Dictator Takes Power
06-08-2004, 01:40
Paul Brïfdreger, former CEO of Kassareich Küpfertek, has declared himself Führer of the former Republic of Kassareich, now known as the Dictatorship of Kassareich.
Führer Brïfdreger has announced the formation of a national army, a strong diversion from the policies of the Anarchy before.
To: Doppelreich Attika
From: Führer Paul Brïfdreger
We would like to purchase a modest number of Cougar MBTs, as well as a very modest number of Te-210 Korsar Jaegers.
New Goudland
06-08-2004, 01:50
Congratulations Fuher, let me welcome you to power. my Emperor as well as the region at which we ally would like to invite you to join us in mutual friendship and trade
JD RIELY, Ambassador to the Goudland Federation (New Goudland)
06-08-2004, 01:50
With the formation of the Kassareich National Socialist Party, reforms have taken place, though nothing serious. Brïfdreger has backed out of his earlier promise to the populace, and now has outlawed elections or opposing parties. A special police unit known as the Geheimpolizei has been created to find and destroy political opponents of the Führer.
Also, Brïfdreger's cabinet has stated their intention to have the Nazi flag flying over every government building by the end of the year.
Attican Empire
06-08-2004, 01:52
To: Paul Brïfdreger
From: Kriegminister Benedikt Bandreißer
We will send you 10 Cougar 1A0 panzers, along with 3 Te-210 Korsar Lüftjaegers, free of charge.
Soviet Trasa
06-08-2004, 02:08
In Soviet Trasa's TSD HQ in the city of Trasov, 5 of the TSD's Grand Admirals and 3 High Admirals meet to discuss the newest problem, Kassareich....
all of them where seated at a round Table, Each man had a filefolder infront of them with the latest intellegance reports on the 'Subject' nation.
Grand Admiral Uiah stands up in outrage.
"This is intolorable, yet ANOTHER Nazi nation has come, suggest we blow them to heck!"
But Grand Admiral Nomak and High Admiral Shoulzkie stand up and glare at Uiah. Nomak is the one who speaks.
"The TSD are not supposed to get involved in a country's politics, what your suggesting is war my old friend!"
the other Grand Admirals and High Admirals wait while the three bicker, Grand Inquisiter Jurrrus Eclipse waits for them to cease, he was the man who created the TSD under Premier Starchaser's orders, specificly Trekked Starchaser.
Grand Admiral Uiah glares back at the two Admirals
"What do you suppose we do? intel says that they'r buying weaponry!"
High Admiral Shoulzkie grins evily and he knew how to counter this one easily.
"How do you know what they'll use them for? for all we know it's just for Self defence, another thing, why are you so upset, this isn't our concern anyway's"
Grand Admiral Boara Fyyar stays sitting, he now get's to speak, his tone remains neutral.
" My friends, why must we bicker so? what does the Grand Inquisiter have to say about this?"
All the Grand Admirals and High Admirals turn to the leader of their group who slowly get's up and he peers from underneath his hood at the others.
"I suggest that we get more information before we jump to conclusions, afterall, who knows, they could have a army of Soldiers marching down our streets if we provoke them, plus he would rally more people to their cause and destroy us compleatly, therefore i say we play the waiting game while our Agents gather more intellegence"
They all nod and they sit back down in their chairs to wait for their agents to report back in.
06-08-2004, 02:11
Along the eastern coastline of Kassareich, religious extremists are beginning to gain support against the Führer. The newly-created Police have been dispatched to the area in order to squelch any possible rebellion.
Also, many luxury yachts, over 500, have been annexed by the state, in order to be re-equipped as coast defense vessels.