:48
Yes, please give us the IFF codes.
Codes are 57547854678546456745676754743. (LOL)
Another 2 Missile launches of 1,000 IFF missiles are being launched. They will all be placed in the waters West of Caelta.
07-08-2004, 16:14
OOC: This is an attack on a colony in Eropid? The same ones we colonized last month. The same region in which I have a colony?
The Republic of Octovonia condemns any such conflict and wishes to avert war at all costs. We will defend ourselves if attacked and send our agressors back to the sea. Again, we wish only for peace.
-- Prime Minister Ian McKinney
its Caelta the yellow place next to my land (the green place).
Its not an attack on the area with all the colonies... Caelta is a colony of Kahta.
OOC: I consider firing for 9 and a half RL hours extreme godmodding. Have you taken into account that it is equal to about 2 NS months of firing? I'll RP it as 9.5 NS hours.
Operation Hunter casualties:
The attack came as a surprise to about 75% of the soldiers stationed within 250 kilometers of Cebat. Within minutes though, the surprise was gone. Hundreds of tanks, APC's, and vehicles were gone, leaving only burning hulks of metal. Thousands of soldiers were dead, with tens of thousands of more injured. Within minutes, the area became a complete warzone. The firing continued, but after the first 45 minutes any survivors dispersed into the hills and the woods. The major 5 encampments however were destroyed, and the total casualties as a percentage numbered at least 50%.
34,982 Army Killed
142,743 Army Injured
at least 750 M1-A3 Abrams destroyed
at least 2,300 Bradleys destroyed
68% of fuel stores destroyed
75% of ammo stores destroyed
34 A-10's destroyed
75 F-22's destroyed
12 E-3's destroyed
54% of stationary SAM batteries destroyed
87% of Bunkers destroyed
95% of Radar stations destroyed
DDX attacks: 800 miles? WTF? I need some clarification before I post casualties. I'll edit afterwards.
Trident Attacks: The nuclear attacks on the ports were succesful. I am going to respond in turn.
OOC: I am also pressed for time right now, but if you could clarify that would be great. I am also planning a counterattack, but I need to eat breakfast, mow the lawn, get some stuff at some stores, and get a haircut.
Attican Empire
07-08-2004, 17:55
Secret IC:
From: Zarek Zapolski - Zapolski Metallarbeit
To: Sam MacDonald - Kahta
We are willing to sell you units of supplies from our factories. We are willing to accept either Kassareich Bank Credits at face value, or 1 Kahtanian Dollar per 0.6128 Kaiserlichmarks.
Secret IC
To: Attica
From: Kahta
Deal accepted. Do you have any Pzkpw Cougars to sell?
Across Kahta, modified B-2's were loaded up with ASM's, to strike a DDX force that was off the coast of Caelta. The B-2's were loaded with Harpoon anti-ship missiles, but rather than being targeted by a radar on the launching aircraft, the B-2's target the ships by using FLIR, then dropped the missiles, which would launch automatically one they went down to 1,000 feet, at which point they would engage in normal targeting procedures. The B-2's took off from bases all around the country, mainly those which were in granite. A total of 500 B-2's were launched, each carrying 4 AGM-84 Harpoon Anti Ship Missiles. The B-2's went into formation, and then proceeded towards the DDX ships.
The President looked shaken. He got on the camera to speak with the people of Kahta: "Today, Nano Soft attacked our brave forces in Caelta. We are at war. Caelta is under blockade from Nano Soft, and we cannot reach it."
The following units are being placecd on the supply line between Cebat and Nano Soft. They will fire upon any suspected Nano Soft supporters or Nano Soft ships.
250 Seawolf Class Subs
15 CVNBG's
Each consisting of
1 CVNX class
2 Arleigh Burke Class
3 Ticonderoga Class
2 Spurance Class
1 Iowa Class Battleship
Soviet Trasa
08-08-2004, 00:04
Encoded Telegram to Kahta
The TSD have finally gained authroization from the Government to send some more Troops and Armor over to the Colony, as well as Engineers to assist in the construction of more Radar stations and to help repair any of the defender's equipment.
the TSD Artillery Barrage is requesting cordinates to bombard enemy targets, we need those cordinates inorder to fire, if you cannot provide then we will have to take a educated guess and open fire on that position.
Also, the first TSD group has arrived VIA Airdrop, the Paratroopers are on the ground and waiting for orders from you, be warned that 200 of the Paratroopers have gone missing during the drop, cause is unknown...
we cannot spare any Naval forces, beacuse our current Navy is patroling Trasian outposts 100 KM away from the mainland of Trasa.
That is all.
Encoded Telegram to Kahta
The TSD have finally gained authroization from the Government to send some more Troops and Armor over to the Colony, as well as Engineers to assist in the construction of more Radar stations and to help repair any of the defender's equipment.
the TSD Artillery Barrage is requesting cordinates to bombard enemy targets, we need those cordinates inorder to fire, if you cannot provide then we will have to take a educated guess and open fire on that position.
Also, the first TSD group has arrived VIA Airdrop, the Paratroopers are on the ground and waiting for orders from you, be warned that 200 of the Paratroopers have gone missing during the drop, cause is unknown...
we cannot spare any Naval forces, beacuse our current Navy is patroling Trasian outposts 100 KM away from the mainland of Trasa.
That is all.
Thank you, however I am not sure they will be able to get through the blockade. You may need to escort them to get there.
OOC: Nano Soft, please edit your attacks and I will post responses.
Attican Empire
08-08-2004, 01:55
From: Zarek Zapolski - Zapolski Metallarbeit
To: Sam MacDonald - Kahta
Currently, all Za-602 Pzkw Cougars are being shipped to the Reichswehr. We may have some outdated Za-600 Leopard 2Ms and Za-601 Leopard 3's in warehouses, however.
From: Zarek Zapolski - Zapolski Metallarbeit
To: Sam MacDonald - Kahta
Currently, all Za-602 Pzkw Cougars are being shipped to the Reichswehr. We may have some outdated Za-600 Leopard 2Ms and Za-601 Leopard 3's in warehouses, however.
Could I have the plans for them?
08-08-2004, 03:40
The nation of Akita-Ryuvius would like to receive permission to assist Kahta and it's allies in this comflict. Military stats of what to be sent it will follow upon the big OK.
The nation of Akita-Ryuvius would like to receive permission to assist Kahta and it's allies in this comflict. Military stats of what to be sent it will follow upon the big OK.
Confirmed. Your assistance will pay off.
Nano soft
08-08-2004, 03:54
OOC: I consider firing for 9 and a half RL hours extreme godmodding. Have you taken into account that it is equal to about 2 NS months of firing? I'll RP it as 9.5 NS hours.
Operation Hunter casualties:
The attack came as a surprise to about 75% of the soldiers stationed within 250 kilometers of Cebat. Within minutes though, the surprise was gone. Hundreds of tanks, APC's, and vehicles were gone, leaving only burning hulks of metal. Thousands of soldiers were dead, with tens of thousands of more injured. Within minutes, the area became a complete warzone. The firing continued, but after the first 45 minutes any survivors dispersed into the hills and the woods. The major 5 encampments however were destroyed, and the total casualties as a percentage numbered at least 50%.
34,982 Army Killed
142,743 Army Injured
at least 750 M1-A3 Abrams destroyed
at least 2,300 Bradleys destroyed
68% of fuel stores destroyed
75% of ammo stores destroyed
34 A-10's destroyed
75 F-22's destroyed
12 E-3's destroyed
54% of stationary SAM batteries destroyed
87% of Bunkers destroyed
95% of Radar stations destroyed
DDX attacks: 800 miles? WTF? I need some clarification before I post casualties. I'll edit afterwards.
Trident Attacks: Conventional explosives I assume? Did these come before or after Operation Hunter? I'll edit when you clarify.
OOC: I am also pressed for time right now, but if you could clarify that would be great. I am also planning a counterattack, but I need to eat breakfast, mow the lawn, get some stuff at some stores, and get a haircut.
ooc: In war time is slowed down by alot. One day is like a week or less. The time I fired for in NS time was one day, I wasn't sure what the time frame was so I just did it to end when I would come back on line.
Specs of the DDX:
Class: Destroyer
Crew: 145 Enlisted, 34 Officers
Length: 111.6 Meters
Width: 25.6 Meters
Height: 56.8 Meters
Powerplant: One Cold Fusion Class D engine
Speed: 42+ Knots
1 120-mm RD-823DD
4 Phalanx II Gun turret
120-mm RailDrive-823DD:
The RD-823DD is a high powered Rail gun that is meant to replace the Cruise Missile and save millions of dollars. With a range of up to 1,200 Miles this gun may seem like a regular Destroyer but in fact it is a weapon that can to large amounts damage from hundreds of miles away. The weapon fires a projectile about one foot long. The projectile goes flying out of the barrel at about a speed of Mach 11 and flies out of the earth’s atmosphere. Then the projectile comes flying down from the top of the Atmosphere at about a speed of around Mach 11 and hits the target with incredible forces.
Task Force Hell
"Sir B-2's are taking off from Khata, They look like they are heading North" "Well then...Intercept them with all we got!" "yes sir!"
A Alarm was heard on all ships in the Task Force and ships raced within firing range of the B-2's and F/A-18's and F-14's took off. Ships came within range and locked onto the B-2's with LIDAR and fired off there AA missiles. 112 AA missiles using LIDAR guided system went flying from the Task Force towards the B-2's as they passed them. After that 80 F-14's went racing towards the B-2's. 480 AIM-54 Missiles where fired at the remaining B-2's, they where locked on by LIDAR. They continued to race towards the B-2's and when the came within 9 or so miles the launched the AIM-9's at the remaining B-2's and if any had been left over the Tomcats would move in and use there cannon to shot down the rest.
Attican Empire
08-08-2004, 03:56
Nano, do you REALLY want to be region-wide ignored for using future-tech?
08-08-2004, 04:05
To: Leaders of Allied forces
From: General Joseph Hayama, Speaking in proxy for Secretary of Defense
of AR
Confirmed. After thourough analysis of the situation with Caelta, one of two options may be sucsessful.
One: Fly in Air Drops of supplies to Caelta.
Two: Spit bomb it. A "Spit-Bomb" as its commonly known to the military, is a version of the RL "bunkerbuster" . Its superb smart-missle technology, along with the cluster bomb-like function, which deploys many smaller versions of the missle, burrowing into the ground(or water, which has been proven succsessful) and exploding once slowed sufficientlly, effectivly neutralizing several things, includiong mines which seem to be the present ailment for the operation.
ooc: In war time is slowed down by alot. One day is like a week or less. The time I fired for in NS time was one day, I wasn't sure what the time frame was so I just did it to end when I would come back on line.
Specs of the DDX:
Class: Destroyer
Crew: 145 Enlisted, 34 Officers
Length: 111.6 Meters
Width: 25.6 Meters
Height: 56.8 Meters
Powerplant: One Cold Fusion Class D engine
Speed: 42+ Knots
1 120-mm RD-823DD
4 Phalanx II Gun turret
120-mm RailDrive-823DD:
The RD-823DD is a high powered Rail gun that is meant to replace the Cruise Missile and save millions of dollars. With a range of up to 1,200 Miles this gun may seem like a regular Destroyer but in fact it is a weapon that can to large amounts damage from hundreds of miles away. The weapon fires a projectile about one foot long. The projectile goes flying out of the barrel at about a speed of Mach 11 and flies out of the earth’s atmosphere. Then the projectile comes flying down from the top of the Atmosphere at about a speed of around Mach 11 and hits the target with incredible forces.
Task Force Hell
"Sir B-2's are taking off from Khata, They look like they are heading North" "Well then...Intercept them with all we got!" "yes sir!"
A Alarm was heard on all ships in the Task Force and ships raced within firing range of the B-2's and F/A-18's and F-14's took off. Ships came within range and locked onto the B-2's with LIDAR and fired off there AA missiles. 112 AA missiles using LIDAR guided system went flying from the Task Force towards the B-2's as they passed them. After that 80 F-14's went racing towards the B-2's. 480 AIM-54 Missiles where fired at the remaining B-2's, they where locked on by LIDAR. They continued to race towards the B-2's and when the came within 9 or so miles the launched the AIM-9's at the remaining B-2's and if any had been left over the Tomcats would move in and use there cannon to shot down the rest.
The following is OOC:
1. Cold fusion is future tech, and will be ignored.
2. It (the gun) makes craters 10 feet across, the same as craters. I know how to use googe, you know.
3. You said the 48 DDX destroyers were on their own, 800 miles from Caelta, the carriers were stationed closer to Caelta.
4. LIDAR is used for mapping. Regardless, a B-2 can be detected by a cellphone system, or doppler. LIDAR is too big to use to target missiles, or carry on an F-14, and far to sensitve.
5. AIM-54's, travel too fast to hit any thing unless they are using a radar.
6. My B-2's would not continue flying into threats.
7. AIM-9's would not be able to find a B-2 because the B-2 does not output any heat.
Pro-war demonstations took place today. Hundreds of millions marched all over Kahta to show their support for striking back with nuclear weapons following hundreds of Nano Soft attacks using Nukes on dozens of ports in Kahta and Caelta. The President has ordered nuclear forces to full alert.
Nano soft
08-08-2004, 16:21
Either way Khata you are firing at ghost ships. Since you people are at the time 8/8/04 11:12 AM I am forced to end this. Therefore....
None of this ever happened. I do not exist to you. You do not exist to me. Nano Soft men where never in Eropid. The closest thing to that was a small force of peace keeping Nano Soft Traders soldiers.
I am done trying to role play with modern nations. Already the WW14 game is enogh modern tech for me, atleast they consider modern 2010. Therefore I will only be Rping with post-future, future, WW's, anything before WW's. Modern is just to plain for me. When you people said you where modern I thought like modern as in the WW game I play around the year of 2010 but nope you are exactly modern.
If you wish to continue this Rp it will be with my other nation Nano Soft Traders.
psst Khata B-2 travels on a cruiseing speed of around 800 miles an hour. F-14's and F/A-18's can travel over Mach 1. They would be able to catch up to you very easy. And when I said 800 miles North I meant as in 800 miles north of Caelta and my Task Force. I also use LIDAR because in the rp game WW14 it was used on me but because just last night after sevral times of asking did I find out that you people where in exact modern time I would have never used them, and if you told me the first tim eI asked I would have never used them.
The Generic Lands
08-08-2004, 16:32
OOC: Cold Fusion is no where near 2010. Most of Kahta's points were technical and refering to RL tech. My kyboari scrwdees de
Either way Khata you are firing at ghost ships. Since you people are at the time 8/8/04 11:12 AM I am forced to end this. Therefore....
None of this ever happened. I do not exist to you. You do not exist to me. Nano Soft men where never in Eropid. The closest thing to that was a small force of peace keeping Nano Soft Traders soldiers.
I am done trying to role play with modern nations. Already the WW14 game is enogh modern tech for me, atleast they consider modern 2010. Therefore I will only be Rping with post-future, future, WW's, anything before WW's. Modern is just to plain for me. When you people said you where modern I thought like modern as in the WW game I play around the year of 2010 but nope you are exactly modern.
If you wish to continue this Rp it will be with my other nation Nano Soft Traders.
psst Khata B-2 travels on a cruiseing speed of around 800 miles an hour. F-14's and F/A-18's can travel over Mach 1. They would be able to catch up to you very easy. And when I said 800 miles North I meant as in 800 miles north of Caelta and my Task Force. I also use LIDAR because in the rp game WW14 it was used on me but because just last night after sevral times of asking did I find out that you people where in exact modern time I would have never used them, and if you told me the first tim eI asked I would have never used them.
Ok, thank you. I am now using forum ignore on you.
Oh yeah, by the way Nano. Your Gel armor is godmodding.
09-08-2004, 01:11
OOC: So this whole RP is over? Well that was stupid.
If no Nano Soft soldiers were ever in Eropid... that means I get my country back rearmed right? because I was never defeated... because Nano Soft doesn't exist. I'll just say that my forces that attacked Kodik broke away by themselves and we didn't care... or something.
If no Nano Soft soldiers were ever in Eropid... that means I get my country back rearmed right? because I was never defeated... because Nano Soft doesn't exist. I'll just say that my forces that attacked Kodik broke away by themselves and we didn't care... or something.
That would be correct.
OOC: So this whole RP is over? Well that was stupid.
Yes, Nano Soft wrecked it.
10-08-2004, 05:07
OOC: there should be like a Nano Soft Sucks site or something.
Maybe Attca can code it for us.