AMF pours funds into The Resi Corp
05-08-2004, 06:11
As some of you may know, Automagfreek and another nation collectively purchased the whole of The Resi Corporation in quite possibly one of the biggest transactions ever. Since then Resi has operated soley under our authority (the other nation that participated in the transaction more or less did it for the increase in trade and stock benefits), and we praise them for their performance. Since the purchase was completed Resi Corp military products made up about 10-20% of Automagfreek's military arsenal, but I am here today to announce that there will be a change in that figure.
Per Lord Damien's orders, Resi Corp will be supplying Automagfreek's military on a much larger basis. Resi Corp products will now make up 50-60% of our military arsenal, a huge increase for them. This new military contract will see the Resi Corp making trillions, and AMF's armies will be equiped with the latest-and-greatest products, straight from The Resi Corporation themselves.
We are pleased to have associated ourselves with The Resi Corp, and if the quality and ingenuity of their products increases, so will the percentage figure.
Chairman Samuel Jackson
-Department of Defense-
05-08-2004, 06:17
The Resi Corporation
05-08-2004, 06:31
((OOC: Sweeeeeet lord of mercy... :eek: ))
The following press release was issued by CEO Jai Resi on CNN later that day:
"This bit of news comes as quite the pleasant surprise to us at Resi Corp, understandably. We thank our brothers and benefactors in Automagfreek for this enormous investment of faith, and we will do our absolute best to provide all we can for Lord Damion Dreadfire, Mr. Jackson, and all the valient and loyal Freeks who are so kind as to give us this huge berth of trust. We swear on our honor not to fail any of you.
"That said, we will take this opportunity to announce movement in a new direction for the corporation: massive space travel! As of now, we have only needed such creations as our Raven Units in space, and very few imported spacecraft. However, if we are to support Lord Dreadfire to this extent, then we must push for only the best, even if that means butting heads commercially with ship-building giants like Klonor.
"Again we thank the noble nation of Automagfreek, and in parting we stress that this level of confidence will do nothing but reinforce our determination to make quality products to keep our consumers as satisfied as they are today. Thank you, and good health!"
05-08-2004, 06:45
We are not interested in deep space travel at this time, but we would like the assistance of the Corporation in developing weapons that will revamp our arsenals. Here is a list we are looking at:
1. Gauss rifles.
Using caseless ammunition will not only increase the amount of ammo a gun can hold, it will also give our soldiers a silent weapon.
2. Tank mounted rail drivers
This will give our tanks alot more distance and destructive capability.
3. Smarter weapons
AI systems incorporated into our weapons will increase our chances of destroying the enemy with more precision.
We would also like your R&D department to design us stronger tanks, faster planes, etc. We are also willing to fund this entire project at no expense to the Corporation. What do you think?
If these projects are successful, I forsee an increase in your military contracts.
Chairman Samuel Jackson
-Department of Defense-
The Resi Corporation
05-08-2004, 06:58
Dawn Kradii, Jai's secretary, was currently taking a little break at the water cooler. She was up to her armpits in filing and she needed some time to cool off. After working for three days straight, she was dead tired, and no one could blame her. This AMF deal brought with it so much paperwork that had to be done, so much work that ended up on her desk alone, that she could hardly believe it. Of course she gave the bulk of it to her assistants, but that still didn't help. As stressed and tired as she was, the last thing she needed was a nice unwelcome visit from her least favorite executive.
And of course, that's exactly what she got.
President Dae Narasagi turned a corner sharply and ran into Dawn, causing her to spill her little Dixie cup of water all over the both of them. Now, if there's one thing a catperson doesn't like, it's someone else getting them wet.
And of course, Dae just had to be a catperson.
"WHAT THE HELL did you do THAT for?!" the normally calm and collected Dae yelled at Dawn, her ears bristling.
"Hey, YOU'RE the one who ran into me!" Dawn snapped back at Dae, which was normal.
"Well you shouldn't be slacking off here!" Dae spat, "Oh, and I need to see Jai, where is he?"
"For your information I'm taking a well deserved break," Dawn snorted, "and Jai's at a press release."
"Really? He didn't send a robot this time?"
"Naw, this one's about that AMF deal."
"You mean them raising their ammount of our tech in their arsenal? How much did they say they were doing that by?"
"Oh, somewhere in the neighborhood of 50-60%..."
Dae gagged. Dawn simply filled her a cup of water and handed it to her.
"Sweet lord of mercy!" Dae said, taking the water from Dawn and downing it.
"You're telling me," Dawn replied, "You won't get the blunt of the paperwork for this."
"How do they expect us to keep up such high expectations of us?"
"Simple, we work our asses off. I was doing that a second ago, you should try it."
"Well, at least we have Washu on our side to churn out the technology."
"Didn't you hear? She's on trial."
Dae paused, stared vacantly, then filled up her Dixie cup with water and downed it again.
"God, I wish this was burbon," she muttered.
The Resi Corporation
05-08-2004, 07:03
We are not interested in deep space travel at this time, but we would like the assistance of the Corporation in developing weapons that will revamp our arsenals. Here is a list we are looking at:
1. Gauss rifles.
Using caseless ammunition will not only increase the amount of ammo a gun can hold, it will also give our soldiers a silent weapon.
2. Tank mounted rail drivers
This will give our tanks alot more distance and destructive capability.
3. Smarter weapons
AI systems incorporated into our weapons will increase our chances of destroying the enemy with more precision.
We would also like your R&D department to design us stronger tanks, faster planes, etc. We are also willing to fund this entire project at no expense to the Corporation. What do you think?
If these projects are successful, I forsee an increase in your military contracts.
Chairman Samuel Jackson
-Department of Defense-((OOC: Sorry, I was working on that last post as a second part to the first. Sort of a behind-the-scenes.))
Smarter weapons will be a piece of cake for us. You can't make sufficent A.I. for a robot without having some left over for your bombs. As for both the gauss and rail drivers, those should take a bit more work, but we think we can make models to your satisfaction.
As sort of an addendum, we went for space travel initially because we were under the impression that was where your nation was headed. Thank you for clarifying that, otherwise we would've jumped the gun and wasted far too much money to count.
CEO Jai Resi
Resi Corp.
1. Gauss rifles.
Using caseless ammunition will not only increase the amount of ammo a gun can hold, it will also give our soldiers a silent weapon.
OOC: Gauss weapons would still produce noise as the projectile breaks the sound barrier (sounding something like a "SNAP"). At least, I'm pretty sure that they would...
IC: The Peoples Democratic Republic wishes Automagfreek the best of luck in its research endeavors.